6年前にダライラマの寄付で、スタンフォード大に「同情心と利他主義研究教育センター」 要するに人間主義研究教育センターができてたんだね。↓ ・・・ Six years ago, the Dalai Lama helped establish and fund the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE), an institute at Stanford's School of Medicine that defines its mission as undertaking "a rigorous scientific study of the neural, mental and social bases of compassion and altruistic behavior." The Dalai Lama's contribution, $150,000, was the largest donation he had ever made to a non-Tibetan cause.・・・
米国では大恐慌の時、当時のフーヴァー大統領が、政府に頼るなと自助を説いた。 現在も長期かつ構造的不況の下、自営業が増えているが、悲惨なことになっている。↓ ・・・In 1928 on the eve of the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover coined the phrase "rugged individualism" to encourage Americans to help themselves and not look to government for assistance. Whether by choice or by circumstances, more Americans today are heeding Hoover's advice when it comes to work.
米国じゃ、2007年から2011年にかけて、1人自営業は4%増え、通常形態の被雇用者は6%減った。↓ During the Great Recession and its immediate aftermath, a four-year period from 2007 to 2011, the number of single-person businesses increased 4 percent. During the same period, the number of people employed in traditional jobs dropped 6 percent.
この間、1人自営業者が80万人増えた勘定。↓ The figures are enormous. The number of single-person businesses increased by 800,000, from 21.7 million to 22.5 million from 2007 to 2011. Compared with companies with employees, nonemployer firms make up three-quarters of all U.S. businesses.・・・
In recent weeks, a trip to the region and further research into China’s shadow banking system have convinced us that China is approaching its “Minsky Moment,
要約しないけれど、この評論は大変興味ふかい。例えば・・ ttp://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2014/03/china%20minsky%206.jpg ・・・ Therefore, if the Chinese economy were to slow by 200 basis points to 5.4%, from current expectations of 7.4% for 2014,13 (Display 7) global economic growth would slow to 1.8%, substantially below potential of 2.8%. This could have a significant impact on global equities, as our analysis shows that the global economy needs to grow at least 2.5% for global corporate profits to grow. Thus, a 1.8% pace for global GDP growth would result in earnings down roughly 13%, a huge miss compared to current expectations of 11% earnings growth. At this point, this is not our base case but a risk scenario we are closely monitoring.
アメリカ民主党の内部で、エネルギー政策を巡って、党の「内戦」が発生しているという キーストンXLパイプラインの承認の是非、またシェールガス採掘の規制強化の是非などの グリーン勢力と、経済成長重視派との戦いであるという ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303802104579451693067746208 POTOMAC WATCH The Democratic Civil War Over Energy Green demands to stop drilling for natural gas come at an awkward time for Obama and his party. By KIMBERLEY A. STRASSEL
A split is growing in the Democratic Party, one that ought to rival the divisions on the right that the headlines trumpet. Greens are increasingly bitter about President Obama ?annoyed that he's dropped climate legislation, scaled back green subsidies, ignored fracking. They've channeled their frustration into the fight against Keystone, warning that they'll turn their significant money and resources against Mr. Obama's party if the president approves more "dirty oil." Since this president cares about nothing so much as winning elections, he's sat on the pipeline for five years. ・・・・ The left's new fracking demand is not so easily avoidable. The White House is technically in favor of natural gas, has reaped its environmental and economic upside, and its candidates are coalescing around drilling and export expansion. The president's green troops now demand an end to this
Thus the news this week that Turkey allowed the US destroyer Truxtun to pass through the straits without delay or protest should not be seen as a declaration of allegiance. At most it's a whispered hint of loyalty to the West in this unfolding conflict. The destroyer was en route to a pre-planned exercise with the Bulgarian and Romanian navy, after all. Turkey will continue to walk the tightrope of being a dependable part of NATO while keeping relations with Moscow friendly. More active support from Turkey on NATO efforts to counter Russia in Crimea will only come when, or if, all Ankara's other options have been eliminated.
Twitter itself sent out mobile numbers that allowed Turkish consumers to keep using its service. In a tweet from its policy team, the company said: “We stand with our users in Turkey who rely on Twitter as a vital communications platform. We hope to have full access returned soon.” In another technical fix against the ban, Turkish downloads of Hotspot Shield, the world’s most popular virtual private network service, increased to 270,000 on Friday ? from a daily average of 7,000.
永遠を瞬間に凝縮してとらえられる、世界で唯一の民族が日本人だとマルローが言ってるんだね。↓ ・・・The novelist Andre Malraux, he said, had personally told him that the Japanese were "the only people who can grasp eternity in a single moment." Ishihara, blinking in his owlish way, went on, "The haiku is the shortest poetic style in the world. This was not created by the Chinese but by the Japanese."
しかし、FTのピリング、日本のユニークさと称されるものは、支那の影響を脱してからの江戸時代に までしか遡れない、なんちゅうアホみたいなこと言ってるよ。↓ Much of what we today consider quintessentially Japanese originated from this period of breaking with China.・・・
そもそも、日本のユニークさと称されるものは、支那との違いを際立たせたいがためのでっちあげだ というイアン・ブルマの言まで引いてるぜ。↓ Similarly, much of Japan's supposed exceptionalism was a modern construct, said Buruma. "The reason the Japanese nativists describe their own culture as completely different from China was a form of defensiveness."・・・ http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/03/17/why_is_japan_so_different
・・・ When Putin came to power in 1999, the country was earning $41 billion from oil sales and Boris Yeltsin had just defaulted on a $40 billion debt. Today they earn $410 billion. Russia is also the second largest producer of natural gas, behind the U.S., and holds the world’s largest reserves. Europe now depends on Russia for 30 percent of its natural gas supplies and Gazprom is building a pipeline to the Pacific Rim where the market is even more attractive. Altogether, oil and gas exports earn Russia $160 billion a year and cover 60 percent of the national budget. プーチンが大統領就任した1999年のロシアの石油輸出は$41Bで、エリツインの時代の ロシアの破産も$40Bの負債の支払不能による。今日のロシアの石油輸出は $410Bであ る。ロシアは天然ガスで世界第二の生産国になり欧州の需要の30%を満たすようにな った。Gazpromは太平洋岸に天然ガスのパイププラインを建設中でアジア向けのビジネ スを計画している。石油とガスの輸出はロシアの国家予算の60%をカバーしている
