>>53 Windows はアプリの互換性は高いですよ。95 用に作った自作ソフトが 普通に 8 の 64bit で動きますし。よほど変なつくりにしてなければだいたい 動きます。 ハード関連では Vista で TV キャプチャ関連がとか最近の 64bit 化で 古いハードのドライバがないとかありますけど、Mac や Linux に比べれば 圧倒的に過去の資産は使えます。 Mac なんか OS がバージョンアップするたびに動かないアプリが続出 するし、ADB や IEEE1394 とか切り捨てまくってますけど。 Microsoft はよくやってると思います。普通に一般の人が使ってるわけで。 ソースがあっても一般の人はどうするんですかね?Linux 信者はこれだから。
北野氏の7年サイクル説は In a note to clients, Kitano points out that long yen declines like this actually happen about every seven years: Since the switch to the system of floating exchange rates in 1973, the dollar/yen rate has risen for at least seven consecutive months on six occasions including the present. It is a phenomenon that occurs once every seven years. We thus think it is too early to judge whether eight consecutive months of yen depreciation would reflect ‘structural change,’ as suggested by the Nikkei. Exhibit 1 shows the average dollar/yen rate in the 12 months before and after the month when these record-duration phases of yen depreciation ended. After an approximately 6% decline over 5?6 months, the dollar/yen rate starts to rise again. This is of course only the average pattern, with the year following the end of record-duration phases seeing a further 13% rise for the 1996 occasion, and a 14% decline in the case of 1990. Indeed, it is only with the benefit of hindsight that we know when a record-setting phase of yen depreciation ends. Here's Exhibi 解説のチャート ttp://static1.businessinsider.com/image/51a8bd9deab8ea672900001e-707-521/screen%20shot%202013-05-31%20at%2011.10.05%20am.png ttp://static1.businessinsider.com/image/51a8bff66bb3f7a64e000007-694-485/screen%20shot%202013-05-31%20at%2011.16.12%20am.png
According to the survey, 52 percent said they have a favorable view of Clinton, against 40 unfavorable. That’s down from her all-time high of 61 percent favorable and 34 unfavorable in February of this year. “Her score is down substantially from her all-time high score in February,” said Quinnipiac director of polling Peter A. Brown in a statement. “The drop in favorability is substantial among men, Republicans and independent voters. One reason for her drop may be that 48 percent of voters blame her either a little or a lot for the death of the American ambassador in Benghazi.”
The rise of the Chinese breast masseuse is just one of the many ways that the market has responded to the tainted infant formula crisis that has left millions of mainland mothers reluctant to feed domestic milk powder to their only offspring. Some have turned to infant formula made from goat milk, others are pinning their hopes on buffalo lactation. Many are breastfeeding longer than they would ideally want to, and some are even buying human breast milk online, for about $2 a bag on the online trading platform Taobao. オンラインのトレーディング・スポットで母乳を1パックあたり$2で販売する人も ・・・ Which probably makes breast massage a bargain: Ms Wu promises guaranteed milk flow ? for only Rmb500 maximum per mother. この騒ぎの中で、恐らく最も安上がりの対策は胸部マッサージ(で母乳の増加を 促す)と思えて、1ヶ月あたり最大で500元ですむという・・
According to Jonathan Krinsky, a technical analyst at Miller Tabak, the omen has appeared! In a note that went out to clients just an hour ago テクニカル・アナリストのJonathan Krinskyによれば、今日、ヒンデンブルグの凶兆 が現れているという ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ヒンデンブルグの凶兆というのはネット内にも多くの解説があるように、市場の暴落 の前兆となることがあるというテクニカル・シグナル。近い将来の暴落の有無はとも かく世界的に史上最高値付近にある株式に不安定化の兆しの有ることは事実で、この シグナルもその一例。アベノミクスのリスク云々という議論があるけれど株式市場は 東京主導で動いているわけではないので、むしろ欧米の市場のリスクに注目すべき時 期と思えて・・・
Hollande last year shifted France's economic policy from a German one to a periphery path. ・・・ Government spending in France is already 58% of GDP, and French borrowing has crowded out the ailing private sector. Strict regulation of business in France (ranked lowest among core European countries in economic freedom), also has killed the entrepreneurial spirit in the country. The result of this has been young, ambitious French citizens avoiding starting businesses. Emigration to Belgium for taxes or Quebec for economic opportunity is also increasing drastically since the election of Hollande.
ttp://www.defense.gov/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=5251 Presenter: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel; John Chipman, Director-General and Chief Executive, International Institute for Strategic Studies June 01, 2013 Remarks by Secretary Hagel at the IISS Asia Security Summit, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
・・・・・ アジア地域の領土紛争について米国の立場 The United States has been clear that we do not take a position on the question of sovereignty in these cases. That does not mean, however, that we do not have an interest in how these disputes are addressed and settled. The United States stands firmly against any coercive attempts to alter the status quo. We strongly believe that incidents and disputes should be settled in a manner that maintains peace and security, adheres to international law, and protects unimpeded lawful commerce, as well as freedom of navigation and overflight.
南支那海の紛争について In the South China Sea, the United States continues to call on all claimants to exercise restraint as they publicly pledged in 2002, and to seek peaceful means to resolve these incidents. In that regard, we support the recent agreement between China and ASEAN to establish crisis hotlines to help manage maritime incidents. The U.S. also welcomes efforts to start talks on a Code of Conduct for the South China Sea. We encourage claimants to explore all peaceful means of settling their territorial disputes and the use of the dispute adjudication resolution mechanisms provided by the Law of the Sea Convention. Such efforts should not hinder progress towards developing a binding Code of Conduct.
サイバー戦争 Even as we seek to uphold principles in well-established areas, we must also recognize the need for common rules of the road in new domains. The U.S. and all nations in the region have many areas of common interest and concern in cyberspace, where the threats to our economic security, businesses and industrial base are increasing. In response, the United States is increasing investment in cyber security and we are deepening cyber cooperation with allies in the region and across the globe. Next week I will attend a meeting of NATO defense ministers with many of my NATO colleagues in attendance here this morning devoted to cyber issues.
We are also clear-eyed about the challenges in cyber. The United States has expressed our concerns about the growing threat of cyber intrusions, some of which appear to be tied to the Chinese government and military. As the world’s two largest economies, the U.S. and China have many areas of common interest and concern, and the establishment of a cyber working group is a positive step in fostering U.S.-China dialogue on cyber. We are determined to work more vigorously with China and other partners to establish international norms of responsible behavior in cyberspace.
The United States and ASEAN nations, Pacific allies, and all nations are far more likely to be able to live peacefully and prosperously in a world where we are bound together by strong economic ties, mutual security interests and respect for rules, norms, and the institutions that underpin them.
