For patients who have been using weak steroids for less than a year, estimated clearing time is approximately 1-3 months, according to Dr. Rapaport. Weak steroid use for more than a year and use of moderate or potent steroids for less than a year may require 2-6 months. Use of moderate steroids for more than a year may require 6-12 months, and use of potent steroids for more than a year may require 1-3 years for clearing.
>>28 俺の場合、ステの使用に関して > Weak steroid use for more than a year and use of moderate or potent steroids for less than a year may require 2-6 months. ↑と > Use of moderate steroids for more than a year may require 6-12 months, ↑との中間あたりだったと思うけど、 離脱症状というべき症状(回復の兆しが見えない状態)は、ちょうど6ヶ月くらいで収まった。
Dr. Rapaport has recently had an article accepted for publication in Archives of Dermatology that confirms the role of nitric oxide in dermatitis associated with steroid withdrawal.
LEARNING OBJECTIVESFollowing this focus session, the attendee will be able to :1. Evaluate chronic eczema patients who become addicted to corticosteroids. 2. Discuss the "Red Syndromes" and see the steroid withdrawal patterns. 3. Understand the management and care that can be up to 18 months butultimately leads to cure.DESCRIPTIONNumerous chronic eczematous patients have become addicted tocorticosteroids, both topically and systemically administered. A description of the addictive phase will be discussed. Patterns of rash occurring afterwithdrawal will be demonstrated step-by-step. The description andmanagement of the "Red Syndromes" (post laser/peel erythema, red spectrumsyndrome, velvodynia, chronic actinic dermatitis) seen in over 600 patientswill be discussed in depth. Mechanisms of erythema due to nitric oxide willalso be discussed as a new insight.Lecture/discussion format. 1.5 hours category 1 CME credit.FOC 604Drug Eruption UpdateRoom 143BDIRECTORMark H. Lowitt, MDLEARNING OBJECTIVESFollowing this focus ------------------------------------------------------------- コピペでけた。 この論文は顔面の皮膚炎に対する論文です。アトピーという言葉は使われて いませんが、アメリカではあまり、区別されていないのかもしれません。日本でも 顔面にステロイドを使ってはいけないというのは、知れわたっていますよね。 addiction to the use of topical or systemic corticosteroids. 時々、もしくは、毎日のステロイド使用の中毒(私の意訳)という言葉がはっきりと 使用されています。 the use of increasing amounts of corticosteroids for longer periods of time. 長いこと使うと量が増えますよ Soon the skin became addicted すぐに中毒になりますよ。(中毒というのは、私の意訳)
We stress the absolute necessity of total cessation of corticosteroid use as the only treatment for corticosteroid addiction. 私たちは、ステロイド中毒のただひとつの治療法としてのステロイド使用が絶対必要だ というのには反対する。