The Chinese government clearly and unequivocally admonished Japan not to misjudge the situation at first, but some certain forces in Japan persevered in their own way and clung obstinately to their course, and eventually found things not turn out as they had wished nevertheless. 中国政府は日本に対して、その領土主張を認めないと明確にしており、日本はこの点について判断を誤るべきではない。
The Japanese government should learn a serious lesson from the incident, not letting certain political forces to manipulate and misguide Japan's policy toward China, still less to take an indulgent attitude or make use of words and deeds to vilify Sino-Japanese ties and rope in the so-called public opinions. If such "smug calculations" with ulterior motives are pressed ahead, they would certainly run onto the ground on their own. By People's Daily Online and its author is PD reporter Wu Huaizhong 日本が、その独りよがりな計算(もくろみ、予想)にもとづいて、よからぬ動機に基づいて行動すれば失敗する。日本政府は この事件から深刻な教訓を学ばねばならない。
>>8 Both leaders of the Democratic party of Japan (DPJ), Naoto Kan and Ichiro Ozawa, had once made provocative statements to incite and win over public opinions and this was what we often called the "electoral politics" in Japan. 民主党の小沢氏も、菅氏も、かって選挙目的に(対中)挑発的な言辞を弄している
t present, media in Japan maintain that Prime Minister Naoto Kan and his core cabinet members have neither amassed sufficient experience for handling diplomatic issues, nor given much heed to them; they also suffer from myopia or the "near-sightedness disease." Some prominent figures in DPJ also held similar views. 日本のメディアは菅内閣について外交問題処理の経験と能力に欠けるとしている。また視点が短期的であるとする。
Shinji Tarutoko, an Ozawa-backed legislator and chairman of the lower house environmental committee, noted that the handling of the incident by the incumbent cabinet is questionable and that the seizure of Chinese fishermen and fishing vessel was a mistake in itself. 小沢派の樽床氏は内閣の事件の処理に疑問を呈し、船員船長の拘束が誤りだったと言っている。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// 尖閣沖で中国監視船が活動=政府、中止申し入れ 時事通信 9月27日(月)16時43分配信
Summary: China is about to deploy a new anti-ship missile -- a weapon that not only threatens U.S. naval operations in the Pacific Ocean, but may also lead to a scramble for military hardware and new alliances across the region. Is it time for the United States to think more seriously about a larger and more robust navy? SETH CROPSEY is a Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. He served as a naval officer from 1985 to 2004 and as Deputy Undersecretary of the Navy during the Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations.
But in recent weeks, China's behavior has reminded the world that it remains an authoritarian state with national and territorial grievances -- and its own ideas about the political and military uses to which its economic might should be put (中国は平和的台頭を言ってきたが)最近の数週間の(尖閣諸島関連での)中国の行動は,我々に中国が,国内的にも 国際的にも,苦情に以てするに権威主義的な行動の国であることを思い出させる。中国は政治的及び軍事的な目的の 為に経済力を使用する独自の考えを持っている。
Beijing turned a minor dispute into a geopolitical shoving match, complete with officially tolerated nationalist demonstrations in major Chinese cities. Worse, commodities traders reported that China threatened to deny Japanese industry crucial "rare earth" minerals until it got its way. China denied this, but the very notion is sobering at a time when China is engaged in a global effort to lock up raw materials. 中国政府はマイナーな諍いを地政学的な紛争に変えた。中国政府は主要都市で、ナショナリストの抗議行動を公的に認め ることでそれ(紛争拡大)を完成した。更に悪いことに、日本の必要とするレアアースの禁輸措置をとった。中国政府は公的 にはそれを否定するが中国がグローバルな資源獲得に動いている中で,事態は明らかである。
Meanwhile, it also continues to question U.S. efforts to impose sanctions against Iran -- and pushes to build a nuclear reactor in Pakistan, a possible violation of international nonproliferation law. And, of course, it shows no sign of permitting its undervalued currency to rise substantially, despite overtures from President Obama, including directly to Prime Minister Wen Jiabao last week, and from an increasing number of its trading partners whose economies also suffer from China's stance. その一方で中国はアメリカの推進するイラン制裁措置に反対し、NPT規約違反のおそれの強いパキスタンへの原発建設を 計画し,人民元の切り上げ問題で米国と対立する。
>>101 (続き) The picture painted by this behavior is not that of a moderate power eager to fit into a regulated international system. Rather, China's recent conduct looks more like 19th-century mercantilism. The recent clash with Japan was probably an opportunistic test of the new Japanese leadership and of the strength of the U.S.-Japan security alliance. Fortunately, the Obama administration, after some initial mixed signals, voiced support for the alliance. Japan, South Korea and other U.S. allies in the region have appeared to rediscover the wisdom of U.S. ties in light of China's behavior. Washington must stand by them firmly. こうした中国の行動は国際社会の秩序ある世界に平和的に台頭するものとは言えない。むしろ,最近の中国の行動は19世 紀的な重商主義というべきだ。最近の日中の諍いは日本の新政権への機会便乗的なテストであり、日米同盟の強さのテスト でもある。幸いにもオバマ政権は幾分かの躊躇の後に日米同盟支持を明確にした。日米韓とその他のアジアの同盟国は 米国と共同して中国の行動に対向するという賢い政策を再発見している。米国は同盟国のために強い態度であるべきだ。
ttp:// Poll: Rocky road seen ahead for Obama By JIM VANDEHEI & CHARLES MAHTESIAN | 9/26/10 10:53 PM EDT Updated: 9/27/10 8:58 AM EDT ポリティコ世論調査の結果:オバマ大統領の再戦を望むのは38%のみで過半数が不支持 27日、ポリティコ
・・・・according to the latest POLITICO / George Washington University Battleground Poll. Only 38 percent of respondents said Obama deserves to be reelected, even though a majority of voters hold a favorable view of him on a personal level. Forty-four percent said they will vote to oust him, and 13 percent said they will consider voting for someone else.
