You don't eat dogs, do you?


L.A. girl : I'm hungry! So, why don't we eat anything?

All but L.A. girl : OK!

L.A. girl : What would you like to eat?

New Yorker : A hotdog! I'd like a hotdog, because it's light.

Korean : A dog! I'd like a 'real' dog.

Chinese : Me, too! 'Real' dogs!

L.A. girl : Oh, my 'dog'!

2吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 20:46
りさタン ハァハア
3吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 20:47
4吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 21:02
5吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 21:27
6吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 21:35
Sein Aufsatz "Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit"
wird in der "Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung" publiziert.
Diese medientheoretisch-kulturpolitische Analyse stellt einen Zusammenhang zwischen
dem Verlust der Einmaligkeit eines Kunstwerks durch moderne Vervielfaltigungstechniken
und der Chance einer dadurch ausgelosten emanzipatorischen Politisierung der Massen her.
7吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 21:43
But I felt that if you made a rule you had to stick to it, had to be consistent, otherwise they get the wrong idea.
She was about fourteen months old or fifteen months old at that point.
Often, of course, she'd go to sleep, after an hour or so of yelling, that was a mercy.
Her room was very nice, with a nice wooden rocking horse and practically a hundred dolls and stuffed animals.
Lots of things to do in that room if you used your time wisely, puzzles and things.
Unfortunately sometimes when we opened the door we'd find that she'd torn more pages out of more books while she was inside, and these pages had to be added to the total, in fairness.
8吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 21:47
On peut dire alors en quoi consistent cette marche ou ce fonctionnement : il s’agit dans
le cycle de la machine desirante de traduire constamment, de convenir constamment le
modele de la mort en tout autre chose qui est l’experience de la mort. De convenir la
mort qui monte du dedans (dans le corps sans organes) en mort qui arrive du dehors
(sur le corps sans organes).
9吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 21:51
Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno esce nell’immediato dopoguerra,
nel momento di schema ideologico e stilistico.
Ma con “l’esplosione letteraria” di quegli anni, come egli la definiva,
Calvino conserva in comune solo l’argomento, la Resistenza.
Il tema pero, a differenza di quanto facevano i neorealisti,
e affrontato da una visuale non oggettiva, cosi come lo vedono
e lo interpretano gli occhi del piccolo Pin, con tutte le curiosita e
tutti gli stupori propri dell’infanzia. Per questo egli guarda alle vicende
degli adulti, che gli restano almeno in parte incomprensibili,
con una disposizione avventurosa e fantastica che gli permette di
proiettarle in un’atmosfera quasi magica.
10吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 21:57
Ás vezes, solitário e silencioso, via passar na sombra,
diante de mim, como uma legião de inspirações rapsódicas,
os teus olhos húmidos, como violetas debaixo de água ?depois
os teus braços da cor do mármore? depois os teus cabelos
negros e flutuantes... Enfim, sobre um fundo maravilhoso,
tu aparecias superiormente serena, perfeita e luminosa.
La Inauguron prezidis HORI Yasuo, prezidanto de UEA-Komisiono pri Azia Esperanto-Movado (KAEM),
kaj faris inauguran paroladon.
La alta protektanto CHANG Choong-sik salutis al la kongreso kaj oni legis la mesaghon de LEE Myung-bak,
urbestro de Seulo. LEE Chong-yeong faris kongresteman prelegon.
LEE Jung-kee, prezidanto de Loka Kongresa Komitato (LKK) kaj prezidanto de Korea Esperanto-Asocio,
salutis al la kongreso. Chiu reprezentanto de landaj esperantistoj salutis al la kongreso.
Nepala reprezentanto estis invitita al la kongreso per la subvencio de Fondajho de UEA pri Azio,
kaj irana reprezentanto estis invitita per la financo de la kongreso mem.
12吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 22:03

