ttp:// Iraq's Real 'Civil War' Sunni tribes battle al Qaeda terrorists in the insurgency's stronghold. BY BING WEST AND OWEN WEST Thursday, April 5, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT
But to put the state of the province in perspective, six months ago the head of Central Command, Gen. John Abizaid, told the Congress that "Anbar was not under control." Last week the U.S. commander in Anbar, Maj. Gen. Walt Gaskin, said he was "very, very optimistic."
しかし、北朝鮮の核施設停止の、60日期限が守られない場合、アメリカ議会では批判が高ま る事が予想される。マイケル・グリーンに拠れば「人々は恐らく、この問題を技術的な問題 のせいにしないように注意しなくてはならず、全ての関係者が北朝鮮を満足させる為に努力 しているのだ」という。「いずれかの時点で、アメリカ政府は中国と北朝鮮に対して、我々 の出来ることは全てやったといわねばならない。そして、他の関係各国との連帯を維持すべ きである。モンキーを北朝鮮の背中に戻す(to put the monkey back on North Korea’s back)ということだ」
>>9 to put the monkey back on North Korea’s back (不勉強なので良くワカランケド)
ここで言っているモンキーは、モンキー・ビジネスという言い方のような、ダーティな 問題の多い事項、といった意味だと思う。You Can't Put That Monkey On My Back と いった言い方があるような。put the monkey は、〜のせいにする、といった意味合い になりそうな(??)
Acute Politics Lastly, Acute Politics will be featured in the PBS documentary America at a Crossroads. The documentary series begins at 9pm on April 15. Acute Politics will appear on April 16 at 10pm in the segment Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime.
法学教授のグレン・レイノルズによれば、この事件は国旗が誰かの家などに 属していて、それに放火したので放火などのの犯罪が成り立つかもしれない、 ということのような。 ttp:// THREE YALE STUDENTS ARRESTED FOR BURNING AN AMERICAN FLAG: Though what makes it a crime is that the flag belonged to someone else -- and was, in fact, attached to that someone else's house at the time. . . .
(個別の候補者の支持率) 4月3日 3月31日 3月24日 Nicolas Sarkozy 31.5% 31% 30% Segolene Royal 25% 24.5% 25.5% Francois Bayrou 18.5% 19% 19% Jean-Marie Le Pen 13% 13% 13.5%
(二者対決の場合の選択、サルコジvsロワイヤル) Nicolas Sarkozy 54% 53.5% 53% Segolene Royal 46% 46.5% 47%
Source: Ipsos / SFR / Le Point Methodology: Interviews with 1,272 French adults, conducted from Mar. 31 to Apr. 3, 2007. No margin of error was provided. ----------------------------------------------------------------- しかし、別の記事でAFPのものを見ると ttp:// 'Liar','disgraceful': French campaign turns nasty Apr 4 07:01 AM US/Eastern
But a new BVA poll published Thursday showed that 31 percent of French voters would prefer to see Royal win the presidency, compared to 29 percent for the rightwing candidate, highlighting the unease that Sarkozy's tough-talking persona inspires among voters. この記事ではサルコジ29%、ロワイヤル31%でサルコジ不利だという。良くワカラン。
The religious leadership, headed by Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has a different agenda than the more radical elements of the country's revolutionary movement, represented by Ahmadinejad, and backed by the Revolutionary Guard Corps.
This is the second major defeat that Ahmadinejad has suffered at the hands of the religious leadership.
ttp:// Brian Montopoli: It seems that some reporters, including yourself and CNN's Michael Ware, have really taken umbrage at John McCain's recent comments, essentially saying that there are a lot of neighborhoods where you can walk around relatively safely. Is it fair to say that that really sort of bothered reporters? CBSの貴方やCNNのマイケルはマケインのコメント、つまりバクダッド市内は市民が比較 的安全に歩ける、というものだが、それを怒っているようだが?
Allen Pizzey: Yes. It's disgraceful for a man seeking highest office, I think, to talk utter rubbish. And that is utter rubbish. It's electoral propaganda. It is simply not true. No one in his right mind who has been to Baghdad believes that story. CBS/アレン:そうだ、それは誤ったコメントで選挙のためのプロパガンダだ。それは真実 ではない。バクダッドを訪問した人は誰もそれを信じない。
The fact that McCain was able and willing to walk around the Shorja market indicates that things are getting better, even if Iraq remains a war zone. Of course McCain had heavy security; he’s an especially attractive target for insurgents. But the market was functioning normally while he was there, and he wasn’t surrounded by bodyguards. He walked around freely without a helmet (though he was wearing body armor), and mingled with Iraqis. So did the other members of his delegation, as well as General David Petraeus, the senior U.S. commander in Iraq. マケイン上院議員はバクダッドのShorjaマーケットを歩き回ることが出来たわけで、それは 治安状況の回復を意味している。無論彼は、テロリストの絶好の標的(大統領候補)なので 警備は厳重だが、マーケットは正常に機能していて、マケインはボディガードに囲まれてい たわけではない。マケインは防弾チョッキは身に着けていたがヘルメット無しでイラク人と 交流していた。他の訪問団のメンバーも同じである。多国籍軍の司令官であるDavid Petraeus もそのなかにいた。
The Senator thought otherwise, and he made an important point with his visit. Actually, two points: first, that the situation in Baghdad is improving; second, that the news media are more intent on ridiculing rather than reporting the first bits of good news to come out of Iraq in quite a long time.
ttp:// So after McCain stopped talking, then what happened? Well, then the AFP reporter in Baghdad juxtaposed McCain's words with a tally of recent car-bomb victims, so as to undercut his remarks about the effects of the continuing security crackdown. Then CNN correspondent Michael Ware called McCain's comments "beyond ludicrous." Then The New York Times found some shopkeepers in Baghdad who didn't think things had gotten any better for them. Of course, McCain's running for president, and has been an unwavering supporter of the effort in Iraq. It makes sense for him to focus on those aspects of the surge that appear to be working. What's Michael Ware running for?
Terry McCarthy of ABC filed a report backing up McCain's measured claims of improvement. Baghdad remains a dangerous place, McCarthy says, but some parts of the city have seen "large and positive" benefits as a result of the seven-week-old surge.
If the Iraq surge is succeeding, the Democrats' surge should stand down. If a year from now the Petraeus plan is foundering, the Democrats will have plenty of time to hang it around the GOP's neck by demanding a legitimate withdrawal date--November 2008. But not now. もしもこのままイラクの治安状況改善が続くのであれば、民主党のイラク戦争反対キャンペーン は失敗に終わる。イラクのPetraeus多国籍軍司令官の計画が、今後1年を経て、失敗するので あれば、民主党はイラクの失敗を大いに宣伝してイラクからの撤退を要求するだろう。それは 2008年大統領選挙の頃になるわけだが、今の時点ではない。 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 民主党候補が、「イラク戦争の失敗」を共和党攻撃の最大の武器にしているわけで、08大統領 選挙にもそのテーマが争点になりそうなのだけれど、イラク状況の改善などがあって、今後の イラクの状況変化がアメリカの政治シーンに大きく影響すると予測しているもの。
Green tea is rapidly becoming a ubiquitous flavour upscale and down-market, available in a martini glass at trendy lounges in LA and in a styrofoam cup at Dunkin Donuts. 緑茶製品が各種の市場で急速に広まっていて、ロサンゼルスのトレンディなラウンジでマティ ニー・グラスにいれられたり、ダンキン・ドーナッツのポリスチレンのカップで売られるとい う具合である。
Thus weak studies pointing to weight loss ? and the fact that the Japanese seem thin ? allow green tea to be sold as a psychic cancellation stamp on foods we love and know to be bad for us. The large version of Starbucks’ Green Tea Frappuccino has 560 calories not counting whipped cream.
MR. MCCORMACK: Well, the Israeli Government has already come out and said that there's no change in policy. I think that that is quite clear. Look, we made our views known quite clearly to Speaker Pelosi, as well as to others in congressional delegations that were considering and chose -- or chose to travel to Syria. We thought it was not a good idea and we listed the reasons why. It sends the wrong message to Syria. They exploit these high level visits for all the PR value that they're worth and then they don't change their behavior. And that is a reason that we gave to Speaker Pelosi as well as others who have chosen to travel there as well. I don't think it necessarily complicates anything that we're doing because everybody understands quite clearly what the policies of the United States Government are.
The fact that it is the Executive Branch that is responsible for foreign policy, we certainly encourage congressional delegations to travel outside the United States, to travel around the world to acquaint themselves with the conditions in the countries with which we are dealing. That is important. We encourage that and we support those efforts. But I think everybody understands that it's the Executive Branch that is responsible for foreign policy, that it's the State Department that is responsible for formulating and executing those policies.
QUESTION: But the concerns that you had about her going, sending the wrong message. Now, there's this idea that she kind of miscommunicated a message between two countries. Were your fears and concerns realized? I mean, do you think that she's accomplished anything good on this trip?
MR. MCCORMACK: I think I'll leave that assessment to Speaker Pelosi and her traveling delegation to explain what it is that they think that they accomplished on the trip.
サドル師は宗教指導者でも、政治家でもない。宗教指導者としては、その学習、経験や 審査をパスしておらず、ドロップアウトしていて、政治指導者としても経験や知識が充 分とはいえない。政治グループを指導する宗教長老には宗教的権威が及ばない。この 要素がサドル師の将来に影をさしている。彼の支持者は、彼の父親であるAyatollah Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadrの熱烈な支持者であった人たちで、彼はアヤトラ・サドルの 唯一の息子である。しかし、そうした「ファミリー・ブランド」は万全の保障を与える ものではない。
WSJブレーキングニュース Nonfarm payrolls surged 180,000 in March, the Labor Department said. The unemployment rate fell to 4.4% last month. Full story coming shortly.
WASHINGTON, April 6 (Reuters) - The United States said on Friday a way had been found to transfer frozen funds to North Korea and U.S. negotiator Chris Hill would leave for the region on Sunday to refocus attention on denuclearization talks. 金曜日にアメリカ政府は北朝鮮の口座資金の送金の方法に目処がついたとして、ヒル代表が 日曜日に、核廃棄交渉継続の為に極東に向かうとした。
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the United States supported the release of the entire $25 million in funds held at Banco Delta Asia in Macau. A dispute over the transfer had held up implementation of a Feb. 13 agreement that gave North Korea 60 days to shut its nuclear facilities in return for energy aid. 国務省広報官のマコーマックはアメリカ政府がBDAの$25Mの北朝鮮資金の開放を支持す るとのべた。この資金問題は北朝鮮の60日以内の核廃棄の約束に関連して紛争の種になって いた。
SEOUL, Apr 6 Offshore funds that North Korea has demanded be unfrozen before it starts shutting a nuclear reactor will be released through a Hong Kong bank next week, a South Korean official was quoted as saying on Friday, Reuters online reported.
"We have consulted with the interested parties and assured them that there is a potential solution that is consistent with international banking laws," said McCormack."That implementation does not involve the United States," he added. マコーマック報道官は「我々は関係方面と協議の結果、国際金融法制に従った形でBDA 資金を送金することのできる可能性があることがわかった」と述べた「そのやり方では、 アメリカは(送金問題に)関与しない」
"Based on progress achieved, the U.S. government has communicated its support for release of all funds," said Treasury spokeswoman Molly Millerwise. 財務省広報官のMolly Millerwiseは「この件で、進展が達成されたことにつき、アメリカ 政府は、すべてのBDA口座資金の開放を支持する」と述べた。しかし北朝鮮は資金が 人道目的に使われることを確かなものにする必要がある、とした。
"We stand ready to assist the Macanese authorities in their efforts to release the funds and with all parties to effectuate the North Korean pledge that any money received by them would be used for humanitarian purposes of benefit to the North Korean people," she said in a statement. 「我々は澳門金融当局が口座資金の開放を行なううえで、北朝鮮が資金を北朝鮮国民の為の 人道目的に使うことを誓約し、それを達成することを支援することに準備が出来ている」と 述べている。
"We have worked with all parties to ensure this is consistent with our mutual domestic and international obligations regarding safeguarding the world's financial system," Millerwise added. 「我々は関係方面と協力し、この措置が世界の金融システムのセーフガードの確保という、 我々の国内および国際的な責務に沿ったものであることを確かなものとした」
"Our view is that the parties should be able to still meet the deadlines. We are going to work hard," said McCormack. マコーマック報道官は「我々の見解は、関係各国は依然として60日タイムリミットを満たす ことが可能であり、我々はそのためにがんばらなくてはならない」とした。
McCormack declined to comment on South Korean reports the money would be transferred to North Korea through the Bank of China in Hong Kong. He referred questions about specifics to authorities in China and Macau. A U.S. official in Beijing, however, denied the reports. ttp://
NEW YORK, April 6 (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. John McCain said in an interview to be broadcast on Sunday he misspoke in his recent upbeat comments about security in Baghdad, where he traveled under heavy military protection.
The delegation arrived at the market, which is called Shorja, on Sunday with more than 100 soldiers in armored Humvees ― the equivalent of an entire company ― and attack helicopters circled overhead, a senior American military official in Baghdad said. The soldiers redirected traffic from the area and restricted access to the Americans, witnesses said, and sharpshooters were posted on the roofs.
April 6, 2007: Japan has established a rapid reaction force, to deal with everything from terrorists, domestic disturbances and peacekeeping overseas. The 3,200 man force contains several hundred troops trained to respond quickly to crises situations. The "Rapid Division" also has its own helicopters, and a unit that will train Japanese peacekeepers before the head overseas.
“The people are seeing more Iraqi and Coalition forces on the streets and in the neighborhoods, and this higher level of contact is building increased confidence, which in turn is leading to greater cooperation,” said Caldwell.