>The United States has been clear that we do not take a position on the >question of sovereignty in these cases. That does not mean, however, >that we do not have an interest in how these disputes are addressed and >settled. アメリカはアジア地域の領土紛争に対して、どちらかの側に立つということはし ませんが、しかしそれは、それらの領土紛争の解決手法にアメリカが興味をもた ないということではありません。
>The United States stands firmly against any coercive attempts >to alter the status quo. We strongly believe that incidents and disputes >should be settled in a manner that maintains peace and security, adheres >to international law, and protects unimpeded lawful commerce, as well as >freedom of navigation and overflight. アメリカは領土の現状を変更しようとする如何なる行為に対しても強く反対します。 我々は如何なる領土紛争であれ、それらは平和と安全を脅かすこと無く国際法に従 ってルールを守って解決されるべきと信じています。領域の安全な航行や領空の飛 行の自由が保障され、円滑な合法的通商が保護されるべきです。
これはオーストラリアの老舗の新聞、SMH(シドニー・モーニング・ヘラルド)に掲載 された興味深い評論。ちなみにSMHの政治的ポジションは穏健左派から中道的といった ところで、余り大きな政治的傾斜はない(オーストラリアンとかはSMHより保守的) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.smh.com.au/comment/america-or-china-one-day-we-will-have-to-choose-20130527-2n7a0.html America or China: one day, we will have to choose May 28, 2013 Hugh White Columnist いずれ、オーストラリアは、アメリカか中国か、どちらかを選ばなくてはならない By Hugh White コラムニスト
Politicians can no longer bury their head in the sand about our foreign policy direction. 政治家は今や、頭を砂の中に突っ込んで外交政策方針における問題点を見ぬふりを することは出来ない
There is something obsessive about the way our leaders keep saying that Australia does not have to choose between America and China. Julia Gillard says it almost every time she talks about foreign policy. Bob Carr and Stephen Smith cling to it. It's woven into the government's Asian Century white paper and National Security Statement. And it's there again in the Defence white paper: ''The government does not believe that Australia must choose between its longstanding alliance with the United States and its expanding relationship with China.'' Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop say the same thing, and John Howard said recently it was ''infantile'' even to discuss the idea that we might have to choose. But is it true? It depends what precisely we think our leaders are saying. If they are talking about the past and even the present, then the mantra is true. For many years now we have not had to choose between the US and China, and this has been absolutely vital to us. America has kept us safe and China has kept us solvent.
Julia Gillard首相や与党閣僚らはオーストラリアがアメリカか中国かを選ぶ必要と いうのはないといい、国防白書もそういうことを書いている。しかしそれは本当で あるのか? 今までの時代においては、それは真実であったかもしれない。アメリ カは我が国の安全保障を行う同盟国で、中国は我が国の(資源の)輸出先である。
The whole question, however, is whether this will still be so in future. Our leaders shamelessly evade this question, because although grammatically ''we don't have to choose'' is about the present, they present it as a prediction about the future. They therefore assume that what's been true must stay true. 最大の問題は、将来においても過去と同じで有り得るのか?ということである。 我々の指導者は恥知らずにもこの問から逃げ回っている。過去において真実であっ たことは将来においてもそうであるのか? (中略) But this ignores the very real signs that rivalry between America and China is growing fast. This can be seen in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, where disputed islands are merely tokens in a contest in which it wants to show that it can challenge America at sea, and America wants to prove that it cannot. Underlying this is China's strategic build-up in Asia, and America's own build-up in response. 一部の政治家の言辞というのは、アメリカと中国の間に、急速に高まる競合関係を 無視している。この問題は東支那海、南支那海の領土紛争によって明瞭になってい て、中国はアメリカに対して支配力影響力の挑戦を行い、アメリカはそれを防止で きると証明しようとしている。この背景には中国の戦略的軍備増強が有る。これに 対向すべくアメリカはアジアでのプレゼンスを強化する(後略)
The solar developer Dissigno has had significant solar panel failures at several of its projects, according to Dave Williams, chief executive of the San Francisco-based company. “I don’t want to be alarmist, but I think quality poses a long-term threat,” he said. “The quality across the board is harder to put your finger on now as materials in modules are changing every day and manufacturers are reluctant to share that information.”
Most of the concerns over quality center on China, home to the majority of the world’s solar panel manufacturing capacity. After incurring billions of dollars in debt to accelerate production that has sent solar panel prices plunging since 2009, Chinese solar companies are under extreme pressure to cut costs. ・・・・ All solar panels degrade and gradually generate less electricity over time. But a review of 30,000 installations in Europe by the German solar monitoring firm Meteocontrol found 80 percent were underperforming.
Mauro Galettiらが発表したこの研究結果は、人間の活動が自然個体群に急速な進化的変化を起こし 得ることを示す証拠の1 つに数えられる。Galetti らは、ブラジルの熱帯雨林で1800 年代にコーヒーとサトウ キビの農園開発によって分断化された地域と未開発の地域に群生する22 のEuterpe edulis(キャベツヤシ)の 個体群から9,000 以上の種を集め、統計、遺伝、進化の各モデルを併用して、この結論を導き出した。 以下略 Article #15: "Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size," by M. Galetti; M.C. Cortes; A.B. Leite; F. Labecca; T. Ribeiro; M.C. Ribeiro at Universidade Estadual Paulista in Sao Paulo, Brazil; R. Guevara at Instituto de Ecologia, A. C. Red de Biologia Evolutiva in Veracruz, Mexico; R. Fadini at Universidade Federal do Oeste do Para in Para, Brazil; S. Von Matter at Universidade Federal Rural do Estado do Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; C.S. Carvalho; R.G. Collevatti at Universidade Federal de Goias in Goias, Brazil; M.M. Pires; P.R. Guimaraes Jr.; P.H. Brancalion at Universidade de Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil; P. Jordano at Estacion Biologica de Donana (EBD-CSIC) in Sevilla, Spain. Science 2013 年5 月 31 日号ハイライト http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/translations/sci053113jp.pdf Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size Mauro Galetti, Roger Guevara, Marina C. Cortes, Rodrigo Fadini, Sandro Von Matter, Abraao B. Leite, Fabio Labecca, Thiago Ribeiro, Carolina S. Carvalho, Rosane G. Collevatti, Mathias M. Pires, Paulo R. Guimaraes Jr., Pedro H. Brancalion, Milton C. Ribeiro, Pedro Jordano Science 31 May 2013: Vol. 340 no. 6136 pp. 1086-1090 DOI: 10.1126/science.1233774 http://www.sciencemag.org/content/340/6136/1086.abstract
I am afraid that the government of Prime Minister Erdogan, like so many others before him in this country, has finally succumbed to the siren calls of dictatorship. Social engineering and authoritarian decision- making have now become the government's top policy tools.
The Islamists seem to have replaced the Kemalist dreams of authoritarian modernization with their own dreams of authoritarian Islamization.
But perhaps there is a bright spot in all of this. I suspect that the current protests in Ankara and Istanbul will soon spread to other cities. If that happens, it could very well mark the beginning of the end of Erdogan's ambitions to govern against the will of his own citizenry.
