
1えなり ◆BPXJgK98eY
2白 木 大 輔  ◆HeDIE.24Nw :03/04/11 02:15
へ ー い
3白 木 大 輔 :03/04/11 02:16
上 等 だ よ …
5えなりかずき ◆kIdE2NjnL6 :03/04/11 02:28
         \      DQNと言えば?         /ナンダコイツ    キモイモナー     ウザァァッ
          \        ∧_∧ ∩糞コテだろ!/  ∧_∧     ∧_∧      ∧_∧
自治スレに紛れ込んで      ( ・∀・)ノ______  /  ( ;・∀・)    (; ´Д`)    (´Д`; )
     たって ∧ ∧\    (入   ⌒\つ  /|. /  ⊂   ⊂ )    ( つ ⊂ )    ( ⊃   ⊃
         (゚Д゚ )_\    ヾヽ  /\⌒)/  |/     〉 〉\\   〉 〉 く く   //( (
     / ̄ ̄∪ ∪ /| .\  || ⌒| ̄ ̄ ̄|    /     (__) (_)  (_.)(_)  (_) (__)
   /∧_∧またですか・・・\    ∧∧∧∧ /         『板の寄生虫・糞コテ』
  / (;´∀` )_/       \  < 糞 ま > キャラネタ板で起きた揉め事のうち、9割にあたる
 || ̄(     つ ||/         \< コ     > 2万4574件に糞コテが関わっている。
 || (_○___)  ||            < テ た > そのレベルの低さは2年連続全板中最低。
――――――――――――――― .<か   >―――――――――――――――――――――
         ∧_∧  糞コテ同士で  < !!   >    ∧_∧プッ ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ( ;´∀`)人生相談してる…∨∨∨ \  ( ´∀`)  (´∀` )<存在価値ゼロ(藁
    _____(つ_ と)___       ./      サ\(    )__(    )  \________
 . / \        ___ \アヒャ  /  ∧_∧ ナ\ ∧_∧   ∧_∧  ̄ ̄ ̄/.//|
 .<\※ \____.|i\___ヽ.アヒャ ./γ(⌒)・∀・ ) ダ  \   ;) (     ;)   / ┃| |
  ヽ\ ※ ※ ※|i i|.====B|i.ヽ  /(YYて)ノ   ノ 虫   \↑ ̄ ̄↑\)_/     |__|/
    \`ー──-.|\.|___|__◎_|_.i‐>/ \  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\め     \糞コテ | | ┃
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|. | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| / ||ヽ|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ! !       \   .|_)
8泉ピン子:03/04/11 02:33
9えなりかずき ◆kIdE2NjnL6 :03/04/11 02:40
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ア´,ヘ ゙ヘ +                       ,,,,,=='''''
         ノ〈(r'ノハ))〉 +    ,,,,,==''''''==,,        ,,,,,=='''
        〃 リ゚ ヮ゚ノ(   ,,,,,=='''''     ='''     ,,,,,=='''''
     +  (((⊂iフ采i⊃╋''''''         '''==,,,,,,==''''
 +      )' )く/Yノ  +
   +     (/(ノ +

>>3     ダメです! そんなことをしていてはリストラされてしまいます!
>>4     妄想は人生を踏み外す第一歩です! 現実を見なさい!
>>5     頭を丸め日本列島に土下座するべきです!
>>9     あなたのお部屋に個人的に参上!
>>10-76  サブリミット・エスカレーション!
>>77     あっ、やぁ! ひっ、痛い!
>>78-999  ビート・エンド・エスカレーション!!
>>1000   正義の勝利です!
14山崎渉:03/04/17 12:57
15山崎渉:03/04/20 02:38
  (  ^^ )< ぬるぽ(^^)
16以上、自作自演でした。:03/04/20 11:47

       ノ⌒ 丿
    _/   ::(
   /     :::::::\
   (     :::::::;;;;;;;)_  
   \_  /`  ´\::::\     
   ノ ̄  -・=-  -・=- :::)    
  (     ⌒ ) ・・)'⌒;;;;;;人   
 / ̄――┏━━━┓::::::::::\
(      ┃ノヨョヨコ.i ┃::::::::::::::)
17以上、自作自演でした。:03/04/20 12:29
18以上、自作自演でした。:03/04/21 20:33
19以上、自作自演でした。:03/04/25 10:09
20以上、自作自演でした。:03/04/28 10:30
21以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/01 13:11
22以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/04 17:55
23以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/04 18:12
24以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/07 11:52
25ずき ◆zuki/rQ.O. :03/05/11 20:20
26以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/13 12:46
28以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/17 21:46
30以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/22 10:07
31以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/27 16:55
( ´
32山崎渉:03/05/28 11:29
ピュ.ー (  ^^ ) <これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  =〔~∪ ̄ ̄〕
  = ◎――◎                      山崎渉
33 ◆UvjdF2XqhI :03/05/29 08:53

35以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/30 21:52
36以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/30 22:10
37山崎­渉:03/05/31 14:33
   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ^^ )< これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  (    )  \________________
  | | |
  (__)_)                        山崎モナー
38以上、自作自演でした。:03/05/31 15:26
40以上、自作自演でした。:03/06/08 15:29


45以上、自作自演でした。:03/06/27 09:51
46以上、自作自演でした。:03/06/28 09:57
47以上、自作自演でした。:03/06/28 09:57
49以上、自作自演でした。:03/07/05 13:37
52えなり:03/07/14 11:46
53山崎 渉:03/07/15 11:08

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
54以上、自作自演でした。:03/07/15 14:14

55以上、自作自演でした。:03/07/22 04:33
56以上、自作自演でした。:03/07/22 04:34
57以上、自作自演でした。:03/07/22 09:02
59以上、自作自演でした。:03/07/25 09:27
63山崎 渉:03/08/02 01:54
64以上、自作自演でした。:03/08/02 13:07

66以上、自作自演でした。:03/08/09 13:54
69山崎 渉:03/08/15 14:55
   │ ^ ^ │<これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  ⊂|    |つ
   (_)(_)                      山崎パン
70以上、自作自演でした。:03/08/16 20:04

71以上、自作自演でした。:03/08/23 13:21
72 ◆nT/G58.z2k :03/08/30 01:57
73 ◆ez7KZzrvPk :03/09/05 10:27
74以上、自作自演でした。:03/09/05 10:35

75以上、自作自演でした。:03/09/10 22:35
                            ,iill゙゙lli, ,iilllllli,、
  .,,,,,,,,,,,i,、   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,        ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,!l,,,,,,l!,,゙li,,,,,l!″.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,、    _,,,,,、
  .,il゙ ̄.,ill゜   ,il゙ ̄: ,ll゜       .,ll′    .゙゙llllllllllll: ゙”’.,,illl゙゙,,,,,,,, `゙゙゙゙li,,: .,illlll゙゙゙ll″
 .,il゙  ..ll!゜   .il″ .lll        l!lllllllllllllllllllllllii   lll  ,,illlllll゙゙゙ ゙̄lli、  lll.,ll゜ .,il°     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
: .il!′ .ill°  ,ll゜  .,ll゚,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,      ,ll  ,il″,illil゙`   .,,l!′ ,,ll,il° .,ll゜    /        U    \
..ll!′ .,ll″  ,il″ .,ll,l!”””””””””゙ll゙      ,il゙  .,il゙  .”″  .,,ll゙° ,,,lll゙゚,il° .,ll′   /  U               ヽ
,lll,,,,,,,,,ll°  .,ll  .,i!llll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,il″    ,i!゙  ,,i!°    .,,lll゙` ,,,lll゙゙` .,il° .,ll:    l:::::::::     \,, ,,/       .|
゙゙゙゙゙” ̄   .,,i!゙  .,,l!°: : : : : : : : : :     ,,ll゙°.,,ll゙`    ,,ill゙’.,,,lll゙゙`  .ill  ill     .|::::::::::  |||(●)     (●)   |
     ,,,lll゙’ ,,,lll゙°              ,,,,lll゙’ ,,,lll゙°   .,,ill゙゜ .゙!llllllllllll! .,il° ,il゙     |::::U::::::::::   \___/     |
: ,,,,,,,,,,iilllll,,,,llllll゙゙`             ,,,,,,,iillll,,,,,lllll゙゙°   ,,ill゙゜     .,i!’ ,ll゜ .,ll′    ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ
`゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙ ̄                ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙ ̄       .'゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゜ .:゙゙゙
77以上、自作自演でした。:03/09/16 15:42
78(○)     (○):03/09/22 16:31

79 ◆t9jRs5rzLw :03/09/27 17:45
80 ◆aOLjRoi1zs :03/09/28 00:38
81 ◆XuUu4Ru5QE :03/09/28 00:41
ウンコマン           VS             酒鬼薔薇
( ・∀・)∩ ウンコビ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ム  > ( ´_ゝ`)   

( ・∀・) ニヤニヤ                       ≪ 煤i: ´_ゝ`)≫ ビリビリ

(;・∀・)                              ( ´_ゝ`)  

・゚・(ノД`)・゚・うわぁぁん                      ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ

 (ノД`) !?                             煤i: ´_ゝ`)ウ・・・

ヽ( ・∀・)ノ ウンコー                        ヽ(・∀・ )ノ ウンコー
84以上、自作自演でした。:03/10/16 08:50

88えなりかずき:03/11/01 17:33
何か質問はありますか? 僕でよければ答えますよ。
89えなりかずき:03/11/01 17:39
       ノ⌒ 丿
    _/   ::(
   /     :::::::\
   (     :::::::;;;;;;;)_  
   \_  /`  ´\::::\     
   ノ ̄  -・=-  -・=- :::)    
  (     ⌒ ) ・・)'⌒;;;;;;人   
 / ̄――┏━━━┓::::::::::\
(      ┃ノヨョヨコ.i ┃::::::::::::::)
92以上、自作自演でした。:03/11/13 09:57
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 1
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 2nd $6,800, 3rd $3,740, 4th $2,040, 5th $1,020
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:31 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Four Alert (Migliore, R.) 120 L bc 8 9 10 8-1/2 6-1/2 1-3/4 5.20
1 Spooky Mulder (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 5 4 2-Head 2-Head 1-Head 2-Neck 2.30*
9 Classy E. T. (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L bc 9 2 6-1 1/2 5-Head 3-Head 3-1 3/4 4.20
6 Tarakan (Castellano, J.) 120 L b 7 3 4-3 1/2 3-1/2 2-1/2 4-3/4 19.60
3 Love Less (Prado, E.S.) 117 L b 2 7 3-1/2 4-2 4-1/2 5-3/4 5.20
5 Imprints in Gold (Castillo, Jr., H.) 120 L b 4 6 5-Head 6-2 1/2 7-2 6-1 1/2 4.50
1A Deputy Champ (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L b 6 10 7-2 1/2 7-Head 8-Head 7-1/2 2.30*
11 Cardinal Ryan (Gryder, A.T.) 120 L 10 1 9-2 9-Head 9-1 8-1/2 18.20
2 Jimmie J (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 L bf 1 8 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 5-Head 9-1 1/4 20.00
4 Beyond Chance (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L 3 5 8-Head 10 10 10 36.00
Fractional Times: 22.10, 45.41, 58.34, 1:11.67

Winner: Four Alert - Chestnut Horse, May 12, 1997
Bred by John Franks in FL
Pedigree: Gold Alert - Beth's Song , by Quadratic
1 claimed
horse(s): Imprints in Gold:
New Owner = The Yo Bet Stables; New Trainer = Frank LaBoccetta, Jr.

Claiming Prices: $35,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Jeeves, Smokieisabandit
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $40,000
Value of Race: $40,000 1st $24,000, 2nd $8,000, 4th $2,400, 3rd $4,400, 5th $1,200
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:56 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1A Act of Reform (Castellano, J.) 120 L f 5 9 8-3 7-Head 5-Head 2-Head 1-Nose 1.10*
7 Catlike Move (Gryder, A.T.) 120 L b 8 1 5-Head 6-1/2 4-Head 5-5 2-Neck 5.90
2 DQ-Harley Quinn (Chavez, J.F.) 120 L f 2 7 1-Head 2-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 3-3/4 2.15
5 Beau Tie (Espinoza, J.L.) 117 L b 6 6 6-1 5-1/2 6-1/2 4-Head 4-1 1/2 11.50
1 It's So Simple (Prado, E.S.) 120 L f 1 8 3-Head 1-1/2 2-1 3-1/2 5-5 1/4 1.10*
6 Molino Rosso (CHI) (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L bc 7 3 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 3-Head 6-1/2 6-2 13.20
3 Whitewaterspritzer (Baze, M.C.) 113 L f 3 4 2-Head 3-Head 7-6 7-3 7-2 33.00
4 Suave Devil (Thornton, T.) 109 L b 4 5 7-1 8-5 8-6 8-8 8-11 1/2 24.25
8 El Caurel (ARG) (Smith, A.) 120 b 9 2 9 9 9 9 9 74.75
Fractional Times: 23.28, 46.26, 1:11.11, 1:37.49

Winner: Act of Reform - Bay Horse, April 18, 1998
Bred by Ben P. Walden Jr., Dale V. Nelson & John Grandquist in KY
Pedigree: Lit de Justice - Bionic Soul , by Bionic Light
Claiming Prices: Act of Reform: $50,000; Catlike Move: $50,000; Harley Quinn: $50,000; Beau Tie: $50,000; It's So Simple: $50,000; Molino Rosso (CHI): $50,000; Whitewaterspritzer: $45,000; Suave Devil: $40,000; El Caurel (ARG): $50,000
Disqualification: # 2 Harley Quinn from 3 to 4
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 3
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 X) One And One Eighth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $50,000
Value of Race: $50,000 1st $30,000, 2nd $10,000, 3rd $5,500, 4th $3,000, 5th $1,500
Weather: Cloudy Track: Yielding
Off at: 1:25 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1 Go Deputy (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L 3 11 11 9-Head 6-Head 2-3 1/2 1-2 3/4 2.65*
10 Royal Affirmed (Pezua, J.M.) 121 L 7 2 1-2 1/2 1-2 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 2-1 1/2 14.80
9 Sircharlesschnabel (Prado, E.S.) 117 L 6 3 4-1 1/2 4-Head 7-1 4-Head 3-Nose 2.90
13 Summer Slew (Bridgmohan, S.) 117 L 11 6 6-2 1/2 6-1/2 8-1/2 8-3 4-1/2 15.80
11 Rodeo Spirit (Espinoza, J.L.) 116 L b 9 8 7-4 1/2 7-6 9-2 7-Head 5-Neck 19.30
5 Dreadnaught (Luzzi, M.J.) 119 L b 1 4 2-1/2 2-Head 3-Head 3-1/2 6-3/4 28.00
8 Wave the Sword (Castellano, J.) 119 L f 5 5 5-1/2 5-1 1/2 4-Head 5-1/2 7-3 10.40
6 Gulf News (Migliore, R.) 119 L 2 10 9-2 8-1/2 5-1/2 9-3 8-3/4 3.00
7 Taiga Two (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 119 L bf 4 1 3-1/2 3-2 2-1/2 6-1/2 9-1/2 27.50
2 Love That Man (Fragoso, P.) 114 L b 8 7 8-2 1/2 10-1/2 11 10-2 10-2 1/4 28.00
12 Red Antics (Gryder, A.T.) 119 L b 10 9 10-3 1/2 11 10-3 1/2 11 11 39.75
Fractional Times: 24.99, 50.54, 1:16.52, 1:40.78, 1:53.05

Winner: Go Deputy - Chestnut Colt, January 25, 2000
Bred by Wertheimer & Frere in KY
Pedigree: Deputy Minister - Partygoer , by Secretariat
Scratched Horses: Tyler Rex, Volkonsky, Limero (ARG), Wessex (ARG), Chilly Rooster
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $33,000
Value of Race: $33,000 1st $19,800, 2nd $6,600, 3rd $3,630, 4th $1,980, 5th $990
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 1:56 Start: Good for all but 2

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Run Ricky Run (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L b 6 4 1-Head 1-1 1-3 1-2 1/4 1.35*
6 Rating Agency (Migliore, R.) 121 L b 5 3 2-1/2 3-2 2-2 1/2 2-5 3/4 4.00
9 Shake You Up (Gryder, A.T.) 117 L bf 8 2 3-1/2 2-1/2 3-1 1/2 3-1 6.80
4 Bandit Nailhead (Fragoso, P.) 116 L 3 5 4-Head 4-2 4-6 4-1 3/4 33.50
2 Talkin Tough (Castellano, J.) 121 L b 2 12 7-1 7-6 5-7 5-8 3/4 4.20
11 Bold Stroke (Shepherd, J.) 114 L 10 1 5-1 1/2 5-5 1/2 6-1 6-3/4 18.20
10 Monaube (Pimentel, J.) 121 L 9 6 6-4 1/2 6-1/2 7-5 7-Nose 40.25
1 Term in Office (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 1 9 9-1 1/2 9-2 1/2 8-Head 8-1 3/4 59.50
8 Awestruck (Prado, E.S.) 121 L b 7 7 8-1/2 8-1 1/2 9-2 1/2 9-1 3/4 14.70
12 Snub the Devil (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 121 11 11 11-5 10-1/2 10-6 10-5 1/4 87.00
13 Special Ops (Pezua, J.M.) 121 12 10 12 12 12 11-1 95.25
5 Classy Lauren (Castillo, Jr., H.) 117 4 8 10-7 11-6 11-3 12 67.75
Fractional Times: 22.76, 46.35, 59.01, 1:12.08

Winner: Run Ricky Run - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, February 16, 2001
Bred by Stoneway LLC in KY
Pedigree: Souvenir Copy - One Lucky Cat , by Storm Cat
1 claimed
horse(s): Rating Agency:
New Owner = Sanford J. Goldfarb; New Trainer = Richard E. Dutrow, Jr.
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $33,000
Value of Race: $33,000 1st $19,800, 2nd $6,600, 3rd $3,630, 4th $1,980, 5th $990
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 1:56 Start: Good for all but 2

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Run Ricky Run (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L b 6 4 1-Head 1-1 1-3 1-2 1/4 1.35*
6 Rating Agency (Migliore, R.) 121 L b 5 3 2-1/2 3-2 2-2 1/2 2-5 3/4 4.00
9 Shake You Up (Gryder, A.T.) 117 L bf 8 2 3-1/2 2-1/2 3-1 1/2 3-1 6.80
4 Bandit Nailhead (Fragoso, P.) 116 L 3 5 4-Head 4-2 4-6 4-1 3/4 33.50
2 Talkin Tough (Castellano, J.) 121 L b 2 12 7-1 7-6 5-7 5-8 3/4 4.20
11 Bold Stroke (Shepherd, J.) 114 L 10 1 5-1 1/2 5-5 1/2 6-1 6-3/4 18.20
10 Monaube (Pimentel, J.) 121 L 9 6 6-4 1/2 6-1/2 7-5 7-Nose 40.25
1 Term in Office (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 1 9 9-1 1/2 9-2 1/2 8-Head 8-1 3/4 59.50
8 Awestruck (Prado, E.S.) 121 L b 7 7 8-1/2 8-1 1/2 9-2 1/2 9-1 3/4 14.70
12 Snub the Devil (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 121 11 11 11-5 10-1/2 10-6 10-5 1/4 87.00
13 Special Ops (Pezua, J.M.) 121 12 10 12 12 12 11-1 95.25
5 Classy Lauren (Castillo, Jr., H.) 117 4 8 10-7 11-6 11-3 12 67.75
Fractional Times: 22.76, 46.35, 59.01, 1:12.08

Winner: Run Ricky Run - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, February 16, 2001
Bred by Stoneway LLC in KY
Pedigree: Souvenir Copy - One Lucky Cat , by Storm Cat
1 claimed
horse(s): Rating Agency:
New Owner = Sanford J. Goldfarb; New Trainer = Richard E. Dutrow, Jr.
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 5
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (SNW2 X) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $46,000
Value of Race: $46,000 1st $27,600, 2nd $9,200, 3rd $5,060, 4th $2,760, 5th $1,380
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 2:23 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Won Dozen Roses (Fragoso, P.) 112 L bc 6 3 2-Head 2-4 1/2 1-1/2 1-5 1-5 1/4 1.55*
8 Sovereignoftheseas (Migliore, R.) 121 L f 9 2 1-Head 1-Head 2-1/2 2-3 2-2 1/4 9.40
4 Simplytruth (Garcia, A.) 118 L f 3 5 6-1 5-1 1/2 4-4 1/2 4-6 3-1 3/4 5.10
2 Raffie's Dream (Prado, E.S.) 121 L bc 1 6 4-1/2 3-2 3-3 1/2 3-Head 4-2 3/4 3.05
3 Nicole Kathryn (Bridgmohan, S.) 117 L b 2 9 9 7-1/2 5-1 5-2 1/2 5-2 1/2 7.90
1A Gata Be Patient (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 114 L b 5 8 5-1/2 6-1/2 6-1/2 6-2 1/2 6-3 9.90
6 My Girl Natalie (Thornton, T.) 112 L b 7 4 8-1/2 9 7-1/2 7-2 1/2 7-1 48.50
1 Caught Cheatin' (Chavez, L.D.) 119 L 4 7 7-1/2 8-1/2 9 8-2 8-6 3/4 9.90
7 Doubtful Diva (Baze, M.C.) 114 L f 8 1 3-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 8-1 1/2 9 9 21.70
Fractional Times: 23.94, 46.98, 1:12.04, 1:38.01

Winner: Won Dozen Roses - Bay Filly, April 14, 2000
Bred by Seth Gregory & Gallagher's Stud in NY
Pedigree: Signal Tap - Won Perfect Rose , by Air Forbes Won
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 6
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $46,000
Value of Race: $46,000 1st $27,600, 2nd $9,200, 3rd $5,060, 4th $2,760, 5th $1,380
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 2:51 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Mustanfar (Migliore, R.) 120 L c 5 4 3-Head 3-Head 3-1/2 1-1/2 1-Nose 3.95
4 Itsawonderfulife (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L b 4 5 5-2 4-Head 4-1 1/2 3-3 1/2 2-4 3/4 13.20
6 Auto Pilot (Prado, E.S.) 120 6 6 8-1 1/2 8-1 1/2 5-6 2-1 3-4 1/4 8.50
1 Planets Aligned (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L b 1 3 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 4-1/2 4-6 1/2 62.25
2 Captain Flash (Castellano, J.) 120 L 2 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 5-8 5-5 3/4 1.15*
8 Durkin's Call (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 8 8 6-Head 6-Head 7-Head 6-1 1/2 6-1 2.90
9 Unbridled Phantom (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 L 9 7 9 9 9 7-12 7-17 33.00
7 Imperial Ruler (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L b 7 1 4-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 6-1/2 8-Head 8-4 3/4 63.75
3 Ok Monsoon (Chavez, L.D.) 120 L bc 3 9 7-3 7-2 8-1 9 9 99.00
Fractional Times: 23.95, 48.57, 1:14.19, 1:41.63, 1:55.69

Winner: Mustanfar - Chestnut Colt, March 28, 2001
Bred by Shadwell Farm, LLC in KY
Pedigree: Unbridled - Manwah , by Lyphard
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 7
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW1 X) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $48,000
Value of Race: $48,000 1st $28,800, 2nd $9,600, 3rd $5,280, 4th $2,880, 5th $1,440
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 3:17 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
2 Paris Sunrise (Bridgmohan, S.) 117 L 2 6 3-1/2 2-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 1-Head 2.10
6 Every Mountain (Prado, E.S.) 121 L 6 3 5-1 1/2 6-1/2 3-1/2 2-1/2 2-Nose 1.15*
7 Trustee Man (Castellano, J.) 117 L b 7 1 7-7 5-1/2 5-3 1/2 3-4 1/2 3-4 1/2 5.50
8 Cat Story (Fragoso, P.) 112 L 8 5 8 8 6-Head 5-Head 4-2 3/4 16.70
1 Unanimous Decision (Espinoza, J.L.) 119 L b 1 7 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 4-1/2 4-1 5-3 78.00
3 Letters (Luzzi, M.J.) 119 L bf 3 8 6-1/2 4-1/2 7-7 7-10 6-5 11.70
5 Parhelion (GER) (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L b 5 2 4-Head 3-Head 2-1/2 6-1/2 7-14 1/4 12.60
4 Ungoverned (Thornton, T.) 112 L f 4 4 2-Head 7-3 1/2 8 8 8 72.00
Fractional Times: 22.74, 45.33, 1:10.35, 1:37.44

Winner: Paris Sunrise - Bay Colt, May 20, 2000
Bred by W. Bruce Lunsford in KY
Pedigree: Cape Town - Red Soul , by Storm Bird
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 8
Race name: Stuyvesant H. Grade: 3
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $100,000
Available Money: $110,300
Value of Race: $110,300 1st $66,180, 2nd $22,060, 3rd $12,133, 4th $6,618, 5th $3,309
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 3:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Presidentialaffair (Migliore, R.) 115 L 4 1 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-3 1/2 1-Neck 7.00
6 Thunder Blitz (Prado, E.S.) 114 L 6 3 4-1/2 3-1/2 3-3 2-Head 2-1/2 5.10
5 Gander (Gryder, A.T.) 115 L c 5 7 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-5 3-4 6.80
1 Almuhathir (Castillo, Jr., H.) 115 L 1 2 3-Head 4-1/2 6-1/2 4-3 1/2 4-2 3/4 9.00
2 El Gran Papa (Chavez, J.F.) 113 L f 2 8 8 8 8 5-1/2 5-1/2 26.75
8 Saarland (Velazquez, J.R.) 116 L bf 8 6 5-1/2 5-1/2 7-2 7-Head 6-1/2 1.30*
3 Justification (Bridgmohan, S.) 114 L c 3 4 6-1 6-1/2 4-Head 8 7-2 1/4 15.40
7 Docent (Potts, C.L.) 117 L bf 7 5 7-5 1/2 7-3 1/2 5-Head 6-Head 8 6.90
Fractional Times: 24.42, 48.45, 1:12.09, 1:37.21, 1:50.86

Winner: Presidentialaffair - Bay Gelding, April 25, 1999
Bred by Will Run Farm in PA
Pedigree: Not For Love - Quite Amazing , by Bear Hunt
Aqueduct - November 11th, 2003 - Race 9
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW1 X) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $47,000
Value of Race: $47,000 1st $28,200, 2nd $9,400, 3rd $5,170, 4th $2,820, 5th $1,410
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 4:13 Start: Good for all but 5

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Key Deputy (Migliore, R.) 118 L 3 4 3-Head 2-1/2 1-7 1-7 3/4 0.85*
2 Auto City (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L b 2 9 5-5 5-1/2 5-7 2-1/2 8.10
12 Grand Lucenci (Fragoso, P.) 113 L 11 8 9-1 1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 3-Head 22.00
13 Unswept (Gryder, A.T.) 115 L b 12 3 2-1 1-Head 2-1 4-3 1/4 4.60
4 Top Shoter (Rodriguez, P.A.) 116 L 4 1 1-1/2 3-3 1/2 3-1/2 5-2 5.40
7 Bullistic Flight (Castellano, J.) 119 L b 7 6 7-Head 8-Head 6-1 1/2 6-1 3/4 45.25
11 Congress Park (Chavez, L.D.) 119 L 10 7 8-1/2 10-5 1/2 7-1/2 7-5 58.75
1 Mister Deux (Prado, E.S.) 118 L 1 10 6-Head 9-2 1/2 8-2 1/2 8-1 1/4 19.50
8 Dontmesswithbill (Rodriguez, R.R.) 119 L f 8 11 10-5 7-1/2 9-1/2 9-4 3/4 97.25
10 Tell J (Pezua, J.M.) 119 L c 9 2 4-1/2 6-1 10-12 10-7 1/2 32.00
6 Alsaleet (Castillo, Jr., H.) 119 L b 6 5 11 11 11 11 74.75
5 Tenthirteen (Bridgmohan, S.) 118 L f 5 12 --- --- --- --- 0.00
Fractional Times: 21.99, 45.35, 57.62, 1:10.92

Winner: Key Deputy - Chestnut Colt, April 14, 2000
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Wygod in KY
Pedigree: Deputy Minister - Key Phrase , by Flying Paster
Scratched Horses: Golconda, Johnny Box, Gaetano's Way
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 1
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (S ) Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,510, 4th $2,460, 5th $1,230
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:30 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Taghkanic (Prado, E.S.) 121 L f 3 10 3-1/2 3-1 1/2 1-5 1-9 1/2 1.75*
5 Katee Kris (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 121 L c 5 3 2-1 1/2 1-Head 2-3 2-1 1/2 7.30
6 Blonde Dynamite (Fragoso, P.) 117 L 6 6 8-2 4-Head 3-5 3-5 4.90
7 One Perfect Fit (Carrero, V.) 121 L 7 8 10 7-1/2 4-2 1/2 4-1 3/4 12.40
9 Tomorrow's Star (Castellano, J.) 121 L b 8 7 9-1/2 10 7-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 9.10
1 Pocahaba (Luzzi, M.J.) 122 L f 1 9 4-1 5-2 1/2 5-Head 6-2 1/2 8.80
2 Aunt Bertie (Bridgmohan, S.) 121 L bcf 2 4 1-Head 2-1 6-2 7-Nose 5.60
4 Bella Cosa (Espinoza, J.L.) 121 L f 4 5 5-1/2 6-Head 8-4 1/2 8-8 1/4 15.50
11 Shes Sopersonal (Bracetty, J.A.) 111 f 10 2 7-Head 8-Head 9-12 9-20 1/4 92.25
10 Ellens Dream (Rojas, R.I.) 121 L 9 1 6-Head 9-2 1/2 10 10 47.00
Fractional Times: 23.58, 48.13, 1:13.98, 1:26.68

Winner: Taghkanic - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, February 28, 2000
Bred by Berkshire Stud and Oak Cliff Stable in NY
Pedigree: Indian Charlie - Merion Miss , by Halo
Scratched Horses: Mytee Maggee Magee
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 2
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $1,350
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:57 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Dashing Deputy (Prado, E.S.) 120 L b 6 1 2-1 2-2 1-3 1-3 1/2 1.95*
4 One Tough Dude (Smith, A.) 120 L 4 4 4-3 1/2 4-2 1/2 2-1/2 2-1 3/4 2.90
8 Bidless (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 7 3 3-1/2 3-Head 3-1 1/2 3-3/4 3.25
1 Mountain Ridge (Castillo, Jr., H.) 120 L b 1 5 5-10 5-12 4-Head 4-4 33.25
5 India Sun (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 f 5 2 1-1/2 1-Head 5-10 5-5 1/2 4.00
2 Czech Valentine (Pimentel, J.) 120 2 7 7 6-Head 6-7 6-11 1/2 60.50
3 Great Charisma (Castellano, J.) 120 L 3 6 6-2 1/2 7 7 7 9.30
Fractional Times: 23.06, 46.66, 1:12.12, 1:25.45

Winner: Dashing Deputy - Bay Colt, February 01, 2001
Bred by Clover IV Stables, LLC in KY
Pedigree: Awesome Again - Ms. Copelan , by Copelan
Scratched Horses: Eddington
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 3
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (NW2 X) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $50,000
Value of Race: $50,000 1st $30,000, 2nd $10,000, 3rd $5,500, 4th $3,000, 5th $1,500
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:25 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1A Elegant Mercedes (Castellano, J.) 121 L 7 2 3-Head 3-1 1-2 1/2 1-7 1-1 1/2 0.80*
2 Tactical Plus (Ganpath, R.) 121 L bc 1 6 5-1 6-15 5-2 4-8 2-2 1/4 4.80
3 Ashraaf (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L b 2 5 6-7 4-Head 4-1 1/2 2-Head 3-3 4.70
5 Captiva Cat (Prado, E.S.) 121 L b 4 4 1-Head 1-1/2 2-1 1/2 3-1/2 4-6 3/4 6.30
6 Bar Fly (Ramos, H.G.) 121 L bf 5 3 4-1 1/2 5-Head 6 5-1/2 5-5 1/2 37.25
7 Lavender Lass (Migliore, R.) 117 L c 6 1 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 3-Head 6 6 9.20
4 Round Den (Whittaker, D.) 119 L f 3 7 7 7 --- --- --- 57.25
Fractional Times: 23.45, 46.74, 1:11.94, 1:38.90

Winner: Elegant Mercedes - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, March 10, 2000
Bred by Farnsworth Farms in FL
Pedigree: Suave Prospect - Good Mercedes , by Mercedes Won
Scratched Horses: She's Zealous
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $675, 5th $675
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:53 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Cherokee Spook (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 6 1 1-Head 1-2 1/2 1-8 1-5 2.65
3 Shaniko (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 3 8 7-3 1/2 7-4 1/2 4-1/2 2-2 1/2 1.65*
4 Sinister G (Toscano, P.R.) 120 4 4 2-1 1/2 2-Head 2-1/2 3-3 1/2 4.40
9 Heroic Moment (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L b 8 2 5-3 1/2 4-3 3-1 1/2 4-2 3/4 15.50
1 DH-Veredus (Migliore, R.) 120 L 1 7 6-2 1/2 6-5 6-6 5-8 1/2 10.00
2 DH-Morine's Victory (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L f 2 6 4-Head 3-Head 5-1/2 5-8 1/2 9.50
5 Island Charm (Castellano, J.) 120 L 5 3 3-Head 5-2 7-6 7-5 1/2 12.60
8 Supersonic Mon (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L 7 5 8 8 8 8 91.00
Fractional Times: 22.59, 45.32, 1:11.01, 1:24.77

Winner: Cherokee Spook - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, May 09, 2001
Bred by Edward P. Evans in KY
Pedigree: Cherokee Run - Marital Spook , by Silver Ghost
Scratched Horses: Golden Idol
Dead Heats: 5th place - # 1 Veredus
5th place - # 2 Morine's Victory
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 5
Race name: New York Stallion Fifth Avenue S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies (R ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $125,000
Value of Race: $125,000 1st $75,000, 2nd $25,000, 3rd $13,750, 4th $7,500, 5th $3,750
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:20 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
2 So Sweet a Cat (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 L 2 5 3-1 2-Head 1-1/2 1-2 1/4 2.25
4 French Dish (Bailey, J.D.) 118 4 4 4-1/2 5-5 1/2 4-4 1/2 2-1 1/4 0.95*
3 Delia's Gone (Migliore, R.) 116 L 3 8 5-1/2 3-Head 3-1/2 3-2 37.00
7 Coconut Martini (Thornton, T.) 116 L 7 7 2-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 2-1/2 4-2 3/4 12.00
1 Polish Crown (Prado, E.S.) 116 L 1 6 6-1/2 6-1/2 6-5 1/2 5-4 6.80
6 A Bag On Top (Smith, A.) 116 L bf 6 3 1-Head 4-2 1/2 5-3 1/2 6-2 3/4 17.50
8 Cat's Roar (Fragoso, P.) 116 L 8 1 7-Head 7-3 7-6 7-8 19.20
5 Cavista (Bridgmohan, S.) 118 L 5 2 8 8 8 8 62.00
Fractional Times: 23.00, 47.16, 1:00.09, 1:13.42

Winner: So Sweet a Cat - Bay Filly, April 10, 2001
Bred by Jane M. Freed in NY
Pedigree: Tomorrows Cat - Sly Damsel , by Damascus
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 6
Race name: New York Stallion Perfect Arc S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (R ) One Mile On The Turf
Purse: $100,000
Value of Race: $100,000 1st $60,000, 2nd $20,000, 3rd $11,000, 4th $6,000, 5th $3,000
Weather: Clear Track: Soft
Off at: 2:48 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1 Ma Femme (Pezua, J.M.) 118 L b 1 3 1-5 1/2 1-5 1-3 1/2 1-2 1/2 1-2 1/4 4.40
8 Board Elligible (Fragoso, P.) 116 L bf 8 8 6-2 1/2 6-Head 7-8 4-2 2-Neck 41.00
6 Multiple Wins (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L b 6 4 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 2-3 2-3 3-4 1/2 4.80
4 Golden Damsel (Bailey, J.D.) 120 L b 4 2 5-3 1/2 4-Head 3-1 1/2 3-1/2 4-3/4 1.35*
3 Queen's Triomphe (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 L f 3 1 4-1 5-5 6-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-6 1/4 7.40
2 Bound On Bi (Migliore, R.) 118 L 2 6 8 8 8 8 6-Nose 35.25
7 Mischieviously (Velazquez, J.R.) 116 L b 7 7 3-1/2 3-2 4-1/2 7-4 1/2 7-5 1/2 6.20
5 Irish Glory (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 118 L 5 5 7-5 1/2 7-7 5-1/2 6-2 8 12.00
Fractional Times: 23.38, 47.89, 1:13.64, 1:40.18

Winner: Ma Femme - Bay Mare, April 05, 1998
Bred by Peggy Vandervoort Kumble in NY
Pedigree: Husband - Jazzerciser , by Tarleton Oak
Scratched Horses: Blue Hills, Raffie's Dream
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 7
Race name: New York Stallion Great White Way S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Colts and Geldings (R ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $125,000
Value of Race: $125,000 1st $75,000, 2nd $25,000, 3rd $13,750, 4th $7,500, 5th $3,750
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:16 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 West Virginia (Bailey, J.D.) 118 L 4 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-2 1/2 1-2 2.30
5 Eyeofthehunter (Bridgmohan, S.) 116 L 5 2 2-1 2-1/2 3-6 2-Head 17.40
1A Pa Pa Da (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 8 4 5-2 1/2 3-2 1/2 2-Head 3-5 0.60*
3 Chowder's First (Prado, E.S.) 118 L 3 8 6-Head 6-5 4-2 4-3 9.00
1 Kiss an Optimist (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 118 b 2 5 4-Head 4-1/2 6-3 5-Nose 0.60*
2 Kitty Connection (Castellano, J.) 116 L f 1 3 3-1/2 7-2 1/2 7-6 6-Neck 47.00
7 Theconfidenceman (Espinoza, J.L.) 118 L 7 6 7-1/2 5-Head 5-Head 7-6 1/4 20.20
6 Shhh Please (Fragoso, P.) 118 L bcf 6 7 8 8 8 8 50.00
Fractional Times: 22.68, 46.45, 58.63, 1:11.39

Winner: West Virginia - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, April 20, 2001
Bred by Donald & R. Mary Zuckerman, as Tenants by the Entireties in NY
Pedigree: Tomorrows Cat - Wild and Wonderful , by Kennedy Road
Scratched Horses: Belle's Beast
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 8
Race name: New York Stallion Cormorant S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Colts and Geldings (R ) One Mile On The Turf
Purse: $100,000
Value of Race: $100,000 1st $60,000, 2nd $20,000, 3rd $11,000, 4th $6,000, 5th $3,000
Weather: Clear Track: Soft
Off at: 3:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Quantum Merit (Migliore, R.) 124 L 4 1 2-1/2 2-3 1-2 1/2 1-6 1-2 1/2 2.80
8 Pogolotti Hill (Gryder, A.T.) 118 L f 7 7 6-1/2 5-1/2 4-1/2 3-1 1/2 2-Neck 7.20
4 No White Flags (Espinoza, J.L.) 118 L 3 5 3-1/2 4-1/2 3-Head 2-1/2 3-1/2 6.90
2 Haggs Castle (Luzzi, M.J.) 122 b 1 6 7-7 7-8 7-6 5-2 1/2 4-6 3/4 1.30*
7 Polish Jewel (Prado, E.S.) 116 L 6 4 4-1/2 3-1/2 2-1/2 4-1/2 5-Neck 11.70
6 Ryan Is Flying (Velazquez, J.R.) 116 L b 5 2 5-1/2 6-Head 6-Head 6-3 1/2 6-Neck 18.80
9 Luz Lane (Fragoso, P.) 118 L 8 8 8 8 8 7-1/2 7-9 1/2 31.25
3 Winloc's Nelson (Castellano, J.) 118 L bf 2 3 1-1 1-1/2 5-2 8 8 13.30
Fractional Times: 24.63, 49.72, 1:14.49, 1:39.28