Moreover, the two strongest economies in the Western alliance ? Germany and Japan ? are both crippling their economies by abandoning nuclear power. Japan spent $68 billion on gas imports last year, more than half its $112 billion trade deficit. Germany is doing even worse. In a fatuous effort to substitute unreliable wind and solar energy for always-available coal and nuclear, it is driving its utilities to ruin. Last week RWE, Germany’s second-largest utility, announced its first annual loss since the founding of the German Republic in 1949. The company is hammered by grid regulations that require it to accept wind and solar whenever they are available. This means ramping coal plants and reactors up and down at a moment’s notice ? virtually impossible ? or running them for long intervals without being paid. On top of this comes special fees to cover the higher costs of renewable electricity. Last week,
in a little noted transaction, RWE announced it is selling its entire oil and gas operations to ? you guessed it ? Russian oligarchs Mikhal Fridman and German Khan. No wonder Putin is feeling his oats these days. 拙い事に西側世界の2つの重要な同盟国であるドイツと日本が脱原発によってエネルギー 安全保障の脆弱性を高めている。日本は昨年、天然ガス輸入に$68Bを費やし、これは $112Bの貿易赤字の半分以上である。ドイツはもっと酷くて原子力や火力を信頼性の 低い太陽光と風力で置き換えようとしている。先週、ドイツの第二位の電力会社である RWEは戦後初の赤字を出していて、同社は石油とガスの事業をロシア人オリガキーの Mikhal Fridmanとドイツ人のGerman Khanに売却した
Russia and China, meanwhile, are rapidly pushing ahead with nuclear technology. Russia is mounting small modular reactors on barges to float into remote Siberian villages. China has 20 reactors under construction and is about to explore thorium ? a nuclear fuel that most engineers believe to be superior to uranium. Within a short time, Russia and China could be building reactors all over the world ? as Russia is currently doing in Iran. Ironically, this will leave the two countries leading the world in the best technology for reducing carbon emissions, nuclear energy. The energy gap is only likely to widen. ロシアと中国は原子力発電の技術開発に投資していて、ロシアは小型モジュラー原子炉 を遠隔地のシベリアの田舎で、バージに乗せて浮かべている。中国は20基の原発を建設 中で、トリウム原子炉を開発している。ロシアと中国は、それら原子炉を世界に輸出す る事になるかもしれない。実際、ロシアはイランに原発を輸出している。それは温暖化 対策として優れていて、西側と中国・ロシアとのエネルギーギャップは広がりそうである
The Crimean crisis is revealing what history has proven over and over again ? a country that develops a powerful economy on a firm foundation of energy resources can push its weight around on the world stage, and a country that lets its economy languish can believe itself much more powerful than it really is.
ウクライナ問題を契機に、ロシアは日中韓に天然ガスをもっと売らざるをえなくなるって。↓ ・・・The Ukraine crisis will make Russia rethink its gas export policy towards the saturated European gas market, and Putin has reason enough to pay special attention to the Asian market・・・
この3国の今次問題での対応が微温的なのは、ガスを欲しがってることが大きいってさ。↓ The energy question explains, in part, the difference between Western countries and Asian countries in reacting to Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula. While the United States and the E.U. have announced travel bans and targeted sanctions on Russian and Ukrainian officials, China and India have conspicuously taken a soft line toward Russia in the wake of the crisis. Japan and South Korea, staunch U.S. allies, were slow to condemn Russia's invasion and largely unwilling to do much to reverse it. ・・・ http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/03/19/eastward_ho
・・・"At the end of history," ・・・Francis Fukuyama・・・ wrote, "it is not necessary that all societies become successful liberal societies, merely that they end their ideological pretensions of representing different and higher forms of human society."・・・
"What we are witnessing," he wrote, "is not just the end of the cold war, or a passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the universalisation of western liberal democracy as the final form of human government."・・・
ロボットが自己再生産するようになり、新エネルギー等で電気代もタダ同然になる時代は遠くないとし、 そうなれば、社会は人間主義社会になる、と予言した本が英国で出た。↓ ・・・ If the marginal cost of producing each additional item falls to essentially nothing, then everything becomes free. In their pursuit of profit, businesses will have irrevocably undermined their own margins: capitalism will have destroyed itself.
後期資本主義時代の唯物主義的な個人主義からコミュニティー主義社会へ。↓ But don’t despair. Rising in its place, Rifkin argues, will be a civilisation based on a new and more fulfilling communitarianism, free of the hang-ups that have characterised the materialistic individualism of the late capitalist age.・・・
But Obama does have one possible big geopolitical throw of the dice left: use the prospective ambitious free trade agreements with Europe and Asia to cement the US’s central position in the new era, while economically helping allies, isolating competitors like Russia and China (which lie outside such putative agreements), and re-emphasising America’s global economic centrality in the new age. Frankly, this is the last, best, chance for a badly burned administration to live up to a scintilla of its hype. オバマ大統領に可能な政策はアジアや欧州の同盟国との通商協定を構築し、ロシアと 中国を孤立化させることなのだが
Tragically, they seem to be having none of it, primarily due to the President’s overweening weakness. To make the trade deals work, the White House would have to secure Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), allowing Obama to negotiate a deal that would be voted on up or down by Congress, without the possibility of amendment. No serious country wants to jump through hoops with the US to get a trade deal done, only to have Congress unpick the negotiations after the fact. 困ったことに弱体化したオバマ政権はそういう政策を実現できないだろう
All this is terrible news for both America and a world desperately in need of the economic and geopolitical good news the deals would provide. Hauntingly, it looks like another missed opportunity from an administration that will be known as a missed opportunity.