It’s not unusual for the Turkish police to go overboard in trying to suppress a protest. The large-scale mobilization of the Istanbul population, though, is unusual. I don’t remember anything this large happening in recent years. If this continues like it did yesterday, then it’s a Big Thing that will have further ramifications, but if people start trailing away from the protests because they heard reports that the police opened Taksim and Gezi Park? back up again, then I think this will just be a blip on the screen.
"If they call someone who has served the people a 'dictator,' I have nothing to say," Erdogan said in an address to a group representing migrants from the Balkans. "My only concern has been to serve my country." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *トルコ語のメディア記事は検索できるのだけれど、グーグルのトルコ語→日本語機械 翻訳はちょっと使えないレベル。トルコ語→英語機械翻訳は日本語変換よりは良いみた いだけれど、文章が怪しげで意味がつかみにくい。欧州系言語の英語変換はかなり使え るレベルなのだけれどトルコ語についてはグーグルの翻訳機能もそのレベルに達してい ないように見える
ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jun/01/turkey-akp-party-politics-kurds-religion Unrest in Turkey shows cracks in AKP's vision The economy is still growing, but concerns about religious interventions, political repression ? and above all the Kurdish peace process ? cloud Turkey's horizons Yavuz Baydar guardian.co.uk, Saturday 1 June 2013 17.34 BST イスタンブールの抗議行動は、AKP(与党)のビジョンの亀裂を示すもの 経済は依然成長しているものの、宗教的干渉や政治的抑制は、そして クルド族との和平交渉が、トルコの将来(ビジョン)に関わる Yavuz Baydar 英ガーディアン
The social unrest is concentrated in three main areas. 今回の暴動について3つの要素がある
First, the shortcomings in "public diplomacy" and lack of transparency in the five-month-old Kurdish peace process have led to confusion and anger, especially among Turks. 第一は開始から5ヶ月を経たクルド族との和平交渉において透明性や社会広報の 不足からくる混乱や怒りがある(中略)
Barring statistics on drunk drivers and the argument of "zero tolerance" for traffic violations, all other arguments used to justify the law ? health, public order, alcoholism ? have been unconvincing. 政府の始めた飲酒運転の統計を基礎にした「許容度ゼロ政策」はじめ健康や社会 秩序、飲酒などに対する政策は国民に不評で、
As a result, Turkey's famously rational urban electorate, including the Sunnis, has come to perceive itself as the target of a "lifestyle intervention". The agenda has since been occupied by an issue supposed to be a non-issue. 郊外のスンニ族などが自分たちを標的にした「ライフスタイルへの干渉」と反発 するなどの現象が有る
There is more. A pompous groundbreaking ceremony was held last week to inaugurate the construction of a third bridge over the Bosporus in Istanbul, even though the environmental impact was not sufficiently debated. The prospective bridge was given the name of Sultan Selim the Grim, the cruellest adversary of Alevis and Shiites in Ottoman history. Conqueror of Egypt, the powerful sultan is known for the massacres of tens of thousands of Anatolian Alevis prior to and after his war against Iran. さらに先週行われたボスポラス海峡の第三の橋の起工式では、その橋の名が Sultan Selim the Grimとされ、オットマン帝国でも残酷さで知られたサルタン であり、エジプトを征服しイランとの戦争の前後に数万人のアナトリアのAlevis を虐殺した事で知られる。
The anxieties are not limited to Alevis. A series of giant ongoing and planned construction projects in Istanbul ahead of local elections next year have ? like the new bridge ? united people of various political convictions and ages in a fresh opposition front. (政府のビジョンへの)危惧は、この橋にとどまらない。来年の選挙に先立って イスタンブールで計画された幾つかの巨大建設計画が各種のグループの反対運動 を呼んでいる
The AKP government and local administrations have the means to do whatever they please to centuries-old Istanbul, regardless of how the city's fabric and environment are affected. But if they continue to step up the use of force against passive resistance, as happened in Taksim's Gezi Park, the opposition could speedily emerge as a concrete alternative. 政府与党は歴史あるイスタンブールを環境への影響を気にせず改造したいのだが 彼らが反対派に対するに暴力をもってすることを継続するのであれば、つまり タクシム広場で起こったような方法であれば、反対派が活性化する。
One aspect of the social unrest and political uncertainty relates to questions emerging over the AKP's identity. The party is a powerful "social coalition", with a profile that goes beyond any Islamist identity, and has described itself as "Muslim Democrat" over the past five years. But during that same period, doubts have arisen over its "democrat" nature amid a slowdown in reforms, uncertainties in the Kurdish peace process and discriminatory rhetoric. And now the authoritarian and neoliberal attitude displayed in major projects concerning Istanbul's fabric, lifestyle and environment has given food for thought also to those who really know what "conservative" means. 反政府暴動について、ひとつの疑問と成る要素はAKPのアイデンティティで 彼らの主張する「社会連合」はイスラミストのアイデンティティを超えて 「ムスリム民主主義」をいうのだけれど、この民主主義の性格には疑問があ って改革の遅さやクルド族問題の不透明性、権威主義的な傾向が言われる。 イスタンブールの都市の歴史的建築やライフスタイル、環境問題などが与党 のビジョンへの疑問を沸かせる。
The good news is that a wave of speculation about the war in Syria reaching Lebanon can now be brought to an end, thanks to the events of this weekend. The bad news, naturally, is that the war in Syria has finally reached Lebanon. 先行きは、しかし、極めて憂慮すべきもので・・
While many well-off Syrians have undoubtedly helped the local economy, the majority of the displaced are not so fortunate, and are here as nearly destitute refugees ? in a country that is not particularly fond of foreigners to begin with, and has little experience in launching organized, government- led relief efforts.
The events of this weekend should serve as a warning to all political factions, and what remains of the executive branch. The Lebanese Army could in theory serve as a means of salvation, but its political and material constraints will prevent it from taking on even more of a burden than it already has. Ignoring the current state of affairs, or talking about half-measures to treat it, is simply tantamount to national suicide.
While the protests are unlikely to herald the fall of Mr. Erdogan's government, they represent by far the biggest challenge to his 10- year rule. 抗議行動が政府与党を政権から追うような事態は考えにくいが、今回の事件 は与党の10年の治世で最大のものである The protests also lay bare the challenges Ankara faces as it tries to serve as a model for new Islamist governments in the region seeking to emulate the electoral success of Mr. Erdogan's Islamist-rooted Justice and Development Party. Analysts said the impact could also shift politics in Turkey, an important U.S. ally in a region convulsed by uprisings and political turbulence. トルコ国内の政治的な動揺は軍事的同盟国であるアメリカにとっても重要な 事項であり、事件がトルコの政治に与える影響が注目される。 "What we've seen this weekend is a watershed event in Turkey and there's no going back for the people who have taken part," said Sinan Ulgen, chairman of the Center for Economic and Foreign Policy Studies, a research group in Istanbul. "Even if Mr. Erdogan doesn't want to change, we will see more mass protests if his government doesn't listen to this constituency, because these people now realize their power," イスタンブールの研究機関である中東経済外交研究センターの議長である Sinan Ulgenは「週末に起こったことはトルコの一大転機(watershed event) であって、街頭に繰り出した人々を最早戻すことは出来ない」という。 「エルドアン首相が変化を望まないとしても、政府が国民に耳を傾けない なら、更なる大衆抗議行動が起こるだろう」(後略)
Moments ago, we learned that the unofficial PMI report, which is compiled privately by HSBC and Markit, fell to 49.2 from 50.4 a month ago. It's worth noting that the unofficial report has greater exposure to small and medium-sized enterprises, which may be having a tougher time than its larger competitors. Still, the direction of the NBS number conflicts directionally with not just China, but South Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan.
