A rich man's son, Hatoyama has impressed Obama administration officials with his unreliability on a major issue dividing Japan and the United States: the future of a Marine Corps air station in Okinawa. But Hatoyama's party, the Democratic Party of Japan, said it wanted to reexamine the agreement and to propose a different plan. It is supposed to do that by May. So far, nothing has come in over the transom. Uh, Yukio, you're supposed to be an ally, remember? Saved you countless billions with that expensive U.S. nuclear umbrella? Still buy Toyotas and such? ttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/13/AR2010041304461.html
北朝鮮で起こっている飢餓について:食料の人道支援をするなら、北朝鮮国内の食料配布のモニタリングを 義務つけるべきである By KAY SEOK WSJ寄稿評論、14日 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *書いているのはヒューマンライト・ウオッチの北朝鮮研究者。北朝鮮のデノミ失敗による経済混乱と春窮の時期が 重なって、飢餓が起こっており、国際的人道支援の要請が起こると予想される。最低限必要なことは北朝鮮国内の 食料配布のモニタリングを認めさせ、それを行なうことで、その条件なしの支援はすべきではない、という。
ttp://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/fb85d0a2-47f6-11df-b998-00144feab49a.html Japan’s splendid isolation may be at risk By David Pilling Published: April 14 2010 22:23 | Last updated: April 14 2010 22:23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- これはFTに書いている、David Pillingの日本の現状評論なのだけれど、例によってDavid Pilling的な誤謬とナンセンス に溢れている。
At home, only eight months after an opposition party finally wrestled power from the crusty Liberal Democrats, disillusion has set in. What some dared hope was a modern Meiji Restoration has turned out to be rather less inspiring. There is already chatter about when Yukio Hatoyama, the “revolution’s” leader, might resign.
<シリアがヒズボラにスカッド・ミサイルを移転した件について> MR. CROWLEY: We are concerned about it. And if such an action has been taken ? and we continue to analyze this issue ? it would represent a failure by the parties in the region to honor UN Security Council Resolution 1701. And clearly, it potentially puts Lebanon at significant risk. We have been concerned enough that in recent weeks, during one of our regular meetings with the Syrian ambassador here in Washington, that we’ve raised the issue with the Syrian Government and continue to study the issue. But obviously, it’s something of great concern to us. ミサイル移転は国連安保理決議1701に違反しており、国務省は懸念してシリア大使と協議を続けている
QUESTION: Well, the Syrians deny that they have any ? (a) that this is happening, but (b) that they have anything to do with it. Do you accept that denial? でも、シリア政府はミサイル移転を否定しているわけだが?
MR. CROWLEY: Well, let’s ? I mean, there’s a broader issue here. Regardless of the issue of Scuds, we are ? we remain concerned about the provision of increasingly sophisticated weaponry to parties in ? to Hezbollah. And this is an issue that we continue to raise with Syria, other parties in the region. And this is a clear threat to Lebanon’s security. 国務省はヒズボラへの武器の移転の一般について懸念し協議してきているわけで・・・
QUESTION: Well, does that ? this is a clear threat to Lebanon’s security? That means you’re ? so you believe or you know that these Scuds have been transferred? ヒズボラへのスカッド移転を確認したのか?
MR. CROWLEY: I’m not going to talk about intelligence matters. I don’t think at this point, we have a clear -- 諜報情報にはコメントできない QUESTION: Well, you just did. You just said that you’re -- でも、既に国務省は、その件に触れているではないか QUESTION: Wait, could you finish your sentence? You said at this point, you don’t think you have a clear indication? 国務省はスカッド移転の明確な証拠がないと言っているのか?
MR. CROWLEY: A clear picture. 明確な・・ QUESTION: A clear picture. 明確な事実関係 QUESTION: But you just did. You just said that this ? that the transfer of increasingly sophisticated weaponry, as if it was a fact. 貴方は既に、加速的に洗練された武器の移転、と言ったではないか
MR. CROWLEY: Well, there is -- つまり、それは・・ QUESTION: Is it a fact? 移転は事実なのか? MR. CROWLEY: -- a flow of weaponry into Lebanon. I’m not talking about systems as large as Scuds, but we are concerned about it and we have raised it with various parties, including the Syrians. スカッドに特定した話をしているわけではなく、武器のヒズボラへの移転の一般について話している QUESTION: So are you saying that the Scud reports are wrong? スカッドの移転は事実ではないと? MR. CROWLEY: I’m not commenting on ? specifically on scud reports. スカッドに特定したコメントはしない QUESTION: Could this issue affect the dispatch of the ambassador designate to Damascus? シリア大使のダマスカスへの派遣に、この件は影響するか? MR. CROWLEY: Well, we ? no. We hope to have an ambassador placed in Damascus because it’s in our national interest to do so, that ? so we have the opportunity to raise on a continual basis not only our concerns about Syria’s behavior but also work, we hope, over time more constructively with Syria on our areas of mutual interest, including potentially Syria’s important role, should it choose, in the peace process. しない。我々はシリアの行動に憂慮することがあルニせよ、長期的に建設的な関係を築き中東和平の推進に貢献 するものとしたい QUESTION: Is Lebanon the only country that is affected by this, if Scuds were placed in southern Lebanon? Are there other concerns? レバノンについて関心と言ったが他の国(=イスラエル)への脅威ではないのか?
MR. CROWLEY: Well, I mean, obviously a concern that we would have if you hearken back to a brief discussion that Matt and I had on Monday over what is the nature of a state, one of the essential ingredients of a state is monopoly in terms of the significant use of force. And if you have non-state actors that are armed to the teeth, that actually ? that threatens the security of that particular country and stability across the region. That is something that we have been concerned about for some time. And we would be looking for countries in the region, including Syria, to play a more constructive role in taking responsibility for regional security. 国ではない組織(=テロ組織ヒズボラ)への武器の移転に憂慮しているわけであって、シリアが中東地域の安遠保証に 建設的に責任ある貢献することを望んでいる QUESTION: But you don’t ? you’re not afraid that this could jeopardize Israel’s security? I mean, you’re talking about Lebanon. イスラエルの安全保障への脅威については国務省は関与しないと?