Russian troops stormed Ukraine’s Belbek air base near the port of Sevastopol on Saturday and took it by force, a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law annexing Crimea. クリミアのセバストポール港近郊のBelbek空軍基地をロシア兵が襲撃
At about 4:45pm local time gunshots rang out and five armoured vehicles broke through the walls of the base, where about 200 Ukrainian air force officers had defied a Russian order to surrender. Pro-Moscow onlookers, Crimean self defence forces and Cossacks outside cheered as the Russian troops over-ran the base 午後四時四十五分頃、クリミア自警軍とコサックが見守る中、五台の武装装甲車が壁 を破って空軍基地に侵入し、およそ二百人のウクライナ将兵に投降を求めた
オバマ夫人が北京大学のスタンフォード(大)センターで講演。 インターネット・言論の自由の重要性について熱弁を奮った。↓ ・・・"It is so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the Internet...because that’s how we discover the truth," the First Lady said. Her remarks are a veiled swipe at the country's harshly restrictive media environment・・・ The First Lady spoke on March 22 at the Stanford Center at Peking University, ・・・ “That’s how we decide which values and ideas we think are best?by questioning and debating them vigorously, by listening to all sides of the argument and by judging for ourselves. ・・・time and again, we have seen that countries are stronger and more prosperous when the voices and opinions of all citizens can be heard.・・・
だけどスノーデンが、米NSAが中共の通信機器メーカーのファーウェイをハッキングしていたことを明らかにした。 米国は、言論の自由を守る米国を守るためと称して、インターネットの自由を侵害してきたわけだ。↓ ・・・U.S. secretly infiltrated Chinese telecoms firm Huawei to investigate its links to China's government・・・ http://javjavcollection.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-695.html
Throughout history, governance and relative safety have most often been provided by empires, Western or Eastern. 世界の東西を問わず歴史において、安寧秩序というのは多くの場合、帝国によって与 えられてきたのだ ・・・ Globalization depends upon secure sea lines of communication for trade and energy transfers: without the U.S. Navy, there’d be no globalization, no Davos, period. グローバリゼーションは海上交通の安全の保証やエネルギーはじめ物資の交易を保証 することに、つまりアメリカ海軍に、依存している。それがなければ、グローバリゼ ーションはなく、ダボス会議もない。 ・・・ (ナチスや共産主義も帝国主義か?というと) Nazis and Communists, by contrast, were imperialists only secondarily; they were primarily radical utopians who sought racial and ideological submission. ナチスや共産主義者は第二義的な意味での帝国主義者であって、彼らは民族主義なり イデオロギーなりに夢中になった、ラディカルなユートピアンというべきだ ・・・ The United States may have strayed into empire during the Spanish-American War of 1898 and the resultant war in the Philippines. And it may have become an imperial Leviathan of sorts in the wake of World War II. アメリカの帝国への道は1898のスペインとの戦争とフィリピンの獲得にはにまり、WWII を経て。レビヤタン(聖書にある巨大海獣)の如きものになった
Nevertheless, the critique that imperialism constitutes bad American foreign policy has serious merit: the real problem with imperialism is not that it is evil, but rather that it is too expensive and therefore a problematic grand strategy for a country like the United States. 帝国主義を批判する人はその悪をいうのだが、その悪しき帝国主義のもとで展開される 外交政策には重要なメリットがある。帝国主義の問題は、それが悪であるとかいうこと ではなく、その維持に巨額の費用を要することである。 ・・・ This, as it happens, is more or less the position of the Obama administration. The first post-imperial American presidency since World War II telegraphs nothing so much as exhaustion with world affairs. Obama essentially wants regional powers (such as Japan in Asia, and Saudi Arabia and Israel in the Middle East) to rely less on the United States in maintaining local power balances. And he wants to keep America’s enemies at bay through the use of inexpensive drones rather than the deployment of ground forces. オバマ大統領というのは、アメリカの最初の、ポスト帝国主義の大統領であるので、 彼は日本とか、サウジアラビアとか、イスラエルなどの同盟国がアメリカに依存する 度合いを減らしたいと思う。それら地域のパワーバランスの維持に消極的である。 彼はアメリカの敵に対向するに、軍の展開ではなく、無人攻撃機を使う。 (後略)
Squawking around like chickens panicked by a fox, the EU’s politicians suddenly say, too late, that to end our dependence on Russia, we must get on with fracking for shale gas ourselves.
On Friday, when their acting prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, came to Brussels to sign that Association Agreement, the EU was so embarrassed that the ceremony had to take place behind closed doors, away from the eyes of the media. The poor man was not even allowed a microphone, but had to shout out his wish still to see Ukraine as an EU member.
選挙区ごとの状況分析 ○Democrat-held seats likely to be picked up by Republicans (4): West Virginia, South Dakota, Montana, Arkansas ○Democrat-held seats that are toss-ups (4): Louisiana, North Carolina, Alaska, Michigan ○Democrat-held seats that lean Democratic but with a plausible GOP pick-up (3): Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire ○Democrat-held seats likely or almost certain to be retained by Democrats (10): Minnesota, Oregon, New Jersey, Virginia, Hawaii (special election), Massachusetts, Illinois, New Mexico, Delaware, Rhode Island ○Republican-held seats that lean Republican but where Democratic pick-up is possible (2): Georgia, Kentucky
So our forecast might be thought of as a Republican gain of six seats ? plus or minus five. The balance has shifted slightly toward the GOP. But it wouldn’t take much for it to revert to the Democrats, nor for this year to develop into a Republican rout along the lines of 2010.
【3月23日 AFP】オーストラリア連邦科学産業研究機構(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation、CSIRO)によって 背中に1.5ミリのセンサーチップを貼り付けられた体長8ミリのクインスランドミバエ(Queensland fruit fly)。
ttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26707588 23 March 2014 Last updated at 22:47 Share this pagePrint France election: National Front makes gains フランスの全国的地方選挙で、極右の国民戦線(Front national)が健闘の見込み BBC
France's far-right National Front party has made significant gains in local elections, winning an outright majority in one town on the first round. The party is in first place in some other towns it is targeting, according to projections. 現時点の予想では国民戦線が幾つかの選挙区で第一党の地位を得るケースも発生
President Francois Hollande's Socialists have lost ground overall and may lose control of some major towns. オランドの社会党は全般的に主導権を失い、幾つかの主要な都市で敗退の可能性
The vote is seen as a key test for the Socialists, deeply unpopular after nearly two years in power. この地方選挙はオランド政権の2年間の評価の側面 The Socialists were also hit by the low turnout in the first round of the elections - exit polls suggest up to 35% of voters stayed at home. 投票率は低く、35%が棄権 The vote is to choose councillors and mayors in more than 36,000 villages, towns and cities. The anti-immigration National Front (FN) took 50.26% of the vote in the northern town of Henin-Beaumont, which has historically voted for the left. Elsewhere, in Avignon and Perpignan in the south, the party's candidates for mayor had the biggest number of votes. In some 200 places FN candidates have won through to the second round next weekend. 国民戦線は反移民をスローガンにしていて北部の街、Henin-Beaumontで過半数を獲得 南部の Perpignan、またAvignon や Perpignanでも国民戦線の市長候補が最大票を得た 地方選挙の後半は来週末であるが、200の地方で国民戦線が健闘と予想される
It is true that sanctions would damage Russia more on aggregate than the EU ? but this matters little if Russia turns out to be the more resilient party. ロシアが制裁で被害を受けるにせよ、大したダメージは無くより強くなる可能性
The second reason is that all-out sanctions today might backfire in a much more serious way: they might accelerate regional economic instability, from Ukraine southwards to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and up to the Baltic states. EUの制裁は中東欧諸国、バルト諸国に悪影響を与え、経済が不安定化する恐れ。ウクラ イナ、グルジア、アルメニア、アゼルバイジャン、バルト諸国など
Thirdly, do not underestimate the impact of the sanctions already taken. The US administration effectively cut off Bank Rossiya from the global financial markets. With the dollar and the euro as the two largest transaction currencies, the west can produce financial instability in Russia at the flick of a switch. 米国ドルとEUのユーロがタイロシア金融制裁に向かうならロシアの金融システムに効果が 大きすぎて不安定化を来す恐れ
The fourth reason against all-out sanctions now is that the EU requires a toolkit of policy responses that it can deploy flexibly depending on developments. The annexation of Crimea and Mr Putin’s strident speech in the Duma may evoke images of the Anschluss of Austria in 1938 and subsequent incorporation of the Sudetenland into the German Reich. But the general caution against Nazi comparisons applies: the annexation of Crimea is a breach of international law that should not be condoned. But it is not the inevitable start of world war three. 制裁なり対ロシア政策なりはフレキシビリティを持つべきでロシアのクリミア併合が即 WWIIIを起こすわけではないから、性急なゆき過ぎは良くない
Since EU members are exposed to Russia in different ways, it would be best to do all of it, but gradually. アメリカに比べてEU諸国はロシア経済とのつながりが深く、制裁の副作用も受けやすいの で、アメリカとは異なって漸進的な制裁を考えるべき
But there is something else the EU needs to do. It need to fix its own problems: its dependence on Russian energy and cash, and its policy towards its eastern neighbours at a time when momentum for EU enlargement is fading. 制裁もさることながら、欧州諸国の今すべきことはロシアのエネルギーと資本への依存の 見直し、中東欧へのEU拡大政策の再検討であろう
The trick is not to repeat the mistakes EU leaders made in the eurozone crisis: to recognise briefly the urgency of action, and then to forget all about it the second the crisis disappears from the front pages of the newspapers.
