ボストングローブ(寄稿):北朝鮮の武装解除 By Graham Allison -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ハーバード大学のBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Governmentの部長という人の書いている、北朝鮮の現状評価と今後 の見通し。
My bet, therefore, is that Kim Jong Il will succeed: selling his future nuclear weapons production capability at Yongbyon for a good price and China's graces, while keeping a minimum nuclear deterrent.
285 <丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん New! 2007/05/21(月) 05:52:57 ID:CebraII5 FDA(OASIS)の輸入製品(食品等)の不合格報告書は ttp://www.fda.gov/ora/oasis/ora_oasis_ref.html U.S. Food and Drug Administration Import Refusal Reports for OASIS
Dried apples preserved with a cancer-causing chemical. Frozen catfish laden with banned antibiotics. Scallops and sardines coated with putrefying bacteria. Mushrooms laced with illegal pesticides. 干し林檎には発癌性化学物質、冷凍鯰には使用禁止の抗生物質、帆立貝と鰯はバクテリ アで腐敗が。
These were among the 107 food imports from China that the Food and Drug Administration detained at U.S. ports just last month, agency documents reveal, along with more than 1,000 shipments of tainted Chinese dietary supplements, toxic Chinese cosmetics and counterfeit Chinese medicines. これらは先月、107種類のFDAが発見して差し止めた中国製食品の一例である。FDA の文書が、それを明確にしているのだが、他には1000種類ほどの中国から輸出された汚染 サプリメント、有毒物質に汚染された化粧品、偽薬品などが発見されている。
ttp://instapundit.com/archives2/005408.php May 20, 2007 MORE PROBLEMS WITH TAINTED CHINESE IMPORTS: (WaPo記事の引用があるけど、省略) This has potentially dramatic economic ramifications. この(中国製有毒食品)事件は、経済的にドラマティックな悪影響があるかもしれない
UPDATE: Reader Brian Gates writes -- actually, I think, in relation to an earlier post on this topic: "I've heard for years that the best thing that could be done to end developing world poverty is free trade, especially in agriculture. I'm not sure what ag interests in the US and EU have done to argue for protectionism in the past, but I'm pretty sure what they do in the future will mention Chinese food exports killing people." Yes. ブログ読者のBrian Gatesがメールで書いているのだが、「何年も前から開発途上国の 貧困を改善する最善の方策は自由貿易で、特に農産物の市場を開発途上国に開放する 事だという主張を聞いてきた。アメリカやEUが、この農産物の国内市場の保護につ いて過去にどういった議論をしてきたかは知らず、今後どういう議論をするかは明確 であると思う。中国の輸出食品が人を殺す、と言う事になるわけだ」この意見に賛成 である。
USAトディの記事について、読者のコメント(中国の有害食品) ttp://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2007/05/reports_its_not.html -------------------------------------------------------- Frank D. wrote: 2h 33m ago We have to send a message to U.S. companies, including Wal-Mart (a heavy chinese partner) that we no longer want any products that were made in that horrible country. 我々は、中国製品を多量に輸入しているウォルマートのような会社に、身の毛のよだつ ような国の製品はごめんだ、と言うべきだ。 -------------------------------------------------------- 1wicket46 wrote: 7h ago let's buy "green" , MADE IN THE USA and grow our own when possible..... 出来る限り、米国産の生鮮野菜とかを買うようにする以外に無い・・・ -------------------------------------------------------- crazy old man wrote: 10h 43m ago CHINA KNOWS THEY CAN NOT WIN A WAR SO THEY ARE GOING TO POISON US. 中国は戦争では負けるから、有毒食品で、米国国民に毒を盛ろうというわけだ -------------------------------------------------------- User Image inthebiz wrote: 13h 19m ago So, in all actuality the FDA turned a blind eye to the CHEAP goods from China..............So, I say don't buy anything that comes from China! FDAは安い中国製品に無防備なわけだ。中国製品は、買うべきではない。 -------------------------------------------------------- CYNICAL wrote: 16h 12m ago Lets be fair ; we should impose the same sanctions that other countries do if the situation were reversed. TOTAL ban and return of product もし、アメリカの食品が有毒とされたなら、完全に輸入禁止になるだろうね。我々も フェアに、同じように対抗すべきだ。
May 21 (Bloomberg) -- China will raise export taxes on 142 products and cut import tariffs on 209 types of goods to pare a record trade surplus that's threatening to hurt relations with the U.S. and other nations. 中国は142種類の製品の輸出税をあげ、209種類の製品の輸入関税を下げる。これは対米 貿易摩擦の原因となっている貿易黒字の縮小の為の措置である。
``Saying you are al-Qaeda has a certain publicity and political impact that helps put pressure on the government,'' Flandrois said. ``But these groups operate with a lot of autonomy. The Lebanese are more likely to see the hand of Syria rather than al-Qaeda.''
レバノンのファタファ主流派の指導者Sultan Abu al-Aynaynは、トリポリで衝突を起こし ているFatah Al-Islam は「犯罪者のギャング団」であるといい、レバノン軍への攻撃を 避難した。(後略)
#読売の記者はNYTなどと同じでファタハ・イスラムをアルカイダと見なしている #ようで、全く笑える。メイドイン・シリアのイミテーション・アルカイダ; ``Perhaps there are some deluded people among them but they are not al-Qaida. This is imitation al-Qaida, a 'Made in Syria' one,'' he told the AP.
アメリカ国務省のポジションはレバノン政府支持だけれど、真っ向からのシリア 批判は避けているような。 The State Department gave its support to the Lebanese army's battle with Fatah Islam. ``This is a group that has been involved in violence to achieve whatever their stated objective may be,'' spokesman Sean McCormack said.
McCormack declined to discuss whether the group may be tied to al-Qaida or other groups outside Lebanon. Asked about a possible Syrian link, McCormack said, ``At this point I wouldn't draw that connection.'' ttp://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6649715,00.html
FTの記事では However, Ahmad Fatfat, the youth and sports minister and former interior minister, told the Financial Times, the group was linked to Syrian intelligence. He said the group’s swift response to the raid indicated it had been planning an attack with the motive of destabilising northern Lebanon. Damascus has denied any links to the group.
1)アメリカ議会の保護主義傾向の強まり(米中貿易摩擦) 2)中国の株式市場のバブル 3)中東産油国に溜まり続けるドル それらは、 Either way, this is turning out to be a very dangerous cocktail for an increasingly integrated global economy. 何故危険かといえば、三つのインバランス要因を、スムースに解決で着るような政策が 現れて実行できると予想できない為であるという。
中国の株式バブルへのローチの見方は、 Given the lack of alternative assets in a still undeveloped Chinese financial system, the equity bubble may be even more of a foregone conclusion in China than it was in Japan. ・・・ Inasmuch as these actions don’t alter future expectations of RMB appreciation, it’s hard to believe there will be a lasting deflation of China’s equity bubble. We’ll know soon enough.
こうした状況であるので、彼の警告は、 Watch out for a crack in the dollar, a related increase in real long-term US interest rates, a widening of credit spreads, and a pullback in global equities. Only then will the long-overdue rebalancing of global saving have begun in earnest. ドルの(ほか通貨に対する)安値の可能性、それが長期金利を高める怖れ、信用スプレッド の拡大とグローバルな株安の可能性があるという(もっともローチは常に悲観論だけど)
Bottom line: No change in the big picture. China will continue to experience large trade surpluses and rapid FX reserve accumulation. The Chinese authorities will likely opt for other policy measures (e.g., liberalizing administered prices for energy) to help tackle these issues. In the meantime, the strong pressure on the renminbi to appreciate will persist.
More and more drugs, especially generics, get their raw material from China and India, where local controls are weak. Against this, FDA has about 625 inspectors for foods and 260 for pill-type drugs.
中国人民銀行のマクロ経済過熱化防止措置について、この評論は、簡単に言えば余り効 き目が無いだろう、という。上海のスタンダード&チャータードのStephen Greenの言葉 を引いているのが印象的。 says today’s excess liquidity is the result of a host of policies rolled out over two decades and that “there is indeed no easy way of reversing them”.
中国は更に、幾つかの製品の輸出税を引き上げ、輸入税を引き下げる措置を発表したが この評論は、殆ど評価していない。人民元引き上げでも貿易黒字は容易には解消しない だろうという。 But if the trade surplus is the problem, neither appreciation of the renminbi nor random administrative measures to restrain exports, such as the ones applied to steel, will be a panacea. China’s increased labour productivity alone over the past two years has been enough to wipe out any cost increases – and therefore any decrease in export competitiveness – from the roughly 7 per cent appreciation in the renminbi against the dollar since mid-2005. Even if China’s currency rose rapidly, the bilateral trade surplus would remain high in any case.
However, drugs like flouroquinolones ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin are routinely used in fish farm operations in Asia. These drug residues could result in life threatening allergic reactions and may encourage the development of drug resistant bacteria.
中国通貨、人民元について、良し悪しはともかく政治的状況から、切り上げは不可避と みえるのだけれど、その幅とタイミングは良くわからない。ローチは RMB appreciation is now taken as a given by domestic and international investors – only questions of degree and timing remain unanswered. と書いている。しかし、そのタイミング が案外早くきそうな可能性も(?)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesに発表された最新の研究結果に よれば、2000-2004年の二酸化炭素排出量の伸びは年率3.1%で、90年代の1.1%を 大きく超えるものであることがわかった。スタンドード大学、カーネギー研究所 のChristopher Fieldが発表した。
According to the Emerging Portfolio Fund Research (EPFR), a U.S. company that tracks stock and bond-fund flows, the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFIIs) in China has been withdrawing US$574 million from the Mainland stock markets for two months till mid-May. With 4.78 million accounts being opened in the first quarter and another 4.5 million in April alone, retail investors now account 60% to 70% of investors in the Mainland stock markets, ranking the highest in the world.
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/4f08f70e-07c7-11dc-9541-000b5df10621.html China’s unbalanced economy By Richard McGregor Published: May 21 2007 19:23 FT:中国のアンバランスな経済 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中国経済の現状分析で、先週中国人民銀行の発表した一連の措置、人民元変動幅の拡大 や預金準備率、金利の引き上げなどの評価を行なっている。
中国人民銀行のマクロ経済過熱化防止措置について、この評論は、簡単に言えば余り効 き目が無いだろう、という。上海のスタンダード&チャータードのStephen Greenの言葉 を引いているのが印象的。 says today’s excess liquidity is the result of a host of policies rolled out over two decades and that “there is indeed no easy way of reversing them”.
現在の中国経済の、過剰な流動性を管理できない体制は20年かかって作り上げたものな ので「それをリバースする簡単な方法は無い」 中国は更に、幾つかの製品の輸出税を引き上げ、輸入税を引き下げる措置を発表したが この評論は、殆ど評価していない。人民元引き上げでも貿易黒字は容易には解消しない だろうという。 But if the trade surplus is the problem, neither appreciation of the renminbi nor random administrative measures to restrain exports, such as the ones applied to steel, will be a panacea. China’s increased labour productivity alone over the past two years has been enough to wipe out any cost increases ? and therefore any decrease in export competitiveness ? from the roughly 7 per cent appreciation in the renminbi against the dollar since mid-2005. Even if China’s currency rose rapidly, the bilateral trade surplus would remain high in any case.
