For starters, despite what some have argued to the contrary, nuclear power remains one of the least expensive low-carbon energy options available ? comparable to large hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass on a levelized cost basis without subsidies, and far cheaper than solar PV and offshore wind. 世間には誤ったコスト試算があるけれど、原子力発電は依然として低炭素排出のエネ ルギー・オプションとしてもっとも安価で、水力、地熱、バイオマス、太陽光、風力 よりも安価である。 (略) According to an analysis by the Breakthrough Institute, Germany’s current installed solar panels will end up costing ratepayers $130 billion over the next 20 years through above-market-rate feed-in tariff contracts, compared to $15 billion for a state-of-the-art nuclear reactor that will generate over half the electricity of Germany’s entire solar fleet over a similar 20-year period. Breakthrough研究所の分析によれば、ドイツは既に導入済みの太陽光パネルの電力の 買取価格のために、今後20年間に1300億ドルを支払う。最新型の原子力発電所は150 億ドルでドイツの全太陽光発電量の半分の電力を20年にわたって供給できる。 (略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *一部の「再生可能エネルギー厨」の言うように、再生可能エネルギーが原子力発電 よりも「安価で安全」であれば、中国、韓国、ロシア、インド、ブラジルえとせとら の諸国は、原子力発電なぞ見向きもせずに、そちらに逝っていることであるらめ。特 にお金にうるさい中国などは(ry
Riyadh has promised to send $5bn and Abu Dhabi $3bn in a mix of cash, central bank deposits and oil products, as the new Egyptian administration grapples to halt the slide in the pound and stave off a foreign exchange reserves crisis. The funds are a much-needed “lifeline”, said Mohamed Abu Basha, an economist at EFG-Hermes, the regional investment bank (略) The commitments from the two oil-rich Gulf states dramatically underscore the impact of events in Cairo on the wider Middle East political order, with the UAE and Saudi Arabia delighted at the toppling of the Islamist president Mohamed Morsi favoured by their neighbour Qatar. (略) While the Saudi and UAE aid pledges may lift international investor sentiment about Egypt in the short term, there will also be caution until the funds are deposited. Past delays between promises and delivery of Gulf cash have left many observers sceptical about whether aid packages from the region are as significant as they sometimes initially seem.
DEBKAによれば、サウジアラビアとUAEのエジプト新政権への支援の内容は --------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// EXCLUSIVE: Saudi, UAE transfer $7bn in aid to Egyptian army DEBKAfile July 9, 2013, 7:03 PM (GMT+02:00)
Saudi Arabia transferred $4 billion to the Egyptian army Tuesday in aid - $2 billion deposited in cash to the central bank in Cairo. Riyadh later announced a gift of $1 billion worth of gas and $1 billion available for propping up the Egyptian currency, DEBKAfile reports exclusively. Another $3 billion transfer was due from the United Arab Emirates after a UAE delegation spent a few hours in Cairo Tuesday. This emergency financial assistance is a vote of support by Riyadh and the UAE for the military coup which deposed the Muslim Brotherhood. It aims to tide the military over and keep the Egyptian economic functioning in until the political situation in Cairo is stabilized
ttp:// More than 650 questioned on Cairo clash which left 51 dead DEBKAfile July 9, 2013, 5:28 PM (GMT+02:00) 月曜日のカイロの衝突事件の調査のため政府は650人に聞き取り調査
Egyptian authorities are questioning 650 people to establish what started the deadly clashes outside Republican Guards barracks in Cairo Monday, in which more than 51 people were killed. The Muslim Brotherhood accuses the army of shooting live bullets and tear gas at a peaceful sit-in of their supporters outside the barracks where deposed President Morsi is held. Some witnesses confirm the army’s contention that Brotherhood supporters attacked the military facility, attesting to firing on both sides. ムスリム同胞団は政府側の銃撃で51人死亡と言っているけれど一部の証人は 同胞団が政府側警備陣を攻撃としていて情報錯綜。このため政府は650人の 調査によって事実解明を計画。
But outside air safety experts said the statements suggest a risky reliance on technology when the flight crew should have been constantly monitoring the airplane's speed. "Whether it was engaged or not working is almost irrelevant," said Barry Schiff, a former TWA pilot and an air safety consultant. "The big mystery of Flight 214 is why in God's name did these two pilots sit there and allow the air speed to get so low." Experts said the pilots should have been monitoring the plane's speed every few seconds, and could have manually taken control of the engines at any time.
Auto-throttles, which are connected to an airplane's flight management computers, allow pilots to select the appropriate speed for takeoff, cruising or landing. The devices automatically make corrections if there are deviations from the setting.
Jon Russell, a veteran airline pilot and safety official for the Air Line Pilots Assn. on the West Coast, said the auto-throttle is a valuable tool. "I don't know what happened. It just doesn't make sense," said Russell, noting that the pilots were very experienced in Boeing aircraft. "The situation deteriorated a lot farther than it should have."
"But let me be clear: the crew is required to maintain a safe aircraft, which means that they need to monitor. They have a monitoring function, all three of them in the cockpit. One of the very critical things that need to be monitored on approach to landing is speed," she said.Asiana Airlines pilots s ay auto-throttle didn't maintain landing speed
The chart below shows the dollar-lira exchange rate today. Despite all of the dollars being sold into the market by the CBRT, the lira keeps weakening against the dollar.