Winner: Quantum Merit - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, May 12, 1999
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Nielsen in NY
Pedigree: Hansel - Just Flirting , by Green Dancer
Scratched Horses: Thanasi, Beau Tie, Levendis, Trial Prep
Aqueduct - November 9th, 2003 - Race 9
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $24,000
Value of Race: $24,000 1st $14,400, 2nd $4,800, 3rd $2,640, 4th $1,440, 5th $720
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:12 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Private Port (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 117 L c 3 3 3-1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 3.10
3 Aspen Flower (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 2 5 4-Head 4-1/2 3-2 1/2 2-2 1/2 2-5 1/2 2.55
7 When It Rains (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L cf 5 4 5-5 3-Head 2-1/2 3-7 3-7 2.55*
6 Silver Shine (Espinoza, J.L.) 122 L 4 6 2-Head 2-1/2 4-2 4-1/2 4-Head 19.10
1 Ellie's Quest (Bridgmohan, S.) 116 L 1 7 7 6-2 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-8 5-12 1/4 4.20
9 Wild Cure (Pezua, J.M.) 113 L bf 7 1 1-1/2 5-2 1/2 6-6 6-10 6-19 3/4 8.20
8 Candy Adventure (Rojas, R.I.) 116 L b 6 2 6-1/2 7 7 7 7 73.75
Fractional Times: 23.90, 47.66, 1:13.00, 1:38.95

Winner: Private Port - Bay Filly, March 26, 1999
Bred by Roger L. Toffolon in NY
Pedigree: Sea Salute - Pierpont Account , by Private Account
2 claimed
horse(s): Aspen Flower:
New Owner = D N Vee Stable; New Trainer = Michael Miceli
Ellie's Quest:
New Owner = Ann Marie Stutzmann; New Trainer = Gregory F. Martin

Claiming Prices: Private Port: $20,000; Aspen Flower: $20,000; When It Rains: $20,000; Silver Shine: $20,000; Ellie's Quest: $18,000; Wild Cure: $18,000; Candy Adventure: $18,000
Scratched Horses:
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 1
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $27,000
Value of Race: $27,000 1st $16,200, 2nd $5,400, 3rd $2,970, 4th $1,620, 5th $810
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:30 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Tio Cavito (CHI) (Velazquez, J.R.) 122 L b 6 1 4-1 1/2 3-3 1/2 1-Head 1-1 1/2 4.00
8 Fact Not Fiction (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L bf 7 2 1-2 1/2 1-1 1/2 2-7 2-4 1/2 1.60*
2 Assmar (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L b 1 6 6-2 6-3 3-Head 3-3 1/2 24.00
3 Mahal (Prado, E.S.) 120 L b 2 3 5-1 1/2 4-Head 5-1/2 4-1/2 3.20
4 Y Two J (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 117 L b 3 7 7 5-Head 6-8 5-3 3/4 3.70
6 Coushatta (Carrero, V.) 118 L bf 5 5 2-Head 2-Head 4-Head 6-4 3/4 21.10
5 Cherokee Trail (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 L b 4 4 3-1 1/2 7 7 7 19.80
Fractional Times: 23.10, 47.06, 1:12.27, 1:18.94

Winner: Tio Cavito (CHI) - Bay Gelding, October 23, 1997
Bred by Haras Longavi in CHI
Pedigree: Madjaristan - Salangana (CHI) , by Sam M.
Claiming Prices: Tio Cavito (CHI): $25,000; Fact Not Fiction: $25,000; Assmar: $25,000; Mahal: $25,000; Y Two J: $25,000; Coushatta: $22,500; Cherokee Trail: $25,000
Scratched Horses: Hyder
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 2
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies (S ) Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,510, 4th $2,460, 5th $1,230
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:58 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Karakorum Gemstone (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 c 3 4 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-2 1/4 4.50
1 Open Flirt (Prado, E.S.) 120 b 1 6 4-5 4-6 2-1/2 2-4 1/4 1.55*
2 Emma M. (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L cf 2 5 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-3 1/2 3-3 1/2 3.80
4 Hollywood Wonder (Chavez, J.F.) 120 L 4 9 9 7-3 1/2 5-1/2 4-1/2 4.70
9 Naughty Princess (Pezua, J.M.) 120 9 1 8-1/2 5-Head 6-12 5-1/2 17.20
6 Dalovaly Linda (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L b 6 2 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 4-2 1/2 6-19 1/4 8.40
8 Pass Interference (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L 8 3 6-1/2 6-3 1/2 7-7 7-5 1/2 43.75
7 Jet Black Magic (Shepherd, J.) 113 f 7 7 5-Head 8-1 8-1/2 8-1/2 63.75
5 Sassy Tap (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 5 8 7-3 1/2 9 9 9 60.00
Fractional Times: 23.36, 48.25, 1:14.40, 1:27.81

Winner: Karakorum Gemstone - Bay Filly, February 12, 2001
Bred by Jerry Moyse in NY
Pedigree: Grindstone - Hail , by Shadeed
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 3
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $39,000
Value of Race: $39,000 1st $23,400, 2nd $7,800, 3rd $4,290, 4th $2,340, 5th $1,170
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:24 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Makarumba (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L bcf 3 3 2-Head 1-2 1-3 1/2 1-3 1/4 4.10
1 Hogan's Spirit (Bailey, J.D.) 119 L b 4 8 4-Head 3-Head 2-1 1/2 2-2 0.95*
7 Manhattan Express (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 L 8 2 7-8 7-3 6-1 1/2 3-3/4 11.50
2 Mean and Nasty (Baze, M.C.) 117 L b 1 9 9 8-Head 7-2 1/2 4-1 34.50
8 Mr. Whitestone (Santos, J.A.) 117 L b 9 1 3-1 1/2 4-2 1/2 3-1/2 5-1 1/4 19.40
3 Fighting Roy Kelly (Luzzi, M.J.) 117 L bf 2 5 1-Head 2-Head 4-2 6-2 1/4 18.80
1A Park the Car (Prado, E.S.) 119 L b 6 6 5-Head 5-2 1/2 5-Head 7-1 1/4 0.95*
5 Heavenly Kevin (Castellano, J.) 119 L bc 5 7 8-Head 9 8-2 1/2 8-4 7.10
6 Whats What (Bridgmohan, S.) 116 L b 7 4 6-3 6-1/2 9 9 6.40
Fractional Times: 22.66, 46.27, 58.66, 1:11.50

Winner: Makarumba - Chestnut Gelding, February 07, 2000
Bred by Ironwater Farms Joint Venture in KY
Pedigree: Mt. Livermore - Circus Toons , by Wild Again
1 claimed
horse(s): Makarumba:
New Owner = Puglisi Stables; New Trainer = Steve B. Klesaris

Claiming Prices: Makarumba: $55,000; Hogan's Spirit: $60,000; Manhattan Express: $60,000; Mean and Nasty: $60,000; Mr. Whitestone: $55,000; Fighting Roy Kelly: $55,000; Park the Car: $60,000; Heavenly Kevin: $60,000; Whats What: $60,000
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $1,350
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:50 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
8 Notmyfault (Santos, J.A.) 121 L 6 1 3-Head 1-1/2 1-Head 1-Neck 4.80
10 Grindtime (Castellano, J.) 121 L c 8 4 5-Head 5-2 1/2 2-1/2 2-3/4 8.00
4 Glifter (Ganpath, R.) 121 cf 4 2 2-1 2-1/2 3-5 1/2 3-6 3/4 7.00
3 Virtuosa (Prado, E.S.) 121 L 3 3 7-8 6-1/2 6-1 1/2 4-3/4 1.75*
2 Yellowstone Lady (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 122 L 2 5 4-Head 4-Head 4-1/2 5-2 15.90
1 Celtic Rhapsody (Velazquez, J.R.) 121 L b 1 6 1-1 3-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 6-1 2.30
7 C. C. Williams (Pezua, J.M.) 122 L bc 5 8 6-1/2 7-3 1/2 7-2 1/2 7-2 3/4 31.75
9 Two Year Waranty (Smith, A.) 121 L f 7 7 8 8 8 8 87.00
Fractional Times: 22.81, 46.22, 59.63, 1:12.61

Winner: Notmyfault - Chestnut Filly, March 13, 2000
Bred by John F. Dorrian & Hugo Merry in KY
Pedigree: Belong to Me - Moll , by Criminal Type
Scratched Horses: Comeon Dixie, La Aspera (ARG)
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 5
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $47,000
Value of Race: $47,000 1st $28,200, 2nd $9,400, 3rd $5,170, 4th $2,820, 5th $1,410
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:17 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Pop Rocks (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L b 3 5 2-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 1-2 1/2 1-3 1/2 2.40*
8 Sovereign Sweep (Santos, J.A.) 120 L b 8 1 3-2 1/2 4-2 1/2 4-2 1/2 2-3/4 16.00
7 For Love and Honor (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L b 7 3 5-1/2 3-Head 2-Head 3-1 1/4 9.60
1 Favorite Sweep (Chavez, J.F.) 120 L b 1 7 1-1/2 1-Head 3-1/2 4-1 1/4 6.00
5 C. L. Rib (Bridgmohan, S.) 122 L f 5 2 7-10 6-1/2 6-3 1/2 5-2 4.40
4 Turn Back the Time (Prado, E.S.) 120 L f 4 4 4-Head 5-1 1/2 5-Head 6-1 1/2 6.60
2 Ahpo Here (Migliore, R.) 115 L bf 2 8 6-Head 7-10 7-6 7-3 3/4 3.40
6 Prime Pine (Castillo, Jr., H.) 120 L bf 6 6 8 8 8 8 26.25
Fractional Times: 23.02, 46.08, 1:11.82, 1:23.93

Winner: Pop Rocks - Bay Gelding, March 22, 1997
Bred by Clyde D. Rice in FL
Pedigree: Rocky Mountain - Cherry Maison , by Cherry Pop
2 claimed
horse(s): C. L. Rib:
New Owner = Clint S. Stable; New Trainer = Richard DeMola
Turn Back the Time:
New Owner = Michael Dubb; New Trainer = Steve B. Klesaris

Claiming Prices: Pop Rocks: $75,000; Sovereign Sweep: $75,000; For Love and Honor: $75,000; Favorite Sweep: $75,000; C. L. Rib: $75,000; Turn Back the Time: $75,000; Ahpo Here: $70,000; Prime Pine: $75,000
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 6
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $1,350
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 Ender's Sister (Castellano, J.) 120 L 1 5 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-8 1-10 1/4 1.40*
4 Grand Prayer (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 4 3 3-1/2 3-3 2-Head 2-2 3/4 4.60
5 Mystified (Migliore, R.) 120 L b 5 4 2-1 2-2 1/2 3-10 3-6 1/4 6.90
7 Lila Paige (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L 7 8 6-Head 7-Head 7-1/2 4-Head 31.00
3 Eyes Wide Open (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 3 10 8-Head 8-1/2 5-1/2 5-2 1/2 34.75
6 Wonder Lady (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 6 9 4-2 1/2 4-3 1/2 4-Head 6-1 1/2 9.10
1A Kootenai (Gryder, A.T.) 120 L 11 2 10-6 10-6 9-6 7-6 3/4 1.40*
8 Miss Bergdorf (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 L b 8 7 5-1/2 5-Head 8-1 8-2 3/4 33.00
2 Fast Access (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L 2 11 11 11 10-3 9-10 1/2 80.00
11 The K O Touch (Chavez, J.F.) 120 10 1 7-Head 9-4 1/2 11 10 3.55
10 Every Trick (Santos, J.A.) 120 L 9 6 9-8 6-1 1/2 6-1 --- 29.25
Fractional Times: 23.13, 46.72, 1:12.09, 1:25.29

Winner: Ender's Sister - Bay Filly, February 24, 2001
Bred by Green Lantern Stables, LLC in KY
Pedigree: A.P. Indy - Gold Rush Queen , by Seeking the Gold
Scratched Horses: Right This Way
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 7
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (SNW2 X) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $1,350
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:10 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Bossanova (Prado, E.S.) 118 L b 3 1 1-2 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-6 1-2 1/4 0.20*
7 Connecting (Uske, S.) 112 5 7 7-1/2 5-2 2-1/2 2-4 7.40
6 Stars Aligned (Fragoso, P.) 117 L 4 2 2-Head 2-Head 3-2 1/2 3-2 3/4 14.80
10 Artistic Awareness (Bridgmohan, S.) 119 L f 8 4 5-Head 4-Head 4-1/2 4-2 1/4 25.00
1 Lost in the Woods (Espinoza, J.L.) 119 L 1 5 3-1/2 6-3 6-1/2 5-3/4 46.75
9 Add It Up (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 123 L f 7 3 4-1 1/2 3-1 1/2 5-3 6-1 1/2 14.70
8 Joshua's Jet (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 112 L b 6 6 8 7-2 1/2 7-8 7-17 1/4 44.75
2 Lake Marion (Persaud, R.) 119 L bf 2 8 6-2 8 8 8 52.25
Fractional Times: 23.25, 46.53, 58.32, 1:10.73

Winner: Bossanova - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, April 22, 2000
Bred by Kent Wiechert & Katy Wiechert in NY
Pedigree: Pine Bluff - Street Tappin , by Housebuster
Scratched Horses: Raise an Emblem, Steves Sunny Comet
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 8
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 X) Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $49,000
Value of Race: $49,000 1st $29,400, 2nd $9,800, 3rd $5,390, 4th $2,940, 5th $1,470
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:37 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
8 Savoy Special (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 L 7 4 1-Head 1-Head 1-2 1/2 1-1 0.95*
1 Black Silk (GB) (Fragoso, P.) 114 L f 1 5 7-1/2 5-1 1/2 2-Head 2-3 3/4 17.80
10 Courting Concorde (Pimentel, J.) 120 L 9 3 2-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 3-1 3-Head 12.40
4 Personal Touch (Bridgmohan, S.) 118 L b 3 8 9 7-2 1/2 4-6 4-5 8.40
2 More Heck (Ganpath, R.) 118 f 2 6 3-Head 4-1/2 6-2 1/2 5-2 1/4 9.30
7 Yoga (Migliore, R.) 121 L 6 9 6-Head 6-Head 8-1 1/2 6-3/4 18.30
9 Paris Adventure (Castellano, J.) 118 L b 8 1 4-1/2 3-1/2 5-Head 7-1/2 5.60
5 Mighty Gulch (Chavez, J.F.) 119 L bc 4 2 5-Head 9 7-Head 8-3 17.00
6 Personable Pete (Prado, E.S.) 116 L bf 5 7 8-Head 8-1/2 9 9 14.40
Fractional Times: 23.19, 46.20, 1:10.41, 1:23.26

Winner: Savoy Special - Chestnut Colt, February 17, 2000
Bred by David P. Reynolds in KY
Pedigree: Grand Slam - Flashy Four , by Storm Cat
Scratched Horses: Tarakan
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 9
Race name: Athenia H. Grade: 3
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $100,000
Available Money: $113,000
Value of Race: $113,000 1st $67,800, 2nd $22,600, 3rd $12,430, 4th $6,780, 5th $3,390
Weather: Clear Track: Soft
Off at: 4:06 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 Caught in the Rain (Migliore, R.) 115 L 6 8 7-3 7-2 1/2 7-3 5-1 1/2 1-Nose 14.80
7 Lojo (Bridgmohan, S.) 114 L 5 2 4-1/2 3-Head 4-1 1/2 2-Head 2-Nose 5.00
10 Coney Kitty (IRE) (Castellano, J.) 113 L f 8 7 5-1 5-2 1/2 5-Head 3-Head 3-1/2 8.00
1 Something Ventured (Velazquez, J.R.) 116 L b 1 5 2-1/2 1-1/2 1-Head 1-Head 4-3 2.10*
2 Brandala (Espinoza, J.L.) 113 2 6 8 8 8 8 5-Neck 20.70
9 Madeira Mist (IRE) (Prado, E.S.) 117 L 7 3 3-1/2 4-1 3-Head 7-1 6-1 2.65
6 Affirmed Dancer (Chavez, J.F.) 113 L 4 1 1-Head 2-1 2-1 4-1/2 7-3/4 9.60
4 Lady Bi Bi (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 114 L 3 4 6-2 6-Head 6-Head 6-Head 8 10.30
Fractional Times: 25.00, 51.00, 1:16.45, 1:40.96, 1:47.05

Winner: Caught in the Rain - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, March 11, 1999
Bred by Casino Royale Farms Inc. in PA
Pedigree: Petionville - Jinger Feathers , by Fred Astaire
Scratched Horses: Misty Sixes, Cozzy Corner, Delta Princess, Drexel Monorail, Wishful Splendor, Artist Johanna (ARG)
Aqueduct - November 8th, 2003 - Race 10
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $19,000
Value of Race: $19,000 1st $11,400, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $2,090, 4th $1,140, 5th $570
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:34 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 She Is Raging (Luzzi, M.J.) 115 L bcf 5 4 2-1/2 2-3 1/2 1-1/2 1-3 1/2 3.95
2 Lovely Breeze (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 115 L b 2 8 7-1/2 5-2 3-3 2-Neck 5.10
7 Speciality (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L b 7 1 3-3 1/2 1-Head 2-5 1/2 3-6 1/4 1.50*
3 Tony's Girl (Ganpath, R.) 112 L bc 3 9 8-1 1/2 6-2 5-1 4-Head 67.75
6 Sierra Kitty (Fragoso, P.) 114 L 6 6 4-1/2 3-1 4-2 1/2 5-1 1/2 12.00
4 Sangue too Loud (Thornton, T.) 109 L b 4 10 9-2 1/2 7-2 1/2 6-7 6-5 3/4 48.75
1 Banker's Mint (Chavez, L.D.) 116 L f 1 11 10-1/2 8-1/2 7-2 7-1 10.60
9 Pumpkin's Pride (Carrero, V.) 121 L 9 7 11 11 9-1/2 8-6 12.40
8 Lily of the Valley (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 110 L b 8 5 5-Head 9-3 8-Head 9-4 1/2 39.00
10 Charm Appeal (Espinoza, J.L.) 116 L bf 10 2 6-1/2 10-Head 11 10-1/2 19.10
11 Sneaky Partner (Gomez, O.) 110 L b 11 3 1-Head 4-1/2 10-3 11 16.30
Fractional Times: 22.24, 46.14, 58.79, 1:11.89

Winner: She Is Raging - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, January 27, 2000
Bred by Dan Borislow in KY
Pedigree: Aggressive Chief - Not So Pleasant , by Pleasant Tap
1 claimed
horse(s): Charm Appeal:
New Owner = Kelly A. Miller; New Trainer = Kristina Dupps

Claiming Prices: She Is Raging: $15,500; Lovely Breeze: $15,500; Speciality: $17,500; Tony's Girl: $15,500; Sierra Kitty: $17,500; Sangue too Loud:
$17,500; Banker's Mint: $17,500; Pumpkin's Pride: $17,500; Lily of the Valley: $16,500; Charm Appeal: $17,500; Sneaky Partner: $17,500
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $19,000
Value of Race: $19,000 1st $11,400, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $2,090, 4th $1,140, 5th $570
Weather: Clear Track: Muddy
Off at: 12:30 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Salamaat (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 L bf 4 4 1-Head 1-1 1/2 1-6 1-4 1/2 1.90*
7 Heneresa (Ganpath, R.) 117 bf 7 1 4-1/2 4-2 1/2 2-Head 2-3/4 1.90
1 Captain Sventhomas (Smith, A.) 117 L bf 1 6 6-7 5-3 5-8 3-1 1/4 17.90
2 Sound Force (Thornton, T.) 111 L f 2 5 3-1 1/2 3-1 4-1 1/2 4-3 1/4 32.25
5 Dr. Tony (Bridgmohan, S.) 121 L b 5 3 2-2 2-1 1/2 3-Head 5-3/4 4.40
6 Look Out Joe (Castellano, J.) 122 L 6 7 7-2 7-12 7-22 6-7 1/2 5.30
8 Wild Term (Gomez, O.) 111 L b 8 2 5-2 1/2 6-8 6-1 1/2 7-33 3/4 23.50
3 Darkest Night (Whittaker, D.) 116 L b 3 8 8 8 8 8 84.75
Fractional Times: 22.52, 46.19, 58.90, 1:12.34

Winner: Salamaat - Chestnut Colt, April 20, 2000
Bred by Palides Investments N.V. Inc. in KY
Pedigree: Salt Lake - West Sider , by Gone West
Claiming Prices: Salamaat: $45,000; Heneresa: $35,000; Captain Sventhomas: $35,000; Sound Force: $35,000; Dr. Tony: $45,000; Look Out Joe: $45,000; Wild Term: $45,000; Darkest Night: $40,000
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $19,000
Value of Race: $19,000 1st $11,400, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $2,090, 4th $1,140, 5th $570
Weather: Clear Track: Muddy
Off at: 12:30 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Salamaat (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 L bf 4 4 1-Head 1-1 1/2 1-6 1-4 1/2 1.90*
7 Heneresa (Ganpath, R.) 117 bf 7 1 4-1/2 4-2 1/2 2-Head 2-3/4 1.90
1 Captain Sventhomas (Smith, A.) 117 L bf 1 6 6-7 5-3 5-8 3-1 1/4 17.90
2 Sound Force (Thornton, T.) 111 L f 2 5 3-1 1/2 3-1 4-1 1/2 4-3 1/4 32.25
5 Dr. Tony (Bridgmohan, S.) 121 L b 5 3 2-2 2-1 1/2 3-Head 5-3/4 4.40
6 Look Out Joe (Castellano, J.) 122 L 6 7 7-2 7-12 7-22 6-7 1/2 5.30
8 Wild Term (Gomez, O.) 111 L b 8 2 5-2 1/2 6-8 6-1 1/2 7-33 3/4 23.50
3 Darkest Night (Whittaker, D.) 116 L b 3 8 8 8 8 8 84.75
Fractional Times: 22.52, 46.19, 58.90, 1:12.34

Winner: Salamaat - Chestnut Colt, April 20, 2000
Bred by Palides Investments N.V. Inc. in KY
Pedigree: Salt Lake - West Sider , by Gone West
Claiming Prices: Salamaat: $45,000; Heneresa: $35,000; Captain Sventhomas: $35,000; Sound Force: $35,000; Dr. Tony: $45,000; Look Out Joe: $45,000; Wild Term: $45,000; Darkest Night: $40,000
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 2
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (SNW1 X) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $44,000
Value of Race: $44,000 1st $26,400, 2nd $8,800, 3rd $4,840, 4th $2,640, 5th $1,320
Weather: Clear Track: Muddy
Off at: 12:56 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
12 Tap Machine (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L c 9 2 5-1/2 2-Head 2-6 2-8 1-Neck 4.70
1 Genevil (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 117 L bc 3 5 1-1/2 1-3 1-2 1/2 1-Head 2-7 3/4 6.20
13 Zukinikiki (Luzzi, M.J.) 117 c 10 3 6-1/2 5-1/2 3-Head 3-Head 3-1 1.75*
9 Gallant Angel (Fragoso, P.) 114 L b 6 8 8-Head 7-3 4-3 1/2 4-6 4-4 1/4 10.50
8 Lucky Signal (Rojas, R.I.) 123 L b 5 7 7-1 1/2 9-2 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-6 5-4 1/2 7.20
2 Cecilia's Girl (Smith, A.) 119 L bc 7 9 10-2 1/2 10-6 9-1/2 6-1/2 6-4 1/4 44.75
11 Mrs. Smooth Moves (Thornton, T.) 110 L bcf 8 6 4-2 1/2 6-1/2 6-2 7-3 1/2 7-5 1/4 23.30
3 Quiver Forever (Castillo, L.A.) 117 L b 1 11 11 11 7-Head 9-3 1/2 8-Neck 37.50
4 Miss Angel G (Gomez, O.) 110 L 2 10 9-Head 8-Head 8-1/2 8-Head 9-8 3/4 49.75
14 Have a Great Day (Migliore, R.) 119 L f 11 1 2-Head 4-2 10-Head 10-1/2 10-2 9.70
5 Irish Rail (Prado, E.S.) 119 L bf 4 4 3-1 1/2 3-1/2 11 11 11 11.10
Fractional Times: 23.70, 47.32, 1:12.63, 1:39.73

Winner: Tap Machine - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, April 17, 2000
Bred by John Valentino in NY
Pedigree: Virginia Rapids - Toe Tappen , by Lyphard's Wish (FR)
Scratched Horses: Deesalia, Lady Nelson, Jet Set Jazz, Seraphic Too, Tiger's Reign
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 3
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $46,000
Value of Race: $46,000 1st $27,600, 2nd $9,200, 3rd $5,060, 4th $2,760, 5th $1,380
Weather: Clear Track: Muddy
Off at: 1:24 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Smash Hit (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L 4 5 3-3 3-1 3-2 2-4 1/2 1-Nose 9.40
2 Unshuttered (Bailey, J.D.) 119 L 2 2 2-4 1/2 2-5 2-2 1-1 1/2 2-11 1/4 0.80*
1 Tigi (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 119 L 1 1 4-Head 6 4-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 3-Nose 4.20
6 After the Tone (Fragoso, P.) 114 L 6 3 1-5 1-3 1/2 1-2 1/2 3-6 4-6 1/2 7.50
4 Royal Tromp'e (Chavez, J.F.) 119 L 5 4 5-Head 5-3 5-1/2 5-3 5-4 3.75
1A Lure of Gold (Castellano, J.) 119 L b 3 6 6 4-1/2 6 6 6 4.20
Fractional Times: 23.57, 48.02, 1:14.01, 1:41.04, 1:54.69

Winner: Smash Hit - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, February 27, 2001
Bred by Formal Gold LLC in KY
Pedigree: Mt. Livermore - Theatre Flight , by Theatrical (IRE)
Scratched Horses: Moonlight
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $19,000
Value of Race: $19,000 1st $11,400, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $2,090, 4th $1,140, 5th $570
Weather: Clear Track: Muddy
Off at: 1:52 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 Grand Player (Thornton, T.) 114 L cf 4 1 1-Head 1-2 1/2 1-8 1-9 1/4 0.80*
9 Afortunado (Prado, E.S.) 117 L bc 7 2 3-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 2-Neck 6.00
8 Cool Cafe (Migliore, R.) 121 L 6 3 4-2 1/2 3-1/2 3-4 1/2 3-3 1/2 2.80
5 Soldier in Action (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 L 3 4 6-1 1/2 6-Head 5-1/2 4-1 1/4 6.90
2 Gentle Nudge (Shepherd, J.) 109 L 1 7 7 5-1/2 4-1/2 5-6 1/4 46.25
4 Cronkite (Carrero, V.) 122 L bf 2 5 2-1/2 4-3 6-2 1/2 6-2 3/4 29.00
7 Notatfirst (Rojas, R.I.) 114 L 5 6 5-3 1/2 7 7 7 29.25
Fractional Times: 22.81, 46.80, 58.89, 1:11.70

Winner: Grand Player - Chestnut Colt, April 09, 2000
Bred by Dr. Charles S. Giles in KY
Pedigree: Grand Slam - Ataentsic , by Hold Your Peace
Claiming Prices: Grand Player: $45,000; Afortunado: $35,000; Cool Cafe: $45,000; Soldier in Action: $40,000; Gentle Nudge: $40,000; Cronkite: $45,000; Notatfirst: $35,000
Scratched Horses: Ajergabead, White Mercedes
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $19,000
Value of Race: $19,000 1st $11,400, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $2,090, 4th $1,140, 5th $570
Weather: Clear Track: Muddy
Off at: 1:52 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 Grand Player (Thornton, T.) 114 L cf 4 1 1-Head 1-2 1/2 1-8 1-9 1/4 0.80*
9 Afortunado (Prado, E.S.) 117 L bc 7 2 3-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 2-Neck 6.00
8 Cool Cafe (Migliore, R.) 121 L 6 3 4-2 1/2 3-1/2 3-4 1/2 3-3 1/2 2.80
5 Soldier in Action (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 L 3 4 6-1 1/2 6-Head 5-1/2 4-1 1/4 6.90
2 Gentle Nudge (Shepherd, J.) 109 L 1 7 7 5-1/2 4-1/2 5-6 1/4 46.25
4 Cronkite (Carrero, V.) 122 L bf 2 5 2-1/2 4-3 6-2 1/2 6-2 3/4 29.00
7 Notatfirst (Rojas, R.I.) 114 L 5 6 5-3 1/2 7 7 7 29.25
Fractional Times: 22.81, 46.80, 58.89, 1:11.70

Winner: Grand Player - Chestnut Colt, April 09, 2000
Bred by Dr. Charles S. Giles in KY
Pedigree: Grand Slam - Ataentsic , by Hold Your Peace
Claiming Prices: Grand Player: $45,000; Afortunado: $35,000; Cool Cafe: $45,000; Soldier in Action: $40,000; Gentle Nudge: $40,000; Cronkite: $45,000; Notatfirst: $35,000
Scratched Horses: Ajergabead, White Mercedes
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 5
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW1 X) One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $48,000
Value of Race: $48,000 1st $28,800, 2nd $9,600, 3rd $5,280, 4th $2,880, 5th $1,440
Weather: Clear Track: Muddy
Off at: 2:21 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
6 Rogue Agent (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 116 L bc 5 3 1-2 1/2 1-2 1-2 1-5 1-3 1/4 7.10
3 Looks Expensive (Luzzi, M.J.) 116 L cf 2 2 3-1/2 3-1/2 2-Head 2-5 1/2 2-4 1/4 4.20
7 Negotiation (Prado, E.S.) 117 L b 8 7 4-1 4-1 4-3 3-1 1/2 3-Neck 14.30
1 Scott (Santos, J.A.) 117 L b 1 6 8 8 6-2 1/2 4-1 4-2 1/2 0.80*
4 Sea Squirrel (Castellano, J.) 116 L b 3 5 5-1/2 5-3 5-2 1/2 5-3 1/2 5-3 3/4 28.00
5 Dr. Rockett (Fragoso, P.) 114 L b 4 1 7-2 6-Head 8 7-Head 6-1 1/4 21.10
1A Black Mambo (Bailey, J.D.) 119 L b 7 8 6-1 1/2 7-2 7-1/2 8 7-Head 0.80*
2B Palique (URU) (Chavez, J.F.) 123 L cf 6 4 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 6-1/2 8 5.50
Fractional Times: 24.79, 49.43, 1:13.93, 1:38.43, 1:51.15

Winner: Rogue Agent - Chestnut Gelding, March 09, 1999
Bred by Eaton & Thorne, Inc in NY
Pedigree: Anjiz - Ruler's Storm , by Irish Ruler
Scratched Horses: Host, Paris Sunrise
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 6
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies (S ) Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,510, 4th $2,460, 5th $1,230
Weather: Clear Track: Good
Off at: 2:49 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 Pro Occident (Prado, E.S.) 120 L 5 4 2-Head 2-1 1/2 1-5 1/2 1-10 0.90*
5 Ihaveadate (Santos, J.A.) 120 L f 4 6 1-1/2 1-Head 2-5 2-1 3.30
13 Wonderful News (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L cf 12 2 8-7 8-7 7-2 1/2 3-Neck 13.00
3 Berkshire Princess (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 L b 2 8 4-1 1/2 4-5 1/2 4-Head 4-1/2 12.00
11 Tomorrows Beauty (Castellano, J.) 120 L 10 1 6-4 1/2 6-3 1/2 5-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 21.90
7 Brassy Shirley (Thornton, T.) 113 6 5 3-3 1/2 3-1 1/2 3-Head 6-3/4 10.80
12 Galloping to Tea (Fragoso, P.) 115 L f 11 3 11-3 1/2 9-1/2 6-1 1/2 7-2 1/2 15.00
4 Forever Flawless (Castillo, L.A.) 120 L 3 9 9-5 11-12 9-1/2 8-3/4 43.00
9 Ginger's Jet (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L 8 7 7-1 1/2 7-1 1/2 8-2 9-1 3/4 93.50
10 Cheque the Green (Smith, A.) 120 L 9 10 10-3 1/2 10-Head 11-22 10-2 3/4 89.00
1 Eye Stopper (Shepherd, J.) 113 L b 1 11 5-2 1/2 5-1/2 10-1 11-16 67.75
8 Marnie's Heirloom (Chavez, L.D.) 120 L 7 12 12 12 12 12 95.50
Fractional Times: 22.42, 46.07, 1:12.90, 1:26.83

Winner: Pro Occident - Chestnut Filly, April 17, 2001
Bred by Thomas/Lakin in NY
Pedigree: Mr. Greeley - Tammany Hall , by Clever Trick
Scratched Horses: Jet Black Magic, Hollywood Wonder, Naughty Princess, Pass Interference
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 7
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW3 X) One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $52,000
Value of Race: $52,000 1st $31,200, 2nd $10,400, 3rd $5,720, 4th $3,120, 5th $1,560
Weather: Clear Track: Good
Off at: 3:16 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
6 Peekskill (Chavez, J.F.) 119 L bc 5 3 4-7 4-7 4-7 2-1/2 1-1/2 3.00
5 Nothing Flat (Santos, J.A.) 119 L c 4 4 5 5 5 4-3 1/2 2-3/4 5.40
1 Big Sid's Party (Castellano, J.) 119 L 2 5 3-2 1/2 3-2 1/2 3-1/2 1-Head 3-Neck 1.65*
4 The Lady's Groom (Bailey, J.D.) 119 L bf 3 2 2-4 1/2 2-5 2-3 1/2 3-1 1/2 4-8 7.00
3 Admiralty Arch (Velazquez, J.R.) 121 L 1 1 1-1/2 1-Head 1-Head 5 5 2.80
Fractional Times: 23.53, 47.00, 1:10.95, 1:36.54, 1:49.95

Winner: Peekskill - Chestnut Gelding, January 30, 1999
Bred by Mrs. Guy Snowden in KY
Pedigree: Meadowlake - Premier Mombo , by Premiership
Scratched Horses: Dial a Hero, Max Forever, It's So Simple
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 8
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward ( C) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $56,000
Value of Race: $56,000 1st $33,600, 2nd $11,200, 3rd $6,160, 4th $3,360, 5th $1,680
Weather: Clear Track: Good
Off at: 3:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 Papua (Bailey, J.D.) 118 L bcf 6 6 5-Head 4-Head 1-Head 1-1 1/2 1.45*
3 Super Fuse (Bridgmohan, S.) 118 L b 3 8 8 6-1/2 3-1/2 2-1/2 2.85
1 Vodka (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 109 L 1 4 7-1 1/2 7-Head 6-2 3-2 3/4 31.25
8 Impeachthepro (Santos, J.A.) 116 L 8 7 4-1 1/2 2-1/2 4-1 1/2 4-Nose 5.00
7 Big E E (Prado, E.S.) 119 L b 7 5 6-1/2 3-Head 5-1/2 5-Nose 7.00
2 Final Table (Castellano, J.) 117 L c 2 3 1-1/2 1-Head 2-Head 6-2 3/4 9.80
5 Folkestone Park (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L 5 1 3-Head 5-Head 7-1/2 7-1 1/2 18.70
4 Outathechute (Bracho, R.A.) 121 L f 4 2 2-Head 8 8 8 27.00
Fractional Times: 22.52, 45.64, 58.02, 1:10.59

Winner: Papua - Bay Colt, March 09, 1999
Bred by Stonewall Farm in NY
Pedigree: Louis Quatorze - Bella Ransom , by Red Ransom
Aqueduct - November 7th, 2003 - Race 9
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $18,000
Value of Race: $18,000 1st $10,800, 2nd $3,600, 3rd $1,980, 4th $1,080, 5th $540
Weather: Clear Track: Good
Off at: 4:13 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
11 Bella Rouge (Pimentel, J.) 113 L b 8 4 3-1/2 3-3 1/2 2-4 1/2 1-3/4 1.40*
4 Orbited (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 3 5 2-2 1/2 2-1/2 1-Head 2-7 3/4 1.85
1 Lifebythedrop (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L b 5 1 1-1 1/2 1-Head 3-5 3-1/2 7.80
2 Dancing Deer (Rojas, R.I.) 123 L b 1 3 4-1/2 4-1 1/2 4-1 4-3/4 12.50
5 Devlish (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L bcf 4 2 5-1/2 6-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-3 1/4 8.00
10 Arpeggio (Prado, E.S.) 120 L 7 6 6-1/2 5-1/2 6-1 1/2 6-2 12.30
3 Cure Judys Blues (Shepherd, J.) 110 L b 2 7 7-6 7-4 1/2 7-3 7-1 3/4 68.75
9 Marnie's Wish (Castillo, L.A.) 117 L bf 6 8 8 8 8 8 66.50
Fractional Times: 22.61, 46.25, 58.60, 1:11.45

Winner: Bella Rouge - Chestnut Mare, April 05, 1998
Bred by John L. Benzel & Kirk Hazen in NY
Pedigree: A. P Jet - Sea Accord , by D'Accord
1 claimed
horse(s): Lifebythedrop:
New Owner = Carmello Cirrincione; New Trainer = Neal Terracciano

Claiming Prices: Bella Rouge: $14,000; Orbited: $16,000; Lifebythedrop: $16,000; Dancing Deer: $16,000; Devlish: $16,000; Arpeggio: $16,000; Cure Judys Blues: $16,000; Marnie's Wish: $16,000
Scratched Horses: Puppy Love, Dynamic Pic, Gem's Wager, Stylish Mission
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 1
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $23,000
Value of Race: $23,000 1st $13,800, 2nd $4,600, 3rd $2,530, 4th $1,380, 5th $690
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 12:30 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
2B Devil's Dust (Thornton, T.) 113 L c 5 1 2-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 1-2 2.80
1A Private Practice (Prado, E.S.) 117 L bf 6 2 3-4 1/2 2-Head 2-3 2-4 3/4 0.95*
8 Milky Bar (CHI) (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L bf 4 5 1-1/2 3-8 3-15 3-16 3/4 3.00
5 At the Wheel (Smith, A.) 120 L b 2 3 5-1/2 4-3 4-4 1/2 4-4 9.00
4 Cozy Dance (Rodriguez, R.R.) 117 L bcf 1 6 4-Head 5-Head 5-7 5-11 24.75
6 Battle Tough (Rojas, R.I.) 116 L b 3 4 6 6 6 6 74.00
Fractional Times: 22.78, 45.89, 1:10.77, 1:24.21

Winner: Devil's Dust - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, January 03, 1999
Bred by Emerald Pastures Corp. in FL
Pedigree: Holy Mountain - Stuttering Sarah , by Norcliffe
Claiming Prices: Devil's Dust: $20,000; Private Practice: $20,000; Milky Bar (CHI): $20,000; At the Wheel: $20,000; Cozy Dance: $20,000; Battle Tough: $18,000
Scratched Horses: Hyder, Mahal, Infiltrator, Cardinal Ryan, Threat of Victory
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $36,000
Value of Race: $36,000 1st $21,600, 2nd $7,200, 3rd $3,960, 4th $2,160, 5th $1,080
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 12:57 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Fines Creek (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 L b 4 4 5-Head 5-2 1/2 4-1 1/2 2-1/2 1-2 1/4 13.50
7 Title Contender (Fragoso, P.) 113 L bcf 7 1 3-1/2 3-1 1/2 2-2 1-Head 2-4 3/4 1.65
5 Toscani (Luzzi, M.J.) 118 L b 5 2 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 1-Head 3-6 3-2 3/4 1.35*
3 Bridge Out Again (Santos, J.A.) 120 L 3 6 4-2 4-Head 5-2 4-1 1/2 4-1 9.90
6 Seattle Surprise (Bridgmohan, S.) 116 c 6 3 6-1 1/2 6-1/2 6-1/2 6-3 1/2 5-1 3/4 8.20
2 Entushab (Prado, E.S.) 120 L bf 2 5 1-1/2 1-1/2 3-1/2 5-1/2 6-2 3/4 17.50
1 Telemundo (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 118 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 20.30
Fractional Times: 23.57, 47.76, 1:13.06, 1:38.05