By a 13-point margin, voters are down on the health care law. In an especially troubling sign, more than half of self-identified independents ? 54 percent ? have an unfavorable opinion of the law, compared with just 38 percent who have a favorable opinion. オバマ大統領の医療改革について無党派層の過半数,54%が支持せず、支持するのは38%にとどまっている
The tea party movement, which has emerged as the biggest threat to Democrats’ dominance of Washington, is viewed favorably by 43 percent of respondents, compared with 35 percent who view it unfavorably. 全国的な保守派の政治運動に発展してきたティーパーティについて、43%が好意的な評価、35%がネガティブな評価
・・・・ For Tokyo to decide to release the Japanese captain in the face of such overreaction only teaches Beijing that its policies worked. This is an extremely dangerous precedent not only for Japan but for the larger East Asia region and, ultimately, even for the United States (中国政府のレアアース禁輸や人質誘拐の激しい行動に面して)日本政府は、船長を保釈したが、それは中国政府の 過激なリアクションに訴える政策が機能すると教えることになった。これは大変危険な状況であって、日本のみならず、 より広範囲に東アジアと、最終的にはアメリカにも影響がおよぶ。
It was Beijing, not Tokyo, that decided that this relatively minor incident should escalate. Some recent reports even suggest that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was responsible for the harder line pursued by the Chinese in this crisis.[3] Regardless of whether it was ultimately the military that pushed this position or simply hardliners writ large, they have now been handed a victory by Tokyo. Chinese demands for immediate and unconditional release have been met. マイナーな諍いをエスカレートさせたのは日本側ではなく中国側であって、最近の報道では人民解放軍がこの事件のエス カレーションに関与しているという。軍が関与しているのか否かにかかわらず強硬派は日本の降伏で勝利を得た。中国の 要求した即時無条件の船長の開放が達成された。
A Dangerous Situation: The U.S.’s Two-Pronged Response For the U.S., which is often allied or friends with parties that have territorial disputes with the PRC, this situation will become ever more dangerous. Chinese miscalculations (which are essentially being encouraged) will inevitably draw in the U.S. if the situation starts to spiral out of control. Washington needs to engage in a two-pronged approach. First, the U.S. needs to make clear to its allies that their policy of preemptive concession and non-response to Chinese irascibility is ultimately self-defeating. Not only does it encourage the Chinese to be more belligerent and less conciliatory, but it is also more likely to escalate future crises. And Washington has no intention to help those who will not help themselves. アメリカのアジアの同盟国の多くは中国との国境紛争を有しているので,今回のような事件は中国側の計算間違いがあれ ばアメリカを含めた紛争が起こり、それがスパイラル的にアウト・オブ・コントロールになりかねない。アメリカはその同盟国 に先制的な譲歩や中国の怒りに無対応であるような政策は自己破滅的であると教えるべきである。そういう政策は中国側 をより攻撃的にし、融和的でない方向に向けるだけである。それはさらに,将来の危機をエスカレートさせる。アメリカは自己 の防衛努力をしない国を助ける意思はない。
Simultaneously, the U.S., in its own policies, needs to be more coherent and coordinated. China resorting so promptly to the economic threat of curtailing rare earth exports, for example, should be a clear signal to American decision-makers that it is time to reexamine its decisions influencing domestic exploration and exploitation of said materials. Similarly, Chinese efforts to exclude the U.S. Navy from operating in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea should be met with a recommitment of the U.S. to uphold its treaty and legal obligations to allies and friends in the Pacific. アメリカは自己の政策を,これまで以上に理路整然とした,よりコーディネートされたものにする必要がある。中国は経済力を 使って例えばレアアース禁輸といった政策を持ち出している。これはアメリカが国内のレアアース資源の調達の再検討を行 うべことを示唆する。中国は黄海や東支那海から米国海軍を締め出そうとしているのであるから、アメリカは関連する同盟 国との条約や法的責務に鑑みて,そのプレゼンスを再度コミットすべきである。
If the U.S. is going to argue that it is “returning” to Asia, it needs to make clear that, this time, it is here to stay. Such a commitment requires not only maintaining a strong military presence but deepening its diplomatic and trade ties to the region. The American presence has always been multifaceted, and its “return” should reflect all those aspects. アメリカのアジアへの回帰は強い軍事的プレゼンスと,同盟国等への外交的,通商的連携の強化を伴うべきである。 Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation.