MR. CROWLEY: I mean, it’s a clear risk to a number of countries in the region, given the range ? and again, I’m not confirming anything. 地域の諸国の安全保障に脅威になるケースを言っている。私は個々の特定の事項の確認はしない QUESTION: Well, and given the mission of Hezbollah, right? イスラエルの脅威になることがヒズボラの使命ではないか MR. CROWLEY: But given the range of those particular systems, if that report proved to be true, that would be a threat to a number of countries in the region, including Israel. 報道される(スカッド移転という)事項が事実であれば、イスラエルを含む周辺諸国の脅威になる。
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/loopy loopy adj loopier, loopiest 1. full of loops; curly or twisted 2. Informal slightly mad, crazy, or stupid ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Adj.1.loopy - consisting of or covered with or having loops 2.loopy - informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy" bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, crackers, daft, dotty, haywire, kookie, kooky, loco, loony, nuts, around the bend, balmy, round the bend, wacky, whacky, barmy, nutty, fruity, cracked insane - afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter"
(タイの新聞、ネーションの記事から) ttp://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/04/15/national/Pictured-man-clarifies-his-position-30127201.html Meanwhile, the Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situations yesterday presented five video clips, showing redshirt protesters reportedly attacking soldiers. At a meeting yesterday, the centre's spokesman Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd said the government's move to reclaim the Phan Fa area last Saturday had been criticised even though the operation, which was set to run between 3pm and 4pm, was concluded at 6pm. He explained that clashes had only erupted because some protesters had moved and pushed the troops. During the meeting, which was chaired by Deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban, Sansern said he had brought along the clips so that the public could judge for itself which side had the more credible information. He added that the centre was ready to be investigated by the public and the justice system.
The first clip showed a redshirt protester being hit by a gunshot that appeared to come from the red shirts, while in the second clip a redshirt demonstrator was heard saying that grenades were being lobbed by another group, not the soldiers. In the third clip, a redshirt protester was heard asking if MajGeneral Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdipol was on their side. The fourth clip showed soldiers shooting to cover for the injured being moved out of the clash site, while the fifth showed some protesters blocking the removal of injured people and trying to attack the officials. All clips were reportedly taken from websites such as www.youtube.com, www.cbnpress.com, www.thailandmirror.com and www.combatcamera.com.
Sansern said that since these clips were shot at the redshirt protest area, it was very unlikely that the redshirt leaders did not know about them. "Many of the images show men in black jackets, displaying the symbol of the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, carrying AKA assault rifles in the front lines. There were no calls among the crowd for these blackclad men to be arrested, so the redshirt leaders' claim of not knowing about them is impossible," he said.
ルーピー鳩山 (ワシントン・ポスト、4月14日) ラスプーチン小沢 (ワシントン・ポスト、1月09日) ttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/09/AR2010010902063.html In Washington, Ozawa is viewed with a mixture of alarm and understanding. Some in the Obama administration portray him as a Rasputin-like character plotting to push Japan away from the United States オバマ政権が民主党幹部を、どう見ているのかは、たいへん明確
A South Korean diplomatic source described the prospects for the resumption of six-party talks to end the North Korean nuclear program any time soon as dim. The remark came amid the nation being drawn to the question of whether North Korea was involved in the sinking of the naval vessel Cheonan in the West Sea on March 26. 韓国の外交筋のソースが明らかにしたところによれば6者会合再開の見通しは、短期的には暗いものという。 3月26日の韓国の哨戒艇沈没に北朝鮮の関与があるかが問題になっている折から、コメントが注目される。
The source, who is currently in Washington, D.C. for policy coordination on the North Korean nuclear program, said on condition of anonymity that it was difficult to predict if the six-party talks would be resumed. 現在ワシントンで北朝鮮の核問題の政策調整にあたっている人物がソースであるが、彼は匿名の条件で6者会合の 再開の見通しを予測する事は困難と語った。
``It will be also difficult to confirm whether or not North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's possible visit to China will open up the North's return to the six-party talks,'' he said. 「金正日の訪中が6者会合への北朝鮮の復帰につながるか、についても見通しが不透明となった」という。
The gloomy prospect for the multilateral talks was a shift from the optimistic observations early this year that negotiations were likely to re-start after Kim meets with Chinese leader Hu Jintao. Kim was widely reported to be going to visit China in April for an aid-for-talk swap. But so far, his visit has not been realized. The source hinted at the connection between the sinking of the naval vessel and the resumption of the six-party talks. 今年当初の6者会合再開への楽観的見通しは変化して、会合再開のネゴシエーションが金正日の胡主席との会談後に 開始されるというものに変わった。4月に想定された金正日訪中は実現していないが、ソースは哨戒艇沈没と6者会合の 再開の関連を示唆している。 「もし、北朝鮮が哨戒艇沈没に関与しているなら、6者会合推進に対する批判が起こるだろう」という。アメリカも6者会合 再開が沈没事件の原因調査の結果にかかっていると示唆している。 国会議員の一部は沈没事件が、北朝鮮軍部のハードライン派の指令によるものと考えている。 彼等の説は、昨年11月の韓国海軍が越境した北朝鮮船舶へダメージを与えたことに対する報復攻撃だとする。
In a recent international test of English proficiency, Japan ranked 136th, well behind South Korea, at 89th, and even North Korea, at 111th. While journalists in South Korea used this survey to demand reforms to improve English instruction in their country’s schools, the same survey hardly received any coverage in Japan. The language issue goes beyond competition with English-language countries ? and even beyond business. English is, for example, the official language of ASEAN ? which numbers 600 million people in Japan’s neighbourhood.
Gallup also asked the question during the Carter presidency, in April 1978 -- a year and three months into the Carter administration, which is the amount of time the Obama administration has been in office to date. At that time, Americans' expectations for their taxes were similar to what Gallup finds today: 60% expected their taxes to go higher, 7% expected them to go lower, and 25% thought they would stay the same.
ttp://www.stripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=69386 Tokunoshima Island mayors plan to send anti-base statement straight to Obama By David Allen and Chiyomi Sumida, Stars and Stripes Pacific edition, Saturday, April 17, 2010 徳之島の町長等は、基地移転反対の書簡をオバマ大統領に送るといっている スターズ&ストライプス
GINOWAN, Okinawa ? Upset with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, mayors of tiny Tokunoshima Island plan to take their opposition to the possibility of hosting a new Marine air station directly to President Barack Obama. 鳩山首相の構想に驚いた徳之島の(複数の)町長は、海兵隊基地の移転に反対して、オバマ大統領にメッセージを 送るといっている。
“The letter is to deliver to him our united will to oppose a military base,” Akira Okubo, the mayor of Isen Town, told Stars and Stripes on Thursday.
ttp://www.aei.org/speech/100137 U.S.-Japan Relations By Michael Auslin | Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific (April 15, 2010)
Any substantive change in the U.S.-Japan alliance or in the political relationship that undergirds it could have unanticipated effects that might increase uncertainty and potentially engender instability in this most dynamic region.