Winner: Fines Creek - Chestnut Gelding, February 20, 2000
Bred by Wiests-Heathers 2000 in FL
Pedigree: Pentelicus - Dance Script , by Green Dancer
Claiming Prices: Fines Creek: $40,000; Title Contender: $30,000; Toscani: $35,000; Bridge Out Again: $40,000; Seattle Surprise: $30,000; Entushab: $40,000; Telemundo: $30,000
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 3
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $46,000
Value of Race: $46,000 1st $27,600, 2nd $9,200, 3rd $5,060, 4th $2,760, 5th $1,380
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 1:24 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
2 O'Cat (Santos, J.A.) 120 L bf 2 4 5-7 4-5 2-Head 1-2 1/2 1-5 1/4 2.40
6 Pleasant Ghost (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 6 2 1-Head 1-Head 1-5 2-6 2-Neck 1.00*
4 Veiled Threat (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 4 5 6 6 5-12 3-3 3-11 1/2 5.90
3 Elegant Touch (Prado, E.S.) 120 L 3 3 3-1/2 3-3 3-1/2 4-3 4-2 8.10
1 Hopeful Heart (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L 1 6 2-4 1/2 2-7 4-2 5-20 5-17 1/4 10.00
5 Indy Stormy (Clemente, A.) 120 L f 5 1 4-1 1/2 5-3 6 6 6 24.75
Fractional Times: 23.88, 47.23, 1:12.84, 1:39.51

Winner: O'Cat - Bay Filly, January 03, 2000
Bred by Overbrook Farm in KY
Pedigree: Tabasco Cat - Perception , by Unbridled
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $19,000
Value of Race: $19,000 1st $11,400, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $2,090, 4th $1,140, 5th $570
Weather: Rainy Track: Good
Off at: 1:52 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Brief Intoxication (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 121 L b 6 2 3-Head 3-1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 10.70
12 Angel in the Wind (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 L b 9 1 4-1 1/2 5-2 6-3 1/2 2-Head 1.15*
4 Base Stealer (Carrero, V.) 117 L b 3 8 5-1/2 4-1/2 4-Head 3-Nose 31.00
3 Warm Feelings (Bridgmohan, S.) 117 L b 2 4 2-1/2 1-Head 2-2 1/2 4-1 1/4 4.60
6 Honorable Jewel (Rivera, Jr., L.R.) 117 L f 4 9 7-2 1/2 6-1 1/2 5-1/2 5-1 1/2 15.60
10 Victory's Sister (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 110 7 5 6-1/2 7-3 7-5 6-1 1/4 4.60
2 Minnie's Mickey (Thornton, T.) 110 L b 1 3 1-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 7-5 1/2 11.30
11 Good and Gone (Uske, S.) 110 L 8 6 9 8-3 8-5 8-6 3/4 30.25
7 Spit'n Spat (Hampshire, Jr., J.F.) 119 L b 5 7 8-1/2 9 9 9 16.10
Fractional Times: 23.43, 47.39, 1:13.45, 1:27.27

Winner: Brief Intoxication - Chestnut Filly, March 09, 2000
Bred by Hubert Pilcher & Docia Pilcher in FL
Pedigree: Brief Ruckus - Impebriated , by Hooched
Claiming Prices: Brief Intoxication: $45,000; Angel in the Wind: $45,000; Base Stealer: $35,000; Warm Feelings: $35,000; Honorable Jewel: $35,000; Victory's Sister: $35,000; Minnie's Mickey: $35,000; Good and Gone: $35,000; Spit'n Spat: $40,000
Scratched Horses: Italiana, Sevasmoke, Kid Carrots, Noordinarylove, Two Year Waranty
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 5
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $38,000
Value of Race: $38,000 1st $22,800, 2nd $7,600, 3rd $4,180, 4th $2,280, 5th $1,140
Weather: Rainy Track: Good
Off at: 2:21 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Conquer the Devil (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L bf 4 2 3-1 2-1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-2 1/4 7.20
10 Y. V. Five (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 7 4 4-Head 3-Head 4-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 2-1 2.50*
3 Sawdust (Santos, J.A.) 116 L bc 2 7 6-2 1/2 6-5 6-2 1/2 3-Head 3-1 3/4 3.05
11 Certification (Shepherd, J.) 109 L b 8 1 5-1 1/2 4-1/2 3-Head 4-1/2 4-1 4.60
9 Robin of Trinidad (Fragoso, P.) 117 L b 6 5 7-6 7-6 7-8 7-12 5-1/2 10.10
4 Dr. Sunshine (Castellano, J.) 116 L bc 3 6 2-1/2 5-1 5-Head 6-1 1/2 6-1 3/4 11.30
8 Shoalihs Tale (Carrero, V.) 113 L bcf 5 3 1-1/2 1-Head 2-1/2 5-1/2 7-14 7.80
1 Suave Act (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L b 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 17.80
Fractional Times: 23.96, 48.28, 1:13.54, 1:39.00

Winner: Conquer the Devil - Gray or Roan Colt, February 06, 2000
Bred by Mt. Brilliant Farm LLC in KY
Pedigree: Devil's Bag - Ingot's Dance Away , by Gate Dancer
Claiming Prices: Conquer the Devil: $50,000; Y. V. Five: $50,000; Sawdust: $40,000; Certification: $40,000; Robin of Trinidad: $50,000; Dr. Sunshine: $40,000; Shoalihs Tale: $40,000; Suave Act: $50,000
Scratched Horses: Lord Louis, Scuba Steve, Lessons Are Extra
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 6
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $26,000
Value of Race: $26,000 1st $15,600, 2nd $5,200, 3rd $2,860, 4th $1,560, 5th $780
Weather: Rainy Track: Muddy
Off at: 2:48 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 Stormin Greek (Rojas, R.I.) 121 L bc 8 4 7-1/2 4-2 1-1 1-5 1-1/2 2.00*
7 Bluesman (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 L b 7 3 8 5-1/2 5-1/2 2-2 2-3 28.75
1 Gold Reserve (Castellano, J.) 121 L b 1 7 5-Head 7-2 1/2 7-10 4-Head 3-3/4 2.70
5 Rockin' Again (Chavez, J.F.) 121 L 5 1 4-1/2 6-1 1/2 6-1 1/2 3-2 4-8 1/2 2.90
2 Treasure Coaster (Thornton, T.) 114 L 2 8 1-Head 3-1/2 2-Head 6-6 5-1 1/2 43.75
3 Single File (Espinoza, J.L.) 121 3 6 2-Head 1-Head 3-1 1/2 5-Head 6-8 3/4 64.50
4 Catticus (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L b 4 5 3-Head 2-Head 4-Head 7-12 7-7 3/4 3.75
6 Speeder (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 109 L b 6 2 6-Head 8 8 8 8 36.75
Fractional Times: 23.76, 47.99, 1:14.12, 1:40.63

Winner: Stormin Greek - Bay Colt, January 09, 2001
Bred by Stammtisch Farms & Chet Blackey in KY
Pedigree: Stormin Fever - Countus Affair , by Black Tie Affair (IRE)
1 claimed
horse(s): Rockin' Again:
New Owner = Peter J. Canzone, Sr.; New Trainer = Dominic G. Galluscio

Claiming Prices: Stormin Greek: $50,000; Bluesman: $50,000; Gold Reserve: $50,000; Rockin' Again: $50,000; Treasure Coaster: $50,000; Single File: $50,000; Catticus: $40,000; Speeder: $45,000
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 7
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (SNW2 X) One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $46,000
Value of Race: $46,000 1st $27,600, 2nd $9,200, 3rd $5,060, 4th $2,760, 5th $1,380
Weather: Rainy Track: Muddy
Off at: 3:17 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
2B War Paint (Castellano, J.) 117 L cf 6 1 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 1-1/2 1.80*
1A Blues Highway (Prado, E.S.) 117 L b 10 6 2-Head 3-3 1/2 2-2 1/2 2-7 2-3 1/2 3.35
4 Saf Link (Bridgmohan, S.) 119 L b 2 9 10-3 9-2 1/2 6-1/2 3-1 1/2 3-4 24.75
9 To Go (Santos, J.A.) 117 L b 9 5 4-Head 4-Head 4-1 1/2 4-2 1/2 4-Head 18.30
1 Atticus Star (Fragoso, P.) 112 L 1 2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-Head 5-2 1/2 5-2 1/4 3.35
7 Duke's Crossing (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L b 7 10 8-2 1/2 8-1/2 9-2 8-1/2 6-3 4.50
8 Delta Sea (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 119 L bf 8 11 11 11 10-Head 9-1 7-1/2 8.60
3 Shagwong (Hampshire, Jr., J.F.) 119 L b 5 4 6-5 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-1/2 7-1/2 8-1 28.00
5 Bar Dance (Espinoza, J.L.) 119 L b 3 8 9-3 1/2 10-3 11 10-1/2 9-1 1/4 35.00
6 My Legal Alien (Chavez, J.F.) 119 L bf 4 3 3-2 2-Head 3-2 6-1/2 10-4 5.90
3X Back to Work (Luzzi, M.J.) 117 L b 11 7 5-2 6-3 8-2 1/2 11 11 28.00
Fractional Times: 24.24, 48.91, 1:14.22, 1:39.77, 1:53.28

Winner: War Paint - Bay Colt, February 19, 2000
Bred by Stonewall Farm in NY
Pedigree: Devil's Bag - How About Now , by Pentelicus
Scratched Horses: Thanasi, Edgefield, Cape Pogue, Pogolotti Hill, Lost in the Woods
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 8
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares ( C) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $56,000
Value of Race: $56,000 1st $33,600, 2nd $11,200, 3rd $6,160, 4th $3,360, 5th $1,680
Weather: Rainy Track: Muddy
Off at: 3:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Literary Light (Velazquez, J.R.) 121 L 3 1 1-Head 1-Head 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 1.85*
2 Lilah (Uske, S.) 110 L c 2 7 4-Head 3-1 1/2 2-3 1/2 2-3 1/2 3.80
6 Bonefide Reason (Castellano, J.) 119 L c 6 6 7 6-3 1/2 4-1/2 3-1/2 6.30
4 Lights On (Fragoso, P.) 118 L bf 4 2 5-1/2 4-1/2 5-8 4-2 3/4 9.40
5 Silk Concorde (Santos, J.A.) 119 L f 5 3 3-1/2 2-1 1/2 3-Head 5-11 1/4 2.90
7 A. P. Andie (Bridgmohan, S.) 123 L f 7 4 6-6 7 6-Head 6-9 1/2 24.50
1 Golden Made (King, Jr., E.L.) 119 L f 1 5 2-1 5-1 1/2 7 7 11.50
Fractional Times: 22.77, 46.65, 58.85, 1:11.45

Winner: Literary Light - Chestnut Filly, February 06, 1999
Bred by Mjaka I Stable in KY
Pedigree: Ide - Smithie , by Beau Genius
Aqueduct - November 6th, 2003 - Race 9
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old (S ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,510, 4th $2,460, 5th $1,230
Weather: Rainy Track: Muddy
Off at: 4:18 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Costly Castle (Uske, S.) 113 c 6 1 4-6 1-5 1-8 1-5 1/2 1.50*
13 Callcat (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 9 5 5-2 1/2 3-4 1/2 3-6 2-1 1/2 42.25
2 Seattle Willy (Chavez, J.F.) 120 f 1 4 1-1/2 2-3 2-1 1/2 3-7 2.40
1 Runingforpresident (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 4 10 6-1 4-Head 4-8 4-12 3/4 3.95
3 Aly's Alpha Boy (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 2 3 2-1/2 6-6 5-1/2 5-3/4 10.20
4 Bold Raffie (Hampshire, Jr., J.F.) 120 3 9 8-Head 7-1 1/2 7-1/2 6-Head 48.50
8 Connectivity (Shepherd, J.) 113 7 6 10 9-6 8-1/2 7-Nose 86.50
6 El Yunque (Velazquez, D.C.) 120 L 5 2 3-Head 5-Head 6-3 8-3/4 16.80
9 Slack Cat (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 L 8 8 7-3 8-1/2 9-7 9-5 19.00
14 Buff Naked (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 10 7 9-2 10 10 10 40.50
Fractional Times: 23.27, 47.21, 59.40, 1:12.35

Winner: Costly Castle - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, April 26, 2001
Bred by Elisabeth R. Jerkens in NY
Pedigree: Wagon Limit - Costly Countess , by Majestic Venture
Scratched Horses: Sovrano, Speedy Boy, Call the Lark, Storm Boot Gold, Uncross the Stars
Beulah Park - November 6th, 2003 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (S ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $5,100
Includes: $1,000 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Value of Race: $5,100 1st $3,060, 2nd $918, 3rd $510, 4th $255, 5th $153, 6th $102, 7th $51, 8th $51
Weather: Rainy Track: Good
Off at: 12:25 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 De Spike (Whitacre, G.) 120 b 6 4 5-Head 4-1 1/2 2-1 1-1/2 1.20*
2 Clever Endeaver (Frazzitta, Jr., L.J.) 122 L bf 2 7 6-1 6-2 4-Head 2-3 1/2 13.90
3 Last Chance Flame (Ouzts, P.W.) 120 L 3 6 3-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 3-2 1/2 2.80
7 Might Pass (Ccamaque, M.A.) 122 7 2 4-3 5-1 3-1 4-3/4 3.80
1 Noble Honor (Capeles, S.) 120 L b 1 8 7-1/2 7-3 6-1 5-2 6.70
5 Toddy'o (Rozman, A.A.) 122 L b 5 1 2-Head 3-1 1/2 5-1 6-12 1/4 15.70
8 Watch Me Sweep (Olesiak, J.) 120 L b 8 5 8 8 8 7-1/2 51.80
4 R Grand Mohawk (Calo, J.L.) 122 b 4 3 1-1 2-Head 7-5 8 29.50
Fractional Times: 23.63, 49.15, N/A, 1:14.67

Winner: De Spike - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, May 11, 2000
Bred by Carolyn A. Agle in OH
Pedigree: Coax Me Chad - Hyper Lil , by Hyperborean
Claiming Prices: $5,000 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 6th, 2003 - Race 3
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (NW2 Y+) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $4,000
Plus: $500 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,500
Value of Race: $4,000 1st $2,400, 2nd $720, 3rd $400, 4th $200, 5th $120, 6th $40, 7th $40, 8th $40, 9th $40
Reverts: $500
Weather: Rainy Track: Good
Off at: 1:03 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 My Name Is Royal (Herrell, J.C.) 116 L 2 5 4-1 4-1/2 2-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-1 3/4 1.40*
4 Paint the Wind (Ccamaque, M.A.) 116 L b 3 6 6-4 5-4 4-4 2-4 2-12 3/4 5.80
7 Valerina (Anderson, M.) 117 L 7 7 7-1 1/2 7-4 3-1 3-Head 3-Neck 7.20
8 Turn to Angel (Chavez, C.R.) 116 L b 9 9 9 8-Head 8-1/2 6-1/2 4-1 16.90
6 The Flag Stands (Sanchez, C.) 116 L bf 6 3 5-1 6-Head 7-3 5-Head 5-Neck 26.80
1 Taylors Angel (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 116 L f 5 2 2-3 1-Head 1-Head 4-5 6-5 1/2 2.70
5 All for One (Yaranga, Y.) 119 L 4 1 3-5 3-2 1/2 6-Head 7-4 7-2 31.30
1A Dixie D' Or (Whitacre, G.) 116 L 8 8 8-1/2 9 9 8-4 8-10 1/2 2.70
2 Jami Pari (Olesiak, J.) 118 L b 1 4 1-1/2 2-6 5-1 9 9 5.40
Fractional Times: 24.42, 49.04, 1:17.07, 1:43.70

Winner: My Name Is Royal - Dark Bay or Brown Mare, June 11, 1997
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Blackwell in FL
Pedigree: Prospector's Halo - Dirty Dutchess , by Sunny Clime
Claiming Prices: $3,500 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 6th, 2003 - Race 5
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 Y) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $4,000
Plus: $500 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,500
Value of Race: $4,000 1st $2,400, 2nd $720, 3rd $400, 4th $200, 5th $80, 6th $40, 7th $40, 8th $40, 9th $40, 10th $40
Reverts: $500
Weather: Showery Track: Good
Off at: 1:41 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
9 Nodoubtadude (Ccamaque, M.A.) 117 L f 9 6 2-1 1/2 3-1 3-6 1-Head 1-1/2 4.40
2 Syl's Aggravation (Ouzts, P.W.) 117 L b 2 1 9-2 9-1 1/2 4-1/2 4-5 2-2 1/2 9.40
10 Exclusively Risque (Guerra, J.A.) 117 L bf 10 8 3-1/2 1-Head 1-1 2-1 3-2 68.80
8 Explosive Test (Capeles, S.) 117 L b 8 3 4-Head 4-6 2-1 3-1/2 4-6 1/4 4.60
1 Majestic Fan (Calo, J.L.) 117 L b 1 2 7-Head 6-Head 5-1/2 5-1 5-2 2.80*
6 Doc's Magic Dream (Moran, S.L.) 117 L 6 9 8-1 8-1 8-1 1/2 6-1/2 6-Neck 6.90
3 Celtic Reign (Whitacre, G.) 117 L bf 3 10 10 10 7-Head 7-4 7-7 31.00
5 Mr. Newb (Herrell, J.C.) 122 L b 5 5 5-Head 5-Head 9-4 9-4 8-4 3/4 4.50
4 Silver Attack (Rozman, A.A.) 117 L bf 4 4 1-1 1/2 2-2 6-2 8-Head 9-5 1/4 6.90
7 Chunters Defense (Sanchez, C.) 117 L f 7 7 6-5 7-1 10 10 10 37.00
Fractional Times: 23.62, 48.05, 1:14.13, 1:40.68, 1:47.67

Winner: Nodoubtadude - Chestnut Gelding, March 24, 1996
Bred by Billy M. Bowers in IL
Pedigree: Spy Signal - Nodoubtalady , by Nodouble
Claiming Prices: $3,500 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 6th, 2003 - Race 7
Starter Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $5,000
Plus: $400 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $5,400
Value of Race: $5,400 1st $3,400, 2nd $900, 3rd $500, 4th $250, 5th $150, 6th $50, 7th $50, 8th $50, 9th $50
Weather: Showery Track: Good
Off at: 2:19 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
4 J. R.'s Town (Calo, J.L.) 116 L b 4 7 8-8 8-15 6-1 1-1 1/2 4.80
7 Wall to Wall (Whitacre, G.) 116 L bf 7 2 5-1 5-1 5-1 1/2 2-1 1/4 6.40
2 Shamrocks Fibber (Moran, S.L.) 116 L 2 5 2-1 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 21.40
8 Houston Texas (Olesiak, J.) 119 L 8 4 3-1/2 3-2 4-Head 4-Neck 6.20
3 Disperse Gold (Capeles, S.) 119 L bf 3 6 4-1/2 4-Head 3-Head 5-1 5.40
1 Nobody Knows (Herrell, J.C.) 116 L 1 8 7-Head 7-Head 8-20 6-3/4 7.30
9 Red Hot Prospect (Ccamaque, M.A.) 117 L b 9 1 6-1 6-3 7-Head 7-Nose 4.00
5 Cat Tracks (Ouzts, P.W.) 116 L f 5 3 1-2 1-1 1/2 1-Head 8-21 3.10*
6 Xclusive Imp (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 116 L b 6 9 9 9 9 9 53.10
Fractional Times: 22.28, 46.39, 58.95, 1:05.52

Winner: J. R.'s Town - Chestnut Gelding, April 27, 1997
Bred by George A. Zimmerman in OH
Pedigree: Texas City - Just Regent , by Vice Regent
Beulah Park - November 6th, 2003 - Race 9
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 Y+) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $4,000
Plus: $400 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,400
Value of Race: $4,000 1st $2,400, 2nd $720, 3rd $400, 4th $160, 5th $40, 6th $40, 7th $40, 8th $40, 9th $40, 10th $40, 11th $40, 12th $40
Reverts: $400
Weather: Showery Track: Good
Off at: 2:58 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Classic Brush (Guerra, J.A.) 116 L b 4 6 4-Head 3-4 1-1/2 1-4 1/4 2.20
3 Clip Joint (Calo, J.L.) 116 L bf 3 7 5-1 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 2-1 10.40
12 Buck One (Ccamaque, M.A.) 116 L b 12 1 2-4 1/2 2-1 1/2 3-3 3-Neck 6.60
5 Favored Sweep (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 122 L bf 5 4 1-Head 1-Head 2-Head 4-3/4 2.20*
9 Maybe Nextime Beau (Ouzts, P.W.) 116 L 9 5 6-1 5-1/2 5-3 5-1 1/2 6.40
1 Big Bing (Capeles, S.) 116 L bf 1 11 9-1 7-1/2 6-1 1/2 6-6 1/4 24.40
2 Little Hoppy (Yaranga, Y.) 119 L bf 2 9 8-1/2 8-1/2 7-1 7-1/2 21.40
7 Ambitious Dancer (Anderson, M.) 117 L b 7 12 12 12 10-2 1/2 8-1 1/4 18.50
10 Mr. Alchemy (Endres, J.) 116 L bf 10 3 3-Head 6-3 8-1/2 9-Head 45.40
8 Golden Paul (Butler, B.S.) 116 L 8 10 10-1 1/2 9-2 9-1 10-2 3/4 15.60
6 Tsuniday (Chavez, C.R.) 116 L b 6 8 11-5 11-2 11-1/2 11-5 1/2 39.30
11 Glitgo (Whitacre, G.) 116 L b 11 2 7-2 1/2 10-1 1/2 12 12 82.50
Fractional Times: 22.48, 47.38, 59.94, 1:12.86

Winner: Classic Brush - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, March 12, 1995
Bred by Mt. Joy Stables in KY
Pedigree: Broad Brush - Link to Erin , by Linkage
Claiming Prices: $3,500 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 6th, 2003 - Race 11
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 L) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $4,300
Plus: $400 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,700
Value of Race: $4,300 1st $2,580, 2nd $774, 3rd $430, 4th $172, 5th $43, 6th $43, 7th $43, 8th $43, 9th $43, 10th $43, 11th $43, 12th $43
Reverts: $400
Weather: Showery Track: Good
Off at: 3:38 Start: Good for all but 8

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 T. V. Frost (Ccamaque, M.A.) 122 L b 5 9 6-Head 5-1 1/2 3-3 1-1 3/4 5.70
1 Fulham (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 119 L b 1 8 2-1/2 2-3 2-2 2-3/4 3.80*
6 Goldcappedtooth (Ouzts, P.W.) 114 L b 6 3 1-3 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-2 3-4 1/2 4.00
7 Tom's Boomer (Calo, J.L.) 114 L b 7 6 5-Head 6-1 5-1 4-1 1/4 10.30
8 Tony the Bear (Guerra, J.A.) 119 L b 8 12 12 10-Head 7-Head 5-1/2 7.90
11 Nothinglefttogive (Herrell, J.C.) 119 L b 11 5 11-3 11-1/2 9-3 6-1/2 8.80
2 Strap (Butler, B.S.) 116 L b 2 10 3-Head 3-1/2 4-1/2 7-3/4 9.90
3 Mac's Last Bucko (Rozman, A.A.) 116 L b 3 11 9-1 8-2 6-2 8-5 1/2 8.60
4 Bigtimesentence (Sanchez, C.) 116 L b 4 7 4-2 4-1/2 8-Head 9-2 1/4 27.80
9 Coax No More (Anderson, M.) 117 L b 9 2 10-1 1/2 12 10-Head 10-Neck 10.90
10 Grand Commemorate (Olesiak, J.) 118 L b 10 4 8-1 9-1/2 11-1 1/2 11-7 3/4 87.10
12 Big Oxx (Whitacre, G.) 116 L bf 12 1 7-1/2 7-1 12 12 24.00
Fractional Times: 22.91, 47.19, 59.81, 1:13.06

Winner: T. V. Frost - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, May 26, 1999
Bred by John Kubacki in FL
Pedigree: Alaskan Frost - T. V. Circuit , by Mickey McGuire
Claiming Prices: $4,000 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 6th, 2003 - Race 13
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward One Mile And Seventy Yards On The Dirt
Purse: $4,000
Plus: $500 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,500
Value of Race: $4,000 1st $2,400, 2nd $720, 3rd $400, 4th $160, 5th $40, 6th $40, 7th $40, 8th $40, 9th $40, 10th $40, 11th $40, 12th $40
Reverts: $500
Weather: Showery Track: Good
Off at: 4:17 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
2 Visa Tour (Ccamaque, M.A.) 120 L b 2 7 7-Head 6-1 1/2 2-6 2-10 1-1/2 0.70*
5 Sir Ceasar (Castaneda, B.) 120 L b 5 8 3-1 1/2 1-5 1-6 1-1 1/2 2-18 8.00
3 All Over the World (Calo, J.L.) 120 L b 3 4 4-Head 5-2 3-1 3-Head 3-3 3/4 11.20
6 All Ahead Full (Guerra, J.A.) 120 L b 6 10 10-1/2 8-1 4-2 4-4 4-2 29.60
11 Tainwell (GB) (Whitacre, G.) 122 L b 11 11 11-15 11-20 7-1 5-4 5-1 3/4 18.40
8 Son of a Fish (Moran, S.L.) 122 L f 8 5 8-2 9-1 1/2 6-1 1/2 6-1/2 6-5 60.90
1 Phantom of the Sea (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 122 L bf 1 1 5-1 7-Head 11-7 8-3 7-1/2 7.10
9 Pablo (Endres, J.) 120 L b 9 9 6-3 4-1 5-2 7-Head 8-Neck 30.30
7 Smart Wager (Herrell, J.C.) 120 L b 7 12 12 12 12 10-1 9-2 3/4 7.00
10 Exchangon (O'Farrill, O.) 120 L b 10 6 9-1 1/2 10-Head 9-1 9-1/2 10-6 1/4 41.90
12 The Breeze (Olesiak, J.) 122 L b 12 3 2-1/2 3-Head 8-1/2 11-5 11-11 1/2 43.60
4 You Will Cry Devil (Rozman, A.A.) 120 L b 4 2 1-1 1/2 2-2 1/2 10-Head 12 12 54.90
Fractional Times: 23.08, 47.62, 1:14.93, 1:41.71, 1:45.96

Winner: Visa Tour - Chestnut Colt, April 01, 2000
Bred by Irish Acres Farm in IL
Pedigree: Tour d'Or - So Spicy , by Mr. Leader
Claiming Prices: $4,000 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 7th, 2003 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (SNW2 L) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $5,300
Includes: $1,000 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Value of Race: $5,300 1st $3,180, 2nd $954, 3rd $530, 4th $265, 5th $159, 6th $106, 7th $53, 8th $53
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:00 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Sister Halo (Capeles, S.) 116 3 8 6-Head 3-1 1-Head 1-1 4.00
2 Lady's Mark (Whitacre, G.) 116 L 2 4 4-Head 5-Head 4-Head 2-2 3.90
4 Steppin (Moran, S.L.) 116 L b 4 7 7-1 1/2 4-1 5-2 3-1 1/4 9.80
7 Emagine That (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 122 L f 7 6 2-Head 1-Head 2-1/2 4-1 7.90
6 Dodge City Annie (Olesiak, J.) 118 L f 6 5 3-2 1/2 6-3 6-4 5-Nose 4.70
5 Canvas' Honey (Ouzts, P.W.) 114 L b 5 3 1-1/2 2-1 1/2 3-Head 6-5 1/4 1.60*
8 Els Belle (Frazzitta, Jr., L.J.) 116 b 8 1 8 8 7-1 1/2 7-4 1/2 40.70
1 Johnny's Nickle (Sanchez, C.) 116 L 1 2 5-1/2 7-1 8 8 21.60
Fractional Times: 23.51, 48.82, 1:01.71, 1:14.84

Winner: Sister Halo - Chestnut Filly, April 11, 2000
Bred by Linda Edwards in OH
Pedigree: Strodes Creek - Bettielou , by Fast Play
Claiming Prices: $4,000 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 7th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $6,500
Plus: $3,500 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $10,000
Value of Race: $10,000 1st $7,400, 2nd $1,170, 3rd $650, 4th $325, 5th $195, 6th $130, 7th $65, 8th $65
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:50 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Shadowsoncanvas (Ouzts, P.W.) 120 L b 3 3 1-1 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-2 1/4 3.10
2 Kerosene King (Ccamaque, M.A.) 120 L b 1 5 2-1 2-1 1/2 2-1 2-1 1/4 1.80*
6 Bestrongspeaktrue (Chavez, C.R.) 120 4 4 3-1 1/2 3-2 3-2 3-2 1/2 6.30
10 Thelightsareon (Calo, J.L.) 120 L b 8 1 6-7 4-Head 4-4 4-8 3.20
7 Shenandoah King (Whitacre, G.) 120 L 5 8 7-2 1/2 7 6-1 5-2 3/4 25.00
9 True Bet (Frazzitta, Jr., L.J.) 120 b 7 2 5-1/2 5-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 6-3 11.90
8 Ruckus Dancer (Golibrzuch, S.) 120 L b 6 6 4-Head 6-2 7 7 11.60
3 Chief Diamond (Endres, J.) 120 2 7 8 --- --- --- 15.80
Fractional Times: 22.98, 47.81, 1:00.40, 1:13.63

Winner: Shadowsoncanvas - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, March 06, 2001
Bred by Deborah Piepmeyer in OH
Pedigree: Canvas - Myrtle's Valentine , by Elocutionist
Scratched Horses: King Karl, Subject to Fine
Beulah Park - November 7th, 2003 - Race 6
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (NW2 Y) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $4,000
Plus: $400 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,400
Value of Race: $4,000 1st $2,400, 2nd $720, 3rd $400, 4th $200, 5th $120, 6th $80, 7th $40, 8th $40
Reverts: $400
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:28 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Triple Appeal (Ccamaque, M.A.) 122 L b 6 1 2-4 1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 1-4 1/4 1.40*
5 Specialkindafan (Ouzts, P.W.) 117 L b 4 5 1-Head 2-6 2-5 2-1/2 6.40
1 Afternoon Amour (Chavez, C.R.) 117 L f 1 7 4-Head 4-Head 3-6 3-6 1/4 9.70
9 Shady Lady Jane (Sanchez, C.) 117 L bf 8 4 3-Head 3-1 4-1/2 4-1 3/4 3.70
4 Opt (Anderson, M.) 117 L 3 8 7-4 5-1 5-2 5-3 3.10
6 Our Luck Will Turn (Olesiak, J.) 119 L 5 2 6-1/2 7-3 7-Head 6-1/2 15.40
2 Polish Snoop (Butler, B.S.) 117 L 2 6 8 8 8 7-3 3/4 29.50
8 Motel Shot (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 117 L f 7 3 5-1/2 6-1 1/2 6-1 8 29.00
Fractional Times: 22.95, 47.18, 59.64, 1:12.51

Winner: Triple Appeal - Chestnut Mare, January 21, 1996
Bred by Mrs. Gene Whitehead in TX
Pedigree: World Appeal - Triple Mama , by Triple Sec
Claiming Prices: $3,500 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: No Anchovies
Beulah Park - November 7th, 2003 - Race 8
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $6,500
Plus: $3,800 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $10,300
Value of Race: $6,500 1st $3,900, 2nd $1,170, 3rd $650, 4th $325, 5th $195, 6th $65, 7th $65, 8th $65, 9th $65
Reverts: $3,800
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:02 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Enchanted Kitten (Calo, J.L.) 120 L 5 3 4-1 1/2 3-1/2 2-5 2-8 1-Neck 0.90*
1 Ski Breeze (Ouzts, P.W.) 120 b 1 9 7-1 1/2 2-1 1-Head 1-1 2-11 1/4 1.90
10 Libby La Vita Loca (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 120 L 9 1 2-1/2 4-1/2 4-1 3-5 3-9 41.60
4 Miss Uppity (Capeles, S.) 120 L f 4 5 3-5 5-4 5-5 4-1/2 4-3 3/4 6.50
3 Poison Oak Camp (Sanchez, C.) 122 L bf 3 7 8-1 1/2 7-2 7-2 6-2 5-2 1/4 61.10
2 Four Speed (Moran, S.L.) 120 2 6 5-1/2 6-Head 6-Head 7-Head 6-2 47.40
9 Cryptic Storm (Olesiak, J.) 122 L f 8 2 9 8-4 8-15 8 7-Nose 15.30
6 Blast (Ccamaque, M.A.) 120 L b 6 4 1-1 1-3 3-1 5-1 8 10.80
8 Lady Etain (Hernandez, A.A.) 122 L bf 7 8 6-Head 9 9 --- --- 71.30
Fractional Times: 24.16, 48.57, 1:14.85, 1:41.06

Winner: Enchanted Kitten - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, February 23, 2000
Bred by Gainesway Thoroughbreds Ltd. in KY
Pedigree: Sir Cat - The Way We Were , by Avatar
Scratched Horses: Soft as Velvet
Beulah Park - November 7th, 2003 - Race 10
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW3 Y) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $4,000
Plus: $500 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,500
Value of Race: $4,500 1st $2,900, 2nd $720, 3rd $400, 4th $200, 5th $80, 6th $40, 7th $40, 8th $40, 9th $40, 10th $40
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:34 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Post Chaplain (Vidal, F.A.) 119 L b 4 1 3-2 1/2 2-1/2 1-Head 1-2 1/2 1-2 1/2 4.40
10 Sneaky Sam (Capeles, S.) 119 L bf 10 3 6-1/2 5-Head 3-Head 3-1 2-1/2 2.70*
5 Queen's Colony (Butler, B.S.) 117 L bf 5 8 9-6 9-4 8-4 5-1/2 3-1 3/4 12.70
8 Rocky D' Or (Ouzts, P.W.) 117 L b 8 4 1-1 1/2 1-1 2-4 2-1 1/2 4-Head 9.40
2 Momentous Drive (Ccamaque, M.A.) 117 L 2 7 5-1/2 4-Head 4-1/2 4-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 3.60
6 Sand Digger (Endres, J.) 117 L 6 9 8-1/2 7-1 7-1/2 7-1/2 6-1 114.80
7 Desert Place (Frazzitta, Jr., L.J.) 117 L f 7 2 4-1/2 6-1/2 6-Head 8-3 7-1 1/4 6.90
3 Stairway to Heaven (Yaranga, Y.) 117 L b 3 6 2-2 3-4 5-1 6-1 8-5 1/4 24.70
1 Frank T. (Moran, S.L.) 117 bf 1 10 10 10 9-Head 9-5 9-8 1/4 26.40
9 Double M Express (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 117 L 9 5 7-1 8-1 1/2 10 10 10 4.50
Fractional Times: 24.33, 48.90, 1:14.79, 1:40.84

Winner: Post Chaplain - Chestnut Gelding, May 20, 1997
Bred by Donald D. Thomas in OH
Pedigree: Chief Honcho - Miss Hootley Ann , by Smoggy (GB)
Claiming Prices: $3,500 (All horses)
Beulah Park - November 7th, 2003 - Race 12
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW1 Y) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $4,000
Plus: $500 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $4,500
Value of Race: $4,000 1st $2,400, 2nd $720, 3rd $400, 4th $200, 5th $120, 6th $40, 7th $40, 8th $40, 9th $40
Reverts: $500
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:20 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Rossman (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 122 L bf 2 3 2-2 2-1 3-1 2-1/2 1-Neck 3.60
6 Yarny's Star (Capeles, S.) 122 L 5 1 3-1 1/2 3-1 2-1 3-2 2-1 1/4 5.80
4 Ruby Prospector (Butler, B.S.) 122 L bf 3 4 1-5 1-9 1-7 1-2 3-Nose 9.60
7 Island Banking (Ccamaque, M.A.) 122 L bf 6 2 5-2 5-2 1/2 5-1 1/2 4-Head 4-1 3/4 9.00
5 Two Reasons (Sanchez, C.) 122 L 4 5 4-1 4-1 4-Head 5-1 1/2 5-Neck 5.30
8 Refine (Moran, S.L.) 122 L 7 8 6-1/2 6-1/2 6-2 6-1/2 6-3 1/2 9.80
9 Lead the Pack (Ouzts, P.W.) 122 L f 8 6 7-2 7-3 7-6 7-10 7-13 1.60*
1 Toolin Around (Anderson, M.) 122 L 1 9 9 9 8-1/2 8-5 8-11 40.20
10 Motion to Suppress (Yaranga, Y.) 122 L b 9 7 8-Head 8-3 1/2 9 9 9 59.70
Fractional Times: 24.26, 48.09, 1:14.42, 1:41.40

Winner: Rossman - Chestnut Gelding, May 15, 1996
Bred by Paul J. Sita in LA
Pedigree: Lord Rebeau - Miss Cabildo , by Cabildo
Claiming Prices: $3,500 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Shecky's Cowboy
Beulah Park - November 7th, 2003 - Race 14
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW4 L) Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $4,600
Plus: $400 (Ohio Thoroughbred Fund )
Available Money: $5,000
Value of Race: $4,600 1st $2,760, 2nd $828, 3rd $460, 4th $230, 5th $46, 6th $46, 7th $46, 8th $46, 9th $46, 10th $46, 11th $46
Reverts: $400
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 4:45 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
8 Bri's Bad Boy (Rosario, Jr., H.L.) 116 L b 8 2 3-Head 1-Head 1-1 1-2 1/4 2.40
2 Schooling (Ouzts, P.W.) 116 L 2 11 11 10-3 7-Head 2-Neck 10.80
4 Raciandeed (Whitacre, G.) 119 L bf 4 5 5-2 5-1 1/2 2-Head 3-1 1/4 8.80
6 Hometown (Frazzitta, Jr., L.J.) 117 L 6 6 6-1 6-1 1/2 4-Head 4-1 1/4 44.10
3 Faith Heylin (Olesiak, J.) 118 L 3 8 8-Head 9-2 8-1 5-3 50.50
1 Darby Creek Doc (Ccamaque, M.A.) 119 L bf 1 3 1-1/2 2-1/2 3-4 6-2 3/4 1.50*
7 Discovering Money (Calo, J.L.) 116 L f 7 9 10-1/2 11 11 7-Nose 16.70
10 The Running Sioux (O'Farrill, O.) 120 L b 10 10 9-3 7-1 6-1/2 8-1/2 48.50
9 Coin Machine (Chavez, C.R.) 116 L bf 9 4 4-1 1/2 3-1/2 5-Head 9-3/4 12.00
5 Northern Rex (Griffin, E.D.) 117 L bf 5 1 2-Head 4-1 9-4 10-2 1/2 20.00
11 Leaving Texas (Capeles, S.) 116 L 11 7 7-2 8-1 10-Head 11 8.20
Fractional Times: 22.51, 46.81, 59.23, 1:06.50

Winner: Bri's Bad Boy - Chestnut Gelding, April 09, 1999
Bred by Thomas McCann & Judith McCann in OH
Pedigree: Chequer - Man Charmer , by Hatchet Man
Claiming Prices: $5,000 (All horses)
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $15,000
Value of Race: $15,000 1st $9,300, 2nd $3,000, 3rd $1,500, 4th $750, 5th $450
Weather: Rainy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 12:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Carson's Cat (Velasquez, C.H.) 121 L bf 3 2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-3 1/2 1.00*
11 Yester Morn (Melancon, L.) 121 L b 10 7 3-1/2 2-1/2 2-2 1/2 2-Nose 8.30
5 Tack Room (Castanon, J.L.) 121 L b 5 3 2-1 3-5 3-3 3-Nose 11.60
4 Zilia (Martinez, W.) 121 L b 4 11 10-3 1/2 8-2 5-Head 4-4 6.30
8 Eastern Empress (McKee, J.) 121 L 7 6 7-1/2 5-1 6-3 5-2 21.60
1 Greenlaw (Butler, D.P.) 121 L 1 12 5-1 7-1 7-2 6-1/2 36.40
15 Queen of the Zone (Kuntzweiler, G.) 123 L 12 8 11-1 11-Head 10-3 7-Neck 54.10
7 Wasioto (Zuniga, E.) 123 L 6 4 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 4-Head 8-1 1/4 4.50
2 Mile of Sunshine (Morgan, M.R.) 121 L b 2 10 6-Head 9-1 8-Head 9-8 1/4 80.10
9 Patton Leather (Borel, C.H.) 121 L f 8 5 8-Head 6-2 9-2 10-Neck 15.60
12 Ready Girl (Bejarano, R.) 123 L bf 11 1 9-6 10-7 11-3 11-5 27.30
10 Fussy Fever (Arguello, Jr., F.A.) 123 L 9 9 12 12 12 12 128.40
Fractional Times: 21.95, 46.98, 1:00.28, 1:14.80