・・・・ For Tokyo to decide to release the Japanese captain in the face of such overreaction only teaches Beijing that its policies worked. This is an extremely dangerous precedent not only for Japan but for the larger East Asia region and, ultimately, even for the United States (中国政府のレアアース禁輸や人質誘拐の激しい行動に面して)日本政府は、船長を保釈したが、それは中国政府の 過激なリアクションに訴える政策が機能すると教えることになった。これは大変危険な状況であって、日本のみならず、 より広範囲に東アジアと、最終的にはアメリカにも影響がおよぶ。
It was Beijing, not Tokyo, that decided that this relatively minor incident should escalate. Some recent reports even suggest that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was responsible for the harder line pursued by the Chinese in this crisis.[3] Regardless of whether it was ultimately the military that pushed this position or simply hardliners writ large, they have now been handed a victory by Tokyo. Chinese demands for immediate and unconditional release have been met. マイナーな諍いをエスカレートさせたのは日本側ではなく中国側であって、最近の報道では人民解放軍がこの事件のエス カレーションに関与しているという。軍が関与しているのか否かにかかわらず強硬派は日本の降伏で勝利を得た。中国の 要求した即時無条件の船長の開放が達成された。
By Matthew E. Kahn, Guest blogger / September 27, 2010 クリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター
American companies now rely mostly on Japan for magnets and other components using rare earth elements, as the United States’ manufacturing capacity in the industry became uncompetitive and mostly closed over the last two decades. " アメリカ企業は今や殆どがレアアースを使った磁石やその他の部品を日本から買っている。 This is an interesting case. Japan has learned that it made a strategic mistake by not diversifying its supply chains. 今回のケースは興味深いもので、日本はサプライチェーンを分散してこなかった事で戦略的誤りを犯したと学んでいる。 (後略)
尖閣諸島事件に際しての、中国国内の政治闘争とナショナリズムについて、 林濁水@台北時報 (部分) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Chinese nationalism a potent force By Lin Cho-shui 林濁水 Monday, Sep 27, 2010,
Policy now seems to be at loggerheads with Chinese President Hu Jintao’s (胡錦濤) overall strategy of peaceful development and diplomacy. Does this mean something has gone wrong with the relationship between the CCP and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)? 胡錦濤と中国共産党との間に平和的台頭をめぐる外交政策で口論があるようであり、この事実は中国共産党と人民解放軍 との間に何かが起こっているかもしれないとの疑問を抱かせる
It does look that way. For a start, former Chinese leader Mao Zedong (毛澤東) and Deng were both military leaders who had proven themselves in war, so they had no problems controlling the military. Things were different for former Chinese president Jiang Zemin (江澤民), who had to make concessions to the military. 毛澤東やケ小平は戦争を指導した軍の指導者であったから軍部のコントロールに何の問題もなかった。江沢民の時代から 様子が変わって、江沢民は軍部に譲歩する必要に迫られた
Even more important, China has traditionally seen unity as the highest value. All values are decided by the leadership and the CCP has always placed particular value on ideology. The CCP general secretary controls the party, the government and the military. The general secretary also controls the propaganda machinery. Mao was depicted as both a political and a military thinker, as was Deng and even Jiang. 中国では指導者層と共産党が統一的見解を持つことが特に重要視されてきた。共産党書記が政府と軍を指揮する。書記は さらに広報宣伝機関を指揮する。毛沢東やケ小平、さらには江沢民でさえ政治的および軍事的思想家であった。
Hu, however, is unique as the first national leader without his own brand of military thought. As a result, the PLA has developed its own strategy and military thinking, claiming that the South China Sea is part of China’s core interests. 胡錦濤は独自の軍事思想をもたない始めての指導者である。このために人民解放軍が独自の軍事的戦略思想を開発した。 彼らは南支那海は中国の中核的国益であるという。
These examples imply that Hu’s control over China’s military is inferior to that of previous leaders. Mao and Deng gained power through life-or-death struggles, while Jiang and Hu were anointed by their strongman predecessors. As Hu is about to hand over power, his successor will not be anointed by a strongman, but will instead be nominated and elected through an internal party process. As hopefuls show their abilities, they prefer to lean left rather than right to consolidate their power, giving the military more influence and promoting strong nationalism. これらの事実は胡錦濤の軍部の掌握が以前の指導者に比べて劣っていることを意味する。毛沢東やケ小平は生死を賭け た闘争を生き延び、江沢民や胡錦濤は彼らに後継者として指名された。胡錦濤が後継者に地位を譲る時期が近づき、その 後継者は党内のプロセスで指名され選択される。後継者はこの結果、右傾するよりは左傾するようになり軍部の影響力が 強まって、国内には強いナショナリズムが喧伝されることになる。