"The basic tenet of the plan is to step up cooperation between the three countries in the field of security in the Asia-Pacific region," the source, who declined to be identified, told Reuters.
The source declined to say whether Australia would go ahead and introduce a missile defense system.
WaPo」イラクへの兵力増強作戦の後で By David Ignatius ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 民主党応援本部のひとつWaPoに、外交評論のベテランであるDavid Ignatiusの書 いているイラク戦術の現状評価と今後の見通し。
David Ignatiusはリベラル傾向の人に見えるけれど、NYTのような極左反戦志向の 評論家とはレベルの違うベテランなので、イラクの兵力増強作戦の評価すべきところ は冷静に評価し、問題点を指摘するという態度で、それなりに落ち着いて読める評論 になっているような。
David Ignatiusによれば、こうした安定化コースが上手くいくかは、二つの点にかかっ ている。第一はマリキ政権がイラク国内のコンセンサスを作り上げ、より強い政権基盤 や支持を得られるか、第二にはアメリカ国内でブッシュ大統領とペロシ議長などの民主 党が適切な(国益上の観点からの)妥協に進めるかどうかだと言う。
The wild cards in this new effort to craft a bipartisan Iraq policy are the Republican and Democratic leaders, President Bush and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
They both say they want a sustainable, effective Iraq policy, but each is deeply entrenched in a partisan version of what that policy should be.
America is in a nosedive in Iraq. Can these two leaders share the controls enough that Iraq will become a U.S. project, rather than George Bush's war? There's a bipartisan path out of this impasse, but will America's leaders be wise enough to take it?
【ロンドン22日時事】ロシアの情報機関、連邦保安局(FSB)元中佐のアレクサ ンドル・リトビネンコ氏がロンドンで放射性物質ポロニウム210を盛られ、暗殺さ れた事件で、英検察当局は22日、同氏と接触した情報機関元職員のロシア人実業家、 アンドレイ・ルゴボイ氏を容疑者と断定、殺人罪で起訴すると発表するとともに、ロ シア政府にルゴボイ容疑者の身柄引き渡しを要求した。これに対し、ロシア最高検察 庁は引き渡しを拒否。両国関係の悪化は必至の情勢となっている。(後略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6678887.stm Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 May 2007, 16:36 GMT 17:36 UK BBC Russian faces Litvinenko charge
UK Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said she had told the Russian ambassador that she expected "full co-operation" with regards extraditing Mr Lugovoi. And Prime Minister Tony Blair's official spokesman said people should wait and see what Russia's "considered legal response" was to the extradition request.
ttp://instapundit.com/ UPDATE: I have to note that I've observed the same shift in tone from The Economist that Hanson observes lately. And this observation of his is worth quoting, too: デービス・ハンソンが雑誌エコノミストの変質について書いている
This cheap sermonizing of Western elites reflects two unspoken truths: privately, no well-heeled British subject would prefer the world of beheading, gender apartheid, and Sharia law that flourished in lawless Fallujah to the legal system and audit that governs the American military. And yet most understand that their own professional advancement, psychological well-being, and political acceptance come from praising the former and damning the latter. この西欧エリートの安っぽいお説教は、彼らが個人的には無法なファルージャ地域に法 秩序を確保しようとするイラク政府やアメリカ軍の行為よりもシャリア法や女性のアパ ルトヘイトや首チョンパ等を賞賛しているようなもので、そうすることによって反米的 な党派主義に組しているのだ。
This is a pathological situation, and it's too bad to see that it obtains at The Economist as well as the BBC and Le Monde. これは困ったことに、エコノミストのみならず、ルモンドやBBCなどをも含んで起こ っている病理学的な状況なのだ。
ttp://instapundit.com/ UPDATE: I have to note that I've observed the same shift in tone from The Economist that Hanson observes lately. And this observation of his is worth quoting, too: デービス・ハンソンが雑誌エコノミストの変質について書いている
This cheap sermonizing of Western elites reflects two unspoken truths: privately, no well-heeled British subject would prefer the world of beheading, gender apartheid, and Sharia law that flourished in lawless Fallujah to the legal system and audit that governs the American military. And yet most understand that their own professional advancement, psychological well-being, and political acceptance come from praising the former and damning the latter. この西欧エリートの安っぽいお説教は、彼らが個人的には無法なファルージャ地域に法 秩序を確保しようとするイラク政府やアメリカ軍の行為よりもシャリア法や女性のアパ ルトヘイトや首チョンパ等を賞賛しているようなもので、そうすることによって反米的 な党派主義に組しているのだ。
This is a pathological situation, and it's too bad to see that it obtains at The Economist as well as the BBC and Le Monde. これは困ったことに、エコノミストのみならず、ルモンドやBBCなどをも含んで起こ っている病理学的な状況なのだ。
ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Francisco Moreno emails: I am 37. I devoutly read the Economist from age 17. Sadly, the magazine has ceased to be fair. I cancelled our subscription last year for this very reason, and wrote to the editor about it. I've noticed this phenomenon mostly in the last couple of months, myself. 読者からの電子メール:私は17歳から37歳までエコノミストを購読してきた。残念なこと に私は昨年、購読契約をやめたのだが、それはここに論じられている理由と同じ理由によ る。私は編集者に手紙を書いたのだが、そういう傾向がこの数ヶ月、強まっていると思う。
May 22, 2007 MY EARLIER POST ON THE ECONOMIST has brought a flood of emails from readers unhappy with its recent shift in tone. So I guess it's not just me. インスタプンディット:雑誌エコノミストの変身について、ブログ読者から多数の電子メ ールがあって、最近のエコノミストに失望しているという。これからみて、そういう感じ を持つのは私だけではないことが解った。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 個人的には、編集長が変わったあたりから、エコノミストの性格が変化していて、簡単に いえばニューズウイーク風に、あるいはタブロイド風になったような気がする。上記のカ キコはアメリカ国内のエコノミストの愛読者だったような層が疑問を呈しているわけで、 今の紙面の作り方(おそらく英米での販売重視)をみれば、充分理解できると思ふ。
Concessions will not work with either al Qaeda or other foreign fighters who will not rest until they have killed or driven into exile the last remaining Iraqi who favors democracy.
"We should not easily blame the other side for our own domestic problems," Wu said, speaking through an interpreter. "Confrontation does no good at all to problem-solving."
呉儀副首相:「我々は国内問題で互いに相手の避難をすべきではない。衝突は問題解決に つながらない」 "firmly oppose trade protectionism." She said that any effort to "politicize" the economic relationship between the two nations would be "absolutely unacceptable." 呉儀副首相:「通商の保護主義に断固反対する」「米中両国間の経済関係の問題を政治化 することは受け入れられない」
Addressing the rising anger in Congress, Schwab said, "This is not necessarily reflective of more protectionism or anti-Chinese sentiment, but rather that there are concerns there and we need to be responsive." シュワブ通商交渉代表は議会に中国への怒りがあることに触れて「この問題は保護主義と か嫌中センチメントとかとは別に、大きな関心を集めるものであって、我々はそれに答え なくてはならない」 ttp://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8P9JL2O0.htm AP通信
配給に使用する集積回路(IC)カードの運転者への配布が間に合わなかったのが主 な原因という。政府は配給制の実施可否について直前まで態度を明確にせず、政府高 官の発言も二転三転。ガソリン値上げに伴い、アフマディネジャド政権下で進むイン フレが加速するのは確実で、政府批判が強まりそうだ。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/05/22/africa/ME-GEN-Iran-Gas-Price.php Iran hikes petrol prices by 25 percent despite growing public discontent over inflation The Associated Press Published: May 22, 2007 AP通信
But its refining facilities allow it to produce only around 40 million liters (10.5 million gallons) of gasoline a day, so it has to import gasoline to meet increasing demand. Last year, Iran consumed 75 million liters (19.7 million gallons) of gas per day, and the government has predicted 2007 consumption could exceed 80 million liters (21 million gallons) per day. イランは産油国であるが石油精製施設の不備から、日量40Mリットルのガソリンを生産 できるだけなので、昨年実績で日量75Mリットルの国内消費を満たす為にガソリンを輸 入している。2007年には国内消費は80Mと予想されている。
Chapter One:Promoting Democracy and Freedom Abroad Chapter Two:Conflict in the Post Post-Cold War World Chapter Three:Toward a New Division of Labor Chapter Four:What Will It Mean to Be Joint? Chapter Five:Implications for the Armed Forces Chapter Six:Potential Actions for DoD’s Leadership
Mr. Buffett has been justly lauded for his generous contributions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. But it is difficult to comprehend how a man can be a true humanitarian while offering billions of dollars to a company that is underwriting Khartoum's crimes. Only China invests more money in PetroChina/CNPC than Berkshire Hathaway.
その上で、WSJはこうした政府資金による、いわば国家の意思によるファンドの投資 は適切ではないと批判する。WSJは、国家はそうした分野に手を出すべきではなく政 治的意思がビジネスの投資や買収や・・ビジネスに絡むべきではないという。 Yet the deal will be scrutinized in the marketplace, for starters. We've always had questions about state-owned investment funds, given their opacity, propensity for corruption, and underperformance relative to the private sector. Without transparent goals, they can also spark testy, and sometimes dangerous, political feuds between governments, as a Singaporean state-owned fund experienced last year in Thailand.
One deal doesn't a pattern make, but more are sure to follow. Chinese investments will face greater scrutiny as long as the lines between government and corporations are blurred. The lesson here is: The more China tells the world about its investment mandate, the easier it'll be for Congress to let business be business. Which is as it should be.
Then there's the private-equity bubble. Banks are helping fund a record pace of mergers this year, with the value of announced leveraged buyouts soaring 40 percent to $188 billion in the first quarter alone.
At the moment, China's currency policy, together with Japan's ultra-low interest rates, is a key source of the liquidity feeding bubbles.
On the one hand, it's a creative way for China to put some reserves in U.S. assets without being accused of manipulating its currency. On the other, it means two issues that lawmakers hope to exploit in next year's elections are becoming more complex.
Mao, who died in 1976, would hardly recognize the China of 2007. Then again, few would have predicted the changes that have taken place in his homeland.