WASHINGTON -- A senior U.S. Treasury official said Friday the housing market appears to be bottoming out, while problems in the subprime mortgage market have so far failed to spillover into the wider economy. 金曜日に財務省の高官が住宅市場の低迷の問題は、底入れしたようだと語った。サブプライム 住宅ローン市場の問題は、より広範な経済への悪影響を及ぼすに至っていないと述べた。
"Looking at the data as a whole, it looks like the housing sector is flattening out," said Treasury Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Phillip Swagel at a press briefing. 財務省の経済政策担当次官補、Phillip Swagelが記者会見で「全体としてデータを眺めると 住宅市場は底入れしたように見える」と述べた。(後略)
WASHINGTON -- A senior U.S. Treasury official said Friday the housing market appears to be bottoming out, while problems in the subprime mortgage market have so far failed to spillover into the wider economy. 金曜日に財務省の高官が住宅市場の低迷の問題は、底入れしたようだと語った。サブプライム 住宅ローン市場の問題は、より広範な経済への悪影響を及ぼすに至っていないと述べた。
"Looking at the data as a whole, it looks like the housing sector is flattening out," said Treasury Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Phillip Swagel at a press briefing. 財務省の経済政策担当次官補、Phillip Swagelが記者会見で「全体としてデータを眺めると 住宅市場は底入れしたように見える」と述べた。(後略)
I have a very hard time believing that the same overwhelming majority of US politicians that is dead set on taking action against China is suddenly going to reverse course and welcome a new trade deal with Korea. Quite simply, I don’t see any room for a double standard in the current climate.
Pelosi embarked on a fool's errand to Damascus this week, and among the issues she said she would raise with Assad - when she wasn't on the Lady Hester Stanhope tour in the capital of imprisoned dissidents Aref Dalila, Michel Kilo, and Anwar Bunni - is "the role of Syria in supporting Hamas and Hizbullah." What the speaker doesn't seem to have realized is that if Syria is made an obligatory passage in American efforts to address the Lebanese crisis, then Hizbullah will only gain. Once Assad is re-anointed gatekeeper in Lebanon, he will have no incentive to concede anything, least of all to dilettantes like Pelosi, on an organization that would be Syria's enforcer in Beirut if it could re-impose its hegemony over its smaller neighbor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- シリアの干渉に苦しみ、前首相のシリア・アングラ勢力による暗殺事件を経験したレバノンの 新聞であるだけに、非難の口調に凄みと真実さが感じられて、これ以上に無い厳しいものにな っているように感じる。私の読んだぺロシ議長のシリア訪問評論の中で、ダントツに辛口の評 論で、しかも言っていることが合理的で冷静で戦略的視点に基づいていると思う。ぺロシと言 うよりは、民主党のラントスとか、オルブライトとか、そういう連中の考える中東外交政策の いい加減さを際立たせる事件になったと思える。
これは、スカッドのようなミサイルを最終段階で破壊するためのミサイル防衛の今年2度目 のテストで、このシステムはTHAAD(Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system) と呼ばれる。パトリオットなどに比べて、高高度でミサイルを破壊できる能力があり、防衛 できる区域が大きく広がる特徴がある。
It is obvious that the deployment of a U.S. antimissile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic would fundamentally change the structure and philosophy of continental and even global security - as well as threatening the entire edifice of relevant international accords. ・・・・ ・・・・ Russia has every reason to be interested in close cooperation in creating Eurasian missile-defense systems. And any attempt to build them without Russia (which is not only an interested party but also geographically and technically the most suitable place for an effective antimissile defense) automatically means they are being built against Russia.
>>104 欧州への、ミサイル防衛システム配備に対する、激しい露西亜の拒否反応は飴の ブログでも議論されていて、オースチン・ベイのブログ(4月7日のエントリー) では: ttp:// The Russians will milk the missile shield deployment politically and economically. But they understand what the missile threat is: rogues on their own periphery. Stay tuned as this evolves over the next four or five years.
"When we first started covering the industry, in 2000, there were maybe 50,000 jobs and 500,000 applicants," he said. Now there are perhaps 180,000 annual openings, but only between 100,000 and 200,000 qualified candidates. For now, industry is keeping up, but only barely. A powerful trade group, the National Association of Software Services Companies, or NASSCOM, estimates a potential shortfall of 500,000 technology professionals by 2010.
“I probably averaged, when we first got here, as many as eight extrajudicial killings a month,” Funk said. “Now we’re down to one or two a month.” Funk said that he thinks the reason murders are down “is directly related to getting out with the population, living with them, and communicating with them every day.”
The election, ahead of nationwide parliamentary polls in July, is seen as a test of support for nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It also is seen as a measure of Japan's acceptance of its resurgent right wing. Long -popular Ishihara has come to symbolize the right while Asano vows to be its antithesis. この選挙は、7月の参議院選挙に先駆けるもので、ナショナリストの安倍首相への支持のテスト ケースと見られている。それはまた、日本に起こっている右傾化の動きが承認されるかを測る ものと見られる。長期にわたって人気の高い石原都知事は右派の象徴であり、朝野氏はそのア ンチの立場にある。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一国の首相をナショナリスト呼ばわりとは、AP記者のセンスを疑うところだけれど、記事の 言いたいことは理解できる。海外メディアの、リベラルにバイアスした東京特派員たちは、 彼らの書くところの「右傾化」(resurgent right wing)が、国民の選択の結果なのかどうか 確信が無い(=解っていない)ように見える。
AFP:東京都知事選挙は、出口調査に拠ればナショナリストの石原氏の勝利 --------------------------------------------------------------------- このAFPの記事も相当酷いもので、石原都知事を: (an outspoken nationalists who is fond of riling Japan's neighbours・・) (ずけずけものを言う、ナショナリストで、隣国をいらだたせることの好きな・・) と言うラベルを貼って記事に仕立てている。全く、東京特派員にはまともな記者が少な杉。
Nationalist Shintaro Ishihara won a third term as governor of Tokyo on Sunday, one of several local elections whose results looked likely to relieve Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ahead of a July poll for parliament's upper house. ナショナリストの石原氏が東京都知事の三選を果たし、この結果は7月の参議院選挙を前に 安倍首相を安心させるものと見られる。
The results were a plus for Abe, who has seen his own support ratings slide since taking office in September on doubts about his leadership, although some analysts cautioned against reading too much into local races. 安倍首相は昨年9月の就任後、支持率の低下からリーダーシップに疑いが生じていたが、この 結果はプラスに働く。ただし一部のアナリストは地方選挙に余りの重きをおくことには慎重で ある。
"Abe may not be very popular, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of restlessness among the voting public," said Columbia University political science professor Gerry Curtis. "There is no sign of any LDP backlash in these elections." コロンビア大学の政治学教授、ゲリーカーチスは「安倍首相はたいへん人気があるというわけ ではないが有権者の不興を買っているわけではないように見える」という。「この選挙に見る 限り自民党に対するバックラッシュのサインは無い」 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ロイターの主任東京特派員である、リンダ・シーグ氏の書いているもの。ゲリー・カーチス教 授を持ち出すあたりがアンチ自民党の色彩丸出しで、些か失望しているような口ぶり。小泉首 相の911選挙で大勝した自民党に、有権者の「バックラッシュ」が来ることを期待していたかの ように見える。
Excerpts of an e-mail from my pal, Lt. Col Mark, in Baghdad:
The war is going better. Don't let the news media convince you that we are losing. The new strategy will take a while to be successful. There are some favorable signs now but they are still superficial. The enemy is definitely pushing back and trying to make it look as if we cannot control the city or this country. However they are increasingly attacking soft targets. Their attacks on the Coalition are down and they cannot stop the increase US force in Baghdad and the expansion in the Iraqi military.(後略)
アメリカのリーバーマン議員は、サドル師のこういう姿勢を「アメリカ軍の治安維持作戦の 成功の結果」と評している。 In the US, Senator Joseph Lieberman said that Mr Sadr's words were proof the US troop surge was working. "He is not calling for a resurgence of sectarian conflict. He's striking a nationalist chord," he said. "He's acknowledging that the surge is working." ttp:// (BBC)
Deflation, that dreaded beast, has returned to Japan. Only a year ago falling prices, which had contributed to bank failures and economic stagnation, appeared to be tamed. But they are back. Their return is a reminder to the Bank of Japan that it must not raise interest rates too high or too fast. 1年前、日本経済にスタグネーションと銀行の破滅を招いたデフレが克服されたかに見えたが それが日本には再来している。この事実は日本銀行が余りに急いで、急速に利上げに走るべき ではないことを意味する。(後略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- いちおうFTも、デフレは石油価格低下に拠るところが大きく、それが日本経済にかってのよ うな大きな悪影響を及ぼすことは無いし、経済回復は進行中と認めている。しかし、その回復 を壊さぬ為にも、日銀は利上げに走るべきではないと主張する。
This ``raises the specter of a future escalation of protectionist sentiment and action,'' said Paul Sheard, global chief economist at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in New York. NYCのリーマンブラザーズの主任エコノミスト、Paul Sheardは、この事件が「保護主義 のセンチメントと行動を、さらにエスカレートさせる恐れを増大させる」という。
中国は今では鉄鋼と繊維製品の世界最大に輸出国になっており、それらが全体の黒字の70% を占めている。 ``It is in China's own interest, particularly in the coastal cities, to move quickly to close down subsidies and move out of those low value-added industries,'' said Stephen Green, senior economist at Standard Chartered Bank Plc. in Shanghai. 上海のスタンダード&チャータード銀行のエコノミストStephen Greenは「これらの種類の付 加価値の小さな産業から手を引き、出来るだけ早く政府補助金を止めることが中国の、特に 沿岸部の都市にとっての利益になろう」と述べている。
The key right now for Clinton is to try to drag Obama into an alley for a street fight of charge and countercharge. The effect would be raising the negatives on both candidates so that Obama is not the shiny-star, pro-ideological candidate he has been so far. For many Democrats Obama is inspiring; for others he represents the second coming of JFK. Still others just say he has "it." Whatever "it" is, "it" is problematic for the rest of the field because there is just no more oxygen left in the room.
Tehran is reminding the United States that it has the ability to badly mess up the Iraqi chessboard. In saying this, Iran hopes not only to get Washington to release its officials, but also to get the Bush administration to back off from trying to weaken Iran's position in Iraq. The question now is what the American response will be.
【北京9日共同】6カ国協議の北朝鮮首席代表、金桂冠外務次官は9日、平壌訪問中の リチャードソン米ニューメキシコ州知事一行と会談、2月の6カ国協議で合意した寧辺 の核施設の活動停止と封印など「初期段階措置」について、期限である14日までの履 行は「非常に困難だろう」との見通しを示した。AP通信が伝えた。核放棄に向けた同 措置の遅れに北朝鮮高官が言及したのは初めて。(後略) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://,2933,264863,00.html North Korea Says U.N. Nuke Inspections Allowed After Frozen Funds Released Monday, April 09, 2007
Kim also told the U.S. delegation of the difficulty of shutting down the country's main nuclear reactor by a Saturday deadline called for in a February nuclear disarmament accord, he said. "They can make a beginning, but whether they can completely shut down a nuclear reactor in such a short time would be very difficult," Principi said.
月曜日にイランの原子力エネルギー庁は、イランが核燃料生産の産業的段階に進んだと 明らかにした。 "Today we celebrate the entry of the nuclear program to the industrial stage," Gholamreza Aghazadeh said in a speech at the Natanz uranium enrichment facility in central Iran. 同庁のトップであるGholamreza Aghazadehが、ナタンザの核燃料濃縮施設のスピーチで 「今日我々の核開発計画は産業的段階に入った」と述べた。
AEI:アメリカにとって、インドは中国よりも良い、戦略パートナーで有り得るか? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- これはたいへん面白い論文で、書いているのは中国に対して比較的強硬な立場をもつ、AEI のダン・ブルーメンソール。実際の論文は42ペーのPDFで、上記の紹介ページの中の (Download file Click here to view the complete text of this book chapter as an Adobe Acrobat PDF) の部分をクリックすると、スクリプトが開いてPDF文書を読める。
(これは、ボルトン前国連大使の書いているもの) Emboldened as Iran now is, and ironically for engagement advocates, it is even less likely there will be a negotiated solution to the nuclear weapons issue, not that there was ever much chance of one. ・・・ Unfortunately for the west, the mullahs had a happy Easter in Tehran. The only thing risen from this crisis is Iranian determination and resolve to confront us elsewhere, at their discretion, whether on Iraq, nuclear weapons or terrorism.
ttp:// Japan: ruling party gives boost to prime minister 04/09/2007 14:54 Source: AP AP:東京都知事選、自民党の後押しで石原氏勝利、安倍首相にブースト -------------------------------------------------------------- いろいろあるにせよ、大まかにいって、石原氏勝利の分析は外電などでは合理的で冷静な ものとおもえる、しかし国内では、なかなかオリジナリティに富む分析もあって、 -------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// ANALYSIS:Voters look for change but find no solutions 04/10/2007 朝日新聞、英文 朝日:地方選挙で有権者は変化を求めたが、解決に至っていない
>>159 ttp:// The CRS report is based on testimony from 20 former Korean sex slaves who were found by U.S. soldiers in Burma, and on a report by U.S. missionary Horace Underwood to the U.S. government. Dr. Underwood sent his report on “comfort women” to Washington after being expelled from Korea by the Japanese government in 1942. (朝鮮日報、英語記事)
このアンダーウッドという人物は、キリスト教のミッションスクールを始めた人のようで Underwood was the grandson of the first Horace G. Underwood (Korean name Won Du-woo: 元杜尤), who arrived in Korea as a Presbyterian missionary in 1885, and began modern education in the nation. He was the first missionary from the Presbyterian Church to land in the "Hermit Kingdom." ttp://
2)北京の会談で、関係者は解決案を提示していて、それを最終的に実行するかどうかは北朝鮮 と澳門金融当局の決定に任されている。 I think that pathway was valid. And it certainly could work. It would be up to the parties in order to decide whether or not that was the pathway that they might choose to ultimately implement the agreement.