These signs imply that Beijing is facing a new situation. It is worrying that this nationalism is not likely to disappear together with tension over the Diaoyutai Islands. こうしたサインは中国政府が新たな状況に面している事を示唆し、尖閣諸島問題で盛り上がったナショナリズムが消え去ら ないように見えて憂慮すべきことである。
ttp:// Has the Obama administration been tough enough with China? Posted By Mike Green Monday, September 27, 2010 - 6:30 PM オバマ政権は尖閣諸島事件で、充分タフに中国に対応したか? By Mike Green フォーリンポリシー
Anybody who spends time in Singapore, Delhi or Seoul will appreciate how much anxiety China's aggressive new stance on territorial disputes is causing in Asia. Japan is the most recent recipient of Beijing's growing chutzpah. 最近シンガポールや、デリーや、ソウルを訪問した人は、尖閣諸島事件での中国の攻撃的な態度が、どのくらい強く アジアの人々を怯えさせたかを理解している。中国の増大する覇権の最近の被害者が日本である。 (事件の経過説明、省略)
Worse, Beijing has come away from the crisis triumphant over Japan's apparent capitulation in the face of overwhelming countermeasures. China's hyper-nationalistic netizens and PLA officers will now expect the government to continue using blunt economic and military tools to put Japan in its place. 最悪にもこの危機で中国政府は、その圧倒的な圧力に屈した日本に勝利し、超ナショナりステイックなネット市民や人民 解放軍の高官は政府が日本に対して経済的、軍事的な圧力を継続するよう求めている。
The administration can feel satisfied that it provided effective reassurance to Tokyo during this crisis, but the dissuasion message to Beijing has been inadequate. China's neighbors are looking to the United States for leadership -- this includes now even the ruling Democratic Party of Japan which not too long ago campaigned on the promise to distance its foreign policy from Washington. オバマ政権は危機の期間中に,日本に安全保障の再確認を行って満足しているかもしれないが,中国政府に過激な行為 を思いとどまらせるためのメッセージは不十分であった。中国の周辺国はアメリカのリーダーシップを求めており、その中に はさほど遠くない昔にはアメリカから距離を置く政策を取っていた日本の民主党も含まれている。
The administration should take full advantage of this opening by enhancing joint military exercises with allies and like -minded maritime states and by using Asia's normally sleepy multilateral institutions to spotlight regional concerns about China's more aggressive stance on territorial disputes. Secretary Clinton won kudos and diplomatic support across the region when she openly addressed China's push for control over the South China Sea during her appearance at the ASEAN Regional Forum in Hanoi in July. Now it would be useful to find ways to demonstrate U.S. and regional concern about Beijing's disproportionate escalation against Japan in the most recent dispute. This case is not closed. As one influential Indian politician put it to me on Friday, "this time it is Japan, but next time it could be us." オバマ政権は、この時期に際して同盟国との共同軍事演習などを強化して,中国の領土紛争における攻撃的なスタンス に対抗しアジア地域の多国籍協議機関で,その問題にスポットライトを当てるべきだ。クリントン国務長官は7月にASEAN 地域フォーラムで南支那海の中国の領土主張について中国を牽制し,アジア諸国の支持を得ている。
ttp:// QUESTION: China seems to (inaudible) exports of (inaudible) to Japan really (inaudible). Are you feeling (inaudible) and are you thinking to take any measure to prevent that? ASSISTANT SECRETARY CAMPBELL: On the specifics, I think the truth is that the United States, Japan, and China are deeply engaged in the global economy and that we all have a stake in the smooth functioning of the international economic situation and in terms of industrial capacity and the like. And I think any such moves would raise tensions and be profoundly ? profoundly not in the interests of any of the member states. And so I don’t believe that such actions lead to increases in confidence; quite the contrary, they are worrisome. I must also say that there have been quite a lot of uncertainty associated with these reports
