
2名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 10:11 ID:c7Q8sKvB
3名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 10:41 ID:BeGFroZ7
4名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 10:48 ID:???
5名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 10:54 ID:???
         ヘ へ    
        :| / /     
  ∧∧,..,.. ;'、., : 、
 ;'゚Д゚、、:、.: : ;:'
 '、;: ...: ,:. :.、.: '  

6名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 16:39 ID:???
( ^ε^ ☆)
7名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 21:19 ID:P51JUBt9

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ゚Д゚) < ぼく知らないよー!  
 ┳⊂ )   \________
[[[[|凵ノ⊃ ≡3 ≡3 ≡3 ≡3
8名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 21:22 ID:???
9名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 22:39 ID:???
( ゚ Д゚)
10名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 22:40 ID:???
( ゚ Д゚)
11名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/04 22:41 ID:???
( ゚ Д゚)

12山崎渉:03/01/04 23:49 ID:???

       ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄
     ∧ ∧                      ∧ ∧
    (  ^^ )          _(::゚:)_          (  ^^ )
    ./ つ つ        (__)         ⊂ ⊂ヽ
 〜(_⌒ヽ         (  ^^ )         /⌒_)〜
    .)ノ `J≡≡≡(´⌒; [二二二二] ;⌒´)≡≡≡し´ヽ(
        (´⌒(´⌒;;    | .○ |   ;;⌒´)⌒´)
   ズザーーーーッ.        ̄ ̄ ̄      ズザザーーーーッ
13山崎渉:03/01/05 02:21 ID:???
14山崎渉:03/01/05 12:19 ID:???
   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ^^ )< これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  (    )  \________________
  | | |
  (__)_)                        山崎モナー
15山崎渉:03/01/05 12:43 ID:???
16名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/05 20:10 ID:???
17 ◆3X1b8VAs/E :03/01/05 21:11 ID:???
18 ◆yGAhoNiShI :03/01/05 21:12 ID:???
19名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 14:53 ID:???
             ∧_∧            / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                    (´Д`* )   ───  < 先生、最近小人が見えるんです
               ヽ   \ │    │ \_________
  (((@)))             | ヽ  ヽ│    │
│(  ;´Д`)            | .| |  ヽ    │
│ ヽ ノ ⊃             | : |   ヽ    │
│(⊃ : ノ            | ,| 丿    ノ─
│ ヽ─  ヽ ⊃            (_(゚(    ノ   ノ
 ───ヽ__)             ヽ  ヽ ───
  ││                  ヽ  ヽ ││
 ⊂_⊃                ⊂ ⊂  ⊂_⊃ 
20名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 14:54 ID:???
             ∧_∧            / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                   (´Д`* )   ───  < 私はあほですか?
               ヽ   \ │    │ \_________
  (((@)))             | ヽ  ヽ│    │
│(  ;´Д`)            | .| |  ヽ    │
│ ヽ ノ ⊃             | : |   ヽ    │
│(⊃ : ノ            | ,| 丿    ノ─
│ ヽ─  ヽ ⊃            (_(゚(    ノ   ノ
 ───ヽ__)             ヽ  ヽ ───
  ││                  ヽ  ヽ ││
 ⊂_⊃                ⊂ ⊂  ⊂_⊃ 
21名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/06 17:08 ID:???
.    _     __
   └┤・ ・└|┘       ___
    ロ‐┼┐ ┌┼────┼┐  │  
.  └‐┼┘ ││        └┼─┘
      ̄ ̄ | ̄          |
       ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐┌┐
       ││││ ││││
       └┘└┘ └┘└┘
22 ◆rI3eBGfLpo :03/01/06 21:53 ID:???
now testing
23 ◆J.Uy8bIuYc :03/01/06 21:54 ID:???
24名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 16:21 ID:???
25名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 18:52 ID:???
         < `ш´> 
      /旦/三/ /|
    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
    | RR降臨 |/
26名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/07 18:54 ID:???
         < `ш´> 
      /旦/三/ /|
    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
    | RR降臨 |/
27名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 04:12 ID:???
28名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 04:19 ID:???
29名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 04:30 ID:???
30名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 04:35 ID:???
31名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 04:45 ID:???
32名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 04:52 ID:???
33名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 18:43 ID:???
34名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 18:52 ID:???
35名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/09 19:10 ID:???
36ばんつ:03/01/09 19:31 ID:???
ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー
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37ばんつ:03/01/09 19:45 ID:???
ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー
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38ばんつ:03/01/09 20:04 ID:???
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39ばんつ:03/01/09 20:33 ID:???
ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー ばんつ様マンセー
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40ばんつ:03/01/09 21:04 ID:???
41名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/11 01:36 ID:???
42名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/11 09:56 ID:???

    ♪   ∧_∧ ♪     ♪    ∧_∧
(´━`)    (*゚Д゚*)   (´━`)   (▼∀▼) 
ノ( |∞)L  ノ(.明.)L  ノ( |∞)L   ノ( 偽)L   
‐ノ┘     ‐ノ┘     ‐ノ┘      ‐ノ┘

43名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/11 19:56 ID:???
44lo;すて:03/01/11 22:52 ID:???
45&loすて:03/01/11 22:53 ID:???
46すて:03/01/11 22:54 ID:???
47 ◆S79NiRVANA :03/01/12 04:26 ID:???
48名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/12 04:57 ID:???
49名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/12 20:35 ID:???
   '´    ヽ  て
  | ノノノノノノ  す
  ノ リ ゚ー゚ノl  と
 く  とlj_,Yjlつ だ
  ゙⊂くんl,ゝ  よ
     l_ノ   ん
50名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/13 12:40 ID:???

 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧∧ ∧∧  ∧∧  ∧∧ ∧∧  ∧∧  ∧ ∧
 ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚) ( ゚Д゚)
 (⊃\.,(⊃ \ (⊃\ (⊃\ (⊃\(⊃\.(⊃ \ .(⊃\ (⊃\⊃
  \  )\  ). \  ) \  ) \  ) \  ).\  ) \  ) \  )〜
  く く  く く  く く  く く  く く  く く  く く   く く  く く

51名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/13 18:22 ID:???
 _ _ ∬  
( ・∀・)旦
52名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/13 18:22 ID:???
 _  _ ∬  
( ・∀・)旦
53名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/14 13:39 ID:???
54名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/15 01:02 ID:???
     _    |
   '´    ヽ  |
  | ノノノノノノ  |
  ノ リ ゚ー゚ノl  |
 く  とlj_,Yjlつ |
  ゙⊂くんl,ゝ  |
     l_ノ    |
55U-名無しさん:03/01/16 00:01 ID:???
    ○  ○
   | ̄  ̄|
    |  |
    ̄     ̄ 
56名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/16 17:39 ID:???
ΣΞ( ゚∋゚)ΞΖ
^ ^
57名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/16 17:40 ID:???
ΣΣ( ゚∋゚)ΖΖ
  ^ ^
58名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/17 21:36 ID:???
ΣΣ( ゚∋゚)ΖΖ
  ^  ^
59名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 :03/01/19 11:57 ID:???

  ノノノハハヽ ほら、のんちゃん支度して
  /  ∋oノハヽo∈
  |〕二つヾ( ´D`)  は〜い
       (つ つ
60名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/20 13:49 ID:???

   _            _
   ( \          ( \
   \  \         \  \
    \_)          \_)
 ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)     ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)
   ̄ ̄ ̄/ /       ̄ ̄ ̄/ /
     / /           / /
    /  (           /  (
  /  へ \         /  へ \
 / /  \ \__  / /  \ \__
(_/     \__)(_/     \__)
                         _ _    _
      ____         _        |  | |  |  / /
     |  |    _   / /    | ̄| |_| |_| / /
 __|  |__ \\  |  |  __|  |__   ./ /
(__  __ \  \\ |  (__  __)  / /
    |  |    |  |   ̄|  |     |  |     / / ___     _
    |  |   |  |    |  |     |  |     /   ̄ ヽ    |  | ___
   /  |   |  |    |  |     |  |    / / ̄\ \   |  |(___)
  /  /   / /    |  |     |  |   / /     |  |   |  |     
 /  /  _/  /     |  \    |  |   / /      |  |___|  | ___
(_/  (____ /      \_)   |_|   (__/      \___)_|(___)
__     .__       ._           
| |    _| |_ __    |  | _| ̄|_  _| ̄|
| |   (_ _ )\\  .|  |(_  _,) (    ) _
| |    / / __  \\.|  |  .|  |    ̄|  |/  |
| |    /__/ | |_   ̄|  | .. |  |_   /  /| |
| \_/ )/   _)  .|  |/    _) /   |  | ヽ_
\__/( ○ /    .|_|( ○ /    ̄|  |  \___)
       ̄ ̄ ̄       ̄ ̄ ̄      ̄

61名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/20 18:21 ID:???