Without the continued Japanese hosting of U.S. forces, this forward-based posture is untenable, particularly in a period of growing Chinese naval and air power in which the acquisition of advanced weapons systems indicates increased vulnerability of U.S. forces over time. Similarly, options for dealing with any number of North Korean contingencies would be significantly limited without access to bases in Japan. The role of the U.S. Navy in maintaining freedom of the seas, and the U.S. Air Force in ensuring quick and credible U.S. reach anywhere in the region will become even more important as other nations in the Asia-Pacific continue to build up their national military capabilities.
ttp://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2010/4/140295.htm Relations Office ≫ Daily Press Briefings ≫ 2010 ≫ April ≫ Daily Press Briefing - April 15 Philip J. Crowley Assistant Secretary Daily Press Briefing Washington, DC April 15, 2010
QUESTION: Do you think you can restart Six-Party Talks before South Korea determines the course of the sinking of war ship in Yellow Sea? 韓国の哨戒艇沈没事件の原因究明以前に、6者会合の再開は可能なのか?
MR. CROWLEY: I’m not sure I understand the question. 質問の意味が解らない
QUESTION: Do you think you can start the Six ? restart Six-Party Talks before South Korea determines the exact cause of the sinking of a South Korean ship? 沈没原因の明確な判定以前に、6者会合が再開できるかどうか?
MR. CROWLEY: I ? we would begin Six-Party Talks in concert with our partners, but the first step is what North Korea has to do. But obviously, we continue to consult closely with South Korea and our partners in the Six-Party process on the way forward. 6者会合再開は北朝鮮の態度に依存するが、我々は韓国とも親密な協議を行う
QUESTION: Following up on that, yesterday Campbell made some remarks that tied together the Six-Party Talks and finding out what happened to the sunken ship yesterday at a CSIS event. He said that ? when asked a question, “When do you think we would be able to resume,” he said, “Well, let’s wait to see what happened with the sinking of the South Korea ship.” Do you have any comment? 昨日、カート・キャンベル国務次官補(アジア担当)がCSISのイベントでコメントして、哨戒艇沈没原因の究明は6者会合 の再開に関与するといっている。「何時再開できるか?」との問に、「哨戒艇沈没事件の原因究明を待ちたい」といって いるが?
>>243 (続き) MR. CROWLEY: I wouldn't necessarily ? I mean, both of those are of great concern. Obviously, we are cooperating with South Korea in terms of the investigation of the tragic sinking of that ship. Everyone wants to know what happened. We have no information at this point that there was particular action external to that ship, but that’s why it’s being investigated. It is in the joint interest of the United States, South Korea, others in the region, to see a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula. That is also a joint and shared imperative. But we are looking to see what North Korea is prepared to do, but obviously North Korea’s behavior in the region has an impact in terms of creating the atmosphere for the Six-Party process to move forward. 韓国の原因調査に、当然ながら我々は関心を持っているが、しかし我々は北朝鮮がどういう準備状態なのかを見極め ようとしているわけで、6者会合の再開に向けての雰囲気の醸成に、北朝鮮の行動が影響する。
SEOUL, April 16 (Reuters) - The likelihood North Korea sank a South Korean naval ship near their disputed border rose when Seoul said on Friday an external explosion probably caused the ship to split in two, killing dozens. South Korea's defence minister said this month the 1,200-tonne Cheonan may have been hit by a torpedo, immediately putting suspicion on North Korea and stoking concerns that the incident could start a conflict on the long divided peninsula.
North Korea is unlikely to cease the criminal activities it has been using to sustain its regime for more than 30 years irrespective of both who the successor to Kim Jong Il is and whether or not the country can be persuaded to denuclearize, warns a new report from an institute affiliated to the U.S. Army War College this week. 米軍戦争大学の研究機関が今週公表した報告書は、金正日の死亡は北朝鮮が30年以上にわたって続けてきた犯罪的 な違法行為を終わらせることにならず、核廃棄の見通しを確かなものにするものでもないと警告した。
Therefore, the report asserts, greater international law enforcement efforts and sanctions cooperation are both essential for combating North Korea’s illegal activities. 報告書は、それゆえ、国際的な北朝鮮をして法遵守せしめるための努力が要請されるとしている
North Korea, the authors claim, is unique in the international community for being the only state which uses criminality as state policy. “Unlike Latin America or Europe,” the report notes, “where organized crime attempts to penetrate the state, North Korea is penetrating organized crime,” and this makes it uniquely threatening to the international order. 著者によれば北朝鮮は国際社会にあって違法行為を政策として行う稀有な国である。「ヨーロッパやラテンアメリカと異な り、組織犯罪は国家によって抑制されるのではなく、北朝鮮では国家がそれを実施する」 このため国際秩序にとって北 挑戦はユニークな脅威である。
North Korea, they say, “uses state sovereignty to protect itself from external interference in its domestic affairs while dedicating a portion of its government and the KWP (Korean Workers’ Party) to carrying out illicit international activities in defiance of international law and the domestic laws of numerous other nations.” 北朝鮮は国家の統治権限を、外部の干渉を防ぐために用いる国で、労働党は違法な国際的行動や、多くの国で違法と されるような内政上の行動を行う、という。
North Korea’s activities are not just of concern in the context of criminality, the authors believe. They have direct and indirect influence over serious issues such as the prolonging of intra-state violence in places like Myanmar, undermining of social stability through contacts with violent non-state actors such as the Irish Republican Army, undermining of subsistence agriculture in North Korea itself, deteriorating public health in countries where its products are sold, and undermining of the legitimate financial institutions and legal economies of a number of states. 北朝鮮の行動のもつ問題点は、北朝鮮単独のものにとどまらず、ミャンマーに見られるようなイントラステーツの暴力行為 などに直接及び間接の悪影響を与えるものであり、IRAのような非国家暴力組織との接触を通じて社会の不安定さを高め るものであり、北朝鮮国内の農業を破壊し国民の健康を阻害し、多くの国の合法的経済や金融機関の正統性を(偽札など の行使により)阻害するものである。
There is one more serious problem: that the network of contacts that North Korea has put in place “are adaptive, resilient, covert, and widespread; they could be put to use for the transfer of nuclear material.” 更に別の問題があって北朝鮮の持つ、(違法国際ビジネスの)秘密ネットワークは核物質の移転に利用できる。