ttp:// China’s muscle-flexing is a sign of weakness By Jonathan Holslag Published: September 27 2010 23:09 | Last updated: September 27 2010 23:09 中国の腕力に訴えるやり方は,(強さではなく)弱さのサインである By Jonathan Holslag FT、27日
The more China advances, the more it seems to forget that its progress has been achieved through moderation and composure. Last week’s showdown with Japan over the custody of a Chinese fisherman strengthened the impression that power brings arrogance. After halting official contacts, Wen Jiabao, the usually mild-mannered Chinese premier, warned Tokyo to brace for severe consequences. At the weekend, Japan rejected Chinese demands for compensation and on Monday said it might call for compensation of its own. But, emboldened by the eruption of nationalism, Chinese experts, journalists and bloggers have been calling for economic sanctions ? and military force to protect the country’s trawlers in the East China sea. 中国は発展にともなって,その経済成長が節度と(冷静)沈着によってもたらされたことを忘れるようだ。先週起こった尖閣 諸島をめぐる日本と中国の対立では、いつもは穏健なマナーで知られる温首相が、日本が要求を入れないなら酷い結果 を招くと脅迫した。日本は中国の要求する謝罪と賠償を拒否している。中国国内のナショナリズムの盛り上がりのために 中国のジャーナリスト、ブロガー、専門家らは対日経済制裁や軍事オプションを叫んでいる。
China’s apparent assertiveness remains more an expression of weakness than of strength. The spat demonstrates that territorial frictions increasingly flare up as a consequence of economic needs. 中国の明瞭な強硬姿勢は、その強さというよりも、むしろ弱さの表明である。この事件は経済的必要性から、領土紛争が 加速的に増加することを示している。
.In the same way, growing demand for energy is putting pressure on China to enforce its claims over contested offshore oilfields in the East and South China seas, estimated to harbour more than 200bn barrels of oil. Also, because of rapidly depleting water reserves, the border conflict with India could soon fuse with fierce rivalry over Himalayan rivers. In spite of a water-sharing agreement, China has continued building dams and irrigation projects on the upper stream of the Brahmaputra. 石油需要の増大は中国をして南支那海、東支那海の推定200Bバレルの海底石油の権益確保に向かわせ、国内の加速 的な水不足は隣国インドとのヒマラヤ水系の紛争を生んでいる。インドとの協定にもかかわらず中国はブラマプトラ川上流 にダムを建設し用水計画を勧めている。
China’s neighbours have not missed the appeals of its leaders and experts to equip the People’s Liberation Army to defend national development and overseas economic interests. For them it is still an open question whether China’s maturing military diplomacy and emerging blue water navy will serve regional security or help build a new sphere of influence. 中国の隣国は、人民解放軍が国内開発や海外の経済権益の追求に利用されていることを見逃していない。それらの隣国 は中国の軍部の外交やブルーウオーターネービーがアジア地域の安定に寄与するのか、それとも中国の影響力増大のた めに働くのかを見極めようとしている。 (中略) In the past 30 years, the People’s Republic has mainly sought to regain its leading status in the international community by becoming a part of it. But, today, its economic model has become unsustainable: in spite of six years of bold declarations and experiments, it has got only more addicted to export-led manufacturing and investment in fixed assets. 過去30年間の中国は、国際コミニティの一部になるべく参入することで発展を遂げてきた。しかし今日,中国の経済モデルは 維持可能ではなくなっている。6年前から中国は内需拡大を約束しているが,中国経済はますます製造業の輸出依存や固定 資産投資に頼る成長という形になっている。
We have seen outbursts of assertiveness before, but this episode is the product of a bottleneck in China’s domestic transition, which, if not managed well, could lead to a return of destabilising patriotism. China flexes its muscle at a moment when other powers feel less confident about their future and are under pressure to stand strong. In such a climate, distrust could turn into a self-fulfilling prophesy, because it weakens the position of moderate leaders, stirs mutual fear of aggression and, above all, strengthens the belief that shifts in the balance of power inevitably lead to greater global rivalry.