          ' ` ' `
62名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/20 18:21 ID:???
          ' ` ' `
63名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/20 22:18 ID:???
        / ...:::::|            /  ::::|     
       i       ̄ ̄⌒゙゙^――/    ::::::::|    
      /_,,___       . _,,,,__,_     :::::::::::\         ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ∧∧∧∧
      /   ゙^\ヽ..  , /゙   ¨\,.-z   ::::::::::\      /  
      「 キャン   | 》  l|  ディ    ゙》 ミ..   .::::::\    <  わたしはっ わたしはぁぁーっ
     /i,.      .,ノ .l|  《       ..|´_ilト    ::::::::::\   \   わたしは キャンディーぃぃぃぃぃ♪♪♪
    / \___,,,,,_/ .'″  ^=u,,,,_ v/..       :::::::::::::l!    \  
    |  /  ,,____ _,/ ̄ \ \      ノ (  ::::::::::|      ∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨
    |  |.. | /└└└└\../\  \    '~ヽ ::::::::::::::}   
    |   .∨.|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|         ::::::::::{   
     |    |.|llllllllllll;/⌒/⌒  〕          :::::::::::}   
     .|   |.|llll|    |     .∧〔   /    :::::::::::::/   
    / }.∧lll    |    ../ /  /   :::::::::::::::::\
   /   /| \┌┌┌┌┌/./ /:::      :::::::::::::::::\
      ( ゙゙^^¨^¨゙゙¨  ̄ ̄ ̄ /:::::::::::         ::::::::::\
64名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/20 22:19 ID:???
        / ...:::::|            /  ::::|     
       i       ̄ ̄⌒゙゙^――/    ::::::::|    
      /_,,___       . _,,,,__,_     :::::::::::\         ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ∧∧∧∧
      /   ゙^\ヽ..  , /゙   ¨\,.-z   ::::::::::\      /  
      「 キャン   | 》  l|  ディ    ゙》 ミ..   .::::::\    <  わたしはっ わたしはぁぁーっ
     /i,.      .,ノ .l|  《       ..|´_ilト    ::::::::::\   \   わたしは キャンディーぃぃぃぃぃ♪♪♪
    / \___,,,,,_/ .'″  ^=u,,,,_ v/..       :::::::::::::l!    \  
    |  /  ,,____ _,/ ̄ \ \      ノ (  ::::::::::|      ∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨
    |  |.. | /└└└└\../\  \    '~ヽ ::::::::::::::}   
    |   .∨.|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|         ::::::::::{   
     |    |.|llllllllllll;/⌒/⌒  〕    .|     :::::::::::}   
     .|   |.|llll|    |     .∧〔   /    :::::::::::::/   
    / }.∧lll    |    ../ /  /   :::::::::::::::::\
   /   /| \┌┌┌┌┌/./ /:::      :::::::::::::::::\
      ( ゙゙^^¨^¨゙゙¨  ̄ ̄ ̄ /:::::::::::         ::::::::::\

65名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/20 22:19 ID:???
        / ...:::::|            /  ::::|     
       i       ̄ ̄⌒゙゙^――/    ::::::::|    
      /_,,___       . _,,,,__,_     :::::::::::\         ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ∧∧∧∧
      /   ゙^\ヽ..  , /゙   ¨\,.-z   ::::::::::\      /  
      「 キャン   | 》  l|  ディ    ゙》 ミ..   .::::::\    <  わたしはっ わたしはぁぁーっ
     /i,.      .,ノ .l|  《       ..|´_ilト    ::::::::::\   \   わたしは キャンディーぃぃぃぃぃ♪♪♪
    / \___,,,,,_/ .'″  ^=u,,,,_ v/..       :::::::::::::l!    \  
    |  /  ,,____ _,/ ̄ \ \      ノ (  ::::::::::|      ∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨
    |  |.. | /└└└└\../\  \    '~ヽ ::::::::::::::}   
    |   .∨.|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|         ::::::::::{   
     |    |.|llllllllllll;/⌒/⌒   〕   .|     :::::::::::}   
     .|   |.|llll|    |     .∧〔   /    :::::::::::::/   
    / }.∧lll    |    ../ /  /   :::::::::::::::::\
   /   /| \┌┌┌┌┌/./ /:::      :::::::::::::::::\
      ( ゙゙^^¨^¨゙゙¨  ̄ ̄ ̄ /:::::::::::         ::::::::::\
66名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/20 22:20 ID:???
        / ...:::::|            /  ::::|     
       i       ̄ ̄⌒゙゙^――/    ::::::::|    
      /_,,___       . _,,,,__,_     :::::::::::\         ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ∧∧∧∧
      /   ゙^\ヽ..  , /゙   ¨\,.-z   ::::::::::\      /  
      「 キャン   | 》  l|  ディ    ゙》 ミ..   .::::::\    <  わたしはっ わたしはぁぁーっ
     /i,.      .,ノ .l|  《       ..|´_ilト    ::::::::::\   \   わたしは キャンディーぃぃぃぃぃ♪♪♪
    / \___,,,,,_/ .'″  ^=u,,,,_ v/..       :::::::::::::l!    \  
    |  /  ,,____ _,/ ̄ \ \      ノ (  ::::::::::|      ∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨
    |  |.. | /└└└└\../\  \    '~ヽ ::::::::::::::}   
    |   .∨.|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll          ::::::::::{   
     |    |.|llllllllllll;/⌒/⌒    〕   .|     :::::::::::}   
     .|   |.|llll|    |     .∧〔   /    :::::::::::::/   
    / }.∧lll    |    ../ /  /   :::::::::::::::::\
   /   /| \┌┌┌┌┌/./ /:::      :::::::::::::::::\
      ( ゙゙^^¨^¨゙゙¨  ̄ ̄ ̄ /:::::::::::         ::::::::::\
67名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/21 09:54 ID:g2+jMh9W
68名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/21 11:18 ID:???
      シュッ             シュッ            シュッ
     | | | | | | |           | | | | | | |          | | | | | | |
 _______      ________アレー!  _________
 \∩ /■\キャー!|\    \   /■\   |\   \ ∩ /■\ウンコー! |\
   \( ´∀`)/  |  \   .\ ( ´∀`)∩.|  \  .\\( ´∀`)    |  \
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     . ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   .  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
69 ◆CzP1MonAwI :03/01/21 17:26 ID:???
70名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 03:27 ID:???
.  ノ/  /ゞ ゴソゴソ
  ノ ̄ゝ

   ∧_∧ /ヽ    )。*o  ッパ
    (・ω・)丿゛ ̄ ̄' ゜
.  ノ/  /         おめ!
  ノ ̄ゝ
71名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 15:47 ID:???
                \ │ /
                 / ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─( ・∀・ )< やまなしやまなし!
                 \_/   \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\∩ ∧ ∧ \( ・∀・)< やまなしやまなしやまなし!
やまなし〜〜〜!   >( ・∀・ )/ |    / \__________
________/ |    〈 |   |
              / /\_」 / /\」
               ̄     / /
72名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 15:59 ID:???
  ∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 (・∀・)< やまなししようよ♪
 ( 山 ) \_______
  | 梨|
  U U
73名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/22 16:00 ID:???
  ∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 (・∀・)< やまなししようよ♪
 ( 山. ) \_______
  | 梨 |
  U U
74山崎渉 ◆yGAhoNiShI :03/01/23 06:01 ID:???

          (^^)(^^) 山 崎 渉 通 信 vol.1 (^^;(^^;





75名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/23 19:45 ID:???

  |\∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  | <\`∀´> < 今日もヴァカをいっぱい釣るニダ〜!
  | (つ\ )   \__________
 J | | |

  ∧_∧   /|  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 < `∀´>/   | < おっ!きたきた!
 (   へつ.   |  \__________
  只(__)_) / |
       / (>> all) ピクピク
76名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/25 00:26 ID:???
77名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/25 00:29 ID:???

| |

78名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/26 17:08 ID:???


79名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/26 17:10 ID:???
80名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/26 17:13 ID:???

