うんこ大盛り( @ ´ д ` )

1バカボン( @ ´ д ` )
うんこ大盛り( @ ´ д ` )
2>>1:01/10/09 02:30 ID:MDd1aEBQ
        ,, .: 。
   \( ゚´3゚)- = 。 ゚
   (   )` :: .
   ノ \
3沼南コティーン ◆coTINRQ2 :01/10/09 02:31 ID:OF.QFrMw

  、  `: : ..′‘´
   , ``: ..∵´;'シャバダバダバー
    /⌒;.~;;⌒ヽ  .
   /    .:.  /
  / /|   .|           / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
_//_|    \____  <   先生!バナナを入れたら大変なことに!!
\    ∩\ ∧_∧.     \  \______________
 ||\. |レ⌒( ´Д`)⌒ヽ   \
 || .||~しノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||\\ ̄ ̄
   ||          || .し'
4愛媛みかん ◆0LEpepi6 :01/10/09 02:32 ID:qxonngOo
                Λ_Λ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                ( ・∀・)< これがホントの糞スレか・・・
             _φ___⊂)__ \_______________
           /旦/三/ /|
        | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
5生首  ◆C1CBRagY :01/10/09 02:32 ID:ZuauoCqM


ワラタ   ケケケ
6774RR:01/10/09 02:37 ID:2x1VQ7dQ



7774RR:01/10/09 02:40 ID:eqTM49oA
8774RR:01/10/09 02:41 ID:XZ.dolFo
9淫肉マンたくましい :01/10/09 02:46 ID:9Y9.0Ylk
10774RR:01/10/09 02:47 ID:02ILAXP6

                 -=≡ ∧_∧
                -=≡  ( ´Д`)
           -=≡ /⌒⌒ヽ/⌒ヽ/\
    -=≡ ./⌒ヽ,  /     ̄   \\ ヽ/⌒ヽ,
   -=≡  /   |_/__i.ノ ,へ _    _/ \\/   | /ii
   -=≡ ノ⌒二__ノ__ノ  ̄ ̄     \ヽ  |./ |i
  -=≡ ()二二)― ||二)        ()二 し二) ― ||二)
  -=≡ し|  | \.||             .|   .|\ || 
   -=≡  i  .|  ii               i  |  .ii 
    -=≡ ゙、_ ノ               .゙、 _ノ  
11774RR:01/10/09 02:49 ID:y1hAqD4Q
12愛媛みかん ◆0LEpepi6 :01/10/09 02:51 ID:Vl/h1krQ
                Λ_Λ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                ( ・∀・)< 盆栽スレ、傑作だったな!
             _φ___⊂)__ \_______________
           /旦/三/ /|
        | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
13774RR:01/10/09 02:52 ID:XZ.dolFo