In a dazzling display of monetary muscle, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates poured $8 billion in a single day into the coffers of Egypt’s army rulers in cash, grants, loans without interest and gifts of gas, a dizzying life-saving infusion into its tottering economy. Forking out sums on this scale in a single day ? or even month - is beyond the capacity of almost every world power ? even the US and Russia - in this age of economic distress. The Arab oil colossuses managed to dwarf Iran’s pretensions to the standing of regional power. 昨日サウジアラビアとUAEがエジプトへの80億ドルの金融支援を決めた後クエートも 此れに協調して40億ドルの支援を約束、総額は120億ドルという大規模なものに成っ た。無金利ローンやキャッシュの提供、天然ガスの提供などが含まれ経済的に窮地に あるエジプトの政権の生命維持に貢献する。(クエートの支援は27日の議会選挙後に 公表される)
Tuesday, July 9, just six days after the Egyptian army overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi, a UAR delegation of foreign and energy ministers and national security adviser landed in Cairo. They came carrying the gifts of $1 billion as a grant and $2 billion in long-term credit. 9日にはUAEの代表団がカイロを訪問し経済支援を協議、20億ドルの長期ローンと10億 ドルの支援金をきめた
In well-orchestrated moves, Saudi Arabia then stepped forward with a $5 billion package, of which a lump sum of $2 billion was drafted to Egypt’s state bank that day, followed by another $2 billion as a gift of Saudi gas, and a further $1 billion for propping up the sagging Egyptian currency. 此れと同期してサウジアラビアが50億ドルの支援を決め20億ドルのキャッシュが即日 エジプト中央銀行に預金された。この他に10億ドルの支援、20億ドル相当の天然ガス の供与を約束
The delivery by two Arab governments to a third of financial assistance on this scale and on a single day is unheard of in the Middle East, or, indeed, anwhere else. As they celebrate Ramadan, 84 million Egyptians can start looking forward to a square meal at the end of their month of fasting. This river of largesse was the outcome of a development first revealed by DEBKAfile last week: The Egyptian military high command was not working alone when its operations headquarters put together the July 3 takeover of power from the Muslim Brotherhood; it was coordinated closely down to the last detail with the palaces of the Saudi and UAE rulers and the operations rooms of their intelligence services. この大規模支援の意味するところは、今回のエジプトのクーデターがエジプト軍部 の単独行動ではなく、サウジアラビアやUAEの諜報機関や指導者との協調による計画 であるということ
The last DEBKA Weekly issue 594 (July 5) carried details of the military- intelligence mechanism at work between the three governments. The coming issue, out next Friday, July 12, offers further revelations of how this mechanism is designed to shore up Egypt’s post-coup regime and restore the strife-torn country, the most populous in the Arab world, to its traditional eminence. Cairo is assigned a lead role in a Sunni Muslim bloc stretching from the Gulf to Cairo (with room for quiet collaboration with Israel) to withstand the challenges posed by the alliance of Russia, Iran, Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah.
The petrodollar shower for Egypt did not end with the $8 billion from Saudi Arabia and the UAE: Kuwait has pledged another $5 billion - later amended to $4 billion - in a secret communication to Riyadh. It will be released after the sheikhdom's parliamentary elections on July 27, and so raise total Gulf Arab bounty to Egypt to the staggering total of $12 billion. Friendly assistance on this scale tends to diminish the relevance of Washington’s dilemmas over the continuation of its $1.3 billion aid package to Egypt after a military coup, of which $700 is due this year. 総額120億ドルの支援というのはエジプト軍へのアメリカの金融支援、年間13億ドル に比べて巨大である
The suggestion that US aid may be used to hasten Egypt’s “swift return to a democratically elected civilian government” loses its force when Saudi Arabia and the UAE have both guaranteed to make up any shortfalls in US aid to Egypt. On June 26, Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Kadri Jamil boasted that Moscow, Beijing and Tehran were contributing half a billion dollars per month to Syria’s war chest. “It’s not so bad to have Russia, China and Iran on your side,” he gloated. Egypt can now boast to have far outstripped Syria in foreign support - $12 billion in a single month, compared with a mere $6 billion in a year. 6月26日にシリア副首相のKadri Jamilは、(ロシア政府+中国政府+イラン政府) がシリアに毎月5億ドルの支援をしていると自慢げに語った。これは年間60億ドル になるけれど、エジプトはこの1ヶ月に120億ドルをゲトしている
○Half of Fed members think ‘QE’ should end this year ○Excerpts from the minutes of latest Fed monetary-policy meeting ○Economist: Uncle Sam could net $458 billion in bond buyback ○Adam Posen says Fed is about to shoot U.S. economy in the foot -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// THE FED Archives | Email alerts July 10, 2013, 2:02 p.m. EDT Excerpts from the minutes of last Fed meeting FOMC議事録の重要部分の抜き書き -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOMC議事録 QE縮小には労働改善が必要2013/7/11 03:12 FOMC議事録 2 数人のメンバーがインフレの低下リスクが高まっていると指摘 掲載日時:2013/07/11 (木) 03:13 FOMC議事録 3 想定される成長加速示す一段の証拠を縮小前に確認したいとの意向 掲載日時:2013/07/11 (木) 03:15 FOMC議事録 4 複数のメンバー、資産買い入れ縮小が近く正当化されると判断 掲載日時:2013/07/11 (木) 03:16 FOMC議事録 5 QE終了後もかなりの間、現在の低金利が正当化される公算 掲載日時:2013/07/11 (木) 03:18 FOMC議事録 6 QE縮小の意図を明確に示せば柔軟性を制約 掲載日時:2013/07/11 (木) 03:20
“What is happening in Egypt is the fall of what is known as political Islam,” the Syrian president gloated to a newspaper mouthpiece of his regime, which is locked in savage combat with a rebellion that is being hijacked by Sunni Islamist groups. There is no doubt the pan-Islamist Brotherhood, a mythic movement since its foundation in 1928, has spectacularly self-destructed barely a year after Mr Morsi was elected president by a narrow majority. ・・・・ The Islamist political bandwagon, which picked up speed once the Arab spring upheavals placed the Brotherhood and like-minded groups at or near the centre of political gravity, has definitely seized up. Does the hubris of the Brotherhood in the land of its birth herald a setback for political Islam across the broader Middle East? The Morsi meltdown was as extraordinary as his ascent.
