【24hで納品】BIG な BIG な、サーバー儖佞靴泙靴 【2get禁止】

1 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F

Welcome to the Bourbon House.
This tequila is for service, please help yourself to start with.

Ya, it is "again". Sorry.
As said that mercy is not for...I am not wishing to make any more excuse.

However, when seeing this particular place, I bet you felt,
something like an inexpressible "excitment".
In a bloody society like this, hoping you would remember those feelings,
is the reason, for why, I made this place.

Now, let's here your order.
2 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/22 16:22:55 ID:uHnsQNtA
I can't speak English.
3 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/22 20:55:05 ID:oFcAFxTp
(´・ω・`)Milk please.
4 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/22 21:50:41 ID:DrWb+Ylk
( ´・ω・` )Gyudon please.
5 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/22 23:25:32 ID:I6EK9sE0
(  ´ ・ω・ `  )Pudding please.
6 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/22 23:30:20 ID:uHnsQNtA
( ´・ ω ・` )Coke please.
7 F?玉の男 ◆VtwGA5eqlc F05/04/24 03:08:59 ID:IbQgIQ17
(  ´・  ω  ・`  )Papico please.
8 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/25 18:10:56 ID:V68dmZ0m
(   ´・   ω   ・`   )Point please
9 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/25 19:35:25 ID:UNk9HDl6
Japanese GIAL please!!!give me!!!!o(o|o)/ シュ?ッチ ( o|o)_+=====
10 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/25 19:35:32 ID:UNk9HDl6
Japanese GIAL please!!!give me!!!!o(o|o)/  ( o|o)_+=====
11 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/26 09:53:01 ID:BFbebH3f
GIAL ? No! No! You are wrong.
You have mistake.
GIRL! G I R L Girl.
you want girl ? Its ok?GIRL !
soccer say GOAL!

bye bye thank you.
bye bye PORL maki.
bye bye JR!nishinihon.
bye bye YOU.ABURU YOU!!
12 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/04/27 20:04:37 ID:tt29t9a2
13 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F05/05/13 13:16:53 ID:0Bx+okuw
Scotch please.
14 F名無しさ腹いっぱい。 F
give me chocolate