Wolfgang Munchauはじめ一部の論者が指摘しているようにブラッセルのEU官僚には EU帝国主義的な考え方があって、EU支配領域を東に拡大する事を使命のように考え ているむきがある。(必ずしも英国やドイツがそう考えているわけではない)それが、 ウクライナでロシアを刺激しすぎる行動の裏に隠れていると思ふ。
According to 54 percent of the German respondents, the West should recognize Crimea’s accession as something that has already happened. Meanwhile, 55 percent of those questioned said that they agree to a certain extent that Russian President Vladimir Putin views Ukraine, notably the Crimean peninsula, as a zone of Russian influence. At the same time, 60 percent of the respondents stated that they believe the West's reaction to Russia’s actions are adequate. In contrast, another 34 percent answered that the US and the EU’s introduction of sanctions was “excessive.”
>North Korea officially recognizes that Crimea always was a Russian territory and that it belongs to Russian Federation now, that Crimea's referendum was absolutely legitimate and rightful, at all levels. >North Korea fully supports Russia's actions and decisions regarding both Crimean matter and current problems with pro-fascist Ukraine.
Roman Kokorev, a senior researcher in the International Law Department of the Russian Federation government, “The next step is Moldova and all Ukraine!!!” He wants the Baltics and Finland and Poland and “Alaska will be returned,” he writes, “because all these lands are Russian.”
An ideologue named Sergey Kurginyan: “The only possible form in which our country can exist is as an empire that is a union of equal peoples,” writes Kurginyan. The Russian people should form the state at the center, “a nucleus around which other peoples are gathered.” In his opinion Russia cannot be a part of Europe, because Russia is Europe, too, but a different alternative Europe descended from the Eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium, while modern Western Europe comes from the Western Roman Empire. Kurginyan outlines four versions of societal development: modern, counter- modern, post-modern and what he calls “super-modern,” presumably exemplified by Russia. ttp://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/03/23/putin-s-dream-of-empire-doesn-t-stop-at-crimea-or-even-ukraine.html Putin’s Dream of Empire Doesn’t Stop at Crimea, Or Even Ukraine
トルコのキプロス北部の「併合」。↓ ・・・In 1974, Turkey invaded northern Cyprus, and continues to occupy the northern third of the island under an unrecognized puppet regime.・・・
モロッコによる西サハラの併合。↓ As Turkey was grabbing Cyprus, Morocco snatched the massive and resource-rich Western Sahara ? like Russia's Crimea move, in a swift action that did not result in the firing of a shot.・・・
北ベトナムによる南ベトナムの併合、 インドネシアによる東チムールの併合(後にインドネシアがドジったために分離独立)。↓ Perhaps the most egregious examples are the bloody conquests of entire countries. It seems 1975 was the year for such things, with North Vietnam wiping South Vietnam off the map and Indonesia seizing East Timor. ・・・
アルメニアによるアゼルバイジャンの一部の併合、ロシアによるグルジアの一部の「併合」。↓ More recently, Armenia successfully conquered parts of Azerbaijan in the 1990s, a move condemned by the EU but that seems unlikely to be reversed. And, of course, Russia snagged parts of Georgia just five years ago ? and, after a series of Western threats, was punished with an Olympic Games.・・・
ジャパンタイムズは、留保を付けずにこんな記事を掲載・配信しちゃダメじゃん。↓ ・・・A Japanese chief warrant officer stationed on the Indonesian island during the war told a Justice Ministry investigation in August 1962 that he brought about 70 women to the military brothels. According to the document, about 200 more women were also taken to the brothels.
隠蔽のために、日本軍は現地住民達の口封じにカネを配った、と。↓ He also said he was given about \700,000 to use to appease local residents. The officer said using money worked really well and there was not one complaint related to sex slavery. The former Imperial Japanese Navy officer also said that what he feared most was the existence of these wartime brothels becoming known・・・ http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/03/23/national/imperial-army-paid-to-hush-up-sex-slaves/
・・・This can change, but only if Europe’s consumers are willing to pay more for energy. Goldman Sachs thinks LNG to replace some Russian gas in the event of a shutdown of some supplies would be 35-40 percent more expensive.