These pan-Islamists, with their siren call that “Islam is the solution”, were supremely organised as a semi-underground opposition. Yet once in power they seemed unable to find the levers of governance, instead devoting energy to a march through the institutions, with loyalty and secretiveness rather than efficiency and accountability as their watchwords. ・・・・
・・・・ Saudi Arabia, built on an alliance of absolute monarchy and Wahhabi Muslim absolutism, greeted the coup with unusual alacrity, delighted at the failure of a rival brand that purported to combine Islam and democracy. The United Arab Emirates, in the middle of a crackdown on the Brotherhood, could scarcely contain its glee. Sultan al-Qassemi, an Emirati commentator, tweeted that “Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak tried to get rid of the Brotherhood. Only Morsi succeeded”. ・・・・ As the Saudis, Emiratis and Kuwait pledge $12bn to Egypt, the Brotherhood’s former financial sponsors in Qatar and Turkey look to be the main losers, as region-wide tremors ripple from Gaza to Rabat.(後略)
Israel Thursday July 11 approved a major Egyptian offensive for curbing the mounting aggression in Sinai of armed Salafis gangs, Muslim Brotherhood raiders and Hamas terrorists. A day earlier, Egypt’s Second Army commander, Maj.-Gen. Ahmad Wasfi, who is assigned to lead the offensive, escaped unhurt from an attempt on his life. Some of his bodyguards and soldiers were killed. シナイ半島のイスラミスト勢力の鎮圧の任を受けたエジプト軍第二軍の指揮官であ るAhmad Wasfiが暗殺から逃れたがボディガードと兵士が殺される事件があり、この 後でイスラエルは11日にエジプト軍のシナイ半島での攻勢を承認した
Maj.-Gen. Wasfi arrived in Sinai just four days ago to set up headquarters in the northern town of El Arish. He was targeted for the first attempt by radical Islamists to murder a high-ranking Egyptian general. As a close associate of Defense Minister Gen. Fattah El-Sisi, Wasfi took part in the military coup which ousted President Mohamed Morsi in Cairo on July 3. Around 30 Islamist gunmen laid in ambush for his convoy Wednesday, DEBKAfile's sources report. As the cars drove past Sheikh Zuwayed, southwest of El Arish, they came under a hail of RPG anti-tank rockets and explosive devices. A minivan then drove the length of the convoy shooting heavy machine guns and armor-piercing bullets, trapping the Egyptian troops and officers in the blazing vehicles and gunning down those who tried to escape. エジプト軍最高司令官・国防相であるFattah El-Sisiに親しいWasfi将軍は4日前に シナイ半島の北部の町、El Arishに本部を設置した。彼も国防相とともにクーデター を企てた主要人物である。彼のコンボイは水曜日に約30名のイスラミスト武装派に襲
A fierce shootout ensued in which a number of attackers suffered losses, Egyptian military sources say. The minivan’s driver was captured and is under interrogation. 銃撃戦の結果、攻撃したイスラミストに被害がありミニバンのドライバーが拘束され尋 問を受けているという
Tuesday, at the same location, two buses carrying Colombian peacemakers serving with the multinational force-MFO at the Sheikh Zuwayed base were also waylaid and shot up. 同じ地域で火曜日に多国籍軍、コロンビアの平和維持部隊を載せたバスが銃撃を受けて いる
Of deep concern to the Egyptian and Israeli high commands is the Salafist assailants’ prior knowledge of the timing and route taken by Gen. Wasfi’s convoy in Sinai, because it means that Islamist terrorists have penetrated Egypt’s military apparatus in Sinai and gained an inside track on its activities. この事件でWasfi将軍の移動ルートや時間がイスラミストに知られていたことについて、 エジプトとイスラエルの双方が深い憂慮を示した。これはイスラミスト、サラフィストが シナイ半島のエジプト軍の組織に入り込み内部情報を得ていることを意味する。
With Israel’s consent (in line with the 1979 peace treaty), the Egyptian army last week withdrew substantial strength from the Suez Canal towns of Port Said and Ismailia and deployed the troops in Sinai ahead of the offensive. On the other side of the Sinai border, Israeli Defense Forces are heavily deployed along the Sinai and Gaza border fences and in the southernmost sector of Eilat. They are on high alert on intelligence that the armed Islamists plan to retaliate for an Egyptian assault by attacking Israel. 1979年のエジプトとイスラエルの和平合意事項によってエジプト軍は先週、スエズ運河 沿いのPort Said と Ismailiaから一部兵力を引き上げシナイ半島での攻勢に向けている。
There is also concern that such attacks would draw in radical Palestinian Hamas fighters. They have nothing to lose after their Muslim Brotherhood patrons in Cairo were overthrown and have little to expect from the army. Indeed, the generals in Cairo suspect Hamas of abetting the Brotherhood’s declared “uprising” by organizing a center of armed resistance in Sinai as its launching base for a combined Islamist revolt against the new regime in Egypt. 憂慮されていることはラディカル・パレスチナのハマス勢力がカイロのムスリム同胞団 の政権喪失から過激化することで、ハマスはシナイ半島でのイスラミストの反乱の扇動 者になっている。彼らは武装レジスタンス組織をシナイ半島に作りカイロのエジプト軍 の政権への攻撃拠点にしている
Their suspicions were confirmed by the placards of Mohamed Morsi alongside black al Qaeda flags affixed to the armed minivans used by the Salafists. For some days, Egyptian troops have been working non-stop to block the smuggling tunnels between Sinai and the Gaza Strip used hitherto to secrete weapons and fighters into Gaza. But now, the Egyptians are concerned to cut down the traffic of fighting men and weapons moving in the opposite direction to reinforce the Sinai Salafists. サラフィストの使ったミニバンにはモルシ元大統領のプラカードとともにアルカイダの 黒旗が取り付けられ、エジプト軍の憂慮を裏付けている。エジプト軍はシナイ半島のガ ザ地区への密輸ルートのトンネルを封止する作業にあたっている。このルートは武器の 輸送に使われてきたが、今やガザからシナイ半島のエジプト側に人や武器を運ぶものに なっている
A senior Egyptian official said Thursday that at least 150 Ezz a-Din al-Qassam operatives (members of the Gaza-based Hamas military wing) were seen heading into Sinai via the tunnels. Over the past few days, Egyptian security forces have killed and arrested around 200 militants in the Sinai Peninsula, killed 32 Hamas operatives and arrested another forty-five. エジプト軍高官によれば木曜日現在でガザ地区のハマス武装勢力であるEzz a-Din al-Qassam の組織員150人がトンネルでシナイ半島側に向かったという。この数日間でエジプト軍の 治安部隊はシナイ半島で200人以上の武装派を殺戮ないし拘束し32人のハマス構成員を殺戮 45人を逮捕している
By joining up with fellow groups, Hamas hopes to salvage something from its debacle in Cairo. An attack on Israel - or even the threat of terrorist operations - may be used as the Palestinian radicals’ bargaining chip with the Egyptian army for improving their position.