We don't claim to be experts at this. But surely, these numbers will raise some eyebrows as the aggregate data out of Asia looks more bad than good. Here's some China commentary from the May PMI reports:
South Korea PMI (51.1, down from 52.6 in April): "The US remained a source of export growth, but demand from China was reported to have suffered." China HSBC PMI (49.2, down from 50.4 in April): "The downward revision of the final HSBC China Manufacturing PMI suggests a marginal weakening of manufacturing activities towards the end of May, thanks to deteriorating domestic demand conditions." Taiwan PMI (47.1, down from 50.7 in April): "Respondents reported a general deterioration in global economic conditions, with lower new orders from China, Europe and the US mentioned specifically." Vietnam PMI (48.8, down from 51.0 in April): "Companies reported stronger demand from clients in China and the US."
* North Koreans crave U.S. dollars and yuan, shun own currency 北朝鮮国内で米ドルと中国元が通貨として使われている * No one wants to get paid in North Korean won - expert 専門家によれば、だれも北朝鮮ウォンでの支払いを望まない * Won currency has lost 99 percent of its value since 2009 on black market 2009年以降に、ブラックマーケットで北朝鮮ウォンは99%減価した * Illustrates regime's loss of control over the economy この現象は北朝鮮政府の経済の管理喪失を示唆する * Hard currency gets hidden under floorboards, buried in forests 外国通貨は床板の下や森に埋めるなどして隠されている
The use of dollars and yuan is now so pervasive there is little Pyongyang can do about it, said Marcus Noland, a North Korea expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. The government would increasingly have to force people to provide goods and services to the state and get paid in won, added Noland, who closely studies the North Korean economy. "It's been a tug of war for 20 years where the state would like to get control of the economy, to quash the market and to get everyone to use the North Korean won, but it just doesn't have the capacity to do any of those things," he said. "It just makes it harder and harder for them to govern. Nobody wants what they're selling."
軍についてはエルドアン政権が徹底的に干渉したので牙をもがれて、政府に 楯突くようななことは全くあり得ない(↓ ロイターの解説記事) Building a mosque in Taksim would have been unimaginable a decade ago. Turkey's military, self-appointed guardians of secularism, kept a short rein on civilian governments, staging three outright coups and forcing a fourth government to resign. With popular backing, Erdogan's government has tamed the army over the past decade, mainly through legal cases that jailed dozens of top brass for their alleged roles in plots against Erdogan and his predecessors. That has allowed him to express more comfortably his religious sentiments, which are widely reflected in Turkey. ttp://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/06/03/uk-turkey-protests-insight-idUKBRE9510DV20130603
Erdogan accused the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) of stoking the demonstrations, while other government officials warned the unrest was a plot to set the ground for a military intervention, as has occurred in the past. エルドアン首相は暴動事件を野党のCHPの仕業と非難、政府高官の中には 軍のクーデターを危惧するむきもある
But the protesters come from a range of political backgrounds, from environmentalists to nationalists and the hard left-wing. しかし、抗議行動ははるかに広範な勢力をもち、環境主義者やナショナリスト さらには極左まで含む政治的な様々の背景を持つ人々からなる (ロイター) ttp://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/03/turkey-protests-idUSL5N0EF0JO20130603 INSIGHT-Simmering anger at Erdogan's authoritarianism boils over in Turkey
Have the Arab uprisings made their way to Turkey? It seems the Turkish people took a page out of the Arab peoples’ playbook, with large numbers demonstrating in the streets in order to bring about political change. The protesters seem to be made up of more secular Turks affiliated with the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1924.
'A few looters' Many of the protesters in Istanbul appear to be young and urban middle class. Last week, the government passed legislation curbing the sale and advertising of alcoholic drinks. 抗議行動の参加者の多くは若い郊外居住の中間階級である。先週政府は 酒類の販売と宣伝の規制を行う法案を成立させている http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22749750 3 June 2013 Last updated at 06:28 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint Turkey protests: Clashes rage in Istanbul's Besiktas
ttp://euobserver.com/foreign/120345 'Turkish Spring' tests Erdogan's rule TODAY @ 09:27 RELATED Turkey wants to be included in EU-US trade deal BY NIKOLAJ NIELSEN 「トルコの春」がエルドアンの支配を試す EUオヴザーバー
Turkey's prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called social media "the worst to society", saying that it has been used to spread lies about the current anti-government protests taking place in the country. He said in TV interview, reported in Radikal: "There is now a menace which is called Twitter. The best examples of lies can be found there. To me, social media is the worst menace to society." TVのインタビューの中で首相は「ツイッターという名前の脅威があって、そこには最高 の嘘が述べられている。私にとって、ソーシャルメディアというのは社会にとって最悪 の脅威である」とした
He has also come out to say that Turkish intelligence is looking into possible links between the protests and "foreign powers". He said in a press conference, reported in Turkish newspaper Hurriyet: "Our intelligence work is ongoing [to determine the foreign actors behind the protests]. It is not possible to reveal their names. But we will have meetings with their heads." 首相はさらに、反政府抗議運動と「外国勢力」のつながりをトルコの諜報機関が調査し ていると述べた。トルコの新聞Hurriyetによれば「我が国の諜報機関は反政府抗議運動 と外国勢力の関係を調査している。その名前を上げることは出来ないが、我々はその 勢力のトップと会談予定だ」
"We already have a spring in Turkey," alluding to the nation's free elections. "But there are those who want to turn this spring into winter. "Be calm, these will all pass," he said. トルコにはすでに自由な選挙制度が有るとして「我々はすでにトルコの春を有している」 「しかしこの春を、冬に転化したい人がいる」「冷静を保つように。この騒ぎは全て 収まる」
ttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/b1db21fe-cc3d-11e2-9cf7-00144feab7de.html#axzz2Uu2tGD90 June 3, 2013 1:09 pm Erdogan is only proving the protesters right By Philip Stephens The reaction to a protest against heavy-handed rule has been heavy-handed, writes Philip Stephens 抗議行動に耳を貸さず、強硬な締め付けを行うことで、エルドアン首相は抗議者が 正しいことを証明しているようなものだが By Philip Stephens FT
By elevating Turkey as the leading regional ? and more recently Sunni ? power, the prime minister has raised bigger questions about the country’s strategic direction (Turkey, after all, is a member of Nato and a candidate for the EU) and about the depth of his commitment to Ataturk’s secular state.