Moreover, the report also notes that North Korea should not be expected to cease its criminal activities even if it can be persuaded to denuclearize, since the regime’s leaders need the profits such activities generate in order not just to pay for nuclear weapons development but also to maintain their domestic power base. 報告書は更に、たとえ北朝鮮が核廃棄に進んだとしても北朝鮮の違法行為がなくなるとは期待できないという。何故な ら政権指導者は核開発のみならず国内の独裁政権維持のための資金を集める必要があるためである。
Therefore, it calls upon the international community to cooperate with the creation of “Fusion Centers,” offices dedicated to tracking and halting illicit North Korean activities, and to expand UN sanctions to include entities and officials known to be engaged in any or all of “counterfeiting, drug trafficking, money laundering, and other illicit activities that support the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) regime and pose a threat to the national security of nations in the region and elsewhere.” 報告書は、こうした理由から国内コミニティが協力して「統合センターオフィス」を設立し北朝鮮の違法行動のトラッキング と阻止に当たるべきという。更に国連の経済制裁を「偽札、麻薬、マネロン、その他の行為」に関与する個人や企業に対 して発動すべきという。それらは北朝鮮の政権を支えるものであり、他国の社会の安寧や安全への脅威である。
The report, “Criminal Sovereignty: Understanding North Korea’s Illicit International Activities,” was released by the Strategic Studies Institute earlier this week. この報告書は今週始めに公表された。(注、この報告書をぐぐると国防省のURLが見つかるけれど、アクセスしても 国防省の許可のないサイトからは読めないみたい)
Four of the seven vehicles on our list of the worst-made cars on the road come from GM brands. And all of the cars on the list ? including Chrysler's Dodge Nitro and Jeep Wrangler ? are made by Detroit's Big Three. Only one car on the list is made by Ford Motor. フォーチュンの「最悪の製造品質の車」のリストは、デトロイトのビッグ3で占められていて・・・ (略) The biggest surprise on the list, given recent automotive news: It includes no Toyota-made vehicles. In fact, Toyota reported a 40.7 percent gain in sales last month over March 2009; its Lexus division was up 42 percent. (Generous buyer incentives greatly contributed to those numbers.) And although Consumer Reports has removed its "recommended pick" distinction from Toyota vehicles involved in the current recall, many analysts are standing by their previous assessments of Toyota's well-made products. トヨタ車は、我々の調査による最悪の製造品質の車には登場していない。多くのアナリストは以前からの評価を変える 気はない(ry
"Toyota and Lexus both were fairly steady on their quality" in the dependability report released last month, says Dave Sargent, J.D. Power's vice president of global vehicle research. "Toyota has both good quality and a high consumer perception of their quality ? so Toyota is very much in line."
現在イランを中心に、中東には、6000人の北朝鮮人が働いていて、多くは建設工事やアパレル・ビジネスに従事してい るが、シリアとイランには専門家の核技術者が働いている。イスラエルが2007年に攻撃したシリアの原子炉には北朝鮮 の技術者が働いていたことが判明している。イラン国内で働く北朝鮮人は北朝鮮労働党のプロパガンダをイスラム国に 流布する使命をもっている。一部の北朝鮮労働者はテヘランの北朝鮮大使館から命令を受けている。しかし大使館の 管理下になくて「99事務所」の管理下にある労働者というのがいて、Munitions Industry Department in Pyongyangの 管轄下にある。また「39事務所」の管理下にあるものは北朝鮮のFinance and Accounting Departmentに属する。さら に北朝鮮の将軍様の秘書室に直結する北朝鮮人がいる。
> Obama, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, > French President Nicolas Sarkoy and dozens of other heads of state and government > and royalty are all scheduled to attend Sunday's funeral in Krakow.
The Prince of Wales will attend the funeral of the Polish president who was killed in a plane crash, Clarence House said. Charles will join leaders from across the globe at the event being held in the city of Krakow on Sunday.
(Reuters) - A wealthy businessman who raised money for leading Democratic Party politicians, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, pleaded guilty on Thursday to defrauding three major banks out of $292.2 million in loan transactions. オバマ大統領やヒラリー国務長官の政治資金集めに活躍した富豪が、木曜日に三つの銀行から$292Mの融資に関 わる詐欺で有罪となった。
ttp://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/2010/comp-pr2010-59.pdf FTアルファビレによれば、↑がSECがゴールドマンを提訴した訴状。よくわからんけどCDOの取引の情報開示不足云々・・・ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plaintiff, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission"), alleges as follows against the defendants named above:
OVERVIEW 1. The Commission brings this securities fraud action against Goldman, Sachs & Co. (“GS&Co”) and a GS&Co employee, Fabrice Tourre (“Tourre”), for making materially misleading statements and omissions in connection with a synthetic collateralized debt obligation (“CDO”) GS&Co structured and marketed to investors. This synthetic CDO, ABACUS 2007AC1, was tied to the performance of subprime residential mortgage-backed securities (“RMBS”) and was structured and marketed by GS&Co in early 2007 when the United States housing market and related securities were beginning to show signs of distress. Synthetic CDOs like ABACUS 2007-AC1 contributed to the recent financial crisis by magnifying losses associated with the downturn in the United States housing market (後略).
The SEC suit against Goldman Sachs (full complaint here, and well worth reading) is explosive stuff. Essentially the SEC seems to have nailed down the kind of behavior that ProPublica was looking for in its story on the Magnetar Trade ? a hedge fund which was short mortgages, in this case Paulson, was carefully picking nuclear waste to put into synthetic CDOs, unbeknownst to the final investors in those deals.(ry
At the Midway PO, surrounded by signs saying, "Plant" and "Not a Tea Partier." Try again next time, Obamabot! ミッドウェイのティーパーティ集会に「月面着陸はヤラセだった」という、変なプラカードを掲げた、ティーパーティ・ クラッシャー(偽者の参加者でティパーティの信用をなくするような行為をする人、人種差別偏見のプラカードとか) が現れたが、まもなく、「偽者」とか「ティーパーティではない人」というサインに囲まれ、バレバレになってしまった。 次回は、もうちょっとがんばりましょうね!
The man was identified by Tea Partiers who recognized him as lawyer Justin Lewis from a firm called Gordon & Rees. 参加者により、この偽者はGordon & Rees法律事務所のJustin Lewisという弁護士と身元が判明している
(事実関係の説明、略) Much of the chatter Friday among analysts and traders centered on what the government’s next steps might be, with two particular questions in focus: Will regulators feel emboldened to go after other firms, and will the financial industry’s efforts to lobby against possible regulatory reforms be weakened? 金曜日の、アナリストやトレーダーのお喋りの多くは、政府の次の手は何であろうか、という事に集中していて、ふたつ の注目ポイントがある。第一に、規制当局は今回のGS提訴の勢いに乗って、他の企業への疑惑調査とかうを進めるの だろうか? 第二に金融セクターの政府規制に対抗したロビー活動が、この事件で弱められるのであろうか?