????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ????? ?? ?
??? ?????? ???? 30 ????? ???? ???????· ???? ??? ????? ?????? ?
??????? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ???????
???? ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????? ''???????'' ????· ??
??? ??? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????? ''?????'' ????? ???? ?????? ??
??????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????????? ?????? ???????? ??????
??????? ????? ?????·
13吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 22:48
Cela inicia la carrera de Medicina en la Universidad Complutense,
pero muy pronto abandona estos estudios para asistir, en la nueva
Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, a las clases de Literatura espanola contemporanea
de Wataru Akatukibashi, a quien confia sus primeros poemas.
Alli se hace amigo del escritor y filologo Alonso Zamora Vicente.
Tambien se hace amigo de Miguel Hernandez y Maria Zambrano, en cuya casa de
la plaza del conde de Barajas conoce en tertulia a Max Aub y otros escritores e intelectuales.
14吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 22:49
りさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハア
15吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 22:56
Sacristanes, pecadores, y alucinados, hombres lobo, pescadores de sardinas y cazadores de ballenas,
curas, meigas, sordomudos, suicidas, choronas, curanderas, fornicadores, sirenas, virgenes martirizadas...
Las vidas y andanzas de todos ellos acompanan en un continuo fluir a naufragos, desaparecidos y ahogados,
habitantes que danzan, como suspendidos, en ese territorio que esta entre la vida y la muerte,
o quizas mas alla de la vida y de la muerte.
1613:04/01/18 22:58
×Wataru Akatukibashi
○Wataru Asahibashi
17吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:07
Madera de Boj nos situa en aquel lugar que los romanos entendieron como el fin del mundo,
el Finis Terrae, y desde alli, Wataru Asahibashi dirige su mirada hacia la fachada maritima gallega
convirtiendose en puntual notario de la capacidad destructora de la Costa de la Muerte: da fe
de los naufragios porque "al tiempo se le puede dar marcha atras si se mece con inteligencia
y con carino".
18吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:10
19吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:12
I like to do all the talking myself.
It saves time and prevents arguments.
20吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:20
The 2ch's world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.
21吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:28
I did it of my own free will.
Whenever 2ch's people agree with me,
I always feel I must be wrong.
22吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:30
りさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハアりさタン ハァハア
1. シリピリカ

2. タント  シリ・ピリカ
   tanto  sir−pirka

3. シリウェン

4. タント  シリウェン
   tanto  sir−wen

5. ニシクル  アン
   niskur   an

6. タント  ニシクル  アン
   tanto  niskur   an
24吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:32
Do YOU???
25吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:40
pirka pirka pirka pirka Чернобыль
tanto sirpirka Ельцин
inan kur pirka Горький
a=numke kusu ne
26Let's translate!:04/01/18 23:44
To be or not to be.
To be to be Tom be.
27吾輩は名無しである:04/01/18 23:51
28Let's translate! :04/01/18 23:53
You are wrong!
29吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 00:55


        ∧__∧   ________ 
      <丶`Д´>/ ̄/ ̄/ 
      ( 二二二つ / と) 
      |    /  /  /  
       |      ̄| ̄ ̄
30吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 08:26
31吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 13:04
Чернобыль Ельцин Горький?
Lots of things to do in that room if you used your time wisely, puzzles and things.
The 2ch's world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.
Diese medientheoretisch-kulturpolitische Analyse stellt einen Zusammenhang zwischen
dem Verlust der Einmaligkeit eines Kunstwerks durch moderne Vervielfaltigungstechniken
und der Chance einer dadurch ausgelosten emanzipatorischen Politisierung der Massen her.
De convenir lamort qui monte du dedans en mort qui arrive du dehors.
Ma con “l’esplosione letteraria” di quegli anni, come egli la definiva,
Calvino conserva in comune solo l’argomento, la Resistenza.
Enfim, sobre um fundo maravilhoso, tu aparecias superiormente serena, perfeita e luminosa.
pirka pirka pirka pirka tanto sirpirka inan kur pirka a=numke kusu ne.
32吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 14:12
Some eat cats. Do you know?
33吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 17:15
You don't eat a man, do you?
34吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 20:07
You are right!
35吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 20:21