81名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/26 22:45 ID:???

82名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/26 23:44 ID:???
(( | ))
83test:03/01/28 00:59 ID:???


84test:03/01/28 01:01 ID:???



85山崎渉:03/01/28 15:43 ID:???
86名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/30 12:02 ID:???
87邪魔崎渉:03/01/30 20:45 ID:???
88名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 01:03 ID:???
? ? ? ? ? ?
89名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 01:13 ID:???

     /ノへゝ     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     | \´-`)ゝ  < >>10ってワンちゃん以下だね
     \__ ̄ ̄ヾ.    \_________

90名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 01:15 ID:???
 ( ??∀??)
⊂    )つ
   ,)ノ `J
91名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 04:23 ID:???

     /ノへゝ     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     | \´-`)ゝ  < nekotan
     \__ ̄ ̄ヾ.    \_________

92車輪 ◆WHEEL/7o3. :03/01/31 15:40 ID:???
             _| |_
              l_  _l
                | |
         / ________  \              
        | /     _ | |       \  |             
        | | _/   \)       | |  ミё彡       
        | | ヽヽヽ    l        | |        ミё彡 
ミё彡    | |  \。\ /      | |      ミё彡
      ミё彡    ヽl                    ミё彡
      ミё彡                ミё彡  ミё彡
    ミё彡             ミё彡_                                 
         ミё彡      ミё彡 |、 ・)
     ∧_∧              ∩ ̄ ∧∧
    ( ;∀;)   ゜。           \\(゚Д゚ )_
    / 二]つづ  ∫∧_∧∧_∧    ヽ~ У / 〉
   /__/|_|  ∫ノ ( ´∀`)ノ ハヘX〜 ∠(・>⊂V
    /∧_∧ `ノノヽ,~〈∞〉ヽ゚ノ ^∀^)〜' / / ∧\\
  (_(  ´ー`∠ ー 、〜V ⊂〔二⌒)ヽ  ⊂⊃  ⊂⊃                           ∧_∧ サラたんケコーンオメデトウ・・・
   /二]つ´゚ノ   |_∧__| ノ ノ~ ⌒ノ⌒ノ                                 (@д@ )    ・・・・・・。
   |__/|_|   _ l // ,| | | ノ ノ ノ ノ   /§∧                            .(  つつ
    〉_〉_〉   _l_ | | | | | |ノノ ノ  ノθ  (ー゚* )                            ( ̄__)__)
   (__)_)  |  ( ̄ )( ̄ ) ノ ノθ    ⊂⊂~〉∩∩          ∞    ∞
  ∩_∩    | ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~~~l ̄l      /~~(∇` )        /^ /ノメリノXヽ
  ( ´ー`)  | ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄l ̄l    l_____゚ヽ~~~)        | ,ルリ ‘−‘)リ 
  /ニ]つづ| ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄|    UUノ___\        リ (つ ∞ つ  ・・・・・・。
  |_/|_| | ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄|       (__))           |  Y |  
  | | | | ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄|                 ...(__)_) 
93名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 16:16 ID:???
94名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:06 ID:???
         ヘ へ    
        :| / /     
  ∧∧,..,.. ;'、., : 、
 ;'゚Д゚、、:、.: : ;:'
 '、;: ...: ,:. :.、.: '  
95名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:55 ID:WXn1qbX2
            _ 、 -──¬‐-、
           /           \        僕
          /             ヽ       は 
         /   ,----、   __    ヽ      間    
         !   /     `'''''''´  `ヽ   i   違         
          |  /              }  |    っ 
        _⊥< ,,,,,,,,__           |  !    て     
        /r\f‐┴─-<_  ≦二ヽ__レ'!        い         
       !ノ!. ヽ 厂二二┐ ̄r─‐-、 /⌒!       た       
       l ヽ   !ヽ__//^ヽ!  ̄` ノ/iヽ /
       \__! `ー--/!  \ヽ--'/├'/
         |   / L _ __)ヽ ̄  /‐'
         ,┤ i〈 、_____, 〉 /
        /  !  ヽ\+┼┼+/  /
      __/   ヽ    `ー‐‐'´ /
  , -‐''" i    \       人
-''~     |    \`ー----‐'´! iヽ、
       ヽ      \     /  i  `ヽ、
        \     丶_/   |    \
         ヽ     /O \   |      \
96名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:56 ID:???
            _ 、 -──¬‐-、
           /           \        僕
          /             ヽ       は 
         /   ,----、   __    ヽ       間    
         !   /     `'''''''´  `ヽ   i   違         
          |  /              }  |     っ 
        _⊥< ,,,,,,,,__           |  !     て     
        /r\f‐┴─-<_  ≦二ヽ__レ'!      い         
       !ノ!. ヽ 厂二二┐ ̄r─‐-、 /⌒!     た       
       l ヽ   !ヽ__//^ヽ!  ̄` ノ/iヽ /
       \__! `ー--/!  \ヽ--'/├'/
         |   / L _ __)ヽ ̄  /‐'
         ,┤ i〈 、_____, 〉 /
        /  !  ヽ\+┼┼+/  /
      __/   ヽ    `ー‐‐'´ /
  , -‐''" i    \       人
-''~     |    \`ー----‐'´! iヽ、
       ヽ      \     /  i  `ヽ、
        \     丶_/   |    \
         ヽ     /O \   |      \
97名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:57 ID:???
            _ 、 -──¬‐-、
           /           \        僕
          /             ヽ       は 
         /   ,----、   __    ヽ      間    
         !   /     `'''''''´  `ヽ   i   違         
          |  /              }  |      っ 
        _⊥< ,,,,,,,,__           |  !      て     
        /r\f‐┴─-<_  ≦二ヽ__レ'!      い         
       !ノ!. ヽ 厂二二┐ ̄r─‐-、 /⌒!     た       
       l ヽ   !ヽ__//^ヽ!  ̄` ノ/iヽ /
       \__! `ー--/!  \ヽ--'/├'/
         |   / L _ __)ヽ ̄  /‐'
         ,┤ i〈 、_____, 〉 /
        /  !  ヽ\+┼┼+/  /
      __/   ヽ    `ー‐‐'´ /
  , -‐''" i    \       人
-''~     |    \`ー----‐'´! iヽ、
       ヽ      \     /  i  `ヽ、
        \     丶_/   |    \
         ヽ     /O \   |      \
98名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:57 ID:???
            _ 、 -──¬‐-、
           /           \        僕
          /             ヽ       は 
         /   ,----、   __    ヽ      間    
         !   /     `'''''''´  `ヽ   i   違         
          |  /              }  |      っ 
        _⊥< ,,,,,,,,__           |  !      て     
        /r\f‐┴─-<_  ≦二ヽ__レ'!      い         
       !ノ!. ヽ 厂二二┐ ̄r─‐-、 /⌒!     た       
       l ヽ   !ヽ__//^ヽ!  ̄` ノ/iヽ /
       \__! `ー--/!  \ヽ--'/├'/
         |   / L _ __)ヽ ̄  /‐'
         ,┤ i〈 、_____, 〉 /
        /  !  ヽ\+┼┼+/  /
      __/   ヽ    `ー‐‐'´ /
  , -‐''" i    \       人
-''~     |    \`ー----‐'´! iヽ、
       ヽ      \     /  i  `ヽ、
        \     丶_/   |    \
         ヽ     /O \   |      \
99名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:58 ID:???
            _ 、 -──¬‐-、
           /           \        僕
          /             ヽ       は 
         /   ,----、   __    ヽ      間    
         !   /     `'''''''´  `ヽ   i    違          
          |  /              }  |      っ 
        _⊥< ,,,,,,,,__           |  !      て     
        /r\f‐┴─-<_  ≦二ヽ__レ'!      い         
       !ノ!. ヽ 厂二二┐ ̄r─‐-、 /⌒!     た       
       l ヽ   !ヽ__//^ヽ!  ̄` ノ/iヽ /
       \__! `ー--/!  \ヽ--'/├'/
         |   / L _ __)ヽ ̄  /‐'
         ,┤ i〈 、_____, 〉 /
        /  !  ヽ\+┼┼+/  /
      __/   ヽ    `ー‐‐'´ /
  , -‐''" i    \       人
-''~     |    \`ー----‐'´! iヽ、
       ヽ      \     /  i  `ヽ、
        \     丶_/   |    \
         ヽ     /O \   |      \
100名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:58 ID:???
101名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 17:59 ID:???
            _ 、 -──¬‐-、
           /           \
          /             ヽ
         /   ,----、   __    ヽ
         !   /     `'''''''´  `ヽ   i
          |  /              }  |
        _⊥< ,,,,,,,,__           |  !
        /r\f‐┴─-<_  ≦二ヽ__レ'!
       !ノ!. ヽ 厂二二┐ ̄r─‐-、 /⌒! 100!!!!!!!
       l ヽ   !ヽ__//^ヽ!  ̄` ノ/iヽ /
       \__! `ー--/!  \ヽ--'/├'/
         |   / L _ __)ヽ ̄  /‐'
         ,┤ i〈 、_____, 〉 /
        /  !  ヽ\+┼┼+/  /
      __/   ヽ    `ー‐‐'´ /
  , -‐''" i    \       人
-''~     |    \`ー----‐'´! iヽ、
       ヽ      \     /  i  `ヽ、
        \     丶_/   |    \
         ヽ     /O \   |      \