Germany’s Energiewende, its turn towards renewable energy, has been a failure of the highest order. Bjorn Lomborg is simultaneously one of the most insightful environmental thinkers around and a modern green pariah, and he captures the German debacle in all of its ignominy in a recent opinion piece for the FT: (後略)
Fyodor Lukyanov, a foreign policy expert in Moscow, says he expects a tightening of Russian relations with Iran and more intensive supplies of arms to Syria, where Moscow has been propping up the Assad regime. “Russia will see no reason at all to ease US troubles in the Middle East,” Mr Lukyanov predicts. ロシアの外交アナリスト、Fyodor Lukyanovはロシアがイランやシリアとの連携を深める だろうという「ロシアにとてアメリカの抱える中東の問題解決に手を貸すべき理由はない」
ロシアのイラン政策として、S300防空ミサイルシステムの販売や、イランへの経済制裁の 妨害といった手段があるという。 “The S-300 can be a game changer; it would reduce Israel’s ability to attack Iran.” Also troubling, but with less impact, are possible Russian moves to undermine the sanctions regime that contributed to Tehran’s decision to negotiate in the first place.(後略)
White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters Obama hoped the G7 leaders would foreshadow "what economic sanctions Russia would be faced with if it continues down this road". ホワイトハウスのNSCの補佐官Ben RhodesはG7で経済制裁を協議するという
Another G7 official said the main point of the G7 meeting was "to show the isolation of Putin". The leaders were also expected to cancel plans for a G8 meeting at the Russian Olympics site in Sochi, for which preparations were frozen after Moscow seized Crimea, he said. 別のG7高官は、「G7の協議の目的はプーチン大統領の孤立化」であるという
Capital controls feared in Russia after $70bn flight Investors are withdrawing money at a rapidly increasing rate amid escalating sanctions from the West
これはワシントン・ポストの論説部門編集者、Fred Hiattの書いているものなのだ けれど: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The president came into office believing that military assets were a 19th- century measure of power, of dwindling relevance in the 21st century. He believed that diplomacy could solve problems that George W. Bush had ignored, created or exacerbated; that the eventual abolition of nuclear weapons was perhaps the United States’ most important goal; that economic reconstruction at home had to take precedence over ? and was a necessary prerequisite for ? leadership abroad. オバマ大統領は就任以来ずっと、軍事力というのは19世紀的権力で、21世紀には適切 ではないと信じてきた。彼の信じるところによれば、ブッシュ大統領の軽視した外交 が問題を解決できる。それ故、いつかは核弾頭を廃棄することがアメリカの最重要の 目標である。国内の経済再建がより重要であり、国際社会での指導性の前提条件であ る His policies have reflected these understandings: Total pullout from Iraq. An Afghanistan withdrawal schedule untethered to conditions on the ground. A hasty departure from Libya after helping to depose its dictator. No meaningful assistance to the opposition in Syria. オバマ大統領のこうした政策は、イラクからの全面撤退、アフガニスタンからの撤退、 リビアに干渉したあとでの迅速な撤退、シリア内戦への意味有る支援の不在、などに 現れている。
Obama judged the world safe enough to sharply decrease military spending, and Europe and the Middle East safe enough to justify a “pivot” to Asia. The debate in town was what mission NATO could possibly have once it pulled out of Afghanistan. オバマ大統領は世界が、アメリカの軍事費の急峻な削減に耐えるくらい安全であると 判断し、欧州や中東は「アジア重視」に軍事力を振り向けても安全であるとする。 アフガニスタン撤退後のNATOの使命というのは何であろうかというディベ−トがある。
Most of all, Obama wanted to concentrate on what he called “nation-building at home.” He told the United Nations last fall that promoting democracy and free trade in the Middle East was no longer a “core interest” of U.S. foreign policy. オバマ大統領の最も重要視することは国内の国家的充実であり、彼は国連で演説して 中東に自由と民主主義を推進することはアメリカの中核的国益ではないとした。
The scaling back of ambition resonated with U.S. public opinion. But the effects have not been as hoped. こうしたオバマ大統領の軍事的プレゼンスの縮小化はアメリカ国内世論の反映でも有 るのだが、そうした政策の結末は、希望したようなものではなかった。
As the United States retrenched, the world became more dangerous. アメリカが引きこもることによって、世界がより危険になった。(後略)
亡くなった前首相が2008年にこれを決意。↓ ・・・Kaizen, the workplace philosophy that helped guide Japan's recovery from the ruins of defeat in World War Two ・・・so impressed the late prime minister Meles Zenawi that he adopted it as national strategy.・・・ Mr Zenawi learned of kaizen at a 2008 Tokyo conference on African development - and its themes now feature in numerous Ethiopian projects supported by Japanese aid. ・・・
カイゼンとは・・。↓ at its heart are simple principles:
職場をきれいに。↓ Keep the workplace tidy
働き手達にカイゼン提案をさせよ。↓ Encourage workers to suggest innovations, rather than wait for instructions
地域の諸資源を活用せよ。↓ Work with local resources
エジプトやチュニジアにも一定の影響を与えつつある。↓ Japan later promoted the philosophy in emerging economies such as Egypt and Tunisia.
要するに、働き手達全員の創意工夫によって組織を発展させていく、ということ。↓ It's based on the creativity of all employees; it involves all employees in the improvement of quality and productivity of a company.・・・ http://www.bbc.com/news/business-26542963
In sum, when it comes to ‘Crimeanomics,’ it is clear that the US and the EU hold most of the cards. It is in the geopolitical arena where Russia’s leverage is greatest. This, as well as Europe’s reliance on Russian energy in the short term, may ultimately prove to be a limiting factor in the West’s response to the country’s actions in Ukraine and elsewhere. But in this economic “cold war” Russia would be unwise to underestimate the US and the EU’s economic arsenal and underappreciate its own economic vulnerabilities.
これはオバマ大統領のサウジアラビア訪問を前にLAタイムズに掲載された評論なのだけ れど、書いているのが中東外交の大物であるDennis Rossなので、読んでおく価値がある と思う(Dennis Rossについては、ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Ross) まあ、当たり前のことであるけれどDennis Rossはオバマ政権の中東政策について、サウ ジアラビア側からみたフラストレーションを列挙して解説し、サウジアラビアのオバマ 政権への不信を拭うことは難しいという ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.latimes.com/opinion/commentary/la-oe-ross-saudi-arabia-obama-20140325,0,4405842.story#axzz2wyXMqu8s Next test for Obama: Soothing the Saudis Riyadh has a raft of complaints for the president when he visits this week. By Dennis Ross March 24, 2014, 6:25 p.m. サウジアラビアは、今週訪問するオバマ大統領に、文句を言いたいことが山ほどある
The fact that Obama added Saudi Arabia to his itinerary indicates that he is aware of the problem. But given the depth of the Saudi doubts, the president will be unlikely to succeed if he offers only words of reassurance.
Instead, he needs to take the concerns head-on. That does not require him to accept Saudi complaints. However, he needs to show that he has no illusions about the Iranians, spelling out that we know what the Quds Force is doing and the steps the U.S. will to take to counter it. For example, intercepting clandestine Iranian arms shipments would show we mean what we say.(ry
ttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/1e4472ae-b348-11e3-b09d-00144feabdc0.html High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & March 25, 2014 4:07 pm China’s struggle for a new economy By Martin Wolf When a superb horse?meets a high obstacle, the odds are on the horse. But even the best may fail
・・・・In many important industries, output is already below 75 per cent of capacity. Yet China is far too large to export its way out of this. In the case of steel, for example, its annual capacity is 1bn tons and output 720m, 46 per cent of the global total. A significant slowdown in infrastructure and property investment would devastate capacity utilisation in steel. The same is true for cement. Bad debt would soar.