WASHINGTON -- The FBI and the U.S. Labor Department are investigating prominent labor leader Andy Stern in their probe of corruption at the Service Employees International Union, according to two people who have been interviewed by federal agents. The two organized labor officials met with federal agents this summer to answer questions about a six-figure book contract that Stern landed in 2006 and his role in approving money to pay the salary of an SEIU leader in California who allegedly performed no work.(ry
Interesting, Andy Stern runs through the rise of Obama and his administration like a strand of DNA. He was there at the beginning of the Netroots movement, even hiring Moulitsas and Armstrong to a lucrative consulting contract at the same time they wrote the labor-friendly, Crashing the Gate that helped kick things off. Stern has topped the White House visitor's list and joined Obama's Deficit Commission, despite leaving the SEIU heavily in debt. Enter the FBI, now looking at Stern. Well, they, perhaps more than most, do know something about the Chicago Way. Andy Sternはオバマ大統領を持ち上げてきた実力者で、ネットルート運動の初期の頃からコンサルタントのMoulitsas and Armstrongを使い、労働組合運動に親和的な政策を進めてきた。彼はホワイトハウス訪問者リストのトップにあり、大統領 の負債コミッションにも参加している。彼の政治的手法はシカゴ流のダーティなものとされ、FBIの調査は興味深いことだ。
She is still widely seen as the only person Mr Kim, the North Korean dictator, has been able to trust throughout his life. Their bond became more public on Tuesday when she was named a four-star general along with the dictator’s son, Kim Jong-eun. 金正銀とともに彼女は四つ星の将軍に任命され金正日の信頼の厚さをうかがわせる
Mrs Kim, 64, is being groomed to play an important role in keeping the state alive, especially in the event her brother dies suddenly. She has been the most prominent companion on her brother’s recent trips around the country to factories, farms and operas, a signal to North Korean elites to identify her as someone to whom Kim Jong-il has confided his plans. Moscow-educated Mrs Kim has shown a strong personality, even defying Kim Il-sung, her imposing father and the founder of the Pyongyang regime, to carry on a student romance with Chang Sung-taek, then only the leader of a music group. 彼女は金正日の最近の旅行に同伴している。モスクワで教育を受け64歳、意志の強い性格 Mrs Kim’s elevation suggests she and Mr Chang are being positioned as a power couple who will steer the succession in the event of Kim Jong-il’s death. 彼女の夫、張成沢も金正日亡き後の政権継承に預かると見られる
Still, South Korean media and Yuriko Koike, a former Japanese defence minister, have suggested Mrs Kim may be seeking power for herself or her husband. Some analysts believe this month’s ruling party congress was delayed so Kim Jong-il could strike a political compromise with her. 小池百合子氏や一部韓国メディアは彼女が直接政権を握ることを目指していると言っている While a power struggle inside the nuclear-armed dictatorship is far from impossible, there is no evidence to prove whether Mrs Kim has been engaged in machinations. Now that Pyongyang has given an important public title to Kim Jong-il’s son, the state propaganda machine will most probably cast him publicly and very visibly as the dauphin. Once the posters are up, it will be almost impossible to question Kim Jong-eun’s legitimacy. しかし金ファミリー内部の政権闘争を知ることは不可能で,仮説を証明する証拠はない。金正銀の政権継承が発表された ので,その正統性を覆すことは不可能と思える。
The final payment of £59.5 million, writes off the crippling debt that was the price for one world war and laid the foundations for another. Germany was forced to pay the reparations at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 as compensation to the war-ravaged nations of Belgium and France and to pay the Allies some of the costs of waging what was then the bloodiest conflict in history, leaving nearly ten million soldiers dead. The initial sum agreed upon for war damages in 1919 was 226 billion Reichsmarks, a sum later reduced to 132 billion, £22 billion at the time.
A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington said China strongly opposes sanctions against Iran's nuclear activities beyond those imposed by the United Nations, which he said should be followed by all members. The letter is aimed at prodding the administration to enforce the U.S. law generally. It singles out the Chinese company specifically, however, for its agreement last year to invest in Iran's South Azadegan oil field. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ "The administration should penalize CNPC, and other Chinese entities, for helping Iran evade international pressure and undermine the cooperation we've obtained from allies like Japan and South Korea," the letter says. The lawmakers also cite two other Chinese companies, Sinopec and Zhuhai Zhenrong, and the Turkish energy company Turpas.
Wang Baodong, the Chinese Embassy spokesman, told The Associated Press that China is "strongly opposed to unilateral sanctions beyond the relevant U.N. resolutions on Iranian nuclear issues, which are the guidelines that all U.N. members should strictly follow." He said China does not want the United States to allow "damaging developments" that would "harm China-U.S. relations and bilateral economic and trade cooperation."
Tokyo has linked the need for action against Iran’s nuclear ambitions with the need for international co-operation to force North Korea to give up its atomic arms development. The new sanctions are not expected to affect Japanese oil imports or existing investments in Iran.