Turkish Public Workers Unions Confederation (KESK) will hold a “warning strike” on Tuesday and Wednesday to protest against the crackdown on protests over the last four days. All union members will wear black ribbons and clothes on Tuesday morning. The strike will begin at 09:00 GMT following press statements due to be released around Turkey.
ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/middle-east-live/2013/jun/03/turkey-protester-killed-live Middle East Live Turkey protests: first death reported - live updates LIVE? Protester killed when Taxi drives into Istanbul rally ? Erdogan appeals for calm and blames extremists ? Police use teargas on fourth day of protests トルコの反政府抗議行動で、最初の死者発生 英・ガーディアン タクシーが抗議行動に突っ込んで死者発生
A 20-year-old man died when a taxi drove into a group of demonstrators during an anti-government protest, the first known death related to the demonstrations, Reuters reports. The protester was named as Mehmet Ayvalitas, according to the Turkish doctors association. Four other people were also injured, one of them seriously. トルコの医師協会が死亡を発表、この事件で4人負傷し、その中の一人は重症
But Turkey remains an emerging market vulnerable to external sentiment swings. Its domestic savings rate is low relative to economies with similar credit ratings at 15.2% of gross domestic product, according to Moody's. トルコの金融市場は外部のセンチメントの変化に傷つきやすい性格。
That makes its banks reliant on foreign funds to keep credit flowing domestically, with the banking system's loan-to-deposit ratio having risen to more than 100% this year. Banks' external debt amounted to 14.3% of GDP at the end of 2012, up from around 8% before the 2008 financial crisis and its highest level in the last 20 years, according to Capital Economics. Two-thirds of that debt needs to be refinanced in the next 12 months. 銀行は外国のファンドに頼り銀行の負債預金比率は100%に達しているが外部負債 比率がGDPの14%と大きく、これは金融危機前の2008年の8%から増大していて過去 20年の最大。
In that sense, the current unrest couldn't be worse timed. Turkey was already caught up in the emerging markets selloff last week as investors started to contemplate the U.S. Federal Reserve throttling back its bond buying. If global liquidity flows less freely, countries like Turkey could face competition for increasingly scarce capital. It's not the best moment to give investors an excuse to look elsewhere. トルコはすでにエマージング市場の価格低下に見舞われており今回の騒乱は最悪 のタイミング。FRBが金融緩和の見直しの釣行を見せる中でトルコへのグローバル な流動性が低下すればトルコは減少する外部資本の奪い合いの中に残される。それ は外国人投資家にとってトルコを魅力的に見せるものではない。
What was a local protest quickly became national, with crowds gathering in Ankara and government thugs attacking protestors elsewhere. Erdo?an’s pronouncements that the protestors were marginal characters only added to popular outrage.
While Erdo?an eventually had Turkish forces withdraw, like Mubarak he appears not to have learned the right lessons. Erdo?an has officially backed down from the mall project. So what to replace it? A mosque. Now that Erdo?an has banned alcohol sales within 100 meters of any mosque, it appears as if he is preparing to build mosques every 200 meters. His announcement is the equivalent of sticking up his middle finger at Istanbul’s secularists and liberals.
He also appears prepared to turn his animus toward Twitter, branding the communications tool “a troublemaker.” It may seem illogical to the American audience that Erdo?an could try to crack down on Twitter, but he may believe he has President Obama’s backing. After all, when Erdo?an visited Washington, Obama welcomed him with an op-ed not just in any Turkish paper, but in Sabah?a once-opposition paper that Erdo?an seized and handed to his son-in-law. And, as Obama stood beside Erdo?an in the White House “Rose Garden,” the Turkish prime minister’s henchmen were at it again, seizing more opposition media.
Erdo?an is arrogant, crude, and?at heart?an autocrat. He may believe himself invincible. If he is not careful and if he does not begin to respect the rule-of-law and recognize that he is accountable to the Turkish people, he might find himself going the way of Mubarak, Tunisian President Ben Ali, or Yemeni President Saleh.
This crowded trade consisted essentially of two groups of investors:
One confident that the wave’s dynamics would remain relatively stable over time and, when the eventual break occurs, it would be an orderly one ? i.e., completing two key transitions: from assisted growth to genuine growth; and from purchased financial stability to structurally-sound stability
The other less confident about the wave yet feeling compelled, for short- term performance reasons, to surf it ? and confident that market liquidity would be available when the time comes to “kick out” of the wave
Looking ahead, there are two important questions for traditional asset allocations. If the assault on carry continues, will there be greater differentiation between interest rate and credit risk positioning; and will there be more cascading of market dislocations down the capital structure (in particular to global equities).
Needless to say, upcoming economic data (Friday’s US employment report in particular) and central bank statements will influence what transpires on both counts. My suspicion is that, together, they will encourage: (i) greater differentiation on carry (interest rate risk proving less risky going forward than credit spread risk); and (ii) additional negative cascading down to the equity markets.
This risk exists even with mere elimination of deflation at the current exchange rate ? especially given likely near-term positive CPI inflation. But a further yen slide would make it much more acute.
The biggest external risk concerns China. Its real exchange rate has become overvalued. It is heavily exposed to developed world countries ratcheting down their real exchange rates. Since abandoning the fixed 8.28 yuan/dollar rate in 2005, China’s unit labour costs have been rising at 7 per cent a year, and its currency by 4 per cent, for a combined annual 11 per cent in dollars.
Adding to this problem is the sudden, related, swing into high real interest rates. In mid-2011, the one-year lending rate from state-owned banks was 6.6 per cent, which combined with 7 per cent PPI to give a slightly negative real rate. But a flight of depositors from China’s banks has kept nominal interest rates high. The nominal interest rate is only down to 6 per cent now, but combined with PPI deflation, the real interest rate is close to 9 per cent. Such high real interest rates combined with squeezed profit margins have pushed China into a prolonged “investment-led” slowdown.(後略)
>>678 China’s extravagant post-crisis recovery splurge, with capital spending raised to 48 per cent of GDP, much of it debt-financed, has left it with high prices for real estate and industrial commodities. These assets with low-to-negative yield are also the most sensitive to interest and exchange rate changes. Whether or not Chinese real estate is in a bubble, high nominal and real interest rates make these asset prices vulnerable.
ttp://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/06/03/the_struggle_for_the_heart_of_istanbul "There's never been other protests like this in Istanbul or in all Turkey," said Yaman Kuleli, a 36-year old bank employee. Like the majority of demonstrators, Kuleli focused his grievances on the prime minister: Erdogan was limiting personal freedoms, such as recent restrictions on alcohol, to promote conservative religious values. He'd bullied the country's media into submission through arrests of journalists, and by intimidating or co-opting media barons -- a fact obvious to anyone with a television set, as most local stations opted to broadcast music and cooking shows rather than covering the protests.