ttp:// Body of decapitated Christian merchant found in northern Sinai DEBKAfile July 11, 2013, 1:32 PM (GMT+02:00) シナイ半島北部で(コプト派)キリスト教徒の惨殺死体が見つかる
Magdy Habashi, 60, was the second Christian murdered in northern Sinai in less than a week. He was abducted Saturday from the town of Sheikh Zweid near El Arish and his decapitated body found early Thursday in a cemetery. Also last Saturday, Islamists gunned down a Coptic Christian priest Mina Abboud Sharobeen in an outdoor market. Earlier Thursday, in the same area, Islamist gunmen failed in their attempt to assassinate an Egyptian general. 北シナイ半島のEl Arishに近いSheikh Zweidでコプト派キリスト教徒のMagdy Habashiが土曜日に誘拐され斬首された死体で発見された。この1周間で2人めの 犠牲者。土曜日にはコプト派キリスト教の説教師、Mina Abboud Sharobeenを 銃撃している。先の木曜日にイスラミスト武装派によるエジプト軍将軍の暗殺 未遂事件も起こっている。
これは今日のFTに掲載されている分析記事。中国のシャドーバンキングについては 内容の不透明なところが多く正確な実態の把握も難しい。一部のヘッジ・ファンド は、これをアメリカのサブプライムと同類(不動産バブルに関連した担保などの不 十分なローンや金融商品のつみあげ)とみて、その崩壊を予想し、その機会に大儲 けすることを狙っているという。もっとも中国国内の金融市場でヘッジファンドの 活動する機会は無いので、香港市場で経営基盤の弱そうな中国の中小銀行の株をシ ョートすることに成る云々 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// July 11, 2013 6:52 pm Finance: Money for nothing By Henny Sender China’s $1tn shadow banking sector has become a concern and an opportunity 中国の1兆ドルのシャドーバンキングは関心の的になり、それに儲ける機会を探るむきも
Over the past six months, analysts working for Argyle Street Management have been fanning out across China to visit local bank branches. Argyle, a Hong Kong-based hedge fund, wanted to know more about some of the products these banks were selling to their clients ? in particular high-yielding wealth management products. 香港のヘッジ・ファンド、Argyle Street Managementは過去6ヶ月間、中国各地の銀行 を訪問して、それら銀行の金融商品であるWMP(ウエルスマネジメント金融商品)につ いて調査をしてきた。
It quickly became apparent that these products were very popular with the banks’ clients and it was easy to see why. They paid yields above 7 per cent, far more than the meagre amount offered on deposits. Less apparent was what these clients were actually investing in, or under what terms. 調査の結果わかったことは、これらのWMPはとても人気の商品で、銀行の顧客は7%という (中国の預金金利に比べて)高いイールドがその理由。しかし、それらWMPの資金が実際 に何に融資されているのかは投資家にはよく解っていない
Some involved loaning money to buy land for property developments, despite banks not being allowed to lend money for land acquisition. Others involved investing in the pet projects of local governments, such as building roads in remote border areas or the debt of water pipelines. In many cases, the loans being offered to potential investors had virtually no conditions to protect the lenders, while the collateral ? if there was any ? often consisted of unnamed items or personal guarantees. WMP資金の融資先の一部は不動産の購入に当てられている。銀行が不動産購入目的の為の 融資に応じることは禁止されているのだが(シャドーバンキングはその規制をかいくぐっ ている)他の一部は地方政府の開発プロジェクトに回されている。いずれの場合にも充分 な担保はない。 A week before, the same analyst came across another wealth management product promising a 12 per cent yield without a word on the actual underlying investment project. 先週には、このアナリストは12%のイールドを約束するWMPに遭遇している。これも、そ の資金の融資先は知らされていない。
After much digging, investors at Argyle and other local hedge funds concluded that there would be a cascade of defaults on the projects behind these wealth management products ? and that the banks would be forced to compensate clients in the name of social stability, wiping out their equity capital in the process. These hedge funds are putting money behind that conviction by shorting the shares of some of the weaker banks, which are listed in Hong Kong. Their strategy recalls the way some hedge funds bet that the US mortgage boom would end badly. 中国での調査の後でこのヘッジ・ファンドはWMPがアメリカのサブプライムと同じように 大変脆弱であると結論づけた。そのためこのヘッジ・ファンドは中国の一部の脆弱な銀行 の株を香港市場でショートすることに・・(後略)
The pilot at the controls of the Asiana Airlines 020560.SE +0.21% jet that crashed in San Francisco last weekend had spent thousands of hours flying Airbus planes, but only about 40 hours flying the model involved in the crash, a Boeing BA +1.31% 777. The discrepancy highlights the broad training challenges all pilots face when switching between aircraft models with starkly different cockpits and flight-control systems. アシアナ機の事故でパイロットはエアバス機の数千時間の操縦経験をもつけれど、B777 については僅か40時間の経験しか持っていない。コックピットやフライト・コントロー ル・システムの異なる航空機間の違いがパイロットの訓練の調査の対象になっている
But for roughly the past decade before moving over to the 777, Mr. Lee flew only smaller, single-aisle Airbus A320s, which, among other things, differ vastly in the automated systems used to maintain speed and engine thrust. Now investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board are delving into the extent of the ground and simulator instruction Mr. Lee received prior to making that transition, according to people familiar with the probe, and whether that training might be a factor in how he reacted to the predicament that confronted the crew of Flight 214 before the crash. このパイロットの経験はエアバスA320のものであるが、この機体は速度やエンジン推力 の自動維持システムに違いがある。NTSBはパイロットの受けた訓練についての詳細な調 査を進めている。 (以下にエアバスとB777のauto-throttleの違いについての解説があるけれど省略)
Japan Will Help Kenya Unlock Its Geothermal Potential
Kenya has some lofty goals when it comes to geothermal power. The African nation already has about 200 megawatts of installed geothermal capacity, but the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has committed $18.4 million to help Kenya reach its goal of five gigawatts of geothermal capacity by 2020.
U.S. Navy CNO Admiral Jonathan Greenert, in his speech, on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that it intends to exercise collective self-defense issues, said: 'If the exercise of collective self-realization, Japan, United States and Japan The carrier can be created between the PTU. 'Greenert expressed for the United States and Japan to build aircraft carrier PTU expectations.(ry
Many signs suggest that the political honeymoon enjoyed by China's new leadership under President Xi Jinping is coming to an end. On the economic front, the news is bleak. 習近平政権のハネムーン期間は終わり経済は危うい様相 ・・・・ For China's new leaders, dependent on support from a small ruling elite, political hedging may seem like smart politics. They may simply be waiting for the right moment to strike. But it is equally possible that such hedging is just an attempt at muddling through. Unfortunately for China and the rest of the world, muddling through is not an option. 少数の政治エリートの支持に依存している習近平は、今直ぐに大胆な改革に進むより はヘッジングしておくに留まることが賢明なのかもすれないけれど、残念ながらそう いう「何とかやりくりして当面の危機を回避してゆく(muddling through)」オプシ ョンは上手く働かない ・・・・ It will also have to cope with fast-moving developments, including a possible financial crisis and bolder calls for political liberalization over the coming year. When faced with these litmus tests, Chinese leaders will have no choice but to show us what they really stand for. 今後、重要な事態の展開に直面する時、つまり金融危機や政治改革のリトマステスト に直面することだろうが、そうなれば彼らの真の姿が現れるだろう。
There were at least seven deaths, Interior Minister Manuel Valls said on BFM TV, adding that the toll was “likely to grow.” The newspaper Le Parisien said four people died in the accident. BFM TV said the train had about 350 passengers. Authorities fear “numerous victims,” AFP reported.