In Iran, China's state-owned oil companies are pushing to do more business, even though Beijing backed enhanced U.N. sanctions against Tehran because of its alleged nuclear weapons program. The China National Offshore Oil Co. is in talks to ramp up its investment in the massive Azadegan oil field just as Japanese companies are backing out,
ttp:// Is China Afraid of Its Own People? The diplomatic tussle over the East China Sea has calmed down, but a bigger foreign-policy problem awaits: China's newly empowered masses won't take 'no' for an answer, and Beijing is right to be scared. BY WILLY LAM | SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 中国は、自国の国民を恐れているのだろうか? BY WILLY LAM フォーリンポリシー
Indeed, the extraordinary lengths to which Beijing has gone to rein in public protests over the alleged Japanese occupation of the Diaoyu, as the islands are called in China, has exposed a critical shortcoming of the so-called China model: the Chinese Communist Party leadership's inability to make effective use of public opinion to advance domestic as well as diplomatic goals. Instead of leading public opinion, these days Chinese leaders are sometimes pushed into uncomfortable stances that reduce their options. 尖閣諸島事件では、中国政府が大衆の抗議運動の抑制に特段の努力をしている。これは「中国モデル」の問題点 を浮き彫りにしている。中国共産党のリーダーシップが、国民大衆の意見を効果的に政策化することが出来ず,民主 化や外交政策展開に於いて矛盾が生じる。国民大衆の意見のリーダーシップを率いるのではなくて,中国の指導者 等は、そのオプションを少なくするような不愉快なスタンスをとらざるを得ない。
One reason Beijing is so nervous about demonstrations is that based on past experience, "troublemakers" often take advantage of such rare occasions to air grievances regarding nondiplomatic issues, especially corruption within party and government departments. That explains why at least nine activists, according to the watchdog Chinese Human Rights Defenders, were detained or warned not to participate in the rallies in Beijing and Guangzhou. Among them were Xu Zhiyong, a lecturer at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and Teng Biao, a lawyer. Xu and Teng are well-known NGO activists who have stood up for victims of official corruption. 中国政府が大衆抗議行動に神経質になる理由は、過去の事例にあるように「トラブルメーカー」達が稀な機会に乗じて 政治の腐敗とか,外交問題に無関係な抗議を展開するためである。官僚の腐敗を批判する人権団体やNGOの活動家は 屡々逮捕されており、抗議行動に参加しないようにと警告を受けている。
Yet the most important reason why party authorities are paranoid about public protests is that aside from casting aspersions Tokyo's way, demonstrators might also zero in on Beijing's failure to do anything substantial to recover the lost territory. Sino-Japanese wrangling over the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands dates back to the early 1970s, when Washington returned the archipelago to Japan, but Beijing's actions have never gone beyond rhetorical assertions of its "sovereignty since time immemorial." 政府が大衆抗議行動を恐れる最大の理由は、日本政府への抗議が転じて、領土問題での中国政府の無能を大衆が批判 することである。尖閣諸島は1970年代に米国から日本に返還され、当時の中国政府は目立った抗議をしていない。
Nor are they likely to. Despite the leaps-and-bounds development of the Chinese Navy, a military solution seems out of the question. The islets fall within the Japanese-American mutual defense treaty, a fact that was reiterated by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when she met visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara in New York last week. 日米安保の適用対象である尖閣諸島に対する中国側の軍事オプションというのは問題外と思える。クリントン国務長官は 前原外相との会談で尖閣諸島が安保適用対象であることを再確認している。
A more realistic solution is the one advocated by late patriarch Deng Xiaoping when he visited Japan in 1978: seeking joint development of the islands, which are rich in natural resources, while shelving sovereignty concerns. Deng said on the occasion that it might be better to let "future generations, which may be wiser" to tackle the sovereignty imbroglio. Deng's statement, which could be interpreted as legitimizing the status quo of the Diaoyu being run by Japan on a de facto basis, has never been given much publicity in China. It is also not mentioned in high-school history textbooks. ケ小平は1978年の訪日で尖閣諸島地域の共同開発を言っている。領有権についてケ小平は「将来の賢い世代の判断を 待つ」といっている。このケ小平の言葉は尖閣諸島の日本の領有の現状を事実上受けいれると解釈されるので中国国内 では報道されていないが。そして高校の歴史教科書にも、それは書かれていない。
ttp:// Distrust in U.S. Media Edges Up to Record High September 29, 2010 Perceptions of liberal bias still far outnumber perceptions of conservative bias by Lymari Morales ギャラップ世論調査:アメリカ国民のメディアへの不信が記録的な高さに。 国民の多くはメディアにリベラルバイアスを見ている
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- For the fourth straight year, the majority of Americans say they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly. The 57% who now say this is a record high by one percentage point. 最近の4年間上昇してきたアメリカ国民のメディアへの不信が変わらず、現在では「ニュースを完全に、正確に、公平に 報道するという観点で、マスメディアを、あまり、あるいは全く信頼していない」と答えた国民が57%という記録的な高さ になった。
Nearly half of Americans (48%) say the media are too liberal, tying the high end of the narrow 44% to 48% range recorded over the past decade. One-third say the media are just about right while 15% say they are too conservative. Overall, perceptions of bias have remained quite steady over this tumultuous period of change for the media, marked by the growth of cable and Internet news sources. Americans' views now are in fact identical to those in 2004, despite the many changes in the industry since then. 約半数(48%)の国民はメディアがリベラルに過ぎると答えており、この比率は過去10年間の44%〜48%の変動幅の 上限に近い。国民の三分の一はメディアが適正と答え、15%は保守的に過ぎると答えている。国民のメディアに対する 評価の状況は2004年当時に似ている。
中間選挙に向けた飴の地方の状況の一つ。フロリダ州で注目されている上院議員を巡る争いで、最近シフトが 起こり、これまで優位を保っていた民主党候補が逆転されている -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Poll: Obama, Dems Poised to Lose Grayson House Seat Republican Dan Webster jumps to a 7-point lead フロリダ州上院議員選挙:共和党のDan Websterが7%のリードにジャンプした サンシャインステートニュース
こうした変化の起きている原因は・・・ティーパティ "All the polls to date that involved 'tea party' candidates have shown similar results in the weeks and months leading up to the election. Every one of those polls has undervalued tea-supported candidates and this race will be no different," Dunmire said. Jerry Dorchuck, a Florida-based political consultant, forecast that Webster will "eke out a small victory, thanks to independent voters. "The tea party activists will, I think, sit back and look at supporting one of their own vs. the prospect of giving the race back to Grayson, and they'll close their eyes and vote for Webster," said Dorchuck, who operates PMI Polling, a non -partisan research and voter-contact firm.