The big question now is whether the corrective forces in the economy could overwhelm the ability of the authorities to manage the needed adjustments smoothly. Some might argue that a crash is precisely what is needed. The authorities will disagree and so, which matters not at all, do I. They also have many levers under their control. Nonetheless, the downside risks from financial stress and macroeconomic adjustment have been rising sharply.
ttp://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/03/26/us-russia_tensions_a_key_issue_in_the_midterms_122055.html U.S.-Russia Tensions: A Key Issue in the Midterms? By Adam O'Neal and Caitlin Huey-Burns - March 26, 2014 ウクライナやイランなどに関連して、米露外交は中間選挙の争点になるであろうか? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ウクライナやイランの状況の中間選挙への影響度の分析。ごく簡単にまとめると 米露問題が拡大悪化するとか、そうした展開が無い場合には、恐らく経済政策や 文化的イシューのほうが有権者の関心事であろう、というもの。しかし今後の事態 の変化によっては、オバマ外交の失敗を共和党がオバマケアとセットにして攻撃材 料に使う可能性がある。
With the Russian annexation of Crimea and the overall rapid deterioration of the world’s international security situation, it would be reassuring to have that wise Cold War warrior Robert Gates back in government to give it some desperately needed wisdom and steely prudence. ロシア問題の発生した今、ロバート・ゲーツ前国防長官を現職に復帰させるべきだ Richard L. Russell ナショナル・インタレスト ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *言いたいことはわかりますが、国務長官や国家安全保障補佐官や財務長官も(ry
No one wants a new Cold War, much less a military confrontation. We want Russia to be a partner, but that is now self-evidently not possible under Mr. Putin's leadership. He has thrown down a gauntlet that is not limited to Crimea or even Ukraine. His actions challenge the entire post-Cold War order including, above all, the right of independent states to align themselves and do business with whomever they choose. ・・・・・ ・・・・・ Therefore, the burden of explaining the need to act forcefully falls, as always, on our leaders. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "Government includes the act of formulating a policy" and "persuading, leading, sacrificing, teaching always, because the greatest duty of a statesman is to educate." The aggressive, arrogant actions of Vladimir Putin require from Western leaders strategic thinking, bold leadership and steely resolve?now.
特に、イランの核爆弾開発についてのプーチン大統領のの立場について: ・・・・ It is thus more accurate to say that Russia in an alignment, not an alliance, with Iran and Syria. Depending upon competing priorities and the vicissitudes of world politics, Putin will tack this way today, that way tomorrow. In the end, however, he will never sell out Tehran and Damascus in order to win compliments in Washington; if forced to choose, he will always side with the former against the latter, and will certainly leave them in no doubt that Russia is their most dependable friend in the United Nations Security Council.
It is this fact that makes Russia a revisionist power in the Middle East and the permanent adversary of the United States. ・・・・ Indeed, Putin has a strong track record of supporting some actions designed to prevent an Iranian bomb; in an ideal world, he would probably prefer an Iran devoid of such weapons. But he also has a strong track record of building the Iranian nuclear program and of providing security assistance to the Iranian military. Whatever his preferences in an ideal world, in the here and now his goal is less to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon than to garner as much power and influence for Russia as he can. He is supportive enough of the United States and its key European partners to maintain credibility with them. On the key issue of stopping Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, he is never so supportive as to be taken for granted.
First, Putin’s muscular foreign policy and Washington’s timorous response have increased the pressure on Israel to strike independently. Second, Obama has lost influence over the Israelis?just as he lost influence over his Arab allies when he refused to back them on Syria.
ttp://www.cnbc.com/id/101507755 The real front in US-Russia 'Cold War'? Nuclear power Javier E. David | @TeflonGeek Sunday, 23 Mar 2014 | 9:00 AM ET 米国とロシアの真の「冷戦」は原子力発電の輸出をめぐるシェア争いである Javier E. David CNBC
Moscow has quietly taken the lead in the $500 billion market for nuclear exports, building the lion's share of new facilities?and by extension earning influence and good will in key regions around the globe?as the U.S. sits on the sidelines. ロシアは主に開発途上国向けに$500 billionの原子力発電関連の市場で大きな シェアを占めつつ有り、アメリカは取り残されている
Fueled in part by its bounty in natural gas and oil, Russia has transferred nuclear technology to a host of countries, including Hungary, Venezuela, Turkey and, most controversially, Iran. According to the World Nuclear Association, Moscow is building 37 percent of the new atomic facilities currently under construction worldwide, while nearly doubling its own domestic output by 2020. 世界原子力協会の調べではロシアは世界の新規原子力発電建設の37%のシェアを持 ち、ハンガリー、ベネズエラ、トルコ、イランなどで活動中
"The Russians view nuclear as an excellent export product," said Barbar a Judge, former chair of the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, in an interview with CNBC. "They are using it as part of their plan to establish themselves as a geopolitical economic power." 「これはロシアにとって素晴らしい輸出商品だ」と専門家のBarbarが言う
The verdict on Abenomics must be “so far so good”. Sceptics, though, will continue to wonder how Abenomics can defy what they regard as the forces of gravity. アベノミクスの評価というのは、現時点では結局、「今のところ順調」というものである。 これを批判する人達はしかし、彼らの言うところの重力の作用が、効いていない事に首を 傾げている
This is the story of MSNBC in a nutshell: It rose to prominence on its criticism of George W. Bush, peaked during Barack Obama's historic 2008 campaign, and, by criticizing Republicans and championing liberal causes, sustained its viewership in the years that followed. ブッシュ批判で有名なMSNBCは2008年のオバマ当選でピークに達したのだが、最近 では業績が悪化している。
MSNBC isn't seeing that growth, and it's not clear how it will. In a world where liberals wanted to be outraged by George Bush every night, or celebrate the rise of Barack Obama, MSNBC had a theory of the case. But now Obama's presidency has turned into a slog, and MSNBC isn't compelling. MSNBCの視聴者は増えていない。かってはリベラルな視聴者が毎晩、ブッシュガー を叫ぶ番組を楽しんでいたのだが、あるいはオバマ・マンセーに共鳴していたのだ が、今やオバマ大統領の人気低落によってMSNBCも苦境に有る(ry
The UN registered alarm this week as green investments fell in 2013 for the second straight year. The figure was $254 billion, down 12 percent from $289 billion in 2012, which was itself a 9 percent drop form the peak of $318 billion in 2011. Altogether, clean energy investments have soared from only $44 billion in 2004. ttp://www.realclearenergy.org/charticles/2014/01/17/clean_energy_investment_falls_worldwide_107466.html
・・・・That is a completely different view of reality than most observers of Northeast Asia have. To be charitable, the president may merely have been talking about getting closer trilateral “response” in the event of future North Korean provocation, but even that was left completely undefined and vague.
The same can be said for the president’s continued belief that China is somehow a partner of the United States. After meeting with President Xi Jinping of China in Brussels, the president again stated that the two sides are creating a “new model” of relations between Washington and Beijing. The new model increasingly seems to be one where China tries to revise international norms, supports destabilizing actors, and coerces its neighbors, while the United States does its best to ignore such actions. That would include such things as declaring an intrusive air defense identification zone over part of the East China Sea, violating Japan’s territorial waters, preventing the Philippines from resupplying troops on claimed territory in the South China Sea, supporting North Korea, and preventing stronger action on Iran, among others.