We are -- we don't hold the funds and the two parties most directly involved here are the Macanese authorities and the North Koreans.
4)JSSがたいへん上手く機能しているので、これを拡大する計画。(54→76→104) ・・・has proven so successful that the number of stations has expanded. 76 JSSs and COPs will be built and that the Baghdad Commander, General Aboud, is considering building 104 stations.
Victor Cha, U.S. President George W. Bush's top adviser on North Korea, made the comments in a meeting with North Korea's top nuclear negotiator, Kim Kye Gwan, according to a U.S. official with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the talks.
"They don't have a lot of time," the official said of a Saturday deadline for North Korea to take initial steps toward dismantling its nuclear program, including closing its main nuclear reactor, in exchange for economic aid and political concessions under a February agreement. "They just can't be in receive mode, they have to be in action mode," the official said after Cha and Kim met Tuesday morning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSCのアドバイザーであるビクトール・チャは、北朝鮮訪問団のメンバーとしてリチャード ソン知事らと北朝鮮側代表と会談し、金桂寛外務次官に、何も行動しないままなら、核廃棄交 渉で時間切れになる、とコメントした。
Forty prominent Iraqi Sunni clerics have formed the Council of Ulama of Iraq, a group that will seek to curb the influence of al Qaeda in Iraq by issuing balanced and more moderate fatwas (religious edicts) to urge Iraqis to respect other groups and not take up arms against them, Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Ghafour al-Samarrai said April 9. Regarded as de facto mufti of Sunni Iraqis, the sheikh will head the group within the council charged with issuing the fatwas. イラクの著名な40名の宗教長老が「イラク・ウラーマ評議会」を結成した。これはイラク国内 のアルカイダの影響力を減らすことを目的にしていて、よりバランスの取れた、穏健な宗教令 (fatwa)を出すことを計画している。評議会はイラク国民に、他者のグループを尊敬し武力闘 争を避けるようにと呼びかける。
The report was sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations, an independent private research group based in New York. It is titled "U.S.-China Relations: An Affirmative Agenda, A Responsible Course." 「米中関係:積極的なアジェンダ、責任あるコース」と題された報告書が中国の衛星破壊テスト についての、研究者の論文をまとめている。外交評議会(CFR)がスポーンサーとなり、民間 研究者の研究グループの成果をまとめたもの。
Co-chairs for the report were Carla Hills, a former U.S. trade representative, and Dennis Blair, former president and CEO of the Institute for Defense Analyses, a federally funded research center. 報告書の取りまとめは前アメリカ通商代表のカーラ・ヒルズ、国防分析研究所の前所長の デニス・ブレアがつとめている。
The study said China is also developing strategies to protect its growing global interests, the mere existence of which, it said, poses challenges for the United States. 報告書は台湾有事などの場合にアメリカの宇宙技術にインパクトを与える目的で衛星破壊 のテストが行なわれたとしていて、アメリカへの宇宙技術への挑戦とはいえないまでも国 益の保護を目的にしていると述べている。
"The United States understands that the Macau authorities are prepared to unblock all North Korean-related accounts currently frozen in Banco Delta Asia," a Treasury Department statement said. 財務省の声明に拠れば「アメリカ政府は澳門の金融当局がBDAの凍結された北朝鮮関連の 全ての資金を開放すべく準備しているものと理解している」
"Based on previous discussions with Chinese, Macanese and DPRK officials, as well as understandings reached with the DPRK on the use of these funds, the United States would support a decision by the Macau authorities to unblock the accounts in question," the statement said. 「これまでの中国、澳門、北朝鮮関係者との会談に基づき、また北朝鮮との資金の用途につ いての合意に基づいて、アメリカ政府は澳門金融当局の資金開放を支持する」としている。
An official at the Macau Monetary Authority said there would be an announcement "within these few days" but gave no details, and a spokesman at Banco Delta Asia said he had not heard of any change. 澳門金融当局は「数日以内に」発表があるという。BDAのスポークスマンは何も聞いてい ないといっている。
"The Abe government's denial of any evidence of military coercion in recruitment goes against the testimony of former comfort (women) to Japanese government researchers who compiled the 1992-1993 government report," said the CRS report, compiled for distribution to legislators and their aides.
The denial "seems to either ignore or be a rejection of the findings of the Dutch War Crimes Tribunals' findings and verdicts, including three death penalties, against Japanese army officers and four civilian employees of the army for coerced prostitution and rape of Dutch and other women in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia)," the CRS report said.
"This raises the potentially very important question of whether the Abe government is in repudiation of Article 11 of the 1951 Treaty of Peace between the Allied powers and Japan," it said.
``All North Korean accounts at BDA have just now been unfrozen,'' Chun Yung Woo, South Korea's chief negotiator to the nuclear talks, said in Seoul. ``The holders of these accounts are free to access these accounts.'' 韓国の6者会合交渉代表のChun Yung Wooは「BDAの北朝鮮口座が凍結解除された」と語った。
``Account holders will be able to access their money as early as tomorrow,'' Chun said. ``Taking this into account, we hope North Korea will take the steps it needs to take soon.'' 「口座の所有者は、明日から資金を自由に扱うことが出来る。この事実に鑑み、北朝鮮が早期 に(核施設封鎖の)しかるべきステップに進むことを希望する」
``This is obviously a very big step,'' U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said in Seoul today after meeting Chun. ``It's obviously a big step that I think should clear the way for the DPRK to step up the process of dealing with its obligations for the 60-day period.'' 米国の交渉代表、ヒル国務次官補は「これは当然大きなステップだ」と述べ「この大きなステ ップによって北朝鮮が60日紀元の責務を果たすべく、道が開かれたと思う」
``As I understand it the Macau authorities will be saying that account holders can have access to their funds based on proper identification and other procedures,'' Hill said. 「澳門金融当局は、口座所有者の身元確認などの適正な手続きに従って資金にアクセス出来る と言う事だと思う」
The SAR Government of Macao has noted the public statement released by the U.S. authorities in relation to the North Korea funds in Banco Delta Asia. The Monetary Authority of Macao will continue to coordinate all parties concerned in Macao to properly deal with this issue within the parameters of existing legislations. Simultaneously, it expects all parties concerned to come up with appropriate and responsible arrangements respectively. 10th April 2007
After all, isn't this how post-imperial Sensitive Man is supposed to behave? The crisis has held up a mirror to the new post-imperial and Dianified Britain -- and the Brits don't like their own reflection.
>>174-176 韓国人の20人の慰安婦を取り調べた報告書は以前から有名で、日本語訳が↓にうpされている tp:// UNITED STATES OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Psychological Warfare Team Attached to U.S.Army Forces India-Burma Theator APO 689
The United States understands that the Macau authorities are prepared to unblock all North Korean-related accounts currently frozen in Banco Delta Asia. Based on previous discussions with Chinese, Macanese, and DPRK officials, as well as understandings reached with the DPRK on the use of these funds, the United States would support a decision by the Macau authorities to unblock the accounts in question. Throughout this process we have appreciated the consistent help, goodwill, and professionalism shown by the Macanese authorities and look forward to continued cooperation between the United States and Macau. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 既にロイターなどで報道されている内容。北朝鮮のBDAの口座の凍結解除を澳門金融当局 が認めることを支持する、といっているけれど、中国、澳門、北朝鮮の協議に基づき、口座 資金の用途の合意条件の下で、という但し書きが入っている。口座にある資金の開放は認め ていると読めるけれど、以前に決定したBDAのアメリカ金融機関からの遮断を止めるとは いっていないので、外貨取引が出来るとは思えない。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 参考までに、3月14日の財務省のBDAへの措置のプレス・リリース(部分) ttp:// Treasury Finalizes Rule Against Banco Delta Asia BDA Cut Off From U.S. Financial System
The U.S. Department of the Treasury today finalized its rule against Banco Delta Asia SARL (BDA) under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act. When the final rule takes effect in 30 days, U.S. financial institutions will be prohibited from opening or maintaining correspondent accounts for or on behalf of BDA. This action bars BDA from accessing the U.S. financial system, either directly or indirectly. (ry
ttp:// 該当する部分が今一理解できないんだが、NHKとしてはどこを指してるんでそ? しかし既に六者協議が「死にそうな馬」扱いか、昨日の過去仮定形での語り口といい、かなり ヤバげな希ガス・・・。 MR. MCCORMACK: You know, ultimately it's important where you end up. Do you have the facility actually shut down? Now, there are a lot of steps along the way to doing that and you can -- technical experts can tell you exactly what those steps are along the way. And we'll see where we are in that process on Saturday. Again, at the risk of beating a dead horse, we hope -- we would expect that North Korea would make every effort to abide by that 60-day deadline.
ttp:// Hell Hath No Fury The press goes after McCain for supporting the surge in Iraq. by Fred Barnes 04/10/2007 2:50:00 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ウイークリー・スタンダードにフレッド・バーンズがマケイン上院議員をめぐるメディア の現状について、現状観察を書いていて、ちょっと興味。
What's happened to McCain as he runs for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination is a "tragedy," E.J. Dionne wrote in the Washington Post. Newsweek headlined that a "McCain Meltdown" had occurred. In the New York Times, Frank Rich was beside himself.
On CBS's 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley got McCain to zing Bush and his administration but couldn't get him to agree that the public's disapproval of the war in Iraq should prevail today. "I think you have to stick with what you believe in," McCain said.
>>193ttp:// この記事↓らしいけど、購読契約が無いと読めない China:The Rise of China’s New Left by Leslie Hook
Leslie Hook, Princeton in Asia fellow at the REVIEW, discovers that China’s patience with the market economy may be running out and socialism is rallying in the communist country. ------------------------------------------------------------ Japan:Do or Die for Japan’s Radical Right by Colum Murphy
Colum Murphy, deputy editor of the REVIEW, finds Japan’s right-wing extremists challenged amidst internal divisions and the rapid ascent of mainstream conservatives.
ttp:// On-the-Record Briefing at a Press Roundtable on Iraq Ambassador David Satterfield, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State and Coordinator for Iraq Washington, DC April 9, 2007
AMBASSADOR SATTERFIELD: I think the small size of those demonstrations is an indication of the limited appeal of Muqtada al-Sadr's rhetoric at this moment. With respect to the presence of coalition forces, do we understand that many in Iraq would prefer that foreign forces are not there? Of course we do.
They may not want foreign forces present, but when you ask them, "Do you want Americans to leave now," the answer is overwhelmingly no. They want to see a way forward so that Iraqis can be responsible for the security of their country, but there is a recognition that that time has not yet come.
口座資金をどうやって北朝鮮が手に入れるのかという質問に; MR. MCCORMACK: I'm going to -- those were confidential diplomatic discussions between the Treasury Department and Macanese authorities and North Korean officials, so I'm going to keep those confidential. Suffice it to say there are a number of different ways you could do this. This is one of them. And it's one of the means that meets the parameters laid out by the international system that any solution meet the standards of the international financial community and also that it would also hold the North Koreans to meeting their obligations to spend the money for the betterment of the North Korean people.
ttp:// BAGHDAD DISPATCH Iraq in the Balance:In Washington, panic. In Baghdad, cautious optimism. BY FOUAD AJAMI Wednesday, April 11, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT
A traveler who moves between Baghdad and Washington is struck by the gloomy despair in Washington and the cautious sense of optimism in Baghdad. Baghdad has not been prettified; its streets remain a sore to the eye, its government still hunkered down in the Green Zone, and violence is never far. But the sense of deliverance, and the hopes invested in this new security plan, are palpable. I crisscrossed the city--always with armed protection--making my way to Sunni and Shia politicians and clerics alike. The Sunni and Shia versions of political things--of reality itself--remain at odds. But there can be discerned, through the acrimony, the emergence of a fragile consensus. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- おもしろいイラク政治情況の現状分析で、流石に事情通の専門家と思わせるものが。筆者は 中東専門家で、ジョンホプキンスの講師らしい人。このイラク分析は、通常の見飽きた良く あるものに比べると格の違うところが。これまでの、イラクの政治状況の変化、その複雑な 状況を上手く説明していて(とても翻訳できないけど)最近のアメリカ軍とイラク政府によ るサドル派マハディ軍への攻撃が、政治的にどういうインパクトを持つのかを良く解明して いると思う。
同じように困難なことは、イラク戦争が評判のよかったときにそれを支持して、最近になって それを無かったことのようにしている上院議員について注意しないでいることも難しい。 "let's cut and run, or cut and walk"とかいっているゴードン・スミスとか、「もし上院の 審議のときに今我々の知っていることが解っていたら戦争に賛成しなかった」といっているヒ ラリー上院議員などがそれである。
Mr. Pelley observed that Mr. McCain was betting his entire campaign on the success of the current "surge" strategy in Baghdad. The Senator replied that he'd "rather lose a campaign than lose a war."
1)There may also be more subtle reasons why Beijing would be getting fed up with North Korea's antics. Pyongyang's aggression has helped create a more muscular Japan, a development that makes Beijing nervous. The North Korean threat has played a vital role in spurring Japan to think about revising its pacifist constitution, which prevents it from having a "normal" military.
2)Then again, Beijing is hardly innocent in the fanning-the-flames department. Years of state-backed media and education have helped rear a monstrous anti-Japanese sentiment among the Chinese public that showed its ugly head to the world(ry
Now that Tokyo is showing signs of emerging from decades of pacifism, Beijing is starting to understand that raucous displays of anti-Japanese sentiment could have serious consequences. If relations deteriorate too much, "the Japanese public will look at the Chinese government in a much more nasty way, and encourage Japan toward military normalization," explains Shi Yinhong, professor of international relations at People's University in Beijing.
“He brings an unrivaled mix of policy knowledge and political expertise,” said Steven Hildebrand, an Obama senior campaign advisor. “He is incredibly well-liked by Democrats,” said Hildebrand. “He really doesn’t have any enemies in the party.”