102名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 18:03 ID:28H7f2It
(( (  ・∀)
   と   と)
   (⌒) ノ ))
    . ̄(_)

        ∧_∧ ヨホーレ
     ((  ( ・∀・)つ
       (つ   ノ
    ((  (_) ノ

     ( ・∀・)
  ((  ⊂   つ  ))
     (_) ヽ

      ( ・∀・)
      ⊂   つ
    ((   ) (_) ))

  ○  Λ_Λ
⊂ ´⌒つ・∀・)つ <動きすぎて疲れたからな。
  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄
103名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 18:49 ID:shVKacWo
104酒場の名無し:03/01/31 19:05 ID:???

                  _ 、 -──¬‐-、
                /           \
               /             ヽ
              /   ,----、   __    ヽ
              !   /     `'''''''´  `ヽ   i
               |  /              }  |
            _⊥< ,,,,,,,,__           |  !
              /r\f‐┴─-<_  ≦二ヽ__レ'!
            !ノ!. ヽ 厂二二┐ ̄r─‐-、 /⌒! どうや!!わしの体!!
            l ヽ   !ヽ__//^ヽ!  ̄` ノ/iヽ /
              \__! `ー--/!  \ヽ--'/├'/
               |   / L _ __)ヽ ̄  /‐'
                ┤ i〈 、_____, 〉 /
                !  ヽ\+┼┼+/  /
                 ヽ    `ー‐‐'´ /
                 \       人
     /     '.,   .入 ヾ;ァ:/∠_/ ハ,/ト、ニ"´  .\
    /        V´ / `ゞ'/ .(.r―-、''"´.l.    `ト--- 、, l
  _,ノ      ,   |,/ ,.r'j′   i二,`′  ヽ,    ヽ、_,...、...,_
 j_  ヽ     j    l / /    .n`iヽ>  .rc; !  ,r:'´      ヽ
  l,j .|    /    .l,' /  .,- ' ''´ j      ノ'´        .l
 `! l  l,.  /       V   ./    ノ   _,/    j       |
  lj. / l./         l   λ        /       l         !
   ゙、. Y         .l / !     /       l       |
 \ . V            |/./   _ ,:'        |       |
 、 \.`i            |′     /         |         |
  ヽ  \        j―---―/          l      .!
   i ゙、  ',           >'_  /           λ      .ハ_
   |. j,   !      / l l /,r/            / !     .ハ.├ヘ
  j''゙/   /        | l,ノ:l. |/               /   l     |. l,
  / l  ハ,         ', ヾ=ン'           人._  |    l
105:03/01/31 19:35 ID:vqPiNMmV
106名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 19:37 ID:dTSwhRIy
107名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 20:21 ID:zwAJ9WxE

           ※※ ※※
         ※ ☆ ☆ .☆ ☆ ※
       ※ ☆ ※ ※※ ※.☆ ※
       ※ ☆ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※.☆ ※
      ※ ☆ ※ ※※☆※※ ※.☆ ※         * * *
     ※ ☆ ※ ※☆  .☆※ ※.☆ ※       *  *    *  *
    ※ ☆ ※ ※☆   .☆※ ※.☆ ※     *  *   +  *  *
     ※ ☆ ※ ※☆  .☆※ ※.☆ ※     * *  +  +  *  *
      ※ ☆ ※ ※※☆※※ ※.☆ ※.     *  *  +  *  *
       ※ ☆ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※.☆ ※.       *  *    *  *
       ※ ☆ ※ ※※ ※.☆ ※             * * *
         ※ ☆ ☆ .☆ ☆ ※
           ※※ ※※

        __  _     __   _     __     __  _
   .  __ |ロロ|/  \ __ |ロロ|/  \ __ |ロロ| __..|ロロ|/  \
   _|田|_|ロロ|_| ロロ|_|田|.|ロロ|_| ロロ|_|田|.|ロロ|_|田|.|ロロ|_| ロロ|_

       ※ ☆ ※ ※※ ※.☆ ※
      ※ ☆ ※ ※※☆※※ ※.☆ ※         * * *
    ※ ☆ ※ ※☆   .☆※ ※.☆ ※     *  *   +  *  *
      ※ ☆ ※ ※※☆※※ ※.☆ ※.     *  *  +   .*  *
       ※ ☆ ※ ※※ ※.☆ ※             * * *
         ※ ☆ ☆ .☆ ☆ ※

 ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒
                         ヽ(   ::,)ノ ・・・花火!!
                      ∧_∧ ∩∧∧∩
                ∧ ∧(   ::::,)ヽ(  ::,)ノ
                 (  ::,)(  :::::つ | ギ::|
               ..::/ :::|....| ::| ::|:::.. | ::::,|::..
              :::::(___ソ(__(__):::::.U U::::::::.
                :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::  :::::::::::::
108名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 21:58 ID:???

              ,.. -- .....,,,,__,.r-''" ̄~"丶.,
            ,.r'"         ~"''    "ヽ─-.,
          ,.r",..r                 \、 'i- .,
      ,,,.. - '''"~                        'i_
     ,."                             "i
     i                              /ヽ
     i  ノ                             ~'i.,,
     i .r'"  ./                     \    ヽ i
    ,r"   ,." ./             ヽ"~ヽ、   ヽ     ''ヽ
   i'     /  i `i       i'- ..,,_    丶、 \  'i,    \/
   .ヽ、   .i   i \     i ヽ.-'''""' ──-'\ ヽ  i     ヽ
    ヽ   i   .i-'''"ヽ、   \\  _,.. ---  ヽi   i  ヽ 丿
     ./.  `ヽ、 ゝ,. -- `''-.,,,  ヽ、r",,.-""~"i''".i      .i/
     i /i /  ヽ i ,.r'"i"''ヽ  ̄"'''" '" ヽ;;;;;;;;/  /      .i
     i/ i, i i   ヽ\  ヽ;;;i       ---''" ./       i
      ヽi ヽ、 'i"  'i .~''''" ノ     ///// ./ノ      ./
          .i` /  i,///  `         /       /
          i  i   ヽ .,   ヽ⊃    /____,,,. -─ ''"~
          i .i  ,. -r''"~`' - .,,_  _,.. r'""~i- ,,,,,,,____
          ヽ i i"    ,.... -─-~i"     .i,.-─- .,_::::/  "''ヽ
           ``   /r'"::::;.r"~     ./::::/  "ヽ     \
            ,. -<''~:::,.r'"      /::::/     .i"''''' ─- ,, .i
           ,i   `/       /::::::::/       i ̄~"'''''' - .i
           ,i    /      ,.r'''''ヽ ,,,iヽ      .i ̄i"''''i''' -..i
           i _ io      .i /     ヽ     i:::::i::::::::i::::::i i
           ヽi::::::i       i       i l     .i::::i::::::::i:::::i: i
           / i:::::i       ヽ      ',i    . i:::i::::::::i::::::i i
          /   i:::i        `''' --ヽ   ',     i::i::::::::i::::::i i
         /   .ヾi          ',::::::::',   \   i:i::::::::i::::::i i
        .i     /           .',:::::::',    \  i:i::::::::i::::::i i
        ヽ   ./            ',::::::',     ヽ i:i::::::::i::::::i i
         `- "/     ソ        i:::::::',     〕:i::::::::i::::::i i
           ./               ヾ- ヽ    ./::i:::::::i:::::::i i
          /                ヽ  `'' --"-==)-'"""~
         /.                  ',
         ,i.  ヽ                ',
        ,i                    i
        i                    i
        .i.      `、    ./         i
        i       ヽヽ、 /         .i
        .i        `"i'i          i
        i         i.i          i
         i,_      ノ,i          ./
         ヽ, ̄"''''''''''"~ .ヽ、_____,,..,r'"i
         'i  ̄ ̄~"'''''"─--=..,__,,,-==-"i
          .',        i         i'
109名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 22:24 ID:28H7f2It
                                  〉 〈
     /" ̄"丶.                      /   ヽ
    i  (,,゚Д゚) .i <ストライクいくぞゴルァ!        |(゚Д゚,,) | <やってみろやゴルァ!
     l  (ノ ● つ                     |  (ノ|
     ゝ、 ●●/                     |   |
       U"U                       .|___.|