In a note to clients, Strategas Research Partners wrote: “In the short term, the market as a whole could be at risk until investors figure out whether this is a Goldman-specific issue, or an indictment on the financial industry.” Strategas Research Partners はクライアント宛のノートの中で「短期的には、SECがこの問題をゴールドマン・サックス に固有のものとしているのか、それとも金融セクター全般の問題としているのかを見極めるまで、市場にはリスクが残る」 という。
To wit: Nearly 800,000 households in the U.S. have "cut the cord," dumping their cable, satellite, or telco TV providers (such as AT&T U-verse or Verizon FiOS) and turning instead to Web-based videos (like Hulu), downloadable shows (iTunes), by-mail subscription services (Netflix), or even good ol' over-the-air antennas for their favorite shows, according to the report.
Now, as TechCrunch points out, the estimated 800,000 cord cutters represent less than 1 percent of the 100 million U.S. households (give or take) currently subscribing to a cable/satellite/telco TV carrier, so it's not like we're talking a mass exodus here. But by the end of 2011, the report guesstimates, the number of cord-cutting households in the U.S. will double to about 1.6 million, and if the trend continues, well.. このケーブルTV購読中止の動きは、今は僅か1%未満であるが2011年には倍増すると見られ、その傾向が継続するなら・・
Aviation experts said it was among the worst disruptions Europe has ever seen. In Iceland, torrents of water carried away chunks of ice the size of small houses on Thursday as hot gases melted the glacier over the volcano. Sections of the country's main ring road were wiped out by the flash floods. More floods from melting waters are expected as long as the volcano keeps erupting -- and in 1821, the same volcano managed to erupt for more than a year.
Experts said the Icelandic eruptions could continue on-and-off for months, potentially meaning continued delays and closures. An expedition team that returned from the volcano Thursday found that the eruption was still going strong, with a lot of ash being propelled into the sky. 専門家はアイスランドの火山噴火はオンとオフを繰り返しながら、数ヶ月に及ぶ可能性があるという、それは潜在的に 航空交通の遅れや閉鎖が継続することを意味する。火山調査から戻ったチームは、噴火が依然として強まっていると いい、多量の火山灰が空中に吹き上げられているという。 WSJ、 APRIL 17, 2010, 4:27 A.M. ET
Saturday will be the first day scientists have been able to fly above the volcano to assess the activity. Once scientists determine how much ice has melted, it will be easier to say how long the eruption could last. An ash plume that has disrupted travel across Europe has been caused by hot magma being cooled quickly by the melting ice cap. Gudmundsson says as long as there is enough ice, more plumes could form - causing even more travel disruptions. 科学者は土曜日に始めて火山上空を飛んで活動のアセスを行うことが出来た。火山活動で、どれだけの氷が融けた かを知ることができれば、噴火の継続がどのくらい長く続くかを推測しやすい。欧州の航空交通を混乱させている火山 灰の噴煙は熱いマグマが氷によって急冷されることで発生している。Gudmundsson氏は十分な量の氷があるかぎり さらに噴煙が生成されると述べている。
Hatoyama was letting the DPJ leadership play with firecrackers in a room full of dynamite. Letting the alliance drift posed the greater risk. (Friday, October 23, 2009 - 5:32 PM Michael J. Green ) ttp://shadow.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2009/10/23/tokyo_smackdown 鳩山首相は民主党の幹部が、部屋一杯のダイナマイトの中で、ファイアクラッカーと遊び戯れるのを許している。 日米同盟(と沖縄基地問題)を空中に漂わせて危うくするようなことは、大変危険な事なのだが。 (マイケル・グリーン、CSIS、 2009年、10月23日)
Worst of all, when Hatoyama attended the security summit, he was given only 10 minutes with President Obama, during a dinner. Having vowed to go to the summit and clear the air with "Barack", he came back totally humiliated. The Japanese press immediately picked up on "the 10 minute snub" and how the Premier of China totally outshone and outperformed Japan again. When asked to comment on their discussions, a visibly irritated Hatoyama declined, leading to speculation that they merely exchanged greetings and little else. 鳩山首相とオバマ大統領の10分間の会話というのは最悪の事態であるわけだが
On top of all that, Al Kamen in the Washington Post, referred to the PM as "the biggest loser of the summit" who got "no bilat(eral meeting)" and suffered through the humiliation of a "consolation prize" chat between "dinner and dessert". Fair or not, this was headline news in Japan, where people increasingly think that the PM is embarrassing the country. ワシントンポストのコラムニストのAl Kamen はサミットの最大の敗者は鳩山首相と書いている
I hate to say it but I feel it is just a matter of time and not all that much time before the Hatoyama Administration is no more. When a PM of Japan goes to the US and can`t get even a brief face-to-face, it is a major downdressing in a country that takes such losses of face extremely seriously. When a PM says he will "risk his life" to get something and then fails to do so, I don`t see how he can survive. こういうことは書きたくないが、(期待していた)鳩山政権に残された時間は多くない。日本の首相が訪米して、大統領と 僅かの時間しか面会できないというのは末期的だ。首相が生き延びることが出来るとも思えない。
One government spokesperson has tried to declare that starting negotiations by the end of May will equal a "conclusion" of the site selection process and thus fulfill the PM`s pledge. Sorry but no amount of mental and linguistic gymnastics is going to save the PM on this one. Read my lips! 日本政府の広報官は5月末から沖縄問題の交渉開始とかいっているようだけれど、そういういいわけをしたところで 首相の寿命を救うことにはならない。
(Russell Leigh Moses is a Beijing-based analyst and professor who writes on Chinese politics. He is writing a book on the changing role of power in the Chinese political system.)
So, is Premier Wen speaking for himself, or is he leading a reformist charge? Against whom? Is this simply nostalgia in the period before Wen passes from the political scene, or is this an attempt to kick-start support from a society that has been sometimes reluctant to support the newly indigent, those left behind by economic success?
Who precisely does Premier Wen represent when he runs such risks? Is he trying an end-run around the bureaucracy and hardliners bent on deflecting political reform, or is this the sign of a turn in the road toward the sort of transformation in governance that some have been urging?
What makes Wen’s essay and the accompanying rumbles of support for Hu Yaobang extraordinary is that just when some thought that the leadership here had settled itself, the political ground is showing the sorts of cracks that typically portend something is about to break. How much of an earthquake this is for the succession process here in Beijing is still unclear, but the aftershocks need to be monitored very closely.