``Democrats view this as a political opportunity, Republicans view this as a political burden,'' he said. ``I think it should be neither.'' 「民主党はイラク戦争(の苦境)を機会と捕らえており、共和党は政治的負荷だと思っている が、私は、そのどちらも誤りだと思う」
In his remarks to the cadets, McCain called Army General David Petraeus, the commander in charge of U.S. forces in Iraq, a ``bold'' leader who is capable of carrying out the job of stabilizing Iraq. マケイン上院議員はイラクの多国籍軍David Petraeus司令官を大胆な指導者と呼び、イラク安 定化を達成する能力があると述べた。
``Will this nation's elected leaders make the politically hard but strategically vital decision to give General Petraeus our full support and do what is necessary to succeed in Iraq?'' McCain asked. ``Or will we decide to take advantage of the public's frustration, accept defeat, and hope that whatever the cost to our security the politics of defeat will work out better for us than our opponents?'' 「この国の選挙で選ばれた指導者は、政治的に難しくても、戦略的に重要であるこの問題につい て、David Petraeus司令官にイラクでの作戦の成功を達成すべく全面的な支持を与える必要があ る。そうでなければ、国民のフラストレーションに便乗して、敗退を受け入れ、それがどんなも のになろうが結果を受け入れると言う事になるが、それは望ましいことか?」
<カウンターテロリズム・ブログから 4月11日> ttp:// 先日のモロッコのテロ、昨日のアルジェリアのテロについて、カウンターテロリズム のアナリストのメモ Algiers Terror "Ghazwa": It is a global war with Terror, in different battlefields By Walid Phares
This is an additional evidence that the War on Terror is global and not linked directly and exclusively to U.S. Foreign Policy. The Jihadists in Algeria are targeting Algerians from all backgrounds while there are no US troops in that country. It is a struggle that began before 9/11 and is resuming today. この(アルカイダによる)テロ事件を見ても、彼らのテロリズムがアメリカの外交政策と 必ずしもリンクしていないことが解る。アメリカ軍はアルジェリアに駐留せず、アルジェ リアのテロは911以前から起こっている。
The ideology of the Algerian Salafists, as I described in my book the War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy, aim at brining down 52 Muslim Government, including 21 Arab regimes, around the world, in addition to fighting the "infidels" wherever they can and decide to meet them. 私の分析では、アルジェリアのサラフィストというのは思想的な戦いをしているわけで、そ れはジハーディズムと民主主義のイデオロギー対決である。彼等は世界の52のイスラム国家 (アラブ国家がそのなかの21)の民主主義政権を打倒するとしていて、それに加えて彼らのい う異教徒との戦いを行なうのだ。
In the current debate on the War on Terror, and while voices in the US Congress -as well as in the European Parliament- have called for banning the term "Global War on Terror," the attacks in Algeria today demonstrate (with blood and statements) that many in the West haven't yet understood the Global aim of the Jihadists. In my book, I argue that the War of Ideas has to be won at home first, so that the Global Conflict with the Jihadist can be won as well. アメリカ議会や欧州議会では(イスラムとの対決を避ける意味から)グローバルなテロとの戦 争と言った呼び方を止めるべきとする意見がある。アルジェリアの事件を見ても、西欧諸国は ジハーディストのグローバルな信念を理解していないと思う。私の考えでは、グローバルなジ ハーディストとの戦いにおいては、まず国内で、思想の戦いに勝利しなくてはならない。そし てグローバルな思想の戦いに勝利しなくてはならない。
We will know within a few months whether the surge will succeed, McCain told us. By that time, we can see whether Maliki has the political strength and will to make the necessary adjustments. If the US cannot succeed in Iraq, McCain believes that David Petraeus has the strength of character to tell that to the President and then to the American people. Petraeus believes we can prevail, McCain told us, and that we must.
Final observations: McCain does well in this format. He speaks with a disarming humility that might surprise some, and with an honest passion that impresses. He should try to do more of these in the future.
パジャマメディアに拠れば: The Blogging of John McCain: Glenn Reynolds has a roundup of links covering the blogger roundtable with John McCain. “McCain says he’d continue to hold blogger conference calls as President” ttp://
Among the many strategies the U.S. has pursued over the years to get North Korea to rein in its nuclear program, none has had a more startling impact than the Bush administration's decision to put the squeeze on a little bank in Macau. アメリカ政府が北朝鮮の核開発計画を抑制する為に使っている多くの戦略の中でも、ブッシュ 政権が採用した澳門の銀行を締め上げるという決定以上に効果的なものは無かった。
ブッシュ政権は、軍事的行為ではなく、金融政策による締め付けという戦略に依存している。 ブッシュ政権の高官は、(これが効果的であるので)同じ戦略をイランにも適用しようと考え ている。先月には既に鍵となるイランの銀行と、革命防衛隊関連の銀行に制裁措置をとってい る。 (中略) "We decided," says Mr. Asher, "to kill the chicken to scare the monkey." The Chinese proverb refers to the strategy of getting the small guy, BDA, to scare the big guy, which in this case, was the government of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il and some large Chinese banks. (この戦略の立案者である、前国務省の)ディビッド・アッシャーは「われわれは猿を脅すた めに鶏を殺す(と言う中国の諺)戦略をとった」という。中国の諺のように小さな銀行である BDAを締め付けてビッグ・ガイを脅迫する。このケースでは金正日と、幾つかの中国の大銀 行を脅していることになる。
(中略) These developments hit North Korea hard, say Westerners who were in Pyongyang around that time. The value of North Korea's won dropped sharply on the black market, as access to hard currency dried up. Foreign aid groups tied to the United Nations faced difficulties bringing foreign currency in and out of the country. この戦略は北朝鮮に厳しいものとなった。当時北朝鮮にいた西欧人に拠れば北朝鮮のウォン 通貨の、ブラックマーケットでの価値が急速に低下した。それは外貨へのアクセスが絶たれ た為である。国連の人道支援組織は北朝鮮への外貨の持ち込み、持ち出しが困難になった。 (中略) The BDA episode illustrates just how little North Korea understands about the outside world, they say, which only fuels its belligerence. If it can be integrated into international bodies and diplomacy, they say, it may gradually moderate itself. BDAのエピソードは北朝鮮が外の世界を殆ど理解していないことを示している。もしも 彼らが国際的な外交や諸機関に参入できるならば、北朝鮮自身が叙情に温和かするだろう にと観察者は言っている。
>>493-494 この記事で注目点は、WSJが解説の中で言っている、財務省の脅迫の対象が「金正日と、 幾つかの中国の大銀行」と書いていること。 ・・in this case, was the government of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il and some large Chinese banks.
At the same time, the company is playing a dangerous game. Once you agree to play by Communist Party rules, where do you draw the line? The behavior of other Internet companies in China has demonstrated how slippery the slope can be. ググルは危険なゲームをしている。一旦、中国共産党のルールに従うことを受け入れた後 何処に検閲と表現の自由の線を引くのか?他のインターネット関連会社の中国での行動を みていると、そういう行動は大変危険であるように見える。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- マイクロソフトやヤフーは、中国で検閲に従うことを正当化して「その国での運用は、そ の国の定めたルールに従う」と述べた。今回はタイ国内のようつべの会社のやっている事 ではないので事情は同一ではないけれど、一旦検閲を受け入れた会社が、別の局面で表現 の自由をいうのは片腹痛い(どこかの国のメディアも同じようなものだけど)
Latest Research on Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery Time: 2007 Apr 17 15:00 - 16:30 Summary: Press Conference Hirofumi Hayashi, Rumiko Nishino & Yoshiaki Yoshimi, ← The Center for Research and Documentation on Japan's War Responsibility (JWRC) Language: The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation
Behind the smiles of the Wen-Abe meeting are two countries that are warily eyeing each other. There is no "thaw" because the public bickering caused no appreciable change in relations. However, this meeting also will not bring Beijing and Tokyo closer together; it is much more symbolic than substantive. Beijing will allow Japan to sell rice in China; Tokyo will offer talks on disputed claims to natural gas resources in the East China Sea; and both will quietly ask each other to explain their military buildups.
Rumiko NishinoさんというのはVAWW-NETの副議長(co-chairperson of Violence Against Women in War-Network Japan (VAWW-NET Japan) Hirofumi Hayashi氏はKanto Gakuin University教授と思いますが、裁かれた戦争犯罪』岩波 書店、1998年、 『BC級戦犯裁判』岩波新書、などがあるようです。
ttp:// Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Algiers Again ・・・・ ・・・・ Maybe the real truth is that the current world crisis is rooted somewhat more deeply than in the dispute over Israel and that the idea one can escape from its resolution by surrendering Iraq isn't so good after all.
ttp:// Daily Press Briefing Sean McCormack, Spokesman Washington, DC April 11, 2007 国務省ディリー記者会見記録、4月11日 ------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Daily Press Briefing April 11, 2007 U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing by Department Spokesman Sean McCormack. 国務省記者会見記録、4月11日、ビデオ(43分04秒) ------------------------------------------------------------- あまり目新しい情報は無いような。ちょっと気になった事項は:
Yet we disagree with this conclusion and attribute recent weakness to a combination of special factors. There are past examples of a similar pattern and the economy did not always proceed to a recession. Below we review special factors affecting index components and economic performance in previous cases of leading and coincident indexes posting two straight months of sub-50% readings. 我々の見解では、これは景気後退に向かうことを示さない。以下に記述する要因がそれらの指数 の悪化を起こしている。
China suggested on Thursday the release of North Korean funds blocked in a Macau bank, the trigger for Pyongyang to start shutting a nuclear reactor, was still not quite resolved, but the United States said it was. 木曜日に中国政府は澳門のBDAの資金は依然ブロックされていて、問題が未解決だと言って おり、一方アメリカは解決済みといっている。
Washington said Macau authorities had unblocked about $25 million of North Korean funds at Banco Delta Asia (BDA) frozen for about 18 months and Pyongyang could now pick up the money. アメリカ政府は澳門金融当局が$25Mの北朝鮮資金を解凍したので、北朝鮮は今では資金を手に することが出来るという。
But Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regular news conference in Beijing: "We hope the issue of the bank funds can be properly resolved as soon as possible." しかし、中国外交部の広報官Qin Gangは定例の記者会見で「該当銀行の口座資金の問題が可及的 速やかに、適正に解決されることを希望する」といっている。
He added: "The legitimate and reasonable concerns and interests of all parties should be addressed so we can find a way to properly resolve the issue as soon as possible." This was a reference to concerns in China about how to handle the funds from the BDA which Washington accuses of money laundering. 「正当な、合理的な、全ての関係者の利益が考慮されるべきであり、この問題を速やかに解決 出来るようにすべきである」これは中国政府が、アメリカのマネロン裁定を下したBDAから の資金の扱いについて触れたもの。(後略)
<NYTのマケイン演説記事> ttp:// News Analysis:McCain’s Support for War Is Risky, but Necessary By JOHN M. BRODER and ADAM NAGOURNEY Published: April 12, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- マケイン上院議員のイラク戦争支持演説を報道、批評して、まあ簡単に言えばマケインを 貶している記事。
AFP通信は、自爆犯が議員の護衛の1人だった可能性があると伝えた。この日は国民議 会が開会中で、爆発当時、食堂では本会議を終えた各派の議員や職員が昼食をとっていた。 議員らの大量殺傷を狙ったものとみられる。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ この事件について、バクダッドのオマル氏のブログにコメントがあって、 ttp:// They all seemed to agree that if there’s anyone to blamed for that it’s the members of parliament themselves. Parliament members are famous for complaining about ‘security measures’ in the Green Zone being “insulting” to them and to Iraq’s sovereignty. They didn’t want their vehicles and guards to be searched. This is the result. 人々はこの事件で、議員らが警備をないがしろにしてきたせいだといっている。国会議員ら は警備上の安全チェックなどに文句をつけて、グリーンゾーンを安全化するためのチェック などを主権の侵害だとか言っていた。彼等は自分の車や、ボディガードの警備チェックを許 さず、それがこういう結果につながったのだ。
The incident was no surprise to me, when we often hear that bombs, explosive vests and illegal weapons have been found in buildings inside the International Zone. You just knew that one day something bad was going to happen. The MPs know very well that there are bad elements among their guards, yet they didn’t move to tighten security measures in the area nor done anything to identify and remove corrupt guards. この事件は私にとっては、驚きではない。グリーンゾーンの内側で爆弾や自爆ベルトが発見 されることは以前にもあったので、いつかこうした事件はおきても不思議ではなかった。国 会議員らはテロを狙う分子が、議員のボディガードの中にいることは良く知っていたはずだ。 彼らが警備をないがしろにしてきたことや、腐敗したボディガードを放置してきたことが事 件につながった。
Apart from who’s to blame for it, the parliament bombing will reflect in a bad way on its performance. I suspect reaching quorum in future sessions, which is necessary to vote on any law, will now be even more difficult. この事件は議員らの行いの悪い結果を表しているのだが、(国会議員2人の死亡で)今後の議 会の定足数に変化がおきて、国会での決定が難しくなるのではと心配だ。
<イラク、アンバール県の部族の自警団とアルカイダの闘争> ttp:// Re-Taking Al-Qaeda Country By Erick Stakelbeck CBN News - Terror Analyst April 12, 2007
Abdul Sattar al-Rishawi is the charismatic tribal leader behind the movement. New York Sun reporter Eli Lake calls al-Rishawi "the most important man in Iraq."
<国務省ビデオ・ファイル、マケイン上院議員とライス国務長官の会合後の記者会見> ttp:// Secretary Rice Meets Senator McCain April 12, 2007 Secretary Rice meets with Senator John McCain at the State Department. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ライス国務長官が、マケイン上院議員と会談して、その後に行なった記者会見ビデオ。 しかし、この日はイラクの国会のカフェテリアでの自殺爆弾攻撃でイラクの国会議員 が被害にあうという事件が起こったので、記者とのQAはその事件にのみ集中する事 になって、マケイン議員の政策などに話が及んでいない。
>>268 QUESTION: Have you gotten anything yet -- have you heard yet from either Richardson or Hill anything to give you any more insight into what's going on with the Yongbyon closure and--
MR. MCCORMACK: Well, I haven't heard anything back from Richardson's trip. We of course have our own ways of determining some of what might be going on there. I'm not at liberty to discuss that. We haven't received any official notifications from the North Koreans as to what they have or have not done about the reactor.
