新・無職なら英語の勉強しようぜ part-3

1まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka.
part-3 です。


2暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/28 22:10:06 ID:VEGH9DUR

3ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :04/11/28 22:11:00 ID:vcS4nv2m
4まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/28 22:17:41 ID:VEGH9DUR

If there had been no help from my friends, this thread would be lost.
Thanks, Faus!

5まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/28 22:20:31 ID:VEGH9DUR
for と to との違いは、心の中の方角なのか目に見える方角なのかという点

6まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/28 22:22:37 ID:VEGH9DUR


7人付き合いが ◆Tr6q0WIUVY :04/11/28 23:12:37 ID:4rZbmp6U

oh ! I see
Thank you men !

ヽ( ・∀・)ノ

8R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/11/28 23:46:20 ID:X8UDQonI
I got the call during the break of parttime job
' The book " flowers for algernon " has been shiped ,you
have to pick it up on the counter at the disignated book store .
Even residens of English board are high on this book .

me too , We learned alot from this thread , sometimes valuable
advise . and we motivate each other .

>>3 No offence meant .
I mean last thread .
I want to read English other people write and post here .
Dont get offended .
9暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/28 23:57:00 ID:VEGH9DUR
Lizzie Borden took an axe,
Hit her father forty whacks,
When she saw what she had done,
She hit her mother forty-one.

10R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/11/29 00:00:31 ID:5HbfLz67
The Ministrial level talk on resumption of imports of US beef
is under way amid the new suspected case of mad cow disease
emerged but suspected cow tested negative for BSE .
if positive , it makes it more difficult and take much longer
to restart importing US beef and gyudon would be harde to get .
11暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/29 00:04:09 ID:g5xlxA1S

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

12暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/29 00:07:27 ID:g5xlxA1S

13ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :04/11/29 00:07:31 ID:Irx0mdVw
 Im sorry
I misunderstood you.
14名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/11/29 00:20:18 ID:NvArNRw2
I want sex friend.
15まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/29 00:38:35 ID:g5xlxA1S

Without your help, I couldn't take any step ahead.
You might make me come alive.

>No offence meant
I have understood it.
I recalled we were mortal men.

16まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/29 00:55:37 ID:g5xlxA1S

17名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/11/29 22:41:07 ID:4jsLYRYc



1817:04/11/29 22:43:11 ID:4jsLYRYc

略しすぎ・・・_| ̄|○
19会話ちゃん雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/30 00:21:56 ID:cRWyCYLN

I know we can buy multi region DVD player reagally at duty-free shops.
But I don't know what we would do is whether legal or not.


20まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/30 00:25:11 ID:cRWyCYLN


21会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/11/30 00:28:05 ID:cRWyCYLN

22R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/11/30 01:19:02 ID:IF8Xe7rN
sorry for sending conflicting message
I know you have certain or high command of English
that is why I wrote and thought you could .
My pleasure . I have seen you from very beginning of this thread of part1
Improvement of your English is apparent and I and other people are
convinced in terms of it . Even I am a bit jealous of it
Ok let's
Lets stop it
get back to main business
2317:04/11/30 03:33:09 ID:3T1/gleQ

Thank you very much and 亀レスだけどTOIEC試験お疲れ(英語わかんね('A`))
24マイケロ:04/12/01 00:05:36 ID:GiXB7WSx


This is the place which you can enter.

関係副詞はinto thereとかto thereなどなどinto とか to とかのなんらかの
前置詞がついてるのをあらわすとかんがえないといけないので、enter to the place
というはtoがつかないので、このばあいは前置詞が含まれてない which がいいそうです。



25名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/01 00:29:36 ID:pt4tMjMb


君は「〜に入る」という日本語の発想で"enter the place"を解釈したようだな。
でなければ、whereやらinto/to whichなどというものを引っ張ってこんわな。

だから関係副詞(where)や前置詞付き関係代名詞(into/to which)じゃなくて単純関係代名詞(which)を取るの。

The room could be entered through either the hall or the dining room. - J.D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey

26会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/01 02:33:17 ID:Yo1a2bz7
I came home midnight tonight.
And it was the last day of November.
I will come here next night.

27会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/01 23:49:39 ID:y5kc4Hlq


28暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/02 00:03:45 ID:EoQasJj3

Hi, Mikelo!

29暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/02 00:10:49 ID:EoQasJj3
Little Dickey Dilver
Had a wife of silver;
He took a stick and broke her back
And sold her to the miller;
The miller wouldn't have her
So he threw her in the river.

30R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/02 00:11:29 ID:bAvz4pl4
you can write whenever you want .
but some seem to want you to post as quickly as possible as you now have a
high profile this threat . dont keep them in suspence.

I will work on morning shiht beginning at 8 am .
Over sleep is never tolerated with nobody working
there at this time except me .
Huge resposibility falls over on my shoulder .
・・・・・・・ set alerm at 6 :30
31暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/02 00:15:29 ID:EoQasJj3
ぎんのにょうぼと くらしていたが
ぼうきれてにとり ぶちのめし
にょうぼをこなやに うりとばす
こなやはちっとも ありがたがらず
かわへどぶんと ほうりこんだ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

32名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/02 00:17:58 ID:mExST30u
I have been a neet for five years.
33名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/02 00:22:56 ID:/wDWoyRg
34会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/02 00:49:18 ID:EoQasJj3
It takes two hours to reach my workplace now.
I'm a early bird, too.
But you know my nature is an owl.


35会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/02 00:54:13 ID:EoQasJj3


36名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/02 01:46:47 ID:eBEvM2sv
37名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/02 13:46:22 ID:Znsd/UZs
How many hours have you been watching 2ch?
38会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/03 01:03:14 ID:v+R+gou5

I find Boy there.

39会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/03 01:12:45 ID:v+R+gou5

I seldom wander around.
I think it is less than an hour a day.

40まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/03 01:17:05 ID:v+R+gou5
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)の

41暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/03 01:22:00 ID:v+R+gou5
 Little Betty Blue
 Lost her holiday shoes,
What can little Betty do?
 Give her another
 To match the other,
And then she may walk out in two.

4237:04/12/03 01:24:34 ID:PiUvbhUy




43暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/03 01:27:26 ID:v+R+gou5
 よそゆきのくつをかたっぽ なくしたよ
かわいいベティは どうすりゃいいの?
そしたらりょうほうはいて おでかけできる

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

44暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/03 01:28:51 ID:v+R+gou5

45名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/03 02:50:17 ID:iaF1slVG

I can't agree more.

46マイケロ:04/12/03 13:47:50 ID:1vphwlXk
”least"というのは"at least"などで”少なくとも〜”とかぐらいしか
使い道がないとおもっていたが、"the least 〜"で劣勢の最上級とか
もあるようだ。"the most 〜”の反対の意味のようだ。


47名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/03 13:55:58 ID:t2Jb6t1n






趣味 : 映画鑑賞、中国語
資格 : スキューバダイビング、TOEIC885(英語)
48名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/03 13:56:41 ID:VdQ8FCjk
49マイケロ:04/12/03 15:02:31 ID:1vphwlXk

50R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/03 23:42:56 ID:LMn7ajUQ
I can't wait more
51会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/03 23:53:45 ID:8KBsirKF
52名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/04 00:08:09 ID:pgy65cgK

> I can't agree more.
> を直感で訳してみてください。

53暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 00:18:33 ID:dSLjMAlN
>>45 >>52


これ以上賛成できない だと思ったよ。

54会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 00:37:13 ID:dSLjMAlN

55R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/04 01:15:44 ID:8iJbRsSH
how longを使いましょう

I must have my license renewed by Dec,16 or face being revoked
56会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 16:42:32 ID:AKocj580

57会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 17:57:37 ID:AKocj580

Is that driver license?
Is it your birthday?
Are you a Sagittarian?
I was born under Capricorn.

5845:04/12/04 18:01:56 ID:QaoIciFl

I can't agree more.
I can't agree more.

59名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/04 18:15:30 ID:UR6GSKh0
60会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 19:24:13 ID:AKocj580
When I was in the low teens, my dad usd to come home with
tabloid papers everyday.
That has just a little sexual articles also.
I can't forget Omanko Uranai (Fortune Telling by Lips.)
That article was with a famous woman's face illustration.
The lipist said that women's upper lips was a hint of her
sex life. He saw through everything only with a illust.
So that I know not only Japanese famous singer Machiko Watanabe
under lips but also shape of her under hairs.
At that time she had hit with Kuchibiruyo Atsuku Kimiwo Katare
(May your lips pour out your heart), so that the lipist made a
poor erotic joke about that song also. (´・ω・`)

61暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 19:30:34 ID:AKocj580

62暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 19:39:00 ID:AKocj580
There was an old woman called Nothing-at-all,
Who lived in a dwelling exceedingly small;
A man stretched his mouth to its utmost extent,
And down at one gulp house and old woman went.

63暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 19:41:59 ID:AKocj580
なんにもないというなの ばあさんがいた
ひとのみで ばあさんうちごとはらのなか

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

64名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/04 19:44:18 ID:REubqgmE
65暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 19:47:25 ID:AKocj580
Dingty diddlety,
 My mammy's maid
She stole oranges,
 I am afraid;
Some in her pocket,
 Some in her sleeve,
She stole oranges,
 I do believe.

66会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 19:51:04 ID:AKocj580

67暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 19:55:06 ID:AKocj580
いってやろ いってやろ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

68暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 20:15:22 ID:AKocj580

この本は、 谷川俊太郎・訳 和田誠・絵 平野敬一・監修 と


69暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 20:36:16 ID:AKocj580

The general manager has control over all the business.
The teacher is not good at controlling his boys.
The price of fish is controlled by the government.
The airplane controls were damaged.
(飛行機の操縦桿が損傷した? (´・ω・`)イジイジ )

70まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 20:41:10 ID:AKocj580
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)を

71まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 21:48:39 ID:cfgw1K2n
He told me to keep it until he wrote me telling me how to send
it to him.
I figured they would cost about 100 pounds.
None of the fish had ever done us any harm. But I once had
loved fish, and, these, hot out of the pan, smelled marvelous
-ly good.
Then I remembered that, when the fish were opened, I saw smaller
fish taken out of their stomachs. "If you eat one another, I don't
see why we may not eat you," I thought. So I dined well on fish,
and continued to eat with other people.
 It is so convenient to be a reasonable creature! It makes it
possible for one to find a reason for everything one wishes to

72まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 21:50:25 ID:cfgw1K2n
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)

73まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 22:00:54 ID:cfgw1K2n
×:a early bird
○:an early bird
74会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/04 22:08:25 ID:cfgw1K2n

I guess Flowers for Algernon has written under the influence
of Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn.


75R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/05 01:02:26 ID:An5cINes
How long do you put on sleep a day ?

No my birth day have already passed just
it was about a month ago
motor bycycle license is to expire as of Dec 11
I am afraid of eye test . I guess I have weaker eyes than 2years ago
76会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 14:12:00 ID:GwvsMALJ

It is less than 6 hours from Monday to Saturday now.
I want to sleep more than 8 hours everyday.

77暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 14:13:15 ID:GwvsMALJ

78暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 17:10:50 ID:GwvsMALJ
I've just got a nap.

79名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/05 17:38:44 ID:Spuf3pHu
Nor known to life(ToT)
Could you tell me the way tou the hell?
80名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/05 18:01:52 ID:OwP15lYc
Well, it's been a long time since I wrote down here.
Today,I'd like to talk about TOEIC.

As for me, finally I could get 920 TOEIC score this year.
I'm so glad to get it,because I really wanted to exceed 900.
My previous score was 880.
I learned English hard on my own. I usually learned almost
four hours or five hours a day.
Now that I could get 920 TOEIC score, my next goal is getting
EIKEN 1st-grade. I hope you all could make it.
81ファウス党SS ◆boczq1J3PY :04/12/05 18:09:53 ID:28DYkOY+
I have a pen.
82名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/05 20:07:36 ID:0ECeJD4p
83名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/05 20:21:00 ID:nCOmHaz8
>>80 You have done it !
84暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 20:29:18 ID:bm9U7OCi
Nap again!

85翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 20:35:20 ID:bm9U7OCi


86会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 20:37:55 ID:bm9U7OCi


87会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 20:46:10 ID:bm9U7OCi

Your steady effort made that score out!
I think Ankichan is lazy in these days.

88会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 20:52:24 ID:bm9U7OCi

Me too, Faus!
I know the pen is the symbolic of the dick.

89会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 20:53:45 ID:bm9U7OCi

90会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 21:02:12 ID:bm9U7OCi
Ankichan had better be standing until your memorization is done.
91暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 21:15:54 ID:bm9U7OCi

My back is tired because of for four hours commutation with my
heavy belongings.
But I will never give up!

92暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 23:37:46 ID:6VmXBuNX

A was an apple-pie;
B bit it,
C cut it,
D dealt it,
E eat it,
F fought for it,
G got it,
H had it,
I inspected it,
J jumped for it,
K kept it,
L longed for it,
M mourned for it,

93荒川武士 ◆An2TGiExxE :04/12/05 23:40:52 ID:4g0PUAxt
94暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/05 23:45:03 ID:6VmXBuNX

N nodded at it,
O opened it,
P peeped in it,
Q quartered it,
R ran for it,
S stole it,
T took it,
U upset it,
V vewed it,
W wanted it,
X, Y, Z, and ampersand
All wished for a piece in hand.

95R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/05 23:53:55 ID:aEWmqcLl
 if you don't want study today even tomorow , you don't have to .
feeling of being compelled slows down pace of your improve ment
and robs you of motivation.
just to wait till you want to start again is one way.
it may boost efficiency .
I know you landed a job recently , Keeping a balance between job
and study is tough work .
but you are one step closer to your goal than yesterday if you
keep on
96会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/06 00:05:06 ID:tgxxpI8Y

Sleep! Sleep!

It is well enough to say, "Sleep! Sleep!," if you really bewitched.

97会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/06 00:12:44 ID:tgxxpI8Y


(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

98会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/06 00:20:02 ID:tgxxpI8Y


(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

99会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/06 00:36:45 ID:tgxxpI8Y

Honestly speaking, My job is very easy now.
But it is hard to get wages for 8 hours.
Because it took 4 hours for commutation.


100クソヒキ:04/12/06 20:09:58 ID:Apiij+sh
Change yourself, if dissatisfaction is in a world.
If it is disagreeable, an ear and an eye are closed, its mouth is shut and it can live alone.
If it is disagreeable,,too...
101名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/06 20:34:13 ID:spWjwucT
I can't agree more が「大賛成」とは知らなかった・・・恥ずかしいぜ
102名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/06 20:58:02 ID:inHWTt1d
103暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/06 23:14:27 ID:8bOKMNeT
Rich man,
 Poor man,

104暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/06 23:16:42 ID:8bOKMNeT

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

105会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/07 00:29:43 ID:YvxJJCwF

I hope to be honest with myself.
If we say no at wrongs, the world will take a step forward.
But that is hard as you know. Because Kaiwachan is a coward.


106まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/07 00:34:05 ID:YvxJJCwF
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)


107名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/07 01:26:42 ID:v8wZ6DTo
 I am Neet
108名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/07 06:53:46 ID:vpjc3ysn
I have studed English for two hours yesterday.
109名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/07 09:23:29 ID:fgmLhhGB

study ----> studied 中学生の頃、y を i に変えて ed と憶えた。ドンマイ
110クソヒキ:04/12/07 13:15:40 ID:63hTBBGC
Everybody is talking with the foreigner?
are there a prosperous bulletin board and chat?
111左大臣μ ◆oFaJ4QFWCI :04/12/07 13:49:48 ID:HGj4t+Sf
のし 111ゲトンヌ!
112ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :04/12/07 18:15:02 ID:P/WMK3Ol
 I am a maniac
 I am a curious creature
 I am a boy
 I am a pen
 I am a rosebads 
113ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :04/12/07 20:04:36 ID:iKiAgUHe
しまった! TOEIC申し込むの忘れてた!!
114名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/07 23:18:44 ID:Zbbui7Si
115会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/07 23:28:53 ID:xV2WG6ye

Don't mind!
That proves you are honest.

116会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/07 23:32:24 ID:xV2WG6ye

Me too.

117会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/07 23:44:36 ID:xV2WG6ye
シモタ! Damn!

There is no chance to talk with foreigners.

118会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/08 00:17:18 ID:h60D/1CO
May God bless your beautiful bloom.
Away! Away! The drops of the night!
Cheer up, Faus!


119暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/08 00:20:24 ID:h60D/1CO
Ankichan is always your side, Faus!

120暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/08 00:25:07 ID:h60D/1CO
Intery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and briar thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Five geese in a flock,
Sit and sing by a spring,
O-U-T, and in again.

121暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/08 00:29:30 ID:h60D/1CO
インテリ ミンテリ カッタリ コーン
りんごのたねに いばらのとげだ
ワイア ブライア リンバー・ロック
がちょうは五わで ひとむれだ
すわってうたえ いずみのそばで
オーユーティ ほらぬけて それからなかへもういちど

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

122まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/08 00:32:25 ID:h60D/1CO
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)


123名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/08 11:50:56 ID:c8HmegOp
124クソヒキ:04/12/08 12:06:35 ID:cdNa7Lo6
The method considered to be good for studying English is seeing a movie with an English subtitles.
And Translation software and dictionary software are prepared, a Japanese subtitles is translated, and it compares with an English subtitles.And a word is checked in a dictionary.
If a similar expression occurs, a himself will be devoted to translation software.
I think that I am repeating this process on various movies.
I think that a meaning can be told to a partner now by repeating this method.

Although the Japanese title and the English title were first inputted into the text, it takes time and effort too much.
And the right or wrong of a translation are worrisome.
And it is meaningless even if it inputs a technical term which is not used.
And that from which a cultural background is different cannot carry out perfect parallel-ization. Instead, a translation may be forcibly allotted by the flow of the talk.
125名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/08 13:50:11 ID:UGMbJnWK

I have studied English for two hours.
I will study English tomrow.
126会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/08 23:49:07 ID:oaHUty5G

I think it is better to memorize even if only one phrase.

127暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/08 23:57:03 ID:oaHUty5G

128会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/09 00:00:05 ID:w1/9alUP

That is depending on yourself.
129R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/09 00:03:09 ID:TTjxCQBG
I 've been talked to by complete foreign strangers , we talked
two hours on wide range topic from economy to marijuana ligally used
in Canada
as I wrote about that episode .
and I warn you not to write and post message on bulletin board
run by fucking foriners .

chances are very slim . but you could ・・・・・・・
130暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/09 00:08:55 ID:w1/9alUP
One, Two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Knock at the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight;
Nine, ten,
A big fat hen;
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen,
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids in waiting;
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate's empty.

131暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/09 00:15:57 ID:w1/9alUP
ひとつ ふたつ
はこうよ おくつ
みっつ よっつ
こつこつ ノック
いつつ むっつ
ぼうきれ いくつ
ななつ やっつ
ならべて やろう
ここのつ とお
めんどり とうとう
じゅういち じゅうに
あなほれ にわじゅう
じゅうさん じゅうし
むすめは きりょう
じゅうご じゅうろく
むすめは りょうり
じゅうしち じゅうはち
むすめは きゅうじ
じゅうく にじゅう
おさらが からっぽだ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

132会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/09 00:24:29 ID:w1/9alUP

I want to say Sleep! someday.
(Oops! I have a sleeping dick!)

133まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/09 00:28:54 ID:w1/9alUP
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)


134名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/09 00:32:25 ID:bZA9brkX

tomrow ---> tomorrow
135R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/10 10:05:01 ID:kmzqvD3z

what is it all about ?
136クロ:04/12/10 11:16:50 ID:9OFcFox5
This is my first time to visit this スレッド.
And I think I want to study English again as soon as I can.
But I have no idea,what should I do?
Studying grammer?Reading lots of novel?Lisning to NHKradio?
Can Anyone advice to me?
137R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/11 08:57:19 ID:6Cm0aEaf
The study includes finding the best way that fits you
just tral and error .
that may depends on your personality . if you like movie ,
there is no way to learn for DVD which has both japanese and English
caption .

anyway I think grammer is too important to skip .
138暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 09:05:25 ID:DbYelfHN
I am alive!
139名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/11 11:30:21 ID:xFR7JZnn
I don't know that what I do today, too.
Everyone! How I may doing?
I want to die, I want to die, I want to die by now...

And I've haven a cold since yesterday, I'm bad what am everything.

I played DQ8, but I feel bad. I tired character do level up.
but I have I want to clear DQ8...

so... now status is Lv.42. Place is dark cassle in air.

140会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 17:48:32 ID:DbYelfHN

141名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/11 17:54:46 ID:ZvofwTIf
142会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 17:55:34 ID:DbYelfHN

I think reading includs everything but listening.