110名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 22:29 ID:28H7f2It
                                  〉 〈
     /" ̄"丶.                      /   ヽ
    i  (,,゚Д゚) .i <ストライクいくぞゴルァ!        |(゚Д゚,,) | <やってみろやゴルァ!
     l  (ノ ● つ                     |  (ノ|
     ゝ、 ●●/                     |   |
       U"U                       .|___.|
111名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 22:32 ID:28H7f2It

            /" ̄"丶.
           i       i
          ⊂l  ⊂(,,゚Д゚)つ   う

                   /" ̄"丶.
                 .⊂i      .i   お
                   l       .!

                          /" ̄"丶.
                         i       i   りゃ
                          l.       !

                                  /" ̄"∩、
                                 i  し'    .i⊃  あ
                                  l.       !

                                        i    ⊃⊃   あ!!
                                         l.    つつ
112酒場の名無し:03/01/31 22:34 ID:???
/" ̄"丶.
i       i   誰か止めてくれー!!!
l.       !

           ヽ( `Д´)ノウアアアアン!!!!

113名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 22:54 ID:???
      ☆       /\
     /\    /┴┬\
,,....,,,,.../ パ \,,/┴┬┴┬\ ../\....▲...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
   ___  ::::::;;;: :: ::::::. :::::;;;;;;;; ::::::::::;;;;;;;;;; :::;;; :::
  /i_¶____il\__:::: :; ;:::: :; ;:::: …; ;:::: :; ;:::: :; ;;;; :::;;; :::
  //?? ??i_|   ヽ:::: :; ;::::/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 /人 Д /,,_|.    :: :; <  キラキラおめめで
  て,,,Шて,,_ノて_人:: :; ;|  呪まーす
 :::::: ::::;;;:::: : :::: :::: ::::::;;;;;;;;;::::::\______
114名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 22:55 ID:???
115名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 22:57 ID:???
      ☆       /\
     /\    /┴┬\
,,....,,,,.../ パ \,,/┴┬┴┬\ ../\....▲...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
   ___  ::::::;;;: :: ::::::. :::::;;;;;;;; ::::::::::;;;;;;;;;; :::;;; :::
  /i_¶____il\__:::: :; ;:::: :; ;:::: …; ;:::: :; ;:::: :; ;;;; :::;;; :::
  //? ?i_|   ヽ:::: :; ;::::/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 /人 Д /,,_|.    :: :; <  キラキラおめめで
  て,,,Шて,,_ノて_人:: :; ;|  呪まーす
 :::::: ::::;;;:::: : :::: :::: ::::::;;;;;;;;;::::::\______;:03/01/31 23:14 ID:???
117名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/01/31 23:44 ID:???
       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       |   呪まーす
          ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         |_iΦ Φ| |
        |_,,|_ Å 人ゝ
       /⌒   Ш⌒ヽ     __
      /_/|     へ \   /i_¶____il\
    (ぃ9 ./    /   \ \.//Φ Φi_| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       /    ./     ヽ /人 Д /,,_|.<  しますた
      (    /       ∪ ,  Ш/   \_______
       \ .\\      (ぃ9  |
        .\ .\\    /    /  ,、
          >  ) )   ./   ∧_二∃
         / //   ./     ̄ ̄ ヽ
         / / /  ._ /  /~ ̄ ̄/ /  (ΦдΦ)<ノロマースシマスタ!  
         / / /  )⌒ _ ノ     / ./    ゚( )−          
       ( ヽ ヽ  | /       ( ヽ、    ./ >           
        \__つ) .し          \__つ                
118名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/01 00:42 ID:???
(゜_ ゜)==========[コ

119名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/01 18:18 ID:m7lqkNXT
   (´Д`;)ヾ ドウモスミマセン

.   ";,■~;.
   (-Д-;) オワビニコレヲ…
    /( )

120名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/01 22:30 ID:Y4ojGtSk

           %%%%%%%%    ________
           6|-○-○ |   /これからこのスレは私の本拠地となる。
            |   >  | <  臣民、我と共に帝国を築きAGEようじゃないか!
            \ ∇ /   \各板にチバック帝国のスレをたてるのだ!
     (っ)    ,,,,l ` γ l,,,,,     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      \ \/~~.... |。  ~~ヽ
        \,,/ |   |。田}}\ \
       _    |   |。  |  ゝつ
      |\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
      |  \               \
      |   | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|

121名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/01 23:33 ID:???
122名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/01 23:41 ID:???
■■■■   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■
■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■
■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
<     /)__∧    Λ_Λ    ∧__(\    >
<     | |@∀@> ◯< ´∀` >◯ <・∀・| |    >
<     (    )  \   Θ / (     )    >
<   / /> >    |⌒I  │  く く\ \   >
<  <__フ〈__フ   (_)  ノ   <__,,〉<__〉  >
 /______       レ"  _| ̄|____\\\\
/ |____  | | ̄|  / ̄|  |_  __  |  ___
 / |\_/  /   ̄ / /    |  |  /__/ |___|
// \  / | ̄|/ /     |  |___    \\\
/ /  \|  \__/       |____|   \\\\

123名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/01 23:46 ID:???
■■■■   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■
■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■
■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
<     /)__∧    Λ_Λ    ∧__(\    >
<     | |@∀@> ◯< ´∀` >◯ <・∀・| |    >
<     (    )  \   Θ / (     )    >
<   / /> >    |⌒I  │  く く\ \   >
<  <__フ〈__フ   (_)  ノ   <__,,〉<__〉  >
 /______       レ"  _| ̄|____\\\\
/ |____  | | ̄|  / ̄|  |_  __  |  ___
 / |\_/  /   ̄ / /    |  |  /__/ |___|
// \  / | ̄|/ /     |  |___    \\\
/ /  \|  \__/       |____|   \\\\

■■■■   ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■
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<     /)__∧    Λ_Λ    ∧__(\    >
<     | |@∀@> ◯< ´・ω・`>◯ <・∀・| |    >
<     (    )  \   Θ / (     )    >
<   / /> >    |⌒I  │  く く\ \   >
<  <__フ〈__フ   (_)  ノ   <__,,〉<__〉  >
 /______       レ"  _| ̄|____\\\\
/ |____  | | ̄|  / ̄|  |_  __  |  ___
 / |\_/  /   ̄ / /    |  |  /__/ |___|
// \  / | ̄|/ /     |  |___    \\\
/ /  \|  \__/       |____|   \\\\

125???lo;???&lro;:03/02/01 23:53 ID:???
126名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 00:06 ID:KZVrJTA0
 ( l    _、_
  \ \ ( <_,` ) とりあえず今日は、落ちるわ。おやすみ。
   ヽ___ ̄ ̄  )   
     /    /
127 ◆SQ2Wyjdi7M :03/02/02 00:42 ID:RfBjBg/T
128名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 00:45 ID:???
  |  丿         ミ
  |.  彡  ____  ____ ミ/                        
  ゝ_//|   |.⌒|   |ヽゞ                         
  |tゝ  \__/_ \__/ | |                        
  ヽノ    /\_/\   |ノ                          
  ゝ  /ヽ───‐ヽ /.  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  /|ヽ   ヽ──'   / < βακαにはコピペできないゲイツ様が
 / | \     ,/|   \_________________
129テストてすと ◆SQ2Wyjdi7M :03/02/02 00:46 ID:RfBjBg/T
130名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 05:39 ID:1mGl8vjV
  ∧_∧ ◎
  ノ/  /
   ノ ̄ゝ

131名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 06:23 ID:adwdS+B6
  <  ̄ ソ l
   < ̄ ソ |
   <T ソ/
132名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 06:37 ID:eWUBKXmY