QUESTION: And they still haven't -- and to your knowledge, they still haven't suggested that they might not be able to meet the Saturday deadline?
MR. MCCORMACK: We haven't --
QUESTION: (Inaudible) silent on that?
MR. MCCORMACK: We haven't received any formal notification in that regard.
QUESTION: And have you heard anything from -- if not a formal letter of notification from them, are you hearing anything on that issue? You know, are they -- have they said anything to either the Chinese or the South Koreans about that?
MR. MCCORMACK: I haven't gotten any reports in that regard.
[ Milan police in Chinatown clash ] By David Willey BBC News, Rome Chinese migrants clash with Italian police in Milan's Chinatown district The riot broke out after a Chinese woman was given a traffic fine Italian riot police have broken up a violent protest in Milan's Chinatown by scores of Chinese immigrants ***昨年からチラホラ伝わる、中国移民軍団のトラブル関連
United Nations Children's Fund goodwill ambassador Mia Farrow during a visit to a refugee camp in Darfur in 2006. (Nasser Nasser/Associated Press) [ Darfur collides with Olympics, and China yields ] By Helene Cooper Published: April 12, 2007 アフリカでの中国関連トラブル
>>269 AFPによれば “The members of the talks have it within their power to, I suppose, modify any previous agreements,” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said when asked whether the deadline could be extended.
“These aren’t treaties, these are political and diplomatic commitments,” he said of the landmark February 13 agreement under which North Korea had 60 days to shut down and seal its Yongbyon reactor, from which the communist regime has extracted plutonium to make nuclear bombs.
McCormack said the five parties involved in the negotiations with North Korea ? China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the U.S. ? would discuss the state of play over the weekend. “We’ll assess where we are on Saturday [April 14] and I expect over the weekend there will be consultations,” he said.“One would hope we’d have a better idea of what the North Koreans have done or what they’re going to do,” he said. ttp:// N. Korea’s Six-Party Partners Can Delay Reactor Deadline: U.S.
"It was because the U.S. did not prepare conditions for the (North) to take a step toward denuclearization that the (North) held off on implementing" its February shutdown pledge, the newspaper wrote. 「何故ならば、アメリカ側は北朝鮮が核廃棄へのステップを取るべき条件を、準備しなかっ た為である」と新聞は書いている。 ttp:// NKorea Unlikely to Meet Reactor Deadline (AP通信)
North Korea has offered no explanation why it has not claimed offshore funds it insisted be unblocked before shutting down its nuclear reactor, South Korea's foreign minister said on Friday. 韓国の外交部に拠れば、北朝鮮はBDAの口座資金を引き出しておらず、何の説明もしてい ないという。
"North has not shown any response whatsoever," Song Min-soon told reporters. 宋旻淳・外交通商相は記者団に「北朝鮮は全く反応を示していない」とのべた。
"If North Korea does not meet the deadline, we'll see where we are," a U.S. official in Washington said. "Let's take it a day at a time." アメリカ政府高官は「もし北朝鮮が60日期限を守らない場合、我々は事態が何処にあるか 解るわけだ」と述べた。「もう一日待って、対応を考えることになる」(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 口座資金を引き出すための書類(本人の証明)作成に苦慮しているとか?なら楽しい鴨;
The terror alerts and arrests in the West have obscured the Islamists' original and, by the evidence of recent days, still primary goal: regime change in the Muslim heartland. A caller to al-Jazeera claiming responsibility for Wednesday's murders in al Qaeda's name said the group would continue "to liberate every acre of the lands of Islam." Algiers is a reminder, if one were needed, that Islamic terrorism is a global movement rooted in a totalitarian ideology that's a grave danger to everyone, including Muslims.
But though critically timed, the attack should not be viewed as evidence of jihadist dominance in Iraq. In fact, the militants are trying to counter the threats from the mainstream Sunni community and nationalist insurgent groups that have turned against them. The militants also are keeping an eye on the intensifying U.S.-Iranian back -channel negotiations because they fear the discussion will move toward a settlement on Iraq. イラク議会のカフェテリアでの自殺爆弾事件はショッキングなものではあるが、ジハーディスト ガイラクを占有しつつある、という風に見てはいけない。実際には武装派テロリストはメインス トリームのスンニ派コミニティや、ナショナリストの彼らに対抗するグループ(アンバール県の 部族自警団)などからの脅威に対抗しようとしている。テロリスト武装派はアメリカとイランの 秘密裏に進められている交渉にも目が離せない。何故なら、そうした交渉が妥協によるイラクの 安定化に向かう可能性もあるためである。
Al Qaeda realizes the only way it can block such a settlement is to create a crisis of governance, which could be realized if a large number of parliamentarians were eliminated. The jihadists know all too well the vulnerabilities within the fledgling Iraqi political system because they have seen how difficult it has been to establish the legislature and the Cabinet. アルカイダは、そうしたアメリカとイランの妥協を防ぐ唯一の手法はイラク政治の危機を作り 出すことであると考える。それは国会議員の多数を殺戮することで達成できる。ジハーディス トはイラク政治の弱さ(不安定性)を良く知っている。彼等は議会や内閣を樹立することがイ ラクでは如何に困難であるかを見てきたので、それを知り尽くしている。(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- アルカイダが、何故今、議会や議員をテロの標的にするのかについて、STRATFORの 明快な説明。
To succeed, this plan would require a force of about 32,000 troops in Iraq, as well as a regional stability force of 35,000 troops in Kuwait. Along with regional air and naval assets, forces in Iraq would be divided into an advisory element of 10,000 officers, NCOs and civilians to train and advise Iraqi military and police forces; an in-country protection and support force of three mobile brigades (roughly 15,000 troops) to serve as in extremis combat force and as a second line of U.S. protection for advisers and reconstruction teams; a 2,000-soldier Special Forces element to combat foreign terrorists in Iraq; and a 5,000-person headquarters, logistics and air-support element.
Regardless of strategic options, the U.S. should step up diplomacy with its friends in the region. Specifically, the U.S. could ask them for more help in training Iraqi police and military forces and participation in the regional stability force in Kuwait. We should also talk directly to Iran and Syria, but it won't be pleasant. Allowing insurgents, Iranian special forces, or weapons and explosives to cross into Iraq is beyond the pale and, when verified, should become the subject of immediate, proportional counteraction by the coalition.
昨日、新聞紙面を賑わした国会のカフェテリアでの自殺爆弾攻撃は、国会議員のボディガード が犯人らしいとわかった。 The bodyguard of an undisclosed parliamentarian was likely responsible for the parliament attack. The breach of security is a cause for major concern, as this is not the first time weapons have made it past the security cordon.
グリーンゾーン内部での、センセーショナルなテロを企画したと思われる件は、以前にも幾つか 発見されていた。 Several plots to attack the Green Zone have been uncovered over the past year. In November of 2006, a bomb placed under a vehicle of Mahmoud al- Mashhadani, the speaker of Parliament, exploded inside the Green Zone.
その一方で、アルカイダと、反政府系のスンニ派、イスラミック・アーミーの対立が深まってい る。そのために(反政府系)スンニ派宗教権威のグループが、アルカイダ非難声明を出している The Islamic Army in Iraq accuses al Qaeda of indiscriminately murdering Iraqis, including members of the security forces, and pressuring the Sunni insurgent group to swear allegiance to al Qaeda's Islamic State of Iraq. This news comes as a grouping of the most prominent Sunni clerics in Iraq have organized to opposed al Qaeda's religious edicts calling for the murder of Iraqis.
Q:北朝鮮の6者会合合意の、初期段階実施期限60日がタイムリミットだが? A:ヒル国務次官補は北京で中国側とこの件で協議している。中国代表は日本にいる。 彼は日曜に北京に戻るだろう。我々は北朝鮮側の、合意事項実施への強固足るス テップを必要としている。 really need to see now is some concrete steps taken. And I believe Chris said one of those might be a call to the IAEA to invite them to come to North Korea.
イラクやアフガニスタンなどで任務に従事する軍人に、それらの任務よりも2週刊のイランで の拘束がより高い価値があるというメッセージを送ることは宜しくない。国防省の過ちは、笑 うべきものである。 Now the MoD has made them a laughing stock. It is a grave error that will not readily be forgiven or quickly put right. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 被害者を英雄視するメディアのやり方に便乗することは混乱を起こすだけだと、厳しい指摘。 そういう混乱は、何処の国でも起こっているように見える。(小泉政権時代のイラク人質事件 を思い出すと、メディアのそうした事件に対する扱い方には共通性があるように思える)
ソースにしている研究報告は: The research reported by Govindasamy Bala of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and colleagues at the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology compared the climate effects of planting and clearing forests at latitudes high and low. Their computer simulations yielded some disturbing results.
Climate scientist Victor Brovkin of Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research told Science magazine, which is edited by Mr. Gore's friend Donald Kennedy (former president of Stanford University), that while the new study serves as an important warning against planting trees in the far north, planting trees in temperate regions probably has little or no net regional effect.(後略)
マケインの数曜日の演説について: You can agree or disagree with Mr. McCain, but where he stands is clear -- and clarity these days, from our candidates, feels like a gift. As does certitude. He isn't running from the war but owning it. A political rival might say, "He has no choice." But there's always a choice.
My larger point, however, is that he sounded like a serious man addressing a serious issue in a serious way. This makes him at the moment stand out.
ttp:// As for the Iraqi Parliament bombing, it mostly failed. The US had intelligence reports before the bombing took place, and increased security. That foiled most of the attack. As an Iraqi at the bombing scene said, AQ bombed a mostly deserted cafeteria. If they had launched the bomb in the assembly hall a few minutes earlier, they could have taken out most of the parliament. Indeed, it was later reported that unexploded explosives were found and detonated in a controlled blast. In summary, Al Qaeda bombed the wrong room, most of its explosives didn't work, and there were leaks from inside their organization.
その上で、「厳密なスケジュールを設定することはせずに、今後数日以内に、真の前進を 図ることがわれわれの目的だ。初期措置ができる限り早期に完了するよう望む」と強調、 今後の対応をめぐって参加国と緊密に協議していく方針を表明した。(後略) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// "Our patience is not infinite ... but we feel that given that the kind of unexpected complexities that did arise in connection with some of the banking issues that it's probably prudent to give this thing a few more days," a senior U.S. official who asked not to be identified told reporters. 匿名の政府高官は「銀行口座関連の問題に鑑み、数日の(a few more days)猶予を与える ことは致し方ない」と述べている・(ロイター) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 北朝鮮の言う30日はdでもないが、数日なら待ってみよう、というところ。
<ビル・ロジオのイラク報告、4月13日> ttp:// As the divisions between the Sunni community and al Qaeda grow, Coalition and Iraqi security forces continue to target al Qaeda's leadership, networks, and safe havens. A joint Coalition and Iraqi security forces operation is underway in Buhriz, a suburb of Baqubah in the violent province of Diyala. Five insurgents have been captured and several weapons caches have been destroyed. Coalition raids on al Qaeda in Iraq in Haditha, Karma, and Baghdad on March 12 resulted in two terrorists killed and 17 captured. Today's raids led to 14 al Qaeda captured in Karma, Amiriya, and Baghdad.
So all of that remains unchanged, but we're just a little delayed in the timing here and we're going to try to work with the partners in the next few days to get it back on track.
Pak's fall could also be related to his ties with China. Pyongyang-Beijing ties frayed even ahead of the nuclear crisis triggered by the October 2002 revelation that North Korea might have had a uranium-enrichment program. And while Pyongyang still looked to China for assistance and guidance, North Korea's leadership also was looking to free itself from its over-reliance on Beijing. It appears that as Pyongyang was setting its own economic course, Pak might have been focusing almost exclusively on Beijing's suggestions for economic development. And with relations strained, Kim Jong Il might simply have stopped listening to Pak -- relegating him to the sidelines. 朴奉珠首相の更迭は、北朝鮮と中国の関係に関連があるかもしれない。北朝鮮は中国の支援に 頼っているものの、北京政府に過大に依存することに警戒感を持っている。北朝鮮は中国の考 えとは別に、独自の経済政策を持っているが、朴奉珠首相は経済開発についてもっぱら中国の 意見をのみ聞いていた。北朝鮮と中国の関係が悪化して、金正日は朴奉珠の意見を聞かなくな ったために、朴奉珠が更迭されたのかもしれない。
I've provided some video from my embed to Hot Air for a series of Vents. Today Michelle Malkin overviews both Fallujah and my embed as a preview of Thursday and Friday's editions: mini-interviews with various members of Team Gator, the Fallujah Police Transition Team and Military Transition Team 6. Enjoy.