ttp:// Ed is strangely proud of his least favorite news network: “We criticize MSNBC enough for its naked advocacy on behalf of the Democrats and Barack Obama, so in all fairness, we should note that they do have limits … and Alan Grayson apparently found them. Contessa Brewer engages Grayson on his disgraceful, dishonest “Taliban Dan” smear and ? to her credit ? refuses to let him off the hook for it. At one point, Grayson accuses Brewer of distracting attention from women’s issues, but Brewer fires back and tells Grayson that he approved the ad and its own off-message smears and out-of-context quotes. If Grayson was serious about the issues, Brewer asks, why not just stick to the issues rather than issue an ad rated “false” by Factcheck?”
世論調査によれば、アメリカの若者が右傾化している ウイークリー・スタンダード ttp:// Youth Vote Shifts Right Rock the vote poll shows voters support Arizona immigration law, oppose Ground Zero mosque. BY MARY KATHARINE HAM September 28, 2010 5:39 PM
A September Rock the Vote poll showed the Democratic advantage in party affiliation has been cut in half since 2008 ?down to 9 percent from 18. Democrats get 35 percent, Republicans 26 percent, and Independents 29 percent. (2008 Rock the Vote Numbers were 41 D, 23 R, 25 I). 2008年には、アメリカの若者は圧倒的に民主党支持(民主党=41%,共和党=23%、無党派=25%)であったが,9月の 世論調査によれば、民主党=35%、共和党=26%、無党派=29%で、民主党のリードは18%から9%に低下した。
According to the Rock the Vote poll, they support the Arizona immigration law, 53-44. 不法移民問題では(予測に反して)若者たちはアリゾナ州の移民規制法を53%:44%で支持している
On the issue of the Ground Zero Mosque, young people give another surprising answer, opposing it 52-41: グラウンドゼロ・モスク問題でも若者層は従来の予想に反して52%:41%でモスク建設に反対している
A Harvard Institute of Politics poll in March showed that, when it comes to the deficit, young people would even trade speedier economic recovery for keeping the deficit down: When offered a choice, a majority (51%) of young adults said they believe that the "President and Congress should worry more about keeping the budget deficit down, even though it may mean it will take longer for the economy to recover;" 45% of 18-29 year-olds said that the "President and Congress should worry more about boosting the economy even though it may mean larger budget deficits now and in the future." ハーバード大学政治学研究室の世論調査機関の調査によれば、若者層の財政赤字に対する見方は「大統領と議会は 財政赤字により注意をはらうべきで、たとえ経済回復が遅れても、そうすべきである」とする解答が過半数(51%)を占めた。 経済回復を優先すべきとの解答は45%であった。 59%の若者は2年前に比べて政治に対してシニカルになったとしており、オバマ政権への失望が影響していると見られる。 保守派の世論調査機関Winston GroupのKristen Soltisは「共和党は,次世代の有権者の支持を失うことを避けることがで きてラッキーというべき」
Although not yet official terminology, this raises the prospect of Beijing putting the South China Sea, with its shipping lanes stretching to the Malacca Straits, on a par with Tibet and Taiwan. That would make the sovereignty issue non -negotiable, a problem for the several nations, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, that have overlapping claims. It would be akin to a Chinese Monroe Doctrine, which asserted the rights of a then-rising US to its Latin American backyard.
No one really knows how Beijing would behave if it gained anything like the power Washington has so long enjoyed. That is why Asia looks so closely at incidents such as China’s diplomatic brawl with Japan ? for clues as to what the future might hold.
>>890 この記事はほとんど何も説明していないけれど,オバマ発言は,アメリカの直面する経済的課題について語っている 中でなされたもの。このオバマ発言のビデオ(CNN)は↓ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Obama says China's currency undervalued and a cause of trade deficit By the CNN Wire Staff September 29, 2010 -- Updated 1936 GMT (0336 HKT)
President Barack Obama said Wednesday that China's currency is undervalued, resulting in a trade advantage for Chinese goods over American goods that contributes to the U.S. trade deficit. Responding to a question at a town hall-style meeting, Obama addressed one of the major current issues in relations between the world's two largest economies. "The reason I'm pushing China about their currency is because their currency is undervalued," he said, adding that " people generally think they are managing their currency in a way that makes our goods more expensive to sell there and their goods cheaper to sell here." The resulting imbalance was a major factor contributing to the U.S. trade deficit, Obama said.