The source of a fire on an empty Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 787 in London today has not been determined, but early photos from the scene do not line up with damage done by the failures of the jet's lithium ion batteries earlier this year. Photos from London show damage to the outside of the plane, near its tail ? not close to any of the battery locations. The damaged area is circled in yellow this diagram: 出火したB787の写真を見ると出火場所は尾部で、バッテリーのある場所と異なる ようにみえる
Guy Norris, who has authored multiple books about the Boeing 787, wrote on Aviation Week that today's images "show that the blaze was probably not connected with the lithium-ion battery problems which grounded the aircraft earlier this year." B787について複数の著書のあるGuy Norrisはアビエーションウイークに書いてい る記事で「出火はおそらくリチウムイオン・バッテリーと関係していないだろう」 という
これは今日のFTにある社説で、BBCの構造的問題への批判と組織改革の必要性を論じ ているもの -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// BBC needs to tune in to harder times July 12, 2013 6:56 pm Broadcaster needs better governance and accountability BBCは時代に適合して、よりよい管理運営と説明責任を果たすべき FT社説
Funded by taxpayers yet independent of political control, the BBC occupies a unique and privileged place in British public life. The corporation enjoys huge freedom to interpret its remit as the nation’s broadcaster. But with that comes an obligation to tread wisely and to husband its resources with care. Recent scandals about lavish severance payments to former senior employees and vast sums wasted on a technology project suggest that on both scores it has fallen well short of the mark.
Several simple reforms suggest themselves. First, the BBC should have a proper executive board, with a separate chairman rather than the current imperial regime where the director-general performs both roles. The Trust chairman would be the obvious choice. いくつかの組織改革が必要。第一にBBCは適切な取締役会を持つべきで、会長は現在 のような現業組織のトップとの兼業ではない形が必要。BBCトラストの会長がこの任 に当たるのが適当であろう
Second, with discussions on charter renewal starting soon and value for money high up the agenda, the BBC should give the National Audit Office much greater freedom to investigate its activities on behalf of the public. 第二にBBCのチャーターと、BBCへの税金支払の適切性の議論が再開されるが、BBC は(国家・会計)監査局に、より多くの調査の自由を認めるべきである。監査局の監査 は国民のために、なり変わってそれを行うものである
Lastly, there is the regulator. The Trust must be beefed up or replaced. Ofcom should be considered as an alternative. 第三に規制の問題。BBCトラストは強化されるか取り替えるか、されるべきである。 BBCトラスト(BBCの現業の運営から独立した管理組織で納税者側の視点で費用の監視 を行う権限を持つ)を置き換えるならOfcom(Office of Communications、郵便・通信・ 放送の規制事務局)が適当であろう
In austere times, the BBC cannot rely on its historic prestige to sweep aside complaints about overspending and weak governance. The scandals are a deserved wake-up call that it must heed. 緊縮の時代にはBBCは無駄使いや管理の不十分を、伝統的歴史的な名声でもって一掃 するというわけにはゆかない。スキャンダルは目覚ましであり傾聴されるべきである
これは大紀元ではなくて(国務省のバックアップする)RFAの記事なのだけれど ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Red Cross Allegations Shine Light on China Organ Trade 2013-07-12 中国赤十字の臓器売買疑惑が明るみに出る事件が発生 UPDATED at 3:25 p.m. EST on 2013-07-12
Allegations that the Chinese Red Cross has been involved in trading transplant organs for cash have highlighted a booming underground business in vital body parts, lawyers said this week. State media reports recently alleged that hospitals in the two provinces of Jiangsu and Guangdong had been approached by local branches of the Red Cross Society of China for payments of 100,000 yuan (U.S. $16,300) for each successful organ donation. 今週の中国国営メディアの報道によれば江蘇省と広東省の病院で中国赤十字 の地方組織が臓器移植に関連した臓器の売買にかかわり10万元の価格で臓器 の提供を行った疑惑から捜査を受けた。この事件はアングラ市場での臓器の 取引のブームを暗示する
The reports prompted the branch of the Red Cross to release a statement this week saying that it has worked on 25 cases with the General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Area Command and admitting that the hospital had contributed 150,000 yuan (U.S. $24,400) to promote organ donation. 中国赤十字の深セン支部は深セン軍事ジェネラル病院での25件の臓器移植に 関わって臓器の提供のために15万元を病院から得たと報道されている(後略) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- もちろん、(この手の問題の報道の老舗である)大紀元もこの事件を報じていて ttp:// 中国赤十字、臓器提供のあっせん料を要求 事実上の売買か
US officials early Saturday, July 13 named Israel as responsible for the July 5 air strikes against the big arms depot at a Syrian naval base in the Alawite port city of Latakia. Dispelling conflicting reports, three US officials asserted that Israel had conducted the air strikes for demolishing the advanced Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles stored there. 土曜日にアメリカ政府高官は先の7月5日のシリア、Latakiaへの空爆はイスラエル に依るシリア軍基地に対するもので貯蔵されていたロシア製のYakhont対艦ミサイ ルなどを破壊するためと語った
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that three strategic arsenals were targeted: One consisted of weapons mostly delivered by Russian air freights in the last two months for the Syrian-Hizballah offensive to recapture Aleppo. A second contained the supersonic Yakhont anti-ship missiles (NATO codenamed SS-N-26) plus their radar systems; and the third, the Syrian army’s strategic reserve of missiles and ammunition, stored there for an emergency, such a possible forced Syrian army retreat to the Alawite region - or even Lebanon. DEBKAの情報によれば、この基地には3種類の戦略兵器があってイスラエルの空爆 の対象となった。(1)武器弾薬、大半が過去2ヶ月二ロシアから空輸されたもので Aleppoでの反政府勢力との戦闘を支援する。(2)Yakhont対艦ミサイル(SS-N-26) およびレーダーシスステム(3)シリア軍の緊急用のミサイル備蓄
It is important to note that, although Moscow was perfectly aware that the advanced Russian weapons supplied to Syria were put in the hands of the Lebanese Hizballah, the consignments were not only not suspended but expanded. Moscow is therefore directly arming HIzballah with advanced weapons. ここで重要なことはロシアがシリアに依るヒズボラの戦力増強に完全に同意して いる(先進的武器を供与する)ことである
