>>1 お疲れさまです。良テンプレ乙です
http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/army/1394036136/661 http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/army/1394036136/662 の翻訳(仮)です。General Jim-sanは非常に忙しい方なので、1レスで内容を把握できるように、
Good evening, Sir!
Sir General Jim, The army board at toro server is under operation "bbs-force-id-Evaluation" Sir!
Under supervision by Test and Evaluation Command (TEC) crew, the operation is expected to run till 2014/April/18, Sir!
Voting for approval and status change of bbs-force-id from 'experement' to 'approved' is to be held at 2014/April/18 to 2014/April/25 Sir!
Vote is to be casted between "Forced-ID" OR "Opt-in-ID" , this is a army board attempt to resolve the matter,
and we would like approval for performing the vote, sir!
We request support from Command and controll center for
BBS_NONAME_NAME=名無し三等兵@ID設定投票日4/19-25自治スレ (John-Doe@ID-evaluation-voting-will-be-performed-during-19th-to-25th-at-board-policy-thread )
to notify all personel in the army board, Sir!
Operation will be commenced, following support form the C2, Hurrah!