【ニューヨーク15日共同】米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズは14日、イスラム教シーア派の 大国イランの核開発に触発される形で、最近になって核開発に強い関心を示し始めた中東諸 国がサウジアラビアなどスンニ派を中心に11カ国に上ると報じた。イランが核開発を続け れば、スンニ派諸国が対抗上、核開発に着手するのは自然な流れで、核不拡散体制の瓦解が 一層進むことにつながりかねない。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Eye on Iran, Rivals Pursuing Nuclear Power By WILLIAM J. BROAD and DAVID E. SANGER Published: April 15, 2007
ttp:// Franco-American ties will improve after the French vote By Joseph S. Nye Commentary by Saturday, April 14, 2007 ディリースター(寄稿):選挙後の、フランスとアメリカの関係は改善しそう By ジョセフ・ナイ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「ソフトパワー」の発売元祖、ハーバードのナイ教授が、レバノンのインテリ紙であるディ リー・スターに書いているもので、サルコジの勝利と米仏関係の改善を予言しているような。 サルコジのアメリカ好きは有名で: "The truth is that the French listen to Madonna, just as they used to love listening to Elvis and Sinatra," Sarkozy said. "And all French parents dream of sending their child to an American university." According to Sarkozy, "The virulence of the press and a portion of French elites against the United States reflects a certain envy of your brilliant success." (本当のことを言えば、フランス人はマドンナを聞いているわけで、昔からエルビスやシナト ラを聞いてきたのだ。フランスの親は子供をアメリカの大学に入れたいと思うのだ。新聞や 一部のエリートの毒のある嫌米は、アメリカの輝かしい成功への妬みなのだ)
これに対して、社会党のロワイヤル女史は: Sarkozy "an American neoconservative with a French passport." (サルコジはフランスのパスポートを持つ、アメリカのネオコンである)
French leaders often like to be seen resisting American pressure before striking a compromise and cooperating in a manner that serves both French and American interests. Friction with the US is thus inevitable, but in the long run there is usually fruitful cooperation. Despite the tension of the past few years, Europe and America have cooperated in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Iran, and on countering Al-Qaeda. フランスの指導者はアメリカと共同し両国の国益にかなうような妥協をする前に、アメリカの 圧力に抵抗しているように(有権者に)見られないといけない。だから米仏関係ではフィクショ ンが避けられない。しかし、長い目で見れば両国にとって有益な関係と言うものがあるわけで、 過去数年の米仏関係のいざこざにもかかわらず、アメリカと欧州はコソボ、アフガニスタン、 レバノン、イラン、そしてアルカイダに対抗するために(既に、良く)共同してきたのだ。
【北京=五十嵐文】北朝鮮の核問題をめぐる6か国協議の米首席代表、クリストファー・ ヒル国務次官補(東アジア・太平洋担当)は15日、訪問先の北京で記者団に、2月の協 議で合意された核放棄への「初期段階措置」を早期に履行するよう求めるメッセージを、 北京の北朝鮮大使館に何度か送ったことを明らかにした。 今のところ、北朝鮮から回答はないという。 ----------------------------------------------------------- 切ない恋の片思いの如く(w "We're not happy that the DPRK essentially has missed this very important deadline," Hill said, using the official name of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. "We're obviously going to be watching the situation very closely in the coming days." ttp:// AP通信
1)Don Imus(John Donald "Don" Imus, Jr.)という飴で超有名なコメディアン、 作家、ラジオ・トークショー・ホスト(Imus in the Morning、1979-2007) が、4月12日に首になって、その原因は人種差別的で男女差別的な発言を放送 中に行ったと避難されて、会社側(MSNBC、CBS)が判断を下したもの。 ttp://
2)これだけなら、只の舌過事件だけれど、これを最初に問題にしたのがMedia Matters for Americaという民主党、ヒラリー支持系のNPOで、その後にDon Imusを激しく 非難したのがアル・シャープトン、ジェシー・ジャクソン・・・といった活動派系の 民主党政治家であったので、いやおう無しに政治色がついてしまった。
>>352 ラップ・ミュージックの歌詞の例は(It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" won the 2006 Academy Award for Best Original Song)(部分)
Man it seems like I'm duckin dodgin bullets everyday Niggaz hatin on me cause I got, hoes on the tray But I gotta stay paid, gotta stay above water Couldn't keep up with my hoes, that's when shit got harder North Memphis where I'm from, I'm 7th Street bound Where niggaz all the time end up lost and never found Man these girls think we prove thangs, leave a big head They come hopin every night, they don't end up bein dead Wait I got a snow bunny, and a black girl too You pay the right price and they'll both do you That's the way the game goes, gotta keep it strictly pimpin Gotta have my hustle tight, makin change off these women, yeah (これはちょっと過激に思えるけれど、ラップの中なら問題にならない?)
Abu Rafed estimated a total of almost 4,000 Iraqi Shias, including "many important Mahdi Army leaders", had received training there last month alone, living at the camp for weeks at a time. He said the number of Iraqi Shias arriving there had increased significantly since the start of the "surge" in February. インデペンデントの記者のインタビューしたマハディ軍のAbu Rafed(仮名)に拠れば、イラン 国内で、革命防衛隊によってマハディ軍の兵士4000人に、軍事、テロ活動の訓練が行なわれて いる。訓練は数週間のキャンプで行なわれマハディ軍の指導者も参加している。バクダッドの 治安回復作戦の始まった2月以降に、その数は大きく増加している。
【ワシントン=貞広貴志】先に訪朝したビル・リチャードソン米ニューメキシコ州知事は 15日、米ABCテレビとの会見で、「私の予測では、北朝鮮は今週早々に国際原子力機 関(IAEA)要員を招き、核施設の停止手続きにも着手する」との見通しを示した。 (後略) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 北朝鮮側は正式の反応を見せていない。しかしAPはリチャードソンに同行したNSCの ビクトール・チャがの金桂官に説得を続けたと書いていて、それらの反応からリチャード ソン知事が発言しているのかもしれない。 ttp:// Bush adviser plays key role in N.Korea By Foster Klug, Associated Press Writer April 15, 2007
The two also had discussions during more than 10 hours of meetings and dinners that included the entire delegation. Throughout, Cha pressed for action on the February pledge, repeatedly saying it was important for North Korea to show the world that it is taking the process seriously.
リチャードソン知事のコメントは、原文では: "In exchange for the North Koreans dismantling their nuclear weapons, North Korea gets a substantial amount of fuel oil, food, energy assistance, the lifting of sanctions, an armistice agreement which basically ends the Korean War. I believe they have made the strategic decision to move forward," he continued. "But at the same time the nuclear card is their biggest asset. So they are going to play it to the hilt." ttp:// VOAニュース
【カイロ16日共同】イラクのイスラム教シーア派反米指導者サドル師派のメンバーは 15日、マリキ首相への抗議のため、サドル師の指示を受け、同師派の閣僚6人全員が 16日に辞任すると語った。ロイター通信が伝えた。首相が駐留米軍の撤退期限を設け ようとしないことなどが理由。米政府の要求に応じ、同師派の民兵組織マハディ軍の摘 発に着手し始めたシーア派のマリキ首相を揺さぶる狙いも。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// The Sadr group has six cabinet ministers in Mr Maliki's government and 32 law-makers in the 275-member Iraqi Parliament. Mr Igaili clarified the withdrawal was only from the Cabinet and that the political bloc will continue to participate in the assembly. The Sadr group boycotted the Iraqi government for two months from November 29 until late January in protest at a meeting between Mr Maliki and US President George W Bush in Jordan. 内閣からサドル派の議員を引き上げたが、それ以上のことはしておらず、与党ブロックに留 まる。サドル派の閣僚の引き上げは11月29日から2ヶ月間、ブッシュ・マリキ会談に抗議して 行なわれた前歴がある。(AFP)
それにもかかわらず、メディアは貧困であるとする批評家がいて、ニューヨーカーに書いてい るKen Aulettaによれば、メディアの多様性は本物ではなくて、一握りのメディア・バロンが 殆どのメディアを支配しているのだと言う。アメリカ消費者同盟のMark Cooperによれば、イン ターネットも少数者のメディア支配を変えられないという。彼はその著書、Media Ownership and Democracy in the Digital Information Age の中でインターネットが公共の利益を守 るに充分ではないという。それは「市民が自分自身を規定し、自己の日常生活の居場所を確保 して民主主義を促進する能力を与えることに失敗」しているのだという。インターネットは、 何ゆえに、それほど現代社会にとって有害であるのだろうか?
政治傾向だけでなく、同じような多様性はエンターテイメント・メディアやライフスタイル・ メディアにも観察できる。例えばレスビアンのフェミニストの黒人女性が週末にカントリー・ ミュージックのサイトを探すとして、そういう事が可能なわけだが、それは25年前の「メイン ストリーム・メディア」が上手く提供できていたであろうか?到底不可能である。今では、そ の女性はTiVo(録画装置)をセットしてBlack Entertainment Television, Logo (a gay/ lesbian-oriented cable channel), Oxygen (female-targeted programming)などのチャネル の、好きな番組を録画できる。Outdoor Life Network, や Country Music Televisionもある。 TVだけでも、そういう選択肢があるのだ。
左翼のメディア評論家は、現在の事態のもたらす破壊的な結末を警告している。Todd Gitlin や Barry Schwartzになる新刊の、Media Unlimited: How the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives だとか、The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, respectively などといったものがそれである。彼等はメディアの多さの与える悪影響を言っているのだが、 それはむしろ彼らの心配が行き過ぎと言うべきだ。
Among the biggest fund-raisers for Mr. Obama’s campaign are as many as a half-dozen former guests of the Clinton White House. At least two are close enough to the Clintons to have slept in the Lincoln bedroom.
Some former Clinton administration officials among Mr. Obama’s top fund-raisers were Reed E. Hundt, a former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission; Michael Froman and Brian Mathis of the Clinton Treasury Department; and Greg Craig, a Clinton White House lawyer.
So far this year, the average first-day returns for Shanghai-listed IPOs of $100m or more is 70.8 per cent, compared with 22.4 per cent in Hong Kong and 43.9 per cent in Tokyo, according to Dealogic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 中国株式市場が過熱化しすぎていることは、今更言うまでもない事で・・
The alternative minimum tax (or AMT) is an extra tax some people have to pay on top of the regular income tax. The original idea behind this tax was to prevent people with very high incomes from using special tax benefits to pay little or no tax. But for various reasons the AMT reaches more people each year, including some people who don't have very high income and some people who don't have lots of special tax benefits.
This year more than three million taxpayers will be hit by the Alternative Minimum Tax on their 2006 income. But next year that number could rise to 23 million unless Democrats in Congress come up with a way to halt the juggernaut that is the AMT. The fixes that have been put in place the past few years have expired, and if nothing is done nearly one in five filers will be caught short by a tax that was created in 1969 to target 21--yes, 21--millionaires who had managed to avoid paying any taxes at all.
すでに収入トップ10%が、税金の50%を払っているアメリカの税制。この税制でもっとトップに払わせる政策を とる民主党に対してThompson氏が Those who say they want a "more progressive" tax system should be asked one question:
Are you really interested in tax rates that benefit the economy and raise revenue--or are you interested in redistributing income for political reasons?
ttp:// The gunman, Perkins said, first shot the professor in the head and then fired on the students. Perkins said the gunman was about 19 years old and had a "very serious but very calm look on his face." 警官や学生其他が死亡、犯人は自殺して身元不明、ニュースには犯人像について 何も報道していない。 --------------------------------------------------------- 1)しかし、飴のブログの、このニュースを扱ったもののコメント蘭に、大学内の噂 として「James Jay Kim」という学生の名前があるけれど、噂の域を出ない。 ttp:// #19 James Jay Kim. Rumors at the campus are he’s the shooter. I can’t say for certain… it’s just rumors. Comment by Alex ? 4/16/2007 @ 2:39 pm --------------------------------------------------------- 2)飴のWikiの記述にも同じ名前があるけれど、根拠や証拠は提示されていない。 ttp:// The identity of the perpetrator is now supposed to be James Jay Kim. He committed suicide inside Norris Hall by a self-inflicted shot to the head.
事件を伝えるビデオで、教室で被害にあった学生の話、犯人は: ttp:// Wounded student describes gunman. “Asian man in his twenties. Maroon hat. Black coat.”
AP・シカゴサンタイムスは24歳、上海から来た学生で中国人について調査中; ttp://,vatech041607.article Authorities were investigating whether the gunman who killed 32 people on the Virginia Tech campus in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history was a Chinese man who arrived in the United States last year on a student visa. The 24-year-old man arrived in San Francisco on United Airlines on Aug. 7 on a visa issued in Shanghai, the source said. Investigators have not linked him to any terrorist groups, the source said.
AP:警察は暫定的に、犯人の身元確認をした。しかし一切発表しない Tentative, Unreleased ID on Suspected Gunman BLACKSBURG, Va. - Authorities say they've tentatively identified the gunman behind today's shooting rampage at Virginia Tech that killed 32 victims, but they're not releasing any information yet. ttp://
The first two victims were killed at about 7:15 a.m. local time at West Ambler Johnston dormitory, according to Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum. Police said they didn't close the campus because they believed it was an isolated incident and the shooter had left the grounds.