            1さんヒドイよワショーイ !!
 ゚       \\    ヒドイよワショーイ !!       //
   。 +  +  \\   ヒドイよワ シ ョー イ !!   //+
*     +  .   \\         + 。.  .     //   +  *
                        ,,,,,    *         。  o
   o    m               (っll)\    ,,,,,____
       )| |             .    \\  (mn)__ ヽ   *
  +    ( _l    ∧_∧   nm        〉 〉. ∧_∧. / /     。 ゚
       \ \_.( T∀T)  / ノ ∧_∧ / ./ (T∀T )/ /   。
 。   *    \_  ̄ ̄  )/ / (T∀T )/ ./ (~⌒\   ト/ )        *
          / ̄ \ /\  ̄ ̄    ~ /   \\ \_/ /     ・
      ,⊂二二/〉   /    ̄ ̄|   イ./      \\__/|    +    *
            /   /      ヽ     |      ,)    ノ
  。゚        (  <./         \    \/⌒\   ノ、      *  。
             \  \          〉     /\  \ γヽ     。   +
    *       / \  \     /  _/~  / \ V _ノ
            /  / >  /    / /^     /  | \__)|    +   ゚   。
 *   。゚   / / |  /    \ \      / /   \ \       。 +
         / /   | /      \ \  / /      \ \   。    o
        < 〈    / /__      __> _><_ <_        _> _>
  *  +  \_)   〈_ ___)      (__/   \__)      (__/   +    *

*     +    。      +    。 +       *     。    。      +
              *  o     +    。 +*     +    。 +
           +         。             o
133 ◆nVyPoE4XLE :03/02/02 07:13 ID:++wX9upI
134名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 09:36 ID:vy5r/Ek7
   ∩∩    ┳ 
  (*゚ω゚) 彡┃
?( ⊃ x)⊃    
  U U    
135桃花:03/02/02 09:42 ID:2A1+M7k0
【探し物とくとくページ】が に移転のお知らせ
ごめんなさい 探し物・欲しい物あったら開いて見てください 何でもあります
今探し物なくても取りあえず、お気に入りに入れておいて下さい 役にたちます
[yahoo] [infoseek] [google]などの検索サイトにて「探し物 とくとく」で検索
タイトル【探し物とくとくページ】を探してね あなたの探し物見つけて下さい
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ハワイは\39,800〜 グアム・サイパン大幅値下げ
最大96%オフ温泉旅館 リゾートホテル1泊200円 お好みの宿を選べる スキー・温泉・露天風呂 
即日審査・振込融資 年率15.0〜18.0% 最大300万円までOK 30万円なら即日融資
※お願い ボランティアでこの文をコピーして貴方のホームページやメルマガに載せて下さい。
136名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 09:44 ID:vy5r/Ek7
   ∩∩    ┳
  (*゚ω゚) 彡┃
〜( ⊃ x)⊃    
  U U    

137名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 09:58 ID:fSuy4VXy
138名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 10:29 ID:???

     /⌒丶  クルリ
  ⊂(。A 。) ⊃
     ∨∨∪∪ 〜

      ‖|      ヽ人_从人__从_从人__从人从_
             <                 >
       ∧∧  <                   >
       ( ゚Д゚)⊃  <                >
     ヽ⊂  ノ     Y⌒YW⌒Y⌒WW⌒⌒Y⌒YW
     ⊂   )
       し  ストン

139こぴぺ:03/02/02 10:35 ID:???
( ゚Д゚)y―┛~~ test
140名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:00 ID:???
         __ , ────── 、__
      , - ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\
     / ;;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\
    /,,;,,,,,  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ,,,,,,,,;::::::丶
   / :::::::::;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;:::::::::::::::::::ヽ
  i゙::::|;;;;| |;;;;;| |::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::||::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|
 . i゙::::::i     ''''''''''' '───' |;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::|
  .|:::::::|,-====-´  ゙ヽ,,,,,,,,,,,,,、    |:::::::::::::::::::|
  |;::::::::|        ~    `     |:::::::::::::::::::|
  `ヽ、i -=・=-    -=・=-      |;;;::::::::::::::/
  .   i                  /^゙-、;;;;/
     {     ヽゝ          '-'~ノ
    λ   ''゙゙''-''-─、       /-'^"
     ヽ,_    ^~^        (
     /`''丶、     , -    /^l
    /  /( ノ `'''''''´~ _, - ' ~ ゙i、
    { / /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   _,-'^¨ }
    {/ /  ゙ー────'~   \|
    /               ヽ  \
141名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:01 ID:???
:::::::::::/           ヽ::::::::::::
:::::::::::|  ば  じ  き  i::::::::::::
:::::::::::.ゝ か   つ   み  ノ::::::::::: 
:::::::::::/  だ  に  は イ:::::::::::::
:::::  |  な。       ゙i  ::::::
   \_         ,,-'
――--、..,ヽ__  _,,-''
:::::::,-‐、,‐、ヽ. )ノ      _,,...- 
:::::_|/ 。|。ヽ|-i、      ∠_:::::::::
/. ` ' ● ' ニ 、     ,-、ヽ|:::::::::
ニ __l___ノ     |・ | |, -、::
/ ̄ _  | i     ゚r ー'  6 |::
|( ̄`'  )/ / ,..    i     '-
`ー---―' / '(__ )   ヽ 、   
====( i)==::::/      ,/ニニニ
:/     ヽ:::i       /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
142名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:01 ID:???
  /il||/〃////,,.-''"´  `ミミミミミミヾヾ、ヾ、ヾ、ヾ、`'''ー─‐
  ,r=ミ、|i川〃/          ミミミミミミヾヾヾヾヾ、ヾ、\`''=
 .!il|゙'7ヾilil/             三三ミミミミミヾヾ;ヾ;ヾ、;ヾヽ、;=
  ヾ,/  V              三三ミミミミミミ;ヾヾ、;;ヾ;;ゞ=三
   .!        ,.,;:;';';';';,,..     三三ミミミミミミヾ;、ゝ;;、ヾ;;;、=;
   |                ≦三三ミミミミミミミ、ヾ;;、ヾ;、;;;≡
   |  二三彡'     ,..,,,;;=''""゙  ヾミミミミミミミミミミヾ;;;、`二三
  ,i゙i、 ゙'''‐ '"   ,,.;;シ"  __,.ィ    iミミミミヾ、ヾ;、ヾ;;、;ヾ、;`==;
   ヾミ;、    _,,,;彡シ _ィ;;;o゚;;/ ,.,.,.;:;: ゙!ミ;iミミヾ、ヾ;:、ヾ;;ヾ;;;、`=;三
    ゙i_ヾミ、 ゙i;;彡'"/´_,ゞ-''",,;';;';';'゙" ゙!゙i、ゞ)ヾメ;;ヾ;;、;;゙ヾ;、゙ヾ;;、、;
    `i、_(;;ヽ   ゙'''   ''"゙^      ゙!゙i、ミく /ミミヾ;、;;゙ヾ;、`=三
      ゙if;  i               i゙i、;i;ノミヾ;;、ヾ;;、ゞ、゙=≡三
     l,  l                i゙!;!;、ヾ;;;、ヾ;、゙ヾ:;、`ヾ;;、≡
     ゙i, /    ,.. )           i゙i;!、ミ、゙、;;ヾ;;、;;ヾ、ヾ≡三
      .゙i,ヽ--、 ヾ;;;;;;ー‐,,.、__      ミミゞ、ヾ、;.-''^゙>、;`=三三
       /;;;、_゙'___,二ス三ミ、     》、ミ、ヾ:;、-''"´_o_,./o⌒ヽ
        il;;i;! `ー一''"´   ヾミ;;;、 ./''^>、ミミミ、=、ヽ、_)! ,X∩、
       ゙i;i;゙i,          ヾミヾ、/-;;;;;;フ'´⌒゙ヽ、 ヽ、_ノ´゙
         ヾ;;!           /,>、ミr;;/ /       ヽ,、o o゙´
         ゙i;,.,.,.,. ,.,.,.,.,._,/// ,ハ;;| ./    く     ゙!`''')゙''i
          i;:;l;i;;:i:;!i;:゙i;Y/ '-^ン⌒);!/             |`´,.-
          ゙i,;:゙i!;ゞ;:ゞ;ヾ;、r'⌒`,=、ヽ'     ど       |'´::::::
          ヾ;、ヾ;;;ヾ、ミミヾ、(__,,,,.-|              |:::::::::
       __,,,,,. -'-'一''''"´´::::::::::::::::::::::l     い       l:::::::::
     ,./::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ         /:::::::::::
   ,..-''":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ        /::::::::::::::
‐''":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\     /:::::::::::::::::
143名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:03 ID:???
ハハハ                             イキデキネーヨ
   ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ハライテ-       ゲラゲラ
.  ( ´∀`) <               ∧_∧       〃´⌒ヽ       モウ カンベン
.  ( つ ⊂ )  \_______   (´∀` ,,)、     ( _ ;)        シテクダサイ
   .)  ) )   ○   ∧_∧      ,, へ,, へ⊂),    _(∨ ∨ )_     ∧_∧ ○,
  (__)_) ⊂ ´⌒つ´∀`)つ    (_(__)_丿      し ̄ ̄し     ⊂(´∀`⊂ ⌒ヽつ
          タッテ ラレネーヨ
144名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:05 ID:???
               -― ̄ ̄ ` ―--  _
          , ´         ,    ~  ̄" ー  _
        _/          / ,r    u      ` 、
       , ´           / /  J   ,ヘ  u      ヽ
    ,/   ,|           / /       ○        ,/
   と,-‐ ´ ̄          / /   r(   `'    J く     もうだめぽ・・・・・
  (´__   、        / /   `(   ,ヘ  u     ヽ
       ̄ ̄`ヾ_      し   u┃    ○  J     _>
          ,_  \  J         ┃   `' __   -‐ ´
        (__  ̄~" __ , --‐一~;;;:".. ̄
           ̄ ̄ ̄      *・∴:∵:*::
                   ・:::・: *∴・* :*
145名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:53 ID:???
   ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  /    \ < testだモナ。
  |つ ´∀` |つ \_______
146名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:55 ID:???
      ☆ チン     マチクタビレタ〜
       ☆ チン  〃  ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ヽ ___\(\・∀・)< ずれ
          \_/⊂ ⊂_ )   \_____________
          / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
       | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |
       |  愛媛みかん|/
147名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 15:57 ID:???
      ☆ チン     マチクタビレタ〜
       ☆ チン  〃  ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ヽ ___\(\・∀・ )< 修正
          \_/⊂ ⊂_ )   \_____________
          / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
       | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
       |  愛媛みかん |/
148名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 17:45 ID:???
   @@@   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ζ(゜д゜ζ  < 
  ┳⊂ )    \____________
 ◎U□◎ =3 