APの見込みは Despite images that resemble the Arab Spring protests that brought down leaders across the region, Erdogan is unlikely to fall. Turkey has a stable democracy and his backing by the silent majority still appears to be strong.
The bottom line here is that the IRS has been revealed to be a branch of the government that acted as if there was no accountability for its waste of resources or its willingness to play partisan politics. This story is about more than just undermining the liberal belief in big government. Shulman’s arrogant refusal to answer questions when hauled in front of the House Oversight Committee was not the end of the story. The more we learn about him, his subordinate Lois Lerner (who previously targeted conservatives while at the Federal Elections Commission) and the rest of the crew there, as well as the fact that donors to conservative groups were also subjected to unfair scrutiny by the government, the more it becomes necessary to dig deeper to find the answer to the question of who ordered the targeting and why they did it.
My base-case scenario is that they will get their act together and adopt a reconciliatory stance. Erdo?an sounded anything but reconciliatory in his press conference before heading off to a short North Africa tour today, but once he “left the building” President Abdullah Gul spoke, emphasizing that democracy was not just about elections. Hopefully, his short sojourn will calm Erdo?an down. If so, the weekend’s protests will not have permanent effects on the economy. ベース・ケース・シナリオ:政府と抗議者団体が和解に進む。現在のところエルドアン は強気で和解や妥協の気配は無さそうだが冷静さを取り戻せば来年の選挙を鑑みて和解 への道へ。この場合経済への悪影響が避けられる。
But if the PM does not step back and demonstrations go on throughout the summer, the real economy could be affected through the confidence channel, tourism revenues could decline significantly, and there could be heavy capital outflows. The AKP cannot afford such instability before an election year, as local, general and presidential elections will be held in 2014, and maybe a referendum on a new constitution. So they would probably undertake heavy pork-barrel spending in this scenario, undermining the economy’s fundamentals further. 悲観シナリオ:エルドアン首相と抗議行動の対立が長引き夏を超えて抗議行動が継続。 この場合、実体経済は消費者信頼感や海外からの観光客収入の大幅低下で悪化する。 観光客収入はトルコの外貨獲得手段として重要で、資本流出が起こりかねない。AKP は来年の選挙に向けて経済非不安定化を見過ごすわけにはゆかず、恐らく財政支出に 依る経済振興政策を取るだろう。しかしこれは経済ファンダメンタルズを悪化させる
But even if my base case scenario is realized, the next few months will be anything but rosy. For one thing, political stability, which has been priced into Turkish assets, is not a given any more. Anyone seeing the protests as a one-time disruption would be gravely mistaken. Turks did not rise against a shopping mall; they were simply fed up the authoritarianism taking form in restrictions on alcohol, police brutality and the like. And so even if things calm down, I would not be surprised to see protests the next time the government tries to impose its will on the people. たとえ、楽観的なベース・ケースのコースに向かうにせよ今後数ヶ月はトルコの経済 よ市場にとってポジティブな要素は見つからない。トルコの資産価格には同国の政治 的安定が(これまでの実績から)織り込まれているのだが、それは今後保証されない ので抗議行動を一過性のものとして無視するのは誤り。アルコール規制や宗教的干渉 がトルコ人をうんざりさせているのだが、騒ぎが沈静化した後で政府が再度そういう ことを試みないとも思えない。
FTアルファビレにあるちょっと興味の議論「China’s debt servicing cost」 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BISによれば諸国は負債サービスレシオ(DSR)が20−25%を超えると、ほぼ例外なく 銀行危機が起こる …the DSRs’ peak levels are surprisingly similar across countries and time despite different levels of financial development. As a broad rule of thumb, the graph panels suggest that a DSR above 20?25% reliably signals the risk of a banking crisis.
ソシエテ・ジェネラルのWei Yao によれば、中国の場合は、シャドー・バンキング を含めて試算するとDSRが29.9%と異常に高くなるという ttp://ftalphaville.ft.com/2013/06/04/1523692/estimating-chinas-debt-servicing-ratio/chinadsr-estimate-socgen/ ・・・assuming the repayment schedule of an instalment loan (i.e., a regular mortgage, for example), we then arrive at a shockingly high debt service ratio of 29.9% of GDP, of which 11.1% goes to interest payment (=7.8%×145 % of GDP) and the rest principal. At such a level, no wonder that credit growth is accelerating without contributing much to real growth!
Apparently, debt roll-over is not a good thing either; and, it cannot explain the increase in the debt burden. Hence, the logical conclusion has to be that a non-negligible share of the corporate sector is not able to repay either principal or interest, which qualifies as Ponzi financing in a Minsky framework.
しかしソシエテ・ジェネラルは中国は通常の国と異なって強力な指揮権を経済に発揮 できるので、この問題が通常の国のようなカオスを引き起こさないだろうという However she’s not forecasting chaos either ? like other China pundits (Capital Economics for example) she’s been reassured that the central government hasn’t turned to big stimulus efforts this year and appears comfortable with slowing growth. She does believe though that rising defaults and non-performing loans are inevitable, and this will further stifle the growth rate. ttp://ftalphaville.ft.com/2013/06/04/1523692/estimating-chinas-debt-servicing-ratio/
ttp://seattletimes.com/html/nationworld/2021116756_apeuturkeyprotest.html Originally published June 4, 2013 at 5:11 AM Turkish gov't offers apology as protests continue Turkey's deputy prime minister offered an apology for a violent crackdown on an environmental protest, in a bid to appease days of anti-government rallies across Turkey as hundreds of riot police deployed around the prime minister's office in the capital Tuesday. By SUZAN FRASER Associated Press トルコ副首相が抗議行動への暴力的な取締の行き過ぎを謝罪 AP
ANKARA, Turkey ? Turkey's deputy prime minister offered an apology for a violent crackdown on an environmental protest, in a bid to appease days of anti-government rallies across Turkey as hundreds of riot police deployed around the prime minister's office in the capital Tuesday. Bulent Arinc, who is standing in for the prime minister while he is out of the country, said the crackdown was "wrong and unjust". 副首相のBulent Arincは抗議行動の取締が行き過ぎで「誤っており正義ではなかっ た」と述べた
It was unclear, however, whether Arinc was giving the government line. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is visiting Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, has undermined statement エルドアン首相はモロッコ、アルジェリア、チュニジアを訪問中で副首相は首相の 代行を務める。しかし、この言辞が政府の統一見解かについては不透明(後略)
Over 240,000 public sector workers in Turkey are staging a 36-hour strike. The strike is in response to what union leaders have called "state terror" against demonstrators. 組合員24万人を擁するトルコの公共労組連合(KESK)は「国家テロ」に抗議するとして 36時間のストライキを開始
これはアルジャジーラの記事で、トルコの反政府抗議行動とトルコ国内のメイン・スト リームメディアの関係を書いている。簡単に言うとエルドアン勢力がメディアを牛耳っ ていて、抗議行動はTVなどで報道されない。このために民衆はメイン・ストリーム・メ ディアを信用せず、ツイッターなどのソーシャルメディアが抗議行動の唯一の情報伝達 の手段になっている・・・ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2013/06/20136482946191873.html Tweeting Turks sidestep mainstream media PM calls social media "the worst menace to society" as Turks organise protests and break news stories using Twitter. Oray Egin Last Modified: 04 Jun 2013 15:56
The protests have largely been untelevised, with some of Turkey's news networks airing cooking shows and penguin documentaries at the height of the tensions.