In case you missed it, on Friday afternoon the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN), an advocacy group for the rap and hip-hop industry, issued a press release "differentiating between Don Imus and Hip-Hop." ご存じない人もいようが、先週金曜日にヒップホップ・サミット・アクション・ネット ワーク (HSAN)というラップやヒップホップ・ミュージックの 支援団体が声明文を出し ていて、その目的は「Don Imus事件の(女性蔑視発言)とヒップホップ(の歌詞に現れる 同じような用語法)は異なるものであることを明らかにすること」である(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 前に紹介した、トークラジオの有名ホスト、Don Imus事件のとばっちりを受けることを おそれたヒップホップやラップのミュージシャンたちが「トークショーの政治的発言は アーツのなかの詩的、芸術的表現とは区別して考えられるべきももの」といっていると 言う話。
【ソウル17日聯合】北朝鮮が寧辺原子炉閉鎖の準備作業に着手したと思われる動きを、 情報当局が入手したことが分かった。情報機関当局者は17日、「寧辺原子炉は現在ま で正常稼動しているものの、原子炉周辺に一部特異動向があり、分析と追跡に当たって いる」と明らかにした。情報当局は、寧辺原子炉周辺の車両と人の動きが通常とは異な ることを確認し、核施設閉鎖に関連した動きである可能性は高いと判断している(ry ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 聯合通信は、楽観的なニュースを書いていて、APなどの外電がこれを伝聞報道している。 しかし、WSJは↓の用の、アメリカ国内では悲観的な見通しが広がっているという。 ただし、ヒル次官補や国務省は依然として核廃棄プロセス続行の望みを捨ててはいない。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp:// Doubt Grows About Pyongyang Nuclear Deal By EVAN RAMSTAD April 17, 2007; Page A6
SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea's foot-dragging on an agreement to begin shutting down a nuclear plant is raising questions about whether it intends to follow through.(ry
・NEW: No ID on shooter; school president says it was Asian student living in dorm 犯人は、学長に拠れば寮に住むアジア系学生 ・At least two professors among the dead in Virginia Tech massacre 少なくとも、二人の教授が殺戮された ・Police have preliminary identification of campus gunman キャンパスの殺人犯の身元について、系雑は暫定的に確認済み ・ University officials say 33 dead, including gunman 犯人を含めて死者33人
OPJ:アラブの侵略:インドネシアのイスラム過激派は、輸入されたもの ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSJの論説委員である筆者が、インドネシアのイスラム宗教権威であるHabib Mohammad Rizieq Shihabとの会見記録を通じて、インドネシアのイスラムへの、アラブ(サウジア ラビア)の影響の大きさについて書いているもの。インドネシアのイスラム指導者は、 過激派に見えるような愚かな言辞をなさないけれど、宗教観に見られる潔癖主義や非 妥協性はインドネシアのものではなくサウジアラビアのものである。インドネシアの 神学校の教育などを通じて、サウジアラビアの与える影響は極めて大きい。
公表されてはいないが、研究者はインドネシアのイスラム運動にサウジアラビアが多量の 資金援助を与えていると信じている。 The Mecca-based Muslim World League, for example, is notorious for sending its representatives to Indonesia with suitcases of cash to fund its pet projects, often extremist religious boarding schools. The Saudi religious affairs office in Jakarta finances the publication of a million books a year translated from Arabic into Indonesian, according to Angel Rabasa of the Rand Corporation.
筆者は、この傾向が続くならインドネシアが東南アジアの国と言うより、文化的、宗教的 に中東のアラブ諸国の衛星国のようになる可能性もあると警告する。 It's a curious form of tolerance, conceived by a man who arrogates to himself the right to define what is and is not Islamic. Is it a harbinger for Indonesia? That will depend on whether his country seeks to remain a part of Asia, or become a satellite of the Middle East.
Line blurs on fact, fiction Politics and entertainment are turning out to be a dangerous media mix. Can they ever coexist? Published April 17, 2007
現在では、政治ネタをエンターテイメントに仕立てるショー番組が多すぎる。例えば "Late Show with David Letterman" とか "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart." あるいは "The O'Reilly Factor" や "Real Time with Bill Maher"などである。
CNNブレーキング・ニュース The gunman in Monday’s Virginia Tech campus shootings has been identified as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a student and native of South Korea, campus police chief Wendell Flinchum said. Watch live on CNN Pipeline now.
ttp:// This is an event over which it I find impossible to speculate. It dumbfounds. But I will say this: given the world population clock is currently at 6,589,371,676, it is almost miraculous that there aren't more people like this. The likes of Cho Seung-hui are, thankfully, rare indeed. この事件については、憶測さえ不可能に思える。唖然とする、としかいいようがない。 あえて言うならば、世界の人口が世界人口時計に拠れば、6,589,371,676人なので、 こういう人が出てこないという事は不可能なのであろう。 ー-------------------------------------------------------------------- 飴のブログで話題になっている事のひとつは、犯人が腕に赤インクで"Ismail Ax" と 書いていたと報道されたことについての解釈。
>>413 The name Ishmael has come to symbolize orphans, exiles, and social outcasts― in the opening paragraph of Moby-Dick, Ishmael tells the reader that he has turned to the sea out of a feeling of alienation from human society.
Just a thought...and he was an English major. It could have several meanings.
I am often reminded, of all things, of the story of Sleeping Beauty. Whatever am I talking about? Just this: you can burn all the spindles in the land, but you can never get them all. And rest assured, the ones that remain will fall into the hands of those eager to do evil. ttp:// こういう表現が出てくるところが、このブロガー(女性)の個性的なところ;
After making sure that nobody was left in town, Ibrahim went towards the temple armed with an ax. Statues of all shapes and sizes were sitting there adorned with decorations. Plates of food were offered to them, but the food was untouched. "Well, why don't you eat? The food is getting cold." He said to the statues, joking; then with his ax he destroyed all the statues except one, the biggest of them. He hung the ax around its neck and left. --The Koran
Ismail was Ibrahim's son. It was Ismail that Ibrahim wanted to sacrifice for Yahweh (with an ax). ・・・the relationship between Moby Dick's Ismail and an ax/e is less clear.
AOL News has obtained two plays a classmate says were written by Cho Seung-Hui. Ian MacFarlane, the former classmate and current AOL employee, provided us with the plays. A note from Mr. MacFarlane and links to the works appear below. AOLニュースはチョ・ソン・フィの以前のクラスメートのIan MacFarlane(現在AOL の社員)から、彼の創作した劇の原稿を入手した。Ian MacFarlaneのコメントは:
What happened yesterday: 昨日の事件について When I first heard about the multiple shootings at Virginia Tech yesterday, my first thought was about my friends, and my second thought was "I bet it was Seung Cho." 事件を知って、最初に考えたのはヴァージニア・テックの友人たちのことで、二番目に 考えたのは「チョ・ソン・フィがやったに違いない」ということだった。
Cho was in my playwriting class last fall, and nobody seemed to think much of him at first. He would sit by himself whenever possible, and didn't like talking to anyone. I don't think I've ever actually heard his voice before.(中略) 昨年秋に、私はチョと同じ作劇のクラスにいて、チョのことを気にする人はいなかった。 彼は何時も沈黙していて、誰とも話さなかった。(中略)
When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare. The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn't have even thought of. Before Cho got to class that day, we students were talking to each other with serious worry about whether he could be a school shooter. 作劇のクラスで、チョの作った作品を読んでみて、それは悪夢のようなものに思えた。 劇はこんがらがっていて気味の悪い暴力や武器が出てきて、それは私が考え付かない ようなものだった。その作品をクラスの学生が読んだ日には、チョが犯罪者になるの ではと学生皆が憂慮していた。(後略)
<インスタプンディット・ブログ> ttp:// April 17, 2007 AND YET THEY HAVE VERY STRICT GUN CONTROLS IN JAPAN: "Nagasaki mayor dies one day after being shot on city street." posted at 05:40 PM by Glenn Reynolds
Cho Seung-Huiは社会的に上手く適合できないところがある人のように見えて、こうした事 件の犯罪者と同じように、孤独な、しかしときに非社会的な激情の行動に出る性格がある と知人が述べている。事件がより詳しく報道されるであろう今後に、そうした事情がより 明らかにされよう。WSJは、彼を知る人たちが警告を発していたように推測する。
この惨殺事件は深い悪意を秘めている(some deeper evil at work)ように見えて、彼は チェーンで扉を固定して学生の逃亡を防ぎ、壁に並ばせた被害者を銃殺している。「3発 以下の銃弾しか受けていない被害者はいない」と医師がCNNで語っていた。これは邪悪 な(malevolent)魂と言うべきだ。
Pyongyang feels that it has once again taken the driver's seat, and is seeing just how far it can go before reaching a U.S. break point. And it is now much less trusting that a lasting deal with the Bush administration would be meaningful.
New York Daily News(RCP転載):人の狂気について リチャード・コーエン -------------------------------------------------------------------- ヴァージニアテック事件について、大変多くの評論か書かれている中で、強い印象に 残ったもので、素晴らしく上手い書き手だと思う。その主張内容に同意するか否かは ともかく、一気に読ませるだけの力が。要約しようかと思ったけれど浅学非才の身で は、下手に挑戦しても誤解を与えるだけなので慎むことに;
> Lyu Boaz, a Korean-American resident adviser, tells the paper that many Korean-American students > left the campus immediately and parents of others were preparing to take their children home. > "My parents are actually worried about retaliation against Asians," he tells the Times. > "After 9/11, a lot of Arabs were attacked for that reason."
Saudi Arabia has agreed to forgive 80 percent of the more than $15 billion that Iraq owes the kingdom, Iraqi and Saudi officials said yesterday, a major step given Saudi reluctance to provide financial assistance to the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad. サウジアラビアはサダム時代のイラク政府がサウジアラビアから借りた$15Bの80% を放棄するとした。従来はかばかしくなかった、シーア派のイラク政府へのサウジア ラビアの金融支援として、画期的なステップとなる。(後略)
They have distanced themselves from the events, describing the day as if it had little to do with them personally. It's one thing to demonstrate command of facts, but they have displayed all the personal connection with the mass murders as if describing a close loss of a football game.
ttp:// April 18, 2007 HP-361 Joint Testimony Daniel Glaser, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes Adam J. Szubin, Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control Before The Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade The Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology
I.The Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence II.General Overview of Sanctions and Their Impact III.North Korea and Iran Counter Proliferation Actions Counter Terrorism Actions Engaging the Financial Community United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1737 and 1747 II. Safeguarding the Financial System from Terrorism and WMD Proliferation Threats by Identifying and Closing Vulnerabilities Strengthening and Expanding International AML/CFT Standards Reinforcing AML/CFT Framework to Isolate WMD Proliferators and their Support Networks Taking Protective Action against Systemic Vulnerabilities >>>Case Study: Banco Delta Asia Conducting Private Sector Outreach Encouraging Multilateral Action IV. Conclusion
チョのNBCに送ったビデオの中の言葉: "You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience," he says, apparently reading from his manifesto. "You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people."
"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui says in a harsh monotone. "But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off." ttp://
・・on "NBC Nightly News," some stared grimly at the screens. Many shook their heads. Others cried.
"It's just as he planned. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and he did it."
"It's clear that he murdered 32 people in cold blood. There's not much more to it than that," Kibler said. "It's difficult to explain this to anyone, especially to students who are trying to return to their studies." (AP通信) ttp://
NASHVILLE ? In a surprise move, a House panel voted today to repeal a state law that forbids the carrying of handguns on property and buildings owned by state, county and city governments ? including parks and playgrounds. テネシー州の議会パネルは、州や市、町の所有する公共施設への、個人の銃の携行を 禁止した法律を廃棄すべく投票した。公園や遊園施設も含まれる。
"I think the recent Virginia disaster ? or catastrophe or nightmare or whatever you want to call it ? has woken up a lot of people to the need for having guns available to law-abiding citizens," said Rep. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains. "I hope that is what this vote reflects." Frank Niceley議員は「これは、ヴァーニアテック事件の影響と思う。多くの人が自衛 の為の銃の必要性を感じていることを反映していると思う」
“This is definitely a bubble in the making ? for most stocks, positive earnings growth has been priced in until 2009,” said Steven Sun, HSBC equities analyst. “At the height of the last bubble [2000-01], we saw investors opening 2m accounts a month, which is half the current rate.” HSBCのアナリストSteven Sunは「これは間違いなくバブルが起こっているという事 で、殆どの株が利益水準を2009年まで織り込んでしまっている。2000年のバブルでは、 投資家が1ヶ月に200万の株式口座を開設していた。それは今の半分の割合に過ぎない」
“Any money getting into the market now is not smart money and is coming from the kind of people who can least afford to lose it,” said Fraser Howie, author of a book on the Chinese stock markets. “That has to have the government worried about social stability.” 「今の時点でマーケットに入ってくる金は、スマート・マネーではなく、損をするような 事を考えていない素人のものだ」と中国株投資の本の著者であるFraser Howieがいう。 「この問題は、中国政府が社会の安定性の観点から考慮すべき類のものだ」 (中略) “We expect the government to come out with more measures to cool the market soon,” said Jing Ulrich, JPMorgan chairman of China equities. JPモーガン中国の株式担当議長、Jing Ulrichは「中国政府がまもなく、市場の冷却化に 乗り出してくることと思う」と述べている。
What is less certain is whether Mr Abe will achieve his wider goals with the reform. Japan's politicians, increasingly concerned about Japan's future as a manufacturing economy and Tokyo's future as a financial centre, are keen to boost banking. But given the inexorable rise of China and the head start enjoyed by Hong Kong and Singapore, Japan may struggle to create an internationally competitive financial services industry. Banking deregulation, however, is a sensible step in that direction.
To that end, the IAEA note said, agency inspectors visited the plant on April 15-16 and learned that 1,312 centrifuges, divided into eight cascades, or fuel -cycle networks, were operational and "some" uranium was being fed into them.
Iran has doubled the number of centrifuges in Natanz in the past two months and aims to have 3,000 running by end of May. That could be enough to refine uranium for one bomb within a year(ry ・・・ Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation chief has suggested it could take 2 to 4 years to reach the goal of 50,000 centrifuges. (ロイター、19日)
This is not to say Russia cannot revamp its military or build many of its planned energy projects, but this would take decades and a lot of cash.
Still, Russia's years of ignoring the Far East are coming to an end. Moscow now sees a small window in which to regain influence, and its first target is North Korea -- which currently acts as a pivot around which the large regional powers rotate. If Moscow can gain a stronger foothold in Pyongyang, it can attain increased leverage and undercut the other large powers. This will allow Russia to overcome the first obstacle to executing its grand strategy for the East.