Federal prosecutors unsealed an indictment against state Sen. Leland Yee in court Wednesday, accusing him of conspiring to commit wire fraud and traffic firearms. In all, 26 people, including former school board president Keith Jackson, were indicted on charges related to an extensive crime ring headed by well-known Chinatown figure Raymond Chow, who was also arrested and charged Wednesday. The indictment alleges Yee and Jackson defrauded "citizens of honest services" and were involved in a scheme to traffic firearms in exchange for thousands in campaign donations to the senator. チャイナタウンの著名なボスであるRaymond Chowが水曜日に逮捕され、彼の関与する 犯罪集団の26人が起訴され、その中に州議会上院議員のLeland Yeeの起訴もあって彼 は武器密輸と汚職の容疑(後略)
コンピュータの歴史上で最も重要なソフトウェアプログラムの1つであるMS-DOSやWordのソース コードを公開するこのプロジェクトでは、1980年代に広く使用されたMS-DOSのバージョン1.1と 2.0、さらにMicrosoft Word for Windows 1.1aが公開されることになります。これは、若い世代の 技術者たちがパーソナル・コンピューティングのルーツがどんなものだったのかを見て理解 できるように、ということでスタートした模様。
MS-DOSをリリースした後、MicrosoftはDOSベースの最初のWordを1983年にリリース。さらに、 1989年にはWord for Windowsをリリースし、これが空前の大ヒットを記録します。どれくらい 売れまくったのかというと、1989年までの4年間に世界中で販売されていた文章処理ソフトの 約半分の収入をWord for Windowsが1つでたたき出したほど。
Foreign policy used to stand out as a not-so-bleak spot in the public's waning assessment of Barack Obama. Not anymore. He's getting low marks for handling Russia's swoop into Ukraine, and more Americans than ever disapprove of the way Obama is doing his job, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. 通常、外交政策は大統領支持率に影響は少ないのだが、今回のウクライナききはそう でもなさそうだ Despite the poor performance reviews, Obama's primary tactic so far ? imposing economic sanctions on key Russians ? has strong backing. Close to 9 out of 10 Americans support sanctions as a response to Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, the poll indicates. About half of that group says the U.S. sanctions so far are about right, while the other half wants to see them strengthened, the AP-GfK poll found. アメリカ人有権者の九割がロシアへの経済制裁を支持し、そのうち半数は制裁は適切と みるが、残りの半数はより強い制裁を希望 Most Democrats say the sanctions were OK, while a majority of Republicans find them too weak. 民主党の多くは制裁が適切とするが、共和党の過半は弱すぎるという Overall disapproval of the job Obama is doing ticked up to 59 percent ? a record high for his presidency ? in the poll released Wednesday. Obama's 41 percent approval rating is a sobering number for fellow Democrats running in this fall's House and Senate elections. 大統領支持率は41%、不支持率は59% Americans are now divided over which party they would rather see in control of Congress. Democrats held a slight edge over Republicans in the January AP-GfK poll. 共和党と民主党の支持は拮抗している
Obama gets lowest marks for his handling of the federal budget, immigration and the economy. Support for Obama's education policies, which had been a strong point, dipped into negative territory this month, too. 大統領の業績評価では、予算編成や移民問題、経済の処理で評価が低く、従来高かっ た教育政策の評価もマエナスに転じた Republicans have long criticized the president as too weak in asserting American power abroad. Yet until now, foreign policy hasn't been a drag on Obama's second term: Americans were about as likely to endorse his actions as to disapprove. 外交政策は従来、オバマ大統領の弱点ではなかったが、 Now he's hit a new low on international relations ? just 40 percent approval. 今回は外交問題の評価が40%の支持に低下 Majorities say they dislike Obama's handling of the Ukraine situation (57 percent) and his interactions with Russia (54 percent). 過半数の有権者(57%)は、オバマ大統領のウクライナ問題対処を評価しない。ロシア への対応は54%が評価しない。 Almost half of those polled say they support imposing tougher sanctions if Russia pushes into new regions or other countries; only 14 percent are opposed. That backs up threats from Obama and Western allies to target Russia's economy with damaging sanctions if President Vladimir Putin goes further. ロシアが侵略を広げるなら、より強い制裁を求める有権者は半数で、それに反対する人 は14%である。 About a third of those surveyed said they oppose giving monetary aid to nations targeted by Russia. Only about 20 percent approve of financial support, while the biggest share is neutral. This week Congress is considering $1 billion in loan guarantees for Ukraine sought by Obama. 有権者の3分の1がロシアン脅威の標的となった国への資金援助に反対。20%が金融支援 に賛成。有権者の最大部分はニュートラルである。 The idea of lending any type of military support to Ukraine is unpopular, the poll says. Obama has said there are no plans to use military force to dislodge Russia from the Crimean Peninsula. 軍事的支援については支持が少ない(後略)
・・・You could see how NATO was a bit in search of a mission post-Afghanistan ... and then Russia gave it an answer・・・
すんでのところでNATOは名存実亡状態になるところだった。↓ More broadly, budget cuts in defense in both the US and Europe, and shifting American attention to terrorism and, more recently, to China's military buildup, have called into question the global relevance of NATO, which was founded in 1949. ・・・
金持ちは、自分が何かをやるのは自分と家族と友人のためだけで、 庶民になんぞ嫌悪の念しかなく、連中を目にするのも嫌だ、と公言。↓ ・・・"If I do something, I do it for myself, I do it for my family and I do it for my friends… For nobody else, " says one interviewee, a hugely rich industrialist. Another, the troubled and driven scion of a big business dynasty, talks of the "contempt" he thinks he would feel for the workforce, who toil on the construction sites which make his family's fortune. He "thinks he would feel" because he has not actually viewed their prison-like accommodation, with its filth, disease, danger and overcrowding. To these people, and many others like them, the poor are invisible, airbrushed out of reality.・・・
印パ分離に伴う殺戮でインド人は変わってしまった。↓ ・・・the destruction in 1947 of the erudite, spiritual, syncretic civilisation that united Muslims and Hindus in the city. There are many earlier traumatic events too -- the razing of the city by a series of conquerors over a millennium -- but it is the massive violence that accompanied the partition of British India, the exodus of so many Muslims, the influx of huge numbers of scared, stunned, bitter refugees from the Punjab, which defined Delhi's dark soul.・・・
カネ、権力とその顕示、というのは、独立までのインドの金持ちのメンタリティーとは対蹠的。↓ Delhi's obsession with money, property, power and outward display is the "diametric opposite" of the detached, spiritual outlook of the city's wealthy before 1947,・・・
庶民は庶民で、女性の集団強姦の横行が、彼らのメンタリティーを示している。↓ The gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman on a bus on Delhi's streets in December 2012 marked an inflection point in the general narrative overseas about the city.・・・
これはNYTに掲載された、ユーラシアグループのIAN BREMMERの対ロシア政策の評論。 わたすは個人的にIAN BREMMERを、あまり好きではないのだけれど、この評論につい ては、頷ける点が・・ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/27/opinion/a-tortured-policy-toward-russia.html A Tortured Policy Toward Russia By IAN BREMMER MARCH 26, 2014 対ロシア政策の問題点 By IAN BREMMER
THE United States has once again twisted itself into a rhetorical pretzel. As when it threatened military action against Syria if a “red line” was crossed, the Obama administration’s rhetoric about Russia and Ukraine goes far beyond what it will be willing and able to enforce.