<ブラックストーンへの中国の投資について、ブログからコピペ> ttp://nylawyer.exblog.jp/5715617 China to Buy a Stake in Blackstone(NY Times) China Says It Made Blackstone Investment to Raise Returns(NY Times) 中国が外貨準備金を米投資ファンドのブラックストーンに出資するらしいのだが、こ れには軽い衝撃を受けた。 ま、政府主導の資本主義経済(ん?)だからできるのかも知れませんが、それにして も発想がすごいというか、柔軟というか、戦略的というか。。 ------------------------------ lat37nさん、 うまく言えませんが、僕はこの中国政府の発想というか思考がどうやって沸いてくる のか興味あります。というか誰が戦略立案しているのだろうか。。。 それはさておき、ご質問の件ですが、事務所にもよると思いますがタイムチャージと は別に成功報酬でもフィーを得ていることも珍しくないようです。 M&Aの関係ではよ く新聞記事にも書かれています。http://nylawyer.exblog.jp/4775251/
The western economists concluded that emerging economies should adopt flexible exchange rates and modern, well-regulated and competitive financial markets. The Asians decided to choose competitive exchange rates, export-led growth and huge accumulations of foreign currency reserves. The question is whether the Asians need to change their choice. The answer, I believe, is “yes”. 西欧の経済学者たちは開発途上国が柔軟性のある通貨交換システムを適用すべきだと 結論付け、近代的な、規制の適正な、競争的な金融システムが必要だとした。アジア 諸国は競争力のある通貨レート、輸出依存の成長、そして巨大な外貨準備の蓄積を選 んだ。問題はアジア諸国がやり方を変える必要があるかどうかで、私はその答えが YESだと信じる。
The big event has been elsewhere: the great mistake, Asian policymakers concluded, was not pegged, but overvalued, exchange rates. That error was what had brought the humiliating dictation by IMF officials operating under the thumb of the US Treasury. 大きな過ちについて、アジア諸国の政策決定者は、問題は通貨システムのペグ制では無く 通貨の過剰評価にあったと結論付けた。その過ちはアメリカ財務省の手先であるIMFの 官僚の独裁という屈辱的な干渉をもたらした。「二度とごめんだ」というのが強い思いに なって、その後の政策に影響を与え、多くのアジア諸国は国際収支の黒字国になり外貨準 備を溜め込んでいる。
Mr Roubini argues that it is not. The policy generates ultimately unsterilisable increases in foreign currency reserves. This causes excess monetary growth, domestic asset price bubbles, overheating, inflation and the loss in competitiveness that governments had tried to prevent by suppressing the rises in nominal exchange rates. It distorts domestic financial systems, by pushing interest rates below equilibrium levels. It generates a waste of resources in accumulation of low-yielding foreign currency assets exposed to the likelihood of huge capital losses. It makes Asian economies excessively dependent on demand from outside the region. It exacerbates US protectionism. Finally, it compels US monetary authorities to sustain easy monetary policy, in order to offset the leakage from domestic demand caused by the huge current account deficits.
The post-crisis policy system has proved more durable than many (including myself) expected. At its heart, however, is China. Though not affected directly by the crisis, it was one of the countries that learnt its lessons in the Asian way.
Today’s result is a dynamic behemoth accumulating foreign currency reserves at a rate of $50bn a month in the first quarter of the year and expected by the IMF to generate a current account surplus of 10 per cent of gross domestic product this year. I do not believe these astonishing trends are desirable or sustainable. Why that is so and what to do about it I intend to discuss next week.
"The Chinese have taken some steps to increase the flexibility of their exchange rate. In our meetings, I pressed for greater flexibility in the short term and for a transition for a market-determined exchange rate in the medium term," Paulson said at a news conference ポールソン財務長官は「中国側は人民元の柔軟性を高める措置をとっており、会議では より大きな柔軟性を求めた。中期的には市場がレートを決めるフロートに向かうべきで それにいたる短気の措置として柔軟性が必要」とした。 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.treasury.gov/press/releases/hp416.htm May 23, 2007 HP-416 Closing Statement by Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. at the May 2007 Meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue 財務省ファイル:ポールソン長官と呉儀副首相の経済対話、クロージング・ステートメント
ヘリテージ財団;日米同盟の進化に向けて by Bruce Klingner ------------------------------------------------------------------- ヘリテージ財団のサイトに掲載されている者だけれど、まあ書いているのがBruce Klingnerなので、例によって Tokyo must more fully redress its colonial occupation of the Korean Peninsula and wartime actions to placate its neighbors and facilitate its new security role. Washington should be directly involved in managing Tokyo's ascension to help reassure the region and build confidence in the new security configuration. と言うような、ちょっとピントの外れたお説教も含まれている評論。
・The Evolving Asian Chessboard ・Japan's Sun on the Rise Again ・A Bedrock of Asian Stability ・Complications to Success ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Klingnerはじめ、一部のアメリカの論者は、アジアにおける中国の軍事力の増大 や北朝鮮の核ミサイルの開発などに対して、日米同盟の強化と日本の自衛力の強化、さ らに経済復興を必要と見て支持するのだけれど、歴史問題などで日本の立場を承認しな い意見を持つ。(こういう人たちは、結構厄介そうな。日本にネオナチのような極右が 復活するとでも思っているのかすらん?)
NEW YORK, May 23 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks edged lower on Wednesday as a warning about Chinese stocks by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan erased gains fueled by takeover talk in the aluminum sector.
Greenspan said he feared a "dramatic contraction" in Chinese stocks after the recent boom, adding the run-up was "clearly unsustainable." [ID:nMDT004118]
MagicMouse, a three-dimensional ultrasonic computer mouse designed by a team of five WPI undergraduates, is one of 10 inventions honored with the inaugural PopSci Invention Awards, the cover story in the June 2007 issue of Popular Science.
ttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2007-05/24/content_879378.htm US, don't wreck bilateral relations with tariffs By LIU ZHONGZHOU (China Daily) Updated: 2007-05-24 06:55 The author is former Chinese senior trade negotiator チャイナディリー(寄稿):アメリカは米中通用問題を関税の衝突にすべきではない
May 23, 2007: It looks like China is fighting back against threats to boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics. First off, China issued a statement saying that any sanctions against Sudan would not produce peace in Darfur. Then Japan (which takes from 35 to 38 percent of Sudan's daily oil production) announced that it would not boycott China's Olympics over Darfur. This makes sense for Japan, which is trying to get China to help it stop North Korea's nuclear weapons program. 中国のスーダン石油開発支援の非難で、オリンピック・ボイコット論があることに対し て中国が反撃して、スーダンへの制裁はダルフールに和平をもたらさないと声明でのべ た。これに続いて日本が(日本はスーダンの石油の35-38%を輸入している)ダルフール 問題で中国のオリンピック・ボイコットに加担しないと述べた。日本は北朝鮮核問題で 中国の支援を期待しているので、これは尤もなことである。
It was surprising enough last month to find out that a Japanese military official felt the best place to hide his copy of top secret information on Aegis destroyers was in the "porn" folder on his computer. While the thinking may have been right that people looking for top secret info wouldn't look in the porn folder, where that logic breaks down is that the porn folder is where many, many other people might look for... well... porn. And, in fact, somewhere along the way, the porn folder was "shared" with other soldiers, and the top secret information got out. The original report suggested it had just been passed on to a small number of soldiers who were sharing porn, but I'm sure it won't surprise many to find out that there are now concerns that the data was shared much more widely than previously thought. So, once again, as a public service announcement: if you have top secret military data, try to hide it somewhere boring, rather than in your porn folder.
China's individual investors, who ignored warnings of a bubble by Asia's richest man Li Ka-shing and central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan, gave Alan Greenspan short shrift too. 中国の個人投資家はさきに、香港のリ・カー・シンや中央銀行総裁の周小川のバブル 警告に関心を示さなかったように、グリーンスパン前FRB議長の警告にも関心を 示していない。
John Edwards's site had about 690,000 unique visitors in March, Rudolph W. Giuliani (297,000), Sen. John McCain (258,000) Mitt Romney (76,000).
The top three Democrats, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama and Edwards, amassed more than $14 million over the Internet in the first three months of 2007;
Republicans, Giuliani, McCain and Romney, collected less than half of that, $6 million. ------------------------------------------------------------------- インターネットサイトの訪問者数やネット献金では民主党がリード。しかし、この 傾向は2004年のときもそうだったのだけれど。
``We hope the U.S. could implement the agreement reached with China this week to relax restrictions on exports of high- technology products for civilian use to China,'' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18850649/ US-China talks shift to Congress Financial Times By Krishna Guha and Eoin Callan Updated: 8:12 p.m. ET May 24, 2007 FT/MSNBC;米中経済交渉は議会に焦点がシフト
"Administrations come and go. It is Congress that remains in the driver's seat on the key trade and economic issues affecting our two countries," he said.
According to the 2007 Pentagon China military power report ? details of which were obtained by the FT ? the Chinese navy is developing a fleet of five nuclear ballistic missile submarines [SSBNs]. The Jin class submarines would provide a much stronger nuclear deterrent because they would be armed with the new long -range JL-2 missile. FTの入手した2007年版の、ペンタゴン作成の中国軍事力報告書によれば人民解放軍海軍 は5隻の攻撃用原子力潜水艦を建設中である。「晋」級の潜水艦は長距離弾道ミサイルJL-2 を搭載し強力な核戦力となる。
“When they develop five vessels like this, they are making a statement,” said the US official. “China’s first effort at developing a SSBN force was not serious, but the next generation presumably will be serious...China is diversifying its ballistic missile capability [to have] more sophisticated regional capability and a more survivable force.” 米国政府高官は「中国が新たに5隻の原子力潜水艦を建造するというのは彼らのステートメ ントであろう」という。「中国が最初に攻撃用原子力潜水艦を建造したときは、さほど真 剣と思われなかった。しかし、次世代の原子力潜水艦部隊は、おそらくシアリアスなもの になる。中国は弾道ミサイル戦力を多様化しており、アジア地域の軍事力としてより洗練 されたものとなり、より生存可能性の高い核戦力をもつ事になる」
“If China puts these systems in place effectively on the scale reported in sea -basing and land-basing, it will now have a robust second-strike capability,” said Lyle Goldstein, director of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College. “What was grey before now is becoming clear. China now can effectively fight a nuclear war.” 「中国がそれらの原子力潜水艦の配備を終われば、陸上と海上の核戦力によって堅固な 核反撃能力をもつ事になる。」米国海軍大学で中国の軍事力研究部長であるLyle Goldstein が述べている。「以前にはグレイで良くわからなかったことが今では明確になったわけで 中国は今後、核戦争を効果的に戦うことが出来る」
“President Hu Jintao probably does not appreciate the effect on the US that his military leaders’ new deployments will have,” he said. “These Chinese steps only play into the hands of our hardliners and push the US towards worst-case scenarios. The Chinese have an apt proverb: ‘Don’t pick up a rock and drop it on your own feet.’ President Hu needs to cut back this development and head off a cold-war style arms race.” 「胡主席はおそらく、人民開放軍の指導者の米国に与える影響を喜ばしく思わないだろう」 と彼は言う。「こうした人民開放軍の行動は、ハードライナーの手にゲームを渡す事にな り、アメリカをして最悪のシナリオにと追いやる。中国の諺に言う岩を持ち上げて自分の 足の上に落とすなかれというのがある。胡主席はこの動きを止めさせる必要があり、冷戦 型の軍備拡張競争を避ける必要がある」
Michael Green, former senior Asia adviser to President George W. Bush, said there “was something to the argument” that China was simply responding to US nuclear capabilities. But he said the Chinese were more concerned about US stealth capabilities and cruise missiles and that its naval development was driven more by internal political logic. 前NSCのアジア部長、マイケル・グリーンは中国がアメリカの核軍事力に対抗しようと しているのかについて以前に議論があったという。しかし彼は中国はアメリカのステルス 能力や巡航ミサイルにより強い関心があり、人民解放軍海軍の軍事力強化は内部の政治的 ロジックによっているという。
China's current Xia-class ballistic missile submarine is already loaded with Julang-1 (JL-1) solid-fuel missiles, and a longer-range JL variant submarine -launched ballistic missile with a range of 8,000 km will be deployed on China's new Jin-class (Type-094) nuclear ballistic missile submarine in three years.[12]
In addition, China has three new nuclear-powered submarine design and construction programs. The Type-093 Shang-class nuclear attack boat and the Type-094 Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine programs are underway. Two Shang submarines are deployed, and three are under construction, and five Jin-class ballistic missile submarines are reportedly under construction. Five Type-095 submarines, a larger version of the Shang/ Jin hull, are also under development.[60] Together with its procurement program for improved Russian-made Kilo-class submarines, China has at least six new submarine programs under way simultaneously―a submarine development campaign that is unprecedented in peacetime. China will have at least 34 advanced submarines deployed in the Pacific by 2010―some analysts expect as many as 50 to 60―assuming that those under construction will be completed within three years. China will certainly have over 60 advanced submarines by 2020.[61]
[60] Bill Gertz, "China Expands Sub Fleet," The Washington Times, March 2, 2007, p. A1, at www.washingtontimes.com/national/20070302-012440-4462r.htm (April 27, 2007).