会社の規模は The company which owns fast fund USD6,000,000,with 457employees, and covers 110.000 square meters.Tianjin port is to north,Qingdao port and Dongying port are to the east. ttp://
Super-rich population surges in 2006: survey The number of U.S. households with a net worth of more than $5 million, excluding their primary residence, surged 23 percent to surpass one million for the first time in 2006, according to a survey released on Tuesday. The survey by Chicago-based Spectrem Group found that the number of U.S. households with more than $5 million rose from 930,000 in 2005. In 1996, there were only 250,000 U.S. households in the "ultra-rich" category, Spectrem said. 自分の家を除いた自己資産が6億円以上のアメリカ家族が、100万家庭を超えた。1年で23%も増えたそうだ。 1996年には25万家庭しかなかった。
"The past few years have been nothing but astounding for wealthy Americans," said Catherine McBreen, managing director of Spectrem, a consulting group that researches the affluent and retirement markets. この数年の伸びはすごいらしいと関係者が語る。
McBreen said the surge in household growth is underpinned by economic growth in recent years, which has fueled both stock market gains and also the market for private companies. She also ascribed gains to rising real estate valuations and favorable tax policies. この伸びの理由については株式市場の伸び及び非上場企業の業績の伸びだそうだ。そして、不動産価値の 上昇及び経済的に良い結果を招いている税制だ。
"The wealthiest households are the business owners," said McBreen. She also said broader ownership of stocks has helped overall household wealth. ビジネスオーナーが一番の金持ちだと。一般的に株を持つ事が広まったことも、持つ資産が増えた事に結びついている。
The survey found that U.S. households that are merely wealthy, defined as having assets of more than $500,000 excluding primary residence, rose 9 percent to 15.3 million in 2006 from the year before. 6000万円以上の資産を持つ人の数も1530万人と9%増えている。
今日のアジア市場のスナップショット、ちょっと荒れ模様 All Ordinaries 6,148.30 2:11AM ET Down 66.70 (1.07%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 3,449.02 3:00AM ET Down 163.38 (4.52%)↓上海 Hang Seng 20,329.64 3:56AM ET Down 447.45 (2.15%)↓香港 BSE 30 13,555.81 4:56AM ET Down 116.38 (0.85%)↓インド Jakarta Composite 1,913.13 4:56AM ET Down 46.55 (2.38%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,328.63 Apr 18Down 1.63 (0.12%) Nikkei 225 17,371.97 3:00AM ET Down 295.36 (1.67%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,180.64 1:33AM ET Down 12.92 (0.31%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 3,304.40 4:56AM ET Down 96.01 (2.82%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,513.66 2:02AM ET Down 20.92 (1.36%)↓韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,888.63 1:46AM ET Down 114.68 (1.43%)↓台湾 ttp://
ttp:// Obama on Virginia Tech, Violence in Society By Barack Obama ------------------------------------------------------------------------ オバマのミルウォーキーで行なったスピーチで、当日の午前中に起こったヴァージニア テック事件に触れ、社会と暴力について語っている。個人的には感心できない。たいへ ん表面的なものに終わっている悪寒;(ただし、受け取り方は聞く人に依存しようが)
The North Koreans "want access to their money, and would rather not withdraw it (as cash) in wheelbarrows in front of a gaggle of South Korean and Japanese press now staking out BDA," one senior U.S. official told Reuters.
>>469 この高官が誰かわからないけど、 withdraw it (as cash) in wheelbarrows in front of a gaggle of South Korean and Japanese press・・ というのは傑作な台詞で、日本と韓国のメディアに対する嘲笑がこめられているように 思える。
This was the main focus of six meetings that the White House's top Asia expert, Victor Cha, had with North Korean negotiator Kim Gae Gwan when Cha was in Pyongyang for three and a half days recently.
Slateのミッキー・カウスのメディア評論は、このディベートに触れて: ttp:// Brian Williams or Don Imus? Who did more damage? It's not even close. By Mickey Kaus Updated Thursday, April 19, 2007, at 7:26 PM ET
Isn't Michael Ledeen right--NBC shouldn't have shown that video. It seems less like an "ethical challenge" than a no-brainer. Why encourage other potential Cho's to try for a similar publicity bonanza? (ry
P.S.: Who did more damage, Brian Williams or Don Imus? That seems like a no -brainer too. ... Backfill: See also Stephen Spruiell. ... Update: Virginia state police superintendent is "disappointed in the editorial decision," according to a Reuters site that also displays the video (which is why I don't feel like linking to it.) ... See also bloggingheads' discussion. ... More: L.A. cop Jack Dunphy: ・・・ If NBC hadn't run the video, future mass murderers might send their ratings -boosters to CBS. (I'm not saying NBC execs consciously made this calculation, but it's built into the standard reporter-source algorithm that if you give sources what they want, more will come. And it's true.) ...
The recent CRS report suggests the area under opium cultivation may be at least 3,000-4,000 hectares. The CRS report also states that North Korea's "maximum methamphetamine production capacity is estimated to be 10-15 tons of the highest -quality product for export". 北朝鮮の麻薬栽培は3000-4000ヘクタールの規模。覚せい剤は10-15トン製造可能。
without doubt Japan, which does not have a huge population of heroin users, but where the abuse of amphetamines and methamphetamines has been widespread since the end of World War II. The country has an estimated 600,000 amphetamine and methamphetamine addicts and 2.18 million casual users. 日本国内の覚せい剤利用者は218万人、覚せい剤中毒の人が60万人。
The North Koreans would have been blamed for bringing in that shipment. Clearly, Pyongyang wanted to make it known that it was firm on the issue of drugs and that any traffickers were actually Chinese or Japanese. 麻薬や覚せい剤は北朝鮮製であるが、その運び屋は、中国人と日本人である。
FDAはメラミンが何の目的で添加されたかには言及していない。しかしカンサス大学の Ron Madlは、グルテンの蛋白質を測定する場合、その窒素の含有量を調べるのが一般的で あるという。そのため窒素の含有量の多いメラミンを添加すると、蛋白質量の測定で高い 値を得ることが(誤って)できるだろうという。
アメリカ国内のペットフード会社は先に行なわれた米蛋白質のリコールに関連してBlue Buffalo Co.、Natural Balance Pet Foods、Diamond Pet Foodsなどが製品のチェックや リコールを始めている。南アフリカではRoyal Canin pet foodが中国から輸入した原料の メラミン汚染を確認している。
>479 ttp:// A lawmaker said Wednesday the Chinese have refused to grant visas to FDA inspectors seeking to visit the plants where the ingredients were made. An FDA spokesman later said the visas were not refused but that the agency had not received the necessary invitation letter to get visas. "It troubles me greatly the Chinese are making it more difficult to understand what led to this pet food crisis," Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told The Associated Press after meeting with the FDA commissioner, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach. A message left Wednesday with the Chinese Embassy in Washington was not immediately returned.
大学関係者の舌過をさける、慎重すぎる記者会見の言葉使いについて: ・・・bearded people who were educated in softness. Cho was "troubled"; he clearly had "issues"; it would have been good if someone had "reached out"; it's too bad America doesn't have better "support services." They don't use direct, clear words, because if they're blunt, they're implicated.
おきまりの、定型的な、無難な台詞をいう人たちは、冷酷と言うべきなのではないか? I wondered about the emptiness of the phrases used by the media and by political figures, and how pro forma and lifeless and cold they are. The formalized language of loss hasn't kept up with the number of tragedies. "A nation mourns." "Our prayers are with you." The latter is both self-complimenting and of dubious believability. Did you really pray? Or is it just a phrase?
And this as opposed to the honest things normal people say: "Oh no." "I am so sorry." "I'm sad." "It's horrible."(後略)
>483 おさえて書いてはいるけれど、このPEGGY NOONANの評論に強く流れているのは怒りと悲し みであって、それを誤魔化すようなメディアの言辞は許しがたい、といいたそうな。同じ 理由でPEGGY NOONANはNBCのチョ製作のビデオの放映を非難する。 But it can be described in other ways. "The self-serving meanderings of a crazy, self-indulgent narcissist" is one. PEGGY NOONANはは、こうした人に大きなショックを与えるような事柄を述べるにあたって 直接的な、明確な物言いを避けるばかりのセラフィー・カルチャーにフラストレーション を示しているような。
Excerpts from Politburo materials indicate that the head of the Committee for State Security (KGB), Yury Andropov, facilitated contacts between the KGB and the Arab terrorists, who sought assistance for terrorist attacks on oil fields in order to keep energy prices high.[5] The general resolution was that the Soviet Union should support the Arab terrorists in this battle.[6]
Yet one of the Soviet leadership's biggest blunders was to spend a significant amount of additional oil revenues to start the war in Afghanistan. The war radically changed the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. In 1974, Saudi Arabia decided to impose an embargo on oil supplies to the United States. But in 1979 the Saudis became interested in American protection because they understood that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a first step toward--or at least an attempt to gain--control over the Middle Eastern oil fields.
The timeline of the collapse of the Soviet Union can be traced to September 13, 1985. On this date, Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, the minister of oil of Saudi Arabia, declared that the monarchy had decided to alter its oil policy radically. The Saudis stopped protecting oil prices, and Saudi Arabia quickly regained its share in the world market. During the next six months, oil production in Saudi Arabia increased fourfold, while oil prices collapsed by approximately the same amount in real terms. ・・・ ・・・ What lessons can we learn from the Soviet collapse and apply to the current situation in Russia? First, we must remember that Russia today is an oil-dependent economy. No one can accurately predict the fluctuations of oil prices.
One more lesson that is relevant for Russian politics today is that authoritarian regimes, although displaying a facade of strength, are fragile in crisis. In conditions of relative stability, society is prepared to tolerate the lack of real elections.
The events at Virginia Tech were truly terrible. We grieve for the students, their friends and families. We don't know what forces drove the troubled student Cho Seung Hui, but we should not allow ourselves to fall into the trap of self-condemnation.
After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963, many pundits asked plaintively "What has become of America?" The outpouring of "We are all guilty" that followed was uncalled for and counter-productive. After 9/11, some opinion-shapers said, "Why do they hate us so?"
These events have counterparts in modern history, events that are often more intense, with greater ferocity and much worse results. America is no longer a six-gun-toting, slap-leather society. Nor are we particularly violent. Since the civil war we have not afflicted great violence on other Americans. Nor is our crime rate particularly high as ranked among the countries of the world.
Most of our states now have "Right to Carry" laws that lower violent crime rather than raising it. As John Lott has pointed out in More Guns, Less Crime, criminals are afraid of their own injury by a not-so-helpless victim. And so, perhaps counter-intuitively, after these horrific events, there is not much we can or should do. We are doing fine.
KCNAは北朝鮮のIAEA代表Ri Je Son、がIAEAに対して、BDA口座資金の 凍結解除が確認されればIAEA査察官の招聘を行なうと述べたと報じた。 North Korea is ready to invite the IAEA, "the moment the actual defreezing of the frozen fund in the bank has been confirmed," Ri said,
日本で発行されるプロ北朝鮮の朝鮮新報は社説で「アメリカが北朝鮮を国際金融システ ムから排除する金融制裁を解除していれば、既に核廃棄の実施段階に入っていたはずで ある」としている。 A newspaper linked to the North Korean government, the Japan-based Choson Sinbo, said in an editorial that the disarmament accord "would already have entered into an implementation stage" if the U.S. had lifted sanctions that prevent North's participation in the international financial system.
But after spending all of 2005 and some of 2006 traveling through China -- visiting not just her teeming cities but her innermost recesses, where few Westerners go, and speaking with scores of dissidents, Communist Party officials, and everyday people -- my belief that the 21st century will not belong to the Chinese has only been reinforced (メディアには中国のスーパーパワーとしての台頭が報じられているのだが)2005年の 全部と、一部2006年を中国国内旅行に費やし、西欧人の滅多に訪れない内陸部にも足を 運んで、共産党の党員や反体制の人たちや普通の生活を営む人たちと話してみて、私の 個人的観測を言えば、21世紀は中国のものではない。
しかし、そのマイノリティは10億人に達する。そのマイノリティが新しい中国(の成 長)に組み込まれる保証は全く無い。共産党幹部が豊かになっても彼らが貧困のまま取 り残されてきたのだから、今後ともそうあり続ける事はあり得る話である。中国の学 者は私の判断の、基本的な前提を批判して「貴方は貴方の指摘した問題を、共産党が 解決する能力は信用できないというわけですね?」と述べた。その通りである。私は 信用していない。 (Mr. Sorman is the author of "The Year of the Rooster," Fayard (2006). This article was adapted from the spring issue of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal.)
A child in Nazi-allied Romania during World War II, Librescu was deported along with his family to a labor camp in Transnistria and then to a central ghetto in the city of Focsani, his son said.
Librescu worked as an engineer at Romania's aerospace agency under the postwar Communist government, his son recounted, but his career was stymied in the 1970s because he refused to swear allegiance to the regime. He was later fired when he requested permission to move to Israel. ----------------------------------------------- Librescu教授がテルアビブ大学で過ごしたのは6年間だけらしいけれど、ルーマニアから の出国を支援したイスラエル政府に感謝しており、最後に眠る土地にイスラエルを選んだ ような。ユダヤ人の考え方を推し量るのは難しいけれど民族的つながりの強さには何時も 驚かされる。
>502-503ダニエル・ドレズナーのブログから ttp:// by Dan on 04.18.07 at 09:00 AM Article after article pores over the potential economic reasons for the increase in income inequality in China. We ignore the fact that of the 3,220 Chinese citizens with a personal wealth of 100 million yuan ($13 million) or more, 2, 932 are children of high-level cadres. Of the key positions in the five industrial sectors?finance, foreign trade, land development, large-scale engineering and securities?85% to 90% are held by children of high-level cadres.
So the original question was whether we should be offended that he mixed the murderous violence of the day with other things, like the "verbal violence" of the dreaded Don Imus. But a better question, I think, is why does Barack Obama have a reputation as a good speaker?
Samsung Economic Research Institute ・・・The research institute is not the first to warn of the increasing household debt. Last month, the central bank, which posted the household debt at 671.1 trillion won as of the end of 2006, up nearly 70 trillion won from a year ago, said the household credit risk is on the rise, the same conclusion drawn by the private institute.
According the central bank's report on household debt, the amount of loans secured by properties amounted to 270 trillion won. With properties accounting for more than 70 percent of the household assets, a sudden deep cut in property prices will have a destructive impact not just on households but on the entire economy of the nation.
The administration will have to walk a tightrope, keeping a balance between its efforts to tame what it regards as speculation in property, and preventing a financial crisis from developing as a consequence of a sudden fall in property prices or a sudden increase in interest rates of household loans. A blind crusade against speculation may spell financial disaster.