What impact will Abe's sex slave 'coercion' remarks have? Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said there is no evidence that women were forced to become sex slaves by the Japanese army during World War II. Historians believe at least 200,000 young women were forced to serve in the Japanese army's brothels during World War II. A large number of the victims - who were known as comfort women - were Korean, but they also included Chinese, Philippine and Indonesian women. Japan has acknowledged that the imperial army set up and ran brothels for its troops during the war, but some Japanese politicians have questioned the extent of the country's wartime atrocities. How will Abe's remarks be received in Asia? Will they damage Japan's relations with its neighbours? Send us your views. Published: Friday, 2 March, 2007, 13:19 GMT 13:19 UK http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=5711&edition=2&ttl=20070302132025 現在、朝鮮人と中国人のタカリで日本勢押され気味。応援求む
Korean Lies Created “Comfort Women” Many of you believe there were 200,000 comfort women enslaved by the Japanese Army. But there is a simple fact. The number of Japanese expeditionary force at the Chinese front at its peak time has only half a million. How can half a million force feed 200,000 non-combatants? Most of the 200,000 “comfort women” were working women mobilized for production of ammunition and weapons as many of the western women did at the wartime. They have nothing to do with any sex-relationship with the Japanese soldiers.
The so-called comfort women were prostitutes sold by their parents to Korean pimps who were the masters of brothels furnishing the girls of the same race to the foreign Army forces for money. Yes, there were women “forced” to become prostitutes but they were “forced” by their parents and pimps for return of money.
No intelligent people will understand why western people easily believe what they were told without first making any investigation in historical facts. One of the former Korean comfort women told at the U.S. Congress that she was first enslaved in 1944 and continued to be a comfort woman for three years! There was no Japanese Army in Sept. 1945.
Everyone, and it is good and teach "Evidence" other than "Testimony", please. There is no law on the earth needing if the crime is fixed only by "Testimony". (誰でもいいですから「証言」以外の「証拠」を教えてください。 ) (「証言」のみで罪が確定するなら、地球上に法律は必要ありませんよ。)
@ 「日本が国策として売春を強制した」という証拠は、被害者(自称)の証言以外には「一切」提示されていない A 一方で、「カネのために 親に身売りされる or 自発的に 売春婦になった」という実例が当時数多く存在する B ちなみに、「自分から望んでカネのために売春婦になる」女性は、時代・国を問わず、現代でも数多く存在する C さらに当時は、「公娼制度」 ──つまり現在と違い、「売春が職として公認」されていた時代だった D 事実、当時は「女衒」と呼ばれる売春業の仲介業者が朝鮮半島でも「公然と」存在していた E また戦時中は売春嬢の需要は高く、「売春婦は高給取り」であった F そして、当時は日本を含めアジア全体が貧しかった
T 従軍慰安婦という言葉を作ったのは韓国人ではなく日本人、千田夏光氏 U 曰く、「挺身隊として動員された朝鮮人女性20万人のうち5〜7万人が慰安婦にさせられた」 V 「挺身隊」とは? → 軍需工場などへ勤労動員された者 しかし、挺身隊員で慰安婦になれと強制された例は「一つも」確認されていない W 吉田清治氏(第2の従軍慰安婦宣伝者)曰く、「私は韓国済州島で慰安婦にするための女性狩りを度々行った」 X 吉田証言に対して当時の「現地の新聞」 → 「吉田証言に該当する事実はない」 Y さらに日本政府の調査による「公式発表」 → 「強制連行は確認されていない」 「挺身隊が慰安婦にされた例も確認されていない」 Z しかし、前出の裏付けの無い「証言」を、朝日新聞が大々的に「事実」として報道 [ お墨付きをもらった韓国側は、「賠償は求めないから強制性を認めてくれ」と要請 それを河野洋平氏が、おそらくは「日韓友好」というお題目に酔って受諾。結果は見ての通り