ttp://washingtontimes.com/national/20070525-122219-1192r.htm Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said yesterday that the report, scheduled for release today, shows how China "has steadily devoted increasing resources to their military." ゲーツ国防長官は、中国の軍事力報告書に触れて「中国が継続的に軍事力拡大に努めて 資源を投入している」と述べた。
Mr. Gates described this year's report as an honest assessment devoid of "arm -waving" and said, "I don't think it does any exaggeration of the threat." "But it paints a picture of a country that is devoting substantial resources to the military and developing ... some very sophisticated capabilities." 長官は報告が中国の「軍事力の鼓舞」について率直に報告しているとし、「私はそれが 脅威であると誇張をしているとは思わない」「中国は大変洗練された軍事力を開発して いて・・資源をその開発に投入している」
For example, the report identifies the five new missile submarines, known as the Jin-class, that will each be outfitted with 12 5,000-mile-range JL-2 missiles, vastly improving China's nuclear missile strike capabilities. The new submarines are considered a significant new power projection capability that China did not have from its lone earlier ballistic missile submarine, which stayed in port and did not sail to open ocean. 報告書は5隻の晋級SSBNを建造中とし、その潜水艦は12機の射程5000マイルのJL-2 ミサイルを搭載できる。これは中国の核ミサイルの攻撃力を大きく向上させる。新たな SSBNは以前の一隻だけのSSBNとは異なって中国の軍事力展開になると想定され る。以前のSSBNは港に係留されて大洋に出ることは無かった。
The launches were apparently part of annual exercises conducted by the North, the Joint Chiefs said in a statement. 韓国の参謀本部は、声明の中で、北のミサイルは例年の演習の一貫であるとしている。
North Korea fired several short-range missiles on Friday, even as the United States sounded optimistic about getting six-party talks on Pyongyang’s nuclear arms programme back on track. アメリカが6者会合継続に楽観的な見方を示している折、北朝鮮は短距離ミサイルを発射 した。韓国の諜報機関は,このミサイル発射は例年行なわれる演習の一部といっている。
NHK said the missiles were fired from both the east and west coasts of North Korea. NHKは北朝鮮の東西の両岸からミサイルが発射されたといっている。
Domestic refining capacity is stretched in part because environmental laws discourage the building of new refineries. Meanwhile, new mandates for ethanol and other "boutique" gasoline blends make it harder for the industry to meet refining shortfalls. The Lundberg Survey estimates that the ethanol mandate alone adds 10 cents to each gallon, and that 36 refinery snafus this year have cut U.S. gas supplies by about 8%. Refiners are also currently switching to mandated summer gasoline blends -- another contributor to the current price spike.
The firings could escalate existing strains in north Asia after the communist country tested a nuclear device in October and fired ballistic missiles last July. The government in Pyongyang missed an April 13 deadline to start dismantling its nuclear weapons program under an agreement with the U.S., China, Japan, South Korea and Russia. ミサイル試射は昨年の核実験やミサイル乱射に続いて極東地域の緊張を高めかねない。 北朝鮮は6者合意の第一次の実施期限4月13日を守っておらず。核廃棄の合意がスムース に実行されていない。
``Who knows why they are doing this?'' Paul French, the Shanghai-based author of ``North Korea: Paranoid Peninsula,'' said in a phone interview. ``It's them being totally contrary.'' 上海在住で北朝鮮関連の著作を持つPaul Frenchは「北朝鮮の意図などわかる人はいな いだろう」という。「彼等は完全に(思考方法が)反対なのだから」
``The European Commission, along with all the international parties, is concerned by all actions that could risk destabilizing the situation in the region,'' Hohmann said. 欧州委員会のHohmannは、「欧州委員会は他の国際コミニティと共に、この地域の不安定 化につながりかねない事項の関心を有する」と述べている。
``I think this is a routine military exercise. North Korea conducts drills every year,'' Osamu Eya, an independent North Korean military analyst, said by phone. 独立系の北朝鮮軍事評論家、Osamu Eyaは「これは北朝鮮の毎年やっている軍事演習の一 部だと思う」と述べている。(後略)
BASRA, Iraq, May 25 (Reuters) - Iraqi special forces killed the leader of Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army militia in the southern Iraqi city of Basra on Friday after he tried to resist arrest, the British military said. イラク軍特殊部隊は、バスラでサドル派のマハディ軍の指導者を殺戮したと英国軍が 発表した。
ttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/24/AR2007052402344.html Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the No. 2 commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, said he believed Sadr had returned to Iraq to shore up his organization. "I think he's trying to consolidate his power base," Odierno said Thursday evening in his office near the Baghdad airport. "I think there's been a little bit of cracking in the JAM organization," he added, using an acronym for Jaish al-Mahdi, the Arabic name for the Mahdi Army.
イラクのアメリカ軍のNo2指揮官であるRaymond T. Odiernoは「私が思うにはサドル師 はその権力基盤をコンソリデートしようと試みるのだろう」「マハディ軍には組織に幾ら か、亀裂が見られるようだ」
Odierno said of Sadr that "it's unclear where he's headed." Some observers, he added, had told him that Sadr might be "ready to negotiate behind the scenes" with the United States and its Iraqi allies. If so, that would represent a dramatic shift; the Mahdi Army and U.S. forces fought intense battles in 2004.
<オースチン・ベイのブログから、カウンターテロリズムの専門家の発言> ttp://austinbay.net/blog/?p=1805 GEN Petraeus’ Chief Counter-Insurgency Adviser on “Iraqi Narratives” Filed under: General ― site admin @ 9:31 am
“Since counterinsurgency is a competition to mobilize popular support, it pays to know how people are mobilized. In most societies there are opinionmakers: local leaders, pillars of the community, religious figures, media personalities, and others who set trends and influence public perceptions.
This influence―including the pernicious influence of the insurgents―often takes the form of a “single narrative.” This is a simple, unifying, easily-expressed story or explanation that organizes people’s experience and provides a framework for understanding events.
Nationalist and ethnic historical myths, or sectarian creeds, provide such a narrative. The Iraqi insurgents have one, as do al- Qaida and the Taliban. To undercut their influence you must exploit an alternative narrative: or better yet, tap into an existing narrative that excludes the insurgents.
This narrative is often worked out for you by higher headquarters―but only you have the detailed knowledge to tailor the narrative to local conditions and generate leverage from it.”
報告書の発表について、国防省のアナウンスメント・ページ ttp://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=46183 Report Documents Chinese Military Power, Calls for Transparency By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service 国防省レリース:アメリカ議会に提出した、中国の軍事力の評価報告書のなかで、 国防省は中国に対して、より高い透明性を求める
The annual report to Congress reflects the U.S. view that China is an emerging regional military and economic power with global aspirations. 議会に提出した国防省の、中国の軍事力評価の年次報告で、国防省は中国がアジア地域 に勃興する軍事力となり、グローバルな大志を有するとした。
China’s defense budget is increasing by double-digit percentages per year, a rate that China has sustained for more than 15 years, fueled by the country’s remarkable economic growth, a defense official said. This year, the increase was 17.8 percent. 中国の軍事費は過去15年にわたって2桁成長を続けており、今年は17.8%の成長をしている。
“We are convinced that China’s real defense spending is substantially higher – in the range of $85 billion to $125 billion in 2007,” the official continued. 高官は「国防省は中国の軍事費が公表値よりも大きいことを承知しており、2007年の軍事 費は$85Bから$125B程度と見ている」と述べた。
This discrepancy between the official and actual figure is emblematic of U.S. concerns on transparency. Hiding these sums of money drives uncertainty over China’s intentions, the official said. 中国の軍事費の公表値と実際値の違いについて、アメリカ政府は中国に対してより高い 透明性を求めている。軍事費の一部を公開していないことが中国の意図に疑問を抱かせ る、と高官は述べている。
Among the sums off the books are research and development expenditures, some military procurement, foreign purchases and dual-use technologies, officials said. 軍事費に含まれていないと見られるものにはR&D経費、幾つかの軍備購入、外国から の軍備購入、デュアルユース技術の購入などであると高官は述べている。(後略)
Figure 2. The First and Second Island Chains. PRC military theorists conceive of two island “chains”as forming a geographic basis for China’s maritime defensive perimeter.
昨日公表されたOECDの経済アウトルック報告は中国の株式市場に崩壊の可能性 があるとした。 "High share prices pose a risk to stability," the report says. There is a risk of a "marked correction" if profit growth slows, and if a global downturn in trade retards export growth, the OECD argues, it may be hard to limit the consequences to stocks only. 報告は「高い株価は安定性に対するリスクである」としており、市場で株価の修正され るリスクがあると述べている。利益成長の伸びが鈍化すれば、そうした市場の修正が起 コル可能性がある。また国際通商がスローダウンすれば、そうした可能性が起こる。そ の影響は株式市場にのみ留まらない。
"There are reports that individuals are funding growing share purchases through bank borrowing," it says. "Such loans could turn sour" if prices fell, "adversely impacting bank balance sheets." 「銀行からのローンによって株式投資を行なう人があるとの報告がされており、そうし たローンは価格低下で焦げ付く可能性がある」それらのリスクは「銀行のバランスシー トに不利に働くことがあり得る」
(CBS) CHICAGO The Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning against buying or eating imported monkfish, after two local residents got sick from a mislabeled product that might have been actually have been puffer fish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- この記事では、日本では「特別訓練を受けたシェフ」が有毒な河豚を調理して食べさ せるが云々と解説している。
ボストングローブ(寄稿):北朝鮮の武装解除 By Graham Allison -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ハーバード大学のBelfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Governmentの部長という人の書いている、北朝鮮の現状評価と今後 の見通し。
My bet, therefore, is that Kim Jong Il will succeed: selling his future nuclear weapons production capability at Yongbyon for a good price and China's graces, while keeping a minimum nuclear deterrent.