149名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/02 20:04 ID:???
  .ミ.●      .  ●;;ミ
 /ミ ┌▽▽▽▽┐  ミ
( -ミ │      │  ミ
 \ ..└△△△△┘  \
  .ミ              ;\
  .ミ            ミ(__)
  .ミ            ミ
  .ミ            ミ
  .ミ    /\     ミ
 └──┘   └──┘
150名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 12:59 ID:???
     ∩ ∩  
    | !--! |   
   ( ?θ? ) イッパイキケテ
   ((ノ N /))  イッパイシャベレッル
 (( ( _ |''´
 .  ∪  .U
151名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 20:38 ID:pdlSUDNu
  ,r''' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄,r'⌒ヽ
 ,i'. . .... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ,i' ∧∧ ゙i
 l::.::.::.::.:::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.l (,,゚Д゚) l  < 恵方巻!
 'i,:::::;:::::::;:::;::::;:::::;:::::::::::::i,    ,i'
152名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 20:49 ID:lvU558Hc
      ?????   ?? ?  
      ????  ???? ?  
       ???  ???? ?  
      ?????   ? ??  
   ??? ????????? ???
    ??????? ??????? 
  ????????   ????????
 ?????????   ?????????
 ?????????   ?????????
153名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 20:51 ID:lvU558Hc
      ?????   ?? ?  
      ????  ???? ?  
       ???  ???? ?  
      ?????   ? ??  
   ??? ????????? ???
    ??????? ??????? 
  ????????   ????????
 ?????????   ?????????
 ?????????   ?????????
154名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 21:53 ID:???
     ¶ ∧ ∧ Ψ  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     ∩( ゚Д゚ )∩ <
     | V   V /   \____________
  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
155名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 21:56 ID:???
156名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 22:12 ID:qDSfwOq5
│μかちゅ〜しゃ Version 2.102 + [ ラウンジ ]
│┌┘■│ 口 ↓ φ | ||| |日 |日  |日.| ● ◆
│[]● []
│[] ▽2ちゃんねる ラウンジ CCさくら ヒッキー
│▼マイフォルダ.. │▲┃  | 重.... | No...│タイトル
│ お気に入り   ├─╂─┴──┴──┴────────────
│ 全既得スレ ... │∴┃o  +3      1 管野美穂と暮らしたい
│▼おすすめ .   │∴┃         . 2 今の気分を有名人で表すスレ
│ ビジネスnews+.│∵┃          .3 IDがNECだ!!!!!!!!!
│ 芸スポ速報+  │∵┃          .4 ふんにゃか ふんにゃか
│_.バーゲンセ-ル ├─┨          .5 いつまで童貞なのか?
│▼ニュース   ..│  ┠─────────────────────
│ ビジネスnews+.│  ┃ [ラウンジ] 管野美穂と暮らしたい (136)
│ ニュース速報,,,,│  ┃  ┌──────┌──────┐
│ 芸スポ速報+  │  ┃  │ 引き篭もりに │!管野美穂と暮│
│ ニュース実況,,,,│  ┃┌───────┘      .   └──────
│ ニュース速報 ..│  ┃│┌────────────────────
│ ■芸能音楽   │  ┃││ 1 名前:(´Д`)おながい・・・ 投稿日:03/02/02 18:33 ID:???
│ □アニメ・漫画!│  ┃││ ̄   抱きたい・・・
│ □PCニュース!.│  ┃││
│ ■私のニュ-ス.│  ┃││ 2 名前:名前:名無しさん? 投稿日:03/02/03 18:34 ID:J5zI7PEa
│ ニューズ議論 │  ┃││ ̄   そりゃすげーな
157名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/03 23:50 ID:???
              ./    |
  キャッキャッ   ./      |∧∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   キチガイツレタヨ/       (# ゚Д゚)< 降ろせ、ゴルァ!
     ( ・∀・)σ        | ∪ |∪ \______
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 。。   〜 | _ | δ
            |彡°    ∪∪δ
158名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 00:33 ID:???
159名無しさん:03/02/04 00:36 ID:uJu4uJzy
         __,,..、、- - - .、、...,,___
       ,,、‐''"~ ̄            ̄``''‐、、
     /                      \
    /                         ヽ
   /                           ヽ
   /  / ~~` '' ‐- 、、 ,,__   __ ,,..、、 -‐ '' "~~\  ヽ
   |  /    __           ̄       __   ヽ  |
  .|  {  ´   ‐- ....__    __... -‐   `   } .|
  .|  〉,,・^'' - .,,      ~  i ~    __,,.- ^`・、.〈  |
./ ̄|  /,/~ヽ、  `'' ‐--‐ ,.| 、‐-‐'' "~   _ノ~\,ヽ | ̄ヽ
| (` | / ヽ,,_____`‐-、_、..,,___ノ八ヽ___,,.._-‐_'"´___,, ノ ヽ .|'´) |
| }.| ./'   \二二・二../ ヽ  / ヽ、二・二二/  'ヽ | { |
.| //| .|          / |  |. \         | |ヽヽ|
.| .| | .|        /    |  |.    \       | | | .|
|ヽ.| |      /     .|  |.     ヽ      .| .|./ .|
 |  .| |     /      |  |        ヽ     |  | /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ヽ .| |    /       .|  |       ヽ    |  | /  |
  .ヽ.| |    /     '二〈___〉二`       ヽ   |  |./  <    うるせー馬鹿ども!
     iヽ|.      ,,... -‐"`‐"`'‐- 、、     |/i       \_________
     |  ヽ     /...---‐‐‐‐‐----.ヽ    /  .|
     |   ヽ.    ,, -‐ ''"~ ~"'' ‐- 、    /   |
    .|    ヽ         !          ./   .|
    ,,|     ヽ.         |        ./     |、
    |\.     ヽ            /     /.|
   .|.  \.      ヽ、____   ___/    /   .|

160マジ練習:03/02/04 00:57 ID:???