143会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 18:32:06 ID:DbYelfHN

Sorry. I was absent two days.
I was in trouble.
I had lost the thing which I borrowed from customer.(´・ω・`)
But it appeared last night at midnight plus one(?).(´・ω・`)ホッ
I must go to apologize yesterday.

144会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 19:30:53 ID:DbYelfHN

You must alive. Take it ease today. And have hot gruel.
Cheer up! Tomorrow is another day.
Honestly speaking, there is no bright future for everyone.
We are in illusion of katigumi and makegumi.
The bright future is given from none.
So we want to plus a little something on our life a day.
You might build a game softwares in future.
But the first thing you must do is to get your health back.

145会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 19:34:08 ID:DbYelfHN

146まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 19:58:16 ID:DbYelfHN
American children don't have knowledges of English grammar.
But they can use English. Why?

But I want to learn English grammar from you, R-san.

147K&A ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 20:11:48 ID:DbYelfHN
ヒソヒソ( `・ω・´)(´・ω・` )フムフム 

K:He must walk by himself.
A:Uncle Mara is lazy!

148名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/11 20:14:46 ID:8aOwZ6hy
must alive -> mest be alive
Take it ease -> Take it easy
have hot -> take hot
build -> design or develop
149会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 20:15:11 ID:DbYelfHN

Nice to meet you, Kuro!

150Miyukitan ◆triJDp8lE2 :04/12/11 20:24:41 ID:8aOwZ6hy
Can I join this thread ?
If OK, I will vist here frequently and write some message, if any.

151会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 20:36:13 ID:DbYelfHN

>>must alive -> mest be alive
Oops! Alive needs a verb! (`・ω・´)I've got it!

>>Take it ease -> Take it easy
Oops! That is a basic expression! (`・ω・´)I've got it!

>>have hot -> take hot
I think have is equal to take. (´・ω・`)???

>>build -> design or develop
I know a usage 'building softwares.' (´・ω・`)???

152会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 20:38:26 ID:DbYelfHN

Nice to meet you, Miyukitan.
153暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 20:42:26 ID:DbYelfHN
Nice to meet you, Kuro!

Nice to meet you, Miyukitan!

I am Ankichan.


154Miss.M ◆triJDp8lE2 :04/12/11 20:44:03 ID:8aOwZ6hy

The meaning of "have and take" and " build and design or deverop" are generally same.
So do not take them seriously. Just I pointed out were genaral use.

155名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/11 20:49:44 ID:zozJpp6i
Ha! Don't talk total bullshit.
Anyone who is a competent speaker of a language knows the grammar of that language.
They just don't know how to explain what they know.
You are a native speaker of the Japanese language, and can exchange ideas with others in Japanese.
Then, you know Japanese grammar: you know how to put words together in correct orders.
Otherwise, you wouldn't have no idea how to say "今日もオナヌーしてウンコしただけの一日でした" in the first place.
Grammar is not a limited number of rules printed in books, but is linguistic knowledge necessary to organize words
correctly into sentences.
156名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/11 21:20:28 ID:bxMMPlfG
Everybody speaks their own languege without any effort.Japanese children speak Japanese before they start learning grammar.

However it's a lilltle different story when we adults learn foreign languages and I strongly suggest to finish basic grammar first.

Building up your vocabulary is also important and this is something you need to do all your life!

157暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 22:07:23 ID:DbYelfHN
One's none;
Two's some;
Three is many;
Four's a penny;
Five's a little hundred.

158暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 22:11:47 ID:DbYelfHN
ひとつじゃ なんにもない
ふたつなら すこしある
みっつは たくさん
よっつは こづかい
いつつとなれば おかねもち

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

159会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 22:38:56 ID:DbYelfHN

All things what I do is handjabz and shit also today.

I know you are right.
But I have no time but an hour a day to learn English.

160会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 22:48:19 ID:DbYelfHN
×:All things what I do is handjabz and shit also today.
○:All things what I did is handjabz and shit also today.


161会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 23:01:56 ID:DbYelfHN
【 フランクリン自伝(岩波文庫)の紹介文 】

科学者であるとともに出版業者, 哲学者, 経済学者, 政治家, そして

162翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 23:49:30 ID:DbYelfHN

Franklin(1706-90) was a scientist, a publisher, philosopher,
a economist, a statesman, and above all a parent of
American capitalism. His steps of his life was written by
himself silently in this book.
To know Franklin life, he acted a major roll at Independence
and building America, is much useful to understand America

163会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 23:52:47 ID:DbYelfHN
Really? But thanks!


164翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/11 23:56:14 ID:DbYelfHN
(*´・ω・`*) グナイ

○:a philosopher

165翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/12 00:15:57 ID:enylK9Jm
(*´・ω・`*) zzz

×:a economist
○:an economist

166訂正キボンヌ:04/12/12 00:27:52 ID:lrIEO/8V
From now I will watch TV on ER ~emergency~ in NHK, so are you same?

Why do Japanese people watch and get into TV of south korea a lot?

I find it difficult to understand, because there are many good TV programs.
167R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/12 01:05:38 ID:+40+TDRO
I guess they actually do as we study japanese grammer .
also, they are given plenty of opportunity to read
something with correct grammer as they begin to study elementary
school or even before ?
they are natural as they live in county where things are done
in English

Don,t flatter me . my grammer is'nt good enough to teach you .
but I can help you out by pointing out your grammatical mistake .

1:00 am midnight
168会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/12 20:49:07 ID:enylK9Jm
I have a doubt "in NHK" is correct or not.
If Kaiwachan were 166, Kaiwachan would have use "on."
I want to write as below.

I will watch TV program ER ~emergency~ on NHK

But Kaiwachan is not clear about English grammar.
And I can't believe my corrections.
So I can't point your mistakes out.

But I believe Mothergoose is the best examples for us.
And I want to adopt classics as my readers. Because they are cool.
I want to build the backbones in my English.

169暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/12 20:57:10 ID:enylK9Jm
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.

170暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/12 21:01:57 ID:enylK9Jm
ひい ふう みい よ いつ
いきたさかなを つかまえた
むう なな や ここのつ とお
もいちど にがしてやっちゃった

どうしてにがして やったのさ?
さかながゆびを かんだから
どっちのゆびを かんだのさ?
みぎてのここの このこゆび

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

171まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/12 21:15:51 ID:enylK9Jm
(omitted) He said that old friends should not part because of
a few angry words and asked me to return.
 I returned to Keimer's and we obtained the New Jersey job.
In order to do the work, I made the first copperplate printing
press that had been seen in this country. (omitted)

172まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/12 21:18:10 ID:enylK9Jm
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)を

173まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/12 21:20:15 ID:enylK9Jm


174名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/12 21:38:16 ID:/vRIWNOs




1. I'm watching the ER on NHK now, is there anybody watching that program?
2+3 I don't understand why Japanese people watch only South Korean TV programs,
meanwhile there're lots of good ones.

175名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/12 22:48:10 ID:3yEylqv6
Some teeny-tiny bits are still left to be desired.

> 1. I'm watching the ER on NHK now, is there anybody watching that program?
→ I'm watching ER on NHK now. Is there anybody watching the show?

You don't have to put the determiner "the" in front of the title of that medical drama.
Another thing is that a native speaker would prefer "show" to "program."

> 2+3 I don't understand why Japanese people watch only South Korean TV programs,
> meanwhile there're lots of good ones.
→ I don't understand why so many of Japanese viewers are so crazy about South Korean soap operas
when there're many high quality shows, domestic or foreign.

Considering the context, the sentence is about the enthusiasm of "some" of the Japanese population over South Korean
stupid soap operas (no matter how large that "some" portion might be, it's till a "some," not a "whole.").
It is logically imaginable but unlikely in reality that the "entire Japanese population" watch only a handful of tv shows.
Ergo, it seems more appropriate to say "so many of Japanese viewers are so crazy about...."
Lastly, "meanwhile" is an adverb, which cannot be used as a conjunctive (I guess you meant "while," didn't you?).

176名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/13 00:29:59 ID:tenT9zwp

> (no matter how large that "some" portion might be, it's till a "some," not a "whole.").
→ (no matter how large that "some" portion might be, it's still a "some," not a "whole.")

Fuck, should've checked spelling before posting.... orz
177名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/13 01:12:44 ID:wqrB35zI

178R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/14 01:17:09 ID:+VnKaTmL
I have a doubt "in NHK" is correct or not.
in よりthat でつないだほうがいいですよ。 前置詞の後は文が続かない。

I don,t have nothing special to write ,
so I am going to list vocubraries I learned today .
some of them are relating to medicine as I read article on
obesity from Newsweek .

home in on
discreet = この場合は not easily noticed
179名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/14 01:25:17 ID:bD+X/kts
I could caught two statements of ぱっくん英検 yesterday.
180会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/14 01:52:57 ID:JRqRSNB2
I cannot point your grammar mistakes out.
But I know sitcom is sitting comedy.
Have you ever enjoyed comedies hearing someones' big laugh on TV?
Sitcom is this!
Once I have watched the last episode of Family Ties.
At the the last scene, the camera zoomed out.
And I've known they have been acted on stage. The audience ovationed.
And I cried.

Korean dramas are not sitcoms.

181会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/14 02:01:20 ID:JRqRSNB2

(`・ω・´)フムフム ありがとん。


182名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/14 02:19:36 ID:738dVYyy
> >>168
> I have a doubt "in NHK" is correct or not.
> in よりthat でつないだほうがいいですよ。 前置詞の後は文が続かない。

Well, >>168 was just trying to say that he wasn't sure whether the phrase "in NHK" was correct or not.
>>168 just chose a wrong verb phrase and screwed up the sentence.
BTW, >>178, the phase "have a doubt" can be followed by a noun clause with or without "that."

> I don,t have nothing special to write ,
→ I don't have anything special to write about.

> so I am going to list vocubraries I learned today .
→ So, I am going instead to make a list of words I learnt today.
The word "vocabulary" cannot be used in plural (unless you are talking about more than one groups of words).

> some of them are relating to medicine as I read article on
> obesity from Newsweek .
→ Some of these words are medical terms I picked up from a Newsweek article on obesity.

Well, seems like >>178 is struggling without much of a sense of direction...
>>178 gotta study and learn grammar, basic punctuation rules, correct usage, correct spellings of words, etc...
183マイケロ:04/12/14 15:12:27 ID:xcEkH6QP
184R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/15 01:20:27 ID:19sW7QR6
at least I successfully conveyed message to you , I mean
I was able to let you understand what I wrote and post here .
that,s why you could correct my English.
I am abit satisfied .but it's not enough .
as you point out , I don't feel I 've made progress made for a long time.
I wish I could write and speak English as close to native speakers
as possible , so-called natural English w
I've got 450 point in Reading secton .but
I alway think TOEIC does'nt matter much as to my goal
How can I move beyond conventinal Japanese grammer books and
study what you advise me to do .
what 's in mind is to use grammer books written and used by
foreigners and read foreignbooks .
Help me out .
185会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/15 01:35:08 ID:iVmLeqkh


186暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/15 01:38:54 ID:iVmLeqkh
I can see omitted that.


187無職 ◆G.ClPllFWI :04/12/15 17:45:34 ID:er6c4JnY
188今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/16 00:09:35 ID:GzO4RMgJ

189暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/16 00:41:17 ID:GzO4RMgJ
Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November;
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting February alone,
And that has twenty-eight days clear
And twenty-nine in each leap year.

190暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/16 00:45:29 ID:GzO4RMgJ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

191まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/16 00:48:14 ID:GzO4RMgJ
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)を

192会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/16 01:01:37 ID:GzO4RMgJ
Christmas comes soon.
193名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/17 01:11:00 ID:4M05Vv0T
l.2 let ?
l.4 it's good enough
l.5-6 like native speakers
l.12 what I have in mind
194193:04/12/17 01:11:26 ID:4M05Vv0T
195名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/17 01:18:14 ID:9h72akpl

OK, I corrected your post again, but frankly I'm not absolutely sure I did it right.
I had to"guesstimate" what you actually tried to say. Frankly, I did not understand several lines
in the post. Anyway, I hope my wild guesses are not wildly off the mark:

At least, I successfully get my message across to you, I mean,
you understood what I meant to say in the post up there.
That's why you managed to correct me. I am a bit satisfied, but I've still got many miles to go.
As you've just pointed out, I feel I've been stuck without making much progress for a long time.
I wish I could write and speak in English like native speakers do.
I managed to score 450 points in the Reading Section of a TOEIC exam.
However, I always consider that the TOEIC test doesn't help me to achieve my goals.
I'm wondering what I should do to make a difference and study English the way you advised me to.
Should I use English grammar textbooks intended for native speakers
instead of those intended for Japanese learners of English? Could I have any advice?
196R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/17 01:22:50 ID:4FpHP87k
I had to consider the pharase " customer is always right "
when I got into trouble with disabled customer at work .
yes we have to bow and apology to them in any case
though they are wrong . never ever let them know they are wrong
My tempers flared when that fucking disabled customer
pointed his fingers at me many times and used sign language gesturing you are
fired . he is hearing impaired people , so he could'nt
speake .we had misunderstanding each other , so he was angery maybe .
I almost made counter argument when he bombard me with fucking
sign language showing I must be fired . but my boss came up to us .
things setteled down ・・・・・・・
I guess he is also mentally disabled ・・・・・・・sick
I did'nt have any prejudise against such disabled people till 
197182/195:04/12/17 01:50:34 ID:9h72akpl
Since you asked me for advice, I'll give you some.
But, before that, there are a couple of things I have to remind you of:

No. 1, it was not "extremely" difficult for me to figure out what you meant to say,
but that's simply because I'm a native speaker of "Japanese."
A "non-native speaker of Japanese" would have much trouble in correcting many parts of your post
because they don't know typical errors Japanese learners of English are likely to make.

No. 2, contrary to the widespread "myth" that English textbooks intended for non-native speakers are
not much of a help, many of them are better than good. Don't be a poor workman who blames his tools.

No. 3, know thyself. Thou shalt not dare expect too much of thyself.
It is very important to know what is achievable and what's not. Take a realist approach.
198182/195:04/12/17 01:58:29 ID:9h72akpl

My advice to you is as follows:

First, go back to the basics.
Pick up any English grammar textbook intended for high school students.
Go over, over and over again until you are sure you understand everything in it.

Second, stay away from journalistic stuff like Newsweek, Time Magazine, Economist, etc.
Stuff like these almost always ends up making a pre-intermediate student, which you are, lose his/her directions.
News mags are full of big issues, which you have nothing to do with and can do nothing about.
Suppose you've just read a news article. Now you feel a sudden urge to pee, and rush off to the little boys' room.
On your way to the loo, you will completely forget what you've just read. Your effort goes straight down the bog.
What are you left with? Nothin', zero, zilch, nada.
So, stop urinating your precious, irrecoverable time down the bog. You are young only once.

Third, study something in English. Any discipline will do. Math, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, philosophy,
psychology, sociology, modern American history, archaeology, anthropology, or whatever you like.
Personally, I think engineering is a good choice.
In "tech" language, you have to make very minute, accurate, unambiguous descriptions of things in terms of dimensions,
weight, color, physical and chemical properties and characteristics.
This, of course, applies to "tech" Japanese, but more so to "tech" English, because, for instance,
you must always be careful about the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns, or between singular and plural nouns.

199今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/17 02:11:34 ID:qdzQU5GG

200193:04/12/17 03:28:51 ID:4M05Vv0T
Thanks for the advice, though I'm not 184. Your advice is very instructive to me, too. Please stay with this thread.

I'm just curious to know your backgound. So, let me guess it. I guess you studied in an Engilsh speaking country, and took a degree of science, like MS or Ph.D in Science. Is this correct ?
201名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/17 04:13:02 ID:xMZ4CZgq
202名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/17 04:16:45 ID:uUCs2mDQ
203193:04/12/17 05:07:24 ID:4M05Vv0T
peeping camera
204193:04/12/17 05:08:21 ID:4M05Vv0T
205名那須 ◆ozOtJW9BFA :04/12/17 05:15:45 ID:ytFdhbmC
206R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/18 01:19:50 ID:unStjfC2
Thank you for your advise and taking time out for me.
your precious recomendations are kinds of wake-up call for me .
I 'll chew over what I have to based on your advise and
maybe put them into practice .
what do you think of reading foreignbooks , especially novels , for plesure and
learning ?
207R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/18 01:32:58 ID:unStjfC2
when I checked in , I found that fucking gesturing guy
eating something in our restraunt business as usual .
He may be in his 50 or 60 and unemployed as he was there
in a day time .
unfortunately he is one of frequent customers so , it,s unavoi
dable to avoid him .
any way I have to put this proble aside
change my mind .
208会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 02:25:24 ID:7DD/u03q
That is take peeping Tom pictures.

209名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/18 02:32:33 ID:mW1SVcGv

Novels are a much better choice than news mags because:

No. 1, you would choose to read ones that seem more or less related to you;

No. 2, you stand a better chance of being kept entertained while reading a novel than a news mag;

No. 3, a novel wouldn't allow you to delude yourself that you understood what it said when you actually didn't understand it.
This is not the case with journalistic stuff. Everyday you watch a news show or two on the telly,
or read a national or local daily, in Japanese. So, you are already well-informed of many topics covered by
English newspapers or news mags. Then, you pretend you read and understand their articles without knowing that
you actually are just trying to remember what you've already heard or read in Japanese.
(* "What if I selectively read news articles on topics not covered by the Japanese media?" you might wanna query.
In that case, jump to >>198 and reread my second advice.)
210名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/18 02:43:20 ID:mW1SVcGv
> >>198
> Thanks for the advice, though I'm not 184.
You're welcome.

> Your advice is very instructive to me, too.
Glad to hear that.

> Please stay with this thread.
Will come on'n'off.

> I'm just curious to know your backgound. So, let me guess it. I guess you studied in an Engilsh speaking country,
Yes, I spent some time abroad when I was much younger than today.

> and took a degree of science, like MS or Ph.D in Science. Is this correct ?
No, I didn't, but I got an M.A. in a branch of humanities.
211会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 02:58:56 ID:7DD/u03q

He might be a member of organized stalkers.
If you point out organized stalkers' wrongs, you will find
yourself in trouble in near future.
I know they have vinegar smell and wear odd eyeglasses.


212名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/18 03:22:36 ID:wjVndHPW


213会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 16:38:31 ID:EEf0ow94
214会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 17:34:56 ID:EEf0ow94
I think English language is important tool to communicate with
So it is nonsense that we would make a new Asian-only English
which Americans could not understand.
English language is not based on skin colors.
I know Indian Nehru's GLIMPSES OF WORLD HISTORY has been read
all around the world.
And Afro Mandera's LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is also.

Many countries' people speak English everyday.
I know English language's core has only 850 words.
They can use those basic words with ease.
And I know Talk Asia program on CNN.
Their interviews are never translated because it is English.

215会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 17:45:08 ID:EEf0ow94

216名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/18 17:46:30 ID:2tQh0Apf
217会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 17:57:51 ID:EEf0ow94

218暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:04:47 ID:EEf0ow94
When Jacky's a good boy,
 He shall have cakes and custard;
But when he does nothing but cry,
 He shall have nothing but mustard.

219暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:07:29 ID:EEf0ow94
いいこだったら ジャッキーにあげよう
なきむしだったら なんにもあげない

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

220暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:12:18 ID:EEf0ow94
Button to chin
When October comes in;
Cast not a clout
Till May be out.

221暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:14:40 ID:EEf0ow94
あごまで ボタン かけておけ
十がつが やってきた
ぼろでも ぬぐな
五がつが すぎるまで

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

222暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:18:42 ID:EEf0ow94
He that would thrive
Must rise at five;
He that hath thriven
May lie till seven;
He that will never thrive
May lie till eleven.

223暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:21:12 ID:EEf0ow94

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

224暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:23:53 ID:EEf0ow94
First in a carriage,
 Second in a gig,
Third on a donkey,
 And fourth on a pig.

225暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:26:49 ID:EEf0ow94
いちばんは よんりんばしゃにのり
 にばんは にりんばしゃにのり
さんばんは ろばにのり
 よばんは ぶたにのる

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

226暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:30:06 ID:EEf0ow94
If wishes were horses
 Beggars would ride;
If turnips were watches
 I would wear one by my side.

227暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:32:41 ID:EEf0ow94
ほしがるだけで てにはいるなら
 こじきもうまに のれるだろう
はたけのかぶほど とけいがあれば
 わたしもこしに さげるだろう

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

228まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 18:37:29 ID:EEf0ow94
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)を


229まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 19:29:33 ID:EEf0ow94
 Keimer had agreed to give me my salary for three months if he
ever decided that I should no longer work for him. He now said
he wished he was not obliged to give me so long a warning period.
I told him I would leave that instant. Taking my hat, I walked
(omitted) This would leave an opening from which I might
(omitted)Perhaps this experience has made me often more ready
to help young beginners than I otherwise would have been.
(omitted)I think this was in or about 1729.
(omitted)I dressed plainly. I never went fishing or hunting.
To show I did not consider myself too good for my business,
I even wheeled my supplies through the streets myself.
(omitted)So I must not expect money with a wife, unless with
one I would not find agreeable.(omitted)
 (NOTE: I have written thus far with the intentions I expressed
in the beginning. What I have written includes several little
family stories of no importance to others. What follows was
written many years later and is intended for the public. The
American Revolution-the war which freed America from British
rule-caused the interruption.)

230会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/18 19:31:51 ID:EEf0ow94

231暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/19 15:01:30 ID:6Nt8xPR9

232暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/19 15:33:25 ID:6Nt8xPR9

These cakes were made by our cook this morning.
I was cooking the meal all the morning.
At that hotel the cooking is very good.
A gas cooker is clearner than a coal fire.

233暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/19 15:58:43 ID:6Nt8xPR9

Plates made of copper are used in this printing process.
There was a bright copper kettle on the shelf.
He gave me some coppers to get his papers.
The room is a copy of an old one.
The little boy is copying his father.
This picture was clearly copied by an expert.

234会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/19 16:06:05 ID:6Nt8xPR9

235まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/19 16:12:10 ID:6Nt8xPR9
The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (洋販ラダー 2,000語レベル)を

236R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/21 02:23:18 ID:78j097BD
no need to correct .
The word " copper" includes a coin of low value
I cite from my dictionary .

I make coffee to wake me up .
237名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/21 02:28:06 ID:vS+ItTp5
238名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/21 02:43:22 ID:Fm1JyEGP
239ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :04/12/21 02:50:44 ID:f1bfB1F9
 WAIT! You are not vain!
240名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/21 05:26:44 ID:27K66XxF

241まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/22 00:51:38 ID:374/EWdV

Oops! I've got a nap!

242R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/22 01:11:28 ID:htMfmeuW
why can't you let yourself say such a silly things ?
even to say that as a joke has negative impact on yourself

243会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/22 01:35:32 ID:374/EWdV

Sorry! I couldn't go home last night.
I'm now given a job as a help of a workplace in faraway which
takes two hours to the office.
And my job is in the most busy time now.
Don't you think only tight-scheduled jobs need temps?
If there is a day of my post is not found here, you don't be
afraid that whether Kaiwachan has be taken to the Heaven or not,
my friends.
It is only I'm busy this month, Faus!
(Thanks! Faus!)

244会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/22 01:49:41 ID:374/EWdV
I want to smell Reina Tanaka's back wind.

You shouldn't act as Kaiwachan.
I think you must be welcomed yourself here.


245240:04/12/22 07:50:17 ID:5a4O9MGw

おならはback windっていうのか
246名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/23 00:41:14 ID:xI4fWNtk

>Don't you think only tight-scheduled jobs need temps?
247会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 03:02:37 ID:R3MiT0mH

Kaiwachan doesn't chin up. I have lazy nature.
But there are many seeds which are deeply implanted abetments
in Kaiwachan's mind by honomekashi.
Those seeds might chin up for me.

I am happy. Because I have friends who love me.
I'm not alone.

248会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 03:07:34 ID:R3MiT0mH

×:to the Heaven
○:to Heaven


249名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/23 13:43:36 ID:ZN3O2BY3
250会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 15:15:16 ID:Zw03/NQt

251暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 15:26:54 ID:Zw03/NQt
For every evil under the sun,
There is a remedy or there is none.
If there be one, try and find it;
If there be none, never mind it.

252暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 15:31:55 ID:Zw03/NQt

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

253暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 17:40:23 ID:Zw03/NQt
I've not got a nap!
254暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 17:54:34 ID:Zw03/NQt
For want of a nail the shoe was lost,
For want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For want of a horse the rider was lost,
For want of a rider the battle was lost,
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

255暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 17:58:24 ID:Zw03/NQt
くぎがふそくで ていてつうてず
ていてつふそくで うまははしれず
うまがふそくで のりてはのれず
のりてがふそくで いくさにかてず
いくさにまけて くにをとられた

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

256暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 18:03:26 ID:Zw03/NQt
A wise old owl sat in an oak,
The more he heard the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

257暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 18:06:50 ID:Zw03/NQt
かしにとまった かしこいふくろう

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

258暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 19:09:46 ID:Zw03/NQt

The writer gave me a copy of his books.
Get some strong cord for hanging the pictures.
The goat had a cord round its neck.
The box had to be corded because the lock was broken.
The hat is covered with cork inside to keep out the sun.
There is a cork ring between the mental parts.
( コルク・リング? メンタルパート? じぇんじぇんわかりません。 (´・ω・`)イジイジ )
I am unable to get the cork out of the bottle.
Take care that the bottle is corked before you put it away.
(その壜はコルク栓だから、栓を抜く前に気をつけて。 (´・ω・`)イジイジ )

259暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 19:14:00 ID:Zw03/NQt
I have a TV break.

260会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/23 20:55:46 ID:Zw03/NQt
Why he heard her voice at the bottom of sea?
Because she is a telepath.

261会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 01:06:15 ID:kSamoGgB

262翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 01:08:32 ID:kSamoGgB
(*´・ω・`*) 曲がないもの…。

263翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 02:20:26 ID:kSamoGgB
(*´・ω・`*) ぐない

264R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/25 02:42:28 ID:nE7jPO0n
today7swork went as usual .busines as usual .
as it is Dec 24 , it is very reasonable to assume
the restraunt are filled with young couplw .
but that was 'nt so . I guess they turn to nicer shops with better mood
for today .
265暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 17:38:25 ID:kSamoGgB
Scissors and string, scissors and string,
When a man's single he lives like a king.
Needle and pins, needle and pins,
When a man marries his trouble begins.

266暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 17:45:55 ID:kSamoGgB
267暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 17:48:42 ID:kSamoGgB
いととはさみ いととはさみ
ひとりのうちが おとこははなよ
ぬいばりまちばり ぬいばりまちばり
けっこんすれば くろうのはじまり

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)
268翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 18:31:56 ID:kSamoGgB



269翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 18:33:19 ID:kSamoGgB



(翻訳ちゃん 訳)

270会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 18:37:21 ID:kSamoGgB

But tonks.

271会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 19:09:24 ID:kSamoGgB

Cheer up!
I think they have no money to go your restaurant.
Many young don't have stable jobs.
But God faces all of us.
There are many cheers for your health around the world tonight,
curly hairs.

272まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 19:35:03 ID:kSamoGgB
今日は Install.txt とか読みます。

273まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/25 22:12:31 ID:kSamoGgB
Install.txt の 14. VIRTUAL CONSOLES まで読みました。


274暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 16:41:09 ID:Ho8kXqu3

275暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 19:51:01 ID:n98azcVg

276暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 19:53:30 ID:n98azcVg
Penny and penny
Laid up will be many;
Who will not save a penny
Shall never have many.

277暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 19:56:11 ID:n98azcVg
ペニイ ペニイ 一ペニイ
ペニイつもれば おかねもち
そまつにすれば しぬまで

278暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 19:57:16 ID:n98azcVg

谷川俊太郎さん 訳

279暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 20:25:33 ID:n98azcVg

Underclothing made of cotton is not warm.
There is no cotton in the needle.
(針に綿糸が通してない。 (´・ω・`)イジイジ )
The girl had on white cotton gloves.
We saw fields of cotton on our journey through India.
(我々は、インド旅行をした際、一面の綿畑を見た。 (´・ω・`)イジイジ )

280まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 20:27:51 ID:n98azcVg
Install.txt の続きを読みます。

281まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/26 21:57:49 ID:smUmuBW1
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION の make hdboot まで読みました。


282会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/27 01:17:15 ID:elzkM02L
TOEIC 111回の結果が届いていました。

220 220 440 27.7


283会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/28 01:07:06 ID:uhxzTPdx

284R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/28 13:48:30 ID:x6gcuGrw
Job well done !
If you feel progress ,you actually made the progress
though you are not content with your letest score .
I think you make a progress inch by inch and go in the right
derection .
Have a confidence in you and what you do .
sometimes that may not reflect on TOEIC socore but do good to
English in my opinion .

Now I left hone and go to work .
285会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/29 02:36:32 ID:pP8DmLVW

Youe guiding light leads me here.
I will get over 600 points in two years.
That is as much as required score when one was promoted to a section
manager of IBM.
(Although I'm a temp.)


286R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/29 23:26:21 ID:Y689r+bI
some of Kanto ereas were coverd with snow .
it fell much more I expected .
as I feared and expected , a few of JR lines were delayed ,
though , JR did'nt blame if for heavy snow .
they are very vulnerable to snow , strong wind .
to be fair , I have to consider that they are responsible for
lives of passenger while operating trains . thay have to walk fine line .
287R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :04/12/29 23:47:18 ID:Y689r+bI
area でした。

I plan to make day trip to west Japan on Jan, first on New years pass
sold at JR .
I have'nt still decided on my destination .
288会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/30 02:56:54 ID:uO1gX9rW
I want to visit Hiroshima.
Because there is the Peace Memorial Park.
And I want to smell of sea on froating Miyajima.
And think of Michiyo Heike.
Do you know the ancestors of deers of Miyajima are Koufukuji's at Nara.
I want to stay Kyoto and Nara for a month.

289会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/30 03:00:25 ID:uO1gX9rW

290名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/30 03:07:52 ID:Jz1NFd70
291名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/30 03:12:56 ID:Jz1NFd70
292翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/30 03:33:12 ID:uO1gX9rW
If my mind would be get hurt by love, I want Arima is the first one.

(*´・ω・`*) They become steady at that day.

293翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/30 03:37:26 ID:uO1gX9rW


294翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/31 03:34:02 ID:JNMZvovu

You are suitable for my dad who is ignorant of the world.

295翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/31 04:10:21 ID:JNMZvovu

"You calm me down. Why? We met a little while ago."
"This is natural thing. We've spent same sad days each other.
We know loneliness when we go home. We'are all the same."
"That's right. So are we like siblings yet?"
"Yes. We are like siblings."

296会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/31 04:13:43 ID:JNMZvovu

297名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:04/12/31 04:19:59 ID:NZSt3vTX
>If my mind would be get hurt by love, I want Arima is the first one.

How do you mean bay the above?
298翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/31 05:02:52 ID:JNMZvovu


299|Φ|(|´|3|`|)|Φ||:04/12/31 21:48:28 ID:25re2qd+


300会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/31 22:58:49 ID:eKq4kI0O

That is a line of Yukino in famous comic (anime) Kare Kano(彼氏彼女の事情.)
Kare Kano has been put into English already.
Honyakuchan maybe make some mistakes.

301まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :04/12/31 23:04:40 ID:WQkO6Hig

302ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :05/01/01 00:56:42 ID:GIlYgbcV
303R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/01 01:04:54 ID:Mu+C03SV
I think New year's eve is the time to reflect on the ending
current year of yours .
Looking back this year ,I wondered about what has been done and
achivement , how much progress I 've made toward my far-reaching goal
I realized I am half-way and feel no sence of the accomplishment (;´Д`)

as I wrote above responce
I am going to make a day trip by Shinkansen alone .
I expect about 3 hour riding of the train give me good time to
renew and formulate this year's agenda .
I will come back home with new idea .

I am very grateful to anyone who gave me response and advice and
chree up this thread
I hope they have a wonderfull and fullfilled year .

304会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/01 01:10:13 ID:6UFbRL5O
Happy new year, Faus!
Happy new year, R-san!

305会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/01 01:35:23 ID:+yqWGaRr
Kusatsu has nice spas.
I know there is a spa which we can take without staying overnight.

306まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/01 01:37:23 ID:+yqWGaRr

307名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/01 12:40:49 ID:BeK+VijY
I will do ROM this thread this year.
308会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 00:17:35 ID:Q5WBu8qF
I think the painter who doesn't paint never would become a good painter.
ROM is not good.

309暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 00:23:46 ID:O9ZMdo0y

310暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 00:39:22 ID:C0X5lOgZ
I've done it!
311名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/02 01:13:22 ID:sbTdMe9S
312会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 01:24:29 ID:9dzTCtAc
Kaiwachan played with his nieces today. That is my delight.
So they are infants that they don't know Kaiwachan has instable
job nor small income. And they are riches.
My sister is just a little beauty.
She knows what is poor so that she married with riches.
Until they get their jobs I will give them New Year's presents.
That will be short only 1,000 yen in a few years.
My parents act lost themselves by ages also today.
Chin up! Kaiwachan! (`・ω・´)

313会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 01:30:29 ID:3ofe1rl4
×:married with riches
○:married with rich


314自由現人神(JNU代表):05/01/02 01:37:33 ID:2/iOwVkW
315会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 22:58:10 ID:ZQTT60sp
Is God calling me?

316暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 22:59:24 ID:v3UdDGVb

317名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/02 23:03:39 ID:8xB95DYW
318R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/02 23:27:07 ID:f9Q6XS5J
I came back but fail to bring back a clear idea which
I tried to find during short trip .
instead I've got vague unclear answer brought in .
I need tolerance to other people and even anything concerning us .
319暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/02 23:34:46 ID:Q5WBu8qF
I've done it!
320会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/03 00:20:56 ID:laPMwGGd
I know it is bad that master enters stock market.
You had better think of your own business.
Give ear, the boat untied never stop.
It is hard to stop it against the current.
When you think it stops, you are drifted.
Although you were a skilful worker, your skills get level down now.
Chin up!

321暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/03 00:27:07 ID:Igk9MKIG

322会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/03 00:46:37 ID:bcSgRmQX
You smell Yunohana.

I went shopping yesterday.
And found great boobs at that shop.
The boobs was under sweater but couldn't hide from Kaiwachan's
ultra eyes! I know I never see her again.
But I think it was worth Daikiti. (`・ω・´)
Happy things come to me this year!


323名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/03 01:38:28 ID:+QIm9/rO


Please use more common word
"boobs",what a minor word.

what made the Dr. Hawking famousman?
324会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/03 23:19:58 ID:up3CrOv9
"Boobs" is "おっぱい" in Japanese.
"Women's brests" is just a little formal for us.

I've heard a joke. That a Chinese SE is workink at one carrier.
His mails are written in Chinese so that Japanese engineers can't read
his mails. For they displays unreadable characters.

325会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/04 00:12:33 ID:XZBVDnGo
Because of his academic achievements.
Because of his never-give-up-mind.
His handicaps are well known. He is a wheelchair user.
But his mind is more than 100 times tough than us.
His intelligence also.

I think he gives hopes to many people.
He is manly man.

326名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/04 00:14:30 ID:9BPHQZHM
Hi! We developed exciting games!!
May you join me?

オマエラ!俺の作ったMMORPGで遊んでくださいm(_ _)m part2
327会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/04 00:14:42 ID:XZBVDnGo

328R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/04 01:24:24 ID:AFtCC0Qw
English is dominat and most widely used lauguege .
My former English teachr who wants to be a UN worker
said that conglicts can only be solved though English and dialoge .
329R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/04 01:26:04 ID:AFtCC0Qw
>>328 is response to >>323 

330会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/05 00:24:40 ID:0mBEuMMa
Haven't you told by God?
God spoke Latin in Middle Ages.
But now God speaks English.

331翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/05 01:48:25 ID:0mBEuMMa

What is on the green at Number Eighteen?
Is that darkness of regrets and sadness?
Is Okita throw it into disorder?

Don't ask me. I can't reason it.
There is none who knows the reason why but Okita and the darkness
of night.

That man is tough. He goes to bury today.

Goes to bury?

It's impossible to fight tomorrow unless bary pains, difficulties,
and sadness of today. Okita is calm man. That he is going to bury
his mind. Fifteen years ago I can't bury my mind. For fifteen years
I was not gentle to my mind. I've thought that I would go alone
with a Saxophone. My mind was too hard to myself. I could not see
I had friends. I was hard for fifteen years. I apologize that.

332会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/05 01:54:22 ID:0mBEuMMa

Really? 添削は明日だね。

333会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/05 01:58:25 ID:0mBEuMMa

×:too hard to myself
○:too hard on myself

334会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/07 00:33:06 ID:jeHJTZH1


335名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/07 01:28:39 ID:svrPICUj
If not defaeated the Armada Invencible then we are using Spanish.
336R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/07 14:50:40 ID:ty5Ltm1k
I call my father now to ask for financial aids , especially
to pay for rent . I am unsure he give me nod .
Does he answer my call ?
337マイケロ:05/01/08 00:17:12 ID:RPvLMKWr



338ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :05/01/08 00:54:49 ID:hMAs7lIx
339今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 13:21:42 ID:+pO0qNvJ


340まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 13:32:43 ID:+pO0qNvJ

>There is a cork ring between the mental parts.
>( コルク・リング? メンタルパート? じぇんじぇんわかりません。 (´・ω・`)イジイジ )
>Take care that the bottle is corked before you put it away.
>(その壜はコルク栓だから、栓を抜く前に気をつけて。 (´・ω・`)イジイジ )

mental parts は勘違いではないのかな。metal parts となっていませんか?
あと、put it away の意味をよく考えて。

341暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 13:38:46 ID:+pO0qNvJ

There is a cork ring between the metal parts.
( 金属部品の間にコルクの輪がある。(`・ω・´)シャキーン )
Take care that the bottle is corked before you put it away.
  忘れないように気をつけて。 (`・ω・´)シャキーン )

342暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 13:44:22 ID:+pO0qNvJ

343暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 13:54:14 ID:+pO0qNvJ
Multiplication is vexation,
 Division is as bad;
The rule of three doth puzzle me,
 And practice drives me mad.

344暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 13:56:20 ID:+pO0qNvJ
かけざんは なやみのたねさ
 わりざんも おなじこと
ひれいざんは ちんぷんかんぷん
 れんしゅうもんだいは あたまにくる

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

345暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 13:59:55 ID:+pO0qNvJ
To make your candles last for aye,
 You wives and maids give ear-o
To put 'em out's the only way,
 Says honest John Boldero.

346暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:02:47 ID:+pO0qNvJ
ろうそくを いつまでも ながもちさせるには
おくさんがた じょちゅうさんがた よくおきき
けしちまうのが いちばんさ
 と しょうじきジョン・ボルデロは いったとさ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

347暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:04:47 ID:+pO0qNvJ
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy;
All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy.

348暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:07:51 ID:+pO0qNvJ
はたらくばかりで あそばなければ
ジャックは たいくつなこどもです
あそぶばかりで はたらかなければ
ジャックは だれにもあいてにされぬ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

349暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:09:03 ID:+pO0qNvJ
Rain before seven,
Fine before eleven.

350暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:10:58 ID:+pO0qNvJ
七じまえの あめは
十一じまえに あがる

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

351暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:12:56 ID:+pO0qNvJ
A sunshiny shower
Won't last half an hour.

352暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:15:27 ID:+pO0qNvJ
きつねのよめいり てんきあめ
三十ぷんと つづかない

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

353暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:23:11 ID:+pO0qNvJ
When the wind is in the east,
'Tis neither good for man nor beast;
When the wind is in the north,
The skilful fisher goes not forth;
When the wind is in the south,
It blows the bait in the fishes' mouth;
When the wind is in the west,
Then 'tis at the very best.

354暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:26:57 ID:+pO0qNvJ
ひがしのかぜは いいことなしさ
にんげんさまにも けものにも
かぜがきたから ふくときにゃ
りこうなりょうしは むりしない
みなみのかぜは さかなのくちに
たっぷりえさを ふきおくる
かぜがにしから ふいてくりゃ
それこそいちばん もんくなし

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

355暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:29:51 ID:+pO0qNvJ
Red sky at night,
Shephered's delight;
Red sky in the morning,
Shephered's warning.

356暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:32:16 ID:+pO0qNvJ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

357暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:36:16 ID:+pO0qNvJ
A swarm of bees in May
Is worth a load of hay;
A swarm of bees in June
Is worth a silver spoon;
A swarm of bees in July
Is not worth a fly.

358暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:38:59 ID:+pO0qNvJ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

359暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:42:38 ID:+pO0qNvJ
St. Swithin's Day, if thou dost rain,
For forty days it will remain;
St. Swithin's Day, if thou be fair,
For forty days 't will rain na mair.

360暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:45:31 ID:+pO0qNvJ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

361暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:50:41 ID:+pO0qNvJ
Sow peas and beans
In the wane of the moon;
Who soweth them sooner,
He soweth too soon.

362暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:52:58 ID:+pO0qNvJ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

363暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:56:13 ID:+pO0qNvJ
The west wind always brings us rain,
The east wind blows it back again.

364暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:57:24 ID:+pO0qNvJ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

365暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 14:59:14 ID:+pO0qNvJ
March winds and April showers
Bring forth May flowers.

366暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:01:28 ID:+pO0qNvJ
三がつのかぜと 四がつのにわかあめ
五がつのはなを さかせるちから

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

367暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:03:30 ID:+pO0qNvJ
When the wind blows,
Then the mill goes;
When the wind drops,
Then the mill stops.

368暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:05:17 ID:+pO0qNvJ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

369暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:08:40 ID:+pO0qNvJ
See-saw, sacradown,
Which is the way to London town?
One feet up and the other foot down,
That is the way to London town.

370暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:11:01 ID:+pO0qNvJ
シーソー のこぎりひこう
ロンドンのまちは どっちかね
かたあしあげて かたあしおろし
そうすりゃ ロンドンのまちへいきつける

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

371暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:11:49 ID:+pO0qNvJ

372会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:19:23 ID:+pO0qNvJ

Are you Spanish?
Does the rain stay mainly in the plain in your country, curly hair?

373会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:34:45 ID:+pO0qNvJ

How much is your rent?
Kaiwachan's rent is 46,000 yen.
I live in cheap room.
A resident next door comes from Taiwan.
And Crazy Takahashi lives in above room.
So it is hard to get deep sleeps.

374会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 15:35:42 ID:+pO0qNvJ

375名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/10 17:28:15 ID:80isqy4i
anybody here?
376ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :05/01/10 17:29:21 ID:zGxEYigH
nobody here
377会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/10 23:59:56 ID:zsaO1UhY
I'm here.

378会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/11 00:55:38 ID:v0Hzm4Z1

I have two copies of bilingual version of Cardcapter Sakura.
I think we can learn English onomatope only in comics.
I strongly recommend Maison Ikkoku to foreigners.
'Cause that gave on me a stamp as if I had been sealing wax at my teenages.
But it is high price.

379ファウス党 ◆boczq1J3PY :05/01/11 01:10:23 ID:R5HNLIiI

380会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/11 01:10:55 ID:v0Hzm4Z1

381R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/11 01:15:18 ID:TOmYz1Ju
The rent goes for 60000yen
that 's whopping bill for my ablility to make many and a
part-time worker
I 've made a wrong dicision when I moved from my parents .
you have crezy guy living next to you but
do you have a high speed internet access ?
382会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/11 01:18:05 ID:v0Hzm4Z1
Maison Ikkoku is not bilingual version, Faus.
You can buy that at imported book corner.

383会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/11 01:31:43 ID:v0Hzm4Z1

I use a 12Mbps access line.
This is well enough to me.

Wherever you are, you can post to 2ch.
You have an aim. So that I think you'd better go home.


384名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/11 10:10:27 ID:2Zgu05TJ
Do you live in Tokyo?
I live in Tokyo and my rent is 30000yes without bath.

By the way,I did MSNmessanger to foreigner for the first time Yesterday.
and I learnt he uses 'u' instead of 'you'.
385会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/12 01:01:02 ID:lhR2dgdj

I live in Gyotoku.
There is no public bath in Gyotoku.
So that I need to live in the room with bath.
I like Sentou.
I used to surprize many ones who are downstream because my mass of
dirt had come with the current. That was fun.(`・ω・´)シャキーン
And it is a pleasure to have milk with strawberry flavor after taking
a bath.

386会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/12 01:07:19 ID:lhR2dgdj

×:And it is a pleasure
○:And it was a pleasure

387kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/12 02:57:28 ID:WM5ldeTX
゚ ω ゚ )hi there. probably、this is something i want.

388R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/13 01:13:47 ID:LiJA3NsP
Thank you for your consideration.
but the going back home is the last option I would choose.
any way negotiation is under way .

No I live in Toda city Saitama prefecture , south of Tokyo ?
Although it,s 20 minutes-walks from station , rent can be outrageous .
389kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/13 01:31:16 ID:jLmSZwOm
゚ ω ゚ )i heard saikyo line is quite popular and
average rent does not decrease that much down to oomiya.
390会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/13 02:43:29 ID:wHjEX7TI
I guess there are many molesters on Saikyou Line.

Nice to meet you, kota!


391kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/13 04:14:35 ID:axPUGP0j
゚ ω ゚ )>>390 hi. you're right. that's the most "popular" one.
392R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/14 01:37:50 ID:fQHSWDqP
I think saikyo line is running at capacity of 400 % during rush hours
because it's linked with important station like ikebukuro and shinzyuku
where you can transfer to other trains .
getting into that packed train was like having a kind of torture.
393kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/14 01:57:01 ID:S2+TQLrZ
゚ ω ゚ )personally, i found Yurakucyo line was more packed.
i know it depends on where you get on though.
394会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/14 02:49:40 ID:pOo3PfiQ
>>391 >>393

But that lasts at one o'clock.


395kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/14 18:36:27 ID:5HlNg4/N
゚ ω ゚ )>>394 lock him away(w
396会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/15 02:25:10 ID:zvkcZr07
We can see the shape of women's boobs under her coat.
I am a fan of bowl boobs.
I want to be gripped by boobs! Pafu! Pafu!
Let me have a tast! Please!

397暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/15 02:26:57 ID:zvkcZr07
Don't lose yourself, Kaiwachan!


398kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/15 03:01:30 ID:HAsAL2Wk
゚ ω ゚ )help! help! he's glowing.
399kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/15 03:03:39 ID:HAsAL2Wk
゚ ω ゚ )i'm gonna have an an-doughnut.
400名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/15 16:13:17 ID:hQWd01+l
401会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/16 02:24:08 ID:faPL/Nha

I'm in a dream. I'm a baby.
Nipple in pink comes in front of my face and I suck brest milk.
But it's not remain. Why?Mom, why?
'Cause your dad drunk it up, Kaiwachan.

I've just got fired tonight.

402名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/16 02:26:54 ID:Zejychhl


403名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/16 02:28:49 ID:9YMs2Vbs
「uho! nice gay!」
「Do you?」
「・・・very・・・I do.」
404kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/16 02:38:51 ID:DkBlu38i
゚ ω ゚ )>>402 that's fine with me at least.
the first thing you can do is to try to write english.
don't worry about grammar ...etc at the moment.

there are lots of strategies. but, it is important
to enjoy yourself. for instance, in terms of pronunciation,
don't try a boring CD, but try your favourite music CD.
and sing along it looking at the lyrics.

radio, there are lots,..ummmm probabaly, BBC4 will be a good start.

405暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/16 03:08:56 ID:faPL/Nha

×:But it's not remain.
○:But there is not remaining.

Tonks. G'night.

406kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/16 03:15:38 ID:DkBlu38i
゚ ω ゚ )>>401 have you been sacked???
i'm sorry to hear that. so, what are you gonna do?

407名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/16 03:20:08 ID:qI/cXG1T
Understanding "Monty Python" leads you to be a Master of English!!
408kota ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/16 03:29:46 ID:DkBlu38i
゚ ω ゚ )everyday's sunday!
409R-type ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/16 23:33:03 ID:bwi2IRmc
Unfortunately No . Weekend is busiest and hardest time for people like me
who works in the food and restraunt industry.
my workplace is hamming as traffic of people is heavy .
Nothing good for us. weekend hourly wage is the same as in weekday .

you 've got a pink-slip ?
I don't want to believe it.
keep youself upbeat as always .
410コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/17 00:30:26 ID:eqeLQMbq
゚ ω ゚ )>>409 so, you've got a job haven't you.
i used to have a part-time job in a spaghetti restaurant.
but it was in a business area, and i worked only on weekdays.
411会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/17 11:21:22 ID:Ce+eQJ0Z

412名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/17 17:09:26 ID:/MsqyESt

413R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/18 01:11:27 ID:WWy6VXKU
Not full time it's a part-time job with an hourly wage of 830
and very dim prospect of raise there .
you mostly dealt with business men and women ?

anyway whoever you serve ,I've got stressed out
414コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/18 02:50:51 ID:CzKBy27L
゚ ω ゚ )>>413
right, so your job isn't particularly attractive is it.
but it is nice to do something rather than just staying in a house.

the restaurant i worked for was in chuo-ku,
you can imagine there are not many people on weekend.
so the restaurant wasn't open on sunday.
the restaurant had some lunch menus mainly with pasta,
so, quite some women came everyday. my job was primitive stuff
like washing dishes, boiling pasta(but not really cooking),
chopping vegetables. it was easier for me than serving.
415会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/19 00:50:59 ID:n2T+mxw4

I was under control of Ero Spirit.
But it has gone off away from me.
Because you casted a spell "keep yourself" on me.

416会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/19 01:05:43 ID:n2T+mxw4

The melody of your flute calls a Daemon from darkness.

417会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/19 01:50:31 ID:n2T+mxw4

Hey, Kotamille!
Don't you know whether Rsan is man or woman?
Be responsible you are!

I know nice pasta restaurant Little Koiwai at ootemati.
Its staffs are early birds because they make preparations
for day session.
And I know pasta pots are heavy weight!(`・ω・´)

Why are you headhunt Rsan?
It's strange.

418会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/19 01:54:56 ID:n2T+mxw4
419コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/19 02:46:11 ID:T3hcSKOs
゚ ω ゚ )>>417 well. it isn't easy to know
he or she from English... i studied the thread a bit
and i guess "he". his description on english looks quite
analytic. an apology for my prejudice(s).

i've checked that restaurant on a GURUME site,
it seems a nice restaurant.

i am not sure what you meant by the last two lines.
why am i talking to R-san?

420コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/19 03:17:14 ID:T3hcSKOs
゚ ω ゚ )i will give you all an interesting quiz.
you know that you can say like "nineteen eighty five"
for the year 1985, don't you. you can also say a departure
time of some train in the same way, say "twenty three sixteen"
for 23:16. However, in general, you cannot always say like
**hundreds for **00.

you can say twelve hundreds for 1200,
but you cannot say ninety hundreds for 9000.
the question is "where is the boundary?".
421名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/19 11:14:33 ID:TlGaEHp4

> you can say twelve hundreds for 1200,
> but you cannot say ninety hundreds for 9000.

dude, that's too strong an assertion, innit?
in math or stats, you can say, er, like "fifty hundreds of people" 'n all.
it all depends on the context whether you can say this 'n' that or not.

> the question is "where is the boundary?".
this ain't such a big deal, is it?
when the number in the hundred's place is one other than zero,
you can express any four-digit number in the hundreds.

you picked up this "place value" thing coz you are worried about
the declining math competence of the adult population in japan?

422R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/19 13:16:33 ID:ifCqZRp8
 My sex is man ・・・・・・・・・
Please don't care
I 've taken no offence , sir .
Would you give us quick and low cost pasta recipes ?
if it don't touch copy right issue and constitute theft crime
( intangeble theft ?)
you are welcome . I am happy
you look as you are or as usual ??
after sad news that stuned me . I knew you worked
very hard from your late posting here .
take a rest for a while and rise up again .
try , work , study harder and stay positive , you would have
more chance waiting for you .
I found a very nice proverb which suits and cheer up you by chance
saying " Life is like riding a bicycle * you don't fall off unless
you stop pedaling . -Claude Pepper

sounds too much and annoying ?
423 :05/01/19 13:23:55 ID:aPD1hoM4
This is a PEN!!

424名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/19 13:58:06 ID:b8XGNNeZ
No offence but >>421's got the point.
What you are saying is not entirely wrong either.
The point is that perhaps you shouldn't be so assertive as >>421says....
I really like what you people here are doing so why don't you make sure your advice before you give it to the learners.
425コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/19 18:18:30 ID:jqkrgBLF
゚ ω ゚ )it may not be a matter of right or wrong.
it is just a quiz and it doesn't test your English. you don't
have to worry about that subtlety when you learn English.
but there is a boundary with some grey zone. if you don't enjoy it,
sorry and just forget it.
426コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/19 18:32:39 ID:jqkrgBLF
゚ ω ゚ )>>421 agree. when we focus on numbers like in maths,
it isn't a problem. how you(=people) read equations...etc
is quite sloppy. i know it 'cos i was in the maths world.
saying **hundreds is understandable in any occasion anyway.
427名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/19 18:49:16 ID:b8XGNNeZ

428会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 01:06:42 ID:1WkHHdt7
Because I am Crazy Kaiwachan.
429会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 01:20:54 ID:1WkHHdt7
That's very easy for me.

>**hundreds for **00
aste aste hundreds for aste Ou Ou

It's my turn.
Can you say the IP address and subnet mask below?

430暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 01:23:21 ID:1WkHHdt7
You must say "Please teach me," Kaiwachan!

431コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/20 01:25:39 ID:QSEwBhno
゚ ω ゚ )>>427 don't worry. 425 wasn't particularly to you.
432会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 01:32:29 ID:1WkHHdt7

Thank you very kindly!

433翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 01:34:08 ID:1WkHHdt7
(*´・ω・`*) Sex….

434コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/20 01:34:14 ID:QSEwBhno
゚ ω ゚ )>>429
it seems everyone's trying not to say any answer(w.

435コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/20 01:34:54 ID:QSEwBhno
゚ ω ゚ )>>433 H
436会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 01:37:41 ID:1WkHHdt7

Hey, Boy!
Kaiwachan's TOEIC score is 440 points!

437名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/20 02:15:07 ID:kb4u5MTi
That's the begining!!
438会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 02:20:55 ID:1WkHHdt7

Hi, Kota!
I can teach you Japanese realia.
Do you know Asakusa?
There is an amusement park at Asakusa.
That's Hanayashiki. Very old and tiny park.
There is an old jet coaster there.
Its max speed is only 42 km/h!
But they say that is one of the most fearful jet coaster in Japan!


439雨叢雲 ◆adhRKFl5jU :05/01/20 02:21:37 ID:C1f/ed9c
my toeic score is 430....orz
440名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/20 02:23:10 ID:1uhnK1jh
441会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 02:27:26 ID:1WkHHdt7


442名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/20 02:29:24 ID:kb4u5MTi
443会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 02:33:15 ID:1WkHHdt7
I win.

I can't get there.


444コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/20 02:54:02 ID:QSEwBhno
゚ ω ゚ )>>438 thanks, yes, i know hanayashki!
i have seen it on TV. but i have never been there.
i can imagine the roller coaster is horrifying in a
very particular sense(w.

Kaiwa-chan, do you know arakawayuuen?
445名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/20 02:59:43 ID:kb4u5MTi
Hanayashki often appears in Kochikame!!
446コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/20 03:01:45 ID:QSEwBhno
゚ ω ゚ )>>445 yes yes, the best place for a date!
447名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/20 03:06:56 ID:klrWkTmL
I play Harakiri
448コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/20 03:08:24 ID:QSEwBhno
゚ ω ゚ )>>447 show me your guts!
449名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/20 05:28:01 ID:OUmMUztG
Show us,baby!!
450コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/20 05:31:59 ID:QSEwBhno
  _  ∩
( ゚ω゚)彡 intestines! intestines!
451会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 14:54:42 ID:yeHE/9Tl

I don't know. But I searched by 荒川遊園地 by google.
That's nice!
We can ride on ponies there!

452名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/20 14:57:02 ID:sksab8Qv
  _  ∩
( ゚ω゚)彡 hip! hip!

453会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:23:42 ID:yeHE/9Tl

Don't play Boy!
Boy is my old friend!
His posts put spices into this thread.
I like him.

I hope you make good friendship between each other.

454会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:26:29 ID:yeHE/9Tl

I can't get there.

455暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:30:49 ID:yeHE/9Tl
456暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:33:02 ID:yeHE/9Tl
Gray goose and gander,
 Waft your wings together,
And carry the good kings daughter
 Over the one-strand river.

457暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:35:23 ID:yeHE/9Tl
はいいろがんの つがい
 つばさをそろえ やさしくはこべ
ならびなきおうの むすめを
 さんずのかわを こえて

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

458暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:39:22 ID:yeHE/9Tl
How many miles to Babylon?
Three score miles and ten.
Can I get there by candle-light?
Yes, and back again.
If your heels are nimble and light,
You may get there by candle-light.

459暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:42:14 ID:yeHE/9Tl

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

460暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:49:14 ID:yeHE/9Tl
I had a little nut tree,
 Nothing would it bear
But a silver nutmeg
 And a golden peer;
The king of Spain's daughter
 Came to visit me,
And all for the sake
 Of my little nut tree.
I skipped over water,
 I danced over sea,
And all the birds in the air
 Couldn't catch me.

461暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:54:43 ID:yeHE/9Tl
わたしのちいさな このみのなるき
 ぎんのにくずく きんのなし
ほかにはなんにも ならないが
 スペインおうの むすめさん
わざわざたずねて やってきた
それというのも ほかでもない
 わたしのちいさな きのためさ
かわのうえを はねまわり
 うみのうえで おどったよ
そらとぶとりが たばになっても

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

462暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 15:59:56 ID:yeHE/9Tl
One misty, moisty, morning,
When cloudy was the weather,
There I met an old man
Clothed all in leather;
Clothed all in leather,
With cap under his chin.
How do you do, and how do you do,
And how do you do again?

463暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:03:56 ID:yeHE/9Tl
じめじめじとじと とあるあさ
ぐずぐずてんきの そのあさに
ひとりのじいさんに あったのだ
どこからどこまで かわのふく
どこからどこまで かわのふく
ぼうしをかたてに こんにちは
やあこんにちは こんにちは
もひとつついでに こんにちは

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

464暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:06:56 ID:yeHE/9Tl
As I was going up Pippen Hill,
 Pippen Hill was dirty.
There I met a pretty miss
 And she dropt me a curtsy.

465暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:10:52 ID:yeHE/9Tl

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)
466暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:15:48 ID:yeHE/9Tl
Old woman, old woman, shall we go a-shearing?
Speark a little louder, sir, I'm very thick of hearing.
Old woman, Old woman, shall I love you dearly?
Thank you very kindly, sir, now I hear you clearly.

467暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:19:36 ID:yeHE/9Tl
ばあさんや ばあさんや くさをかりにいこうかね?
もちっとおおきなこえで だんなさま みみがたいそうとおいんで
ばあさんや ばあさんや かわいがってあげようか?
おやさしいこってす だんなさま こんどは ようくきこえます

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

468暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:25:05 ID:yeHE/9Tl
Blind man, blind man,
 Sure you can't see?
Turn round three times,
 And try to catch me.
Turn east, turn west,
 Catch as you can,
Did you think you'd caught me?
 Blind, blind man!

469暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:28:48 ID:yeHE/9Tl
おにさん おにさん
ひがしに にしに
それはちがうよ ぼくじゃあないよ
 つかまるもんか おにさんこちら

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

470暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 16:40:54 ID:yeHE/9Tl
I will memorize a mothergoose as today's task.

471暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 17:08:49 ID:yeHE/9Tl
I've done it!

472暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 17:25:55 ID:yeHE/9Tl

Was that sound a cough or a laugh?
The baby is coughing and sneezing.
She gets a cough every winter.
The town and the country have different attractions.
There is no flat country in Wales.
Every country has its flag.

473まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/20 18:08:00 ID:yeHE/9Tl
EVERYDAY BASIC ENGLISH という本をちょっとだけやりました。

The Railway Station を2ページだけ10回音読しました。


474こんこん(;´Д`)ハァハァ :05/01/20 19:24:08 ID:ChVeQ3WV
475会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 01:07:18 ID:11rBXp5q

Nice to meet you. I am Kaiwachan.
Do you catch a cold?

Now I feel that we common learners needs 8,000 words.
Because when I read 2 pages of Anne of Green Gables,
all words I lookeded up in the dictionary were included
in 8,000 words level.

But I know native speakers speak everything in the world
using only 100 words.

476会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 01:08:53 ID:11rBXp5q

477R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/21 01:49:07 ID:v3wYLC25
My initial TOEIC score was 525point 3 years ago ,though improved inch by inch
from there
but I would'nt do business in ebay as a seller way you do at that time.

I guess TOEIC is not as accurate and usefull as people think in terms measuring
English skill
478コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/21 06:20:02 ID:GH3IIF0s
゚ ω ゚ )i have never had TOEIC but i guess TOEIC is
more practical than EIKENs. but, TOEIC was originally
established by japanese and i a bit doubt its naturalness.
it is still practical enough though.
as long as you live in japan, i think, you have a particular
purpose or goal. so, the best way to practise english really
depends on the purpose.
479コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/21 06:34:51 ID:GH3IIF0s
゚ ω ゚ )grammar is very important particularly at the
beginner and intermediate levels.
as far as i know, this is the best textbook,
480名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/21 13:39:21 ID:CUJ6e2+N
Hi there, math guy.
Yep, you cannot be more right, dude. Grammar is dead important.
If you wanna be functional in a foreign language,
you must put yourself through an intensive crash course
in the grammar of that language.
With a coherent and systematic understanding of the grammer
of a foreign language, you'll damn sure become fluent in that language
waaaaaay much faster and more efficiently than without it.