During the attack, neither Syrian radar nor that of the Russian warships cruising off the Syria coast registered any aircraft or missiles heading for the Latakia depot. They were therefore unable to positively identify the source of the explosions. Israel and the IDF held their silence ? hoping that matters would stay that way, unlike their air strike of May 5 which destroyed Iranian arms shipments for Hizballah stored in the Damascus area, when American sources made haste to finger Israel. This time, too, after a few days’ pause, Washington again broke the story. 7月6日の空爆についてイスラエルもシリアも沈黙を守ってきた。5月5日の イランからの武器のヒズボラへの輸送を阻止するためにダマスカス近郊を 空爆した時もアメリカ政府がイスラエルの行動と指摘している。今回も、 事件から暫くおいてアメリカ政府がイスラエルの軍事行動を指摘している
This step coincided with US President Barack Obama’s early Saturday phone call to Saudi King Abdullah to discuss the Syrian crisis. They may have discussed a potential Russian or Syrian reprisal for the Israeli air strike. このアメリカの行動は土曜日早朝のオバマ大統領からサウジアラビアの Abdullah王への電話会談に同期している。両者はシリア危機についてロシ アあるいはシリアのイスラエルの報復の可能性について議論した
In their rough, acerbic encounter at the Black Sea resort of Sochi on May 14, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned President Vladimir Putin that if Russia sends advanced weaponry to Syria, such as S-300 anti-aircraft missiles or sophisticated radar for upgrading the Yakhont missiles, Israel would destroy them. Putin retorted that if Israel did this, Moscow would hit back. 此れに先立ち5月15日にネタニヤフ首相はロシアのシリアへの先端的な武器 の提供、S-300対航空機ミサイルや先進的レーダー、Yakhontミサイルなどに ついて警告している。イスラエルがこれらを破壊すればロシアの報復の可能 性がある。
After Israel’s air strikes over Damascus of May 5, Syrian President Bashar Assad said repeatedly, as did Hizballah and Iranian officials, that another Israeli attack on Syria would elicit an immediate Syrian reprisal. 5月のイスラエルに依るダマスカス近郊の空爆の後、アサド大統領はイスラ エルへの報復を言っている
The theme running through the Syrian and Hizballah warnings was a threat to open a new warfront against Israel from the Golan. And so, two days after the IDF detected Hizballah movements on the Golan opposite the Israeli border, the army spokesman Monday, July 8, announced the deployment of extra Israeli forces in the divided enclave. こうした状況からイスラエル側はゴラン高原のイスラエル国境の兵力を増強し てヒズボラの攻撃に備えている
Tuesday, July 9, a car bomb blew up at Hizballah’s office building in the Bir al-Abd quarter of South Beirut. A next-door Shiite mosque and a technical school were also hit. At least 53 people were injured. Hizballah did not admit that the targeted office building housed the intelligence and communications centers for its combat operations in Syria. When no organization took responsibility for the attack, Beirut and Tehran pointed the finger at Israeli intelligence as the culprit. 7月9日に南ベイルートでヒズボラの事務所の有るビルが爆破され54人が負傷し た。ヒズボラはこの建物がシリア向けの諜報と通信のセンターであることを認 めていない。この事件はどの組織も犯行声明を出していない。レバノン政府と イラン政府はイスラエルの諜報組織の犯行を疑っている。
>WASHINGTON, July 12, 2013 ? The USNS Montford Point departs San Diego today for Naval >Station Everett in the state of Washington. >The Montford Point is the U.S. Navy's first mobile landing platform. It was delivered to the Navy >in San Diego May 14. The vessel is expected to be fully operational in fiscal year 2015.
The fire on an unoccupied Ethiopian Airlines 787 Dreamliner at London's Heathrow Airport on Friday was "not related to flight safety," the carrier said Saturday. There are no indications that the batteries were related to Friday's blaze, which appeared to occur in the back of the plane far from where the batteries are located.
モルシ支持派:アメリカは軍部をサポートしている、ケシカラン "America now helps army, not [the] Egyptian people," said protester Alaa Reqaby.
エジプト軍支持派:アメリカはDQNなモルシに、まともな政府運営に務めるように強く 言うべきであったが、それを怠った "After the U.S. witnessed the dictatorial system by which Morsi was ruling, they should have had a stronger impact on them," said Saeed. "They [the U.S.] should have intervened more aggressively and firmly in order to make him feel that he's not going to get American support going out this way," added Saeed.
ヒースロー空港での787出火事件続報(FT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp:// Mark Mangooni, Ethiopian Airlines’ senior manager for the UK, said the incident on its Dreamliner at Heathrow appeared to involve a problem with its air conditioning system. He said a member of the aircraft’s crew had seen sparks, and alerted the authorities at Heathrow.
ttp:// Egyptian prosecution in spy probe against Morsi, MB leaders DEBKAfile July 13, 2013, 8:23 PM (GMT+02:00) エジプトはモルシ元大統領をスパイ容疑などで告発・調査
The deposed president and Muslim Brotherhood leaders are accused of espionage, mass incitement and wantonly sabotaging the national economy. Also under investigation is their suspected role, according to the prosecution, in the attack on the Egyptian border police post near Rafah in August 2012 in which 16 soldiers were killed. The prosecution claims it has incriminating video tapes of conversations in which Muslim Brotherhood leaders discussed the attack with armed groups in Sinai and the Gaza Strip. 告発の事由となった事件は2012年8月のRafah近郊の国境地帯で警備兵16名が 殺戮されたもの。起訴状によれば証拠とされるビデオにムスリム同胞団のリ ーダーとガザ地区の武装スンニ派の攻撃計画の相談が記録されているという。 この事件への関与疑惑に加えて、スパイ行為、大衆扇動、国の経済の管理に ついての気まぐれとサボタージュがあげられている;
ttp:// DEBKAfile first revealed deliberate Egyptian Apache Gaza over-flight DEBKAfile July 13, 2013, 5:25 PM (GMT+02:00) エジプト軍のアパッチ・ヘリがガザ地区で意図的な飛行を行う
Friday, July 12, DEBKAfile’s military sources revealed that an Egyptian Apache helicopter sighted over the Gaza Strip was not an off-course as first reported but a deliberate overflight to warn the Palestinian Hamas that they too were targeted - testimony of the mounting military cooperation between the Egyptian and Israeli armies.
此れはちょっとまだ検証できていない類の報道 ttp:// Obama talks to Saudi King Abdullah. No agreement DEBKAfile July 13, 2013, 11:19 AM (GMT+02:00) オバマ大統領とサウジアラビアの Abdullah王の金曜日の電話会談はシリアとエジプト を巡って意見が一致せず
The White House reported that President Barack Obama discussed the crises in Egypt and Syria with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Friday. Obama emphasized that the US will keep supporting the rebels seeking to oust President Bashar Assad and voiced concern about violence in Egypt and the need for an inclusive, democratic process to return a civilian government. DEBKAfile: Their conversation ended with the US president and Saudi king at odds on both Syria and Egypt.