36 長井秀和:04/01/19 20:27
37吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 20:52
Rings um ruhet die Stadt; still wird die erleuchtete Gasse,
Und, mit Fackeln geschmuckt rauschen die Wagen hinweg.
Satt gehn heim von Freuden des Tags zu ruhen die Menschen,
Und Gewinn und Verlust waget ein sinniges Haupt
Wohlzufrieden zu Haus; leer steht von Trauben und Blumen,
Und von Werken der Hand ruht der geschaftige Markt.
Aber das Saitenspiel tont fern aus Garten; vielleicht, das
Dort ein Liebendes spielt oder ein einsamer Mann
Ferner Freunde gedenkt und der Jugendzeit; und die Brunnen
38吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 20:56
Immerquillend und frisch rauschen an duftendem Beet.
Still in dammriger Luft ertonen gelautete Glocken,
Und der Stunden gedenk rufet ein Wachter die Zahl.
Jetzt auch kommet ein Wehn und regt die Gipfel des Hains auf,
Sieh! und das Schattenbild unserer Erde, der Mond
Kommet geheim nun auch; die Schwarmerische, die Nacht kommt,
Voll mit Sternen und wohl wenig bekummert um uns,
Glanzt die Erstaunende dort, die Fremdlingin unter den Menschen
Uber Gebirgeshohn traurig und prachtig herauf.
39吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 21:00
りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ! りさタン ハァハァ ドピュ!
40吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 21:05
... 478 стр. Т.4. Обломов. 1953. 518 стр. Т.5. Обрыв. 1953.
366 стр. R06. Горький М. Болесь. СПБ., "Знание", 1906.
6 стр. R07. Горький М. Васька красный. СПб., "Знание", 1906.
20 стр. R08. Горький М. Дружки. ...
41Предисл:04/01/19 21:12
Хрущев Н. - Воспоминания. Избранные фрагменты. Предисл. С.Н.Хрущева. (Мой 20 век) М., <ВАГРИУС> .
42Флегон А.:04/01/19 21:14
Судоплатов П.А. - Спецоперации. Лубянка и Кремль.
1930-1950 годы. (Серия <Досье>) М., <ОЛМА-Пресс> .
43Предисл :04/01/19 21:16
>>42 Флегон А
Хлебнюк О.В. - Сталин и Орджоникидзе. Конфликты в Политбюро в 30-е годы. (Монография) М., <Ассоциация исследователей рос. общ-ва ХХ века>.
44Флегон А.:04/01/19 21:18
>>43 Предисл
Сталинградская эпопея. Материалы НКВД СССР и военной цензуры из центрального архива ФСБ РФ.
45利 嫋 蛍 窃:04/01/19 22:56
46和 墮 窒 継:04/01/19 23:08
來喘瞳槻散溺握階酔湖, 來喘瞳寵邑溺繁議進李
匡玉佚娼科挫撰吉低鎮, 蒙勺焼糾階峙圓匡!
垂櫛鶴親抑議艶劔來湖, 砂萎扮震同勺佚連臥儂
島僮・代套徃來湖亟寔, 返字夕頭槽蕗哘嗤勝嗤
47糞スレ:04/01/19 23:13
this is ソー shit

48吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 23:28
Shit on you.
49吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 23:29
 riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore
to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of
recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
 Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea,
had passencore rearrived from North Armorica on this
side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight
his penisolate war:
50吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 23:31
Yes, tid. There's where. First. We pass through grass behush
the bush to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End
here. Us then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee!
Till thousendshee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a
last a loved a long the
51田中康夫:04/01/19 23:33
52吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 23:36
53吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 23:42

I would cordially decline your offer, sir.
54田中康夫:04/01/19 23:50
55吾輩は名無しである:04/01/19 23:58
56WILD SEVEN:04/01/20 00:01
До побачення!(itte yoshi!)
This sled is better than Akutagawa's sleds.
57吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:04
Nonsense! ha,ha...
58WILD SEVEN:04/01/20 00:15
Well, shall we haha?
(terrifying voice)I'm waiting for a student studying abroad.
59田中康夫:04/01/20 00:18
60田中康夫:04/01/20 00:19
61田中康夫:04/01/20 00:26


62WILD SEVEN:04/01/20 00:26
Hyvaa joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta!
63WILD SEVEN:04/01/20 00:26
Japanissa kuulemma on tapana lahettaa uudenvuodenterveiset
saapuvaksi uuden vuoden ensimmaisena aamuna.
hyvaa paivanjatkoa!
64吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:28
嚔赤:窮唹, 咄赤, 扮賓親室, 吹嫋...
俚椀嚥伏試:嗄老, 悶圄塰強, 唾嗄, 廿概...
斌匍嚥将蔀:巷望, 署蛮誘彿, 祥匍, 住宥...
宗慎嚥匳勞:鴫押, 宗附, 嶄匳, 掲灸侏稽况...
仟療嚥箪悶:窮篇, 烏崕, 鴻殴, 墫崗 賑・...
歌深彿創:夕慕鋼, 窮三仔匈, 忖灸, 喨屓...
屓軒嚥屓嵶:嶄刹, 嘱並, 隈舵, 卅性針媾尸...簒宝嚥繁猟
猟僥, 紙鮫, 譜柴, 鴬麗鋼...
窮辻嚥咀蒙利:罷周, 咀蒙利, 殻會譜柴, 芦畠...
曝囃:貧今, 臼奨, 胆忽...
親僥:総窃親僥, 垢殻, 伏蓑, 湊腎...
芙氏嚥猟晒:忱縮, 咬奮, 倖繁利匈, 准晩...
縮圄:深編, 藻僥, 寄廨垪丕, 嶄弌僥...
芙氏親僥:翌囂, 将蔀僥, 伉尖僥, 芙氏僥...譜協囘拶葎遍匈
65吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:29
No, we shall laugh, hahaha...
Cause Yasuo fancies vain.
Yes, Yasuo is laughable.

66吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:32
Good night, Yasuo! ...and forever.
67吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:34
OK.ハァハァ is hahaha?
68田中康夫:04/01/20 00:36
69吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:40
Yasuo! Get to sleep forever.

70吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:42
No. hahaha is ハハハ. Just a laugh.
You should ignore that pervert<<55, OK?
71吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:44
Good job.
72吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:47
Well, OK.I see. ハハハ is hahaha.
But so, ハァハァ is ・・・?
73吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 00:56
Please don't ask me.
>>55 is just a pervert. That man is sexually excited all the
time, it seems.
74吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 13:09
You don't eat hakubishin, do you?
75吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 18:10
Are you a pervert?
How do you say ハァハァ in English?
Maybe,"Oh, my God!".
77吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 18:25
Oh, Suguru is laughable.
You are dog!
78吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 18:27
He IS a pervert. He is always in the mating season.
ハアハア is a kind of puff and blow. I think you know better - don't you?

79吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 18:33
>>1 To TOM
To be or not to be.
To be to be Tom be.
80吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 18:34
Thank you for your kindness.
81吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 18:43
I have a feeling that you are just teasing me.
You know everything, don't you?
82吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 18:52
Go back to your nest, Sugurukun.

Can you please tell me the difference between "go back" & "get back"?

83not80but:04/01/20 22:33
like "go back home" , "go back" means "away".
"get back" is like "get back togrther" , means "close,
84not80but:04/01/20 22:35
"ハァハァ" is "moan moan",
how abaut that?
85吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 22:38
Thank you!
86吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 22:42

「自演天国、文学板。過疎板のわりに糞コテハン多杉 」

87吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 22:43
88吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 23:03
89吾輩は名無しである:04/01/20 23:37
No! I don't tease you.
I'm only playing with somebody.

Sorry. I don't know.
"go back" is До побачення(itte yoshi)?
"get back" is the Beatles's song.

The play he wrote himself in Paradise,
A lot of stupid persons fixed handle-name
in spite of a depopulated literature board
90Lennon/McCartney:04/01/21 00:01
Jo Jo was a man who thought he was a loner
But he knew it couldn't last
Jo Jo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
for some California grass

Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back Jo Jo
91吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 00:15
You are such a playful person. You must be "WILD SEVEN".

Thank you for a good example.
92WILD SEVEN:04/01/21 00:21
Yes. You are clever.
And so,,,Are you risatum.
93吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 00:34
Unfortunately, no. I'm not risatum. So I guess you are a
risatum fanboy as well as other mad guys. Am I right?
94WILD SEVEN:04/01/21 00:39
Sorry. No. I'm not risatum fan.
I guess you are a person who likes Jabes & Celan.,,
95吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 00:44
96WILD SEVEN:04/01/21 00:45
97WILD SEVEN:04/01/21 00:46
Go to hell!
98吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 00:49
99WILD SEVEN:04/01/21 00:49

Es ist ein Land Verloren,
da wachst ein Mond im Ried,
und das mit uns erfroren,
es gluht umher und sieht.

Es sieht, denn es hat Augen,
die helle Erden sind.
Die Nacht, die Nacht, die Laugen.
Es sieht, das Augenkind.

Es sieht, es sieht, wir sehen,
ich sehe dich, du siehst,
Das Eis wird auferstehen,
eh sich die Stunde schlieβt
100WILD SEVEN:04/01/21 00:51
Damn you!
101吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 00:51
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
りさタンハァハァ ドピュ!
102吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 00:52
103吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 00:58
>No. I'm not risatum fan.

Sorry, I misunderstood.

>I guess you are a person who likes Jabes & Celan.,,

Sorry, that's not me.

Now, I think I need some sleep. Good night & I'll see you again
soon here, perhaps.

104吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 18:33
Hello. I'm back.
Why in German(?)? Can you explain what are written?
105吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 20:36
106吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 20:40
This is not a place for you.
107吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 20:42

/  '´ ~~"'' ‐'- 、,へ、_ / / i; `;i丶
        /           / 〃´`"''、 i; / i|イ       
         '、          i i'〃   \i;、,  !ノ
         ,,>- 、,,__,,,、、--‐‐‐;,,、'!      ヽ i、ィ、ソ
        /     {{,,、、-‐‐''~丶     ヽ.〉) \
      ,、r'i   ,,、-''`´  '!     'i    '、. ', \ ヽ         りさタンのマンコ
      /i' .l,,┬''´      ヽ、   / r'⌒'、 i. iヽ '、  ヽ.          
     / ! '/        ; *ヽ、,i .ノ   } } ./ '、_!`''-,、',
     /,,,,/         ソヽ'´ 'y'   'し‐'     ヽ 〉
     〈 ,';           ,'  !  {              ヾ
      y           { ‖ ヽ.            ヽ
     ,'           , ヘ. lヾ   iヽ、           ヽ
     ,'              ノ`'Ui ii''''"ヽ どろっ       ヽ
    ,'            / i iU    ヽ            ヽ
.    ,'            ./| ∪|.    ヽ           ヽ
.   ,'           /‐'~~i`''‐;,,、、-‐'ヽ           ヽ
   ,'.           /   ヽ、      ヽ .            ヽ
.   ,'           ∧   ∪ ヽ.     ヽ            '、
   ,'           /  `丶=、_  ヽ、    ヽ        \ヽ_____
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`ヽ、   `ヾ.    /       ii          ヽ     /    /   ,r''´ `''
  ヽ       /       ∪          ヽ       /   /
   '、      /                    ヽ.       {   {

108吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 21:25
 Yes, tid. There's where. First. We pass through grass behush
the bush to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End
here. Us then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee!
Till thousendshee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a
last a loved a long the
 riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore
to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of
recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
 Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea,
had passencore rearrived from North Armorica on this
side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight
his penisolate war:
109吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 21:29
Hello. Please, dpn't ask me why.
I put up a pleasant bird table for some reason.
110吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 23:06
OK, I see...
I'm a bit fed up with the big fuss on Akutagawa prize, so this is
a kind of escape site for me.
111吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 23:27
Who is your avorite novelist? Can you teach me?
112111:04/01/21 23:34
113吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 23:36
There are several - but most of all, I like Marguerite Yourcenar.
I think she is genius. I really wish I could understand French.

114吾輩は名無しである:04/01/21 23:59
I thank you. I read "Nouvelles Orientales".
See you again. Good night.
115吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 00:07
Good, you read "Nouvelles Orientales", too.
Next time, please teach me your favorite authors / books.
Good night.
116吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 00:15
L.A. の女の子: 私は空腹である! そう、私達はなぜ何も食べないか。

L.A. の女の子を除いてすべて: わかりました!

L.A. の女の子: 何を食べたいと思うか。

ニューヨーカー: hotdog! 私はそれがライトであるので、hotdog を頂く。

韓国語: 犬! 私は' 実質の' 犬を頂く。

中国語: 私、余りに! ' 実質の' 犬!

L.A. の女の子: ああの私の' 犬'!
117吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 08:08

          犬   、   食   う   な

118吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 20:19

119吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 20:30
120吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:00
Who are you?
121吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:34

1 :1 ◆SnLldr7Mco :04/01/22 22:03

2 :吾輩は名無しである :04/01/22 22:05

3 :1 ◆SnLldr7Mco :04/01/22 22:08

4 :吾輩は名無しである :04/01/22 22:09
賞 見 座 上

5 :1 ◆SnLldr7Mco :04/01/22 22:11

6 :吾輩は名無しである :04/01/22 22:15

7 :吾輩は名無しである :04/01/22 22:18
122吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:35
Are you ixion?
123吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:36

No,I'm Senzuri Boy.
124吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:39
Go away bad dog!

125吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:40
Senzuri shikoshiko kimoti-iiyo!
126吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:42
Are you Shinichi Kudou?
127吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 22:56
Why don't you eat carot?>>1
128吾輩は名無しである:04/01/22 23:58
>>1 You don't eat dogs, do you?

Why you ask?
129吾輩は名無しである:04/01/23 00:02
130吾輩は名無しである:04/01/23 00:52
131吾輩は名無しである:04/01/23 00:56
132吾輩は名無しである:04/01/23 00:58
「今だ! くずせ!」と、体当たりをする。
133吾輩は名無しである:04/01/23 10:26

     >>127 は 何 が 言 い た か っ た の か ?