ttp://www.consumerist.com/consumer/chinese-poison-train/two-hospitalized-after-eating-deadly-mislabeled-chinese-pufferfish-263740.php 中国製の「あんこう、冷凍魚、頭と内臓除去」というパックを食べて入院患者がでて リコール騒ぎになっている事件、飴のブログの反応 ----------------------------------------------------- B says:"Poison, poison, tasty fish." ♪毒、毒、美味しいお魚♪(きらきら星で) ----------------------------------------------------- joeblevins says: At some point, you would hope the chef would be able to tell the difference between the fish he is preparing. 魚料理をするシェフは、材料の魚を見分けられないといかんぜよ ----------------------------------------------------- Image of humorbot humorbot says: It's astonishing that it ever made it to the table as monkfish. They couldn't look less similar, even to the layman. So no chef, wholesaler, or fishmonger at the market, even after a ripping bender, has any excuse to mistake the two fish. Google for a monkfish image and see. え〜、だってアンコウとフグは全然似てないじゃん。料理した後だってわかるよ。 シェフも、卸問屋も、魚市場の人も、見分けられなかったって?言い訳にならな いよん。ぐぐるイメージで、写真を見てごらん。 ----------------------------------------------------- AlteredBeast says: If there is no antidote...what could the hospital doing for them? フグの毒の解毒剤はあるのかしらん?病院はどういう手当てをするんだろ? ----------------------------------------------------- Image of vanilla-fro vanilla-fro says: They look pretty different whole. not sure about head of and gutted. I've never seen a pufferfish with that done to it. アンコウとフグは全然似ていていない。頭と内臓を除去したパックだと言うのだが フグを頭と内臓を取ってパックするというのは見たことの無い話だ
----------------------------------------------------- Crazytree says: China needs to be on notice. Only American food companies are allowed to poison Americans. 中国は知っておくべきだが。 アメリカの食品会社のお陰で、アメリカ人が毒を得るなら、まだ許せるのだが ----------------------------------------------------- bbbici says: mmm-hmmm monkfish flesh is very distinctive looking, kind of gross actually, like something out of a david cronenberg movie. むむむ、ふむむ、アンコウはふぐと全く違う姿なのだが。頭と内臓を取ってあるの で david cronenbergの映画の中の話みたいだな。 ----------------------------------------------------- Chicago7 says: I hate to say, but I mistrust the Bush administration so much that I almost think this could be a misguided amateur Bush-appointee's attempt to stop imports from China. いいたかねぇが、ブッシュは信用できない。これって、中国製品の輸入を止めさせ る為にブッシュが任命したアマチュアのヤラセじゃね? ----------------------------------------------------- jwissick says: China can't spread the commie revolution to the US so they decide to poison us instead??? I think it is boycott time. 中国は共産党革命をアメリカに広められないので、アメリカ人毒殺に計画を変えたのか? ボイコットを始めるべき時だ
【ワシントン支局】米食品医薬品局(FDA)は、中国から輸入された冷凍アンコウ の中に、猛毒のフグが混入していたとして消費者に注意を呼びかけている。輸入業者 も自主回収に乗り出した。(後略) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2007/NEW01639.html FDA Warning on Mislabeled Monkfish Fish Believed to be Puffer Fish; Contains Deadly Toxin
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers not to buy or eat imported fish labeled as monkfish, which actually may be puffer fish, containing a potentially deadly toxin called tetrodotoxin. Eating puffer fish that contain this potent toxin can result in serious illness or death.
Tetrodotoxin is not destroyed by common food preparation or storage, such as cooking or freezing. Monkfish do not contain tetrodotoxin. The product was imported and distributed by Hong Chang Corp., Santa Fe Springs, Calif. Consumers concerned that they may have purchased this fish should contact their retailer and ask if the product was received from Hong Chang Corp. The product should not be eaten, it should be thrown away. Care should be exercised in handling the fish, as the tetrodotoxin may be present on the skin and flesh of the fish. Consumers should wash hands thoroughly after handling the fish. (後略)
The White House has played down North Korea's first missile tests in almost a year, calling them a "routine exercise" amid a continuing logjam in implementing a nuclear disarmament deal. ホワイトハウスは北朝鮮の短距離ミサイル発射を「例年の演習の一貫」と述べて大き な問題とは見なさない姿勢を示し、核廃棄交渉の継続を示唆した。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 北朝鮮が、日本の激しい反発を期待した(日本の孤立化を図ろう考えて)という見方 はなかなか面白いような。エコノミスト流のシナリオで北朝鮮が考えているのであれ ば、北朝鮮の望むベストケースは日本が激しく反発し、アメリカが妥協的態度を続け る、といったものなのだろうけれど、日米の連携は良いようで、同じように大げさな 問題にしない態度で一致している。
China's current Xia-class ballistic missile submarine is already loaded with Julang-1 (JL-1) solid-fuel missiles, and a longer-range JL variant submarine -launched ballistic missile with a range of 8,000 km will be deployed on China's new Jin-class (Type-094) nuclear ballistic missile submarine in three years.[12]
In addition, China has three new nuclear-powered submarine design and construction programs. The Type-093 Shang-class nuclear attack boat and the Type-094 Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine programs are underway. Two Shang submarines are deployed, and three are under construction, and five Jin-class ballistic missile submarines are reportedly under construction. Five Type-095 submarines, a larger version of the Shang/ Jin hull, are also under development.[60] Together with its procurement program for improved Russian-made Kilo-class submarines, China has at least six new submarine programs under way simultaneously―a submarine development campaign that is unprecedented in peacetime. China will have at least 34 advanced submarines deployed in the Pacific by 2010―some analysts expect as many as 50 to 60―assuming that those under construction will be completed within three years. China will certainly have over 60 advanced submarines by 2020.[61]
[60] Bill Gertz, "China Expands Sub Fleet," The Washington Times, March 2, 2007, p. A1, at www.washingtontimes.com/national/20070302-012440-4462r.htm (April 27, 2007).
韓国のINSS(Institute for National Security Strategy)のKo Jae-hongは、金正 日が国内で軍の基地などを訪問している状況から見て飛行機を利用していると述べてい る。金正日が航空機恐怖症だとするのは俗説で誤りと言う。
To support his theory that Kim uses an aircraft to travel in North Korea, Ko said Kim visited two military bases in May last year one day after another. He said going from the air base just north of Pyongyang to an army base in the north near the Russian border would have been impossible had he not flown. 彼の示す証拠は、昨年5月に金正日が二つの軍基地を同日中に訪問した記録で、ピョンヤ ン北の基地とロシア国境に近い基地を訪問していることから航空機の使用以外に、それは 不可能であるという。
"Being Kim Jong-il doesn't mean you can overcome physical limitations and show up in the east one minute and then show up in the west the next." 「金正日だからといって、縮地法が使えるわけではない」
These officials said Washington continues to get assurances from the North Koreans that they plan to denuclearize. If Pyongyang reneges, there is the belief that the U.S. will be in an even stronger position to pressure South Korea and China to pursue tougher actions against Pyongyang, as the blame will be placed on the regime. この記事は、北朝鮮の挑発行為には乗らず、とりあえずは従来どおりの6者会合合意事項 の実施を求めてゆく、という日米其他の了解のあることを示唆していると思ふ。それは いわば現時点では、常識的な対応と言うべき鴨。
ついでに、BDA問題について、この記事は後半部分で触れていて、 But since then, Pyongyang appears to have focused on looking for another bank to take its money in hopes that action will restore its tattered credibility in international banking circles. ・・・bogged down in "technical" problems that will be resolved quickly. But some people are starting to wonder whether the technical issues have become a stalling tactic on the North's part. 現行の国務省の交渉優先の妥協的な姿勢に批判が起こってきていることを伺わせる様な。
中国人民銀行のマクロ経済過熱化防止措置について、この評論は、簡単に言えば余り効 き目が無いだろう、という。上海のスタンダード&チャータードのStephen Greenの言葉 を引いているのが印象的。 says today’s excess liquidity is the result of a host of policies rolled out over two decades and that “there is indeed no easy way of reversing them”.
中国は更に、幾つかの製品の輸出税を引き上げ、輸入税を引き下げる措置を発表したが この評論は、殆ど評価していない。人民元引き上げでも貿易黒字は容易には解消しない だろうという。 But if the trade surplus is the problem, neither appreciation of the renminbi nor random administrative measures to restrain exports, such as the ones applied to steel, will be a panacea. China’s increased labour productivity alone over the past two years has been enough to wipe out any cost increases – and therefore any decrease in export competitiveness – from the roughly 7 per cent appreciation in the renminbi against the dollar since mid-2005. Even if China’s currency rose rapidly, the bilateral trade surplus would remain high in any case.
このプログラムが4月に出している文書があって ttp://www.cpsc.gov/BUSINFO/intl/china07.pdf U.S. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION International Consumer Product Safety Program 2007 China Program Plan
THE WORKING GROUPS Pursuant to the PAC, the Commission formed four “working groups” which cover four product categories. On the U.S. side, these working groups consist of CPSC staff with particular expertise in each product area.
Each working group shall be under the direction of a team leader. The specific substantive agenda and objectives of each group will be decided by consensus of the team’s members. Below is a list of the four working groups.
Finally, we can only marvel at the nerve of Mr. ElBaradei, an unelected international civil servant whose mission is to implement the decisions of the Security Council -- and who proposes to destroy the council's authority by having it simply drop binding resolutions. Were it to do so, any chance to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons through diplomacy would be lost.
Two of his campaign fund management bodies have received 13 million yen (110,000 U.S. dollars) in donations from 14 Kumamoto-based contractors, who have been awarded construction projects by the Japan Green Resources Agency (J-Green), a government-controlled forestry management body suspected of having been involved in rigging bids.
The minister has allegedly received some 8.5 million yen (70,000 U.S. dollars) in donations from contractors implicated in bid rigging for forestry road construction projects.
BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese officials have called for Western countries to sign extradition treaties, the China Daily reported on Monday, saying the country's use of the death penalty was no reason to avoid repatriating criminals. 中国政府は西欧諸国に対して、犯罪者引渡条約の締結を要望しており、中国が死刑制度 を保持していることは、その拒否の理由にならないと論じている。
"We are trying hard to negotiate with developed countries to conclude bilateral extradition treaties," the newspaper quoted Duan Jielong of the Foreign Ministry's Department of Treaty and Law as saying. 中国外交部の条約部署のDuan Jielongは「我々は先進国との間で犯罪者引渡条約の締結 の為の交渉を行なっている」と述べている。中国は外国から送致された犯罪者に死刑を 課す事はしない、と約束しているが、その約束は充分ではないとする国もある。
>>284 Legislative deadlock could force the prime minister to call a snap election for the lower house, analysts said, although no lower house election is required until 2009. (参議院の過半数獲得の)議会対策の行き詰まりは、安倍首相をして、衆議院の解散 総選挙を行なうように追い込まれるかもしれない(衆議は2009年まで任期があるので 選挙の制度上の必要性は無いが)と、アナリスト(複数)が述べている。(ロイター)
<中国の株式市場について、ロイターの報道> Some local institutional investors are committing less money to the market, and some foreign institutions are clearly cutting their exposure to A shares considerably, analysts said. 中国国内の機関投資家は、以前より小額の株式投資しかしていない。外資の機関投資家 の一部は、A株の持分を明確に切り下げている、とアナリストが述べている。
"The quarterly reports on listed shares held by foreign institutional investors, and many other signs, show they are pulling money out," said Wu Feng, analyst at Tianxiang Investment Consulting. Tianxiang投資コンサルティングのアナリスト、Wu Fengは「外国人の機関投資家の保有 する株式についての四半期報告を見れば、彼らが資金を引き上げていることが解る」と いう。
"While submarines seem to be ascendant," they wrote last fall, "the Chinese are still actively engaged with the carrier question and are reframing the terms of the debate." They suggested that China could include carriers in their next five -year plan, which begins in 2011.
ttp://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article1109.html CHINA CRASH - Domino Effect on Stock Markets, and Collateral Effect on Resource Stocks... / Stock-Markets / Global Stock Markets May 28, 2007 - 12:53 AM By: Clive_Maund
During the prolonged period of stagnation in this sector we have largely avoided no-hoper stocks like Newmont Mining on www.clivemaund.com opting instead to go where the action has been in the smaller issues. All investors in the sector need to be aware that should we see a major meltdown soon in the Chinese and US markets, as is looking increasingly probable, it is likely to take down most resource stocks, and few will escape without damage. Plan accordingly. We will be looking at Put option strategies both for portfolio protection and speculative gain on the site shortly.