Winner: Carson's Cat - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, April 02, 2000
Bred by Donald G. McClinton in KY
Pedigree: Mountain Cat - Carson Kitty , by Carson City
1 claimed
horse(s): Carson's Cat:
New Owner = Tim Quinton; New Trainer = Kenneth G. Hickman

Claiming Prices: $15,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Boogie Lill, Turkish Echo, Fashion Diamond, Lil' Bit of Pucker
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 L) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $15,500
Value of Race: $15,500 1st $9,610, 2nd $3,100, 3rd $1,550, 4th $775, 5th $465
Weather: Rainy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 1:10 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Mr. Rumson (McKee, J.) 117 L b 4 8 8-2 1/2 8-3 7-3 2-1/2 1-3/4 7.10
8 Underpinning (Lanerie, C.J.) 116 L b 8 4 2-1 3-2 1/2 1-2 1-2 1/2 2-1 1.30*
6 In the Teepee (Johnston, J.) 117 L bfl 6 10 10 9-Head 9-3 1/2 6-1 1/2 3-2 1/4 18.10
5 Skip to the Beat (Delgado, J.H.) 119 L b 5 5 4-2 1/2 5-4 4-2 3-3 4-1 7.50
2 Foxboat (Butler, D.P.) 117 L b 2 6 7-2 6-1 1/2 5-1 4-Head 5-4 1/2 13.60
11 The Cat and I (Coa, D.) 121 L bf 10 7 9-2 10 10 8-3 6-1 1/4 17.60
1 Grand Sorcerer (D'Amico, A.J.) 115 L bf 1 9 5-1 1/2 4-1/2 2-Head 5-2 7-1 1/4 9.90
7 Mr. Cat (Martinez, W.) 115 L 7 1 1-Head 1-Head 3-1 1/2 7-3 8-8 3/4 6.00
9 Extensive Quality (Troilo, W.D.) 115 L 9 2 6-1/2 7-1/2 8-Head 10 9-2 1/2 33.00
3 Bright Village (Zuniga, E.) 115 L bf 3 3 3-Head 2-Head 6-Head 9-Head 10 10.30
Fractional Times: 23.01, 46.57, 1:13.13, 1:26.72, 1:40.92

Winner: Mr. Rumson - Bay Gelding, March 11, 1999
Bred by Hermitage Farm LLC in KY
Pedigree: Seeking the Gold - Devil's Needle , by Nureyev
Claiming Prices: $10,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Winter Games
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 3
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $18,500
Value of Race: $18,500 1st $11,470, 2nd $3,700, 3rd $1,850, 4th $925, 5th $555
Weather: Rainy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 1:39 Start: Good for all
Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Salt Raker (Butler, D.P.) 121 L 3 7 5-2 3-2 1/2 3-3 2-5 1-1 6.40
7 Letter of Credit (Velasquez, C.H.) 121 L b 6 4 2-1 2-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-Head 2-8 3/4 1.20*
10 Shoo Brush (Sellers, S.J.) 121 L b 9 9 9-1/2 8-3 5-2 3-3 3-3 3.50
9 Suleiman (Blanc, B.) 121 L 8 3 8-1/2 7-1 1/2 6-1 5-1 4-2 1/2 4.50
4 Always Valiant (Coa, D.) 121 L 4 8 10-4 1/2 10-1 9-1 7-1 1/2 5-3 3/4 36.80
5 Southern Snuggle (Adam, M.G.) 117 L b 5 10 11-6 11-8 10-3 8-2 6-Head 67.00
1 Exceptional Sunset (Deegan, J.) 121 L b 1 11 6-1/2 4-1 1/2 4-2 6-3 7-3 3/4 37.80
12 Red Quest (Zuniga, E.) 119 L b 11 1 1-2 1/2 1-3 2-1 4-Head 8-2 3/4 46.40
11 Cum Laude (Bejarano, R.) 123 L bf 10 6 7-1/2 5-1/2 7-1 9-1 9-1/2 29.70
14 Flair to Spare (Arguello, Jr., F.A.) 121 L f 12 2 4-Head 6-1/2 8-5 10-9 10-12 3/4 27.00
2 Charles B. (Thompson, T.J.) 121 L b 2 12 12 12 12 12 11-3 3/4 49.70
8 Harbor the Dream (Martinez, W.) 123 L bf 7 5 3-1 1/2 9-6 11-15 11-8 12 19.70
Fractional Times: 22.82, 46.60, 1:13.52, 1:26.51, 1:39.73

Winner: Salt Raker - Bay Gelding, March 21, 2000
Bred by Chet Blackey & Mike Anchel in KY
Pedigree: Boundary - Air Port Won , by Shawklit Won
2 claimed
horse(s): Letter of Credit:
New Owner = William Braums; New Trainer = Wayne D. Mogge
New Owner = Musselman, Thomas and Foley, Vickie L., et al; New Trainer = Vickie L. Foley
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 4
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (NW2 X) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $48,800
Includes: $8,800 (Kentucky Thoroughbred Development Fund )
Value of Race: $42,200 1st $24,800, 2nd $9,760, 3rd $4,000, 4th $2,440, 5th $1,200
Reverts: $6,600
Weather: Rainy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 2:08 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
2 Angela's Love (Day, P.) 115 L 2 5 2-1/2 1-1 1-1 1/2 1-4 1/2 0.80*
4 Our Mimi (Martinez, W.) 117 L 4 1 5-1/2 4-1/2 3-Head 2-1 1/2 9.90
6 Parting (Velasquez, C.H.) 115 L f 6 4 6-Head 5-Head 4-3 3-2 3/4 5.10
5 A Little Gold (McKee, J.) 121 L 5 6 3-Head 2-1 2-1 4-7 2.80
7 Miss Mary Apples (D'Amico, A.J.) 115 L 7 7 7 7 5-1 1/2 5-1 12.00
3 Pk's Gal (Thompson, T.J.) 115 L 3 3 4-1/2 6-2 6-2 6-6 3/4 24.00
1 Ossabaw (Johnston, J.) 121 L bf 1 2 1-1/2 3-Head 7 7 56.70
Fractional Times: 21.90, 46.46, 59.47, 1:12.52

Winner: Angela's Love - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, April 16, 2000
Bred by Dr. George E. Harmening, Kimberly Harmening & William Campbell in MD
Pedigree: Not For Love - Goldgorian's Alden , by John Alden
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 5
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $22,500
Value of Race: $22,500 1st $13,950, 2nd $4,500, 3rd $2,250, 4th $1,125, 5th $675
Weather: Clear Track: Sloppy
Off at: 2:39 Start: Good for all but 3

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 America Alive (Borel, C.H.) 122 L b 8 6 7-2 1/2 4-2 1/2 1-1/2 1-3 1/2 1-9 1/2 5.10
4 Lowell's Legacy (Martinez, W.) 122 L 4 7 6-Head 5-1 5-3 4-1 1/2 2-Head 4.70
1 Dancemaker (Troilo, W.D.) 122 L b 1 1 1-1 1/2 1-2 2-1 2-2 3-2 1/4 8.90
7 Mighty Military (McKee, J.) 122 L 7 10 11-Head 9-1 7-3 6-3 4-Nose 8.70
2 Running Brave (Day, P.) 122 L 2 4 5-1 1/2 2-1/2 3-Head 3-Head 5-4 3/4 3.40*
6 Fire Strike (Butler, D.P.) 122 L bf 6 3 2-Head 3-Head 4-3 5-1/2 6-4 25.30
5 Awininthepipeline (Lanerie, C.J.) 122 L 5 8 8-Head 8-1/2 6-1/2 7-2 1/2 7-1 1/4 15.90
3 Irish Emblem (Johnston, J.) 122 L b 3 12 12 11-Head 8-3 8-2 8-1/2 52.40
9 Tract (Melancon, L.) 122 9 9 9-1/2 10-1/2 9-1 9-5 9-10 1/2 6.40
12 Ponte Vedra (Sellers, S.J.) 122 L 12 2 4-Head 7-Head 10-1 11-9 10-Neck 16.60
11 I'mthedeal (Bejarano, R.) 122 L 11 5 3-Head 6-1 11-7 10-1/2 11 8.90
10 Gibbar (Thompson, T.J.) 118 L f 10 11 10-2 1/2 12 12 12 --- 52.40
Fractional Times: 22.83, 46.47, 1:12.76, 1:25.63, 1:39.07

Winner: America Alive - Bay Colt, March 10, 2001
Bred by Mill House in KY
Pedigree: American Chance - Alive With Hope , by Alydar
1 claimed
horse(s): Awininthepipeline:
New Owner = Patty W. Tipton; New Trainer = Vickie L. Foley
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 5
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $22,500
Value of Race: $22,500 1st $13,950, 2nd $4,500, 3rd $2,250, 4th $1,125, 5th $675
Weather: Clear Track: Sloppy
Off at: 2:39 Start: Good for all but 3

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 America Alive (Borel, C.H.) 122 L b 8 6 7-2 1/2 4-2 1/2 1-1/2 1-3 1/2 1-9 1/2 5.10
4 Lowell's Legacy (Martinez, W.) 122 L 4 7 6-Head 5-1 5-3 4-1 1/2 2-Head 4.70
1 Dancemaker (Troilo, W.D.) 122 L b 1 1 1-1 1/2 1-2 2-1 2-2 3-2 1/4 8.90
7 Mighty Military (McKee, J.) 122 L 7 10 11-Head 9-1 7-3 6-3 4-Nose 8.70
2 Running Brave (Day, P.) 122 L 2 4 5-1 1/2 2-1/2 3-Head 3-Head 5-4 3/4 3.40*
6 Fire Strike (Butler, D.P.) 122 L bf 6 3 2-Head 3-Head 4-3 5-1/2 6-4 25.30
5 Awininthepipeline (Lanerie, C.J.) 122 L 5 8 8-Head 8-1/2 6-1/2 7-2 1/2 7-1 1/4 15.90
3 Irish Emblem (Johnston, J.) 122 L b 3 12 12 11-Head 8-3 8-2 8-1/2 52.40
9 Tract (Melancon, L.) 122 9 9 9-1/2 10-1/2 9-1 9-5 9-10 1/2 6.40
12 Ponte Vedra (Sellers, S.J.) 122 L 12 2 4-Head 7-Head 10-1 11-9 10-Neck 16.60
11 I'mthedeal (Bejarano, R.) 122 L 11 5 3-Head 6-1 11-7 10-1/2 11 8.90
10 Gibbar (Thompson, T.J.) 118 L f 10 11 10-2 1/2 12 12 12 --- 52.40
Fractional Times: 22.83, 46.47, 1:12.76, 1:25.63, 1:39.07

Winner: America Alive - Bay Colt, March 10, 2001
Bred by Mill House in KY
Pedigree: American Chance - Alive With Hope , by Alydar
1 claimed
horse(s): Awininthepipeline:
New Owner = Patty W. Tipton; New Trainer = Vickie L. Foley
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 7
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 L) Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $21,000
Value of Race: $21,000 1st $13,020, 2nd $4,200, 3rd $2,100, 4th $1,050, 5th $630
Weather: Cloudy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 3:37 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 My Man George (Bejarano, R.) 119 L 1 4 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-2 1-5 1/2 11.20
5 Layn the Smackdown (King, D.) 110 L f 5 7 7-3 6-Head 3-1 1/2 2-Nose 7.50
2 Ring of Power (Lanerie, C.J.) 116 L 2 6 5-Head 4-Head 2-1 3-1 1/2 4.30
7 Editiorial (McKee, J.) 111 L b 7 8 8-2 8-4 5-3 4-3 28.90
10 Confer (Velasquez, C.H.) 117 L 9 1 3-1/2 3-2 4-1 1/2 5-9 7.10
3 Hayes Road (D'Amico, A.J.) 115 L 3 2 2-1 1/2 2-Head 6-3 6-2 9.30
4 Chief Negotiator (Sellers, S.J.) 115 L b 4 5 6-1 5-1 7-3 7-3/4 1.80*
6 Polish (Blanc, B.) 117 L b 6 9 9 9 8-1 1/2 8-2 1/4 5.00
9 Torque Man (Butler, D.P.) 117 L bf 8 3 4-Head 7-Head 9 9 30.60
Fractional Times: 22.64, 46.70, 1:12.11, 1:18.63

Winner: My Man George - Chestnut Gelding, March 28, 2000
Bred by Gus Schoenborn Jr. in NY
Pedigree: Rodeo - Serious Dancer , by Linkage
Claiming Prices: My Man George: $30,000; Layn the Smackdown: $30,000; Ring of Power: $30,000; Editiorial: $25,000; Confer: $30,000; Hayes Road: $30,000; Chief Negotiator: $30,000; Polish: $30,000; Torque Man: $30,000
Scratched Horses: Glitterwan
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 8
Allowance Optional Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 TY X) Five Furlongs On The Turf (Temp Rail set at 15 feet)
Purse: $63,400
Includes: $11,400 (Kentucky Thoroughbred Development Fund )
Value of Race: $62,260 1st $39,650, 2nd $12,680, 3rd $5,200, 4th $3,170, 5th $1,560
Reverts: $1,140
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 4:09 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 3/16 3/8 Str Fin Odds
4 Var (Melancon, L.) 119 L b 4 1 4-1/2 4-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-3 1/4 20.50
1 Are You Down (Bejarano, R.) 117 L f 1 4 8-1 1/2 7-2 5-1 2-1 1/4 8.50
6 Testify (Borel, C.H.) 119 L 6 7 6-1/2 5-Head 4-1 3-1/2 3.50
8 Chosen Chief (Velasquez, C.H.) 121 L b 8 6 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-Head 4-1 1/4 3.80
7 Grangeville (Day, P.) 119 L 7 3 2-1/2 2-1 2-1 1/2 5-Head 8.80
3 Proven Cure (D'Amico, A.J.) 119 L b 3 8 10 9-1 8-1/2 6-1 1/4 27.10
9 Abderian (IRE) (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 117 L f 9 9 9-1 10 7-Head 7-2 1/2 2.00*
5 Prince de Reve (ARG) (Johnston, J.) 117 L 5 2 5-1/2 6-1 9-4 8-1 3/4 104.40
10 Cojet (McKee, J.) 117 L f 10 5 1-Head 1-1/2 6-Head 9-2 12.40
2 Reverse Psychology (Coa, D.) 121 L b 2 10 7-1/2 8-2 10 10 14.80
Fractional Times: 22.38, 45.83, 57.57

Winner: Var - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, May 06, 1999
Bred by Dr. John Eaton in KY
Pedigree: Forest Wildcat - Loma Preata , by Zilzal
Claiming Prices: Testify: $80,000; Grangeville: $80,000; Proven Cure: $80,000; Prince de Reve (ARG): $80,000; Reverse Psychology: $80,000
Scratched Horses: Jaha (FR)
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 9
Allowance Optional Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW4 X) Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $58,500
Includes: $10,500 (Kentucky Thoroughbred Development Fund )
Value of Race: $57,975 1st $36,585, 2nd $11,700, 3rd $5,850, 4th $2,400, 5th $1,440
Reverts: $525
Weather: Cloudy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 4:39 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Price of Honour (Borel, C.H.) 121 L bf 5 3 2-2 2-3 1-2 1/2 1-3 1.00*
1 Premium Saltine (Bejarano, R.) 121 L b 1 1 3-1 1/2 3-Head 2-Head 2-Nose 2.10
6 Salty Genius (McKee, J.) 119 L 4 5 5 5 3-1/2 3-2 1/4 5.70
3 Paging (Coa, D.) 117 L 2 2 4-5 1/2 4-4 4-1 1/2 4-14 4.50
4 City Rapid (Velasquez, C.H.) 121 L f 3 4 1-1/2 1-Head 5 5 17.90
Fractional Times: 22.97, 46.54, 1:11.31, 1:17.91

Winner: Price of Honour - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, May 25, 2000
Bred by Farfellow Farms Ltd. in KY
Pedigree: Honour and Glory - Iddy Biddy Dollar , by Spend a Buck
Claiming Prices: Paging: $80,000
Scratched Horses: Hackendiffy, Blazing Count
Churchill Downs - November 6th, 2003 - Race 10
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Turf (Temp Rail set at 15 feet)
Purse: $43,900
Includes: $7,900 (Kentucky Thoroughbred Development Fund )
Value of Race: $43,900 1st $27,455, 2nd $8,780, 3rd $4,390, 4th $2,195, 5th $1,080
Weather: Rainy Track: Good
Off at: 5:08 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Dynaville (Day, P.) 122 L 3 2 4-Head 3-Head 3-Head 1-1/2 1-5 1/4 1.00*
2 Peacock Sally (Sellers, S.J.) 122 L 2 5 7-1/2 7-1/2 6-2 4-Head 2-1 3/4 20.60
1 Perfectly Theresa (Troilo, W.D.) 122 L 1 1 1-Head 1-Head 2-1 2-1/2 3-1 36.30
7 Brant Point (Lanerie, C.J.) 122 L 7 8 8-1/2 8-1/2 7-1/2 6-Head 4-Neck 13.20
5 Adrenalin Running (Velasquez, C.H.) 122 L 5 3 3-Head 4-1 4-1 5-1/2 5-4 4.90
4 Carol's Memories (Martinez, W.) 122 L b 4 4 2-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 1-Head 3-1 6-1 1/2 9.60
10 Roman Ripples (Zuniga, E.) 122 L 10 7 6-2 1/2 6-2 1/2 5-Head 7-7 7-1 1/2 41.20
6 So Blue (Melancon, L.) 122 L 6 9 9-7 9-7 9-2 8-1 1/2 8-1 27.20
8 Sweepit (Kuntzweiler, G.) 122 L 8 10 10 10 10 9-1/2 9-3 1/4 45.10
9 La Luna de Oro (D'Amico, A.J.) 122 L b 9 6 5-1 1/2 5-1 8-4 10 10 3.80
Fractional Times: 23.90, 48.50, 1:13.89, 1:40.40, 1:46.62

Winner: Dynaville - Bay Filly, January 19, 2001
Bred by Richard Kaster & Nathan Fox in KY
Pedigree: Barkerville - Aerodyna , by Dynaformer
Scratched Horses: Franscat, Maybe Cora, I'm Classified, Cimarron Summer
Churchill Downs - November 7th, 2003 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $22,500
Value of Race: $22,500 1st $13,950, 2nd $4,500, 3rd $2,250, 4th $1,125, 5th $675
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:42 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Twilight Gallop (Day, P.) 122 L f 4 3 3-2 2-1 1/2 1-Head 2-4 1-3 3/4 1.00*
3 My Cat's Meow (Court, J.K.) 122 L 2 4 4-3 3-2 3-3 1-Head 2-6 1/4 2.10
1 Wildcat Lady (Thompson, T.J.) 122 L 1 5 5-1 5-1 1/2 4-3 3-1/2 3-1 3/4 7.80
4 Arcana (Borel, C.H.) 118 L 3 6 6-1 6-Head 5-1/2 5-3 4-6 1/4 11.70
6 Cya Sal (Butler, D.P.) 118 L 5 7 7 7 6-2 6-5 5-Head 39.30
8 Beach Side (Lanerie, C.J.) 122 L b 7 2 1-1/2 1-2 1/2 2-1 1/2 4-1 6-6 3/4 5.50
7 Whispering Miss (Bejarano, R.) 122 L 6 1 2-2 1/2 4-4 7 7 7 59.40
Fractional Times: 23.34, 47.05, 1:13.85, 1:26.88, 1:39.32

Winner: Twilight Gallop - Chestnut Filly, February 05, 2001
Bred by WinStar Farm, LLC in KY
Pedigree: Victory Gallop - Twilight Encounter , by Regal Classic
1 claimed
horse(s): Twilight Gallop:
New Owner = Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and Telle, Mr. and Mrs. Larry; New Trainer = Thomas M. Amoss

Claiming Prices: Twilight Gallop: $50,000; My Cat's Meow: $50,000; Wildcat Lady: $50,000; Arcana: $45,000; Cya Sal: $45,000; Beach Side: $50,000; Whispering Miss: $50,000
Scratched Horses: Skip Poker
Churchill Downs - November 7th, 2003 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $17,000
Value of Race: $17,000 1st $10,540, 2nd $3,400, 3rd $1,700, 4th $850, 5th $510
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 1:10 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Connor's Glory (Bejarano, R.) 117 L b 3 1 2-1 1/2 2-4 1-1 1/2 1-Neck 3.60
1 Beau Jackson (Thompson, T.J.) 117 L bf 5 5 1-Head 1-Head 2-3 1/2 2-4 1/2 3.80
2 Cool Rain Falling (Melancon, L.) 121 L 1 6 4-Head 5-1 1/2 3-2 3-3 13.70
3 Rod (Velasquez, C.H.) 119 L bf 2 7 5-Head 4-Head 4-1 4-Head 2.20*
5 Holdin all Cards (Johnston, J.) 117 L f 4 8 7-Head 7-4 1/2 6-4 5-Neck 7.20
7 American Outlaw (Martinez, W.) 113 L 7 2 6-1 1/2 3-Head 5-Head 6-4 1/2 30.40
8 Telephone Talker (Morgan, M.R.) 117 L b 8 3 8 8 8 7-3 1/4 14.10
6 Hold Your Thought (McKee, J.) 119 L b 6 4 3-1 6-1/2 7-1 1/2 8 4.60
Fractional Times: 22.13, 46.18, 58.71, 1:12.01

Winner: Connor's Glory - Bay Gelding, March 31, 1999
Bred by John T. L. Jones Jr. & H. Smoot Fahlgren in KY
Pedigree: Honour and Glory - Beckys Shirt , by Cure the Blues
Claiming Prices: Connor's Glory: $10,000; Beau Jackson: $10,000; Cool Rain Falling: $10,000; Rod: $10,000; Holdin all Cards: $10,000; American Outlaw: $9,000; Telephone Talker: $10,000; Hold Your Thought: $10,000
Scratched Horses: Little Lee
Churchill Downs - November 7th, 2003 - Race 3
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $18,000
Value of Race: $18,000 1st $11,160, 2nd $3,600, 3rd $1,800, 4th $900, 5th $540
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 1:40 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
2 Maisie's Son (Court, J.K.) 120 L b 1 4 2-1 3-3 3-5 1-1 1/2 2.00*
5 Tatum Springs (Bejarano, R.) 120 L 4 7 5-1 1/2 2-1 1-2 2-4 1/2 5.40
9 Danger Quest (Sellers, S.J.) 120 L b 9 3 1-2 1-1 1/2 2-Head 3-5 1/4 4.80
8 First At Last (McKee, J.) 120 L b 8 8 6-2 1/2 5-3 4-3 4-1 4.20
10 Indiana Charlie (Zuniga, E.) 120 L 10 1 7-1/2 7-1 6-1/2 5-1 1/4 16.10
3 Enchanted Fan (Velasquez, C.H.) 120 L 2 11 10-3 8-1 7-3 6-5 1/4 16.80
1 Mr. Know It All (Johnston, J.) 120 L 6 9 11 10-1 8-1 1/2 7-2 16.30
4 Jim Abel (Butler, D.P.) 120 L b 3 5 3-1/2 4-1 5-1 8-4 1/4 18.40
1A Remote Control (Borel, C.H.) 120 L 7 10 9-Head 9-3 10-4 9-2 3/4 16.30
6 Darien's Approval (Rosier, C.R.) 120 L f 5 6 4-1/2 6-6 9-1/2 10-6 1/4 34.80
11 Mucho Salt (Delgado, J.H.) 120 11 2 8-2 11 11 11 9.30
Fractional Times: 21.79, 46.44, 59.02, 1:11.84

Winner: Maisie's Son - Bay Colt, February 19, 2001
Bred by Patricia Blass in KY
Pedigree: Grindstone - Don't Tell Maisie , by General Holme
1 claimed
horse(s): Mucho Salt:
New Owner = Barbara Rehbein; New Trainer = Steven L. Amshoff

Claiming Prices: $30,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Pickup Man
Churchill Downs - November 7th, 2003 - Race 4
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW2 L) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $18,500
Value of Race: $18,500 1st $11,470, 2nd $3,700, 3rd $1,850, 4th $925, 5th $555
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:08 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Chief Pete (Thompson, T.J.) 119 L bf 4 7 6-1 1/2 4-Head 2-1/2 1-Head 1-2 4.20
5 Wolverton Mountain (Court, J.K.) 121 L b 5 5 1-Head 1-1/2 1-Head 2-4 2-1 1/4 5.10
3 Jaycejace (McKee, J.) 117 L 3 3 3-1 1/2 3-1 6-5 3-1 3-2 3/4 2.00*
6 Cumulus (Butler, D.P.) 115 L b 6 1 7-7 1/2 6-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 4-2 1/2 4-3 1/4 6.70
2 Wes Side Story (Bejarano, R.) 117 L bf 2 2 2-Head 2-Head 5-1 5-3 1/2 5-5 3/4 13.30
1 Adar (Martinez, W.) 117 L b 1 8 8 8 8 7-8 6-2 34.20
7 Sir Claude (Zuniga, E.) 115 L b 7 6 4-1/2 5-1 1/2 3-1 1/2 6-2 7-15 1/4 16.80
8 Porfirio Cadena (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 113 L 8 4 5-1/2 7-10 7-1 8 8 3.30
Fractional Times: 24.12, 48.18, 1:13.78, 1:40.20, 1:47.14

Winner: Chief Pete - Chestnut Colt, February 20, 2000
Bred by Hermitage Farm LLC in KY
Pedigree: A.P. Indy - Sheepscot , by Easy Goer
Claiming Prices: Chief Pete: $20,000; Wolverton Mountain: $20,000; Jaycejace: $20,000; Cumulus: $18,000; Wes Side Story: $20,000; Adar: $18,000; Sir Claude: $20,000; Porfirio Cadena: $18,000
Churchill Downs - November 7th, 2003 - Race 5
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $18,500
Value of Race: $18,500 1st $11,470, 2nd $3,700, 3rd $1,850, 4th $925, 5th $555
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:38 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
12 Zellie (Melancon, L.) 121 L 10 6 6-1/2 5-3 3-1 1/2 3-1 1/2 1-3/4 7.10
2 By Daylight (McKee, J.) 117 L b 2 10 9-1 6-Head 6-Head 4-2 1/2 2-1 1/4 7.40
8 Baltic Maria (Bejarano, R.) 117 L b 6 3 1-Head 1-Head 1-Head 2-Head 3-Head 13.40
11 Gimme Fever (Day, P.) 121 L b 9 1 2-2 2-1 2-1 1-Head 4-1 3/4 0.90*
9 Seraph (Troilo, W.D.) 117 L 7 8 7-Head 8-1/2 7-4 7-2 5-2 1/2 7.30
1 Another Birdie (Graham, J.) 110 L bf 1 5 3-Head 3-1 4-Head 5-1 6-3/4 27.50
7 Maria's Halo (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 117 L bf 5 2 4-1/2 4-Head 5-1 6-1 7-4 1/4 7.10
5 He Shall Reign (Butler, D.P.) 121 L 4 9 10 10 8-2 8-4 8-8 1/2 37.80
10 Copelan's Bluff (Sellers, S.J.) 121 L 8 4 5-1/2 9-4 10 9-1 9-3 1/2 54.00
4 Pleasant Gulch (Arguello, Jr., F.A.) 121 L bf 3 7 8-3 7-Head 9-1 10 10 27.30
Fractional Times: 23.13, 47.07, 1:13.48, 1:26.80, 1:40.21

Winner: Zellie - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, May 17, 2000
Bred by R. Alex Rankin, Gary Drake, & Craig Grant in KY
Pedigree: Sir Cat - Azelna (FR) , by Tropular
Claiming Prices: Zellie: $30,000; By Daylight: $25,000; Baltic Maria: $25,000; Gimme Fever: $30,000; Seraph: $25,000; Another Birdie: $25,000; Maria's Halo: $25,000; He Shall Reign: $30,000; Copelan's Bluff: $30,000; Pleasant Gulch: $30,000
Scratched Horses: Livae, Crown Me Later, Royal Inspiration
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Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 1
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $46,000
Value of Race: $46,000 1st $27,600, 2nd $9,200, 3rd $5,060, 4th $2,760, 5th $1,380
Weather: Showery Track: Sloppy
Off at: 12:31 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
12 Larger Than Life (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 7 3 2-4 1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1-5 1-1 0.60*
1 J. B.'s Annie (Thornton, T.) 112 L bc 1 9 9 8-1/2 4-1/2 4-7 2-2 1/4 33.75
13 Sansa (Castellano, J.) 120 L b 8 2 1-Head 2-6 3-7 2-1 1/2 3-4 1/2 11.90
8 Seven Moons (JPN) (Prado, E.S.) 120 L 4 5 3-2 3-6 2-Head 3-3 4-6 3.80
9 La Pique Dame (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 5 6 7-1/2 5-2 5-10 5-8 5-8 3/4 8.00
6 Mae's Mon (Fragoso, P.) 117 L b 2 7 8-2 7-1/2 6-2 1/2 6-7 6-7 3/4 20.50
7 Emerald Green (Carrero, V.) 119 L b 3 8 6-1/2 6-2 1/2 7-Head 7-3 1/2 7-18 59.00
10 Rototiller (Pezua, J.M.) 117 L 6 4 4-7 4-3 1/2 8-8 8-15 8-27 1/2 63.00
15 Italiana (Gryder, A.T.) 120 L b 9 1 5-1/2 9 9 9 9 24.75
Fractional Times: 22.77, 45.78, 1:11.96, 1:41.54

Winner: Larger Than Life - Chestnut Filly, February 06, 2000
Bred by Dr. Steve Kramer in KY
Pedigree: With Approval - Natalie Natalie , by Miswaki
Scratched Horses: Magpie, Candooz, Nunsense, Dattt Way, Shadow Play, Jewel's Dream, Old Mother Goose
Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $43,000
Value of Race: $43,000 1st $25,800, 2nd $8,600, 3rd $4,730, 4th $2,580, 5th $1,290
Weather: Showery Track: Sloppy
Off at: 12:57 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 Trounce (Prado, E.S.) 122 L b 5 2 2-1 2-Head 1-Head 1-3/4 3.45
6 Wonderful Prospect (Chavez, J.F.) 115 L bf 6 4 3-1 1/2 1-Head 2-Head 2-3/4 10.90
5 First Shot (Thornton, T.) 115 L f 4 1 1-4 3-5 1/2 3-6 3-2 1/2 3.55
3 Mighty Gulch (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L 2 3 5-1/2 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 4-Nose 4.50
4 Personable Pete (Castellano, J.) 117 L f 3 5 6 5-1/2 5-2 5-1 3/4 5.20
2 Shake the Dice (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 L bf 1 6 4-1/2 6 6 6 2.35*
Fractional Times: 22.55, 45.43, 57.99, 1:11.81

Winner: Trounce - Bay Horse, March 01, 1997
Bred by Burning Daylight Farms, Inc. in KY
Pedigree: Gulch - Royal Revels , by Rahy
1 claimed
horse(s): Shake the Dice:
New Owner = Paul P. Pompa, Jr.; New Trainer = Rene A. Araya

Claiming Prices: Trounce: $60,000; Wonderful Prospect: $50,000; First Shot: $60,000; Mighty Gulch: $60,000; Personable Pete: $60,000; Shake the Dice: $55,000
Scratched Horses: Storm Craft
Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 3
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $1,350
Weather: Showery Track: Sloppy
Off at: 1:24 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Forestier (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 7 4 2-1 1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 1-Nose 2.45
9 Cherry's Hunter (Vergara, O.) 120 9 1 3-1/2 2-1 1/2 2-6 2-4 1/4 7.80
4 Our Rite of Spring (Migliore, R.) 120 c 4 3 6-4 1/2 5-1/2 5-4 1/2 3-Head 9.20
8 Delta Sensation (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 8 10 7-7 6-7 4-Head 4-1/2 33.75
3 Ten Treasures (Santos, J.A.) 120 L 3 2 1-Head 3-5 1/2 3-5 5-5 1/4 2.30*
5 Double Jeopardy (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 5 5 8-1/2 7-1/2 7-12 6-3 1/2 18.70
1 Anna's Girl (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L 1 8 4-5 4-3 6-3 1/2 7-10 1/4 5.80
6 Aztec (Prado, E.S.) 120 L f 6 9 10 9-5 8-1 1/2 8-1/2 18.40
2 Truecat (Castellano, J.) 120 2 6 9-1/2 10 10 9-12 3/4 14.10
10 Evangelista (Gryder, A.T.) 120 bf 10 7 5-2 8-5 9-Head 10 46.00
Fractional Times: 22.16, 45.16, 58.25, 1:12.79

Winner: Forestier - Bay Filly, March 14, 2001
Bred by Alan S. Kline Revocable Trust in MD
Pedigree: Forestry - D'Youville Nurse , by Dr. Blum
Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies (S ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,510, 4th $2,460, 5th $1,230
Weather: Showery Track: Sloppy
Off at: 1:51 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Gold Flinger (Thornton, T.) 113 L 4 4 9-2 8-2 1/2 3-1/2 1-4 3/4 8.10
2 White Wedding (Chavez, J.F.) 120 L c 2 3 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-3 1/2 2-3 1/2 15.00
3 Cya Baby (Smith, A.) 120 cf 3 12 7-1/2 5-Head 5-2 3-2 1/4 3.70
11 Madame Rouge (Fragoso, P.) 115 L b 10 2 3-Head 2-1/2 4-Head 4-3/4 19.40
12 Mystical Sea (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 113 L 11 6 10-4 1/2 11-10 10-2 1/2 5-Neck 75.75
13 Mistda (Prado, E.S.) 120 L 12 10 8-1/2 9-2 9-1/2 6-1 1/4 11.70
1 Gold Like U (Migliore, R.) 120 L b 1 9 4-1 1/2 4-2 2-Head 7-1/2 3.00*
6 Toasttofriendship (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L f 6 1 5-2 1/2 6-Head 6-Head 8-2 9.80
7 Rumba Numba (Santos, J.A.) 120 L 7 5 6-1/2 7-1/2 8-1/2 9-3/4 6.80
5 More Than Honor (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 5 11 11-2 1/2 10-1/2 11-15 10-4 3/4 6.20
9 Reverberation (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 9 8 2-1 1/2 3-1 7-1/2 11-15 49.50
8 Diamond Mama (Rojas, R.I.) 120 8 7 12 12 12 12 76.00
Fractional Times: 22.58, 46.72, 1:00.11, 1:13.66

Winner: Gold Flinger - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, April 25, 2001
Bred by Kiki O'Quinn in NY
Pedigree: Gold Token - D. C.'s Fling , by Northern Fling
Scratched Horses: Innseattle, Elegant Paradox
Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 5
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $39,000
Value of Race: $39,000 1st $23,400, 2nd $7,800, 3rd $4,290, 4th $2,340, 5th $1,170
Weather: Showery Track: Sloppy
Off at: 2:15 Start: Good for all but 8

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 Pacific Island (Prado, E.S.) 121 L bf 1 9 4-Head 3-Head 1-3 1/2 1-5 3/4 1.10*
2 Shout (Rojas, R.I.) 119 L 2 8 7-2 6-3 2-Head 2-4 12.40
5 Queen's Jubilee (Bridgmohan, S.) 121 L 5 10 9-3 7-1/2 6-Head 3-1 1/2 6.10
3 Cashel Calling (Chavez, J.F.) 121 L bf 3 1 1-Head 2-1/2 3-Head 4-Neck 8.70
4 Top Encounter (Thornton, T.) 112 L c 4 2 2-1/2 1-1/2 4-3 5-1 1/2 7.20
8 She'sbubba'sdelite (Baze, M.C.) 116 L b 8 7 10 9-4 1/2 9-10 6-Head 31.50
10 Royal Marge (Carmouche, K.) 119 L 10 4 8-1/2 8-2 1/2 8-1 7-3 3/4 57.25
9 My Place Tonight (Santos, J.A.) 121 L 9 3 5-1/2 5-1 1/2 7-1/2 8-Nose 10.50
7 Lightning Lyla (Luzzi, M.J.) 118 L b 7 6 3-1/2 4-Head 5-Head 9-22 3/4 31.00
6 Atlantic Patrol (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L 6 5 6-3 10 10 10 10.90
Fractional Times: 22.43, 46.45, 59.50, 1:12.97

Winner: Pacific Island - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, February 07, 2001
Bred by Overbrook Farm in KY
Pedigree: Grand Slam - Pacific Hideaway , by Seattle Slew
Claiming Prices: Pacific Island: $60,000; Shout: $50,000; Queen's Jubilee: $60,000; Cashel Calling: $60,000; Top Encounter: $60,000; She'sbubba'sdelite: $60,000;
Royal Marge: $60,000; My Place Tonight: $60,000; Lightning Lyla: $60,000; Atlantic Patrol: $60,000
Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 6
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies (S ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,510, 4th $2,460, 5th $1,230
Weather: Showery Track: Sloppy
Off at: 2:41 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
12 What a Form (Fragoso, P.) 115 c 12 1 1-Head 1-3 1/2 1-5 1/2 1-6 1/4 3.00
3 Take Her Out (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 3 6 3-Head 3-2 2-2 1/2 2-4 1/2 12.80
2 Excellent Charisma (Shepherd, J.) 113 L 2 11 7-1/2 5-1 1/2 4-Head 3-1 3/4 7.00
6 Moochie Magnum (Baze, M.C.) 115 L 6 3 8-Head 9-1/2 6-1/2 4-2 70.75
5 Villa D Marie (Thornton, T.) 113 L bc 5 2 4-Head 4-2 1/2 5-8 5-3/4 8.70
8 Coconut Martini (Chavez, J.F.) 120 L f 8 5 2-2 1/2 2-Head 3-2 6-1 1.10*
1 My Ish Kee (Garcia, A.) 115 1 10 12 10-Head 8-1/2 7-7 1/4 61.00
4 Land of Dreams (Castillo, L.A.) 120 4 7 9-2 8-1 9-2 8-1 3/4 156.75
7 Crazyluck (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L 7 12 11-6 11-1/2 11-1/2 9-1 66.50
9 Andriana (Hampshire, Jr., J.F.) 120 9 4 5-7 6-6 7-1/2 10-1/2 11.70
10 Casey Darling (Gomez, O.) 110 bf 10 8 10-5 12 12 11-2 1/2 138.25
11 Jet Black Magic (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 120 bf 11 9 6-1/2 7-1/2 10-Head 12 148.00
Fractional Times: 22.56, 46.35, 59.64, 1:13.56