Over the past few years, Twitter has emerged as an alternative to the mainstream media in Turkey, which critics say is often pressured by the government. In 2009, for instance, Dogan Media Group, Turkey's largest, was hit by a $2.5bn tax fine - a move that also intimidated other Turkish media organisations.(ry
Accusations are rife that TV and print media are ignoring the unrest Following the recent turmoil on the streets of cities and towns across Turkey, the country’s media has been called into question on whether or not they are accurately covering events.
(Reuters) - Days of anti-government protest in Turkey have achieved one feat that has eluded the authorities for years: uniting the fiercely rival and sometimes violent supporters of Istanbul's "Big Three" football clubs. Besiktas, Galatasaray and Fenerbahce fans have come together in new-found solidarity during five days of demonstrations against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's government.
The Obama administration, which has cultivated a relationship with Mr. Erdogan, has responded to the protests by expressing concern about “the excessive use of force” and supporting the right of free assembly. It should say more. For Turkey’s allies, the crisis offers an opportunity to tell Mr. Erdogan that democracy consists of more than elections ? and that he is offering unfortunate proof that it is possible to be both elected and authoritarian.
Michael RubinがシンクタンクAEIのブログに書いているもの。なかなか含蓄。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.aei-ideas.org/2013/06/be-afraid-erdogan-be-very-afraid/ Tuesday, June 4, 2013 Be afraid, Erdo?an, be very afraid Michael Rubin | June 4, 2013, 11:36 am
Even if Erdo?an remains in control ? and, like Cook, I suspect he will ? it will be interesting to see whether Erdo?an recognizes he must compromise and build coalitions or if he remains prisoner to his worst instincts. Unfortunately for the Turks, Erdo?an is a very stubborn man.
WSJのレビュー&アウトルックが、先にラオスから中国経由で北朝鮮に送還された脱北 青年らの問題を論じている ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324063304578524802439074288.html June 4, 2013, 9:33 a.m. ET The Orphan Master's Accomplices China and Laos aid send refugees back to the North Korean gulag.
Both Laos and China contravened international norms for handling refugees, especially a prohibition on returning asylum-seekers to countries where they would face retribution. This is standard Chinese procedure for treating North Korean defectors, but until now Laos tacitly allowed South Korean officials to handle such refugees. The reasons for Vientiane's change of heart remain unclear.
As if on cue, Beijing on Friday condemned the U.N. statements. "We hope that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights [under whose aegis Mr. Darusman operates] does not make irresponsible remarks based on unspecified news," Hong Lei of the foreign ministry said at a press briefing. Beijing's problem is that all the known facts undermine China's claim that North Korean defectors are economic migrants not eligible for the protections afforded refugees.
President Obama meets with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping this week. North Korean security issues are likely to be on the agenda. The nine refugees deserve to be, too. Mr. Xi's government regularly commits the 21st-century equivalent of sending Jews back to the Nazis, each time as a witting accomplice in the Kim regime's crimes. America shouldn't become an accessory through its silence.
This should be the Turkish Century. Turkey has everything it needs to lead the way, to become the new center, the greatest power in its region. Turkey has culture. It has educational infrastructure. Most importantly, it has Location. Location and Location! 今世紀は中東にとってトルコの世紀になるはずであった。トルコには中東を新世紀に 導くべき、中東のセンターの大国となるべき要素がある。トルコのは文化と教育イン フラと、何にもまして(地政学的な)地の利がある
The center of gravity of the Middle East has moved north. With Egypt an economic and political basket case, with Jordan becoming unstable, with Lebanon in chaos and Syria both imploding and exploding at the same time, there are only three viable candidates to pick up the Sword of Saladin. 中東の重心は北に移動している。エジプトは政治と経済が無気力化しヨルダンは 不安定化し、レバノンはカオスで、シリアは爆縮している。サラディーンの剣を 握るべき候補は3つしか無い。
One is Saudi Arabia, but it is undergoing a crisis of leadership and, as the value of oil declines in a greener world, they will have decades of problems. The second nation with great regional ambitions and the ability to project influence and power is Iran. They too have some great assets History, education, culture and ambition. Their great impediment is a combination of Shiah religious zealotry and nationalistic hegemonic ambition that involves it in a death match with the largely Sunni Arab World. 一つの候補はサウジアラビアだが指導者(不在)の危機が続く。石油の価値は低 落しイランに対向できる地域の大国であるサウジは多くの問題を抱える。サウジ アラビアは歴史と教育、文化と野心を持つ。
Today, Saudi Arabia and Iran contend with surrogates in Syria. The Saudis are supporting the insurgents while the Iranians are arming and training both the Alawite Shiahs of Assad and Lebanese Hezbollah. Syria could well become Iran’s Vietnam, or Saudi Arabia’s Afghanistan. Perhaps both. It is easily foreseeable that both nations will deplete their money, blood and morale. This, along with the greatly lessened value of the Suez Canal makes the smart money looks north towards Turkey. 今日、サウジアラビアとイランがシリアをめぐって争っている。イランはシリアの シーア派のAlawite族やレバノンのヒズボラに訓練を行いアサド政権を助けるが、 シリアはイランにとってのベトナムに、或いはサウジアラビアにとってのアフガニ スタンに成る可能性がある。恐らくその両者の可能性が。サウジアラビアとイラン はともに金、血、モラルを浪費し劣化させる。そうした状況から中東のスマート・ マネーは北に向かってトルコを目指す。
Turkey had sought membership in the EU. Turkey is a member of NATO. Turkey wants to host the Olympics. Turkey “coulda been a contender.” But the EU, even before the economic crisis, was not eager to welcome 70 million Muslims into Europe. As Europe stalled and created unmeet able conditions, Turkey slowly moved its gaze from west to east, from Europe to the Middle East. It became ever more Islamist, imposed stricter Muslim social codes, and broke up an historic semi-pseudo-almost friendly relationship with Israel. トルコはEUの加盟国にもなろうという国でNATOの一員であり、オリンピック開催を 目指している。EUの経済低迷で一旦は加盟を目指したトルコは序々に欧州から視線 を東に向ける。トルコは以前よりもイスラミストの、以前より厳しいムスリムの 社会的コード(シャリア)を導入しようとする。更には歴史的なイスラエルとの 友好的関係を断ち切る。 (中略)
Turkey had such a bright future, but if this goes according to the pattern of the Arab Spring, Turkey, not an ethnically Arab nation, will fall into chaos and its bright future will be behind it. This would be a shame. Truly, they coulda been a contender. c2013 Jonathan Dobrer トルコには輝かしい将来が有る。しかし今起こっている反政府抗議行動がアラブの 春のパターンを踏襲すれば、民族的にはアラブではないトルコもまた、輝かしい未 来を捨ててカオスにと陥る。これは恥ずべきことである。トルコは(中東の覇者と 成るべき)競争者であり得たのに。
The new trouble flared after a second major trade union confederation announced it would join protests against the government, calling a strike for Wednesday. Thousands gathered in Istanbul's main Taksim Square for a sixth day early Wednesday, yelling defiance at Erdogan, who has dismissed the protesters as "extremists" and "vandals". "The vandals are here! Where is Tayyip?" yelled the crowd. The Turkish Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK), which represents 240,000 employees, lent its weight to the protests when it launched a two-day strike on Tuesday. On Tuesday, an even bigger union grouping known as DISK and which claims 420,000 members, said it would join the strike and demonstrations on Wednesday.