Jing Huang, a professor at the National University of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, said the article signals that Mr. Wen and Chinese President Hu Jintao, who is also Communist Party chief, have "prevailed in a struggle over conservative forces and reached a new consensus" on political reform?albeit gradual reform under the party's guidance. シンガポール国立大学のリークアンユー政策研究室の教授であるJing Huangは、「この評論は胡温政権が保守派との 政治闘争の結果、新たなコンセンサスに達したことを示す」という。
Mr. Huang said, for example, that the two leaders want to institutionalize the transition of power to the next generation of top party officials late 2012, and carve out a more substantive role for the country's legislature, which is now largely ceremonial. "Hu Yaobang is the perfect person to highlight the importance of political reform as well as the Party's leadership in the reform," Mr. Huang said. Others saw a different motive. "This has nothing to do with political reform," said an editor at a government-run newspaper. "It's about Wen's reputation." 「胡耀邦というのは政治改革の重要性を言うのには最適の存在で、改革における党の指導性を論じる上でも最適だ」 しかし、異論もあって、温首相の評論は政治改革に関係はないと言う説もある。
Analysts say Thursday's article would have required consensus among China's most senior leaders before being published. Yet it comes at a time when the leadership has moved backwards on key areas of political liberalization in recent years, with a series of harsh sentences for political dissidents, rough treatment of lawyers and a major crackdown on Internet expression. アナリストは、この評論が新聞に掲載されるのは中国の政治高層部のコンセンサスが必要であるはずだと言う。しかし 最近の中国の動きは政治改革や改革開放とは程遠い動きにある。
最新のアイスランドの火山の写真(AP) This aerial images shows the crater spewing ash and plumes of grit at the summit of the volcano in southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull glacier SaturdayApril 17, 2010. (AP Photo/Arna)
"The activity has been quite vigorous overnight, causing the eruption column to grow," Icelandic geologist Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson told The Associated Press on Saturday. "It's the magma mixing with the water that creates the explosivity. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight." アイスランドの地学者、Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson「昨夜からの火山の活動は活発で、噴煙柱が成長している」 「マグマと水が混成して爆発性の状況を作っているので、不幸にも、何時終りになるのか先が読めない」
The ash plume was rising to about 30,000 feet (9,144 meters) with intensifying volcanic activity, Leitch said. It is possible for planes to fly over the ash cloud, he said, although it is up to individual countries to decide whether they should open higher airspace. "I've been flying for 40 years, but I've never seen anything like this in Europe," said Swedish pilot Axel Alegren 噴煙は3万フィート(9144メートル)の上空に達している。航空機がその上を飛ぶことは可能であるが、そういう飛行を 許可するかは各国の判断になるとLeitch 氏が言う。「40年以上空を飛んでいるが、欧州でこんなのを見るのは始めて だ」とスウェーデンのパイロット、Axel Alegrenが言っている。
Its rivals should not feel too smug. The SEC has been working hard to beef up enforcement. The case is the first to be brought by its new structured-products group. It will not be the last. On a call with reporters, Mr Khuzami said the team was looking at other instruments, some of them no doubt structured by other firms. Goldman’s rivals have long been envious of its prowess. Some of them may soon be empathising with its plight.
ATHENS?Behind the budget crisis roiling Greece lies a riddle: Why does the state spend so lavishly but collect taxes so poorly? Many Greeks say the answer needs only two words: fakelaki and rousfeti. ギリシャ政府は税金の徴収が大変まずくて、かつ政府支出は大盤振る舞いなのだが、それは何故か? ギリシャ人に 聞けば答えは「fakelaki」と「rousfeti」だという。
ttp://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/04/14/inside_the_syrian_missile_crisis Inside the Syrian Missile Crisis News that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has provided Hezbollah with Scud missiles threatens to spark a regional conflict and poses a new challenge for President Obama's engagement policy. BY ANDREW TABLER | APRIL 14, 2010 シリアのヒズボラへのミサイル転移、アメリカのエンゲージメント外交の失敗 BY ANDREW TABLER フォーリン・ポリシー
(概要、要旨) Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak sent officials in Damascus and Washington scrambling when he claimed Tuesday that Syria is providing the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah with Scud missiles whose accuracy and range threaten more Israeli cities than ever before. His unexpected announcement, though vehemently denied by the Syrian regime, threatens to spark a new war between Israel and its antagonists in the region while further undermining U.S. President Barack Obama's efforts at engagement with Syria. イスラエルのEhud Barak国防相はシリアのヒズボラへのスカッド・ミサイルの転移を公表し、高官をダマスカスとワシントン に送ったわけだが、このミサイルの射程の長さや命中精度の高さはイスラエルの幾つかの都市を脅威にさらすことが明 確になった。彼の予期されていなかった情報公開は、シリアが直ちにこれを否定したけれど、オバマ大統領のシリア・エ ンゲージメント政策とイスラエルの政策との乖離を示すものとなった。この事件はオバマ大統領の指名したシリア大使 (予定)であるRobert S. Fordの議会承認に波紋を起こすものとなった。アサド大統領の、より長距離で高精度のミサイル をシリアに与える決定はアメリカの外交官にとって失望すべき事である。彼らはオバマ大統領のエンゲージメント政策が シリアをしてより穏和な行動をとらしめると期待していた。シリアがレバノン領内の勢力に武器を供給する決定を下すとい うことは、イスラエルとの和平交渉のパートナーとして期待されたシリアの信頼性を傷つける。
The Obama Democrats see a society in which ordinary people cannot fend for themselves, where they need to have their incomes supplemented, their health care insurance regulated and guaranteed, their relationships with their employers governed by union leaders. Highly educated mandarins can make better decisions for them than they can make themselves.
That is the culture of dependence. The tea partiers see things differently. They're not looking for lower taxes; half of tea party supporters, a New York Times survey found, think their taxes are fair. Nor are they financially secure: Half say someone in their household may lose their job in the next year. Two-thirds say the recession has caused some hardship in their lives. But they recognize, correctly, that the Obama Democrats are trying to permanently enlarge government and increase citizens' dependence on it.
And, invoking the language of the Founding Fathers, they believe that this will destroy the culture of independence that has enabled Americans over the past two centuries to make this the most productive and prosperous -- and the most charitably generous -- nation in the world. Seeing our political divisions as a battle between the culture of dependence and the culture of independence helps to make sense of the divisions seen in the 2008 election.