It's widely known that most of Japanese immigrants to the US
and Canada (Issei), who had never afforded time, money nor opportunities
to learn English grammer systematically, died as incompetent in English
as when they had first arrived in Honolulu, San Francisco or Vancouver.
Despite the fact that they had spent most of their adult lives
being exposed to English, Issei only managed to learn pathetic
several dozens of words and phrases.
481会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 14:42:44 ID:11rBXp5q

>Grammar is dead important.

I can't agree more.
Because Schliemann's autobiography tells me that only if I have no
teacher, grammmar books are guiding light with me.
But I have many teachers in this thread.

I know the book Kota recommended is the most popular grammar book
in the world. Tonks.

482暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 14:56:26 ID:11rBXp5q
O the little rusty dusty miller,
Dusty was his coat,
Dusty was his colour,
Dusty was the kiss
I got from the miller.
If I had my pockets
Full of gold and siller,
I found give it all
To my dusty miller.

483暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 15:00:21 ID:11rBXp5q
つむじまがりで こなまみれ
わたしのすきな こなひきさん
うわぎはすっかり こなまみれ
かおもまっしろ こなのいろ
キスさえいつも こなだらけ
もしもわたしの ポケットに
きんとぎんとが つまっていたら
みんなみんな あげたいな
わたしのすきな こなひきに

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

484暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 15:03:26 ID:11rBXp5q

485暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 15:24:01 ID:11rBXp5q

The bed has a blue cover on it.
The old woman was covering her eyes with her hand.
Everything in the room was covered with dust.
Put the cover on the pot.
The tree gave them cover from the sun.
All the points were covered in our talk.
Only the outer covering of the parcel was wet.

486まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/21 15:25:17 ID:11rBXp5q

487コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/21 17:00:09 ID:48PmeVLi
  _  ∩
( ゚ω゚)彡 maraojisan! maraojisan!
488コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/21 18:43:22 ID:lI6Du5Fq
゚ ω ゚ )>>480 hiya. you sound like you live/lived in canada.
i can pick up a particular word not many american use.

>>485 what is your goal in english, say in the next five years?
489コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/21 19:02:30 ID:lI6Du5Fq
゚ ω ゚ )R-chan,
i saw somewhere you said we need sort of physical training
for speaking. that's exactly what i keep saying to people.
i just wonder if you sing a lot?
490コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/21 19:11:55 ID:lI6Du5Fq
You burden me with your questions
You'd have me tell no lies
You're always asking what it's all about
But don't listen to my replies
You say to me I don't talk enough
But when I do I'm a fool
These times I've spent, I've realized
I'm going to shoot through
And leave you

The things, you say
Your purple prose just gives you away
The things, you say
You're unbelievable
491暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/22 01:03:23 ID:ZffxKXrH
Hi, Kota.
After five years from now I will finish below.

1) Memorize every Mothergoose once.
2) Memorize every sonnet of Shakespeare's Sonnets once.
3) Memorize every psalm of Psalm once.
4) Memorize every proverb of Proverbs once.
5) Memorize every song of Song of Solomon once.
6) Memorize every poem of Leaves of Glass once.

I've already passed the half point of 1).

492名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/22 01:03:46 ID:W73fz26p

477 名前:R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY [sage] 投稿日:05/01/21 01:49:07 ID:v3wYLC25
> My initial TOEIC score was 525point 3 years ago ,though improved inch by inch
> from there
> but I would'nt do business in ebay as a seller way you do at that time.
> I guess TOEIC is not as accurate and usefull as people think in terms measuring
> English skill

Though it's always kind of tough to "crack coded messages" of R-type, I'll give another shot here
so that others can understand what he attempted to say in his last post:

I took a TOEIC exam three years ago, and my score was 525 points.
Now that I have improved my command of English, inch by inch from there, I wouldn't mind using
eBay services to sell my stuff as you do. However, I wouldn't have tried that back then.
Though TOEIC may not provide as accurate a measure of English proficiency as expected to,
I sort of mentioned my TOEIC score for your information.
493会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/22 01:34:19 ID:ZffxKXrH


494R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/22 01:53:10 ID:XHzKf2n6
thanks for alway helping me
I actually took the exam several times and reached A class category on a
Proficiency scale ranging from 860〜 .
Level A on Toeic score difined as follows :
Now I can say that is not true .
I just wanted to emphasize >>492’s last twe sentences .

I guess that 's thread W
No i dont sing but read English text book aloud .
I practice it like everydaythings ,
Ever since I learned that Reading aloud is quite usefull
and effective in learning English .
I mainly do Repeating and shadowing .
The shadowing is newly developed learning method and have become
popular .
495名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/22 03:12:11 ID:iTXjTtgo
You seem to be very enthusiastic about learning English.
So why are you being so unreasonable in "徹底調査!みなさん資格なに持ってますか"?
I don't undestand....Don't you see people here are helping to improve your crappy English.
Why can't you do the same to the people in the other thread?
Is that so hard to help them by giving the right advice?

Let me tell you something.......Your English is Ugly.
496コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/22 03:13:32 ID:JYbb4Ugr
゚ ω ゚ )>>491 hiya. that's good!!! i can see you love all of those.

>>494 ok, it is good to read loudly.
to be honest, i don't like reading and i get bored quite easily.
i have been singing from the very beginning and i found it more
intensive and efficient in terms of speaking. but the original
reason was i just liked singing. whatever it is, we have to enjoy it.
497コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/22 03:16:02 ID:JYbb4Ugr
゚ ω ゚ )very funny.
498495:05/01/22 03:43:00 ID:iTXjTtgo
499コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/22 03:45:07 ID:JYbb4Ugr
゚ ω ゚ )>>498 don't worry.
500人付き合いが ◆Tr6q0WIUVY :05/01/22 13:23:28 ID:SdIsy6Qz

501会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/22 22:15:31 ID:ZffxKXrH


502会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/22 22:16:53 ID:ZffxKXrH

Cheer up!

503暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/22 22:27:26 ID:ZffxKXrH
This is the key of the kingdom:
In that kingdom is a city,
In that city is a town,
In that town there is a street,
In that street there winds a lane,
In that lane there is a yard,
In that yard there is a house,
In that house there is a room,
In that room there is a bed,
On that bed there is a basket,
 In that basket there are some flowers,
Flowers in the basket,
Basket on the bed,
Bed in the room,
Room in the house,
House in the yard,
Yard in the lane,
Lane in the street,
Street in the town,
Town in the city,
City in the kingdom:
 This is the key of the kingdom.

504暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/22 22:33:17 ID:ZffxKXrH
そのおうこくに としがあり
そのとしに まちがあり
そのまちに とおりがあり
そのとおりに こみちがくねり
そのこみちに にわがあり
そのにわに いえがあり
そのいえに へやがあり
そのへやに ベッドがあり
そのベッドに かごがあり
 かごのなかには あふれるはな

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

505会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/22 23:30:55 ID:ZffxKXrH
Do you know where is Little Konbeef?

506人付き合いが ◆Tr6q0WIUVY :05/01/22 23:39:54 ID:F9mxH6Ro
Thats in my pocket.


Oh its good . Jucy (・∀・)!

507会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 00:32:27 ID:1GIU6lbJ

Hi, Kota!
Are you a musician? I have a CD of Gilbert O'Sullivan.
I like music, too. When I am in sad, I sing songs.
When I searched the lyric of 490, Google hit Unbelievable Lirycs.
What is EMF?
It semms to me lose weight organization.
And I'm over 100kg.(´・ω・`)

508会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 00:38:01 ID:1GIU6lbJ

Have you eaten Little Konbeef?

509会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 00:44:35 ID:1GIU6lbJ

×:Do you know where is Little Konbeef?
○:Do you know where Little Konbeef is?

510翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 01:37:27 ID:1GIU6lbJ


This is too hard to read for foreigners.
'Cause this is written in Old Japanese.
Akiko Yosano is one of the most important Tanka poetry
in these centuries.

Put into English by Honyakuchan is below.

She is twenty-
Her black hairs' current
through the comb
show off itselves
like in full bloom

511会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 01:46:09 ID:1GIU6lbJ
(´・ω・`) Too poor to read!
I think it is better her young blood image than "full bloom."
But tonks, Honyakuchan!


512名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/23 01:53:57 ID:bIYw8RgE


Have just read your last post.
Your reply gobsmacked me, inevitably making me wonder why you can’t write any better
when you have performed so well in TOEIC.
Probably, you’ve figured out who I am. I’ve been coming to this thread on and off.
Yup, I’m the tech translator from the first and second threads under the same title as this one.

Well, every single person that I personally know who's ever scored 860 points and over in TOEIC can,
at the very least, write grammatically correct and readily understandable - if not stylistically
sophisticated or elegant - prose in English. These people are my old classmates back in college,
former colleagues in a Tokyo-based company, and tech translators I know (and apprentices to them).
So, I’ve always had some confidence in the reliability of TOEIC as a measure of proficiency in English.

If you've scored 860 and over in TOEIC and can only manage to write as you do now, then,
it naturally leads me to one of the following conclusions:

a) TOEIC is not as reliable as it's cracked out to be as a measure of English proficiency (and any enterprise,
institution, or organization in Japan should stop depending on such a fatally defective test);
b) You have an incredibly excellent aptitude for multiple-choice tests (and, maybe, you stand a good chance of
winning a lottery);
c) You are suffering from a linguistic affliction not named yet that exclusively affects active linguistic competence
(if this were the case, you would be suffering from the same symptom in Japanese as well);
d) I know too few people that have ever taken TOEIC exams (maybe, two dozens in all);
e) A conclusion that I am too polite to present here....

513コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/23 02:56:29 ID:x7etAHKY
゚ ω ゚ )>>500 i prefer speaking.
514暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 16:19:50 ID:psvM19CX
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
 Wilt thou be mine?
Thou shalt not wash dishes
 Nor yet feed the swine,
But sit on a cushion
 And sew a fine seam
And feed upon strawberries,
 Sugar and cream.

515暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 16:24:19 ID:psvM19CX
かわいこちゃん かわいこちゃん
 およめに きてくれる?
おさらあらいは させないし
 ぶたにえさなど もってのほか
ふとんのうえで はりしごと
 いちにち ちくちく しておくれ
いちごにミルクと おさとうかけて

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

516翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 16:26:18 ID:psvM19CX
(*´・ω・`*) pussy….

517暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 16:27:11 ID:psvM19CX
518暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 17:05:46 ID:psvM19CX
I've done it.
519暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 17:27:03 ID:tTBfI8V2

We keep a cow to give us milk.
The water came through a crack in the vessel.
The family were all cracking nuts round the fire.
Don't put the cracked cup with the others.
The driver made a loud crack with his whip.
The horsemen were cracking their whips.

520暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 17:28:56 ID:tTBfI8V2

521まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/23 18:14:37 ID:tTBfI8V2
EVERYDAY BASIC ENGLISH を3ページやりました。2回音読しました。

522会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 02:06:29 ID:TUPERU+H
I think it is bad to laugh at the other.
Because the Kanji '人' means no one can't stand alone.

O I wish Boy were here.
His post might break this mood.


523名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/24 04:25:10 ID:LCYrcL/g
524コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/24 05:01:52 ID:9WWwC/H/
゚ ω ゚ )>>507 hiya.
i love music as well. singing is the best way to improve
your speaking and listening. the thing is, it is enjoyable.
it is exactly the same way as a native baby learns english.
if you are interested in, i will give you some strategies.

EMF is a uk band, sort of jazz-funk, sort of brit rock.
525コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/24 05:05:20 ID:9WWwC/H/
゚ ω ゚ )i have to say, it is the best way
after real conversation with native speakers.
526会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 18:37:52 ID:TUPERU+H

Hi, Kota!
I maybe rent CDs of EMF at Tsutaya.
I want to know your startegies. Teach me, please!
I want to sing! 'Cause I am mass of music.

527名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/24 18:38:05 ID:fKxQLh9Y
I went to a mental hospital for the first time today.
And I was prescribed medecine for my disease.
I take medicine and look forward to being better myself.

I spent a time 5 minutes to write this(´・ω・`)
528暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 18:46:27 ID:/O5nKmpt
As I was going up the hill,
 I met with Jack the piper;
And all the tune that he could play
 Was, 'Tie up your petticoats tighter'.

I tied them once, I tied them twice,
 I tied them three times over;
And all the song that he could sing
 Was, "Carry me safe to Dover'.

529暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 18:50:57 ID:/O5nKmpt
 ふえふきジャックに あったのよ
 "ペティコートを もっときつく"

わたしはしめたわ いっかいにかい
 さんかいまでも しめつけた
 "ドーバーまで だいてって"

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

530会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 18:54:32 ID:/O5nKmpt


I think that has erotic sence.

531名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/24 19:30:12 ID:sZqoll03
532会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 19:33:05 ID:/O5nKmpt
Cheer up! Mental illness is not a shameful thing.
If I have casted a spell, there would be none
without mental disease.
I learned the spell from Vice President Danjiri.
Just mind you that everyone under terrible stress
goes to mentaly ill. (`・ω・´) Chin up!

533会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 19:36:50 ID:/O5nKmpt

>I spent a time 5 minutes to write this(´・ω・`)

You are more rapid than Kaiwachan.

534会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 19:43:45 ID:/O5nKmpt

"Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find;
knock, and the door will be opend to you."

(`・ω・´) Chin up!

535会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 19:45:50 ID:/O5nKmpt

536まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/24 20:10:19 ID:/O5nKmpt


537トントン ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/24 20:14:06 ID:LK1Yf/0y
I will study English today.


538会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 00:20:42 ID:8I2SL3Kz
Hi, Tong Tong!
I know you!


Up to me!
Come on, Honyakuchan!

539翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 00:26:34 ID:8I2SL3Kz

I'll join you. Now chin up, you guys!

540会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 00:32:05 ID:8I2SL3Kz

You tell a lie also today….
I know Tong Tong is not DQN.
He is pretty fellow.
But tonks, Honyakuchan!

541会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 00:35:11 ID:8I2SL3Kz

542R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/25 01:31:49 ID:8JTW74xA
I came to know ban on American beef imports imposed hurt
alot of industies .
When I went to work in a gloom mood as usual today ,
I noticed there were petitions on resumption of
imports of beef in my workplace .
They ask you to sign your name possibly to put pressure on
govement to restart importing beef back to Japan and
want to collect as many sign as possible .

Thank you but No thank you.
I agree with you . but I don't have much interest in music whethere
Japanese or English music .

543名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/25 03:11:50 ID:Ys5u5iVM


> I came to know ban on American beef imports imposed hurt
> alot of industies .
> When I went to work in a gloom mood as usual today ,
> I noticed there were petitions on resumption of
> imports of beef in my workplace .
> They ask you to sign your name possibly to put pressure on
> govement to restart importing beef back to Japan and
> want to collect as many sign as possible .

I've come to realize the ban on American beef imports to Japan are affecting many industries in the country.
When I arrived at my workplace, gloomy as usual, today, I noticed they were collecting a petition for the lift of the ban on U.S. beef.
They are asking people for signatures in a petition book, probably, to press the government to resume importing U.S. beef to Japan.
They want as many people as possible to join in the petition.

Notes to R-type:
1) "Sign" and "signature"are related to each other, but two different words...
2) "Petition" collocates with "for", not "on."
3) "Collect/raise a petition/petitions (for sth)" is the most usual phrase to mean "invite people to sign and join in a campaign for a something."
4) You realized that there was a petition campaign going on in your workplace. Then, it is more appropriate to say "when I arrived..."
than "when I went..." (because, when you saw it, you were already there).

544名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/25 03:17:53 ID:vCIYsjje
I have waked up at midnight again.
Waking up at night,sleeping at morning.
A reversal of lifestyle is bad for my body&mental helth.
I need care.
545コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/25 06:17:59 ID:XUyA5Wkk
゚ ω ゚ )>>544 it is better to work in normal hours.
but if it is hard for you, don't worry. the anxiety makes
it worse. as long as you work regularly everyday, i think
that's ok. i go to bed at 6 or 7 in the morning everyday.

>>526 firstly, you find some songs you really like.
make sure,
1.those are not too fast,
2.you have the lyrics, or can find them on the web.
(3.preferably, the lyrics include complete sentences. )
546会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 18:43:45 ID:8I2SL3Kz
Thank you very kindly!
I think standard numbers are suitable for it.
I like Frank Sinatra.

547暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 18:49:13 ID:8I2SL3Kz
I only memoried the first part of a Mothergoose yesterday.
Wait a minute!

548暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 19:20:05 ID:8I2SL3Kz
My mother said that I never should
Play with the gypsies in the wood,
The wood was dark; the grass was green;
In came Sally with a tambourine.

I went to the sea-no ship to get across;
I paid ten shillings for a blind white horse;
I up on his back and was off in a crack,
Sally tell my mother I shall never come back.

549暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 19:24:42 ID:8I2SL3Kz
もりはくらく くさはみどり

サリー わたしのかあさんにいって

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

550暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 19:29:32 ID:8I2SL3Kz
I think that has image of death.
(´・ω・`) ガクブル

551暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 19:33:17 ID:8I2SL3Kz

×:more rapid than
○:faster than


552名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/25 19:34:07 ID:qzBYDrHs


553暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/25 19:36:10 ID:8I2SL3Kz

×:image of death
○:the image of death

554名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/25 20:13:41 ID:vCIYsjje
I took a medicine for mental illnes at first.
and for a while,I feel dim slightly.
The Anxiety have been little.
555名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/25 20:20:40 ID:jzTplPJk



556R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/26 01:00:25 ID:dyqBG0sO
I had a interview for the first time in 9 months .
I go over a grammatical book
557会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 01:09:23 ID:ACBkSzgy

アー ユー ロッケン ローラー?

558コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/26 01:15:25 ID:AWhUJUFg
゚ ω ゚ )>>551 you can say "quicker" as well.
559会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 01:26:44 ID:ACBkSzgy

Everyone has anxieties. It proves we are living.
Anxieties are not foreign things that must be remove, you know?
And it is impossible to remove them.
You need medicenes, I know. Chin up!

560名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 01:36:16 ID:8Rrpbm72
TOEICどの位の人達なの? このスレ


561会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 01:43:33 ID:ACBkSzgy

"Are what you have in your hand maps?"
"No. These are adult magazines."
"Have you got them now?"
"I picked them up under the bridge."

562会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 01:45:20 ID:ACBkSzgy


563コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/26 01:46:12 ID:AWhUJUFg
゚ ω ゚ )>>560 i think TOEIC doesn't gurantee natural English.
i know quite some people who cannot speak well with a TOEIC score
like 900.
564会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 01:46:56 ID:ACBkSzgy

Ny last score was 440 points.

565コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/26 01:48:13 ID:AWhUJUFg
゚ ω ゚ )>>562 it is sometimes very interesting to check
how two similar words are different. have you got an E-dictionary?
566会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 01:55:56 ID:ACBkSzgy

That's a strange thing!


567名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 01:59:50 ID:8Rrpbm72
568会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 02:00:52 ID:ACBkSzgy


G'night, Kota.
I must go to bed.

569名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 02:46:32 ID:WQG9Ynfj
Please fu※k me
570名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 02:56:29 ID:LsLVvKq2
sorry・・・i can not do that
571コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/26 02:57:49 ID:AWhUJUFg
          ∧  ∧
         (・∀・; )
     . ノハヽ⌒⌒) ) )) カクカク
   ⊂(;´D`; )つ∪ヽ 
572名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 04:33:41 ID:2vk6/zwr
I am tired today.

573名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 04:38:47 ID:3sxaRffg
It's "tired", not "tried"

574会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 14:45:30 ID:ACBkSzgy


575暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 14:47:22 ID:ACBkSzgy

576暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 15:20:27 ID:ACBkSzgy
I won't be my father's Jack,
I won't be my mother's Jill,
I will be the fiddler's wife
And have music when I will.
T'other little tune,
T'other little tune,
Prithee, love, play me
T'other little tune.

577暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 15:24:45 ID:ACBkSzgy
おとうさんこにゃ なりたくないよ
おかあさんこにゃ なりたくないよ
バイオリンひきの にょうぼになりたい
ききたいときに おんがくきくのさ
 きれいなきょくを もうひとつ
 きれいなきょくを もうひとつ
 おねがいあなた ひいてちょうだい
 きれいなきょくを もうひとつ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

578暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 15:57:34 ID:ACBkSzgy

He was unable to get credit at any of the stores.
He has no money, so his creditors will get nothing from him.
My bank says that my credit is £100.
The bank manager is crediting your account with this money.
My brother got no credit for the discovery.
(私の兄弟はその発見を信じてもらえなかった?(´・ω・`)イジイジ )
I was crediting you with good taste.

579暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 16:00:05 ID:ACBkSzgy
580暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 16:18:24 ID:ACBkSzgy

581会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 16:29:04 ID:ACBkSzgy
Chin up! Uncle Mara!

582まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 16:59:56 ID:ACBkSzgy
THE RAILWAY STATION を2回ゆっくり音読しました。


583名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 17:12:40 ID:cTcgVSQX


584TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/26 18:41:51 ID:FqRJfdX7
Hi, Kaiwa-chan.
I also know you.
I think that Kyoumo-Zousui is very good name.




I enjoy studying English.
585TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/26 18:43:29 ID:FqRJfdX7
586名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 20:05:00 ID:3sxaRffg
I went the urology hospital to treat a phimosis.
I thought that it will finish soon.
But Dr said that your phimosis is not unusual medicaly.
So you don't need to do surgical operation.
If you really want to operate,I write an introduction,
go to another hospital.

587TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/26 20:25:46 ID:FqRJfdX7
588名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/26 21:13:10 ID:VpM5+Pm3
Well, that may be true.
Still, if you have ever managed to earn high scores in TOEIC
(or any other English proficiency test), you stand a better chance of
becoming fluent in English than those who haven't.
Active language competence presupposes passive language competence,
not the other way around, at least in the aquisition of a second language.

589会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/26 23:52:35 ID:AU1P8bJy

書名: 自信を持って英作文を教える 
著者: 牧雅夫
出版社: 北星堂書店
ISBN: 4-590-00546-8
価格: 1,300円


590会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 00:23:54 ID:chVb7nfo

Hi, Tong Tong! I'm here!
Thanks for your green tea!

I know Zousui!
Zousui's look in real world looks like as if his mouth is
full of shits. But if you close to Zousui, he is a funny guy.
'Cause his mind is full of anime!
And he was famous Kotehan on Commedy Board.
He is dandy as he says.

591会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 00:29:45 ID:chVb7nfo


592会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 00:50:55 ID:chVb7nfo

>Active language competence presupposes passive language competence,

I think so, too.
No one can use second languages better than one's mother tongue.

593R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/27 00:53:39 ID:VWd/KvWK
The fast food industy is hardest hit by the out break of BSE .
I should've use a English−English dictionary and looked up the word .
594名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/27 01:12:13 ID:/VtXEZ7O
one more chance!
Please fu*k me!
595会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 01:25:54 ID:chVb7nfo

When I was seventeen, my glans suddenly appeared for the first time.
I thought, 'Damn it! The school tour comes soon! If my glans is
looked at glance, they certainly think I am not virgin! Wee!'
So I corrected it with effort. (´・ω・`)

596会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 01:36:08 ID:chVb7nfo

You've got wrong point.

597名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/27 01:46:16 ID:/VtXEZ7O
Oh……my Honey………
598会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 02:01:29 ID:chVb7nfo

Once upon a time there was a knight having a beautiful wife.
He had to go as a crusader. He was afraid of her secret
love affairs.
So he put her on a chastity belt with a guillotine.
And ordered his butler to keep his eyes on her.
He replied, Yes, sir."

When he came back five yaars later, he asked his butler,
"She is safe?"
He replied, "*** ** ****, ***."

599会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 02:03:50 ID:chVb7nfo

600コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/27 02:07:37 ID:rWIe1TAH
          ∧  ∧
         (・∀・; ) too late
     . ノハヽ⌒⌒) ) )) カクカク
   ⊂(;´D`; )つ∪ヽ 
601会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/27 02:13:44 ID:chVb7nfo

×:Yes, sir."
○:"Yes, sir."

×:five yaars later
○:five years later


602TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/27 06:22:57 ID:NvGv/Kuh
Good morning!
603名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/27 06:38:44 ID:W3UABFK7
Hi good mornig!
Have you eaten a breakfast?
604TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/27 06:53:54 ID:NvGv/Kuh
Yes, I have.
I ate apple. It's delicious.

I'm going to go 面接. Chao ノシ

605名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/27 06:54:34 ID:gvTqmch3
606名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/27 10:08:40 ID:3jCBdbgc
607名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/27 10:40:26 ID:v7oFl3T+

608コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/27 10:44:34 ID:i5Hoh7rv
゚ ω ゚ )>>605-606 目指す方向によってかわるともうけど、
609ダイエット ◆ozOtJW9BFA :05/01/27 12:29:08 ID:3jCBdbgc
610605:05/01/27 13:27:46 ID:hxbaZJPv

611コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/28 01:21:00 ID:gx+lfmnE
゚ ω ゚ )>>610 なるほど。言語やるうえで大事なのはとにかく

612コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/28 01:30:20 ID:gx+lfmnE
゚ ω ゚ )>>Kaiwa-chan、about singing.
Pick up your favourite Frank Sinatra's song.
Sing that several times looking at the lyrics.
Find and tell me what consonant is difficult
for you to pronounce. And what is easy for you?
613会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 01:45:56 ID:VD7uVMP6


614名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/28 01:55:25 ID:UIHdpFI8
615コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/28 01:59:06 ID:gx+lfmnE
゚ ω ゚ )>>614 how old are you?
616614:05/01/28 02:08:49 ID:UIHdpFI8
28歳です。 年齢書き忘れてすまそ。。
617会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 02:12:09 ID:yPaUqv2Q

Hi, Kota.
I've lost Strangers in the Night file.
It is hard for me to sing synchronous with CD.
But I try it tomorrow.


618コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/28 02:21:56 ID:gx+lfmnE
゚ ω ゚ )>>616 what did you study at university?

>>617 ok
619コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/28 03:23:59 ID:gx+lfmnE
゚ ω ゚ )>>616 what i can think of now is try some agency
who provide jobs abroad particularly. someone i met at
an english school, was interested in working in the UK
and he tried that sort of agency. I think he got a job.
he was an engineer. so, if you have some sklls, that's
gonna be not that difficult. i think you need some
computer literacy at least.
620名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/28 06:46:49 ID:LIAxnQjo
I wake up at 4:00 recently.
I think waking up early,and going to bed early is
good for mental&phiscal helth.
621会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 14:26:24 ID:yPaUqv2Q

That's right.

622会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 14:33:10 ID:yPaUqv2Q

I think it is hard to work overseas.
You had better work in Japan.

623会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 15:46:09 ID:yPaUqv2Q

That's impossible. 'Cause I live in cheap apartment.
Takahashi living my upper floor is in his room all day and every day.
He was called the organized stalkers in Gyoutoku.
He said I had been listening musics loudly.
But that was not me. Italian Marco who was my neighbor did it.
I think Takahashi planed it out with Marco. They are evil doers.

So I can't sing songs in my room.

624暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 15:49:57 ID:yPaUqv2Q
Wait a minute!

625会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 15:56:44 ID:yPaUqv2Q

×:He was called the organized stalkers in Gyoutoku.
○:He called the organized stalkers of Gyoutoku out.

626会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 15:59:00 ID:yPaUqv2Q

×:Takahashi planed it out with Marco. They are evil doers.
○:Takahashi planned it out with Marco. They are evil doers.

627会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 16:10:40 ID:yPaUqv2Q
Daffy-down-dilly is new come to town,
With a yellow petticoat, and a green gown.

628会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 16:12:39 ID:yPaUqv2Q
すいせんむすめが まちにきた
きいろいスカート みどりのガウン

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

629会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 16:14:02 ID:yPaUqv2Q
Wait a minute!

630会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 16:26:03 ID:yPaUqv2Q
A soul-cake, a soul-cake,
Please, good mistress, a soul-cake;
One for Peter and one for Paul,
And one for the Lord
Who made us all.

631会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 16:29:37 ID:yPaUqv2Q
ソウルケーキ ソウルケーキ
ピーターにひとつ ポールにひとつ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

632会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 16:49:15 ID:yPaUqv2Q

It is a crime to take another man's property.
It would be a crime to let all this food be wasted.
It is very cruel to keep animals without food.
Give the berries a crush with your fork.
This is a machine for crushing grain.
  意味がわからん。脱穀機とは違うのかな?(´・ω・`)イジイジ )
The newspaper got crushed in my handbag.

633会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/28 16:50:19 ID:yPaUqv2Q
634TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/28 18:19:15 ID:MwMDFinG
635会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 00:27:54 ID:j/Tosap5

Hi, Tong tong!
Do you have a contract of cable TV?
The World of Golden Eggs is fun!
That's on air on Kids Station.

636R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/29 00:47:15 ID:v4hGEFUV
Do you go to poll this sunday ?
Election takes place on sunday and your neighboring polling stations
open .
Candidate work harder and harder with the sunday coming .
That's the problem . They are more often stumping around my town and
speaking loudly with speakers mounted on their cars .
that's very annoying and disturbing
Nowadays talking loudly outside is part of thier campaigns to stand out of
other candidates . All candidates engage in this practice during campaign in Japan.
I want to cast my ballot for someone who make a less noise .
637TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 00:48:47 ID:OziDKA1b
Hi, Kaiwa-chan !
No, I don't have contract of cable TV.

Kaiwa-chan is knowledgeable !
This thread is like text of studying English.

I have watched TV・・・TAMORI club.
TAMORI club is very interesting. I like Tamori.

638会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 00:53:54 ID:j/Tosap5
There are Ninjyas still now.
Do you know Yoshiaki Hatsumi?
He is a famous modern Ninjya. He lives in Noda-shi, Chiba.
I've heared his rumors.
He never spares secret Ninja fighting techniques but basic ones.
(`・ω・´) hahaha !(`・ω・´) aha!

639TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 01:00:37 ID:OziDKA1b
Oh !
Modern Ninja ! Cool !
I Googled.
640会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 01:00:51 ID:j/Tosap5

There would be no election at Chiba, R-san.

641コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 01:16:22 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )
642会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 01:20:44 ID:j/Tosap5

Do you know Watching?
That was TV program that treated lives of animals on NHK.
That had many fans. Very nice was that!
Tamori was host of that program.

I like Tamori, too.

643TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 01:24:14 ID:OziDKA1b
・Θ・) コンバンワ
644会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 01:28:00 ID:j/Tosap5

Hi, Kota!

645会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 01:29:05 ID:j/Tosap5
>>Hi,Tong Tong!

646TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 01:34:11 ID:OziDKA1b

Tamori is cool and he is good at cooking.

647TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 01:35:39 ID:OziDKA1b
648TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 01:40:24 ID:OziDKA1b

It is a life television until the morning. 機械翻訳ディス

Today's theme is Education.
649会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 01:50:00 ID:j/Tosap5
Tamori is a man of the world.
He has experienced many Jobs.
He was manager of a bowling alley.
He was a bartender. And so on.

He might learned cooking once.

650会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 01:56:44 ID:j/Tosap5

Honyakuchan says that is Live Till Morning.
But he liar.

651会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 01:59:32 ID:j/Tosap5
I must go to bed.
G'night, Tong Tong.

Keep off colds!

652会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/29 02:02:18 ID:j/Tosap5

×:he liar.
○:he is a liar.

653TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 02:03:18 ID:OziDKA1b
(・ー・)ノシ →G'night Kaiwa-chan !
654コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 02:16:33 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )ノ >>643-644 hiya!
655R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/01/29 02:24:59 ID:v4hGEFUV
I am suprised to hear that . They will take place across Japan this
Election may only be held in toda city , Saitama prefecture.
The one thing I want to note is the coming municipal election
coincides with iraq first ever free election .

How many iraqi overcome intimidation by terrorist , put
their lives on line and go to poll ? Is it worthwhile ?

by the way
I went to ichikawa city chiba prefecture for an interview .
It has a nice river running through the city near the station and
peaceful atomosfere similar to my city before campaign begun .
656TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 02:26:21 ID:OziDKA1b
(・ー・)ノシ hiya ! ←Hiみたいな感じですか?
657コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 02:29:10 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ ) >>656 そうだね。ちょっとくだけたかんじ。
658TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 02:31:31 ID:OziDKA1b

  ( ゙ー') >>657 ふむふむ。勉強になりますなぁ
  | |
659コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 02:39:39 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ ) 町でだれか知り合いをみつけて、自分が先にきづいて、
呼ぶようなときなんかは「hi there!」「hello there!」とかもいうよ。
660TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 02:44:05 ID:OziDKA1b
(b・ー・)b 詳しいっすNE ! このスレできる人多いディス

・Θ・)Hi there !
661コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 02:49:54 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ ) おれのは基本的にイギリス英語だから、
662コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 02:50:48 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ ) >>660 hi there!
663TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 02:52:22 ID:OziDKA1b
664コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 02:55:14 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )>>663 うん。ちがうね。しかも、イギリスのが
665TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 02:59:24 ID:OziDKA1b
・Θ・)>>664 へぇぇ〜。そうなんだー。標準語の人が東北の人の
666コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 03:06:02 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )>>665 たぶんそうだろうね。おれまさに田舎にいたから、
667TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 03:15:57 ID:OziDKA1b
668コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 03:21:02 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )中国人は違法滞在おおいよ。レストランでもまともに

669TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 03:34:14 ID:OziDKA1b


670コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 03:39:58 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )おれは結構保守的というか、
671TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 03:47:07 ID:OziDKA1b
672コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 03:47:22 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )yes!
673TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 03:49:06 ID:OziDKA1b
・Θ・)ノシ オイラも無職だ〜 unemployment だっけ
674コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 03:53:23 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )unempolyment sounds like "shitugyo".
i cannot think of a good word, perhaps it is
something like "a man without a proper job" ...
675コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 03:54:35 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )where do you live, tongtong?
676TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 03:55:25 ID:OziDKA1b
・Θ・)>>674 すげー・・・いやマジで。
677TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 03:59:55 ID:OziDKA1b
678コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 04:02:09 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )>>677 south or north from tokyo?

how is it going? have you found good companies?
679TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 04:07:01 ID:OziDKA1b
north from tokyo.

how is it going? ←これどういう意味ですか?どのように行くか・・・かな?
680コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 04:11:37 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )>>679 (就職活動)うまくいってる?
how did it go? (面接)どうだった?
681TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 04:14:16 ID:OziDKA1b
すごーい。先生だよ〜 →コタミーユたん

How is it going?
How did it go?

682コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 04:19:07 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )実践会話でWHの質問の文を丸暗記しておくと
683TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 04:22:31 ID:OziDKA1b
684TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 04:23:40 ID:OziDKA1b

685コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 04:28:48 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )>>684 i think the same(w.
686TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 04:36:58 ID:OziDKA1b
687コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/29 04:39:22 ID:9Js9tHSq
゚ ω ゚ )who's m-flo?
688TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 04:46:24 ID:OziDKA1b
689TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 06:00:19 ID:OziDKA1b
・Θ・)ノシ まったね〜!バイバーイ
690名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/29 22:02:23 ID:wqxrrb//
Lord of the Ringは字幕ナシじゃさっぱりだった

691TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/29 23:32:18 ID:s2JIGzRC
Challengeすることはimportantだと思う。i think
692名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/29 23:59:51 ID:mPIhoo3j
hi.What music do you all listen?
I know little about music(I don't know how I say Yougaku in English),
but there is one song I love.
That is "No woman,no cry".A song of Bob marley.
I want to use this song in case of my funeral.I love so much this song.
Please try to listen this if you have a time.

693TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/30 00:06:38 ID:McnGQreC
・Θ・)Hi, my favorite music is Alanis Morissette, Avril Lavigne.
I like J-pop, too.
694TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/30 00:14:38 ID:McnGQreC
・Θ・)OK, Bob merley 今度借りてみるぽ
695名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/30 00:19:19 ID:qAJ1bMfQ
hey,check out above HP.It's interesting review of Bob marley.
It's too much to say that "Everybody in the world,,,, "

696会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 00:30:58 ID:c3WtFGfu

I guess R-san got the Soubu Line on.
Along the Soubu Line in City of Ichikawa there is uptown.
Along the Touzai Line in City of Ichikawa there is downtown.
So Gyoutoku is downtown.(´・ω・`)
But there is a merit to live in Gyoutoku.
It's only 30 minutes to go to ootemati.

697TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/30 00:35:09 ID:McnGQreC
・Θ・) >>695 Oh, thanks.  everybody in the world・・・

Hiya! Kaiwa-chan!

寝るね〜。I'm very very tired・・・グナ〜イ
698名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/30 00:52:36 ID:85hffI9y

暇つぶし=killing time (スマステより)

699会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 00:57:36 ID:c3WtFGfu
That group builded by school mates of American School in Japan.

I like Sobakasu by Judy And Mary.

And don't you forget Takeshi Obo.
His Beautiful Wolves is good!

700会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 01:03:51 ID:c3WtFGfu

G'night, Tong Tong.
701会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 01:26:02 ID:c3WtFGfu

Hi, Kota.
Are you an engineer?
What are your major fields?

702会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 01:29:42 ID:c3WtFGfu

703名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/30 02:08:34 ID:shbWfFZG
704名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/30 04:31:02 ID:JfAmE7IB
hi, math guy, u in uk?
me woz stuck in north west 4 a while, back in da last century.
down dere, dere woz tons o' paki n' arabic speakin' folks.
actually, dey 'ad dem own communities 'ere n' dere in da city, wit' mosques n' all.
wen i found meself wandering into one o' dem muslim quarters wit'out knowin' it,
i felt as if i woz in a country different dan britain.
sum o' da locals didn' understand smeggin' english, for smeg's sake!

i meself don' speak (nor write) like dis in reality, but all da people in me ol' neighbourhood
exactly sounded like dis (probably, u got an idea wot kinda community it woz like, eh?).
i (secretly) called deir vernacular thug-talk, on account o' dey talked exactly
like thugs in dem workin'-class soap operas.

lookin' back now, it sure woz kinda scary, but it woz kinda fun to live upstairs o' a cash'n'carry
in a rough neighbourhood (and da shop woz run by a west indian black big fat mama-type woman).
given another chance now, i wudn' dare choose to live dere again...
maybe, dis is wot dey call "'tis sad to get old" kinda mind...

705コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/30 06:40:54 ID:9d/Cd2jr
゚ ω ゚ )>>704 i'm back in japan. you've been to the
UK haven't you. you're right. there are quite many arabic
in the uk. it is personal but i was so annoyed by some arabic.

your old neighbourhood sounds like very american. i have never
been to america. but a friend of mine said there is a place where
you can find two completely different communities separated just
by a road. so i vaguely imagine that.
706コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/01/30 07:00:43 ID:9d/Cd2jr
゚ ω ゚ )>>701 ummm that's a good question.
actually, i can't answer that question not because im writing on the
net but because i don't know the answer. i have got three degrees,
BSc. MSc. and Ph.D. they are all in different fields.
so, my field is highly complex. ummmmmmmm but let me say...
707名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/30 08:34:31 ID:qAJ1bMfQ
How intelligent you are!
you are extraordinary person,are'nt you?
What was subjects that you like and don't in your high school days?
708会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 14:47:37 ID:c3WtFGfu

Hi, Kota!
Three degrees!? 'Tis wonderful!
You win!
But Kainwachan is superman, too.
I can give some moves to my balls by my will!
(`・ω・´) hahaha

709TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/30 14:48:24 ID:UQjDYYXm
I'm, too.
710TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/30 14:49:09 ID:UQjDYYXm
711暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 14:50:50 ID:c3WtFGfu

712会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 14:52:06 ID:c3WtFGfu

Hi, Tong Tong!
713TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/01/30 14:53:42 ID:UQjDYYXm
hiya, Kaiwa-chan. you are cute.
714会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 14:56:59 ID:c3WtFGfu

Back to you!

715暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 15:00:08 ID:c3WtFGfu
Please to remember
The Fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot;
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

716暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 15:02:54 ID:c3WtFGfu

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

717暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 15:06:47 ID:c3WtFGfu
718暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 15:33:09 ID:c3WtFGfu
Christmas comes but once a year,
And when it comes it brings good cheer,
A pocket full of money, and a cellar full of beer.

719暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 15:35:59 ID:c3WtFGfu
クリスマスは ねんにたったのいちどだけ
でもやってくれば もってくる おいしいごちそう
さかぐらいっぱいの ビールもね

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

720名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/30 15:49:13 ID:qAJ1bMfQ

(カイジ風 訳)
721暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 16:07:53 ID:c3WtFGfu

722暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 16:26:20 ID:c3WtFGfu

The sailor gave a cry of pain.
The man in the water is crying 'Help!'
Fear kept the boy from crying out.
The poor boy was having a quiet cry in the schoolroom.
The baby is crying because it is tired.
(赤ちゃんは疲れて泣いている? (´・ω・`)イジイジ )

723暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 16:28:35 ID:c3WtFGfu
>The baby is crying because it is tired.

it = baby でいいの?

724まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 16:29:26 ID:c3WtFGfu

725まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 17:20:11 ID:c3WtFGfu
明日からは THE HOTEL をやります。

726翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/01/30 17:21:30 ID:c3WtFGfu
(*´・ω・`*) Hotel…

727名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/31 02:47:58 ID:P4YM76al
The man who makes them is not merely saying that
the other man's behaviour does not happen to please him.

728名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/31 03:10:14 ID:P4YM76al
729名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/31 03:21:41 ID:SGGdJ83o


the man who makes themのthemがremarksであると分からなければ、訳せませんからな・・・
それに、the manとthe other manが言い争いをしている二者であるという前段の文章が

Now what interests me about all these remarks is that the man who makes them
is not merely saying that the other man's behaviour does not happen to please him.
- C.S. Lewis

730名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/31 11:30:27 ID:oYsxa8hP

731名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/01/31 11:31:50 ID:aaG3Z6CP
732会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/01 00:15:14 ID:+Z1Nib8C

>>727 >>729

733会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/01 00:17:52 ID:+Z1Nib8C

You must eat apple pies everyday.

734暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/01 00:20:44 ID:+Z1Nib8C

735名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/01 00:28:34 ID:sVMyI/3C
Forget that kind of crap
Just learn the grammar first
Or...........eat apple pies.This may work
736暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/01 00:52:01 ID:+Z1Nib8C
737暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/01 01:11:44 ID:+Z1Nib8C

I've got a skill to say what I want to do easily.
This is Mothergoose Power!


738名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/01 01:55:52 ID:mRNjJBY8
739コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/01 02:02:23 ID:Uk/5V+/X
゚ ω ゚ )>>730 roughly speaking, it is a matter of the amount,
how many times/how long you think in english everyday.
you talk to yourself. start with simple words, like
"i'm tired." "i'm sleepy," "ah! i have do ***"
you just need amagingly few words in everyday life.
one of our major problems is the word order. you can
acquire that naturally by simple sentenses.
740名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/01 05:06:07 ID:D7CtyJzO
Hi hi hi, yo'all! G'mornin!
I woke up too early....
What shouid I do like this time?
Jogging...It's too cold outside to jog....
Do breakfast.....It's too early to eat...
741TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/02/01 09:06:42 ID:O9RWt+ke
・Θ・)G'morning. I have eaten breakfast.

742名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/01 10:17:52 ID:D7CtyJzO
How many persons who have a E-dictionary are in this thred?
If you intend to study English seriously,
E-dictionary is a essential tool.
What do you tink about?
743名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/01 17:00:17 ID:nrqfCS4V
Apple pies 4 breakfast!
744会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/01 23:33:13 ID:8bnMnc/u



745会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 00:26:57 ID:D2Sa7Zwg

Hi, Kota!
Why you lived in England?
I think you studied in a university overseas.
For my regret, you were positive not only at daytimes but at nights.
Is that true?

746会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 00:39:00 ID:KPasEDGg

×:Why you lived
○:Why did you live

747会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 00:58:29 ID:KPasEDGg

Hi,740 and Tong Tong!
You are early birds!

My breakfast?
My morning meal is sugars in a canned coffee.

748会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 01:16:00 ID:KPasEDGg

I don't have that.
So I look up words on goo sometimes.

749R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/02 01:26:47 ID:RC/Gk+1i
I also have an electrical dictionary.
Here are reason :
I often study outside of home like at cafe ,so it saves me lugging around
heavy paper dictionary.
E-dictinary take lesser time to look up the word than in paper-made
dictinary .
but I think peper dictinaries have some advantages and
If you look up words in P-dictinary , the words could stay longer
in our minds .
750会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 01:45:35 ID:KPasEDGg

Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me♪
751会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 02:02:30 ID:KPasEDGg
If I were on the trots without tissue in a desert,
a paper dictionary would help me.

So P win!

752会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 02:06:44 ID:KPasEDGg


753名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/02 06:39:10 ID:Xb0gBLnQ
It's fuck'n cold today!!
Stop sowing!browing!
754TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/02/02 08:17:44 ID:69BXEvt+
゚∀゚) fuck'n cold ! fuck'n cold !
755TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/02/02 08:22:36 ID:69BXEvt+
 ´D`) 会話ちゃんいいこと言った
Hi, kaiwa-chan. Canned coffee is too sweet・・・
756会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:04:58 ID:KPasEDGg

Snow flakes are attacks of Winter Queen!
I can feel your pain.
I advice many joblesses to get Oil Fan Heater by credit.
My apartment is built of woods. So it is too cold.
My Air Conditioner was helpless.
Infrared Heaters are also and dangerous. Nearly grilled was I!
So last spring I bought the Heater, which can warm 13-mat room
although my room is 6-mat room.
That is very nice. That has strong power.
And its running cost is less than 2,000 yen a month.

757コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:06:59 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )ノ >>742 SII SR-T7000 is the best one, i think. 
758コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:11:13 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )>>745 originally, i went to the UK for my master degree.
i went onto a phd then and i worked there a bit.
759会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:11:25 ID:KPasEDGg
(`・ω・´) カカカ

760コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:13:54 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )i'll be there for you♪
761会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:19:53 ID:KPasEDGg
Hi, Tong Tong!

Hi, Kota!

762コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:20:18 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )>>761 hiya
763コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:21:30 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )how are you kaiwachan?
764会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:29:19 ID:KPasEDGg

'Tis wonderful!
And your status at night was professor!?
I'm jealous of you!(´・ω・`)

765会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:30:34 ID:KPasEDGg

I'm fine. Thank you.
And you?

766コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:30:50 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )a prophet.
767コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:31:34 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )>>765 alright thanks. what are you gonna do today?
768会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:41:03 ID:KPasEDGg
Prophet in the Bible?
You've got truth from women?

Nothing at all. (´・ω・`)hahaha

769コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:43:06 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )>>768 ask me the same question.
770会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:44:40 ID:KPasEDGg
So I go to call Ankichan….

771コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:46:49 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )come one maraojisan! maraojisan! maraojisan!
772コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/02 15:47:29 ID:YQRWlXyU
゚ ω ゚ )maraojisan! maraojisan! maraojisan!
773会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:49:04 ID:KPasEDGg

Are you angry, Kota?
I appologize.
I eager to post foolish things.

774まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:51:34 ID:KPasEDGg


775暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 15:56:06 ID:KPasEDGg
Christmas is coming,
 The geese are getting fat,
Please to put a penny
 In the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
 A ha'penny will do;
If you haven't a ha'penny,
 Then God bless you!

776暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 16:00:10 ID:KPasEDGg
 がちょうはみんな あぶらがのってる
 このとしよりの ぼうしのなかに
 はんペニイだって かまわない
 あとはかみさまに おまかせだ!

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

777暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 16:06:52 ID:KPasEDGg
 Jenny come tie my,
 Jenny come tie my,
Jenny come tie my bonny cravat;
 I've tied it behind,
 I've tied it before,
I've tied it so often, I'll tie it no more.

778暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 16:11:46 ID:KPasEDGg
 ジェニー むすんで
 ジェニー むすんで
ジェニー むすんで ぼくのきれいなネクタイを
 まえにもむすんで むすびすぎ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

779暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 16:12:57 ID:KPasEDGg
Wait a minute!

780暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 16:38:11 ID:KPasEDGg
I've done it!
781名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/02 16:44:25 ID:JxHyrXNF
782暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 16:53:10 ID:KPasEDGg

I gave her a cup made in China.
There is strong current in this part of the river.
The electric current has been cut off.
He was only voicing the current views about war.

783会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 17:00:22 ID:KPasEDGg

You are welcome!

784まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 17:01:16 ID:KPasEDGg

785まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 17:21:30 ID:dMkfqyt6
THE HOTEL を1回音読しました。

786会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 17:23:07 ID:dMkfqyt6
Do you still go mad, Kota?

787暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 17:28:55 ID:dMkfqyt6
Hi, Kota!
Forgive Kaiwachan from your heart.
Because Kaiwachan is a simple!

788会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/02 23:58:40 ID:B80YlNh2

Hi, Tong Tong!

Yes. I like black coffee very much.
So I've got a trouble with shit. That's a well-known case.
(´・ω・`) hahaha
Canned drink is easy way to get energy.
But it is bad for health.
I have much time, so that I cooked rice for tomorrow's breackfast
also. I will eat it next morning.

789コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/03 04:50:35 ID:z2E6iQC0
゚ ω ゚ )>>Kaiwa-chan 
sorry, i was just off my computer.
790名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/03 14:23:32 ID:lpK5ttB4
I cooked so much Peperonchino that I could'nt eat...
I ate very much....but.....
If there were a girlfriend beside me,
I can share with her.
791名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/04 00:04:58 ID:lpK5ttB4
I have learned twenty-words by heart today.
so I take a shit,and go to bed...
Let's call it a day.
792会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:14:45 ID:+dRWfC4W
Hi, Kota!
Don't mind. I'm sorry.

2ch is Admin Hiroyuki's personal web site. And I play under his eaves.
He desires, "Many peoples are looking here, so you should post only
interested things." I made a hasty conclusions. I read that "funny

I've got just a little bit of jerousy from you.
But I truly respect your intelligence.
So I call you Dr. Kota. OK?

If I would have a moment as if I had lost respects for you,
you should warn to me.
But when I call you Dr. Kota, I'm just kidding.
I know you have big enough vessle for it.

I'm sorry. (´・ω・`)

793会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:27:56 ID:+dRWfC4W
I like pasta, too.
I like Peperonchino and Shoyu and Basil Pasta.
But I don't know how to make Peperonchino.

794会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:37:33 ID:+dRWfC4W

Me too.
My days are the same as yours.

('・ω・`) 人('・ω・`) Sidekick

795会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:40:03 ID:+dRWfC4W
I'll go out till evening.

796会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:42:59 ID:+dRWfC4W

×:interested things
○:interesting things

797会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:45:25 ID:+dRWfC4W

798会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:49:29 ID:+dRWfC4W

×:But when I call you Dr. Kota, I'm just kidding.
○:But when I call you Dr. Kota besides, I'm just kidding.

799会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/04 00:51:35 ID:+dRWfC4W
800名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/04 02:23:48 ID:SUUWiWoZ
Theoretically, there may be many ways to improve your command of English.
I'd like to add another for you:


The site linked to the url above includes revision materials for junior high kids in the U.K.
You can choose and revise math, science (physics, chemistry and biology), English (not as
a second language for non-native speakers, but as the national language for Brits),
foreign languages (French, German and Spanish), history, geography and other subjects.
I think it's a good idea for non-native speakers of English, who badly want to improve their English,
to have a go at secondary education materials actually used in English-speaking countries.
It's something of a total immersion crash course in English.
You have to read and think in English to understand what's written there, whether the material is
about simultaneous equations, chemical reactions, Spanish verb conjugations, or whatever.

Visit the site, and enjoy studying.


801コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/04 11:43:37 ID:GpZypkuI
゚ ω ゚ )
802名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/04 15:11:14 ID:euWIPA7D
It is me who took a shit in front of my house.
I apology to make you all sick.
803名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/04 19:01:46 ID:cnJwCINI
If I will study English foreighn school about three month
how can I speak English well ?

804会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 00:23:06 ID:tmuMJM+3

Hi, Dr. Kota!

('・ω・`) 人('・ω・`) Sidekick
805会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 00:36:36 ID:tmuMJM+3

O! That's very nice!

806名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/05 00:58:38 ID:TvTw2AgR
Can you get a little somethin' got to do
so better believe in yourself
807TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/02/05 01:08:43 ID:wIrkgk/p
´ρ`)ノシ G'night
808会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 01:15:27 ID:tmuMJM+3

I stayed on Oahu Island for five days.
And I stayed at Singapore for a few days.

I think that that short travel have added me something.
So you wouldn't get nothing!

809会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 01:18:47 ID:tmuMJM+3

G'night, Tong Tong!

810会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 01:24:48 ID:tmuMJM+3


811R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/05 02:14:31 ID:bfPn/g+J
I agree with you that the stay in any foreign coutries let us to feel and
learn something more important than foreign language skill , especially for
people of Japan which is very closed coutry
. of course , better you speak
more you would benefit .

This is opinion from people who has never gone out of Japan
812名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/05 02:32:55 ID:yJReF58f
It looks like regulars on this thread with a few exceptions don't care about grammar at all.
TESL teachers would be pleased to see all the fantastically screwed-up Eng"r"ish posts on here,
but it's pretty questionable that this thread can be useful otherwise.
813コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/05 05:19:45 ID:Ij2fKht3
゚ ω ゚ ) no one there♪
814コタミーユ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/05 05:21:43 ID:Ij2fKht3
゚ ω ゚ ) >>812 definitely, useful for us.
815TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/02/05 07:57:44 ID:kpNXrQ8N
・Θ・) no one there♪
816TongTong ◆YODARE6DQE :05/02/05 08:54:33 ID:kpNXrQ8N
817名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/05 15:31:31 ID:Optv3Pvk


818会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 17:01:30 ID:VJ/EhBn6
(`・ω・´) no one there♪
819会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 17:05:13 ID:VJ/EhBn6

"I'll be back!"

820名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/05 17:14:22 ID:LDYc0+g1
821会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 17:47:41 ID:VJ/EhBn6

The E-dictionaries are having some weak points.
I guess there is no fun of wandering about in the dictionary.
'Cause it needs us to take some search steps certainly.
But we can open the paper dictionary at random.

And when I sleep, the E-dictionary is not fit for my pillow.
So the paper dictionary wins!

822会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 17:51:53 ID:VJ/EhBn6

Don't say so…. (´・ω・`)Blue

823暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 17:58:48 ID:VJ/EhBn6
When I was a little boy
 My mommy kept me in,
But now I am a great boy
 I am fit to serve the king;
I can hand a musket,
 And I can smoke a pipe,
And I can kiss a bonny girl
 At twelve o'clock at night.

824暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 18:03:08 ID:VJ/EhBn6
 ぼくは かあさんのはこいりむすこ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

825暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 18:09:06 ID:VJ/EhBn6
The hart he loves the high wood,
The hare she loves the hill;
The knight he loves his bright sword,
The lady loves her will.

826暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 18:11:09 ID:VJ/EhBn6

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

827暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 18:13:30 ID:VJ/EhBn6

First catch your hare.
〔ことわざ〕 (料理の前に)まずウサギを捕えろ,とらぬタヌキの皮算用をするな.

828暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 18:17:42 ID:VJ/EhBn6
If all the world were paper,
And all the sea were ink,
If all the trees were bread and cheese,
What should we have to drink?

829暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 18:20:13 ID:VJ/EhBn6
いっぽんのこらず きがパンとチーズなら

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)
830暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 18:22:21 ID:VJ/EhBn6
Wait a minutes!

831暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 19:03:29 ID:VJ/EhBn6
I've done it!
832暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 19:18:16 ID:VJ/EhBn6

There is no curtain across the window.
(その窓にはカーテンはない?(´・ω・`)イジイジ )
Half of the room is curtained off for use as a bedroom.
The stage was dark when the curtain went up.
There is a curve in the road at that place.
The little cat is curving its tail.
The cupboard has a curved front.

833まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 19:19:48 ID:VJ/EhBn6

834まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/05 19:39:18 ID:VJ/EhBn6
THE HOTEL の1ページ目を10回音読しました。

835名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/06 00:13:22 ID:h+88w1wy
836会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 15:51:50 ID:BxsjLMro
'Flagella' is an important word at joking.

'Membrane' is less important for common people than 'hymen'.
But biology students need the term membrane.

837会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 16:15:56 ID:BxsjLMro
Please teach me, Dr. Kota!

Is milk membrane's another form in English is milk skin?
Or milk film?
'Membrane' looks like 'member'. Same root?

838暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 16:22:52 ID:BxsjLMro
I would, if I could,
If I couldn't how could I?
I couldn't, without I could, could I?
Could you, without you could, could ye?
 Could ye?could ye?
Could you, without you could, could ye?

839暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 16:26:35 ID:BxsjLMro
そうできるんなら そうしたい
もしできないんなら どうできる?
できなきゃできない できるかね?
きみもできなきゃ できぬはず
それともきみは できるのか?
できずにきみは できるのか?

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

840暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 16:30:34 ID:BxsjLMro
Goat milk.
Sheep milk.

Breast milk.

841暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 16:31:54 ID:BxsjLMro

842暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 17:51:45 ID:BxsjLMro

What is the pudding stick?

843暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 18:08:38 ID:BxsjLMro

Put this cushion under your head.
The seats are all cushioned in the theatre.
The police were looking at the cut telephone wires.
(警官は電話線の切れ端を調べていた? (´・ω・`)イジイジ
    the cut telephone wires が良くわからん。オスエテ。 )
The bread was cut by a machine.

844まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 18:16:24 ID:BxsjLMro
845名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/06 18:21:38 ID:ESjxWE9Q
>The police were looking at the cut telephone wires.




846まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 18:40:07 ID:BxsjLMro
THE HOTEL の2ページ目を10回音読しました。

847小野寺成明 ◆kgGdqeAuPI :05/02/06 18:43:34 ID:Pd1JEh4I

SOSを打ちたいのさ 星に向かって
848会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 18:48:40 ID:BxsjLMro


849会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/06 18:51:49 ID:BxsjLMro


850名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/06 18:55:17 ID:hyBBQ21B
pp = past participle
851名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/06 19:06:41 ID:ESjxWE9Q

ただの切れっ端なら、a piece ofかなんか付くんじゃないかな。

あえてそう言いたいなら、cross sectionぐらい入れると思います。

ただのthe cut telephone lineからはそこまで踏み込んでいいものかどうか。


852R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/07 01:54:07 ID:voKSIPUI
I successfully finished the first assignment .
There was a few mistakes to be corrected but
my employer was very pleased with my work .
I can get paid for it .
I've telecommuted since last week using Excel.
My work incledes order data alphabetically .
That require some knowledge about Excel and using
alot of functions . I struggled with it over
the past few days .
I was very nervous when I was waiting for my boss
to give me feedbacks on the work after I E-mailed it to him

853名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 02:39:39 ID:U38Wd2Ce
I've tried that apple pie method but it doesn't seem to be working...
Maybe I need more whipped cream on...
854会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 18:23:37 ID:kuGmelXR




855名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 18:31:15 ID:sH2Yppjc


例えば、the center of gravityとか。重心は1つしかないわけですから。

856会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 18:37:27 ID:kuGmelXR

Hi, R-san!
Have you got some job?
I'm glad also.
I think you've already been a translator, haven't you?

857会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 19:29:38 ID:kuGmelXR

Hi, my love!
Your way make it Apple Cake. But don't worry.
Apple Cake works also.
Because nothing but the apples have that power.

Many states' symbolic fruit is the apple.
And I hit a site below.


858暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 19:45:05 ID:kuGmelXR
The sow came in with the saddle,
The litte pig rocked the cradle,
The dish jumped up on the table
To see the pot swallow the ladle,
The spit that stood behind the door
Threw the pudding-stick on the floor.
 Odd's-bobs! said the gridiron,
  Can't you agree?
 I'm the head constable,
  Bring them to me.

859暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 19:49:53 ID:kuGmelXR
めぶたがくらおき やってきた
こぶたはゆりかご ゆらしてた
さらはテーブルに とびあがり
なべがおたまを のみこんだ
とびらのうしろの やきぐしは
プディング・スティック ゆかにほうった
 なんたるこった! とやきあみがいった

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

860名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 19:57:57 ID:YdcO/2m0

The dish jumped up on the table
さらはテーブルに とびあがり




861会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 20:02:18 ID:kuGmelXR



862名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 20:04:21 ID:YdcO/2m0

863会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 20:28:29 ID:kuGmelXR
×:The litte pig
○:The little pig

up が既に方角を表しているから、jumped up on でも onto でも


864暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/07 20:35:25 ID:kuGmelXR


865名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 21:58:28 ID:U38Wd2Ce
mmm...a hot apple cake with ice cream and whipped cream on it...mmm US of A

I just thought that apple pies hit your brain directly and improve your language skill straight away...
866名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 22:01:01 ID:k1xIAQ1Y

も う 何 を や っ て も 手 遅 れ
867名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 23:15:32 ID:5nFyu+G0
She stopped suddenly.
868名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/07 23:24:32 ID:FLIZVGzm
I am suffering from eczema on my hand...
So I apply a moisture cream,and wear gloves.
Fuck'n itchy!
869会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 13:08:55 ID:pjU1dKqp

Thank you for your warm words.
870名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/08 13:15:37 ID:ij3qaHJQ
871会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 13:19:23 ID:pjU1dKqp
You always make me happy.

872会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 13:39:26 ID:pjU1dKqp

It is never too late to start.
There is full of sunshine over the roaring clouds.
Cheer up together! Rush into under my umbrella!
It will fine soon, lovely!