"A correction in the Chinese share market is clearly on the cards," said Craig James, chief equities economist at Commonwealth Securities. コモンウェルス証券のエコノミスト、Craig Jamesは「中国株の修正というカードが 明らかに意識されている」という。
"We continue to expect the All Ordinaries <.AORD> and ASX 200 index to lift to around 6,500 points by end-year. However, we warn that the current market pause could turn into a more dramatic correction if the bubble in the Chinese share market was to burst rather than deflate gently." 「オーストラリアのオールオーディナリー株式指数、ASX200でみて年末に6500くら いを想定している。しかし、資源株の停滞による現在の市場の状態は、中国株式が穏 やかにデフレートするのではなくて、より激しくバブルが破裂するようなことになれば 劇的な修正を余儀なくさせられるかも知れない」 http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=269645 Aussie stocks shed gains on China worries; Monday May 28 16:34 AEST By Geraldine Chua
<中国の株式市場について、ロイターの報道> Some local institutional investors are committing less money to the market, and some foreign institutions are clearly cutting their exposure to A shares considerably, analysts said. 中国国内の機関投資家は、以前より小額の株式投資しかしていない。外資の機関投資家 の一部は、A株の持分を明確に切り下げている、とアナリストが述べている。
"The quarterly reports on listed shares held by foreign institutional investors, and many other signs, show they are pulling money out," said Wu Feng, analyst at Tianxiang Investment Consulting. Tianxiang投資コンサルティングのアナリスト、Wu Fengは「外国人の機関投資家の保有 する株式についての四半期報告を見れば、彼らが資金を引き上げていることが解る」と いう。
Are there better options? We've noted that Iran imports nearly half of its refined gasoline, much of it via the United Arab Emirates. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and new French President Nicolas Sarkozy could demonstrate their Atlanticist credentials by putting a halt to their combined $8 billion in export guarantees to companies doing business with Iran. Targeted financial penalties against key regime figures (such as the plutocrat Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani) should also be considered, along with financial support for labor unions and dissident groups. The three U.S. aircraft carriers that recently shipped through the Straits of Hormuz in broad daylight are also a reminder to Tehran of our ability to use force against the nuclear threat if all else fails.
"Abe's ability to lead and bring together a team may be called into question," said Masayoshi Motteki, 62, who runs a restaurant and said he supports the LDP. 「安倍首相のチームをまとめる指導力に疑問が持たれている」とレストラン経営者の マサヨシ・モッテキ氏(62歳)が述べた。
参議院の敗北で、議会での法律の通貨が困難になれば、安倍首相の退陣は必至である。 (後略) (Additional reporting by Teruaki Ueno, Isabel Reynolds and George Nishiyama) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 後半に年金問題を書いているのだけれど、かなり大雑把で不正確な書き方で、リンダ・ シーグ・ロイター特派員の安倍政権への憎悪を感じるような記事。ちょっと幾らなんで も、バランスを失していると思ふ。どう見ても、リンダ・シーグ記者が年金問題を正確 に理解しているようには見えないような。
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set for a rocky appearance before Australia's parliament with war veterans on Tuesday calling for an apology over Japanese war crimes and environmentalists demanding an end to whaling. 第二次大戦の退役軍人が木曜日に、戦争時の日本の犯罪への日本の安倍首相の謝罪を要 求し、また環境団体が日本に捕鯨中止を求めている。
But Australia's biggest veterans group, the 200,000-strong Returned and Services League (RSL), said World War Two veterans would be expecting an olive branch from Abe over Japan's wartime record in his speech to both the lower house and upper houses. しかしオーストラリアの最大の退役軍人グループである20万人の会員を持つRSLは 安倍首相の平和的なメッセージを期待しているとしている。
"We must understand, appreciate and respect there are some people who suffered first hand the horrors of Japan's treatment during the Second World War, who continue to harbor concerns," RSL President Bill Crews told Reuters. "In the light of Mr Abe's recent comments about comfort women, it will be an opportunity for him to clear the air." 「第二次世界低煎じの日本軍の扱いに苦しんだ人々のことを理解すべきで、安倍首相の 最近の従軍慰安婦発言に鑑みて、彼が問題を解消すべきであろう」(後略)
"I recall the deep emotion that I felt when receiving word that the Baltic States had become independent in 1991, which seemed to indicate a great, new current of history," Akihito said in a speech delivered in Blackheads House in Riga's medieval Old Town ahead of a luncheon in the royal couple's honour.
"Since that time, your country has steadily followed the path of democratization and economic and social development as a member of Europe. I would like to express my sincere respect for the wisdom and efforts of the people of Latvia."
Washington has already demanded tighter regulation of Chinese exporters. Democratic senator Dick Durbin has declared that “Made in China” has become a “warning label” for food sold in the US. And, US news agency Dow Jones last week ran a story considering the practicality of calls for a ban on Chinese food imports. アメリカ政府は中国により厳しい食品の輸出規制を求めている。民主党のDick Durbin 上院議員は、メイド・イン・チャイナのラベルは、アメリカで販売される食品の警告の ラベルになったと宣言した。ダウ・ジョーンズ通信社は先週、現実的に、中国の食品の 輸入を止めることを検討すべきとする記事を掲載した。
Some observers have dismissed the food scare as an effort by US interest groups to push an anti-China agenda. The overseas edition of the Communist party’s People's Daily blamed US media for “stirring up” the pet food problems. “In a moment, the US has filled the air with a ‘China Food Threat Theory’, the newspaper said.
Some Chinese, however, not only sympathise with the US reaction to the pet deaths – they actually welcome the attention. “Welcome the US Food and Drug Administration to monitor China’s health sector!” wrote one online commentator in response to the People’s Daily “Food Threat Theory” article. しかし一部の中国人はアメリカ人のペットフード事件への反応に同情するのみならず実 際にはそれらの反応を歓迎している。「中国の健康セクターにアメリカのFDAのモニ ターがなされるなら歓迎だ」と人民日報の記事のコメント欄にカキコがあった。
“This is all a good thing. If even old America is concerned about our food, then should not Chinese be thinking about it too?” wrote another contributor. 「これは良い事で、アメリカ人が食品の安全性に関心を持つとして、中国人が関心を持た なくても良いという事では有るまい」と別のコメントが書かれている。
RS-24ミサイルは可搬式ランチャーから発射され、3400マイルはなれた極東のカムチャ ッカ半島の目標に達した。 Alexander Golts, a respected military analyst with the Yezhenedelny Zhurnal online publication, expressed surprise at the announcement. "It seems to be a brand new missile. It's either a decoy or something that has been developed in complete secrecy," he told The Associated Press. オンライン軍事情報誌Yezhenedelny Zhurnalの著名アナリスト、Alexander Goltsは驚き を表明して「全く新しいミサイルのようだ。これはデコイなのか、完全に秘密に開発さ れてきたものなのか、どちらかだ」とAP通信に語った。
彼の言う、保守の議論百出、リベラルの議論不活発の例は: A few months ago, Hoover Institution research fellow Dinesh D'Souza published a highly polemical book, "The Enemy at Home," which held the cultural left responsible for causing 9/11 and contended that American conservatives should repudiate fellow citizens on the left and instead form alliances with traditional Muslims around the world. Conservatives of many stripes leapt into the fray to criticize it.
But rare is the voice on the left that has criticized Boston College professor and New Republic contributing editor Alan Wolfe, former secretary of labor and Berkeley professor Robert Reich, New Republic editor-at-large and Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Peter Beinart, Berkeley professor George Lakoff, and New York University law professor Ronald Dworkin--all of whom have publicly argued in the last several years that conservatives form an enemy at home.
NEW DELHI -- India and the U.S. are nearing a compromise on a landmark civilian nuclear energy deal, a top U.S. official said, as the two countries attempt to salvage the symbol of a new strategic partnership. アメリカとインドは歴史的な民間核エネルギー利用の協定で、妥協に近づいていると アメリカの高官が述べた。この協定は二国間の新たな戦略パートナーシップのシンボ ルとなるもの。
大使は、 "The big stuff has been done," Mr. Mulford said of the nuclear deal, before adding: "The devil is in the details." 「大きな項目については妥協が成立したが、悪魔は細部に宿っている」と述べた。
"I didn't see a desperate scenario of people dying of hunger," Mr. Liu said at a media briefing. Rather, he said, people in Darfur thanked him for the Chinese government's help in building dams and providing water supply equipment.
Liu Guijinはダルフールの人たちが中国に感謝しており、中国によるダムの建設や 水供給の器具の提供を謝している、と述べた。
ひとつは新華ファイナンスに関連して、中国の買ったGlass Lewisの調査部門の部長 Lynn Turner が新華ファイナンスのやり方に疑問を呈して辞職し告発を行なったこと。 If you wonder why it took Mr Turner five months to figure this out, you are questioning an American hero.
もうひとつは、プライベート・エクイティ・グループのブラックストーンに30億ドル の投資を行なうことを決めたこと。 This is only the beginning. A Chinese wall of money will be on its way, once the Blackstone precedent has been set. Hiding behind the bland language of “diversifying foreign-exchange reserves”, China plans to deploy abroad at least 40% of its $1.2 trillion reserves. As the Financial Times has pointed out: “to invest that you would have to buy more than 10% of the capitalisation of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.”
エコノミストのライターの警告は、皮肉っぽくも: This column knows a plot when it sees one. This is China we are talking about―and capitalists, especially Americans, should be afraid, very afraid.
Christopher Hill, the US diplomat charged with the unenviable task of trying to convince North Korea to get rid of its nuclear weapons programme, has likened his challenge to a video game: it gets more difficult as you advance to each next level. クリストファー・ヒル米国交渉代表は困難この上ない仕事、つまり北朝鮮をして核開発 計画を止めさせるように説得するという挑戦をしているわけだが、これはビデオゲーム のようなもので、一段をクリアして次のレベルにゆけば、さらに困難が増すのである。 (後略)
Dinner menu for the Emperor of Japan Buckingham Palace, Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Salade de Langoustines et Bavarois d'Asperges (Salad of Langoustines and Asparagus) Pedreadu Poêlé aux Fèves (Partridge with Broad Beans) Chou Rouge Braisé (Braised Red Cabbage) Légumes Rôtis (Pommes Dauphinoises) Salade Sablé aux Fraises (Strawberries layered with Shorbread) Coulis de Framboises (Raspberry Coulis)
Les vins Chablis Fand Cru Vaudésir, Prieuré Saint-Côme 2002 Château Latour à Pomerol 1995 Château Coutet, Barsac 1996 Royal Vintage 1963
The Chinese equity bubble, in conjunction with mounting protectionist pressures in the US Congress, suggests that Asia’s current policy regime could be nearing a flashpoint. It is up to China and the rest of Developing Asia to put proactive policies in place that will enable it to escape this trap. Unfortunately, any such a resolution could well be for naught if Washington-led China bashing doesn’t back away from the brink.. (中国の株式バブルはアメリカ議会に盛り上がっている保護主義の圧力とあいまって、ア ジアの開発途上国経済の現行の政策がフラッシュポイントに近いことを示唆する。これ は中国の積極的な対応を要する事項であって、政策のトラップから抜け出す行動を取る べきである。しかし残念なことに、そうした対策はアメリカ議会の主導する中国バッシ ングが止まらないなら無価値になる)
Ten countries were asked to rate the world influence of the United States, China and Japan on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 indicated the most influence. All 10 publics ranked the United States’ influence as higher than China’s. But China is close behind and on a par with Japan.