【ロンドン=佐藤昌宏】14日付英紙サンデー・タイムズは中東の情報機関筋の話とし て、イスラエルが潜水艦から巡航ミサイルを発射し、シリア北西部ラタキアにあるシリ ア政府軍の貯蔵庫を攻撃したと報じた。 標的は、ロシア製「ヤーホント」対艦ミサイルとみられる。事実とすれば、イスラエル による海上からの攻撃は、シリア内戦が始まって以降、初めて。 (2013年7月15日00時11分 読売新聞) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Israeli submarine responsible for July attack on Syrian arms depot - report Get short URL Published time: July 14, 2013 12:44
Israeli submarines carried out the attack on an arms depot in the Syrian port city of Latakia on July 5, according to a report published in the British Sunday Times. US media previously claimed the offensive was carried out by the Israel Air Force. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *このイスラエルの攻撃というのは既に報じられている7月5日のラタキアのシリア軍の 基地へのもので、これまでイスラエル空軍の空爆と報じられてきたもの。シリアもイス ラエルも公的発表をしていないので不明の点が多い。サンデータイムズは潜水艦からの 巡航ミサイルの攻撃であったという。
The economic data was in line with expectations but confirmed an economic slowdown.
Markets will now be watching to see if policymakers support their 7.5% growth target for 2013.
Power consumption increased for the industrial sector, but industrial production moderation in June.
The decline in total social financing and broader money supply as indicated by M2 was because of the run up in interbank rates in June and the resulting cash crunch.
But "the robust new loans reading in June suggests that the backbone of China’s financing was still functioning even in a chaotic time," according to Bank of America's Ting Lu. Some economists expect declining nonbank and total credit growth in the second half of the year.
The export data showed both a decline in speculative Forex inflows and a weak external environment. But we did see a rise in commodity imports, which was helped by declining commodity prices.
The 10.8% rise in crude oil output, following the rise in crude oil imports suggests some improvement in investment activity.
Crisis Phenomenon Xia Bin, a former adviser to China’s central bank, said in a commentary on China Business News’s website today that “there is a de facto phenomenon of economic crisis in China.” The “eruption” of a crisis means bankruptcy for some companies and financial institutions, higher unemployment, reduced corporate and individual wealth along with a “withering of the economy,” Xia wrote.
Societe Generale’s Wei Yao notes several ‘puzzling details’. First is the way that capital formation conveniently soared to make up a decline in export growth: ソシエテ・ジェネラルのWei Yaoは、この統計データの「細部に幾つかのパズルの ような謎」があるという
First, the year-to-date contribution of gross capital formation rebounded strongly to 4.1ppt from 2.3ppt in Q1 and also a touch higher than the 4ppt in Q2 2012, which nearly offset the 1ppt decline in the contribution from net exports (0.1ppt ytd). 第一の疑問は、総資本形成(gross capital formation)の寄与度がQ1の2.3pptから Q2の4.1pptに増大しているが、此れは2012年Q2の4pptよりも高い。これはネット 輸出の落ち込みの寄与、1pptをオフセットしている
And then there’s the deflator: 次にデフレーターの問題 Second, nominal GDP growth Second, nominal GDP growth decelerated much more sharply from 9.6% in Q1 to 8%, as the deflator increased just 0.5% yoy (1.7% yoy in Q1). We find this deflator somewhat too low given the monthly inflation data published over the quarter. In comparison, Q4 2009 had much lower CPI, similar PPI, lower export price inflation and higher import price inflation, but yet the GDP deflator was significantly higher at 1.4% yoy. 第二に、名目GDPの成長はQ1の9.6%から減速して8%になっている。デフレーター は前年比0.5%になっている。Q1のデフレーターは1.7%であった。我々はこのデ フレーターの数字が月ごとに発表されているインフレ率から見て低すぎるように 思える。2009年のQ4はより低いCPIと同じようなPPIを持っていて輸出価格インフ レの低下とより高い輸入価格インフレがあったが、GDPデフレーターは今回よりも 高い前年比1.4%であった。
Indeed. Core inflation was 1.7 per cent in Q1, and 1.8 per cent in Q2, so it’s not clear why the deflator changed so drastically. (FT記者)コアインフレ率はQ1に1.7%、Q2に1.8%なのでデフレーターのQ1から の変化は何に依るのか理解し難い ttp:// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *うむ、なんとなく、1%程度の影響度の、説明の難しい変化がQ2のGDPの詳細項目 に紛れ込んでいるようにも見えて・・
? The second is that the composition of growth worsened last quarter. 5.9 percentage points (pp) of Q2’s growth came from investment, a massive increase on the 2.3pp contribution in Q1, and the highest since Q2 2010. The contribution from consumption dropped from 4.3pp to 2.5pp. Net exports had a negative contribution for the first time in a year. GDP構成要素の個人消費はQ1の4.3%が2.5%に低下、固定資産投資が増大、5.9%に
? We previously argued that there seems to be a seasonal pattern that elevates consumption in Q1. As such, the apparent slowdown in Q2 may not be as dramatic as first appears. The big picture though is that investment, rather than consumption, remains the key driver of growth. (See Chart 2.) We estimate consumption growth at 5.6% y/y last quarter, the lowest in three years. 個人消費比には季節要因が有り、此れは以外ではないが投資の伸びは印象的
? All in all then, today’s figures were arguably something of a relief, despite being in line with consensus. But we would be more confident if we could see that China’s slowdown was being accompanied by a shift in the drivers of growth from investment to consumption. As long as investment remains the key driver, China’s economic imbalances continue to worsen. This in turn raises the threat of a disorderly unwinding of imbalances further down the road. 中国経済の成長鈍化が投資主導から個人消費主導に移行するなら(ソフトランデ ィングシナリオの上から)より信頼感をもてるのだが。投資の占める比率の高い ままであれば中国経済のインバランスは解消されない。その巻き戻しのリスクが 存在する。 (キャピタルエコノミクスの分析、FTアルファビレ掲載) ttp://
National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden possesses enough information to cause more damage to the United States government than "anyone else has ever had in the history" of the country, according to the journalist who first reported the former contractor's leaked documents.
Greenwald said "literally thousands" of documents taken by Snowden constitute "basically the instruction manual" for how the NSA is built. "In order to take documents with him that proved that what he was saying was true he had to take ones that included very sensitive, detailed blueprints of how the NSA does what they do," said Greenwald, adding that the interview took place about four hours after his last interaction with Snowden.
Suspending aid won't help Egypt or the United States during this critical period. And here's why.
●It's Just Not Logical ●The Military Is Really Popular (and America Is Not) ●Suspending Aid Won't Create Democracy
If the United States wants to play a positive role in this process, it will work quietly, not noisily, with the military and the other actors, pushing them all to be accountable, inclusive, and serious about how best to structure a transition that makes sense for Egypt and includes a Muslim Brotherhood that doesn't consider itself above the law. America should stand up for its principles but not be taken hostage by them in a way that ignores its other interests. And above all, the United States must come to terms with what should be stunningly obvious: Right now, Egyptian realities are far more relevant and important than American ones.