873会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 13:46:26 ID:pjU1dKqp

So I put new batteries into her.

874名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/08 14:26:38 ID:8SyTx2/T

Is her name Dorami?
875会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 14:35:51 ID:pjU1dKqp

O!You smear the cream on your hands!
Covering your hands with thin cream layer is good idea!
And gloves too!

My niece is suffering from her atopy.
I strongly hope that she will have been as cheer as Sunflowers.
Everyone has someones who worry about one.
Cheer up!

876名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/08 14:48:10 ID:9XRl8vTP
877会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 14:57:04 ID:pjU1dKqp

Her power switch is her tail.

878会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 15:03:50 ID:pjU1dKqp


879暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 15:05:04 ID:pjU1dKqp

880暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 16:49:01 ID:pjU1dKqp
There was a man of double deed
Sowed his garden full of seed.
When the seed began to grow,
'Twas like a garden full of snow;
When the snow began to melt,
'Twas like a ship without a belt;
When the ship began to sail,
T'was like an eagle in the sky;
When the sky began to roar,
'Twas like a lion at the door;
When the door began to crack,
'Twas like a stick across my back;
When my back began to smart,
'Twas like a penknife in my heart;
When my heart began to bleed,
'Twas death and death and death indeed.

881名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/08 16:53:25 ID:K7ATNumW
I'm very inspired by 暗記ちゃん.So I've decided to memorise something too.
But it has to be something I'm really interested and it's comedy.
So I've chosen the script of "Fawlty Towers".
No more apple pies...
882暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 17:02:16 ID:pjU1dKqp

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

883暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/08 17:22:05 ID:pjU1dKqp
I want to see it also.


884R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/09 12:35:43 ID:uNqYFvNc
Hi Kaiwachan . how are you ?

No, My work is far from it , though using English abit .
It's just a simple repetation of copying and pasting of some data
using Excel at first phase .
At second stage , Knowledge of Excel is needed to order data
pasted at first phase as told by my employer .
It' a s boring task but I need to do it to live .
Income from my part time job is insifficient to support myself
and It's working hour is very flexible and varys day by day .
That 7s why I go for that job . I can work anytime as long as
I am at home .
885R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/09 12:37:38 ID:uNqYFvNc
I go to buy beansprouts for my lunch.
886コンジローム暦4年 ◆PARA.YAsoo :05/02/09 12:40:59 ID:gvaaaYiZ
デソイズ ア ペン
887名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/09 12:54:55 ID:Na8XnqCZ

I can use the telephone.

I may use the telephone.

888887:05/02/09 12:55:56 ID:Na8XnqCZ

主語は you ね
889コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/09 13:07:07 ID:SL46g6PO
゚ ω ゚ )>>887 助動詞は状況によりかなり微妙でむずかしい。
890コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/09 13:12:35 ID:SL46g6PO
゚ ω ゚ )すごいformalな状況で、may I use the phone?
891887:05/02/09 13:43:11 ID:Na8XnqCZ

Can の例文では You can use the telephone. が使われてたのよ。
でも May も許可の意味があるから、同じ事かなって思っちゃったよ。
892コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/09 14:03:51 ID:FZaHUnvB
゚ ω ゚ )個人的には「微妙なニュアンス」以上の差があるともう。
may i がいいのは自分がへりくだってるからね。
you mayは相手に言うのだから、ちょっとえらそうというか堅すぎる

893名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/09 18:27:12 ID:c8Ir8j8V
Hello,Hello,Hello and Hello
I can write some of them here but since "Fawlty Towers" is a TV sitcom,the script mostly consists of dialogues.
I think I should find something more suitable for memorizing.
Perhaps you could recommend me something?
Anyway I'll go to the library later and look for something interesting.
Shakespeare,maybe?......no,I don't think so...
894会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 19:51:39 ID:6A5BA9xe

Oh, I'm sorry.
Your TOEIC score is over 900 points. But you've not got your fitting job.
And although I am a certified network engineer as CCNP, I'm a jobless
still now.

Something has gone wrong in Japan.

895会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 20:01:41 ID:6A5BA9xe

Manami Honjyou likes Bean Sprouts.

896会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 20:03:42 ID:6A5BA9xe

Hi, Boy!

897名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/09 20:17:17 ID:8vAGDrI5

Please tell me how do you say "ニート" in English? "Neat"? "Neet?"
My dictionary doesn't describe that wird.
898名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/09 20:18:43 ID:8vAGDrI5
↑ wird ⇒word
899会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 20:36:21 ID:6A5BA9xe


店員→客  人間→神  など

But Dr. Kota….
Haven't you used may to professors, have you?

900会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 20:40:28 ID:6A5BA9xe

NEETとはNot in Employment, Education or Trainingの略。

901897:05/02/09 20:44:44 ID:8vAGDrI5
902名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/09 20:47:07 ID:8vAGDrI5

1 きちんとした,小ぎれいな;〈人が〉きれい好きな,きちょうめんな;〈服装が〉小ざっぱりした.⇒ORDERLY〔類語〕

2 《通例限定》〈物の〉(外観・デザインなどが)品のよい,あか抜けした,すっきりした

3 《米話》すばらしい,すてきな,すごい(great, wonderful)

4 《通例限定》〈事の〉(性質・表現・やり方などが)巧妙な,手ぎわのよい,器用な;適切な

903会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 20:49:19 ID:6A5BA9xe

I dost not recommend Shakespeare's plays to thee.
Let's memorize Mother Goose rhymes together.

904暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 20:53:20 ID:6A5BA9xe


905暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/09 22:05:28 ID:6A5BA9xe

906名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/09 22:19:40 ID:nf3oFjRe

907コタ ◆DIY33IF3fg :05/02/10 01:25:42 ID:o9ezrbXh
゚ ω ゚ )>>899 never. if you are talking to your supervisor,
"can i" is even too polite sometimes.
908名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/10 06:35:24 ID:DwzLVREK
"To be or not to be, that is the question,isn't?"

Mother Goose sounds extremely boring...
The reason I've decided to memorize something is for brainstorming for one.
And also I realized that I haven't memorized anything since I left the school.I hardly write anything nowdays...
Do you know that feeling when you memorize something,your brain gets hotter?
It's simply a pain in the ass.So I believe memorizing something uses your brain big time.
I want to challenge the limit of human ability in many ways...or at least I don't want to waste it...

Anyways,,,,I've found a Japanese poetry book that's already translated into English and picked up on of the shortest ones!(because I have to memorize it...)
909名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/10 06:35:56 ID:DwzLVREK
Afternoon sun shines
on white curtains
of my hospital room.
Like a classroom.

When I was in Junior High
my favourite English teacher
erased the chalk on the board and
books under his arm
left the classroom with afternoon
sun on his shoulders.

I'd leave life like that
wiping out everything with one swing
saying 'So.'
910名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/10 21:46:14 ID:xnIPC/S+
911会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/10 22:57:07 ID:cXJsC05Z

Are you against to memorize Shakespeare's lines?

912名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/10 23:25:26 ID:3ouvQ73X
Hi! everybody. My name is chu-ta.
I'm living on my own and part-time jobber(freeter) as "sokobebaito"('A`)
But I sometimes go about getting a job to be IT engineer.

My English skill is as same as junior high-schooler.
This thread is very nice. It may be funny for me to do English writing skill-up

See you

913887:05/02/10 23:41:34 ID:2krro3Kk

He'll arrive tomorrow.
I'll go with him.
Will it rain tomorrow?
Will you draw the curtains?
Will you marry me?

914会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/10 23:59:53 ID:cXJsC05Z

Tonks, Dr. Kota!

915名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/11 00:55:50 ID:ZGdJzCxT
916会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 01:00:36 ID:AIznfhvN

Hi, nice to meet you, Chuuta!
How do you do?

>But I sometimes go about getting a job to be IT engineer.

What type of engineer do you want to become?


917chu-ta:05/02/11 03:17:34 ID:dW1w4/2V
>What type of engineer do you want to become?
I think i want to be a web programer.
so I'm studying Java now and addicted to the weblog!!

Say!! u are always shobo-n?
The time that your face changes (`・ω・´) from shobo-n is coming someday?
918名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/11 03:36:31 ID:R+28cMAf
I chose a little longer one today...

Walking out of town a man
quietly trikes a match.
When the child finally sleeps
its mother takes it away.

Three times the night questions.
No one answers.
Seeing the silence off guard
a tree screams.

Somebody scurries by.

Everyone knows. Every one
exept the night.
Puzzled it persists: who?
Who? No answer. No...
And in that silence the questioner
too is lost.
919会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 12:24:42 ID:JY/b7LhK
>>908-909 >>918

Whoes poem that is?

920会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 12:26:24 ID:JY/b7LhK


921会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 12:32:44 ID:JY/b7LhK
>>915 は中国のエロサイト。危険。

Warning! You must not click the link!

922会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 12:35:12 ID:JY/b7LhK

I'm (`・ω・´)シャキーン today.

Everyday (`・ω・´)シャキーン!

923暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 12:44:31 ID:JY/b7LhK
I saw a fishpond all on fire
I saw a house bow to a squire
I saw a parson twelve feet high
I saw a cottage near the sky
I saw a balloon made of lead
I saw a coffin drop down dead
I saw two sparrows run a race
I saw two horses making lace
I saw a girl just like a cat
I saw a kitten wear a hat
I saw a man who saw these too
And said though strange they all were true.

924暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 12:51:02 ID:JY/b7LhK
いけをみかけた かじでもえてた
いえをみかけた だんなにおじぎしていた
ぼくしをみかけた せたけ十二フィートの
のうかをみかけた なまりでできてた
おかんをみかけた おちてしんでた
二わのすずめをみかけた かけっこしていた
二とうのうまをみかけた レースあんでた
むすめをみかけた ねこそっくりの
こねこをみかけた ぼうしかぶってた
おとこをみかけた わたしとおんなじものをみかけた
おとこはいった みんなほんとだ

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

925暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 12:57:01 ID:JY/b7LhK
Upon Paul's steeple stands a tree
As full of apples as may be;
The little boys of London Town
They run with hooks to pull them down:
And then they run from hedge to hedge
Until they come to London Bridge.

926暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 13:00:17 ID:JY/b7LhK
セント・ポールのとうのうえ きがいっぽん
りんごをとったら かきねからかきねへといちもくさん

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)
927暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 13:08:02 ID:De1ki2RX
There was an old woman
 And nothing she had,
And so this old woman
 Was said to be mad.
She'd nothing to eat,
 She'd nothing to wear,
She'd nothing to lose,
 She'd nothing to fear,
She'd nothing to ask,
 And nothing to give,
And when she did die
 She'd nothing to leave.

928暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 13:11:59 ID:De1ki2RX

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

929暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 13:45:40 ID:De1ki2RX

Make it shorter by cutting an inch or two off.
The cook has a cutter for making small cakes.
I got a cut on my arm in the fight.
The dress is badly cut though the cloth is good.
Judging by the cut of his coat, he isn't English.
The government has made a cut in the price of wool.
All these cuttings are about my son's book.

930まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 14:09:15 ID:De1ki2RX
931名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/11 14:15:47 ID:vFR2E5lP
Hi my name is rin. I'm study english everyday.Because i want to go colleage school.But my ability is very low. とここまで打ってみて限界…まじ頭悪いんですが、よろしくお願いします。文章の誤りなどのご指摘もよろしくお願いします。
932まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 14:38:30 ID:De1ki2RX
THE HOTEL を1ページ、10回音読しました。


933まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/11 14:43:21 ID:De1ki2RX


934名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/11 17:31:24 ID:FmdYQMsT
I have been 無職
935名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/11 20:43:31 ID:wP+GpBnn
I would like to 就職
936R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/12 01:48:34 ID:EGNaUXya
I may suffer Sleep apnea syndrome .
I have a few symptoms of the disease .
How long have you been out of employment ?
hello work
Many people this board agree with you.
We have motivation to work but can't .
Maybe , we are too selective .
937名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/12 03:22:57 ID:qgDo3umU

> Maybe , we are too selective .

Beggars can't be choosers.
Appreciate what you've got, and be content and happy with what you can get when you can get it.
Here's what you gotta do. Take a deep breath, and talk yourself into accepting that
there's no point in you making believe you can make it when you don't even have a chance of one to gazillions.
When you can't seem to make it, it's a very good idea to let your life take its own natural course.
Hang on to your dead-end temp job with all of your might, and take up a little hobby that lets you take your
mind off your unhappiness. That's something they call "growing up."
938名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/12 17:22:43 ID:rC50Ln9x
909="Black Board" by Takami Jun. 918="Night" by Nakae Toshio

It seems that you are studying so hard...but, do you exercise at all?
You need to keep your body fit when you study hard. I myself swim 3,4 times a week.
Balance is very important.
939名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/12 17:25:05 ID:rC50Ln9x
The dark train has left
taking as if erasing all
the few silent travellers.

The newsstand is closed.
Vacant platform at night.
Even the swallow's nest is empty.
The lights extinguished
the railway men gone.
For some reason I am still here alone.
A dry wind blows;
dust billows on the dark platform.
That train will never come again.
No point in waiting.
It will never come
I know it.
Knowing it I can not leave.
I need to know death.
I stand in a nothingness worse than death.

Rails glisten like sharp knives
but since the train will never come
I can't die on the rails.
940今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 19:35:25 ID:+gR29SwC
Hi, Boy!

I know your pain.

941今日も雑炊 ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 20:11:39 ID:+gR29SwC

I think you had better go to hospital.

But I know it is hard for everyone who is under stresses gets
deep sleep.
I lay on my right side and go into sleep.
'Cause this is the right sleep position from the medical point
of view.

942会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 20:16:34 ID:+gR29SwC

> Maybe , we are too selective .

This makes it hard to sleep!

943会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 20:52:42 ID:+gR29SwC

Don't forget the direction of your port!
But never sink your ship! 'Tis storming now.
The first thing to do is to believe yourself!
Nobody knows days after tomorrow!

944会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 20:56:48 ID:+gR29SwC

I'll restart the jogging routine.

945会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 21:04:20 ID:+gR29SwC


946まら騒ぎ ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 21:06:15 ID:+gR29SwC

That must be Hideo Oguma's poem.

947暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 21:07:51 ID:+gR29SwC
Godaigo's lyric!(`・ω・´)

948まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 21:10:57 ID:+gR29SwC

949934:05/02/12 22:13:50 ID:un0nxleL
>>936 seven years orz.......
950まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 22:29:51 ID:+gR29SwC
You don't have to be a ginius to play chess.


951まらおじさん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/12 22:31:18 ID:+gR29SwC

Cheer UP!

952名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/12 22:57:05 ID:CKmgnjkA
seven years in Tibet
953名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/12 23:16:32 ID:7TV7nDyj
I'll die any more
954名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/13 01:08:28 ID:2ABUxPQB
>>944 Good!

"Train That Will Never Come Again" by Takami Jun
955名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/13 01:12:16 ID:2ABUxPQB
When the TV set got stolen from Beavis and Butt-Head's house,
Butt-Head calmly said;

"This sucks more than anything has ever sucked before..."
956R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/13 01:21:40 ID:FZlVph9s
Stress or anxiety may not make me show symptoms like daytime sleepiness
and seem little to do with it . I learned that
sleep apnea syndrome is not stress-related disease .
but I know I am more vulnerable to stress and poor at
stress-management .
Anyway , I should see a doctor
957R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/13 01:36:30 ID:FZlVph9s
I am not still at this stage .
958会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/13 21:53:19 ID:KTuQx/gh
959名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/14 16:35:41 ID:3C//Vx4y
I quite like this one.
Because the world itself loves me
(cruelly at times gently)
I can always be gone

Even when first I was given another
all I could hear was the world,its voices;
for me thereare only the simple griefs and joys
I belong always and only to the world

Sky trees earth's flood of people
into these I leap
and that richness is me

But turn me to one person singly
...the whole world fades
there is no me
960会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 20:46:36 ID:upc16p9r

We must creep towards Tomorrow!

961まら騒ぎ ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 20:57:31 ID:upc16p9r

Do you like his poetries?
He had gone to Heaven.
His son-in-law is Hiroshi Hase.

962会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 21:09:30 ID:upc16p9r
sack はえろい意味ではなく、ののしる意味なんだろうな。

Do you know Little Pussy?
Do you know Sopranos?
Is this fan?

963名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/14 21:16:34 ID:3C//Vx4y

"No.62" by Tanikawa Shuntaro
964会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 21:32:00 ID:upc16p9r

>but I know I am more vulnerable to stress and poor at stress-management .

Me too.

965まら騒ぎ ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 21:40:56 ID:upc16p9r

Porno Bach.

966会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 21:46:48 ID:upc16p9r
I've got a job.
So I will come here at night from tomorrow.

967名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/14 21:52:30 ID:3C//Vx4y
>>966 Well done!

Don't forget,,,balance
968暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 21:56:07 ID:upc16p9r
If all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!
If all the trees were one tree,
What a great tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
What a great man he would be!
And if the great man took the great axe,
And cut down the great tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
What a splish-splash that would be!

969暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 22:03:34 ID:upc16p9r

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

970会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 22:12:41 ID:upc16p9r

Without your help, I must be lost.
So I will help someone.

971暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 22:16:40 ID:upc16p9r
 Baby and I
 Were baked in a pie,
The gravy was wonderful hot.
 We had nothing to pay
 To the baker that day
And so we crept out of the pot.

972暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 22:20:23 ID:upc16p9r
あかちゃんとわたし なべからはいだした

(谷川俊太郎さん 訳)

973暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/14 22:21:47 ID:upc16p9r
974名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/15 18:54:45 ID:0bwn435+
975名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/15 21:20:54 ID:jpwTYoUs
What is your conclusion in those days,as a NEET?
976暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/16 00:26:38 ID:LzTd7Nl8

That is as fast as bilingual news' speed in English on NHK TV.

You know, your familiar phrases with high speed is easy to see
than unfamiliar ones with slow speed.

977暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/16 00:44:33 ID:LzTd7Nl8

No. I was not a neet but a jobless.
I have an illusion, that I was in the plot of Oneesama(Expert Ladies.)

978暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/16 00:46:51 ID:LzTd7Nl8
979会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/17 01:34:14 ID:tZmHBo9N
980会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/18 01:27:24 ID:hAjgqboJ
981名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/18 02:37:11 ID:LuUbUXsM
What kind of job have you got, Anki-chan?
982名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/18 02:40:08 ID:FmI0M2st
Why don't you get a job?
983名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/18 09:39:36 ID:1UoxjCmZ
I lovo you.
984名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/18 17:07:46 ID:FmI0M2st
My mother is also crazy in "Korean movement".
Hey Mam,,,How many times have you watched the movie?
Is it enough?Why do you watch the same movie again and again.
Are you satiated?
985R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/18 21:51:08 ID:KVnlpXzT
Waitress could get fired by puting on pounds stipulated in
employment condition.
986名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/18 21:54:20 ID:vFabsJ9+
987R-typeδ ◆adGyIb9mrY :05/02/19 00:56:17 ID:l/Ox17RQ

what set off so-called Korean trend - korean movie , drama , actor
for South Korea ?
why not North Korea ?
988暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 01:13:08 ID:RAtWBqbK
I can't say that. I have a duty to keep it secret.


Tonks. I want to taste your left nipple!

989名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/19 01:19:25 ID:aLhgXbh3
俺「Will you marry me?」

彼女「No,I won't」
990暗記ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 01:27:16 ID:RAtWBqbK
There is no stable work these days.



991名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/19 10:01:44 ID:1afKVfDT
Hikikomori is not otaku.
992会話ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 16:29:39 ID:RAtWBqbK
Everyone has Otaku mind.
What do you like?

993翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 17:10:17 ID:RAtWBqbK

Although it comes a breaking up next year, it never be in vain.

994翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 17:12:08 ID:RAtWBqbK
(*´・ω・`*) Chiaki Senpai….

995翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 17:25:31 ID:RAtWBqbK

I see. You I know have been full of Chiaki….

996翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 17:59:41 ID:RAtWBqbK

My Oboe had always been with me.
I had always cared for you, and always you sounded wonderful.
I was untruthful for you. I've lost myself with love.
What a greenhorn….

997翻訳ちゃん ◆bKaGbR8Ka. :05/02/19 18:31:17 ID:RAtWBqbK

Even though the miserable loss of that competition,
Chiaki and other all members of this orchestra still
trust me. I will win out!

998名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/19 18:32:47 ID:M6qPZe9z
I know what you talk about..
999名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/19 18:48:52 ID:VZZ3GPwP
Nodame sucks Chiaki's cock. Even Chiaki,control freak,can't stop rising tide of feeling .Then he explode white anger on NogaMe's face.
1000名無しさん@毎日が日曜日:05/02/19 18:50:54 ID:M6qPZe9z
Have they done?