South Korea gives US influence a high 8.5, China a 6.7 and Japan a 6.5. Thai opinion is similar: the United States rates an 8.3 while China and Japan get the same score of 6.9. Indians rate US international influence slightly lower (7.3) though still higher than either Japan (6.2) or China (6) while Australians give the United States only a 6.1, only slightly above either Japan (5.7) or China (5.5).
"As for Yasukuni, I have not set a time yet, but I have to see my big brother." 「靖国参拝の日時は決めていませんが、私は(祀られている)兄に会わねばなりません」 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/1104AP_Japan_Taiwan_Lee.html Taiwan's former president visits Japan By KAORI HITOMI
<今日のアジア市場> ttp://finance.yahoo.com/intlindices?e=asia All Ordinaries 6,271.70 2:11AM ET Down 67.10 (1.06%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 4,053.09 3:00AM ET Down 281.84 (6.50%)↓上海 Hang Seng 20,293.76 4:44AM ET Down 175.83 (0.86%)↓香港 BSE 30 14,436.63 5:25AM ET Down 71.58 (0.49%)↓印度 Jakarta Composite 2,055.40 5:25AM ET Down 3.34 (0.16%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,343.00 May 29 Down 2.99 (0.22%) Nikkei 225 17,588.26 3:00AM ET Down 84.30 (0.48%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,279.62 1:34AM ET Down 29.37 (0.68%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 3,511.13 5:06AM ET Down 15.95 (0.45%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,662.72 5:03AM ET Up 0.92 (0.06%)↑韓国 Taiwan Weighted 8,147.34 1:46AM ET Down 34.15 (0.42%)↓台湾
It's time for computer designers to think outside the box. From Microsoft Corp. to Silicon Valley start-ups, technology companies are introducing computers with fundamentally new forms.
At a technology conference sponsored by The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft today will unveil the fruits of six years of research pushed by Chairman Bill Gates -- a computer designed like a table with a touch-screen. The system, called Surface and aimed initially for use in hotels and casinos, includes features that allow users to buy tickets to events, wirelessly retrieve and display photos and play games. It goes on sale later this year. これは、サーフェイス・コンピューティング(俗称コーヒーテーブル)といわれるもので タッチスクリーン技術を使ったテーブルのような装置になる(ry
CAC 40 5,997.24 9:55AM ET Down 59.15 (0.98%) DAX 7,693.39 9:41AM ET Down 87.65 (1.13%) FTSE 100 6,555.70 9:57AM ET Down 50.80 (0.77%) Swiss Market 9,338.55 9:57AM ET Down 57.46 (0.61%) Madrid General 1,663.12 6:15AM ET Down 13.16 (0.79%) ttp://finance.yahoo.com/intlindices?e=europe
Christopher Hill, the US diplomat charged with the unenviable task of trying to convince North Korea to get rid of its nuclear weapons programme, has likened his challenge to a video game: it gets more difficult as you advance to each next level. クリストファー・ヒル米国交渉代表は困難この上ない仕事、つまり北朝鮮をして核開発 計画を止めさせるように説得するという挑戦をしているわけだが、これはビデオゲーム のようなもので、一段をクリアして次のレベルにゆけば、さらに困難が増すのである。 (後略)
中国の食品の安全性と、NYTの記事について、中国人ブロガーのコラム。 南方都市報に、コラムニストのLian Yueの書いたものを本人が英訳したもの 英語で書かれた中国ブログで比較的有名なDanweiから; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.danwei.org/blogs/can_the_us_guarantee_food_safe.php Can the U.S. guarantee food safety in China? by Lian Yue アメリカが中国の食品の安全性を保障できるであろうか?
After The New York Times published explosive special reports about medicine and food safety in China, a huge problem that faces ordinary Chinese people has finally became a international issue. It's a shocking reminder of how small the world has become: Chinese people can get to know China through The New York Times; NYTが一連の中国の有害食品・医薬品の記事を書いた事によって、普通の中国国民の 面している巨大な問題が国際的なスポットライトを浴びることになった。世界が狭くな った事は驚くべきことである。
I still don't think he can win the nomination, but he may end up playing a role not dissimilar to that played by Eugene McCarthy in the Democratic nominating process in 1968. He didn't win, either, but forced Lyndon Johnson to retire and ultimately shaped the direction of the Democratic Party for decades to come.
For most of human history, erotic images have been reflections of, or celebrations of, or substitutes for, real naked women. For the first time in human history, the images’ power and allure have supplanted that of real naked women. Today, real naked women are just bad porn. ・・・ So Dworkin was right that pornography is compulsive, but she was wrong in thinking it would make men more rapacious. A whole generation of men are less able to connect erotically to women―and ultimately less libidinous. これは、実際にはフェミニズムの側からの、アンチポルノ論への反論なのだけれど。
iSuppli Corp. of the US has announced a forecast that DRAM unit produciton by Taiwanese/Chinese companies will surpass that by Korean companies by 2010 ・・・ Korean manufacturers "to shift focus to NAND flash" -------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.tekrati.com/research/News.asp?id=8831 South Korea in danger of losing DRAM domination, says iSuppli's Lidow iSuppli - May 29, 2007
ttp://politics.slate.msn.com/id/2167195/ Richardson's RunaroundThe New Mexico governor self-destructs on Meet the Press. By John Dickerson Posted Tuesday, May 29, 2007, at 6:05 PM ET
Slate:ビル・リチャードソンは、Meet the PressのTV番組で散々だったわけだが
日曜日のTV政治トークショー、Meet the Pressに出演したニューメキシコ州知事で 大統領選出馬の噂されるビル・リチャードソンは散々な出来であった。
Citic Securities Co. led the decline and was one of about 90 shares included in the CSI 300 Index to fall by the 10 percent daily limit. CSI300指数にも含まれる シティック証券が下げを先導し、一日の値幅制限である10%の 下げとなった。CSI300指数は10:06AMには4.4%の下げとなった。
An Analysis of the Phenomena of Repression Associated With North Korea’s Kwan-li-so Political Penal Labor Camps According to the Terms and Provisions of Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Parallel Provisions of Customary International Law on Crimes Against Humanity David Hawk Freedom House May 2007
CSI300指数は、今日終値で1.1%上昇、中国株式は昨日と午前中の下げを回復して ロスを5.2%にまで切り詰めた。昨日は6.8%の下げであった。 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., the Chinese partner of Citigroup Inc., China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., Asia's biggest oil refiner,などの19銘柄 が値幅制限である10%の上昇を見せた。(後略)
美國商會31日公佈對台灣政府建言「2007台灣白皮書」,今年的重點一樣是兩岸及台美 經貿問題。美國商會強調,兩岸直航他們已經喊了15年,現在希望 Just do it!十天後, 美國商會將前往華府展開「敲門之旅」,美國商會表示,屆時將和美國行政、立法部門、 及商業組織,討論美台經貿議題,希望能加強雙邊貿易合作關係。美國商會31日公佈 「2007台灣白皮書」,對於台灣政府提出多項建言,更就政治、兩岸及經濟問題等領域, 呼籲台灣儘快改革,才能振興台灣經濟。
美國商會會長黃素貞表示,台灣應該緩和目前的政治惡鬥與角力,不應把重要的經濟議題 排擠在外,另外提到兩岸直航重要性,美國商會更強調,針對這個議題他們已經表達多次 意見,只希望能盡快實現。黃素貞:『Improving cross-Strait flows of people, goods and services, and investment. Regarding on this topic that’s nothing more we can commend, because we have been said in 15 years, we will say – Just do it! (讓兩岸人員、貨品服務以及投資能正常流通,這個話題,美國商會已經在15年內,把該說 的話都說盡了,所以「Just do it」!)』
對於美台雙邊經貿關係,美國商會則是強調,美台經貿關係相當緊密,但還是希望能盡速 完成多項關係到美台雙方的經貿協定,提升美商對台的投資機會。黃素貞:『Expanding and re-energizing the trade relationship with the United States, for example through cooperation in service-sector development, swift progress in TIFA negotiations, and conclusion of bilateral Government Procurement Agreement. (擴大並重新活化美台經貿關係,例如服務業發展的合作、加速台美貿易暨投資架構協定 TIFA的進展、以及推動美台雙邊政府採購協定的簽訂)』
ttp://instapundit.com/ UPDATE: I have to note that I've observed the same shift in tone from The Economist that Hanson observes lately. And this observation of his is worth quoting, too: デービス・ハンソンが雑誌エコノミストの変質について書いている
This cheap sermonizing of Western elites reflects two unspoken truths: privately, no well-heeled British subject would prefer the world of beheading, gender apartheid, and Sharia law that flourished in lawless Fallujah to the legal system and audit that governs the American military. And yet most understand that their own professional advancement, psychological well-being, and political acceptance come from praising the former and damning the latter. この西欧エリートの安っぽいお説教は、彼らが個人的には無法なファルージャ地域に法 秩序を確保しようとするイラク政府やアメリカ軍の行為よりもシャリア法や女性のアパ ルトヘイトや首チョンパ等を賞賛しているようなもので、そうすることによって反米的 な党派主義に組しているのだ。
This is a pathological situation, and it's too bad to see that it obtains at The Economist as well as the BBC and Le Monde. これは困ったことに、エコノミストのみならず、ルモンドやBBCなどをも含んで起こ っている病理学的な状況なのだ。
北朝鮮のBDA問題の解決を目指した米中協議は、ヒル国務次官補と中国のWu Dawei 交渉代表の間で行なわれたが合意に達せず、ヒル国務次官補は北朝鮮の更なる行動を 要請した。(Talks between China and the U.S. on how to resolve a financial dispute that is stalling North Korea's nuclear disarmament have ended without result)
BDA問題に関する米中協議についてヒル国務次官補は「有益であった」としたが 「ニュースは無い」として、会議内容に触れなかった。 (Mr. Hill said Wednesday he exchanged ideas with Mr. Wu on ways to resolve the matter but wouldn't give specific details.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WSJは、米中協議がBDAの対策で合意できず失敗、と書いているのだけれど国内 のメディアは一切そういう表現を使わない。比較的まともなAFP・時事でも ttp://www.jiji.com/jc/a?g=afp_int&k=20070531012671a 2007/05/31-16:29 北朝鮮は核施設の稼動停止を=ヒル次官補
China on Thursday called for proper solution to the frozen funds issue of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) with consideration of all parties' concerns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2月13日合意の実施を求めてゆく、といっているだけでBDA問題で協議したにもかか わらず何の結論も出なかったことについては触れていない。中国外交部と国務省の間が 以前ほどしっくりいっていない感じを受ける・・・
Most importantly, the White House should use all means and fora possible, including the G-8, the UN, and the Beijing Olympics, to pressure China to follow its lead. Because in Sudan, the yuan talks louder than the dollar. スーダンの問題の改善の為には、中国に圧力をかけて(オリンピックとか)中国をして 動かしめ無ければ効果は無い。
ttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18968541/ US military seeks ceasefires in Iraq Financial Times By Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington and Steve Negus, Iraq correspondent Updated: 6:42 p.m. ET May 31, 2007
"We're talking about ceasefires and maybe signing some things that say they won't conduct operations against the government of Iraq or against coalition forces," 「我々は一部の武装派との和平交渉を検討していて、恐らく武装派がイラク軍や多国 籍軍に武力闘争を挑まないといった和平協約にサインするといったことを進めている」 しかし、この和平交渉の先行きに、余りに楽観的になることはしない、とも述べている。
A clear, public ceasefire in which a major insurgent group suspends attacks on US and Iraqi government forces would be major indicator that a political solution is possible. US and Iraqi officials have been increasingly confident that such a deal could be achieved with the more nationalist branches of the insurgency, isolating the more radical al-Qaeda-affiliated branches. 明確で公的な和平は、主要な武装派のアメリカ軍、イラク軍への戦闘停止であり、それ は政治的解決が可能である事の主要なインディケーターである。アメリカとイラクの高 官は、そうした政治的解決が可能であるとの自信を示していて、武装派の中でナショナ リストに属するグループとの和平を想定している。
They have been encouraged by an increasingly public rift between al-Qaeda and more mainstream Sunni groups such as the Islamic army of Iraq. 彼ら高官は、アルカイダとスンニ派メインストリーム(Islamic army of Iraq等)との 亀裂が増していることに勇気付けられている。
更に多国籍軍はアルカイダのイランのリエゾンを逮捕した。この男はイラクのアルカイ ダの高位指導者とイランのアルカイダの高位指導者との橋渡し役で、イラクの情報をイ ランのアルカイダ組織にもたらすなどしていた。イランには Saif al Adel とか Said bin Laden(オサマ・ビン・ラーデンの息子)のようなアルカイダの指導者がいる。 イランの高位アルカイダ・メンバーは100人余りと推定されている。 (後略)
During the past year, the North Korean government regrettably has taken no significant steps to improve its abysmal human rights record. Its conduct stands as an affront to its citizens and also to the norms of the international community. The regime ignores the fundamental prerogatives recognized by the majority of the society of nations.