・・・・ The Beijing-led liquidity squeeze and directives to rein in China’s shadow financial system are hurting growth directly as many companies and local governments rely on this system for funding. Yet much of that money is now needed just to service debt. Trust and bond issuance by local governments, which fund much of China’s fixed asset investment, has more than doubled this year but fixed asset investment is up by just a fifth. Chinese local government loans have reached Rmb10tn ? a fifth of GDP. 中国の中央政府主導の流動性引き締めはシャドーバンキングを抑制するための措置で あるが、それは同時に多くの企業と地方政府とを傷つけるもので、それらはこのシス テムにファンディングを依存しているためだ。とはいえ、そのお金の多くは金利支払 いに使われている。地方政府の債券や信託発行は中国の固定資産投資の多くをファン ドするものであるが、今年は2倍以上になっているにもかかわらず、固定資産投資は 五分の一しか増えていない。中国の地方政府の負債は10兆元に達し、GDPの20%にあ たる。 Granted Chinese companies look cheap. Three of China’s big four banks, which make up over a sixth of the weight of the Hang Seng index by market capitalisation, trade below book value. Bank of China now trades at 0.7 times. But like China’s GDP figures, book values could be revised down many times yet. 中国の株価は安くなっているようにみえる。中国四代銀行の株価総額はハンセン指 標株価総額の六分の一を占めるが、そのうちの3行はブックバリュー以下で取引さ れ中国銀行(BoC)の株価はブックバリューの0.7倍である。しかしながら改訂を続け る中国のGDPと同じく、ブックバリューもこの先何度も引き下げられる事になるのか もすれない。
Of course, the reliability of China’s national accounts remains a matter for debate. Other indicators, such as railway freight, paint a less rosy picture than the official estimates of gross domestic product. But to the extent that government figures can be trusted, markets should draw some comfort from the fact that the slowdown has stabilised. The economy did marginally better in the second quarter than in the three months to March. もちろん、中国の経済統計の数字は(信頼性について)ディベートの対象である。鉄道 貨物輸送量などの数字はGDPの示すほどは良くない。しかし中国政府の公式の統計が全く 信頼出来ないと言うことではないので成長鈍化が安定的であることを市場は評価すべき である。Q2の経済はQ1より僅かに改善している。
Dig below the headline figure, however, and it is clear why 2013 remains a tricky year for China. Beijing wants to move away from its investment-led growth model. Yet in the three months to June, investment remained the single largest driver of economic expansion. Its contribution to growth was twice as large as consumption. Were local governments and state-owned enterprises to stop pouring cash into new buildings and roads, growth could suddenly stop. GDPの構成要素を見ると2013年が中国政府にとって運営の難しい年であることが明らか である。中国政府は固定資産投資の主導する経済成長モデルから離れて個人消費主導の モデルに移行したいのだが、Q2のGDPも寄与度を見ると投資は依然として個人消費の倍
Many officials in the provinces hope that Beijing will ride to the rescue. The challenge for the leadership is to make it clear that 6-7 per cent growth rates are the new normal. This helps to explain last week’s slip of the tongue by Lou Jiwei, finance minister. He appeared to hint that Beijing had revised down its 7.5 per cent growth target. Government-friendly media edited his words retroactively but this was after the statistical horse had bolted. 多くの地方政府は中央政府が成長促進のための施策をとることを期待しているが中央 政府にとってのチャレンジは6−7%成長というニューノーマルを明確にすることである。 先週、財務相のLou Jiweiは口を滑らせて政府が7.5%の成長目標を断念していると暗示 するような発言をした。国営メディアが事後に発言を書き換えることが起きている。
Some will blame Mr Lou for poor communication with the markets. But since China is a relatively closed economy with stringent capital controls, it makes sense for the leadership to put the domestic audience first. The lesson for investors is to concentrate their minds on how the economy does rather than what ministers say. There is no better way to sift reality out of the propaganda. この財務相の市場とのコミニュケーションの悪さを批判するむきがあるけれど中国のよ うな閉鎖的経済で資本管理の厳しい中では国内向けのメッセージを最重要と扱うことは 意味がある。(中国国外の)投資家は大臣発言の如何にかかわらず経済実態に目を向け るべきである。プロパガンダからリアリティを読み取る(見抜く)良い方法というのは 無いのだから。
Philippine Defense Minister Voltaire Gazmin explains his country's predicament: "At this point, we cannot stand alone. We need to form alliances. If we don't, bigger forces will bully us, and that is happening now." The People's Liberation Army is sniffing around the Philippines-controlled Second Thomas Shoal and last year took over the Scarborough Shoal off the coast of Luzon.
That is a mere 124 miles from Subic, and it's no coincidence that U.S. ships are suddenly more welcome there. Ship visits are on track to pass 100 this year, double the number in 2011. Two nuclear attack submarines made port calls last year as the standoff over Scarborough was peaking. Manila says it's prepared to spend $230 million to prepare a 70-acre facility at Subic to host U.S. warships and planes. ・・・ ・・・ A vocal minority will always oppose an American and Japanese presence no matter the circumstances. But the majority of Filipinos understand the benefits of partnership with their allies, just as they wanted the U.S. bases to remain in 1992. As President Benigno Aquino put it recently, "There are only two strategic partners that we have?it is America and Japan."
英国の世論調査、保守党支持が回復傾向で労働党と同水準に ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Tories draw neck and neck with Labour as Ukip support falls Conservative support surges to see main parties level for first time since March 2012 on 36% of the vote in Guardian/ICM poll Patrick Wintour, political editor The Guardian, Monday 15 July 2013 21.19 BST 労働党=36%、保守党=36%、LDP=13%、その他不明=15%
*この結果についてガーディアンの評論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// This poll is bad news for Labour, however you spin it Labour should be doing much better two years away from an election. Ed Miliband must grab the public's attention ? and soon Jonathan Freedland, Tuesday 16 この世論調査結果は労働党にとって悪いニュースだ。Ed Milibandは対策を打ち出す必要
・・・All of those lines of defence are true enough. But none of them stops this being bad news for Labour. The plain truth is that less than two years away from the next election, the party should be doing much, much better.
Views on Ed Miliband are now settled, and not in a positive way for the Labour leader. Ukip is a paper tiger. And all of this before the economic recovery that almost all analysts agree is finally on the way begins to bed in. As I wrote last week, the next election is David Cameron’s to lose. And at the moment he isn’t losing it, he’s winning it.