○制裁についての過剰なレトリックが危険であるのは、もしロシアが、現状以上にウ クライナの侵略併合を進めた時に、アメリカは本当に強力な制裁が出来るのか?と いう点に有る。たとえ、一時期の対イラン金融制裁のような強力な制裁をするとし ても、ロシアの影響力の大きさから欧州諸国が追従できない。 ・・・ if Russia pushes farther into Ukraine, America’s attempt at tougher Iran-style sanctions, coordinated with allies, will ultimately fail. Indeed, if Mr. Putin pursues a broader military campaign, a similarly robust response from both America and Europe is unlikely.
The Obama administration should focus on supporting Kiev rather than punishing Moscow. That means using its leverage with Europe to ensure that this support sticks, and that Ukraine’s new government does nothing to provoke an extreme response. This will require an acknowledgment of Russia’s core interests and America’s limitations ? and an end to empty threats.
>>788>>808 リーランド・イー「余胤良」カリフォルニア州議会上院議員の起訴はアメリカ国内でも 評判になっているようで、ツイッターをちょっと見ると、なんじゃコリャといった反応。 ついでに余胤良のツイッターはhttps://twitter.com/lelandyee/status/411936664286539776 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bobbie @Bobbie_B_ No words for this kind of hypocrisy. @JimmyPrinceton 12:25 PM - 27 Mar 2014
eyedoc11 @EyeDoc11 Too damn funny: "@LelandYee: A year after Sandy Hook, let us recommit ourselves to working towards a safer society for all of us.” 11:03 AM - 27 Mar 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *この事件でわかった、おもすろい現象の一つは、地位の有る人のスキャンダルが発生す ると、その人のツイッターなどのSNSの発言記録が、絶好の話のネタを提供するという・・
The San Francisco politician, referred to as “Uncle Leland” by his co-conspirators, explained to an undercover FBI agent how he could smuggle millions of dollars worth of automatic weapons into the United States from a Muslim separatist group in the Philippines, according to the FBI affidavit. - See more at: http://www.calnewsroom.com/201...
So, yes, there is a real danger that globalisation will fracture as it did 100 years ago ? and that the multilateralism of the second half of the 20th century will make way for the return of might-is-right multipolar conflict. As dangerous in such circumstances as Chinese over-reach would be a decision by the US to withdraw from the global stage as it did during the 1920s and 1930s.
・・・But the next six months -- the time leading up to the November midterms -- are a critical time for him and his party. Can Obama turn around doubts about his ability to manage the country and, in so doing, improve his overall job-approval numbers? If not, he could find himself without a Democratic- controlled House or Senate in January 2015, making any attempt to build a second-term legacy that much more difficult.
(Reuters) - A law firm hired by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to investigate the "Bridgegate" scandal exonerated the potential Republican presidential contender on Thursday in a report quickly dismissed by critics as whitewash. 知事に依頼された法律事務所によるブリッジゲート事件の内部調査報告書が提出され、 次期大統領候補の一人とされる知事の疑惑について、関与を否定する結論を出した。 リベラル陣営は、知事の疑惑隠しだと言っている
The review cleared every member of Christie's current staff, but blamed former members of his inner circle whom he fired soon after a scandal erupted over the September 2013 shutdown of traffic lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, New Jersey. "What we found was that Governor Christie had no involvement in the decision to close these lanes and no prior knowledge of it," said attorney Randy Mastro of the law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, which was hired to conduct the investigation. 報告書は、橋の閉鎖を知事が知ることはなく、何らの関与もないとしている。(後略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *この事件は保守とリベラルの陣営が有力候補に泥を投げて引きずり下ろすかどうか、 という政治キャンペーンのイメージ闘争中なので(ry
Barack Obama has labeled Russia a "regional power" that is acting out of weakness rather than strength. That may be so. But the US president's own foreign policy legacy depends heavily on Vladimir Putin -- and Europe. オバマ大統領はロシアを地域覇権国とした。弱さの中で強みを持つ国という。 それはそうなのかも知れないが、アメリカ大統領の今後の外交政策は大いに ロシアと欧州に依存している、
Russian power is certainly not what it used to be and ・・・ But indirectly, Russia does present a grave danger -- to Obama himself. Putin is threatening Obama's credibility as the leader and guarantor of the West. No matter how Obama views Russia, the Ukraine crisis and how he chooses to confront Putin will be decisive for his foreign policy legacy. That he ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is certainly worthy of praise. But a triumph of his own making remains to be seen. ・・・・・ Much is dependent upon Chancellor Angela Merkel and other EU leaders; such appears to be the consensus in Washington. Will the EU and US show unity and a willingness to accept potential economic burdens that may result from their response to Russia? Or will the trans-Atlantic relationship suffer anew?
In short, Europe's path will have a decisive impact on the future foreign policy course charted by the world's last remaining superpower. Obama's legacy hangs in the balance.
Some 52 percent of voters think the country is weaker and less powerful today than it was six years ago. That’s three times the 17 percent who say the country is stronger and more powerful. About 3 in 10 think it is unchanged (29 percent). 6年前との比較で、アメリカは弱体化したと見る人は57%、強大になったと見る人は 17%、変わりなしと答えた人は29%
Last year, 48 percent said weaker, 24 percent stronger and 27 percent unchanged (Feb. 2013). 同じ調査で、昨年は、弱体化したと見る人が43%であった The number of Democrats saying the country is stronger now has dropped 11 percentage points: it’s 32 percent today, down from 43 percent in 2013.
Furthermore, the number that believes the U.S. is the world’s “most dominant power” has dropped 26 points since 2002: 85 percent felt that way then, while 59 percent say the same today. 更に、アメリカが世界一の覇権国と見る人は59%で、2002年の85%から大きく低下
More voters disapprove (46 percent) than approve (38 percent) of how the Obama administration is handling the situation in Ukraine. ウクライナをめぐるオバマ大統領の対応を支持する人は38%で、不支持は46%である (後略)
President Obama, in an interview in Rome with "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Scott Pelley, said Russia must take steps now to reduce tensions over Ukraine.
Asked what he's seeing on the Ukrainian border that worries him, Mr. Obama replied, "It's well known and well acknowledged that you've seen a range of troops massing along that border under the guise of military exercises. But these are not what Russia would normally be doing. And, you know, it may simply be an effort to intimidate Ukraine or it may be that they've got additional plans."
To resolve and de-escalate the situation right now, Mr. Obama said Russia needs "to move back those troops and to begin negotiations directly with the Ukrainian government, as well as the international community."
Turning to Vladimir Putin and what he wants, Mr. Obama said the Russian president has been "willing to show a deeply held grievance about what he considers to be the loss of the Soviet Union."