There are an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 North Koreans in a vast network of political concentration camps. The rights of free speech, religion, assembly, press, fair trial and emigration are ignored.(後略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 年次報告書の本文は↓(PDF、8ページ) ttp://www.state.gov/documents/organization/85884.pdf THE ACTIVITIES OF THE SPECIAL ENVOY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN NORTH KOREA A REPORT TO CONGRESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH § 107(d) OF THE NORTH KOREAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT (P.L. 108-333)
About 100 stocks, or a third of the CSI 300 Index's members, fell by the 10 percent daily limit, including Bright Dairy & Food Co. and Dongfeng Automobile Co. CSI300を構成する銘柄の三分の一にたる、100余りの銘柄が値幅制限一杯のの10%の下 げとなった。政府が追加の株式市場の冷却化政策を採るのではとの懸念が強い。
In Asia, we belittled South Korean efforts to improve relations with the North. In Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina, we failed to adequately address concerns about immigration and equity and economic growth.
And as we strengthen NATO, we must build new alliances and partnerships in other vital regions. As China rises and Japan and South Korea assert themselves, I will work to forge a more effective framework in Asia that goes beyond bilateral agreements, occasional summits, and ad hoc arrangements, such as the six-party talks on North Korea.
We need an inclusive infrastructure with the countries in East Asia that can promote stability and prosperity and help confront transnational threats, from terrorist cells in the Philippines to avian flu in Indonesia. I will also encourage China to play a responsible role as a growing power -- to help lead in addressing the common problems of the twenty-first century. We will compete with China in some areas and cooperate in others.
Our essential challenge is to build a relationship that broadens cooperation while strengthening our ability to compete.
6月1日にムシャラフ大統領は軍部のトップを呼び集めた緊急会議を開き、国内の 政治状況を検討した。同日、情報相のSen. Muhammad Ali Durraniは民間放送局は 全てのライブ放送に先立って、政府のメディア管理局の承認を必要とすると発表 した。一方、パキスタン最高裁は国家機関や政治グループががジャーナリストを 脅迫しているとの訴えを調査すると述べた。
There was a net gain of 157,000 jobs in the month, up from the revised 80,000-job gain in April. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com had forecast that there would be a 135,000 gain in employment in May. 4月に8万人であった新規雇用創出は、5月に予想を超える15.7万人となった。予想値は 13.5万人であった。
WASHINGTON -- U.S. employment posted a solid increase last month led by health -care, business-services and leisure industries, providing more evidence that the economy is on the rebound after a lackluster first quarter. 5月の新規雇用は堅調な動きを見せ、医療関連、ビジネスサービス関連、レジャー関連 の雇用が伸びてアメリカ経済が、不調であったQ1からリバウンドしていることをうか がわせた。
Meanwhile, the income of Americans fell for the first time in nearly two years during April, but they managed to boost their spending, while a key inflation gauge slipped. その一方で4月の家計収入は2年間で初めての減少を見せている。しかしインフレの落ち 着きで支出は減少していない。(中略)
The Labor Department said hiring last month in goods producing industries fell by 19,000. Within this group, manufacturing firms cut 19,000 jobs -- the 11th -straight decline -- while construction employment was flat, again confounding expectations of a decline in that sector. 製造業の雇用は1.9万減少し、建設業はフラットである。
Service-sector employment, in contrast, swelled 176,000. Retail fell by 4,900. Business and professional services companies' payrolls rose 32,000. Education and health services employment jumped by 54,000. Leisure and hospitality soared 46,000, while the government added 22,000 jobs. The average work week was up 0.1 hour at 33.9 hours. サービス業の雇用は17.6万増加し、小売業が0.49万減少、ビジネス・プロフェッショナル サービスは3.2万増加、健康医療サービスは5.4万増加、レジャー・サービスは4.6万増加 政府雇用は2.2万増加であった。平均労働時間は0.1%上昇し、33.9時間となった。
ttp://politics.slate.msn.com/id/2167195/ Richardson's RunaroundThe New Mexico governor self-destructs on Meet the Press. By John Dickerson Posted Tuesday, May 29, 2007, at 6:05 PM ET
Slate:ビル・リチャードソンは、Meet the PressのTV番組で散々だったわけだが
日曜日のTV政治トークショー、Meet the Pressに出演したニューメキシコ州知事で 大統領選出馬の噂されるビル・リチャードソンは散々な出来であった。
これは、余り見かけない、タイの外交評論で、北朝鮮とビルマの友好関係樹立について 書いているもの(亡命ビルマ人の、タイに有る反政府グループの出しているもの) ttp://www.irrawaddy.org/aviewer.asp?a=7209&z=164 Saturday, June 02, 2007 Mending Fences (Editorial) By The Irrawaddy
Except China, of course, whose foreign ministry eagerly endorsed North Korea’s efforts to woo back its offended Burmese suitor. Unconfirmed reports from Rangoon suggest that Chinese officials may even have witnessed the official signing ceremony to mark the event.
The potential transfer of technology between the two rogue states has many in Washington worried. China may be satisfied to continue its efforts to gently contain its naughty neighbors, but the West and Asean nations are not.
Yes, it's been 40 years exactly since Sgt. Pepper, having labored the previous 20 years teaching his band to play, arranged for its debut in full psychedelic regalia. ビートルズのサージェントペッパーズロンリーハーツクラブバンドが出されて今日で 正確に40年になる・・・
A hundred years from now, musicologists say, Beatles songs will be so well known that every child will learn them as nursery rhymes, and most people won't know who wrote them. 100年後にはビートルズの歌は余りにも良く知られ、子供たちが習い、殆どの人は作曲 者が誰かを知らないことであろう。
・Concerns about the stock business in Japan ・Opportunities in place that others ignore
Chinese stocks are clearly experiencing a bubble similar to in Japan in the late 1980s, and the only question is when the bubble will burst. While it is difficult to beat the market by sticking to a bearish stance, the final return could be fairly low if investors hold positions through the Beijing Olympics. The Chinese market has been correcting again in late May following a hike in the stamp duty rate on securities trading aimed at reining in stock prices. Our Chinese economist, Qing Wang, anticipates some progress in controlling the market within this measure, in contrast to past attempts, since market valuation is much higher than when the government previously raised the stamp duty rate. Our Chinese equity strategist, Jerry Lou, thinks that authorities are determined to make a serious change and likely to introduce a chain of new measures if the market rebounds quickly again.
The Japanese market, meanwhile, faces little risk of a major sell-off, such as the dip from global risk reduction in May and June 2006, in the near term precisely because of recent weakness. Indeed, Japanese stock prices rallied substantially at the end of May as Chinese stocks adjusted.
China's manufacturing activity rose in May to the highest level in more than two years after a surge in bank lending, according to a survey by Hong Kong-based CLSA Asia Pacific Markets. 香港のCLSAの報告によれば、5月の中国の製造業の活動は過去2年間の最高の値を 示しており、銀行融資の拡大のためと推測される。
``China's commercial banks continue to ignore pleas to restrain lending just as its local governments ignore pleas to restrain spending.'' 「中国の商業銀行は政府の望む融資の抑制を無視しており、地方政府の統治者も支出 の拡大抑制(の中央政府の指示)を無視している」
The output index rose to 54.6 in May from 53.6 in April, while the index of new orders jumped to 56.1 from 54.8. The index of export orders climbed to 55.8 from 53.6. 生産インデックスは4月→5月で53.6→54.6、新規受注インデックスは54.8→56.1、輸出 インデックスは53.6→55.8となっている。CLSAは400以上の企業の購買担当役員への 質問の回答をまとめたものを基礎にしている。
A separate PMI, published earlier today by the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, fell to 55.7 in May, the lowest reading in three months, from a two-year high of 58.6 in April. しかし、CLSAとは別の政府の国立統計局のPMIでは4月の58.6から5月には55.7にと 減少してる。
Consumers have been warned to avoid any toothpaste made in China after inspectors found a poisonous chemical in toothpaste seized at the border and sold at two stores, U.S. health officials said on Friday. FDAは金曜日に、中国から輸入された歯磨きに有害物質が含まれることを検出し、 消費者に、それらの製品を使わないようにと警告した。これらの製品は国境で押収され 国内の二つの店で売られていた。(後略) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2007/NEW01646.html FDA News:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE P07-97 June 1, 2007 <FDAニュース>
FDA has identified the following brands of toothpaste from China that contain DEG and are included in the import alert: Cooldent Fluoride; Cooldent Spearmint; Cooldent ICE; Dr. Cool, Everfresh Toothpaste; Superdent Toothpaste; Clean Rite Toothpaste; Oralmax Extreme; Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor; Bright Max Peppermint Flavor; and ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste. Manufacturers of these products are: Goldcredit International Enterprises Limited; Goldcredit International Trading Company Limited; and Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Company Limited. The products typically are sold at low-cost, "bargain" retail outlets.