対象となるのは、同紙のニュー・オリンズ版。ニュー・オリンズ支局によると「地元の訃報が 無い事に購読者から非難の声がしばしば寄せられていた」(“The lack of local obituaries has been a frequent criticism of subscribers,”)のだそうです。
Ethem Sar?suluk, a Turkish activist who was wounded in the head during Taksim Gezi Park clashes in the capital city of Ankara, has succumbed to his injuries, a representative of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) said during a press meeting in Ankara today.
Two other people have so far died in the protests. Abdullah Comert, a 22-year -old youth branch member of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), was killed in Antakya on June 3 during the clashes, while 20-year-old Mehmet Ayval?ta? was hit and killed after a car driver ignored warnings to stop for protesters in Umraniye’s 1 May?s neighborhood on the night of June 2.
ttp://news.yahoo.com/pinned-under-governments-thumb-turkish-media-covers-penguins-124645832.html Pinned under government's thumb, Turkish media covers penguins, not protests The protests throughout Turkey have brought issues of media self-censorship, government control, and ownership by large conglomerates to the fore, disgusting many Turks. By Tom A. Peter | Christian Science Monitor ? 1 hr 37 mins ago トルコ政府の情報管制で、トルコのメディアは反政府抗議行動ではなくペンギン の話題を放送している
In the first days of the protests, CNN-Turk, the Turkish version of the American news network, opted to play a three-part documentary about penguins rather than cover what is arguably the biggest news story inside Turkey for decades. 抗議行動の起こった日から、CNNトルコは抗議行動は伝えず、3部構成のペンギンの ドキュメンタリーを放送している。(トルコのメディアはコングロマリットの支配 下で、CNNトルコを含めて政府の情報管制下)
Forty-seven percent of Americans say they don’t believe Obama compared with 40 percent who say he is being truthful, according to a Bloomberg National Poll of 1,002 adults conducted May 31 through June 3. More than half of political independents -- 53 percent -- say Obama’s explanation that he learned it from media reports is untrue, while 34 percent say they believe him. “How could he not know?” said poll respondent June Wilshusen, 50, of Yuma, Colorado, a political independent and a stay-at-home wife married to a machinist. “I think any president has to know what’s going on with our government. I think they’re very aware of the IRS.”
On a lunch break last month, a small custom-built octacopter made a 10-minute flight through the city of Guildford, outside of London. Its special cargo: two large pepperoni pizzas.
Is she qualified? On paper, certainly. Does she meet the president’s high standards of political loyalty? You bet. She pulled out of the secretary of state job that she has coveted for many years with nary a whimper, little leaking to the press, and a graciousness that isn’t often seen in Washington.
But her record is stained, horribly, by two decisions that she has made in her career, both of which reflect her willingness to put politics over principle, victory over morality.
I’ll let Samantha Power, slated to be the nominee for Rice’s seat as UN ambassador, tell you about the first decision:(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *保守派の軍事・外交専門家等が、彼女を嫌う理由が明瞭で、ちょっとおもすろい
But some commentators and analysts believe a deeper story lies behind the media companies’ response ? or lack of it ? to news the Turkish government finds unwelcome. The underlying problem, they say, is a compromised media sector that is largely the property of conglomerates with wide-ranging interests, and a Turkish state that exercises particular sway over business life. メディアの不適切な報道姿勢についてアナリストはコングロマリットの所有するメディア がその利益のために政府与党への批判を控えるからという
“Through lucrative deals and their greed for businesses outside media, these companies have managed in the end to make their own groups into an extension of government policies,” says Yavuz Baydar, independent ombudsman at Sabah, one of Turkey’s leading daily papers. トルコの代表的新聞、SabahのオンブズマンであるYavuz Baydarは「コングロマリット はメディア以外のビジネスでの政府関連のビジネスの維持のために、その強欲から報道 を規制する」という。
Sabah is owned by Calik Holding, a group whose chief executive, Berat Albarayrak, is Mr Erdogan’s son-in-law. Two state banks helped to finance its 2008 purchase from Turkey’s Savings Deposit Insurance Fund, an institution charged with recovering funds from bank failures from a banking crisis a decade ago. Sabah紙はコングロマリトのCalik Holdingが所有するメディアだが、グループの社長である Berat Albarayrakはエルドアン首相の女婿で、このグループは2008年にSavings Deposit Insurance Fundからの買い戻しに2つの国営銀行がファイナンスを提供した。
On Saturday, as tensions soared between demonstrators and police, Cukurova sold a prominent television channel, Show TV, to Turkey’s Ciner group for $402m, a transaction that took place under the fund’s supervision. The following day, Mr Erdogan gave his only interview so far on the crisis to Ciner group’s Haberturk news channel, whose editor-in-chief was widely criticised for his deferential approach.(後略) At present, Dogus, the owner of NTV, is in discussions about the purchase of another of the assets taken from Cukurova ? the majority stake in Digiturk, the satellite group that owns broadcast right to the most popular games in the Turkish football league. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *端的に言えばエルドアン勢力と(ビジネスで)同じ穴の狢であるコングロマリートがメデ ィアを所有しているので、批判的な報道がされるはずもないという・・・
Right now, the pricing for options on both stocks and currencies, which are often used to hedge against adverse movements in those underlying markets, is telling us that investors are not so much scared of putting money at risk as somewhat more cautious about doing so. Uncertainty, not fear, is the name of the game. And in that sense options offer a powerful indicator of how markets remain in the thrall of the world’s biggest central banks.
Implied volatility ? the standard pricing benchmark in the options market, expressed in percentage terms ? has risen over the past two weeks in a number of bellwether markets, proof that investors are buying protection against the risk of losses. For options that expire within one month on dollar/yen contracts, for example, implied volatility is now above what it jumped to in the wake of Japan’s earthquake in March 2011 and is at its highest since April 2010.
What’s happening? Well, investors know “you can’t fight the Fed” ? or for that matter, the BOJ. Yet markets are now also abuzz with the prospect that the Fed might “taper” its bond buying, an idea traceable to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s comment before Congress last month that the Fed might start dialing down its purchases “in the next two meetings.”(後略)