Yesterday I waded into a mass of tea party protesters gathered at the front of Colorado's Capitol and completely forgot to brace myself for a "small-scale mimicry of Kristallnacht" (as New York Times columnist Frank Rich once characterized these events). 昨日、私はコロラド州州都で行われたティーパーティの集会に出かけて取材したのだが、NYTのコラムニストの Frank Rich が書いていたような「小規模の、水晶の夜の真似事」というようなことは全然感じなかった。
As it turns out, earlier I happened to peruse a new CBS/New York Times poll detailing the attitudes of tea party activists, who, it turns out, are more educated than the average American, more reflective of mainstream anxieties than any populist movement in memory, and more closely aligned philosophically with the wider electorate than any big-city newsroom in America. CBS/NYTの世論調査では、ティ−パーティ参加者は平均的アメリカ人より良く教育され、従来のポピュリスト運動に 比べてメインストリームメディアの彼らに対する憂慮に思慮的であり、更にアメリカの大都市の新聞に比べて、より広 範な有権者の考え方に近い考えに立っているとしている。 ・・・ More significantly, the polling showed that most tea party activists believe the taxes they pay are "fair." The largest number of them want their movement to work to reduce the size of government rather than focus on cutting budget deficits or lowering taxes. Whether you concur or not with this viewpoint, it exhibits more economic sophistication than we often hear from pandering senatorial candidates. 世論調査で重要と思えることは、ティーパーティ参加者の大半が現在の彼らの支払う税金は「フェア」であると信じてい ることである。彼らの最大の運動目標は減税や財政赤字縮小ではなく政府機能の拡大阻止で有る。この考え方に対し て、貴方が賛成するか否かは別にして、それは大衆迎合的な上院議員候補などからよく聞く話よりも、経済的な考え方 において、洗練されている。
Now, I won't allege to have observed any sweeping displays of multiculturalism at the tea party shindig I attended (though without question, it featured more diversity than my own cloistered rock-ribbed lefty neighborhood). According to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll, tea party "supporters skew right politically; but demographically, they are generally representative of the public at large." 私は、参加したティーパーティ集会が多文化主義的であるとはいわないけれど、私の知るどの左翼運動よりも多様性に 富んでいるとはいえる。USA Today/Gallupの世論調査は、ティーパーティは「参加者が政治的には右寄に傾いているが、 人口統計学的には一般社会の状態をよく反映している」という(後略)
"Volcanic activity on Iceland appears to follow a periodicity of around 50 to 80 years. The increase in activity over the past 10 years suggests we might be entering a more active phase with more eruptions," says Thorvaldur Thordarson, an expert on Icelandic volcanoes at the University of Edinburgh, UK. By contrast, the latter half of the 20th century was unusually quiet. ・・・・ Judging by recent volcanic and earthquake activity, Thordarson and his colleagues believe that Iceland is entering its next active phase and estimate it will last for 60 years or so, peaking between 2030 and 2040.
日本に対する諸国の見方 国名 良い影響を与える 悪い影響を与える 米国 65% 11% 英国 57% 16% ドイツ 50% 34% フランス 48% 37% タイ 66% 20% 韓国 64% 29% インド 33% 20% 中国 29% 47% China is the only country with a balance of negative views about Japan and these views have even worsened. Positive views there have fallen 11 points (29%, down from 40%), while almost half the public remain negative (now 47%, down from 50%). 読売が中国の特殊な日本への見方に触れないのは報道機関として失格というべき
Four countries have shown marked improvements in their views of Japan. In Germany, views have moved from divided to positive, with a 12-point increase in positive views (now 50%, up from 38%) and no significant change in negative views. In Turkey, views have changed from negative to divided, with a 12-point decline in negative views (35% down from 47%).
And in South Korea?which was last polled in 2008?views have warmed, shifting from negative to positive with a 27 -point rise in positive views (now 64%, up from 37% in 2008) and a 23-point fall in negative views (now 29%, down from 52%). Russia‘s positive views have risen from 49 to 58 per cent. Positive views are virtually unchanged while negative views have fallen eight points in the USA (now 11%, down from 19%); seven points in the Philippines (10%, down from 17%). Europe continues to be the region that is the most negative toward China but negative views have softened in Portugal (now 54%, down from 62%), and France (64%, down from 70%). In addition, positive views have increased among Germans (now 20%, up from 11%), although a large majority (71%) remains negative. But in Italy and Spain already low positive views have decreased by seven points so that just 14 per cent in Italy and 22 per cent in Spain view China‘s influence as favourable.
ttp://www.debka.com/article/8726/ The "New Hizballah" built by Syria sparks ME summer war fear DEBKAfile Exclusive Report April 18, 2010, 5:24 PM (GMT+02:00) シリアのヒズボラへの武器転移で「(武装強化した)ニューヒズボラ」が生まれ、夏の中東戦争への恐怖が高まる
debkafile's military sources disclose that Syria has expanded the flow of smuggled Syrian and Iranian weaponry across the Lebanese border to Hizballah in line with a master-plan charted in Tehran and Damascus for transforming the 25,000-strong Hizballah terrorist militia into an organized, mobile army with a whole range of sophisticated missiles and other weapons. The new Hizballah is being trained to carry out such offensive operations as capturing parts of Israel's Galilee and equipped with the hardware for knocking out warplanes, warships and armored strength. シリアはレバノンのヒズボラへのイラン製の武器転移を進め、イランとしアリアによるヒズボラの武装強化は洗練された ミサイルなどの武器を持ち、扱い方の訓練を受けている。
One of their missions will be to defend the Syrian capital, Damascus. Tehran and Damascus calculate that the next time a war erupts on Israel's borders, its army will try and outflank Syrian forces on the Golan and drive past the units defending Damascus. That is where Hizballah is expected to come in. 次回のイスラエルとの戦闘が起きた場合、ヒズボラはシリアとイランを守る尖兵として機能することが期待されている。
Even after the Kuwaiti Al Rai claim that Syria had smuggled Scud ground missiles into Lebanon proved inaccurate and was denied in Washington, regional war tensions remained high - although not for the reason ascribed by Jordan's King Abdullah during his current visit to Washington. シリアへのスカッドミサイル移転を否定する声明が出されているが地域紛争の発生する緊張は高まっている。
The king forecast an outbreak of Middle East hostilities in the coming summer because of the Israel-Palestinian diplomatic stalemate. What's the connection? Our sources ask. Rather than admit he is nervously watching his aggressive Arab neighbor to the north, the Jordanian ruler is pinning the region's troubles on Israel because it is the right tune to sing in Barack Obama's Washington. ヨルダンのアブドラ国王は夏に中東紛争の発生することを恐れて、イスラエルとパレスチナの和平交渉停滞を理由に上 げているが、これは名目的なものである。