Winner: What a Form - Gray or Roan Filly, February 27, 2001
Bred by Sez Who Thoroughbreds in NY
Pedigree: Open Forum - Afleet Closer , by Afleet
Scratched Horses: La Jefa, Inter Galactic
Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 7
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (SNW1 X) Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $43,000
Value of Race: $43,000 1st $25,800, 2nd $8,600, 3rd $4,730, 4th $2,580, 5th $1,290
Weather: Showery Track: Muddy
Off at: 3:07 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Esther's Star (Gomez, O.) 112 L 3 8 6-2 1/2 1-1/2 1-4 1/2 1-6 3/4 9.20
5 Kiati (Castellano, J.) 119 L b 5 5 4-Head 6-2 1/2 5-1 1/2 2-3/4 1.20*
1 Silkworth (Hampshire, Jr., J.F.) 118 L f 1 6 1-1/2 2-Head 2-2 3-3 1/4 8.90
8 Amaretto (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 118 L 8 2 7-5 1/2 7-3 1/2 7-6 4-1/2 10.70
4 Belle Angel (Bridgmohan, S.) 118 L b 4 1 2-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 5-Head 3.60
6 Sangue too Loud (Thornton, T.) 111 L bf 6 3 3-Head 3-1/2 3-1/2 6-1 1/2 57.00
2 Dynamic Pic (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 112 L 2 7 8 8 6-1/2 7-10 3/4 64.50
7 Valid Pro (Fragoso, P.) 113 L bc 7 4 5-1 5-3 8 8 4.40
Fractional Times: 23.39, 47.13, 1:13.53, 1:20.62

Winner: Esther's Star - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, April 11, 2000
Bred by Pond View Stud Farm in NY
Pedigree: Star Gallant - Wait Aminute Angie , by Northrop
Scratched Horses: Flying Pickle
Aqueduct - November 19th, 2003 - Race 9
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 2nd $6,800, 3rd $3,740, 4th $2,040, 5th $1,020
Weather: Showery Track: Muddy
Off at: 3:59 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Mr. Whitestone (Santos, J.A.) 121 L b 8 1 2-2 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-7 1-6 3/4 4.80
8 Thirdown Call (Castellano, J.) 117 L bcf 7 6 6-Head 6-2 1/2 3-Head 2-2 1/2 6.90
7 Raise an Emblem (Bridgmohan, S.) 116 L bf 6 5 4-Head 5-1/2 5-2 3-3/4 28.00
10 Formal Event (Chavez, J.F.) 119 L b 9 3 3-Head 3-Head 4-Head 4-2 1/4 9.50
5 Brick's (Fragoso, P.) 114 L b 4 9 9-1/2 7-Head 7-3 1/2 5-2 1/2 3.90
11 Grand Player (Thornton, T.) 110 L f 10 2 5-1 4-Head 6-1/2 6-1 1/4 9.20
6 Barbara's Jewel (Luzzi, M.J.) 119 L bf 5 4 1-1/2 2-3 2-Head 7-Neck 7.60
1 Subsidy (Pimentel, J.) 119 L bcf 1 7 8-1/2 10-6 9-6 8-Neck 34.75
14 Luca Luca (Gryder, A.T.) 119 L bcf 11 8 10-6 8-2 8-2 1/2 9-9 3/4 30.00
3 Crouching Tiger (Migliore, R.) 114 L bcf 2 11 11 11 11 10-2 23.20
4 Hussar (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L 3 10 7-4 1/2 9-1/2 10-2 1/2 11 3.55*
Fractional Times: 21.97, 45.16, 57.49, 1:10.48

Winner: Mr. Whitestone - Bay Colt, March 11, 2000
Bred by Stewart Madison in KY
Pedigree: Dance Brightly - Bright Image , by Summer Squall
2 claimed
horse(s): Thirdown Call:
New Owner = John A. Marulli; New Trainer = Gregory F. Martin
New Owner = Team Five Star Stable; New Trainer = Dominic G. Galluscio
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 1
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (SNW2 X) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $46,000
Value of Race: $46,000 1st $27,600, 2nd $9,200, 3rd $5,060, 4th $2,760, 5th $1,380
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:31 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
7 Shaky Town (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 L b 7 2 3-Head 2-1/2 2-4 1/2 1-1/2 1-5 1/2 1.00*
6 Clever Electrician (Migliore, R.) 121 L c 6 4 2-1 1/2 1-2 1/2 1-1/2 2-6 2-1 1/4 3.30
1 Soup Spoon (Fragoso, P.) 112 L bf 1 9 5-Head 6-Head 7-5 4-Head 3-1 1/2 4.40
8 Thanasi (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 114 L 8 3 1-Head 3-1/2 5-2 5-Head 4-3 1/4 12.40
5 Lost in the Woods (Espinoza, J.L.) 119 L 5 5 7-Head 5-1/2 3-Head 3-Head 5-1/2 17.70
1A My Legal Alien (Gryder, A.T.) 119 L bf 4 7 9 7-1 1/2 6-Head 7-6 6-1/2 4.40
9 Glory Be to Winloc (Castellano, J.) 121 L b 9 1 6-1/2 4-Head 4-1/2 6-1/2 7-1 1/2 15.00
3 Sonny the Sailor (Leon, F.) 123 L 3 8 8-Head 9 9 8-2 8-4 3/4 19.40
2 Anties Boy (Baze, M.C.) 114 L bf 2 6 4-1/2 8-1 1/2 8-1 9 9 84.50
Fractional Times: 23.42, 46.47, 1:10.89, 1:36.68

Winner: Shaky Town - Bay Gelding, May 06, 2000
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Nielsen in NY
Pedigree: Peaks and Valleys - Careful Approach , by Relaunch
Scratched Horses: Back to Work, Just Plain Joe
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 3
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old (NW1 X) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $48,000
Value of Race: $48,000 1st $28,800, 2nd $9,600, 3rd $5,280, 4th $2,880, 5th $1,440
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 1:24 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1 Tales of Glory (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 L 6 2 1-Head 1-Head 1-1/2 1-5 1-6 1/2 0.40*
3 Crafty Player (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 1 7 6-1/2 4-Head 2-4 1/2 2-7 2-5 1/2 8.60
6 My Lucky Mercury (Clemente, A.V.) 118 L 4 6 7-7 7-3 1/2 5-1/2 5-6 3-Nose 42.25
4 Charismatic Rob (Castellano, J.) 118 L 2 8 8 8 6-2 1/2 4-Head 4-5 4.10
8 Sonny and Rose (Garcia, A.) 113 L 7 4 3-1/2 3-Head 3-1 1/2 3-1/2 5-7 1/2 25.00
2B Stormin Greek (Rojas, R.I.) 118 L bc 8 3 5-1/2 5-3 1/2 4-1 6-12 6-25 3/4 27.00
5 Another Carson (Gryder, A.T.) 118 L 3 5 4-Head 6-2 8 8 7-11 1/2 28.25
7 Dennisport (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 118 L b 5 1 2-5 2-1 1/2 7-6 7-1 1/2 8 31.75
Fractional Times: 22.30, 45.39, 1:11.05, 1:37.43

Winner: Tales of Glory - Bay Colt, April 19, 2001
Bred by Andover Stable, LLC in KY
Pedigree: Honour and Glory - Dixieland Gal , by Dixieland Band
Scratched Horses: Manitoy, Parthenon
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 2
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $1,350
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:56 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
2 Federal Number (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 121 L f 2 4 1-Head 1-Head 2-1/2 1-Neck 16.20
7 Heneresa (Ganpath, R.) 121 bf 7 1 2-Head 2-1/2 1-Head 2-2 1/4 6.40
6 Blue Skies Ahead (Bridgmohan, S.) 121 L 6 8 8 6-1/2 4-Head 3-1/2 4.80
5 Touching Gold (Castillo, Jr., H.) 121 L b 5 3 7-Head 5-1 3-1/2 4-1/2 30.50
3 Tamburello (Gryder, A.T.) 121 L 3 5 3-1 1/2 3-1 1/2 5-5 1/2 5-5 1.80*
8 Hard Dance (Garcia, A.) 116 L b 8 2 5-Head 8 7-3 6-Head 11.80
4 Haslam (Velazquez, J.R.) 121 L bf 4 6 4-1/2 4-Head 6-Head 7-5 3/4 2.40
1 Flashy Tune (Thornton, T.) 114 L b 1 7 6-1 7-Head 8 8 21.40
Fractional Times: 23.19, 46.36, 1:11.50, 1:24.60

Winner: Federal Number - Gray or Roan Gelding, April 11, 2000
Bred by Ronald Cartwright in MD
Pedigree: Polish Numbers - Out of It , by Affiliate
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old (S ) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $42,000
Value of Race: $42,000 1st $25,200, 2nd $8,400, 3rd $4,620, 4th $2,520, 5th $1,260
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 1:54 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 Bubba Sparks (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L 7 5 1-Head 3-1/2 1-Head 1-4 1/2 1-2 1/4 5.20
7 Dylans Destiny (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 6 7 6-Head 4-1/2 3-Head 2-1 1/2 2-Head 2.50*
6 Pay Attention (Castellano, J.) 120 L b 5 10 8-1/2 8-Head 7-2 1/2 3-Head 3-Neck 11.80
5 Wellgiven (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 4 11 10-1 1/2 7-1 6-1/2 5-1/2 4-Neck 9.10
9 Icicle Charlie (Uske, S.) 113 L 8 4 7-2 1/2 10-1/2 8-Head 7-Head 5-6 1/4 26.25
3 Fifty Three Cards (Carrero, V.) 120 L c 2 9 3-Head 1-1 1/2 2-3 4-Head 6-Nose 4.80
11 Brite Rock Too (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 10 6 11-1/2 12 11-12 10-2 1/2 7-1 1/4 23.40
2 Harry the Rock (Thornton, T.) 113 L c 1 12 12 9-Head 9-1/2 6-1/2 8-1 1/4 18.50
12 Eros (Hampshire, Jr., J.F.) 120 L 11 1 5-1/2 6-Head 5-1 1/2 8-Head 9-1 1/2 80.25
1 Palazzo One (Pezua, J.M.) 120 L b 12 2 9-Head 11-1/2 10-Head 11 10-1/2 52.25
10 Mumbles (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 9 3 4-Head 5-Head 4-1/2 9-Head 11 6.60
4 Captain Spaulding (Migliore, R.) 120 L bcf 3 8 2-Head 2-Head 12 --- --- 11.40
Fractional Times: 22.97, 46.33, 1:12.87, 1:40.32

Winner: Bubba Sparks - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, April 22, 2001
Bred by Gerald Nielsen & Joanne Nielsen in NY
Pedigree: Williamstown - Elise' , by Distinctive Pro
Scratched Horses: Charm Cat, Fierce Storm, Gaelic Issue, Wholehearted
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 5
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (NW1 X) One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $48,000
Value of Race: $48,000 1st $28,800, 2nd $9,600, 3rd $5,280, 4th $2,880, 5th $1,440
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:22 Start: Good for all but 4

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Stake (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 110 L c 5 3 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 1-Neck 21.60
1 Alleged Whisper (Bridgmohan, S.) 116 L 1 2 4-Head 5-Head 4-1 1/2 2-Head 2-1 7.90
9 Dynarhythm (Castellano, J.) 121 L 10 5 3-1 1/2 3-Head 5-Head 4-1 1/2 3-Neck 2.65
7 Alluring (Thornton, T.) 112 L b 8 7 8-Head 10 8-Head 5-4 1/2 4-2 5.00
3 Biogio's Beauty (Migliore, R.) 115 L bf 4 1 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1 1/2 3-1 1/2 5-4 1/4 2.55*
6 Alibob (Garcia, A.) 112 L 7 6 6-3 6-3 1/2 7-3 6-1/2 6-3/4 24.25
2 Magic Talk (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L bf 3 10 10 8-Head 6-1 1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 19.70
5 Beauty On Duty (Fragoso, P.) 112 L 6 4 5-2 4-1/2 3-Head 8-5 8-4 3/4 5.50
1A Unbridled Valor (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 117 L 2 9 7-2 7-1/2 9-1/2 9 9 7.90
8 Quickly Now (Luzzi, M.J.) 119 L bf 9 8 9-1 1/2 9-Head 10 --- --- 17.60
Fractional Times: 25.39, 50.64, 1:15.17, 1:40.24, 1:53.47

Winner: Stake - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, February 21, 2000
Bred by Cherry Valley Farm LLC in KY
Pedigree: Boundary - Preserver , by Forty Niner
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 6
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $45,000
Value of Race: $45,000 1st $27,000, 2nd $9,000, 3rd $4,950, 4th $2,700, 5th $1,350
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:51 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Desnuda (Bridgmohan, S.) 120 L 8 2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-6 1-2 3/4 3.20
11 Deputy Squealie (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 10 5 3-1 3-2 1/2 2-2 2-1/2 12.80
3 Artax Dancer (Castellano, J.) 120 L 2 4 5-Head 5-1 1/2 3-2 1/2 3-1 1/2 3.50
1 Madison's Wish (Gryder, A.T.) 120 1 11 10-8 8-2 1/2 5-1/2 4-Nose 16.20
10 Mythical Time (Smith, A.) 120 9 9 9-1/2 6-2 4-Head 5-3 3/4 67.25
6 Topiary (Thornton, T.) 113 b 5 7 11 10-8 8-1/2 6-Neck 88.50
4 Tune's Tale (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 3 10 7-2 1/2 4-Head 6-Head 7-2 3/4 13.50
8 Allegro Lady (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 L 7 6 8-1 7-1/2 9-1/2 8-Head 40.25
5 Desert Deed (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L 4 3 4-Head 9-2 1/2 10-15 9-1 1/4 2.80*
7 Terra Kate (Hampshire, Jr., J.F.) 120 L b 6 8 2-1/2 2-1/2 7-2 1/2 10-29 3/4 38.75
2B Overreaction (Migliore, R.) 120 l 11 1 6-1/2 11 11 11 4.90
Fractional Times: 22.69, 46.51, 58.94, 1:12.26

Winner: Desnuda - Chestnut Filly, April 26, 2001
Bred by Gainesway Thoroughbreds Ltd. & Highlands of Lexington Inc. in KY
Pedigree: Unbridled's Song - Proper Form , by Deputy Minister
Scratched Horses: Lovely R R, Anna's Girl, Double Jeopardy, Our Rite of Spring
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 7
Race name: King Cugat S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (R ) One Mile On The Turf
Purse: $60,000
Available Money: $60,750
Value of Race: $60,750 1st $36,450, 2nd $12,150, 3rd $6,683, 4th $3,645, 5th $1,822
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 3:16 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Willard Straight (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L 4 6 6-2 1/2 6-1/2 5-Head 2-Head 1-1 1/4 1.40*
6 Erin's Storm (Gryder, A.T.) 117 L 6 5 1-1 1/2 1-1 1-1 1-1 1/2 2-1/2 3.75
5 Supreme Regime (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 115 L 5 2 4-2 4-2 1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-Neck 27.25
1 Blakelock (Luzzi, M.J.) 117 L 1 3 3-Head 3-1/2 4-1 1/2 4-2 1/2 4-Head 2.45
2 Private Scandal (Migliore, R.) 115 L b 2 4 7 7 6-5 5-Head 5-4 3/4 9.40
8 Gold Explorer (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 7 7 5-6 5-1 1/2 7 7 6-1 26.50
3 Prince Benjamin (Bridgmohan, S.) 117 L 3 1 2-2 2-1/2 2-Head 6-4 1/2 7 10.20
Fractional Times: 24.21, 49.18, 1:14.82, 1:39.28

Winner: Willard Straight - Chestnut Colt, February 22, 2000
Bred by Lawrence Goichman in KY
Pedigree: Lion Cavern - My Reem , by Chief's Crown
Scratched Horses: Angelic Aura, Newfoundland, New York Hero
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 7
Race name: King Cugat S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (R ) One Mile On The Turf
Purse: $60,000
Available Money: $60,750
Value of Race: $60,750 1st $36,450, 2nd $12,150, 3rd $6,683, 4th $3,645, 5th $1,822
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 3:16 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Willard Straight (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L 4 6 6-2 1/2 6-1/2 5-Head 2-Head 1-1 1/4 1.40*
6 Erin's Storm (Gryder, A.T.) 117 L 6 5 1-1 1/2 1-1 1-1 1-1 1/2 2-1/2 3.75
5 Supreme Regime (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 115 L 5 2 4-2 4-2 1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-Neck 27.25
1 Blakelock (Luzzi, M.J.) 117 L 1 3 3-Head 3-1/2 4-1 1/2 4-2 1/2 4-Head 2.45
2 Private Scandal (Migliore, R.) 115 L b 2 4 7 7 6-5 5-Head 5-4 3/4 9.40
8 Gold Explorer (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 7 7 5-6 5-1 1/2 7 7 6-1 26.50
3 Prince Benjamin (Bridgmohan, S.) 117 L 3 1 2-2 2-1/2 2-Head 6-4 1/2 7 10.20
Fractional Times: 24.21, 49.18, 1:14.82, 1:39.28

Winner: Willard Straight - Chestnut Colt, February 22, 2000
Bred by Lawrence Goichman in KY
Pedigree: Lion Cavern - My Reem , by Chief's Crown
Scratched Horses: Angelic Aura, Newfoundland, New York Hero
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 9
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward (NW3 X) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $52,000
Value of Race: $52,000 1st $31,200, 2nd $10,400, 3rd $5,720, 4th $3,120, 5th $1,560
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 4:13 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
11 Sforza (FR) (Fragoso, P.) 114 L 10 3 9-1 8-1 1/2 8-2 1/2 5-1/2 1-1 8.50
9 Lightning Stripes (Garcia, A.) 114 L b 8 5 10-3 1/2 10-Head 10-1/2 10-2 1/2 2-Nose 27.50
5 Foreverness (Castillo, Jr., H.) 118 L b 4 10 6-Head 7-1/2 7-1/2 4-Head 3-Neck 7.30
10 Thefull Circle (Castellano, J.) 119 L b 9 2 4-Head 5-Head 4-1/2 2-Head 4-Neck 2.45
4 Salute Him (Espinoza, J.L.) 116 L 3 7 3-Head 4-1/2 3-1 1/2 1-1/2 5-1 1/4 6.90
8 Nobodys Listening (Carrero, V.) 119 L f 7 4 8-Head 9-5 9-1 1/2 9-1/2 6-1 81.50
12 Banshee Connection (Luzzi, M.J.) 119 L 11 1 2-1 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-Head 7-Head 54.00
2 Jackpot (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L b 1 9 7-1/2 6-Head 5-Head 8-1/2 8-1/2 2.10*
3 World of Wonder (Bridgmohan, S.) 116 L 2 6 5-1 3-Head 6-1/2 6-Head 9-2 23.70
7 Bicentennial (Migliore, R.) 116 L f 6 11 11 11 11 11 10-1 1/4 12.80
6 Mystic Salse (GB) (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 119 L 5 8 1-1/2 1-6 1-Head 7-Head 11 35.00
Fractional Times: 24.58, 49.40, 1:15.05, 1:39.89, 1:46.03

Winner: Sforza (FR) - Gray or Roan Colt, May 07, 1999
Bred by E.A.R.L. Neustrian Assoc, B. Le Metayer L. Le Metayer & S. Le Metayer in FR
Pedigree: Zieten - Sevruga (FR) , by Crystal Palace
Scratched Horses: Max Forever, Ravaro (BRZ), Thunder Blitz, Mount Intrepid, Sunshine Messenger (GB)
Aqueduct - November 16th, 2003 - Race 8
Race name: Huntington S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Two Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $75,000
Available Money: $79,950
Value of Race: $79,950 1st $47,970, 2nd $15,990, 3rd $8,795, 4th $4,797, 5th $2,398
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 3:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Excellent Band (Vega, H.) 118 L 5 1 2-1 1/2 2-2 2-6 1-1 4.10
4 Smokume (Uske, S.) 122 c 4 2 3-6 1-Head 1-Head 2-2 1/4 0.85*
3 Pollard's Vision (Castellano, J.) 116 L 3 3 5 5 5 3-3/4 4.50
2 Tap Day (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 L 2 5 4-1 4-1 1/2 4-Head 4-3 1/4 5.20
1 China Coast (Migliore, R.) 116 L 1 4 1-Head 3-3 1/2 3-1/2 5 8.90
Fractional Times: 22.14, 45.51, 57.81, 1:10.97

Winner: Excellent Band - Bay Colt, February 10, 2001
Bred by Brereton C. Jones in KY
Pedigree: Dixieland Band - Excellentadventure , by Slew City Slew
Aqueduct - November 15th, 2003 - Race 1
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $19,000
Value of Race: $19,000 1st $11,400, 2nd $3,800, 3rd $2,090, 4th $1,140, 5th $570
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:30 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 Distinctive Kitten (Castellano, J.) 116 L b 6 2 3-1 1/2 3-1 3-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 5.40
7 Kalki's Pride (Espinoza, J.L.) 121 L b 5 4 5-2 5-2 1/2 4-3 1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 9.90
3 Bella Savella (Garcia, A.) 114 L 2 5 7-2 7-4 1/2 6-2 1/2 5-2 1/2 3-2 5.80
1A Bachelor's Delight (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 112 L 8 1 1-1/2 1-Head 2-1/2 3-1/2 4-2 1/4 1.30*
10 Remi's Rocket (Bridgmohan, S.) 119 L 7 7 2-2 1/2 2-2 1-1/2 4-2 1/2 5-1 5.40
5 Beautiful Spy (Uske, S.) 114 L 4 3 4-Head 4-Head 5-1/2 6-6 6-6 1/2 7.30
4 Girusol (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 115 L b 3 8 6-Head 6-1/2 7-2 1/2 7-3 1/2 7-15 3/4 19.50
2 Open and Shut (Arroyo, E.N.) 119 L f 1 6 8 8 8 8 8 58.25
Fractional Times: 25.07, 49.74, 1:15.42, 1:41.30

Winner: Distinctive Kitten - Gray or Roan Filly, January 20, 2000
Bred by William Bloom in NY
Pedigree: Distinctive Pro - Jovial Kitten , by Jovial Turn
1 claimed
horse(s): Beautiful Spy:
New Owner = Laz K. Chapman; New Trainer = Frank LaBoccetta, Jr.
216以上、自作自演でした。:03/11/21 00:02
217以上、自作自演でした。:03/11/21 00:14
219えなり:03/12/01 13:32

221以上、自作自演でした。:03/12/13 01:14
223絵名利:03/12/16 14:17
224以上、自作自演でした。:03/12/22 07:09
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228えなりかずき:04/01/02 19:36
229えなりかずき:04/01/02 19:37
231ソニン:04/01/02 20:33
232江成:04/01/10 22:06
479 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる [sage] 投稿日:04/01/14 23:20 ID:SZy4aHza
237江奈利:04/01/20 13:45
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Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 1
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $47,000
Plus: $14,100 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $61,100
Value of Race: $47,000 1st $28,200, 2nd $9,400, 3rd $5,640, 4th $2,820, 5th $940
Reverts: $14,100
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:01 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
4 Dawn's Angel (Smith, M.E.) 120 BL 4 1 4-1/2 4-2 1/2 3-1 1/2 1-2 1/2 4.40
6 All Aglow (Ramsammy, E.) 120 BL b 6 3 3-1 1/2 2-Head 1-Head 2-1/2 4.80
2 Ananda Paradisa (Espinoza, V.) 120 2 5 6 5-1/2 5-2 3-1/2 34.50
5 Elusive Diva (Stevens, G.L.) 120 BL 5 2 2-Head 3-2 2-Head 4-3 1.00*
3 Golden Seductress (Fogelsonger, R.) 120 BL b 3 6 5-1 1/2 6 6 5-6 7.70
1 Cherry Bombshell (Bailey, J.D.) 120 BL b 1 4 1-Head 1-Head 4-1 6 4.00
Fractional Times: 21.75, 44.81, 57.36, 1:04.10

Winner: Dawn's Angel - Bay Filly, February 12, 2001
Bred by Norman Cheng & Gary Seidler in KY
Pedigree: General Meeting - Andoya (FR) , by Exit to Nowhere
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 2
Allowance Optional Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (SNW1 X) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $56,000
Value of Race: $56,000 1st $33,600, 2nd $11,200, 3rd $6,720, 4th $3,360, 5th $1,120
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:30 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Musique Toujours (Espinoza, V.) 118 BL 3 4 4-1 1/2 4-2 1/2 4-1 2-1/2 1-1 1/2 1.00*
2 Doctor Ted (Bailey, J.D.) 118 BL 2 5 7 7 7 5-1/2 2-1 1/2 2.70
1 Eric Da Bomb (Saint-Martin, E.) 119 BL b 1 3 1-Head 1-Head 1-1/2 1-1 3-1 5.00
6 Devil Badgett (Fogelsonger, R.) 120 BL 6 6 6-2 1/2 6-3 6-1 1/2 4-1 4-1 10.70
4 Political Rhetoric (Nakatani, C.S.) 119 BL bf 4 2 2-1 2-1 2-1 3-1/2 5-1 9.30
7 Moon Mission (Olivares, F.) 118 BL f 7 7 5-3 5-2 3-Head 6-5 6-17 24.00
5 Robert's Tribute (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 119 BL 5 1 3-Head 3-1/2 5-Head 7 7 22.30
Fractional Times: 22.79, 46.10, 1:10.88, 1:36.65, 1:43.19

Winner: Musique Toujours - Bay Gelding, May 23, 2000
Bred by Jacquie Takaha & Lorenzo Preciado in CA
Pedigree: Musique d'Enfer - Starry Farrari , by Inherent Star
Claiming Prices: Eric Da Bomb: $40,000

Pgm Horse Win Place Show Total WPS Pool: $327,045
3 Musique Toujours 4.00 2.40 2.20
2 Doctor Ted 3.00 2.80
1 Eric Da Bomb 3.00
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 3
Race name: NATC Dash S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (R ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $250,000
Value of Race: $250,000 1st $137,500, 2nd $50,000, 3rd $30,000, 4th $20,000, 5th $12,500
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 1:05 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Saint Afleet (Desormeaux, K.J.) 119 BL b 5 5 2-Head 2-1/2 1-Head 1-Head 3.30
7 Cheiron (Espinoza, V.) 119 BL 7 2 8-1 1/2 3-1 2-Head 2-Nose 11.50
4 Ice Wynnd Fire (Bailey, J.D.) 119 BL b 4 7 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-2 3-1/2 0.80*
10 Don'tsellmeshort (Nakatani, C.S.) 119 BL 10 1 3-2 1-Head 3-1 4-1/2 7.10
6 Badgett's Mandate (Stevens, G.L.) 119 BL 6 4 6-Head 8-3 1/2 5-2 5-4 26.70
8 Baronage (Castro, E.) 119 BL 8 10 7-1/2 7-Head 6-1 1/2 6-1 14.10
3 Race for Glory (Smith, M.E.) 119 BL 3 9 10 10 8-2 7-4 13.40
2 Pioneerman (Berrio, O.A.) 119 BL 2 6 5-1 6-Head 7-1/2 8-4 50.60
9 Score High (Fogelsonger, R.) 119 BL 9 3 9-6 9-1 10 9-1 1/2 96.90
1 Dad's Lessons (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 119 BL 1 8 1-Head 5-1 9-1 1/2 10 75.00
Fractional Times: 21.39, 44.18, 56.21, 1:08.68

Winner: Saint Afleet - Bay Colt, April 14, 2001
Bred by Ronald C. Waranch in FL
Pedigree: Northern Afleet - Saintly Silk , by Saint Ballado
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 4
Race name: NEXTEL Filly and Mare Sprint S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (R ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $300,000
Value of Race: $300,000 1st $165,000, 2nd $60,000, 3rd $30,000, 3rd $30,000, 5th $15,000
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 1:34 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Mooji Moo (Nakatani, C.S.) 120 BL 4 5 1-Head 1-1 1/2 1-2 1-3/4 17.70
11 Bold Roberta (Nuesch, D.C.) 120 BL b 10 2 8-1 1/2 7-1 1/2 4-Head 2-3/4 49.60
4 DH-Bear Fan (Bailey, J.D.) 120 BL 3 10 6-1/2 6-1 6-1 1/2 3-Neck 1.50*
9 DH-Channing Way (Corbett, G.W.) 120 BL 8 1 3-Head 3-Head 2-Head 3-Neck 54.00
2 Barbara O'Brien (Stevens, G.L.) 120 BL 1 9 5-1/2 4-1/2 3-1 5-Nose 2.70
7 Icantgoforthat (Desormeaux, K.J.) 120 BL b 6 3 2-1 2-Head 5-1/2 6-1 1/2 19.60
6 Madame Pietra (Ramsammy, E.) 120 BL 5 7 7-Head 8-1 1/2 8-2 7-1/2 3.40
3 Super High (Espinoza, V.) 120 BL f 2 6 4-Head 5-1 7-1/2 8-4 8.40
10 Vision in Flight (Smith, M.E.) 120 BL 9 8 9-Head 9-2 9-2 9-2 22.80
8 Nicole's Pursuit (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 120 BL 7 4 10 10 10 10 103.60
Fractional Times: 21.67, 44.24, 56.26, 1:09.34

Winner: Mooji Moo - Bay Mare, March 04, 1999
Bred by Farnsworth Farms in FL
Pedigree: Jeblar - Proud n' Precious , by Valid Appeal
Scratched Horses: Princess V.
Dead Heats: 3rd place - # 4 Bear Fan
3rd place - # 9 Channing Way
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 5
Race name: John Deere Filly and MareTurf S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (R ) One And One Eighth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $500,000
Value of Race: $500,000 1st $275,000, 2nd $100,000, 3rd $60,000, 4th $40,000, 5th $25,000
Weather: Cloudy Track: Firm
Off at: 2:11 Start: Good for all but 9

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1 Valentine Dancer (Court, J.K.) 118 BL b 1 2 4-Head 4-1/2 4-1 2-1/2 1-3/4 4.40
11 Moscow Burning (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 118 BL 11 5 5-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-1 5-1 1/2 2-1 4.10
5 Bartok's Blithe (Ramsammy, E.) 118 BL 5 8 6-Head 7-4 7-1 6-1/2 3-1 61.20
6 Fencelineneighbor (Espinoza, V.) 118 BL b 6 4 3-1 3-1 3-1/2 1-Head 4-Head 7.40
9 Lost Appeal (Smith, M.E.) 120 BL b 9 10 10-1/2 10-1 10-1 7-1 5-1 9.00
10 Summer Wind Dancer (Nakatani, C.S.) 118 BL 10 7 9-1 1/2 9-1/2 9-1/2 8-1/2 6-1/2 24.20
8 Tucked Away (Fogelsonger, R.) 118 BL b 8 6 8-2 8-1 1/2 8-2 1/2 9-2 7-1 45.80
4 All the Honor (Castro, E.) 118 BL b 4 1 2-1 2-Head 2-1/2 3-Head 8-1 1/2 9.50
7 Cozie Advantage (Stevens, G.L.) 120 BL b 7 11 11 11 11 11 9-1 1/2 13.90
2 Atlantic Ocean (Bailey, J.D.) 118 BL 2 3 1-Head 1-1/2 1-Head 4-1 10-2 2.00*
3 Smart Lacy (Desormeaux, K.J.) 120 BL 3 9 7-1 1/2 6-Head 6-Head 10-1 11 45.20
Fractional Times: 23.12, 46.62, 1:10.35, 1:34.40, 1:46.31

Winner: Valentine Dancer - Bay Filly, February 14, 2000
Bred by Al Kirkwood & Sandee Kirkwood in CA
Pedigree: In Excess (IRE) - Gilded Dancer , by Mr. Prospector
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 6
Race name: Barretts/CTBA Classic S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (R ) One And One Eighth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $1,000,000
Value of Race: $1,000,000 1st $550,000, 2nd $200,000, 3rd $120,000, 4th $80,000, 5th $50,000
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:47 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 Southern Image (Espinoza, V.) 120 BL 8 3 5-2 3-1/2 3-2 1/2 1-1/2 1-3 3.10
10 Excess Summer (Stevens, G.L.) 120 BL b 10 2 1-1/2 1-1 1-Head 2-2 2-5 7.20
11 The Judge Sez Who (Desormeaux, K.J.) 122 BL 11 11 11-Head 11-1 10-1 5-1 1/2 3-1/2 44.30
1A Peace Rules (Bailey, J.D.) 120 BL 6 4 6-2 5-1 1/2 5-2 4-1/2 4-1/2 1.00*
13 Pay the Preacher (Saint-Martin, E.) 122 BL f 12 5 2-1 2-1 2-1 3-4 5-1/2 40.60
2 Continental Red (Ramsammy, E.) 122 BL 1 10 10-6 9-Head 9-1 1/2 8-1 6-1/2 11.50
7 White Buck (Smith, M.E.) 120 BL b 7 9 9-1/2 10-5 6-Head 7-1 1/2 7-1/2 34.10
3 Grey Memo (Garcia, M.S.) 122 BL 2 12 12 12 12 9-3 8-1 24.70
9 Touch the Wire (Nakatani, C.S.) 120 BL b 9 6 8-3 8-1 1/2 7-1/2 6-Head 9-12 9.60
4 Excessivepleasure (Court, J.K.) 120 BL b 3 8 4-Head 6-Head 11-1 11-1 1/2 10-1 1/2 46.60
6 Hot Market (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 122 BL b 5 7 7-2 7-Head 8-Head 10-3 1/2 11-6 81.80
5 Standard Setter (Fogelsonger, R.) 120 BL b 4 1 3-1 4-2 4-1/2 12 12 129.50
Fractional Times: 22.46, 45.60, 1:09.57, 1:34.58, 1:47.67

Winner: Southern Image - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, April 07, 2000
Bred by Arthur I. Appleton in FL
Pedigree: Halo's Image - Pleasant Dixie , by Dixieland Band
Scratched Horses: Midas Eyes, Commander's Flag
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 7
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies (S ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $23,000
Value of Race: $23,000 1st $13,800, 2nd $4,600, 3rd $2,760, 4th $1,380, 5th $460
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 3:19 Start: Good for all but 1,2

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
12 Beezer (Nakatani, C.S.) 120 BL 11 2 8-5 5-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 1-1 9.70
9 Award Winning (Espinoza, V.) 120 BL b 9 3 7-Head 7-1/2 5-2 2-Neck 1.50*
4 Tricky Little Girl (Court, J.K.) 120 BL 4 7 3-Head 3-2 1/2 3-Head 3-1 6.20
7 Miss Mark (Martinez, F.F.) 120 BL 7 4 2-1 2-2 1/2 1-1/2 4-2 2.20
11 Silent Kingdom (Almeida, G.F.) 120 BL b 10 1 1-1/2 1-Head 2-1 1/2 5-1 14.40
5 Twister Alley (Valenzuela, F.H.) 120 BL b 5 9 10-7 10-10 7-1 1/2 6-2 1/2 38.90
3 Queen of Soul (Nuesch, D.C.) 120 BL 3 5 5-4 1/2 4-1/2 6-4 7-2 13.60
8 Tita Emerald (Vergara, D.P.) 118 BL b 8 8 9-1 9-1/2 9-Head 8-3 79.20
6 Dixiecrat (John, K.) 118 BL b 6 6 4-1 1/2 6-Head 8-1 1/2 9-6 1/2 35.70
1 Intonation (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 120 BL 1 11 6-Head 8-3 10-10 10-Nose 21.60
2 Notaphoney (Berrio, O.A.) 120 BL 2 10 11 11 11 11 84.00
Fractional Times: 21.81, 44.96, 57.87, 1:11.13

Winner: Beezer - Gray or Roan Filly, May 07, 2001
Bred by SLU, Inc. in CA
Pedigree: Lucayan Prince - Roberta Ullmann , by Prospectors Gamble
2 claimed
horse(s): Award Winning:
New Owner = Bruce and Joanne Phayre Trust; New Trainer = Mike Harrington
Miss Mark:
New Owner = Marty Landin; New Trainer = Paul G. Aguirre
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 8
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares About Six And One Half Furlongs On The Downhill turf
Purse: $39,000
Plus: $4,680 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $43,680
Value of Race: $39,000 1st $23,400, 2nd $7,800, 3rd $4,680, 4th $2,340, 5th $780
Reverts: $4,680
Weather: Cloudy Track: Firm
Off at: 3:49 Start: Good for all but 11

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 It's Stevie's Time (Nakatani, C.S.) 119 BL b 8 2 4-Head 5-1 1/2 4-1/2 1-1 6.60
5 Kouri Jill (Smith, M.E.) 118 BL 4 4 3-1 3-1 3-1 2-Head 11.10
1 Carla Rose (Espinoza, V.) 118 BL 1 5 6-2 4-1/2 2-1/2 3-Nose 7.10
4 Bond Midnight (IRE) (Ramsammy, E.) 118 BL 3 8 8-1 7-Head 6-1 1/2 4-1 45.10
7 Clickety Cat (Desormeaux, K.J.) 119 BL 6 7 7-1/2 8-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-1/2 12.30
11 Moyanna (IRE) (Saint-Martin, E.) 118 BL 10 10 10 10 8-1/2 6-1 10.50
2 Funny Bone (Sterling, Jr., L.J.) 119 BL b 2 9 9-4 9-1 1/2 7-1 7-Nose 10.10
6 Anima Mundi (IRE) (Martinez, F.F.) 119 BL f 5 3 1-Head 1-1 1/2 1-Head 8-2 1.40*
8 Bertrando's Model (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 119 BL 7 6 5-Head 6-Head 9-3 1/2 9-5 5.20
10 Imgunabeinpictures (Navarro, D.) 119 BL 9 1 2-1 2-Head 10 10 87.50
Fractional Times: 22.04, 44.36, 1:07.63, 1:13.82

Winner: It's Stevie's Time - Bay Mare, April 13, 1999
Bred by John R Jack Jones & Ivor Allan Jones in KY
Pedigree: Quiet American - Run Away Stevie , by Table Run
Claiming Prices: $40,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Shezsofoxy
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 9
Allowance Optional Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (NW2 X) Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $56,000
Plus: $16,800 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $72,800
Value of Race: $56,000 1st $33,600, 2nd $11,200, 3rd $6,720, 4th $3,360, 5th $1,120
Reverts: $16,800
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 4:19 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Casas Caballo (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 118 BL 8 2 2-1/2 2-1 1-1/2 1-2 1/2 4.10
5 Kewen (Bailey, J.D.) 118 BL 4 8 6-Head 5-1 3-1/2 2-1 7.80
2 Our Bobby V. (Smith, M.E.) 118 BL 1 4 5-1 1/2 6-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 3-Neck 11.30
7 Smile n Wildcat (Nakatani, C.S.) 119 BL 6 1 1-Head 1-Head 2-1 1/2 4-1/2 7.20
6 Ministers Wild Cat (Desormeaux, K.J.) 118 BL 5 3 4-1 4-1 4-1 5-Neck 5.40
4 Fonz's (Espinoza, V.) 119 BL b 3 7 8 8 7-2 6-1 9.60
3 McCann's Mojave (Stevens, G.L.) 118 BL 2 6 7-2 1/2 7-1 1/2 6-1 7-6 2.40*
8 Highly Tempting (Ramsammy, E.) 121 BL b 7 5 3-1 3-Head 8 8 6.20
Fractional Times: 21.82, 44.55, 1:08.36, 1:14.67

Winner: Casas Caballo - Bay Colt, May 09, 2000
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. James Brunker & Mr. & Mrs. Tony Holmes in KY
Pedigree: Boston Harbor - One Beautiful Lady , by Broad Brush
Claiming Prices: Highly Tempting: $62,500
Scratched Horses: Absent Friend
Santa Anita Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 10
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $17,000
Value of Race: $17,000 1st $10,200, 2nd $3,400, 3rd $2,040, 4th $1,020, 5th $340
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 4:49 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Relative Strength (Ramsammy, E.) 123 BL 3 4 2-1/2 3-3 3-2 1/2 1-2 0.80*
6 Really Suspect (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 122 BL b 5 3 1-Head 1-Head 2-1/2 2-1 7.10
2 Kirschwasser (Espinoza, V.) 123 BL f 2 5 4-Head 4-1/2 4-3 3-Nose 3.50
8 Badgerup (Boag, G.L.) 122 BL b 7 1 3-4 1/2 2-3 1/2 1-Head 4-4 11.50
7 Adopting Habit (Sterling, Jr., L.J.) 122 BL b 6 2 7-2 1/2 6-1/2 6-2 5-3 14.80
9 Takeit Or Leave It (Nuesch, D.C.) 122 BL 8 7 8-1/2 8-Head 8-1 1/2 6-Neck 14.30
1 Greek Pride (Krigger, K.) 123 B b 1 9 6-Head 7-4 7-2 1/2 7-2 45.80
10 Woodbuck (Steiner, J.J.) 121 BL bf 9 6 5-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 5-Head 8-3 15.70
5 Nicolov (FR) (Olivares, F.) 122 BL bf 4 8 9 9 9 9 56.30
Fractional Times: 21.76, 44.57, 1:10.35, 1:17.08