  ::    | レ /  / / .// ∠二-- ̄
  ::    |  /  / // /
  ::   ノ / / / ̄ ̄'' - 、_
 ヽ::  / / / / ⌒ヽ  ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
\_  / /| / / ./ i (  ´Д`) < ・・・1さん・・・助けて・・・。
::::::::::::  i レ' / .|  | |ー--イ .i    \_________
\::::::::   /.|  |  | |    | |
  ヾ:::::  / .ノ  |  | |    | |
  |:::::  | /  ノ  | |    | |                 , "⌒ヽ-、
  |:::::  | | /  i.| |    | |                (    ..  ⌒ー、
  |:::::  | ノ i   i し'    し'            _ -―"⌒ヽ.....:::::::...
  |:::::  (  |  (  i               , -(⌒゙  ...::::::.......:::::::::::::::::::::::::::........
  |:::::  | ) |   ) |             (_.....:::.....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  |:::::  | し'   し'                ゙̄ー、_......:::::::::::::::::::::::::
  |:::::  |                            __r-―-、_,,-r" ̄
  |:::::  |                          __r-ヾ :i  ::i ::i .:i  :::
  |:::::  |________________ r「 i :i ::i   :i::i  :::i ::::
  |:::::  |三三三三三三三三三三三三三三三三 -_ i ::/ :::i  .:::/  ::::i ::::
  |:::::  |二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二 ゙''-L__::i .::::i ..::::::i ::::
  |:::::  |───────────── _ -  -- -   ー-、L.:::::::i .:::::
  |:::::  |_____________i.\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  |:::::  |                    |\\
  |:::::  |""~"'' "~"''   ' '" ~"''  '     .|  \\__     _______ _
 .ノ::::;::::  ゙-,,_  , ,, ,、、,,, , ハレノノ, ,     |    \_((( )))______ _ _
   ,ノ i ヾ、_                   .|      | ( u lllll )Σ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ゙                       | ⊂_   ヽ  ゚ o ______
                                 )   )/
                                  (_ノし' | ・・・ダリ「記憶の固執」?
14774RR:01/10/09 03:05 ID:y1hAqD4Q
15774RR:01/10/09 21:42 ID:hzDd0TQ.
16774RR:01/10/10 01:21 ID:ft9OAkTc
17774RR:01/10/10 02:00 ID:m/i338BQ
18車道ファイター:01/10/10 02:08 ID:q2knmeTA
19774RR:01/10/10 13:43 ID:qZ//xjaU
   | ウザイと思ったらそのまま放置!
   | ノセられてレスしたらその時点であなたの負け!
   | アラシにエサを与えないで下さい
   |     。
.  Λ Λ  /
  (,,゚Д゚)⊃ ジュウヨウ!
〜/U /
. U U
20774RR:01/10/12 05:07 ID:TUybahe6
21774RR:01/10/12 05:43 ID:5oMt4zu2
   | ウザイと思ったらそのまま放置!
   | ノセられてレスしたらその時点であなたの負け!
   | アラシにエサを与えないで下さい
   |     。
.  Λ Λ  /
  (,,゚Д゚)⊃ ジュウヨウ!
〜/U /
. U U
22774RR:01/10/12 05:47 ID:8B7Q.WZM
23774RR:01/10/12 05:48 ID:TUybahe6
24774RR:01/10/12 06:39 ID:zT5aPjeY
゙   λ
( )
( )
( )
 ̄ ̄ ̄
251氏ねや:01/10/12 07:47 ID:c1.oPFbE
"Well, let's play with junior high school kitchens"
>>1, again today, sets up a meaningless thread without any understanding,
that he himself is none other than a junior highschool kitchen.
In the bed, he chuckled to himself, losting in wild fancies, over the responses
to the thread he had set up, after turn off his PC. He is a genuine masochist.
The more he gets severe criticisms, the more he feels better.
He has such unusual eroticism.
"You may go!" "sound of a gun" "better leave this thread as it is"
Many kinds of abusive languages flashed in his mind.
"Yes, put me down more, and more!"
In swirling of excitement, he hardly slept on that night.
Next morning, he dashed to PC, and turned on the power,
to see the thread he had set up last night.
It has been hard to find out his thread, usually it's been sunk into deep level.
But that time, it was different. His thread was on the top of the board.
Adding to that, there were many responses with it.
"Gee, this time I get a large haul…"
Expecting the words he loves, he started to read responses one by one.
But something was different. What he found was somehow restless words such as,
"You should know your IP would have remained" "already have reported to the police"
"Get hung up to the shame and disgrace" in stead of his familiar puting-down words.
"What's wrong with it, how come?"
At that moment, >>1 has not grasped what was going to be happen.
(I need usual abusive words! Somebody got'ta give'em to me!)
But he had to read more really horrible words, irrelevant to his futile wish.
"He would be trembling with fear now." "Going under arrest, so up"
Even he had been a little bit fool, >>1 has begun to understand
what would be going to happen.
(What the... What on earth have I done to deserve this!!)
In a great hurry, he started to sink his thread. Filling "sage" into mail space, and
writing "Don't lift rotten thread like this." to response space in disguise of others,
but it was'nt work at all. No sooner his thread got lifted exemplary.
"Please! Please don't lift it up...don't..."
No matter how he tryed by himself alone, his enemies, who he had maden by himself,
were too many to control.
He crushed down his keyboard with his double hands, and went to the bed even it wasn't
long since his getting up.
(This must be a bad nightmare. Next time I'd get up, everybody would give me common run downs)

…a few days later,
  "ding dong"

The door chime rang lightly, telling the end of >>1's life.