In actual fact, a Middle East war this summer depends on two actions which have nothing to do with the Palestinians: a decision by the US and/or Israel to strike Iran's nuclear facilities together or separately, and a decision in Tehran to unleash its allies against Israel - spearheaded by Hizballah - to preempt such an attack. 現実には、中東地域の紛争が勃発するとすれば原因は二つあって、(1)イランの核開発施設へのイスラエルと米国の 攻撃、(2)イランによるヒズボラなどの勢力のイスラエルに向けた攻勢、これはイスラエルによるイラン攻撃への先制攻 撃の意味がある。
Ready to step into its new shoes, Hizballah is being armed with five major military capabilities, debkafile reports: 1. Surface-to-surface missiles able to reach as far as the Dimona reactor in southern Israel: They include Fajr -5,which has a range of 33 km, and the M-600, developed by Syria from the Fateh-110, whose range is 250 km. Both are precise, propelled by solid fuel and carry 500-kilo warheads of conventional explosives, as well as being able to deliver chemical, biological and radioactive materials. ヒズボラはイスラエルとの紛争に備えた5種類の準備をしていて、(1)イスラエルの核開発拠点であるDimona に到達 可能な地対地ミサイル、(Fajr-5、M-600、スカッドD)
2. Iran has built for Hizballah five expanded commando brigades whose mission in a future conflict will be to capture and hold key northern Israeli towns and villages, including the town of Nahariya or parts thereof. This tactic would force Israeli forces marching into Lebanon to turn back and recover lost land. On March 28, debkafile revealed this Iranian-Syrian master plan in detail. (2)イランが訓練したヒズボラの5師団(部隊)
3. Syrian instructors are training Hizballah militiamen at top speed in the operation of ground-to-air weapons, including self-propelled missiles, against warplanes and incoming missiles and cruise missiles. Israel has threatened to destroy these batteries if they cross the border into Lebanon. They are therefore being held back in Syrian bases up against the border until such time as fighting flares. They will then be transferred into the hands of Hizballah units standing by on the Lebanese side of the border. (3)シリアの訓練した地対空の武器、ミサイルを含むもので、イスラエルの航空機と巡航ミサイルを攻撃するもの。
4. Syria has set up a Hizballah special unit for attacking warships and fighting off Israeli coastal landings. It is equipped with advanced Chinese SS-26 Yakhont marine cruise missiles, which combine assault features with the ability to intercept attacking missiles or cruise missiles. (4)イスラエル海軍を攻撃するためシリアの準備した中国製のSS-26 Yakhont対艦巡航ミサイル
5. Iranian and Syrian military engineers have constructed fortified anti-tank lines in many parts of Lebanon. They are linked by fast highways, to be closed to all traffic barring Hizballah units in an emergency, and by a military-grade communications network. (5)レバノン国内にイランとシリアが建設したイスラエルの戦車に対向する要塞ライン
>>808 NSM単独のデモです ナチ+ソーシャリズムは米保守派から見ても異端なので、デモの目的が何であれ横の連携はありえない 黒服に赤黒緑の旗を持っているのは、黒人系民族団体なので反ナチで集まった人達でしょう それと、NSMはどっちかというと、ボコられてる感じ Another man was rushed by a mob on Spring Street. He was punched in the face and kicked for about 20 seconds before police made it to the scene. After that beating was broken up, the man began running south on Spring Street, only to be chased down by a protester and slugged in the face. He collapsed and his face slammed to the curb as protesters began pummeling him again. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-white-supremacist18-2010apr18,0,4043821.story
Fraud Allegations Filed Against Goldman Sachs 4/17/2010 10:13:57 AM WSJ's Greg Zuckerman explains the circumstances surrounding the fraud allegations against Goldman Sachs to Simon Constable.
>>861 この記事の中で(3)が印象的なのだけれど、原文では: that the armed men coming to the Red Shirts' rescue were recruited from three groups of people: separatists in the South, mercenaries from neighbouring countries, and paramilitary men trained by active officers allied with the red shirts. 傭兵(mercenaries)というのは気になる話で、カンボジアなのか、ラオスなのかしらんけど、東南アジアの陸続きの国では そういう事が可能なのかと考えさせられてしまう。
All Ordinaries 4,939.400 2:17AM ET 67.900 (1.36%) 豪州 Shanghai Composite 2,980.297 3:01AM ET 150.005 (4.79%) 上海 Hang Seng 21,305.93 3:03AM ET 559.33 (2.56%) 香港 BSE 30 17,303.90 3:08AM ET 287.28 (1.63%) インド Nikkei 225 10,908.77 2:29AM ET 193.41 (1.74%) 日本 Straits Times 2,949.72 3:18AM ET 57.47 (1.91%) シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,705.3 2:01AM ET 29.19 (1.68%) 韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,854.22 1:46AM ET 257.35 (3.17%) 台湾
China Daily: チャイナ・ディリーの記事によれば In the first quarter, investment in fixed assets reached 3.53 trillion yuan ($517 billion), up 25.6 percent year on year. Investment in the real estate sector soared 35.1 percent. 中国のQ1の固定資産投資は前年比25.6%増の3.53兆元、不動産セクターの投資は35.1%増となった
As seen below investment contributed to 57.9% of Q1's GDP growth. If the majority of these investments end up being economically productive in the long-term, then this is great. Problem is, should many of these investments end up being wasteful (investment that creates overcapacity in industries or real estate), then we could one day realize that half of Q1's GDP growth was simply wasteful spending 下のグラフに見るようにQ1のGDP成長の57.9%は投資で有る。この投資の大部分が長期的に経済効果の有るもの であれは、それは素晴らしいと言うべき。問題は、此れ等のプロジェクトが無駄使いに過ぎないと(過剰生産設備や 不動産の過剰投資)いう事になる可能性も有ることで、その場合はQ1のDGPは単なる無駄使いプロジェクトで膨れ ているということになる
According to the 2008 exit polls, Barack Obama won 78% to 21% among Jewish voters. Now, in the second year of Obama’s presidency, only 42% of voters would re-elect him, while the plurality (46%) would consider voting for someone else. 2008年大統領選挙の出口調査のデータによれば、アメリカのユダヤ系有権者のオバマ大統領支持率は当時78% であった。現在ユダヤ系有権者の46%は、次期選挙でオバマ大統領を支持しないといい、支持者は42%に低下した(ry
ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704671904575194100405117846.html Plotting the Next Mideast War By BRET STEPHENS APRIL 20, 2010 Syria's alleged transfer of Scuds to Hezbollah could spark an uncontrollable chain reaction. シリアによるヒズボラへのスカッド・ミサイル移転は制御不可能の連鎖反応を生む恐れがある By BRET STEPHENS (WSJ常設コラム、グローバル・ビュー、20日) 要旨
Olbermann even seemed as if he were on the verge of expressing remorse for his history of using terms like "Tea Klux Klan" and "tea baggers," which he referred to as "incendiary."