Winner: Relative Strength - Chestnut Gelding, February 07, 1998
Bred by Stanley J. Bell & Rita F. Bell in KY
Pedigree: Twining - Never Binn Better , by Dixieland Band
Claiming Prices: Relative Strength: $25,000; Really Suspect: $25,000; Kirschwasser: $25,000; Badgerup: $25,000; Adopting Habit: $25,000; Takeit Or Leave It: $25,000; Greek Pride: $25,000; Woodbuck: $22,500; Nicolov (FR): $25,000
Scratched Horses: Khumbaba
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 1
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $22,000
Value of Race: $22,000 1st $13,200, 2nd $4,180, 3rd $2,640, 4th $1,100, 5th $220, 6th $220, 7th $220, 8th $220
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:00 Start: Good for all but 7

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
2 Normandy Beach (Bravo, J.) 120 L bf 2 7 2-Head 1-1/2 1-2 1/2 1-6 1.00*
5 Fabulous Peak (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L b 4 5 8 7-1/2 4-2 2-1/2 3.30
8 Kristine's King (Douglas, R.R.) 120 L f 7 4 7-3 5-1 1/2 3-1/2 3-1 5.80
1 Quiet Desperation (Mojica, Jr., R.) 120 L b 1 6 1-1/2 2-1/2 2-3 4-4 3/4 32.20
6 Distinctive Mr. B (Guidry, M.) 120 L f 5 3 4-1/2 6-1 7-8 5-Nose 8.30
7 Suave Gentleman (Matutes, L.) 120 L f 6 8 6-Head 4-1 6-2 1/2 6-2 3/4 18.70
4 Colebrook Ruckus (Landry, R.C.) 120 L bf 3 2 3-Head 3-2 5-Head 7-15 3/4 8.40
9 Gold Glory Won (Boulanger, G.) 118 L bf 8 1 5-1 8 8 8 61.80
Fractional Times: 22.48, 45.45, 57.56, 1:10.05

Winner: Normandy Beach - Bay Gelding, June 06, 1996
Bred by Nancy M. Grinder in SC
Pedigree: Sewickley - Pressing Problems , by Iron
Claiming Prices: Normandy Beach: $32,000; Fabulous Peak: $32,000; Kristine's King: $32,000; Quiet Desperation: $32,000; Distinctive Mr. B: $32,000; Suave Gentleman: $32,000; Colebrook Ruckus: $32,000; Gold Glory Won: $30,000
Scratched Horses: Cabot Trail
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 2
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $32,000
Value of Race: $32,000 1st $19,200, 2nd $5,760, 3rd $3,520, 4th $1,600, 5th $320, 6th $320, 7th $320, 8th $320, 9th $320, 10th $320
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:26 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1A Renard Bleu (Flores, D.R.) 122 L bf 10 2 5-Head 5-Head 2-Head 1-Neck 2.60
7 Reggie for Three (Velazquez, J.R.) 122 L 5 9 9-Head 8-Head 7-2 1/2 2-3 1/4 2.30*
4 Summer Book (Perret, C.) 122 L b 3 7 6-1 1/2 6-2 6-Head 3-Neck 28.70
1 China Gold (Prado, E.S.) 122 L 6 4 3-Head 3-Head 3-Head 4-2 2.60
3 Catascatcan (Solis, A.O.) 122 L 2 6 2-1/2 4-1 1/2 5-1/2 5-Head 4.50
9 Chi Town (Santos, J.A.) 122 L 8 3 1-1 1-1/2 1-Head 6-Neck 18.40
2 Irenes' Song (Bravo, J.) 122 L f 1 10 4-1 1/2 2-1/2 4-1 1/2 7-Neck 6.20
5 Formal Finish (Douglas, R.R.) 122 L b 4 8 7-Head 7-1 1/2 8-1 1/2 8-3 1/4 7.60
10 Call Me Shane (Boulanger, G.) 122 9 5 10 9-2 9-1/2 9-1 1/2 29.10
8 Sking Joe (Guidry, M.) 122 L b 7 1 8-2 1/2 10 10 10 18.80
Fractional Times: 22.42, 45.38, 1:10.84, 1:23.93

Winner: Renard Bleu - Bay Colt, February 05, 2001
Bred by Budget Stable in KY
Pedigree: Honour and Glory - G. U. Senorita , by Pancho Villa
Scratched Horses: Confirmed
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 3
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (NW1 X) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 3rd $3,740, 2nd $6,120, 4th $1,700, 5th $340, 6th $340, 7th $340, 8th $340, 9th $340, 10th $340
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:52 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1 Mustanfar (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L b 1 4 6-1/2 6-2 1/2 6-2 4-1 1-Head 3.50
8 DQ-Suave (Velasquez, C.H.) 120 L b 8 6 2-1 2-1 1/2 1-1/2 1-1 2-1 7.20
2 Swingforthefences (Baze, T.) 118 L 2 3 3-1/2 4-1 1/2 5-1/2 2-1 3-3 3.60
3 Play All Night (Bravo, J.) 122 L 3 2 5-2 5-1 3-1/2 5-3 4-3/4 2.80*
9 Dashing Deputy (Douglas, R.R.) 118 L b 9 7 4-1 1/2 3-Head 2-1/2 3-1 5-2 1/2 8.70
5 Ballado Breeze (Solis, A.O.) 122 L 5 5 7-4 7-2 1/2 7-Head 6-2 6-2 1/4 6.00
6 Current Niner (Cruz, M.R.) 118 L 6 10 9-1 8-2 1/2 10 7-1/2 7-1/2 22.70
7 Mr. Willie Joe (Boulanger, G.) 118 L 7 8 8-2 9-2 9-1/2 8-4 8-12 3/4 18.10
10 Stormy'sback (Penalba, C.) 118 L 10 9 10 10 8-1/2 9-10 9 127.40
4 Fumph Around (Alvarado, Jr., R.) 120 L b 4 1 1-1 1-1/2 4-Head 10 --- 79.90
Fractional Times: 23.54, 47.85, 1:12.93, 1:37.87, 1:44.31

Winner: Mustanfar - Chestnut Colt, March 28, 2001
Bred by Shadwell Farm, LLC in KY
Pedigree: Unbridled - Manwah , by Lyphard
Disqualification: # 8 Suave from 2 to 3
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $32,000
Value of Race: $32,000 1st $19,200, 2nd $5,760, 3rd $3,200, 4th $1,280, 5th $320, 6th $320, 7th $320, 8th $320, 9th $320, 10th $320, 11th $320, 12th $320
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:21 Start: Good for all but 3,8

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
11 Harbour Gate (Velasquez, C.H.) 122 L f 11 1 1-Head 1-1/2 1-2 1-6 1/2 3.20
6 Intimidator (Prado, E.S.) 122 f 6 9 4-1 1/2 3-1/2 4-3 1/2 2-Head 5.00
1 Gannett Peak (Douglas, R.R.) 122 1 7 3-Head 4-2 2-Head 3-1 1/2 44.60
10 Medallist (Santos, J.A.) 122 10 10 2-1 2-1 1/2 3-Head 4-Neck 2.70*
4 Go Now (Perret, C.) 122 L 4 6 8-Head 7-Head 5-3 5-6 3/4 13.00
3 Cinnamon Bay (Bravo, J.) 122 3 11 11-18 11-20 8-3 1/2 6-2 1/4 59.90
2 Bidless (Solis, A.O.) 122 L 2 8 7-Head 6-1 1/2 6-1 1/2 7-3/4 4.00
5 Starlight Flyer (Cruz, M.R.) 122 L b 5 3 6-Head 5-Head 7-1/2 8-1 1/2 19.50
9 War Trace (Baze, T.) 122 L 9 5 10-12 9-1/2 9-1 1/2 9-5 1/2 24.50
8 Bunt (Blanc, B.) 122 8 12 12 12 11-1 1/2 10-3/4 81.40
7 Island Mac (Toribio, Jr., A.) 122 L b 7 4 5-Head 8-Head 10-3 1/2 11-5 1/4 87.50
12 Jackdaw (Velazquez, J.R.) 122 L 12 2 9-Head 10-2 1/2 12 12 9.80
Fractional Times: 22.59, 45.49, 1:10.51, 1:23.32

Winner: Harbour Gate - Bay Gelding, February 15, 2001
Bred by Adena Springs in KY
Pedigree: Boston Harbor - Belle's Appeal , by Valid Appeal
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 5
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (NW1 X) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 2nd $6,120, 3rd $3,740, 4th $1,700, 5th $340, 6th $340, 7th $340, 8th $340, 9th $340, 10th $340
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:48 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1 Farnum Alley (Peck, B.D.) 120 L b 1 1 7-3 1/2 7-Head 9-3 3-3 1-Nose 16.60
3 Tiger Heart (Prado, E.S.) 118 L 3 2 2-1 1/2 2-Head 2-1/2 1-Head 2-1 3/4 1.20*
5 Speedjama (Santos, J.A.) 118 L 5 4 1-Head 1-1 1-1 2-1 3-2 1/2 11.30
7 Cervelo (Karamanos, H.) 122 L b 7 6 4-1/2 4-1 1/2 4-2 4-1 4-Neck 61.00
4 Battle Hero (Douglas, R.R.) 122 L b 4 3 10 9-2 8-Head 6-1/2 5-Neck 3.80
8 Lite the Point (Velasquez, C.H.) 118 L 8 8 9-1 1/2 10 10 5-1/2 6-Neck 43.10
2 Nightmare Affair (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 b 2 10 6-Head 6-3 1/2 6-2 8-3 1/2 7-3 3/4 5.00
6 My Lucky Mercury (Alvarado, Jr., R.) 118 L 6 5 3-1 1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 7-Head 8-4 3/4 46.60
9 Artemus Sunrise (Perret, C.) 120 L 9 7 5-2 1/2 5-1 1/2 5-Head 9-2 1/2 9-5 5.20
10 Desert Border (Cruz, M.R.) 118 L 10 9 8-1 1/2 8-Head 7-1/2 10 10 142.00
Fractional Times: 24.02, 48.69, 1:13.13, 1:38.63, 1:45.04

Winner: Farnum Alley - Chestnut Colt, May 19, 2001
Bred by WinStar Farm, LLC in KY
Pedigree: Distorted Humor - Falon , by Cox's Ridge
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 6
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (NW2 X) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $36,000
Value of Race: $36,000 1st $21,600, 2nd $6,480, 3rd $3,600, 4th $1,440, 5th $360, 6th $360, 7th $360, 8th $360, 9th $360, 10th $360, 11th $360, 12th $360
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:15 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
12 Key Deputy (Velasquez, C.H.) 120 L 12 3 3-Head 3-1/2 3-1 1-3/4 1.60*
9 Record Tide (Prado, E.S.) 122 L bf 9 4 1-2 1/2 1-3 1-3 1/2 2-3/4 9.40
7 China Grind (Bravo, J.) 118 L bf 7 11 8-2 1/2 4-1 4-Head 3-3/4 5.10
4 Mombo Loco (Luzzi, M.J.) 118 L b 4 12 10-2 1/2 7-Head 6-Head 4-2 3/4 12.80
10 Champagne Account (Toscano, P.R.) 118 L b 10 1 2-1 1/2 2-1 2-Head 5-Neck 158.00
1 Outright Stormy (Karamanos, H.) 118 L 1 10 9-Head 10-2 1/2 8-1 1/2 6-1/2 122.70
3 Werblin (Velazquez, J.R.) 118 L 3 7 7-1 1/2 6-Head 7-3 7-1 3.60
6 Ballistic Missile (Boulanger, G.) 118 L b 6 8 4-Head 5-3 5-1 1/2 8-Head 28.10
2 Truman's Raider (Douglas, R.R.) 118 L b 2 9 12 11-Head 9-2 1/2 9-2 3/4 16.10
5 Heckofanactofollow (Garcia, J.A.) 118 L bf 5 5 11-2 12 11-Head 10-2 3/4 69.80
11 Super Case (Santos, J.A.) 120 L 11 2 6-Head 9-1 10-Head 11-Neck 7.10
8 Consent (Lopez, J.E.) 113 L b 8 6 5-Head 8-Head 12 12 146.90
Fractional Times: 21.80, 44.61, 57.21, 1:10.61

Winner: Key Deputy - Chestnut Colt, April 14, 2000
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Wygod in KY
Pedigree: Deputy Minister - Key Phrase , by Flying Paster
Scratched Horses: My Calabrese, Formal Charade
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 7
Race name: Ocala Stud Oaks
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies (R ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $250,000
Value of Race: $250,000 1st $137,500, 2nd $50,000, 3rd $30,000, 4th $20,000, 5th $12,500
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:45 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 Silent Sighs (Flores, D.R.) 120 L b 1 6 3-1 1/2 3-2 1/2 3-3 1-Neck 0.20*
5 Wacky Patty (Gonzalez, C.) 120 L b 5 1 1-1 1/2 1-1 1-2 2-2 4.40
2 Dixie High (Pedroza, M.A.) 120 L 2 5 5-2 1/2 4-1 4-2 1/2 3-3/4 8.20
6 Usual Manner (Cruz, M.R.) 120 L f 6 2 2-1/2 2-1 2-1/2 4-5 3/4 20.60
3 Remembrances (Baze, T.) 120 L b 3 4 4-2 5-3 1/2 5-3 5-2 1/2 20.60
4 Potion (Douglas, R.R.) 120 L b 4 3 6 6 6 6 46.50
Fractional Times: 21.78, 44.71, 57.40, 1:10.82

Winner: Silent Sighs - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, March 21, 2001
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Wygod in CA
Pedigree: Benchmark - Quiet Romance , by Bertrando
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 8
Race name: Padua Stables Sprint S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (R ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $300,000
Value of Race: $300,000 1st $165,000, 2nd $60,000, 3rd $36,000, 4th $24,000, 5th $15,000
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:15 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Shake You Down (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L bf 3 2 1-Head 1-2 1-2 1/2 1-3 0.60*
6 Green Team (Santos, J.A.) 120 L 6 4 5-1 2-1/2 3-2 1/2 2-Neck 6.70
7 Valid Video (Bravo, J.) 119 L 7 5 7 3-1 1/2 2-Head 3-1 1/4 2.80
4 Hasty Kris (Baze, T.) 120 L b 4 6 4-Head 4-2 4-2 1/2 4-5 22.00
2 Pick'em (Velazquez, J.R.) 119 L 2 7 3-Head 5-3 5-9 5-13 9.10
5 Thunder Bullet (Pedroza, M.A.) 120 L 5 3 6-1 6-3 6-7 6-22 1/4 25.30
1 Love My Mountain (Cruz, M.R.) 120 1 1 2-2 1/2 7 7 7 101.80
Fractional Times: 21.93, 44.30, 56.24, 1:09.18

Winner: Shake You Down - Chestnut Gelding, April 27, 1998
Bred by Ocala Stud Farm in FL
Pedigree: Montbrook - Mauvin Gway , by Rajab
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 9
Race name: Ocala Breeders' Sales Distaff S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (R ) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $500,000
Value of Race: $500,000 1st $275,000, 2nd $100,000, 3rd $60,000, 4th $40,000, 5th $25,000
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:51 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
12 Secret Request (Coa, E.) 118 L 12 12 12 12 8-1/2 5-1 1-3/4 74.20
10 Smok'n Frolic (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L b 10 11 11-3 9-Head 7-1/2 6-3 2-1 3/4 4.10
6 Scapade (Velasquez, C.H.) 118 L b 6 6 7-1 5-1/2 4-2 3-Head 3-3/4 11.10
2 Redoubled Miss (Douglas, R.R.) 120 L bf 2 2 8-1/2 8-1 1/2 5-1/2 4-1 4-1 1/2 21.20
3 Royally Chosen (Solis, A.O.) 120 L 3 3 3-1 3-1/2 3-Head 2-Head 5-1 3.40
11 Ivanavinalot (Scocca, D.) 118 L f 11 8 1-1/2 1-3 1-3 1/2 1-1/2 6-1 3/4 71.10
4 House Party (Santos, J.A.) 118 4 4 10-Head 11-2 9-2 7-1 1/2 7-4 1/2 2.40*
1 Crimson and Roses (Garcia, J.A.) 118 L b 1 1 2-2 2-2 1/2 2-1 8-2 1/2 8-1 115.50
5 Pesci (Bravo, J.) 118 L f 5 5 4-Head 6-1 6-2 1/2 9-1 9-1/2 3.50
8 Shot Gun Favorite (Prado, E.S.) 118 L 8 10 6-1 7-1 10-Head 11 10-1 1/4 27.40
7 Cellars Shiraz (Guidry, M.) 120 L bf 7 7 9-1 1/2 10-2 1/2 11-3 10-1 11 43.70
9 Lindsay Jean (Baze, T.) 120 L 9 9 5-1/2 4-1/2 12 --- --- 39.10
Fractional Times: 23.35, 46.71, 1:11.34, 1:38.33, 1:45.16

Winner: Secret Request - Bay Filly, April 30, 2000
Bred by J D Farms in FL
Pedigree: Jules - Foxy Persuasion , by General Assembly
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 10
Race name: Franks FarmTurf S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (R ) One And One Eighth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $500,000
Value of Race: $500,000 1st $275,000, 2nd $100,000, 3rd $60,000, 4th $40,000, 5th $25,000
Weather: Clear Track: Firm
Off at: 5:25 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
11 Proud Man (Douglas, R.R.) 120 L b 10 2 6-1 1/2 6-1/2 9-1 1/2 7-1 1-1/2 5.00
5 Hear No Evil (Garcia, J.A.) 118 L bf 4 3 1-1 1/2 1-2 1-3 1/2 1-1 2-1/2 22.50
8 Special Matter (Baze, T.) 120 L b 7 1 4-1/2 4-Head 5-1/2 5-Head 3-Neck 9.10
7 Magic Mecke (Coa, E.) 118 L 6 10 10-Head 9-Head 7-Head 9-1 1/2 4-1/2 7.60
9 Bourbon County (Jauregui, L.H.) 120 L b 8 9 9-2 10-2 1/2 10-1 1/2 6-1/2 5-Neck 64.30
6 Stormy Roman (Aguilar, M.) 120 L 5 4 3-1 1/2 3-2 3-Head 2-1 1/2 6-1/2 9.70
10 Miesque's Approval (Velasquez, C.H.) 120 L 9 8 7-Head 7-1 6-1/2 8-1 7-3/4 3.80
3 Adminniestrator (Pedroza, M.A.) 120 L 2 6 8-1/2 8-1 1/2 8-Head 10-1 1/2 8-3/4 12.80
1 Western Pride (Santos, J.A.) 120 L 1 5 2-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 2-1 4-Head 9-Neck 10.90
4 Ballonenostrikes (Bravo, J.) 118 L b 3 7 5-1/2 5-1 4-1/2 3-Head 10-1 30.50
12 Man From Wicklow (Solis, A.O.) 120 L bf 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2.90*
Fractional Times: 22.39, 46.50, 1:09.87, 1:33.76, 1:45.69

Winner: Proud Man - Bay Horse, April 06, 1998
Bred by Max Hugel in FL
Pedigree: Manlove - Proud Entrance , by At the Threshold
Scratched Horses: Silver Tree, Music's Storm, Sir Brian's Sword
Gulfstream Park - January 24th, 2004 - Race 11
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $26,000
Value of Race: $26,000 1st $15,600, 2nd $4,680, 3rd $2,860, 4th $1,300, 5th $260, 6th $260, 7th $260, 8th $260, 9th $260, 10th $260
Weather: Clear Track: Firm
Off at: 5:53 Start: Good for all but 7

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
6 Alnahaam (IRE) (Santos, J.A.) 119 L 6 5 6-Head 5-1/2 3-Head 2-2 1-3 1/2 2.20*
2 Joey Blueeyes (Karamanos, H.) 120 L b 2 2 4-Head 6-1 1/2 7-1 1/2 6-Head 2-1/2 8.70
10 Scagnelli (Bravo, J.) 118 L 10 10 9-1 1/2 7-Head 6-Head 4-Head 3-1 1/2 4.20
3 Powerful Appeal (Velez, R.I.) 118 L f 3 4 1-1 1/2 1-1 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 4-1 29.50
5 Decaf (Blanc, B.) 120 L f 5 8 7-1 8-Head 9-2 1/2 7-1 1/2 5-Head 8.10
8 Me and Mr. Z (Boulanger, G.) 118 L b 8 6 8-1 9-2 8-Head 9-1 1/2 6-Head 17.70
7 Symbolic Cat (Coa, E.) 120 L b 7 9 10 10 10 10 7-1 1/2 6.10
1 World of Wonder (Perret, C.) 120 L 1 1 2-1 3-1 2-Head 5-1/2 8-2 15.00
9 Tsar Czar (Douglas, R.R.) 118 L 9 7 5-Head 4-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 3-1/2 9-2 9.40
4 Pegylation (Guidry, M.) 120 L b 4 3 3-1 1/2 2-Head 4-1/2 8-1 10 11.80
Fractional Times: 23.26, 47.72, 1:11.05, 1:35.13, 1:40.88

Winner: Alnahaam (IRE) - Chestnut Horse, February 27, 1998
Bred by Shadwell Estate Company Limited in IRE
Pedigree: Hamas (IRE) - Abir (GB) , by Soviet Star
Claiming Prices: Alnahaam (IRE): $45,000; Joey Blueeyes: $50,000; Scagnelli: $40,000; Powerful Appeal: $40,000; Decaf: $50,000; Me and Mr. Z: $40,000; Symbolic Cat: $50,000; World of Wonder: $50,000; Tsar Czar: $40,000; Pegylation: $50,000
Scratched Horses: No More Chads, Poppy's Image, Patton of Gold, Watchman's Warning
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 1
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward One Mile And Seventy Yards On The Inner track
Purse: $13,000
Value of Race: $13,000 1st $7,800, 2nd $2,600, 3rd $1,300, 4th $650, 5th $390, 6th $65, 7th $65, 8th $65, 9th $65
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:31 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 Destello del Cielo (CHI) (Perez, E.) 111 L cf 9 6 8-2 1/2 5-1/2 3-Head 1-Head 1-1/2 3.95
6 Linkoman (Thornton, T.) 111 L bc 7 7 6-Head 6-5 5-1 4-1/2 2-1/2 5.20
1 Jay Black (Fragoso, P.) 111 L bcf 3 4 1-1 1/2 1-1 1-1 2-1/2 3-1 1/2 1.90*
4 Cousin 'n Company (Lopez, C.C.) 120 L 4 3 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 4-1/2 5.50
3 Badger Gold (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 120 L 2 1 3-1/2 3-1/2 4-1 1/2 5-6 5-5 1/4 7.50
7 Baseball (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 111 L f 8 9 5-1 1/2 4-Head 6-2 1/2 6-3 1/2 6-8 1/4 11.50
2 Hafta Conquer (Smith, A.) 116 L b 1 2 9 7-Head 7-8 7-20 7-22 1/2 8.90
1A Signal Man (Garcia, A.) 110 L bf 6 8 4-Head 9 8-1/2 8-3 8-5 1/4 1.90*
5 Signal Tower (Villafan, R.) 114 L b 5 5 7-Head 8-1/2 9 9 9 88.50
Fractional Times: 23.96, 48.11, 1:13.33, 1:39.31, 1:43.47

Winner: Destello del Cielo (CHI) - Chestnut Gelding, July 15, 1997
Bred by Haras Santa Olga in CHI
Pedigree: Sayaret - Pasea Tranquila (CHI) , by Gallantsky
1 claimed
horse(s): Hafta Conquer:
New Owner = Robert Corrado; New Trainer = Robert Corrado

Claiming Prices: Destello del Cielo (CHI): $10,500; Linkoman: $10,500; Jay Black: $10,500; Cousin 'n Company: $12,500; Badger Gold: $12,500; Baseball: $10,500; Hafta Conquer: $10,500; Signal Man: $10,500; Signal Tower: $10,500
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 2
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Inner track
Purse: $24,000
Value of Race: $24,000 1st $14,400, 2nd $4,800, 3rd $2,400, 4th $1,200, 5th $720, 6th $120, 7th $120, 8th $120, 9th $120
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:58 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Rockin' Again (Gryder, A.T.) 121 L b 2 3 4-2 1/2 3-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 1-3/4 9.60
2 Runaway Chris (Espinoza, J.L.) 117 L b 1 7 5-1/2 5-3 1/2 4-8 3-7 2-1 1/4 6.80
7 Fire Hero (Lopez, C.C.) 121 L 7 1 1-Head 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-2 1/2 3-2 3/4 4.30
5 Liberated (Castellano, J.) 121 b 5 6 8-1 1/2 8-1/2 6-2 1/2 4-7 4-6 8.60
6 Tract (Luzzi, M.J.) 121 L bc 6 2 9 9 7-1/2 5-1/2 5-24 1.45*
8 Takincare Ofbiz (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 117 L bc 9 9 2-3 2-2 1/2 3-1 1/2 6-12 6-10 3/4 6.80
1 Morning Tune (Beitia, A.O.) 121 L 4 5 3-1/2 4-Head 5-Head 7-5 7-1 1/2 10.40
1A Bampton Place (Pimentel, J.) 121 L b 8 8 7-3 1/2 6-3 8-10 8-8 8-2 1/2 10.40
4 Our Boy Barney (Thornton, T.) 116 L b 3 4 6-Head 7-1 9 9 9 30.00
Fractional Times: 23.80, 48.24, 1:13.38, 1:40.00, 1:46.76

Winner: Rockin' Again - Bay Colt, February 11, 2001
Bred by Adena Springs in ON
Pedigree: Awesome Again - Touch Dial , by Phone Trick
Claiming Prices: Rockin' Again: $50,000; Runaway Chris: $40,000; Fire Hero: $50,000; Liberated: $50,000; Tract: $50,000; Takincare Ofbiz: $40,000; Morning Tune: $50,000; Bampton Place: $50,000; Our Boy Barney: $50,000
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 3
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Inner track
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,100, 4th $2,050, 5th $1,230, 6th $820
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:23 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 Falconer (IRE) (Gryder, A.T.) 122 L bcf 6 1 2-2 2-1 1/2 1-Head 1-Nose 2.60
3 Blazing Song (Garcia, A.) 117 L bcf 3 3 3-2 1/2 3-5 1/2 2-1/2 2-5 1/4 1.80*
5 Afortunado (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 122 L b 5 2 1-1/2 1-1/2 3-5 1/2 3-1 2.45
1 Melodeeman (Vaz, E.) 109 f 1 6 6 5-3 1/2 4-2 1/2 4-9 3/4 24.50
4 Go for Now (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 117 L b 4 5 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 5-6 5-2 3/4 4.00
2 Ajergabead (Gomez, O.) 110 L bf 2 4 5-5 6 6 6 82.25
Fractional Times: 23.25, 46.99, 59.52, 1:12.19

Winner: Falconer (IRE) - Bay Gelding, March 05, 1999
Bred by Horse Breeding Corporation in IRE
Pedigree: Alzao - Gaelic Bird (FR) , by Gay Mecene
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies (S ) Six Furlongs On The Inner track
Purse: $41,000
Value of Race: $41,000 1st $24,600, 2nd $8,200, 3rd $4,100, 4th $2,050, 5th $1,230, 6th $118, 7th $118, 8th $118, 9th $118, 10th $118, 11th $118, 12th $112
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:52 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
11 Wild Cee (Perez, E.) 115 L c 12 1 1-1/2 1-2 1/2 1-7 1-6 1/4 10.30
1A The Lamp Is Lit (Espinoza, J.L.) 120 L 11 2 3-1/2 3-1/2 2-1 1/2 2-1 1.05*
10 Belmont Babe (Fragoso, P.) 115 L 10 5 6-1/2 6-2 1/2 5-6 3-1 1/2 8.00
3 Kiss the Lips (Garcia, A.) 115 bcf 1 10 4-1/2 4-1/2 3-Head 4-2 1/2 3.35
8 Brassy Shirley (Thornton, T.) 115 L b 7 3 5-1 2-Head 4-Head 5-1/2 38.25
9 Jamocas B Lady (Gryder, A.T.) 120 L c 8 7 9-Head 8-2 1/2 6-3 6-1 13.70
1 Elegant Paradox (Castellano, J.) 120 L 2 12 8-Head 10-3 1/2 7-Head 7-6 1/4 1.05*
5 My Nina Rose (Santagata, N.) 120 b 4 8 12 11-1 11-8 8-Neck 31.50
6 Fabulous Gin (Luzzi, M.J.) 120 L 5 11 11-1 1/2 9-1/2 10-Head 9-Nose 9.70
4 Cheater Lady (Vergara, O.) 120 3 6 2-1/2 5-1/2 8-1/2 10-1 1/2 70.00
7 Nancy's Change (Villafan, R.) 120 L bcf 6 4 7-Head 7-Head 9-2 1/2 11-8 1/4 145.50
2 Anat (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 115 b 9 9 10-3 1/2 12 12 12 67.00
Fractional Times: 23.71, 48.04, 1:00.38, 1:13.22

Winner: Wild Cee - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, April 12, 2001
Bred by Questroyal Stable Inc, Edward F. & Joan T. Simpson & Wild Again Partners in NY
Pedigree: Wild Again - Cameo Performance , by Be My Guest
Scratched Horses: Storming Magic, Previous Selection
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 5
Starter Allowance - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward One And Five Eighth Miles On The Inner track
Purse: $30,000
Value of Race: $30,000 1st $18,000, 2nd $6,000, 3rd $3,000, 4th $1,500, 5th $900, 6th $600
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:15 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP 1/4 1/2 1m 1 3/8 Str Fin Odds
6 Wild Horses (Lopez, C.C.) 116 L 4 2-Head 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-3 1/2 1-Head 1-Nose 1.95
7 Bo Barley (Luzzi, M.J.) 116 L cf 5 1-1 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-Head 2-4 1/2 2-2 1/2 2.75
8 Hitchin' Post (Fragoso, P.) 111 L bf 6 6 5-Head 5-6 3-1 1/2 3-3 1/2 3-4 3/4 1.80*
5 Normandy Gold (Perez, E.) 111 L bc 3 4-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-7 4-9 6.10
2 Quiet Master (CHI) (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 111 L c 2 5-1 1/2 6 6 6 5-1/2 5-4 1/2 53.00
1 Xanthos (Vaz, E.) 108 L b 1 3-1 1/2 3-3 1/2 3-1/2 5-2 1/2 6 6 19.50
Fractional Times: 53.63, 1:20.00, 1:46.59, 2:12.63, 2:37.66, 2:50.30

Winner: Wild Horses - Bay Horse, February 21, 1999
Bred by FarFellow Farms Ltd in KY
Pedigree: Saint Ballado - Waltzing With Deb , by Robyn Dancer
Scratched Horses: Jumangi (CHI), Allisons Smile
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 6
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Six Furlongs On The Inner track
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 2nd $6,800, 3rd $3,400, 4th $1,700, 5th $1,020, 6th $136, 7th $136, 8th $136, 9th $136, 10th $136
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:43 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Stacie's Ballado (Gryder, A.T.) 115 L f 7 3 8-3 1/2 5-1/2 1-1/2 1-6 1/4 31.75
1 Mister Atlantic (Pimentel, J.) 121 L 5 10 7-Head 4-Head 4-1/2 2-1 1/4 0.65*
3 Wind Glider (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 114 L 1 5 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 2-2 3-1 1/2 7.00
6 Code of Angels (Perez, E.) 114 L b 3 7 3-1 1/2 3-2 3-1/2 4-1 5.80
10 Strider's Ormsby (Clemente, A.V.) 115 L 8 1 4-3 1/2 6-5 5-5 5-1/2 73.75
1A Winitformom (Fragoso, P.) 116 L 9 2 6-Head 8-1/2 7-2 6-1 1/4 0.65*
7 Mr. Fixed Income (Garcia, A.) 110 L b 4 8 10 10 9-Head 7-3 1/4 74.75
8 Mindsweeper (Luzzi, M.J.) 119 L 6 9 9-Head 9-2 1/2 8-Head 8-2 6.00
2B Stormin Greek (Carrero, V.) 121 L bc 10 4 5-1/2 7-Head 10 9-1 1/2 13.80
5 Tune of the Spirit (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 119 L b 2 6 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 6-1 10 35.25
Fractional Times: 23.00, 47.12, 59.95, 1:12.23

Winner: Stacie's Ballado - Chestnut Colt, May 09, 2001
Bred by Aaron U. Jones & Marie D. Jones in KY
Pedigree: Saint Ballado - Storm Minister , by Deputy Minister
3 claimed
horse(s): Code of Angels:
New Owner = Steel Your Face Stables; New Trainer = Richard E. Dutrow, Jr.
New Owner = Flying Zee Stable; New Trainer = Frank Martin, Sr.
New Owner = Robert D. Rosenthal; New Trainer = Dominick A. Schettino
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 7
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (NW1 X) Six Furlongs On The Inner track
Purse: $43,000
Value of Race: $43,000 1st $25,800, 2nd $8,600, 3rd $4,300, 4th $2,150, 5th $1,290, 6th $860
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 3:07 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 Mister Hennessy (Pimentel, J.) 118 L 1 6 6 5-1/2 3-Head 1-Nose 3.05
2B To Di for Again (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 118 L bc 2 2 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-3 1/2 2-5 1/4 1.10*
7 Introspect (Castellano, J.) 115 L b 6 1 3-Head 2-1/2 2-1 1/2 3-1/2 3.85
6 Auto City (Lopez, C.C.) 118 L b 5 4 2-1/2 3-3 4-1 4-1/2 4.60
3 Brick's (Gryder, A.T.) 118 L b 3 5 5-2 4-Head 5-3 1/2 5-2 1/2 20.10
5 Unanimous Decision (Espinoza, J.L.) 118 L b 4 3 4-3 6 6 6 45.75
Fractional Times: 23.26, 46.47, 58.56, 1:11.35

Winner: Mister Hennessy - Chestnut Gelding, April 01, 1999
Bred by Formal Gold LLC Partnership in KY
Pedigree: Hennessy - Khalifa of Kushog , by Air Forbes Won
Scratched Horses: July Child, Polish Jewel, Thirdown Call
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 8
Race name: Busanda S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies One Mile And Seventy Yards On The Inner track
Purse: $75,000
Available Money: $84,375
Value of Race: $84,375 1st $50,625, 2nd $16,875, 3rd $8,438, 4th $4,219, 5th $2,531, 6th $338, 7th $338, 8th $338, 9th $338, 10th $335
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 3:34 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
8 Island Sand (Fragoso, P.) 118 L b 8 3 4-Head 5-Head 6-Head 3-1/2 1-1 1/2 2.20
5 Tempting Note (Luzzi, M.J.) 118 L 5 4 6-2 1/2 6-2 4-Head 1-2 1/2 2-3 1/4 7.20
7 Fait Accompli (Gryder, A.T.) 118 L f 7 5 7-3 7-1 5-2 1/2 2-Head 3-3 3/4 6.60
2 Taittinger Rose (Pimentel, J.) 116 L 2 7 8-2 8-3 3-Head 4-1 1/2 4-2 3/4 2.10*
1 Fond (Carrero, V.) 122 L cf 1 1 1-Head 3-1 1/2 8-1/2 6-1 1/2 5-Head 7.50
10 Via Sacra (Cruz, C.M.) 118 L bf 9 9 5-2 1/2 4-1 1/2 1-1/2 5-2 1/2 6-4 57.00
6 Shamoiselle (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 116 L bf 6 10 10 10 9-3 1/2 7-4 1/2 7-5 1/2 31.00
3 Simple Affair (Castillo, Jr., H.) 118 L 3 6 9-2 1/2 9-1 10 9-3 8-7 1/4 34.25
11 Darn Wild (Black, A.S.) 116 L f 10 8 3-5 2-1 7-Head 10 9-2 1/2 22.50
4 Leedle Dee (Lopez, C.C.) 118 L bc 4 2 2-1 1/2 1-1/2 2-Head 8-1/2 10 21.60
Fractional Times: 23.26, 47.52, 1:13.65, 1:39.06, 1:43.04

Winner: Island Sand - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, February 02, 2001
Bred by Richard D. Maynard in KY
Pedigree: Tabasco Cat - Sue's Last Dance , by Forty Niner
Scratched Horses: Georgetown Gal
Aqueduct - January 25th, 2004 - Race 9
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (SNW1 X) One Mile And Seventy Yards On The Inner track
Purse: $44,000
Value of Race: $44,000 1st $26,400, 2nd $8,800, 3rd $4,400, 4th $2,200, 5th $1,320, 6th $176, 7th $176, 8th $176, 9th $176, 10th $176
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 4:00 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Have a Great Day (Black, A.S.) 118 L f 5 3 4-1/2 3-1/2 5-1/2 2-1/2 1-1/2 6.10
7 Co Co Heart (Arroyo, Jr., N.) 118 L b 7 9 7-6 7-3 1/2 6-5 4-1/2 2-1 1/2 4.20
2 Ava Anne (Gryder, A.T.) 118 L bcf 1 1 3-Head 4-1 3-1/2 3-2 1/2 3-1 1/4 3.60*
1 Raffie's Storm (Fragoso, P.) 113 L bc 4 4 9-5 1/2 9-2 1/2 8-1 1/2 6-2 1/2 4-2 3/4 3.70
4 Rockin Rachel Anne (Castellano, J.) 123 L bcf 3 2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 5-1 1/2 13.90
6 Genevil (Perez, E.) 113 L b 6 6 5-1 5-Head 4-Head 5-1/2 6-1 13.70
3 Medieval Salute (Thornton, T.) 113 L bf 2 5 10 10 10 9-4 1/2 7-1 9.60
10 Maggie Mooster (Pimentel, J.) 123 L cf 10 10 8-3 1/2 8-4 1/2 7-1 1/2 8-Head 8-8 1/2 14.30
9 Blonde Dynamite (Cotto, Jr., P.L.) 118 L c 9 8 6-1 1/2 6-1/2 9-Head 10 9-9 48.50
8 Faith Keeper (Luzzi, M.J.) 123 L b 8 7 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 7-Head 10 9.90
Fractional Times: 23.45, 47.97, 1:13.75, 1:41.22, 1:45.50

Winner: Have a Great Day - Chestnut Mare, May 13, 1999
Bred by Camaland Partnership in NY
Pedigree: Tank - Camaland , by Badger Land
Scratched Horses: Raffie's Passion
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four and Five Year Old Fillies and Mares Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $8,000
Value of Race: $8,000 1st $4,800, 2nd $1,600, 3rd $880, 4th $480, 5th $240
Weather: Cloudy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 12:31 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
3 Global Dancer (Borel, C.H.) 122 L f 3 5 2-Head 3-3 1-1 1/2 1-4 1/4 1.20*
2 Sula Mae (LeBlanc, K.P.) 122 L f 2 6 5-1 1/2 5-1 5-2 2-1/2 6.00
8 Movin South (Albarado, R.) 122 L b 7 2 6-1 6-2 1/2 4-Head 3-Nose 1.90
9 Rosie's Gold (Laviolette, S.) 122 L 8 1 4-3 1/2 4-2 3-1 1/2 4-1/2 11.50
6 Anthony's Gem (Lanerie, C.J.) 122 L b 5 7 7-3 7-3 6-2 1/2 5-4 7.20
5 Uptown Sport (Nichols, J.E.) 119 L fb 4 8 8 8 7-2 6-1/2 23.70
7 Spanish Fort (Melancon, G.) 120 L 6 4 3-2 1-Head 2-1 1/2 7-8 3/4 49.30
1 Sheza Orphan (Bourque, C.C.) 122 L b 1 3 1-1/2 2-1 1/2 8 8 45.80
Fractional Times: 22.28, 46.86, 58.67, 1:12.92