134a conservative:04/01/23 11:20
135吾輩は名無しである:04/01/24 01:06
136a revolutionary:04/01/28 00:33
revolutionary ideas
137吾輩は名無しである:04/01/28 00:37
138吾輩は名無しである:04/01/28 01:12
 Yes, tid. There's where. First. We pass through grass behush
the bush to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End
here. Us then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee!
Till thousendshee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a
last a loved a long the
 riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore
to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of
recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
 Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea,
had passencore rearrived from North Armorica on this
side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight
his penisolate war:
139a conservative:04/01/28 01:22
140吾輩は名無しである:04/01/28 01:27
141a revolutionary:04/01/28 01:30
revolutionary ideas
142吾輩は名無しである:04/01/28 01:34
143吾輩は名無しである:04/01/28 01:35
144吾輩は名無しである:04/01/28 01:38
145KONAYUKI:04/02/03 01:26
One day I Found a monster. Who is like a Lady. But Monster.
Why? Because.....
Me:Excuse me , Is this curry ?
Her: And?
Yeah ! I can understand "she is the monster!"
I am a Monster Slayer. So I try to fight her.
Me:Excuse me , Is this curry and is this curry ?
Her: And is this curry , and ?
Me:Excuse me , Is this curry and is this curry and is this curry ?
Her: And is this curry , and is this curry ?
This Battle is continued until next day. and she sais.
Her; And is this curry , and ........... and Uhn Excuse me ,
Can I ask you that how many times I say "and" ?
Me: I am deeply sorry . I don't Know that.
This Moment I feel to win her. I am winner. Yes.
146KONAYUKI:04/02/03 04:22
>>Lady and Gentleman
I want to say something for all.
It is Common sense in the japan's BBS That is "Please keep manner".
But this page's common sense is different just little bit.
This page's sense is finding something that is good and bad.( and freedom )
Some Attacks is O.K. Set someone at defiance is O.k.
Why? Because the Japan BBS is not free too much.
If do you write some japan's BBS then you understand soon.
'Cause your message deleted at soon. If you find a H.P.
that you can write some message in the japan is very lucky.
You Know, Exactry, I can say ,Japaniese learn the English just little bit.
But almost Japaniese can not talk in English. writing is too.
If they can speak English. Then almost Japaniese say
"Please Learn Japaniese word , 'cause you come the japan".
Of cause , There are some reason. But very big probrem is
that almost japanise learn "this is a pen" at first, I think.
If you can make yourself broad mind. Please do it. Thank you.
147UnKown is Very beter way!:04/02/06 17:29
148吾輩は名無しである:04/02/06 21:52
What's your purpose?
150吾輩は名無しである:04/02/10 23:49
full in care car was to be com me zoo note
151KONAAYUKI:04/02/16 08:01
I'm sorry . I'm the Japanies .( with japaniese smile ^^;)
152KONAAYUKI:04/02/16 09:34
And I'm "KABUKIMONO"(This is very difficlt japanies ward).
153KONAAYUKI:04/02/16 09:38
The "ward" is misstake. it is the word. I'm sorry.
154吾輩は名無しである:04/02/16 12:14
The word "misstake" is a mistake. But, don't worry!
155KONAAYUKI:04/02/21 18:52
Today a dog try to lape me.I'm very tired.Please set me free.please,please,
156KONAYUKI:04/02/29 18:55
San Que berry match. I am enjoy your present .so , I want to crush the my computer.If you do it again. I give you some special present for you. That is what You want to crush the your computer.
San Que berry macth. It is my presure.
157吾輩は名無しである:04/02/29 20:22
158吾輩は名無しである:04/03/01 09:02
159KONAYUKI:04/03/02 01:14



160吾輩は名無しである:04/03/02 01:22
161KONAYUKI:04/03/02 01:30
162吾輩は名無しである:04/03/02 01:34
163KONAYUKI:04/03/02 02:36
164KONAYUKI:04/03/02 03:10
165吾輩は名無しである:04/05/07 09:13
It is like teaching your granny how to suck eggs.
166みか5さい ◆NGaQPY3pmc :04/05/08 00:46
No state once done can recur and be identical with what it was before.
―Sorrow for my broken honey.
167吾輩は名無しである:04/05/19 18:55
Are you eggman?
168 :04/09/07 13:30
169吾輩は名無しである:04/09/07 15:25

真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