Winner: Global Dancer - Bay Filly, February 04, 2000
Bred by Al Meek & Joyce Meek in KY
Pedigree: Dance Brightly - Bestofbothaccounts , by Private Account
Claiming Prices: Global Dancer: $10,000; Sula Mae: $10,000; Movin South: $10,000; Rosie's Gold: $10,000; Anthony's Gem: $10,000; Uptown Sport: $10,000; Spanish Fort: $9,000; Sheza Orphan: $10,000
Scratched Horses: Princess Estella
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (NW2 Y) Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $7,500
Value of Race: $7,500 1st $4,500, 2nd $1,500, 3rd $825, 4th $450, 5th $225
Weather: Cloudy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 12:58 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
4 Cort Sport (Santiago, J.) 119 L b 4 3 3-2 3-2 1/2 2-1/2 1-Head 27.90
3 Celona's Girl (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 122 L b 3 1 1-1 1-1/2 3-2 1/2 2-1 1/2 0.30*
6 Miss Trapp (Borel, C.H.) 122 L 6 2 2-Head 2-1 1-1/2 3-2 10.20
5 Mo Fun Forus (Terry, D.M.) 114 L 5 7 7-2 1/2 6-3 1/2 5-2 4-4 1/2 14.00
2 Paper Bag (Bourque, C.C.) 119 2 6 5-1 1/2 5-1 6-2 1/2 5-3/4 9.80
1 Bonita Mexicana (Riquelme, J.) 122 L f 1 5 8 8 7-4 6-1 15.00
8 Northern Acre (Melancon, G.) 122 L b 7 8 4-1 1/2 4-3 4-1 7-7 10.20
9 Second Lining (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 119 L 8 4 6-1 7-1 8 8 26.30
Fractional Times: 23.11, 47.63, 1:00.18, 1:06.77

Winner: Cort Sport - Bay Mare, February 11, 1998
Bred by C. Rutledge Horne in LA
Pedigree: Huff - Paula Gnome , by Mr. Paul
1 claimed
horse(s): Celona's Girl:
New Owner = Authors Stable LLC; New Trainer = Joe Duhon

Claiming Prices: $5,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Doc Knows Best
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 3
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (S ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $14,000
Includes: $2,500 (Louisiana Video Poker Fund )
Value of Race: $14,000 1st $8,400, 2nd $2,800, 3rd $1,540, 4th $840, 5th $420
Weather: Cloudy Track: Sloppy
Off at: 1:25 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Priority Bag (Lanerie, C.J.) 121 L b 9 2 4-2 4-1 1/2 2-3 1-4 1/2 8.30
1 Bocage (Albarado, R.) 121 L 1 3 1-Head 1-Head 1-1/2 2-1 3/4 0.70*
5 Flaming Cajun (Terry, D.M.) 121 L bf 5 9 7-1 1/2 5-3 1/2 4-1 1/2 3-3 1/4 43.10
4 Zahalee Red (Borel, C.H.) 121 L 4 7 8-2 8-2 6-1 4-3 8.60
2 Nebulizer (Riquelme, J.) 121 fb 2 8 9 9 8-2 5-3 1/2 68.30
6 Batture Boy (Bourque, C.J.) 121 L b 6 6 6-Head 6-3 7-1 6-Neck 76.70
7 Mocha's Ego (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 121 L b 7 5 3-2 2-1 3-2 7-3/4 2.30
3 Fr. John O (Laviolette, S.) 116 L b 3 4 2-1/2 3-2 5-3 8-1 11.80
8 Mr Hayes (Nichols, J.E.) 116 b 8 1 5-3 1/2 7-1 1/2 9 9 89.40
Fractional Times: 22.38, 46.95, 59.82, 1:13.07

Winner: Priority Bag - Bay Gelding, March 21, 2001
Bred by J Adcock in LA
Pedigree: Bag - Sara Jean , by Sir Richard Lewis
Claiming Prices: Priority Bag: $25,000; Bocage: $25,000; Flaming Cajun: $25,000; Zahalee Red: $25,000; Nebulizer: $25,000; Batture Boy: $25,000; Mocha's Ego: $25,000; Fr. John O: $20,000; Mr Hayes: $20,000
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 4
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $14,500
Value of Race: $14,500 1st $8,700, 2nd $2,900, 3rd $1,595, 4th $870, 5th $435
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 1:52 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
7 Mecke's Presence (LeBlanc, K.P.) 118 L b 7 2 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-2 3/4 7.40
4 Casa Nekia (Borel, C.H.) 118 L f 4 4 3-2 3-2 1/2 2-1 1/2 2-3/4 1.00*
3 Special Deed (Albarado, R.) 118 L b 3 7 7 7 6-2 3-Nose 5.00
5 Garrett's Girl (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 120 L b 5 6 6-1 1/2 4-1/2 5-2 4-2 8.60
2 Seoul Wild (Lovato, Jr., F.) 118 L 2 5 5-Head 5-1/2 4-1/2 5-1 14.10
1 Silver Plated (Sellers, S.J.) 118 L 1 3 2-Head 2-Head 3-1 1/2 6-2 1/2 3.20
6 Montsmoke (Riquelme, J.) 118 L b 6 1 4-Head 6-1 1/2 7 7 39.50
Fractional Times: 22.76, 46.74, 59.22, 1:12.20

Winner: Mecke's Presence - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, April 12, 2001
Bred by CTM Racing Stable in FL
Pedigree: Mecke - Shananies Presence , by Shananie
Claiming Prices: $30,000 (All horses)
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 5
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $23,000
Value of Race: $23,000 1st $13,800, 2nd $4,600, 3rd $2,530, 4th $1,380, 5th $690
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 2:20 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Zoning (GB) (Sellers, S.J.) 118 L f 3 1 1-1 1/2 1-2 1-2 1/2 1-5 1-14 1/4 1.30*
8 Lahinch (Albarado, R.) 118 L 5 2 4-1 4-4 4-3 2-2 1/2 2-2 1/4 1.70
1 Run to the Border (Lanerie, C.J.) 118 L 1 5 5-1 1/2 5-1 5-1/2 5-4 3-4 1/4 15.40
2 Critical Battle (Melancon, G.) 118 L 2 4 3-2 3-1 1/2 3-1 1/2 3-1 4-9 6.70
9 Crowd Watcher (Melancon, L.) 118 L b 6 3 2-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 2-Head 4-1 5-19 5.30
4 Crackajack (Lovato, Jr., F.) 118 L fb 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 15.20
Fractional Times: 24.49, 48.24, 1:12.93, 1:37.36, 1:43.78

Winner: Zoning (GB) - Dark Bay or Brown Horse, March 14, 1997
Bred by Mohammed Jumah Al Nabouda in GB
Pedigree: Warning (GB) - Zonda (GB) , by Fabulous Dancer
Claiming Prices: Zoning (GB): $35,000; Lahinch: $35,000; Run to the Border: $35,000; Critical Battle: $35,000; Crowd Watcher: $30,000; Crackajack: $35,000
Scratched Horses: Resurgence, Classic Stag, Distorted Power
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 6
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (SNW3 L) Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $13,000
Includes: $2,500 (Louisiana Video Poker Fund )
Value of Race: $13,000 1st $7,800, 2nd $2,600, 3rd $1,430, 4th $780, 5th $390
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 2:46 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
9 Scuppernong (Melancon, G.) 118 L b 9 4 1-3 1-2 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-1 1.40*
3 Tellek (Lanerie, C.J.) 118 L 3 6 5-1/2 5-1 1/2 5-3 2-Neck 3.80
2 Constituent (LeBlanc, K.P.) 118 L b 2 1 4-2 1/2 4-3 1/2 3-2 3-1 23.20
1 Justlikejessejames (Albarado, R.) 118 L b 1 3 2-1 1/2 2-2 2-3 4-4 1/4 1.70
8 Tell Me Mr G (Bourque, C.J.) 118 L 8 7 8-2 1/2 8-3 6-1 1/2 5-3 1/4 23.20
4 Bud's Bayou (Terry, D.M.) 113 L fb 4 8 9 9 8-1 1/2 6-1 1/4 31.90
5 Go Baby Geo (Nichols, J.E.) 116 L 5 2 6-1 6-1/2 7-1 7-1 1/2 38.50
7 Remembering Beau (Reyes, M.J.) 118 L b 7 5 3-1 3-1 1/2 4-1/2 8-3 1/2 39.40
6 Choppa Toulouse (Talarico, M.V.) 119 L b 6 9 7-1 7-2 9 9 13.30
Fractional Times: 22.25, 46.19, 58.79, 1:05.61

Winner: Scuppernong - Gray or Roan Gelding, March 22, 2000
Bred by R Bar S Thoroughbreds LLP in LA
Pedigree: Believe It - Snow Path , by Snow Chief
1 claimed
horse(s): Justlikejessejames:
New Owner = Distefano, Anthony and Williams, Troy; New Trainer = Keith L. Bourgeois

Claiming Prices: Scuppernong: $10,000; Tellek: $10,000; Constituent: $10,000; Justlikejessejames: $10,000; Tell Me Mr G: $9,000; Bud's Bayou: $9,000; Go Baby Geo: $9,000; Remembering Beau: $10,000; Choppa Toulouse: $9,000
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 7
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $28,000
Value of Race: $28,000 1st $16,800, 2nd $5,600, 3rd $3,080, 4th $1,680, 5th $840
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 3:16 Start: Good for all but 4,8

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
5 Uncivil (Melancon, L.) 119 L 4 2 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 2-2 2-2 1/2 1-1/2 10.40
3 Fort Prado (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 119 L b 2 1 3-1 2-Head 1-Head 1-1/2 2-4 1/2 2.60*
6 Delane (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 119 L 5 7 8-2 8-5 8-7 6-2 1/2 3-3/4 4.30
2 Paint Ballado (Perrodin, E.J.) 119 L 1 3 5-1 4-1/2 3-1 1/2 3-3 4-6 1/4 6.50
8 Flash the Green (Borel, C.H.) 119 7 9 9-15 9 9 9 5-1 1/2 22.70
11 Messerschmitt (Bourque, C.C.) 119 L b 9 4 4-Head 6-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 4-1 6-6 3/4 47.30
4 Lay It On Me (GB) (Lanerie, C.J.) 119 L fb 3 10 7-2 1/2 7-4 6-Head 5-1/2 7-Neck 15.30
7 Beamer One (Lovato, Jr., F.) 119 L f 6 5 2-1 1/2 3-2 4-Head 7-2 8-6 1/4 14.00
12 Harrison's Halo (Albarado, R.) 119 L 10 6 6-2 1/2 5-1 7-2 8-1/2 9 3.00
10 Desert Thief (Sellers, S.J.) 119 L 8 8 10 --- --- --- --- 10.80
Fractional Times: 23.80, 47.80, 1:13.02, 1:39.84

Winner: Uncivil - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, April 08, 2001
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. G. David Shashura & Wild Again Partners in KY
Pedigree: Wild Again - Size Six , by Caerleon
Scratched Horses: Hibernate, Alpha Capo, Rio Ruckus, Uncle Arthur
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 8
Allowance Optional Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares (NW3$ R 9MX) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $36,000
Value of Race: $36,000 1st $21,600, 2nd $7,200, 3rd $3,960, 4th $2,160, 5th $1,080
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 3:44 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
6 Salty Farma (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 118 L fb 5 3 4-3 4-1 1/2 4-2 1/2 1-1 1-Neck 4.00
3 Spirited Maiden (Borel, C.H.) 120 L b 2 1 2-1 2-1 1-Head 2-1/2 2-1 3.50
1A Took Out (Lanerie, C.J.) 118 L f 4 5 5 5 5 4-2 3-1 1/2 4.00
2 Whiletheiron'shot (Albarado, R.) 118 L 1 2 1-1 1-1 2-Head 3-1 1/2 4-6 3/4 1.80*
4 Ifyouprefersilver (Sellers, S.J.) 118 L 3 4 3-1 3-2 3-1 1/2 5 5 3.10
Fractional Times: 24.13, 48.05, 1:12.80, 1:38.66

Winner: Salty Farma - Dark Bay or Brown Mare, May 10, 1998
Bred by Ed Weaver & Larry Bielfeldt in KY
Pedigree: Salt Lake - Lady Farma , by Farma Way
Claiming Prices: $0 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Due to Win, Pearly Starnet
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 9
Race name: Tiffany Lass S.
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $100,000
Value of Race: $100,000 1st $60,000, 2nd $20,000, 3rd $11,000, 4th $6,000, 5th $3,000
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 4:15 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
3 Lotta Kim (Albarado, R.) 116 L 3 9 7-2 5-Head 6-1 3-1 1/2 1-3/4 2.40
5 Josie G. (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 118 L 5 2 4-1 4-1 3-Head 2-1 2-5 1/4 16.60
8 Love Power (Melancon, G.) 116 L 8 6 8-2 8-2 1/2 8-1 6-2 3-1/2 47.90
7 Sister Swank (Sellers, S.J.) 117 L 7 1 5-1/2 6-1 5-1/2 4-Head 4-1/2 6.80
1 Tingwithasting (Lovato, Jr., F.) 117 L 1 5 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-1/2 5-1 16.00
11 He Loves Me (Melancon, L.) 114 L 11 11 11-1 11-2 10-2 8-1 1/2 6-1/2 20.30
2 Stephan's Angel (Migliore, R.) 122 L 2 4 3-2 3-1 2-Head 5-1/2 7-3/4 1.80*
12 All Electric (Borel, C.H.) 117 L 12 7 6-1 7-1 1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 8-1 1/4 6.20
9 Proudest Queen (Laviolette, S.) 116 b 9 12 12-1 1/2 12-1 1/2 12-1/2 10-1/2 9-1/2 65.90
10 Good Humor Gal (Perrodin, E.J.) 112 L 10 10 10-1 9-1 9-2 9-1 1/2 10-2 21.70
4 Papa Sids Girl (Santiago, J.) 116 L 4 8 9-Head 10-1 11-1 11-4 11-6 3/4 38.80
13 Tell Tale (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 114 L 13 13 13 13 13 12-1 12-5 1/4 102.00
6 Fast and Fluid (Lanerie, C.J.) 116 L fb 6 3 2-1/2 2-1 4-Head 13 13 77.90
Fractional Times: 23.21, 46.78, 1:12.38, 1:38.88

Winner: Lotta Kim - Bay Filly, March 15, 2001
Bred by Dolphus C. Morrison in KY
Pedigree: Roar - Kim's Blues , by Cure the Blues
Fair Grounds - January 25th, 2004 - Race 10
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four and Five Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $10,000
Value of Race: $10,000 1st $6,000, 2nd $2,000, 3rd $1,100, 4th $600, 5th $300
Weather: Cloudy Track: Good
Off at: 4:46 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Golden Acorn (Bourque, C.C.) 122 L f 9 4 2-2 2-2 1/2 1-Head 1-2 3/4 3.30
8 Especially Honored (Albarado, R.) 122 L fb 8 2 1-1 1-Head 2-3 1/2 2-15 1.20*
6 Cryptocruiser (Lovato, Jr., F.) 122 L f 6 9 7-Head 6-1/2 4-1 3-1 1/2 6.70
1 Priceless Details (Fontenot, T.J.) 117 L f 1 8 9-1 9-2 1/2 7-1 4-1 1/4 110.30
7 Shoot From the Hip (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 122 L b 7 10 8-1 7-1 6-1 5-1 3/4 4.60
10 Penitent (Bourque, C.J.) 117 L 10 6 11 10-1 1/2 9-3 6-Neck 96.60
3 Brightest Hour (Riquelme, J.) 122 L fb 3 11 5-3 3-2 1/2 3-2 1/2 7-2 6.80
2 Western Winner (Laviolette, S.) 122 L f 2 3 4-1 4-Head 5-1/2 8-1/2 27.70
5 Song of Shawky (James, M.C.) 116 L b 5 5 6-1 8-3 8-2 9-3 55.00
4 Leo's Native Ruler (Terry, D.M.) 117 L f 4 7 10-2 1/2 11 10-2 1/2 10-11 1/4 92.00
11 Kelt's J Boy (Smith, T.) 114 L 11 1 3-1/2 5-2 11 11 146.90
Fractional Times: 22.41, 46.90, 59.21, 1:11.70

Winner: Golden Acorn - Chestnut Colt, February 07, 2000
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Lobsiger in KY
Pedigree: Gold Case - Miss Tango , by King of the North
Claiming Prices: Golden Acorn: $15,000; Especially Honored: $15,000; Cryptocruiser: $15,000; Priceless Details: $10,000; Shoot From the Hip: $15,000;
Penitent: $10,000; Brightest Hour: $15,000; Western Winner: $15,000; Song of Shawky: $10,000; Leo's Native Ruler: $15,000; Kelt's J Boy: $10,000
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $10,000
Value of Race: $10,000 1st $6,000, 2nd $2,000, 3rd $1,100, 4th $600, 5th $300
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:31 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
1 Silver Gloss (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 121 L 1 2 1-1 1-1 1/2 2-1 1-1 1/2 1-2 1/2 11.70
5 Northern Deputy (Lanerie, C.J.) 121 L 5 1 2-1 2-1/2 1-1/2 2-3 2-1/2 2.00
2 Corazon de Acero (Borel, C.H.) 121 L fb 2 3 6 6 5-3 1/2 4-Head 3-3 3/4 14.50
6 Greeleyschoice (Lovato, Jr., F.) 118 L f 6 6 5-2 4-1 4-2 3-1 4-3 1/4 1.10*
3 Queen Anns Revenge (LeBlanc, K.P.) 121 L 3 4 3-1 3-1 3-1 1/2 5-6 5-17 2.90
4 Desert Dancing (Santiago, J.) 118 b 4 5 4-Head 5-Head 6 6 6 49.50
Fractional Times: 24.41, 49.05, 1:15.01, 1:41.17, 1:48.51

Winner: Silver Gloss - Gray or Roan Filly, May 31, 2001
Bred by Harley Steppe in FL
Pedigree: Silver Ghost - Flandin , by Rahy
Claiming Prices: Silver Gloss: $15,000; Northern Deputy: $15,000; Corazon de Acero: $15,000; Greeleyschoice: $12,000; Queen Anns Revenge: $15,000; Desert Dancing: $10,000
Scratched Horses: Plaid
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 2
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four and Five Year Old (S ) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $12,500
Includes: $2,500 (Louisiana Video Poker Fund )
Value of Race: $12,500 1st $7,500, 2nd $2,500, 3rd $1,375, 4th $750, 5th $375
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 12:58 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
6 Cheaperthansandee (Perrodin, E.J.) 116 L fb 5 2 1-1 1-3 1-1 2-3 1-1 8.90
10 Letigre (Bourque, C.C.) 121 L fb 9 8 3-1 3-2 1/2 2-1 1/2 1-Head 2-1/2 3.20
7 Uncle Ock (Albarado, R.) 121 L b 6 4 2-2 1/2 2-2 3-2 1/2 3-1 3-2 1/4 2.80
4 Its My Tyme (Riquelme, J.) 121 L f 3 6 8-1 8-5 5-2 1/2 4-1 4-3 2.20*
1 Charlie Go Bear (LeBlanc, K.P.) 121 L fb 1 3 5-2 1/2 4-1/2 4-1 5-3 5-2 1/2 9.40
5 Bone Collector (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 121 L f 4 5 9 9 9 7-8 6-6 7.30
9 Zuppardon Bleu (Espinosa, L.) 121 L f 8 9 7-1 6-Head 6-6 6-2 7-14 1/2 96.90
8 Ooh Man (Melancon, G.) 121 L b 7 7 6-1 1/2 7-1 1/2 8-1 8-1 8-3/4 14.70
3 My Obvious Choice (Terry, D.M.) 114 L 2 1 4-Head 5-2 7-1/2 9 9 63.30
Fractional Times: 23.72, 47.45, 1:14.08, 1:42.38

Winner: Cheaperthansandee - Bay Gelding, March 31, 2000
Bred by Val C. Murrell in LA
Pedigree: Zuppardo's Prince - Sulfa , by Jacques Who
Claiming Prices: Cheaperthansandee: $10,000; Letigre: $15,000; Uncle Ock: $15,000; Its My Tyme: $15,000; Charlie Go Bear: $15,000; Bone Collector: $15,000; Zuppardon Bleu: $15,000; Ooh Man: $15,000; My Obvious Choice: $10,000
Scratched Horses: Prince Decor
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 3
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (SNW1 X) Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $32,500
Includes: $2,500 (Other sources )
Value of Race: $32,500 1st $19,500, 2nd $6,500, 3rd $3,575, 4th $1,950, 5th $975
Weather: Showery Track: Fast
Off at: 1:25 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
2 Toby's Success (Albarado, R.) 122 L b 2 1 1-1 1/2 1-Head 1-3 1-8 3/4 1.00*
5 Bebe Garcon (Smith, V.L.) 120 L 5 5 3-2 1/2 3-3 1/2 2-3 2-3 1/2 6.10
4 Rosecoloredglasses (Melancon, G.) 119 L f 4 6 6-5 6-6 5-1 1/2 3-Head 7.10
1 No Matter Who (Borel, C.H.) 119 L 1 3 7 7 7 4-2 3/4 11.90
6 Atchafalaya (Sellers, S.J.) 119 L 6 4 5-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 4-1/2 5-2 1/4 4.00
3 Therecanbeonlyone (Tervort, J.) 119 L b 3 2 4-1/2 4-1/2 6-1 6-9 1/2 7.00
7 Mr Boom Bostic (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 119 L fb 7 7 2-1/2 2-2 3-1 7 15.60
Fractional Times: 22.08, 45.39, 57.02, 1:03.20

Winner: Toby's Success - Chestnut Gelding, February 28, 2000
Bred by Toby Sheridan in LA
Pedigree: Forty Won - Chad's Prospect , by Sutter's Prospect
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 4
Starter Allowance - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward About One And One Eighth Miles On The Turf (Temp Rail set at 15 feet)
Purse: $10,000
Value of Race: $10,000 1st $6,000, 2nd $2,000, 3rd $1,100, 4th $600, 5th $300
Weather: Showery Track: Firm
Off at: 1:53 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
10 Remagen Bridge (Sellers, S.J.) 118 L b 10 2 6-2 1/2 6-Head 5-1 1/2 3-1 1-Neck 16.60
13 Serra Retreat (Albarado, R.) 118 L 11 1 2-1 2-1 2-1 1-3 1/2 2-1 1/2 3.40
4 Parterre (Bourque, C.C.) 118 L f 4 6 7-1 1/2 7-1 1/2 7-1 4-1 3-1/2 7.30
5 Pops' Bo Boy (Borel, C.H.) 118 L b 5 5 5-1 5-1 1/2 4-Head 5-2 1/2 4-Head 1.60*
6 Alto Maestro (FR) (Riquelme, J.) 118 L 6 3 4-2 1/2 3-Head 3-1 2-1/2 5-3 1/2 6.60
2 Mongol Sky (Terry, D.M.) 114 L f 2 10 9-1 9-2 9-1 1/2 8-2 6-2 91.50
8 Power and Panache (Smith, V.L.) 120 L b 8 9 8-3 8-1 1/2 6-Head 6-1/2 7-2 3/4 12.60
7 Turn to Zarb (Lanerie, C.J.) 116 L b 7 11 11 10-1/2 10-1 1/2 9-3 8-1 3/4 9.80
3 Le Boulevard (Melancon, G.) 118 L b 3 4 1-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 7-1 1/2 9-2 16.20
9 Star de Bacchus (Espinosa, L.) 118 b 9 8 10-1 1/2 11 11 10-2 1/2 10-10 75.40
1 Head In (Laviolette, S.) 118 L b 1 7 3-1/2 4-2 8-1 11 11 19.20
Fractional Times: 24.39, 50.56, 1:15.85, 1:41.51, 1:53.87

Winner: Remagen Bridge - Gray or Roan Gelding, February 22, 1998
Bred by Janis R. Whitham in KY
Pedigree: El Prado (IRE) - Fine Impression , by Wild Again
Scratched Horses: Rough Draft, Admiral Dewey
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 5
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $12,000
Value of Race: $12,000 1st $7,200, 2nd $2,400, 3rd $1,320, 4th $720, 5th $360
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:20 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
2 Ragul (LeBlanc, K.P.) 118 L b 2 1 1-2 1-1 1-1/2 1-Head 1-1 1/4 4.30
5 Mr. Baskets (Albarado, R.) 118 L b 5 7 4-1 1/2 3-1 2-Head 2-2 2-2 1/2 2.50*
8 Castlewood (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 118 L fb 8 5 2-1 1/2 2-2 3-2 3-2 3-1/2 2.60
3 Rasby (Sellers, S.J.) 118 L fb 3 3 5-2 1/2 5-1/2 4-2 4-4 4-6 1/2 2.50
6 Illegal Smile (Laviolette, S.) 118 L b 6 2 3-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 6-7 6-2 1/2 5-3/4 30.00
4 Pride and Promise (Riquelme, J.) 116 L 4 8 6-2 6-7 5-1 5-1 6-1 3/4 28.90
1 Paw Paw's Pride (Melancon, G.) 116 L fb 1 4 8 7-1/2 8 7-2 1/2 7-3 1/4 10.40
7 Dynaboy (Smith, V.L.) 120 L fb 7 6 7-1 8 7-1 8 8 30.00
Fractional Times: 24.27, 47.97, 1:12.92, 1:39.25

Winner: Ragul - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, March 08, 1999
Bred by Spendthrift Farm in KY
Pedigree: Peruvian - London's Delight , by London Company
1 claimed
horse(s): Mr. Baskets:
New Owner = Emile Schwandt; New Trainer = Emile Schwandt

Claiming Prices: Ragul: $10,000; Mr. Baskets: $10,000; Castlewood: $10,000; Rasby: $10,000; Illegal Smile: $10,000; Pride and Promise: $9,000; Paw Paw's Pride: $10,000; Dynaboy: $10,000
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 5
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $12,000
Value of Race: $12,000 1st $7,200, 2nd $2,400, 3rd $1,320, 4th $720, 5th $360
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:20 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
2 Ragul (LeBlanc, K.P.) 118 L b 2 1 1-2 1-1 1-1/2 1-Head 1-1 1/4 4.30
5 Mr. Baskets (Albarado, R.) 118 L b 5 7 4-1 1/2 3-1 2-Head 2-2 2-2 1/2 2.50*
8 Castlewood (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 118 L fb 8 5 2-1 1/2 2-2 3-2 3-2 3-1/2 2.60
3 Rasby (Sellers, S.J.) 118 L fb 3 3 5-2 1/2 5-1/2 4-2 4-4 4-6 1/2 2.50
6 Illegal Smile (Laviolette, S.) 118 L b 6 2 3-1 1/2 4-1 1/2 6-7 6-2 1/2 5-3/4 30.00
4 Pride and Promise (Riquelme, J.) 116 L 4 8 6-2 6-7 5-1 5-1 6-1 3/4 28.90
1 Paw Paw's Pride (Melancon, G.) 116 L fb 1 4 8 7-1/2 8 7-2 1/2 7-3 1/4 10.40
7 Dynaboy (Smith, V.L.) 120 L fb 7 6 7-1 8 7-1 8 8 30.00
Fractional Times: 24.27, 47.97, 1:12.92, 1:39.25

Winner: Ragul - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, March 08, 1999
Bred by Spendthrift Farm in KY
Pedigree: Peruvian - London's Delight , by London Company
1 claimed
horse(s): Mr. Baskets:
New Owner = Emile Schwandt; New Trainer = Emile Schwandt

Claiming Prices: Ragul: $10,000; Mr. Baskets: $10,000; Castlewood: $10,000; Rasby: $10,000; Illegal Smile: $10,000; Pride and Promise: $9,000; Paw Paw's Pride: $10,000; Dynaboy: $10,000
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 6
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (NW2 L) Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $10,000
Value of Race: $10,000 1st $6,000, 2nd $2,000, 3rd $1,100, 4th $600, 5th $300
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 2:48 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
5 Belt (Sellers, S.J.) 117 L fb 5 6 5-2 5-5 3-3 1-1 1.40*
1 His Reverence (Melancon, G.) 119 L fb 1 2 1-1 1/2 1-2 1-2 1/2 2-6 1/2 2.00
4 Big Whiskey (Kinsey, J.E.) 112 L b 4 1 2-Head 2-1 2-Head 3-1 1/4 6.30
2 H and M's Prospect (Bourque, C.J.) 119 L f 2 3 6-5 6-8 5-2 4-12 3/4 6.10
3 Stew Nada (Talarico, M.V.) 119 L b 3 5 4-6 4-4 4-2 5-7 3/4 37.40
6 Nana Lou's Boy (Smith, V.L.) 120 L fb 6 4 3-1 3-1 6-8 6 55.20
7 Nickle Seats (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 118 L b 7 7 7 7 7 --- 5.50
Fractional Times: 22.68, 47.11, 59.60, 1:05.90

Winner: Belt - Bay Gelding, January 12, 1999
Bred by Sandra L. Moffett in FL
Pedigree: Conveyor - Cherokee Dee , by Cherokee Fellow
Claiming Prices: Belt: $9,000; His Reverence: $10,000; Big Whiskey: $9,000; H and M's Prospect: $10,000; Stew Nada: $9,000; Nana Lou's Boy: $9,000; Nickle Seats: $10,000
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 7
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Four and Five Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $28,000
Value of Race: $28,000 1st $16,800, 2nd $5,600, 3rd $3,080, 4th $1,680, 5th $840
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 3:14 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
8 Defy Logic (Sellers, S.J.) 122 L 8 5 4-Head 3-Head 2-1 1/2 1-7 3/4 1.80*
1 Autopscot (Melancon, L.) 122 L fb 1 7 5-1 5-1 5-2 1/2 2-1 11.00
3 Irish Gambler (Lovato, Jr., F.) 122 L fb 3 3 2-2 1/2 1-Head 1-Head 3-1 1/2 3.30
7 Mighty Fortress (Albarado, R.) 122 L f 7 4 3-1 1/2 4-6 4-1 1/2 4-2 4.70
6 Top Designer (Terry, D.M.) 117 L f 6 2 6-1 6-3 1/2 6-2 5-1 1/4 40.50
4 Gold Vision (Lanerie, C.J.) 122 L 4 1 1-1/2 2-3 3-2 6-Neck 3.10
5 Spruce Hero (Riquelme, J.) 122 L 5 6 7-1 8 7-5 7-8 1/2 24.10
2 City Ballet (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 122 L b 2 8 8 7-1 1/2 8 8 16.10
Fractional Times: 22.69, 46.32, 58.38, 1:10.68

Winner: Defy Logic - Bay Colt, April 24, 2000
Bred by Thomas-Lakin in KY
Pedigree: Saint Ballado - Clever Monique , by Clever Trick
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 8
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares About One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Turf (Temp Rail set at 15 feet)
Purse: $21,000
Value of Race: $21,000 1st $12,600, 2nd $4,200, 3rd $2,310, 4th $1,260, 5th $630
Weather: Cloudy Track: Firm
Off at: 3:42 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
7 Bag of Stars (Albarado, R.) 120 L fb 5 6 2-2 1-2 1-2 1-Head 1-1/2 1.80*
12 Beached (Lanerie, C.J.) 118 L 9 1 3-1 3-Head 2-1 2-1 1/2 2-Nose 2.90
8 My Misty Princess (Santiago, J.) 118 L b 6 9 9 9 9 7-1 3-1 1/4 31.60
5 Famula (ARG) (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 120 L 3 7 7-1 6-Head 7-1/2 5-1 1/2 4-1 3.70
11 Adorable Audrey (Melancon, G.) 118 L 8 2 5-Head 5-Head 3-1 3-2 5-1/2 15.40
10 West Side Maria (Lovato, Jr., F.) 118 L 7 8 8-2 1/2 8-3 5-Head 4-1 6-Head 14.90
4 Riotous Miss (Melancon, L.) 120 L 2 3 4-1 1/2 4-1 8-2 1/2 8-5 7-7 6.20
6 Tinners Bucks (Laviolette, S.) 120 L 4 4 6-1 7-1 6-1 1/2 6-Head 8-7 1/2 13.60
3 Miss Woodville (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 118 L 1 5 1-Head 2-1 1/2 4-1/2 9 9 37.70
Fractional Times: 24.15, 49.76, 1:15.24, 1:40.20, 1:46.51

Winner: Bag of Stars - Bay Mare, February 15, 1998
Bred by Warren W. Rosenthal in KY
Pedigree: Devil's Bag - Star of the Ballet , by Nijinsky II
1 claimed
horse(s): Bag of Stars:
New Owner = Rosendo G. Parra; New Trainer = Steven M. Asmussen

Claiming Prices: $25,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Dance Dance, Erimos (IRE), African Skyline
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 8
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares About One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Turf (Temp Rail set at 15 feet)
Purse: $21,000
Value of Race: $21,000 1st $12,600, 2nd $4,200, 3rd $2,310, 4th $1,260, 5th $630
Weather: Cloudy Track: Firm
Off at: 3:42 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
7 Bag of Stars (Albarado, R.) 120 L fb 5 6 2-2 1-2 1-2 1-Head 1-1/2 1.80*
12 Beached (Lanerie, C.J.) 118 L 9 1 3-1 3-Head 2-1 2-1 1/2 2-Nose 2.90
8 My Misty Princess (Santiago, J.) 118 L b 6 9 9 9 9 7-1 3-1 1/4 31.60
5 Famula (ARG) (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 120 L 3 7 7-1 6-Head 7-1/2 5-1 1/2 4-1 3.70
11 Adorable Audrey (Melancon, G.) 118 L 8 2 5-Head 5-Head 3-1 3-2 5-1/2 15.40
10 West Side Maria (Lovato, Jr., F.) 118 L 7 8 8-2 1/2 8-3 5-Head 4-1 6-Head 14.90
4 Riotous Miss (Melancon, L.) 120 L 2 3 4-1 1/2 4-1 8-2 1/2 8-5 7-7 6.20
6 Tinners Bucks (Laviolette, S.) 120 L 4 4 6-1 7-1 6-1 1/2 6-Head 8-7 1/2 13.60
3 Miss Woodville (Martinez, Jr., J.R.) 118 L 1 5 1-Head 2-1 1/2 4-1/2 9 9 37.70
Fractional Times: 24.15, 49.76, 1:15.24, 1:40.20, 1:46.51

Winner: Bag of Stars - Bay Mare, February 15, 1998
Bred by Warren W. Rosenthal in KY
Pedigree: Devil's Bag - Star of the Ballet , by Nijinsky II
1 claimed
horse(s): Bag of Stars:
New Owner = Rosendo G. Parra; New Trainer = Steven M. Asmussen

Claiming Prices: $25,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Dance Dance, Erimos (IRE), African Skyline
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 9
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (NW1 X) One And One Sixteenth Miles On The Dirt
Purse: $30,000
Value of Race: $30,000 1st $18,000, 2nd $6,000, 3rd $3,300, 4th $1,800, 5th $900
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 4:10 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Colonel Day (Sellers, S.J.) 116 L 3 2 2-1 2-1 1-Head 1-1 1-1 1/2 1.00*
1 El Galante (Albarado, R.) 116 L 1 3 3-Head 4-3 4-2 1/2 2-1 2-6 1/4 7.70
2 Apple Krisp (Lanerie, C.J.) 116 L b 2 1 1-1/2 1-1/2 2-Head 3-1 1/2 3-3 3.50
5 Swaggering (Melancon, L.) 116 L 4 4 4-2 3-1 3-1 1/2 4-3 4-2 6.20
6 Chivalric (Lovato, Jr., F.) 119 L 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3.10
Fractional Times: 24.64, 49.31, 1:14.96, 1:40.42, 1:46.93

Winner: Colonel Day - Bay Gelding, February 10, 2001
Bred by John B. Ingleson in KY
Pedigree: Hennessy - Concord Hymn , by Giboulee
Scratched Horses: Breakaway
Fair Grounds - January 26th, 2004 - Race 10
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four and Five Year Old (S ) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $12,500
Includes: $2,500 (Louisiana Video Poker Fund )
Value of Race: $12,500 1st $7,500, 2nd $2,500, 3rd $1,375, 4th $750, 5th $375
Weather: Cloudy Track: Fast
Off at: 4:38 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
9 Lukes Rapid Dash (Reyes, M.J.) 118 L fb 9 5 2-2 1-Head 1-1 1-3/4 3.00*
6 Golden Bag (Smith, V.L.) 121 L 6 8 8-3 6-5 2-1 2-3 39.80
3 Shinegold (Nichols, J.E.) 116 L b 3 4 1-1/2 2-1 4-1 1/2 3-3/4 3.80
5 Jubileetwothousand (LeBlanc, K.P.) 121 L f 5 11 11-2 1/2 8-2 1/2 5-1 4-1/2 4.20
10 Bye Won (Santiago, J.) 121 L fb 10 3 4-2 3-1 1/2 3-1 5-1 8.80
1 Princeton Star (Martin, Jr., E.M.) 118 L b 1 10 12 11-1 1/2 8-2 6-3 3/4 5.70
12 Slippin Sam (Talarico, M.V.) 121 L b 12 1 10-2 12 10-1 7-1 68.70
2 Forty Socks (Terry, D.M.) 114 L fb 2 6 7-1 1/2 9-3 9-2 8-2 1/2 29.80
7 Bank Bag (Melancon, G.) 116 7 9 6-1 5-Head 6-2 1/2 9-1/2 5.60
11 Calhoun Bag (Kinsey, J.E.) 111 L fb 11 2 3-Head 4-Head 7-1 10-3/4 33.70
8 Mister Nick (Riquelme, J.) 121 b 8 12 9-Head 10-1 11-5 11-15 26.20
4 He Better Win (Laviolette, S.) 116 L fb 4 7 5-1/2 7-Head 12 12 41.20
Fractional Times: 22.55, 47.51, 1:00.30, 1:13.89

Winner: Lukes Rapid Dash - Dark Bay or Brown Gelding, April 23, 2000
Bred by Charles G. Breaux in LA
Pedigree: Historic - Miss Shortcake , by Nile Delta
Claiming Prices: Lukes Rapid Dash: $12,000; Golden Bag: $15,000; Shinegold: $10,000; Jubileetwothousand: $15,000; Bye Won: $15,000; Princeton Star: $10,000;
Slippin Sam: $15,000; Forty Socks: $10,000; Bank Bag: $10,000; Calhoun Bag: $10,000; Mister Nick: $15,000; He Better Win: $10,000
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 1
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $14,000
Value of Race: $14,000 1st $8,400, 2nd $2,520, 3rd $1,540, 4th $700, 5th $140, 6th $140, 7th $140, 8th $140, 9th $140, 10th $140
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:00 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Intense Moment (Velazquez, J.R.) 122 L 5 10 7-1 1/2 6-2 3-1 1-Neck 2.00
3 Andover Boy (Chavez, J.F.) 122 L b 3 1 5-1 1/2 4-2 2-1 2-Neck 1.50*
7 Ponche Line (Coa, E.) 122 L b 7 3 2-1 2-2 1-2 1/2 3-4 1/2 13.30
2 Halo Goodbye (Karamanos, H.) 122 L b 2 9 4-1/2 5-1 5-2 4-6 1/4 6.60
10 Magill's Boy (Nunez, E.O.) 120 10 2 10 9-Head 6-Head 5-3/4 65.50
8 Tom Who (Castro, E.) 120 8 7 8-1 7-1 1/2 7-Head 6-2 1/4 74.90
6 You Don't Get It (Bravo, J.) 120 L f 6 4 1-1 1-Head 4-2 1/2 7-1/2 16.20
9 Actcelerate (Toscano, P.R.) 120 L bf 9 6 9-1 1/2 8-1 1/2 9-4 8-4 22.40
1 Buckin Bronc (Douglas, R.R.) 122 b 1 8 3-Head 3-Head 8-1 9-4 1/4 7.40
4 Storming On By (Trujillo, E.) 122 L bf 4 5 6-1/2 10 10 10 54.00
Fractional Times: 22.41, 45.62, 1:11.70, 1:18.63

Winner: Intense Moment - Bay Colt, February 03, 2001
Bred by Robert T. Manfuso in MD
Pedigree: Not For Love - Golden Ode , by Opening Verse
2 claimed
horse(s): Andover Boy:
New Owner = Coming Home Stables, Inc.; New Trainer = Michael P. Petro
You Don't Get It:
New Owner = Florence Patitucci; New Trainer = Rosemary Homeister, Sr.
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $11,000
Value of Race: $11,000 1st $6,600, 2nd $1,980, 3rd $1,100, 4th $440, 5th $110, 6th $110, 7th $110, 8th $110, 9th $110, 10th $110, 11th $110, 12th $110
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:25 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Prospect Kid (Prado, E.S.) 120 L b 4 8 2-Head 1-Head 2-1 1/2 1-Nose 3.90*
3 Dixie's Band (Court, J.K.) 120 L b 3 7 3-2 2-1 1/2 1-Head 2-1 1/4 5.60
12 Cabot Trail (Boulanger, G.) 120 L b 12 2 7-1/2 3-Head 4-4 3-Neck 28.20
11 Termination Dust (Velasquez, C.H.) 120 L b 11 1 5-1 4-1 3-Head 4-2 6.20
9 Bushwick (Chavez, J.F.) 122 L b 9 10 11-3 11-3 1/2 8-1 1/2 5-3 4.90
10 Garret (CHI) (Santos, J.A.) 120 L bf 10 4 6-Head 7-1/2 5-Head 6-2 1/4 5.50
5 David's Halo (King, Jr., E.L.) 122 5 11 10-2 9-2 9-2 1/2 7-3 1/4 87.90
7 Eagle Eyrie (Douglas, R.R.) 122 L 7 6 8-2 1/2 6-1/2 6-1/2 8-Neck 13.70
8 Blue Jean Racer (Trujillo, E.) 120 L 8 3 4-1 8-2 7-1/2 9-1/2 32.60
1 Frankie B (Aguilar, M.) 120 L b 1 12 12 12 11-5 1/2 10-1 3/4 34.30
6 La Canoa Ranchaa (Matutes, L.) 120 L 6 5 9-3 1/2 10-2 1/2 10-2 1/2 11-17 3/4 134.90
2 Alex's Love (Velazquez, J.R.) 120 L b 2 9 1-1/2 5-1 12 12 4.20
Fractional Times: 22.48, 45.61, 57.91, 1:11.01

Winner: Prospect Kid - Bay Gelding, February 08, 1998
Bred by Mr. & Mrs. David Caldwell in KY
Pedigree: Prospect Bay - Sadie n' Nell , by Clever Trick
1 claimed
horse(s): Dixie's Band:
New Owner = Harvey Tenenbaum; New Trainer = Julian Canet

Claiming Prices: $10,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: So Nasty, Top Carte
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 3
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $24,000
Value of Race: $24,000 1st $14,400, 2nd $4,320, 3rd $2,880, 4th $1,200, 5th $240, 6th $240, 7th $240, 8th $240, 9th $240
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:52 Start: Good for all but 5

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Formal Fanny (Diaz, R.) 112 L 4 2 1-1 1-2 1/2 1-4 1-6 1/4 8.70
1 Worldliness (Cruz, M.R.) 121 L f 2 6 8-1 7-2 4-Head 2-1/2 2.00*
1A Sunny Gal (Chavez, J.F.) 119 L 9 1 3-1 2-1 1/2 2-1 1/2 3-Head 2.00*
2 Scarlett Memories (Douglas, R.R.) 121 L b 1 8 6-2 4-1 3-3 4-5 1/4 8.40
8 Heavenly Scandal (Prado, E.S.) 117 L b 8 3 4-Head 3-1/2 5-Head 5-3/4 12.50
7 Jetster (Castro, E.) 119 L 7 4 2-Head 6-2 6-1/2 6-4 3/4 11.70
3 Mystery's Jules (Velasquez, C.H.) 119 L b 3 5 5-1 5-Head 7-4 7-3 1/4 2.90
6 Harbour Belle (Velez, R.I.) 117 L b 6 7 7-3 8-2 1/2 8-2 8-2 1/4 26.30
5 Desdemona's Dream (Santos, J.A.) 119 L b 5 9 9 9 9 9 4.00
Fractional Times: 21.97, 44.89, 57.23, 1:10.73

Winner: Formal Fanny - Dark Bay or Brown Filly, March 11, 2001
Bred by Stride Rite Racing Stable Inc in FL
Pedigree: Formal Dinner - Fabulous Fanny , by Forli Winds
1 claimed
horse(s): Worldliness:
New Owner = Edwin Thomas Broome; New Trainer = Edwin Thomas Broome

Claiming Prices: Formal Fanny: $40,000; Worldliness: $40,000; Sunny Gal: $40,000; Scarlett Memories: $40,000; Heavenly Scandal: $35,000;
Jetster: $40,000; Mystery's Jules: $40,000; Harbour Belle: $35,000; Desdemona's Dream: $40,000
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 4
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $17,000
Value of Race: $17,000 1st $10,200, 2nd $3,060, 3rd $1,700, 4th $850, 5th $170, 6th $170, 7th $170, 8th $170, 9th $170, 10th $170, 11th $170
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:21 Start: Good for all but 3

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Very Formal M. D. (Karamanos, H.) 122 L 4 4 1-1/2 1-Head 1-3 1-4 3/4 3.70
12 Headbanger (Bravo, J.) 122 L f 11 2 3-Head 3-1/2 3-Head 2-Neck 19.80
9 Mr. Jerome (Garcia, J.A.) 122 L b 8 5 6-3 5-3 4-Head 3-3 17.30
10 Matzoh Toga (Velazquez, J.R.) 122 L bf 9 3 2-2 2-1 1/2 2-Head 4-Neck 8.60
1 Carson Unleashed (Guidry, M.) 122 L b 1 6 4-Head 4-Head 5-3 5-1 2.00*
8 Always Welcome (Velasquez, C.H.) 122 L 7 9 8-1 1/2 7-3 6-2 6-3 1/4 3.70
11 Honorable Buck (Boulanger, G.) 120 L b 10 1 5-Head 6-1 1/2 7-2 1/2 7-5 1/2 10.00
2 War Uprising (Maragh, A.) 122 L b 2 7 7-3 8-2 8-2 8-1 44.60
3 Wicklow Bound (Prado, E.S.) 122 3 8 9-1 1/2 10-1/2 9-1 1/2 9-1 1/4 12.40
7 Bristol Bomber (Cruz, M.R.) 122 6 10 10-2 1/2 9-1 10-1 1/2 10-1/2 59.60
6 Do the Boogie (Martin, C.W.) 122 5 11 11 11 11 11 75.00
Fractional Times: 22.29, 45.44, 58.00, 1:11.08

Winner: Very Formal M. D. - Bay Gelding, April 15, 2001
Bred by Margaret Carpenter & Donald Carpenter in FL
Pedigree: Formal Dinner - Very Soon , by Spectacular Bid
1 claimed
horse(s): Carson Unleashed:
New Owner = Coming Home Stables, Inc.; New Trainer = Michael P. Petro
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 5
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old (NW2 X) Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $36,000
Value of Race: $36,000 1st $21,600, 2nd $7,200, 3rd $4,680, 4th $1,800, 5th $360, 6th $360
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:46 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 Frisky Spider (King, Jr., E.L.) 122 L 5 1 2-2 1/2 2-4 2-4 1-3/4 0.60*
2 Weigelia (Penalba, C.) 120 L 1 5 1-Head 1-Head 1-1/2 2-3 4.80
7 Orphan Brigade (Douglas, R.R.) 118 L f 6 2 5-1 5-1/2 3-1 3-1/2 6.80
4 Hopefortheroses (Aguilar, M.) 122 L b 3 4 6 6 5-2 4-2 1/4 14.00
3 Cheetah Speed (Prado, E.S.) 118 L b 2 6 4-1 3-Head 4-2 1/2 5-8 1/4 5.10
5 Mr. Piano Man (Rivera, II, J.A.) 118 L b 4 3 3-1/2 4-2 1/2 6 6 20.00
Fractional Times: 22.62, 45.06, 1:09.57, 1:23.03

Winner: Frisky Spider - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, January 26, 2001
Bred by Diane Mukherjee & Kendua Farm in MD
Pedigree: Frisk Me Now - Deraign , by Silver Deputy
Scratched Horses: Stolen Time
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 6
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $32,000
Value of Race: $32,000 1st $19,200, 2nd $5,760, 3rd $3,200, 4th $1,600, 5th $320, 6th $320, 7th $320, 8th $320, 9th $320, 10th $320, 11th $320
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:13 Start: Good for all but 6

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
6 Irish Melody (Velazquez, J.R.) 121 L 5 11 7-1/2 6-2 1/2 3-Head 1-1 3/4 2.10*
8 Storm Minstrel (Bravo, J.) 121 L b 7 6 3-2 2-1 1-1 2-Nose 5.90
1 Comanche Star (Prado, E.S.) 121 L 2 10 11 9-1 8-4 1/2 3-3/4 10.40
3 Speak Easy (Velasquez, C.H.) 121 L 3 3 5-1/2 4-Head 4-Head 4-1 3.60
9 Well Spring (Coa, E.) 121 L 8 4 6-3 5-1 1/2 6-1/2 5-1 1/4 13.00
11 Nevada Sunrise (Boulanger, G.) 121 10 9 10-1 8-1 7-Head 6-3 1/2 24.00
4 Denim Wildcat (Perret, C.) 121 L 4 2 1-1 1-1/2 2-2 7-3/4 3.00
10 Silky Tresses (Court, J.K.) 121 L 9 5 8-1/2 10-2 10-2 1/2 8-Head 34.50
1A Swiss Valley (Blanc, B.) 121 11 1 9-1 11 9-1 9-3/4 10.40
7 Rudi's Leslie (Penalba, C.) 121 L 6 7 2-Head 3-3 5-1 10-9 1/2 64.30
2 Sweet Caper (Alvarado, Jr., R.) 121 1 8 4-1/2 7-1/2 11 11 59.00
Fractional Times: 21.88, 45.00, 58.09, 1:11.98

Winner: Irish Melody - Gray or Roan Filly, February 28, 2001
Bred by Mt. Joy Stable, Inc. in KY
Pedigree: Unbridled's Song - Irish Coco , by Capote
Scratched Horses: Wildcard Cat, Love Em N Leave Em
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 7
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies (NW1 X) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 2nd $6,460, 3rd $4,080, 4th $1,700, 5th $340, 6th $340, 7th $340, 8th $340
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:40 Start: Good for all but 5

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 Gulf of Gdansk (Guidry, M.) 117 L 1 8 6-2 1/2 5-1 4-1/2 1-5 7.00
2 Shimmy Shake (Chavez, J.F.) 121 L b 2 6 4-2 1/2 4-1 2-1/2 2-3/4 2.10*
6 Spanish Slew (Castro, E.) 117 6 4 1-1/2 1-Head 1-1 1/2 3-1 1/4 6.80
4 Freedom's Forum (Mena, M.) 112 L bf 4 3 8 7-Head 6-1/2 4-Head 53.00
5 Valid Move (Douglas, R.R.) 119 L 5 5 3-Head 3-1 1/2 3-Head 5-2 1/4 3.20
8 Ballroom Deputy (Blanc, B.) 117 L 8 1 5-1 6-2 8 6-1/2 5.50
3 Cute Connie (Penalba, C.) 117 L 3 7 7-Head 8 7-1 1/2 7-1 58.70
7 Cosmic Wish (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L b 7 2 2-1 1/2 2-1 5-3 8 4.50
Fractional Times: 21.80, 45.09, 57.85, 1:10.88

Winner: Gulf of Gdansk - Bay Filly, April 13, 2001
Bred by Frank Hopewell in KY
Pedigree: Langfuhr - Truly a Ransom , by Red Ransom
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 8
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $32,000
Value of Race: $32,000 1st $19,200, 2nd $5,760, 3rd $3,200, 4th $1,280, 5th $320, 6th $320, 7th $320, 8th $320, 9th $320, 10th $320, 11th $320, 12th $320
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:10 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Cherry Bomb (Velazquez, J.R.) 121 L 5 5 1-1/2 2-1 1/2 1-2 1-5 1/4 2.70
12 Welcome Home (Bravo, J.) 121 L 12 1 2-1 1-Head 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 10.90
6 La Vedette (Velez, Jr., J.A.) 121 L 6 7 7-1/2 5-3 3-2 3-1 3/4 2.70*
2 Another Moochie (Castro, E.) 121 L b 2 10 9-1/2 6-1 5-1/2 4-3 1/4 40.30
8 Get Set (Blanc, B.) 121 L 8 6 6-1/2 7-1 7-3 1/2 5-Neck 29.90
1 Time Fora Granslam (Prado, E.S.) 121 L 1 9 3-1 4-2 4-1 6-1 3/4 19.70
11 Artax Dancer (Coa, E.) 121 L 11 11 5-1/2 3-Head 6-2 1/2 7-4 1/2 8.60
3 Every Trick (Boulanger, G.) 121 L 3 12 10-1/2 8-2 8-2 8-Neck 20.20
10 Our Rite of Spring (Santos, J.A.) 121 10 3 11-1 1/2 10-2 1/2 9-5 9-8 1/4 4.30
7 Inca Storm (Douglas, R.R.) 121 L 7 4 8-Head 11-1 1/2 10-3 10-4 3/4 20.60
9 Sethina (Velasquez, C.H.) 121 L 9 2 12 12 11-2 1/2 11-4 1/2 20.90
4 Eatdrinkandbemerry (Perret, C.) 121 L 4 8 4-Head 9-Head 12 12 40.10
Fractional Times: 22.11, 45.00, 57.29, 1:10.24

Winner: Cherry Bomb - Chestnut Filly, March 24, 2001
Bred by T/C Stable in KY
Pedigree: Honor Grades - Jealous and Jaded , by Jade Hunter
Scratched Horses: Ravidashinal
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 9
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies (NW1 X) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 2nd $6,460, 3rd $4,420, 4th $1,700, 5th $340, 6th $340, 7th $340
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:40 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Sweet Vision (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L 5 5 4-1 2-3 2-3 1-3 1/2 2.30*
7 Baba Gonzo (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L bf 7 1 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-Head 2-2 1/4 12.80
1 Fortress Hill (Velasquez, C.H.) 117 L 1 7 5-Head 4-Head 3-1 1/2 3-1 1/4 5.70
6 Dance Fee (Bravo, J.) 119 L 6 3 6-Head 5-3 4-Head 4-3 3.90
3 Can't Buy Class (Prado, E.S.) 117 L 3 4 2-Head 3-Head 5-2 1/2 5-1/2 2.60
4 Foxie Bertie (Santos, J.A.) 117 L 4 2 3-Head 6-Head 7 6-Nose 5.20
2 Mango Lassie (Castro, E.) 117 L 2 6 7 7 6-1 7 46.80
Fractional Times: 22.13, 44.77, 57.34, 1:10.61

Winner: Sweet Vision - Chestnut Filly, January 29, 2001
Bred by Hopewell Investments LLC & Bradley & Bowden LLC in KY
Pedigree: Southern Halo - Jade Bracelet , by Jade Hunter
Scratched Horses: Prospective Saint
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 9
Allowance - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies (NW1 X) Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $34,000
Value of Race: $34,000 1st $20,400, 2nd $6,460, 3rd $4,420, 4th $1,700, 5th $340, 6th $340, 7th $340
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:40 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Sweet Vision (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L 5 5 4-1 2-3 2-3 1-3 1/2 2.30*
7 Baba Gonzo (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L bf 7 1 1-1 1/2 1-1 1/2 1-Head 2-2 1/4 12.80
1 Fortress Hill (Velasquez, C.H.) 117 L 1 7 5-Head 4-Head 3-1 1/2 3-1 1/4 5.70
6 Dance Fee (Bravo, J.) 119 L 6 3 6-Head 5-3 4-Head 4-3 3.90
3 Can't Buy Class (Prado, E.S.) 117 L 3 4 2-Head 3-Head 5-2 1/2 5-1/2 2.60
4 Foxie Bertie (Santos, J.A.) 117 L 4 2 3-Head 6-Head 7 6-Nose 5.20
2 Mango Lassie (Castro, E.) 117 L 2 6 7 7 6-1 7 46.80
Fractional Times: 22.13, 44.77, 57.34, 1:10.61

Winner: Sweet Vision - Chestnut Filly, January 29, 2001
Bred by Hopewell Investments LLC & Bradley & Bowden LLC in KY
Pedigree: Southern Halo - Jade Bracelet , by Jade Hunter
Scratched Horses: Prospective Saint
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 10
Race name: Mac Diarmida H. Grade: 3
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old and Upward One And Three Eighth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $100,000
Value of Race: $100,000 1st $60,000, 2nd $20,000, 3rd $11,000, 4th $6,000, 5th $3,000
Weather: Clear Track: Firm
Off at: 5:10 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP 1/4 1/2 3/4 1m Str Fin Odds
8 Request for Parole (Santos, J.A.) 115 L 7 9-2 7-1 7-1 8-Head 2-1 1-1 1/2 3.20
1 Slew Valley (Chavez, J.F.) 117 L 1 1-Head 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1 1-1 1/2 2-3/4 7.50
7 Sir Brian's Sword (Bravo, J.) 113 L 6 7-1 8-1 9-1/2 11-1 3-1 1/2 3-3 1/4 8.40
9 Mark One (Coa, E.) 114 L b 8 3-Head 4-1 1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1 4-3/4 20.70
5 Sforza (FR) (Velasquez, C.H.) 114 L 4 5-1 5-1/2 6-Head 7-1/2 5-1 1/2 5-1/2 12.80
10 In Hand (Perret, C.) 112 L f 9 12 11-1 11-1 10-1 11-12 6-Neck 25.30
6 Spanish Spur (GB) (Douglas, R.R.) 112 L 5 10-2 10-1 1/2 10-1/2 9-Head 8-1 7-Head 23.20
2 Macaw (IRE) (Bridgmohan, S.) 117 L bf 2 11-1/2 12 12 12 10-Head 8-Neck 2.00*
11 Gander (Velazquez, J.R.) 117 L 10 4-1 3-Head 3-1 3-1/2 7-Head 9-1 1/2 9.60
12 Bicentennial (Prado, E.S.) 112 L b 11 6-1 6-1/2 5-1 1/2 5-Head 6-1/2 10-Neck 44.20
3 Prodigus (BRZ) (Cruz, M.R.) 114 L 3 8-1/2 9-1 8-1/2 6-1/2 9-1 11-19 1/2 20.60
13 Office Ghost (Garcia, J.A.) 112 L bf 12 2-1 2-Head 2-Head 2-1 12 12 29.70
Fractional Times: 24.41, 48.73, 1:13.42, 1:37.15, 2:01.23, 2:12.58

Winner: Request for Parole - Dark Bay or Brown Horse, February 22, 1999
Bred by Robert H. Roberts & Bea Roberts in KY
Pedigree: Judge T C - Madison's Quest , by Deputy Minister
Scratched Horses: Newfoundland
Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 11
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One Mile On The Turf
Purse: $26,000
Value of Race: $26,000 1st $15,600, 2nd $4,680, 3rd $2,080, 3rd $2,080, 5th $260, 6th $260, 7th $260, 8th $260, 9th $260, 10th $260
Weather: Clear Track: Firm
Off at: 5:40 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Hottentot (Bravo, J.) 117 L 4 2 4-1/2 5-1 4-1 1/2 1-Head 1-2 1/2 3.40
7 Starry De (Coa, E.) 119 L 7 6 5-1/2 4-1 1/2 1-Head 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 2.70*
1 DH-Everybottiwins (Douglas, R.R.) 119 L 1 1 7-2 1/2 6-Head 6-1/2 3-2 3-3/4 4.90
2 DH-Shawnee Sunrise (Boulanger, G.) 119 L f 2 4 9-4 8-Head 5-1/2 6-1 1/2 3-3/4 3.80
6 Reima Rose (Cruz, M.R.) 117 L 6 8 10 10 8-1 7-Head 5-Neck 20.10
5 Gaelic Miss (Trujillo, E.) 119 L b 5 5 3-Head 3-Head 3-Head 5-Head 6-1 1/2 37.60
3 Just Emma (Velasquez, C.H.) 119 L 3 3 8-Head 9-2 9-2 8-6 7-7 1/2 15.10
8 Cigno d'Oro (King, Jr., E.L.) 119 L b 8 7 1-Head 1-Head 2-1 1/2 4-Head 8-2 71.30
9 Onemorefashion (Prado, E.S.) 119 L bf 9 10 6-1 1/2 7-1 1/2 7-1/2 9-5 9-13 1/2 5.90
10 Crystal Sweet (Guidry, M.) 117 L b 10 9 2-4 2-3 10 10 10 50.40
Fractional Times: 23.28, 46.81, 1:11.18, 1:35.21

Winner: Hottentot - Dark Bay or Brown Mare, May 15, 1999
Bred by Dr. W. O. Reed in KY
Pedigree: Mr. Greeley - Cape North , by Capote
Claiming Prices: Hottentot: $40,000; Starry De: $50,000; Everybottiwins: $50,000; Shawnee Sunrise: $50,000; Reima Rose: $40,000; Gaelic Miss: $50,000; Just Emma: $50,000; Cigno d'Oro: $50,000; Onemorefashion: $50,000; Crystal Sweet: $40,000
Scratched Horses: Pokerfaced, Tasha Sangue, Hermans Honor, Golden Vintage
Dead Heats: 3rd place - # 1 Everybottiwins
3rd place - # 2 Shawnee Sunrise

Gulfstream Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 11
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares One Mile On The Turf
Purse: $26,000
Value of Race: $26,000 1st $15,600, 2nd $4,680, 3rd $2,080, 3rd $2,080, 5th $260, 6th $260, 7th $260, 8th $260, 9th $260, 10th $260
Weather: Clear Track: Firm
Off at: 5:40 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
4 Hottentot (Bravo, J.) 117 L 4 2 4-1/2 5-1 4-1 1/2 1-Head 1-2 1/2 3.40
7 Starry De (Coa, E.) 119 L 7 6 5-1/2 4-1 1/2 1-Head 2-1 1/2 2-1/2 2.70*
1 DH-Everybottiwins (Douglas, R.R.) 119 L 1 1 7-2 1/2 6-Head 6-1/2 3-2 3-3/4 4.90
2 DH-Shawnee Sunrise (Boulanger, G.) 119 L f 2 4 9-4 8-Head 5-1/2 6-1 1/2 3-3/4 3.80
6 Reima Rose (Cruz, M.R.) 117 L 6 8 10 10 8-1 7-Head 5-Neck 20.10
5 Gaelic Miss (Trujillo, E.) 119 L b 5 5 3-Head 3-Head 3-Head 5-Head 6-1 1/2 37.60
3 Just Emma (Velasquez, C.H.) 119 L 3 3 8-Head 9-2 9-2 8-6 7-7 1/2 15.10
8 Cigno d'Oro (King, Jr., E.L.) 119 L b 8 7 1-Head 1-Head 2-1 1/2 4-Head 8-2 71.30
9 Onemorefashion (Prado, E.S.) 119 L bf 9 10 6-1 1/2 7-1 1/2 7-1/2 9-5 9-13 1/2 5.90
10 Crystal Sweet (Guidry, M.) 117 L b 10 9 2-4 2-3 10 10 10 50.40
Fractional Times: 23.28, 46.81, 1:11.18, 1:35.21

Winner: Hottentot - Dark Bay or Brown Mare, May 15, 1999
Bred by Dr. W. O. Reed in KY
Pedigree: Mr. Greeley - Cape North , by Capote
Claiming Prices: Hottentot: $40,000; Starry De: $50,000; Everybottiwins: $50,000; Shawnee Sunrise: $50,000; Reima Rose: $40,000; Gaelic Miss: $50,000; Just Emma: $50,000; Cigno d'Oro: $50,000; Onemorefashion: $50,000; Crystal Sweet: $40,000
Scratched Horses: Pokerfaced, Tasha Sangue, Hermans Honor, Golden Vintage
Dead Heats: 3rd place - # 1 Everybottiwins
3rd place - # 2 Shawnee Sunrise

Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 1
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $47,000
Plus: $14,100 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $61,100
Value of Race: $47,000 1st $28,200, 2nd $9,400, 3rd $5,640, 4th $2,820, 5th $940
Reverts: $14,100
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 12:31 Start: Good for all but 1

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1A Spirit of Nature (Espinoza, V.) 122 BL 7 5 4-Head 3-1/2 2-1 1/2 1-3/4 0.90*
5 Neighbora (Atkinson, P.) 123 BL 4 1 2-1 1-Head 1-1/2 2-2 1/2 5.30
4 Paseana's Girl (ARG) (Solis, A.O.) 122 BL 3 4 7 7 4-1 1/2 3-2 4.40
1 Delizia (Smith, M.E.) 122 BL 6 7 6-Head 6-1 5-Head 4-2 0.90*
2 Southern Rain (Baze, T.) 122 BL f 1 3 3-3 1/2 2-2 1/2 3-3 1/2 5-1 3.90
6 Beaucette (Desormeaux, K.J.) 122 BL 5 6 5-3 1/2 5-1 1/2 6-5 6-15 9.40
3 Sophia Ofthe Hills (Scott, J.M.) 122 BL b 2 2 1-Head 4-1 1/2 7 7 36.70
Fractional Times: 21.68, 44.71, 57.23, 1:10.26

Winner: Spirit of Nature - Bay Filly, February 15, 2000
Bred by Palides Investments N. V. Inc. in KY
Pedigree: Dehere - Luth de Crystal (FR) , by Crystal Glitters
Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 2
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $25,000
Value of Race: $25,000 1st $15,000, 2nd $5,000, 3rd $3,000, 4th $1,500, 5th $500
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 1:03 Start: Good for all but 4

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
5 Rocky Plains (Espinoza, V.) 116 BL b 5 2 2-1/2 2-2 1-2 1-3 2.80
1 Fortune Catcher (John, K.) 117 BL bf 1 4 3-1 1/2 3-1 2-2 1/2 2-1 1/2 8.80
6 Trickinthepark (Puglisi, I.) 116 BL b 6 5 4-Head 4-Head 3-1 3-4 3.70
2 Master Heat (Krigger, K.) 117 BL b 2 6 6 6 5-3 4-2 52.40
3 Happy Yodeler (Martinez, F.F.) 116 BL 3 3 5-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 4-2 5-11 18.80
7 Temecula Wind (Nakatani, C.S.) 117 BL bf 7 1 1-3 1-1 1/2 6 6 16.70
4 Ben's Courage (Baze, T.) 120 BL b 4 7 --- --- --- --- 1.00*
Fractional Times: 21.54, 44.81, 57.07, 1:03.60

Winner: Rocky Plains - Dark Bay or Brown Colt, May 15, 2001
Bred by Peg Goemans & McNamara Family Trust in CA
Pedigree: Trail City - Sasafrass Rose , by Al Nasr (FR)
3 claimed
horse(s): Fortune Catcher:
New Owner = Equils, James W. and Marcia S.; New Trainer = Jack Carava
New Owner = Gerson Racing and Mitchell; New Trainer = Mike R. Mitchell
Ben's Courage:
New Owner = Brad Jay Steinmiller; New Trainer = Brad Jay Steinmiller

Claiming Prices: $20,000 (All horses)
Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 3
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward One And One Eighth Miles On The Turf
Purse: $51,000
Plus: $6,120 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $57,120
Value of Race: $51,000 1st $30,600, 2nd $10,200, 3rd $6,120, 4th $3,060, 5th $1,020
Reverts: $6,120
Weather: Clear Track: Firm
Off at: 1:33 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
6 Mont Saint Michel (CHI) (Flores, D.R.) 119 BL 5 5 5 5 5 5 1-Head 1.30*
2 Speed of Light (IRE) (Bailey, J.D.) 119 BL 2 2 2-1 2-1 2-1 1-1 2-Neck 1.80
3 Leprechaun Kid (Nakatani, C.S.) 119 BL b 3 4 4-1 4-1/2 4-Head 4-1 3-1 5.40
5 Motto (Pedroza, M.A.) 119 BL 4 3 3-1/2 3-1 3-1 3-1/2 4-2 1/2 5.50
1 Holdthehelm (Baze, T.) 119 BL b 1 1 1-2 1-1 1-Head 2-1 5 10.00
Fractional Times: 24.53, 48.89, 1:12.35, 1:35.47, 1:47.65

Winner: Mont Saint Michel (CHI) - Chestnut Gelding, August 30, 1998
Bred by Haras De Pirque in CHI
Pedigree: Hussonet - Whisper Loud , by Worldwatch
2 claimed
horse(s): Mont Saint Michel (CHI):
New Owner = Dunn and Suarez; New Trainer = Doug O'Neill
Speed of Light (IRE):
New Owner = Canani, Nick and Gill, Michael J.; New Trainer = Nick Canani

Claiming Prices: $62,500 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Tangled Up In Blue (IRE)
Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 4
Maiden Special Weight - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Five And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $47,000
Plus: $14,100 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $61,100
Value of Race: $47,000 1st $28,200, 2nd $9,400, 3rd $5,640, 4th $2,820, 5th $940
Reverts: $14,100
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:05 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 3/8 Str Fin Odds
6 Number Juan (Baze, T.) 120 BL 5 2 3-3 1/2 3-6 1-1 1/2 1-4 1.10*
7 Pvt. Lynch (Flores, D.R.) 120 BL 6 1 2-1 1-Head 2-2 1/2 2-4 2.40
2 Cronenbold (Nakatani, C.S.) 120 BL 2 5 6 5-Head 4-3 3-3 1/2 5.90
3 Total Command (Solis, A.O.) 120 BL b 3 4 1-1/2 2-Head 3-2 1/2 4-1 1/2 4.10
1 Investingold (Ramsammy, E.) 120 BL 1 6 5-1 4-1 5-1 1/2 5-2 1/2 13.90
5 Joys Last One (Scott, J.M.) 120 BL f 4 3 4-1 1/2 6 6 6 58.30
Fractional Times: 22.04, 45.46, 57.24, 1:03.48

Winner: Number Juan - Bay Colt, March 14, 2001
Bred by Edward P. Evans in VA
Pedigree: Silver Deputy - Colonial Reef , by Pleasant Colony
Scratched Horses: Chubasco Red
Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 5
Allowance Optional Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (NW1 X) One Mile On The Dirt
Purse: $56,000
Plus: $16,800 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $72,800
Value of Race: $71,456 1st $43,680, 2nd $14,560, 3rd $8,736, 4th $3,360, 5th $1,120
Reverts: $1,344
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 2:36 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds
6 Beau Soleil (Smith, M.E.) 118 BL 6 4 2-Head 3-1 2-Head 1-Head 1-3 4.10
4 Kedington (Baze, T.) 123 BL 4 5 5-1 4-Head 4-1/2 4-1 1/2 2-Neck 1.50*
2 Early Snow (Nakatani, C.S.) 122 BL b 2 1 1-1/2 1-Head 1-1/2 2-1 1/2 3-1 18.80
5 My Poker Player (Flores, D.R.) 118 BL 5 2 3-2 2-Head 3-1 1/2 3-1/2 4-Head 15.60
3 Listen Indy (Desormeaux, K.J.) 120 BL b 3 3 4-1 1/2 6-1 6-2 1/2 5-Head 5-2 5.60
9 Good Gold (Bailey, J.D.) 118 BL b 9 9 7-1 5-1/2 5-1/2 6-2 1/2 6-2 7.00
10 Jack's Silver (Ramsammy, E.) 121 BL 10 8 10 10 8-1/2 7-1 1/2 7-3 67.70
1 Extreme Machine (Solis, A.O.) 120 BL b 1 7 9-2 9-1 1/2 7-1 8-1 1/2 8-3 1/2 14.70
7 Seattlespectacular (Espinoza, V.) 120 BL b 7 6 6-Head 8-Head 9-2 9-5 9-11 7.30
8 Donizetti (IRE) (Nuesch, D.C.) 118 BL 8 10 8-1 1/2 7-1/2 10 10 10 82.80
Fractional Times: 22.78, 45.89, 1:10.10, 1:22.39, 1:35.15

Winner: Beau Soleil - Chestnut Colt, May 17, 2000
Bred by Charlotte Wrather in CA
Pedigree: General Meeting - Triple Connection , by Far North
Claiming Prices: $0 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Moving's Gold
Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 6
Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward About Six And One Half Furlongs On The Downhill turf
Purse: $39,000
Plus: $4,680 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $43,680
Value of Race: $39,000 1st $23,400, 2nd $7,800, 3rd $4,680, 4th $2,340, 5th $780
Reverts: $4,680
Weather: Clear Track: Firm
Off at: 3:08 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Canny Fly (AUS) (Solis, A.O.) 119 BL 4 5 2-2 1/2 2-2 1/2 1-1 1-4 1/2 1.60*
7 Is It True Mex (Espinoza, V.) 119 BL f 6 1 3-Head 5-1 1/2 3-2 2-2 1/2 2.50
8 Royal Footage (Berrio, O.A.) 119 BL bf 7 2 1-3 1-3 2-3 1/2 3-1/2 8.40
3 Piazzola (NZ) (Nakatani, C.S.) 119 BL b 3 7 7 6-1 4-1 4-3 1/2 7.00
2 April Steel (FR) (Krigger, K.) 119 BL b 2 3 4-Head 3-Head 5-Head 5-3 9.10
1 Mr Toad (IRE) (Ramsammy, E.) 119 BL 1 6 5-1 4-1/2 6-12 6 4.70
6 Saphir Indien (GB) (Almeida, G.F.) 119 BL 5 4 6-3 7 7 --- 33.30
Fractional Times: 21.31, 42.85, 1:05.70, 1:11.72

Winner: Canny Fly (AUS) - Chestnut Gelding, September 02, 1997
Bred by R. J. Crabtree & Mrs. Y. Crabtree in AUS
Pedigree: Canny Lad (AUS) - Baldeen (AUS) , by Balmerino (NZ)
Claiming Prices: $40,000 (All horses)
Scratched Horses: Hello Fame, Tiger Town, Big Future (GB), Beautiful Balance
Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 7
Allowance Optional Claiming - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward (NW3 X) Six And One Half Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $60,000
Plus: $18,000 (California Bred Owner Fund )
Available Money: $78,000
Value of Race: $61,080 , 4th $4,680 1st $36,000, 2nd $12,000, 3rd $7,200, 5th $1,200
Reverts: $16,920
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 3:38 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
1 DQ-Ride and Shine (Puglisi, I.) 119 BL 1 4 7-4 7-1 1/2 4-Head 1-3/4 18.20
8 Pico Central (BRZ) (Espinoza, V.) 119 BL 8 2 1-Head 1-Head 1-1/2 2-1/2 37.50
6 Arsen (Pedroza, M.A.) 119 BL 6 8 8-1 6-1 5-1/2 3-Nose 9.90
3 Timely Action (Solis, A.O.) 121 BL b 3 5 3-1 3-2 1/2 3-1 1/2 4-1/2 3.50
7 Rojo Toro (Bailey, J.D.) 118 BL b 7 3 2-1 2-3 1/2 2-1 1/2 5-1 1/2 0.90*
4 Volterromo (ARG) (Valdivia, Jr., J.) 119 BL f 4 7 6-1 4-1 6-2 1/2 6-Nose 5.90
9 Crackup (Baze, T.) 118 BL b 9 1 5-1/2 5-1 7-2 7-5 1/2 20.40
5 Murano (Ramsammy, E.) 119 BL b 5 9 9 8-1/2 8-6 8-12 75.40
2 Irisheyesareflying (Desormeaux, K.J.) 119 BL f 2 6 4-1 1/2 9 9 9 11.60
Fractional Times: 21.34, 43.73, 1:08.72, 1:15.35

Winner: Pico Central (BRZ) - Dark Bay or Brown Horse, October 03, 1999
Bred by Haras Fronteira P.A.P. in BRZ
Pedigree: Spend a Buck - Sheila Purple , by Purple Mountain
Claiming Prices: Ride and Shine: $100,000; Volterromo (ARG): $100,000; Irisheyesareflying: $100,000
Disqualification: # 1 Ride and Shine from 1 to 4

Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 8
Race name: Santa Monica H. Grade: 1
Stakes - For Thoroughbred Four Year Old and Upward Fillies and Mares Seven Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $250,000
Value of Race: $250,000 1st $150,000, 2nd $50,000, 3rd $30,000, 4th $15,000, 5th $5,000
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:11 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
5 Island Fashion (Desormeaux, K.J.) 120 BL b 4 5 4-1 3-1/2 2-1 1/2 1-3/4 1.50
1 Buffythecenterfold (Garcia, M.S.) 114 BL 1 4 2-3 1-Head 1-1 2-1/2 16.10
7 Got Koko (Solis, A.O.) 119 BL b 6 6 6 6 5-1 1/2 3-3 1/2 2.90
2 Sightseek (Bailey, J.D.) 122 BL 2 3 5-5 5-4 1/2 4-2 4-5 1/2 1.20*
6 Princess V. (Smith, M.E.) 115 BL 5 1 1-Head 2-2 3-Head 5-2 31.70
4 Sparkling Ava (Martinez, F.F.) 109 BL b 3 2 3-Head 4-1 1/2 6 6 71.50
Fractional Times: 21.98, 44.04, 1:08.53, 1:21.37

Winner: Island Fashion - Gray or Roan Filly, March 09, 2000
Bred by Everest Stables Inc. in KY
Pedigree: Petionville - Danzigs Fashion , by A Native Danzig
Scratched Horses: Star Parade (ARG)
Santa Anita Park - January 25th, 2004 - Race 9
Maiden Claiming - For Thoroughbred Three Year Old Fillies Six Furlongs On The Dirt
Purse: $20,000
Value of Race: $20,000 1st $12,000, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,400, 4th $1,200, 5th $400
Weather: Clear Track: Fast
Off at: 4:41 Start: Good for all

Pgm HorseName (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP SP 1/4 1/2 Str Fin Odds
4 Luisathebeachhouse (Bisono, A.) 113 BL b 4 4 1-2 1-2 1/2 1-3 1/2 1-3/4 1.80*
2 Lobsterathepalms (Espinoza, V.) 120 BL bf 2 6 2-1/2 2-4 2-4 1/2 2-5 1/2 2.00
7 Mistrick (Baze, T.) 120 BL 7 2 5-1 4-1 3-2 3-1 7.80
8 Do That Again (Almeida, G.F.) 120 BL 8 1 7-5 5-Head 4-Head 4-1 17.00
1 Beautifulbutbored (Martinez, F.F.) 118 BL 1 7 6-1 6-3 1/2 5-1 1/2 5-4 15.40
6 Ohtobeastar (Nakatani, C.S.) 120 BL 6 3 8 7-1/2 7-8 6-4 8.30
5 Sarah's Caper (Berrio, O.A.) 120 BL 5 8 4-1/2 3-2 6-2 1/2 7-21 5.60
3 First Rock (Krigger, K.) 120 B 3 5 3-Head 8 8 8 44.70
Fractional Times: 22.02, 45.43, 57.97, 1:12.01

Winner: Luisathebeachhouse - Chestnut Filly, May 30, 2001
Bred by Meadowbrook Farms, Inc. in FL
Pedigree: Star of Valor - Dearest Place , by Out of Place
1 claimed
horse(s): Luisathebeachhouse:
New Owner = Baker and Siegel; New Trainer = Eddie Truman

Claiming Prices: Luisathebeachhouse: $32,000; Lobsterathepalms: $32,000; Mistrick: $32,000; Do That Again: $32,000; Beautifulbutbored: $28,000; Ohtobeastar: $32,000; Sarah's Caper: $32,000; First Rock: $32,000
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