                    ______     ii|  \
  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|     |\     \    il|  | \
  ||           |     | | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   .|||  |  |ii
  ||           │     | | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   .!||  |  |||i
  |,ノ´ ̄´⌒ ̄⌒⌒`ヽ、  .| | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  .l!\、.|  ||||
 (  ノ   ⌒   ⌒  ゙:、\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|     \.、 ゙||||
  ゙ヽ   「| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄「|  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~\      .\.|!ll
   ヽ,,ノ|」――――――|」    .___  \      '!!
          ∧_∧______     |\___ヽ  \
 カチャカチャ ( ´∀`)\ │   |  |r――t|    (〇)
       (    つ    |   |l\ ||=:@:||、  'ヽ|ノ
         (_○__)──┘  |l ||  ̄ ̄ ̄|l   |~~|
                  .   \||____||  (└┘)

161マジ練習:03/02/04 00:59 ID:???
//  ̄ ̄ \\;;;;... (;;;;;;::::....... ⌒ ):::::::::::::::::::::...................⌒);;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::
/       \\;;..人;;;;;;;;;:::..........人::::::::::::::...............)、:::::::::::::::::::::............
          \\  ''''''''''''''''''  ''''''''''''''''''''''''' `'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
   ┃モナー┃    \\! |! l|! ! | !|  !l |!  !| !|!l|! !| ! |!l| !  !|  !|
┏━━━━━┓ │ \\ ! | !l |! !| ! | !l |! !| !| !l |! ! | ! |!l |! !|  |
┃          ┃ │_ \\! |!ざーざー l|! ! | !!  !|!l |! !| ! |!l| !
┃          ┃ │! |! l|! !  | !|  !l |!  !| !| !l|! !| ! |!l| !  !|  !|
┃          ┃ │! |! l|! ! | !| !l |!  !| ざーざー | ! |!l| !  !| !
・・・ マ,イッカ・・・ ┃ || l ! |! l|! ! | !|  !l |!  !| !|!l|! !| ! |!  !|  !|
┃  ∧_∧  ┃ │||! !  | !|  !l |!  |! ! | ! |!l ||! !  | !|  !l |!  |!l| !
┃ (; ´∀`) ┃ │||! ! | ! |!l |!l |! !| !| !l |! ! | ! |!l |! !|  | !|!l |! !| !
┃⊂ ⊂  ) ┃ │|! !  | !|  !l |!  !| ! !l|! !| ! | !l | !l |! |!l| !  |
┃ < < <   ┃  |.|!l |! !| !| !l |! ! | ! |!l |! !| l | !| ! !l|! !| ! | !l | !l |!
┃ (_(_) ┃ │| 、!, |, !|,!l|! ,!、|, !、|、!, |, !|,!l|! ,!、|, !、|、!, |, !|,!l|! ,!、
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
162マジ練習:03/02/04 01:01 ID:???
  :::::::||::::::;;:,、彡.      ;.┌i.─┐         _,.,,、||------
  :::::::||`"'#>lll  /\  / | | 公 |         | | |::::::::::::::::
  :^^^l^^^:^^^:^^^^^^^^^^^^| | 園 |         | | |:::彡巛彡
 ,1;;'`";;;``::';`';`1;;'`";;;``::1;;| |_   |,.,.,,、,,.,,、,,.,,、,,.,,.| |,.,,|、,ミミ//
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ∧_∧ ハァハァ
       (( し    ,ノ             
         / /| └┐ )))
         (__)  ̄し'
163名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 02:53 ID:???
|? 丿??????? ミ
|. 彡 ____? ____?ミ/        ? ? ??         ?
ゝ_//|?? |.⌒|?? |ヽゞ       ?  ?          ????
|tゝ? \__/_?\__/ | |      ?   ?  ????   ?  ?
ヽノ?? /\_/\? |ノ     ?     ?          ?  ?
? ゝ??/ヽ───‐ヽ /.  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
? /|ヽ?? ヽ──' ? / < βακαにはコピペできないゲイツ様が
?/ |?\???? ,/|   \_________________

164名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:02 ID:???

   | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                 次でボケて!                     |
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                                                        |
   |                                            |
                     ∧∧ ||
                    ( ゚д゚ )||
                     / づΦ
165ξ占有屋(弟)ξ ◆TAPy3blMsc :03/02/04 03:03 ID:???

   | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                 次でボケて!                     |
   |                                            |
   |                                            |
   |                                                        |
   |                                            |
                     ∧∧ ||
                     ( ゚д゚ )||
                     / づΦ
166名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:04 ID:???

┃                ┌┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                └┨
┃      ┌┐        ┃
┃┌┐┌┼┼┬┐    ┃
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┬┐┃ >>80
┠┼┼┼(,,゚д゚)‐┼┼┤┃<キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
┗┷┷┷ U"U┷┷┷┷┛
167名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:05 ID:???

┃                ┌┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                └┨
┃      ┌┐        ┃
┃┌┐┌┼┼┬┐    ┃
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┬┐┃ >>80
┠┼┼┼(,,゚д゚) ‐┼┼┤┃<キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
┗┷┷┷ U"U┷┷┷┷┛
168名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:06 ID:???
┃                ┌┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                └┨
┃      ┌┐        ┃
┃┌┐┌┼┼┬┐    ┃
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┬┐┃ >>80
┠┼┼┼(,,゚д゚ )‐┼┼┤┃<キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
┗┷┷┷ U"U┷┷┷┷┛
169名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:07 ID:???

┃                ┌┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                ├┨
┃                └┨
┃      ┌┐        ┃
┃┌┐┌┼┼┬┐    ┃
┠┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┬┐┃ >>80
┠┼┼┼(,,゚д゚)┼┼┼┤┃<キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
┗┷┷┷ U"U┷┷┷┷┛
170名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:08 ID:???

     ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     ( ・∀・)< 勉強の邪魔だから静かにしてくれる?
  _φ_ ⊂)_ \_______________
./旦/三/ /|
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
171名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:09 ID:???
     ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     ( ・∀・)< 勉強の邪魔だから静かにしてくれる?
  _φ_ ⊂)  \_______________
./旦/三/ /|
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
172名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:10 ID:???
              ,ィミ,        ,ィミ,             
               彡 ミ        彡 ミ,           
            ,,彡   ミ、、、、、、、、彡  ミ,     (⌒)   >>80
           彡;:;:             ミ,    (  ヽ     もっと激しいのたのむぜ
        〜三;:;:::::              彡〜  ノ  ノ   淫乱アイドレって本当にいたんだな
        ~~三:;:;:;:::::  -=・=-   -=・=- 三~~ ヽ (         
        ~~彡::;:;:;:;:::..     ___     ,三~~ ( ノ ,,,,,  :      ;;
         ~~彡;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.    |┴┴|    ,ミ~~ ノノ ;'" ,,ノ―、     ,;'
         ~~彡:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;.  ノ――| ---==ニノ ,;'′ >=ニ(二二二()
    ,...-''''""~~,::;:;::;::;::;::;'            ミ,,  ,;'′  ゝ--〈
___,;";;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;            i! ミ,,,,;'′   `ー‐'
          ::::ミミミ:;:;:;:           ミ::      ,;' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  \___/
           :::::ミミミ:;:;:           ミ:::,   ,;::''′        |.    \/
           ::::ミミミ:;:;::       ,;+''"~~゙+、~'''''~          |     |
            ::::ミミミ:;:;:;:     ,+'"     ミ:::::           |   ━┷━┳━━
              :::::ミミミ:;:;:;:;:  >':;:       ミ::              |         ┃
            ::::::ミミミ:;:;:;:;:;../;:;:;:       ;:"             |         ┃
             ::::::::ミミミミ:;:/;:;:;:;    ,.+'"''-、________.|__     ┃
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄;':;:;:;:   ,.+'"    ミ、             l.    ┃
                ::::::ミ;:;:;:;:.. ..ミ:::ミ:;:     ミ               l      ┃
                 ::::::しUUU┘::::ミ:;:     ミ              l      ┃
                 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::└UUUじ                 l      ┃
______________________________.l.    ┃
173名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:10 ID:???

電                                   電
電                                   電
電           ヘ  へ√                     電
電       /`´  `´ .|_0  |_0  |_0           電
電       ☆  ̄\ ,、  |__  |__  |__ . . . .       電
電       ‖     \,、                  .    電
電       ‖       \                      電
電    《.  ‖  》                          電
電     ≫A_A≪       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        電
電    ≪Φ  Φ≫   < このスレに強い電波を感じます。   電
電     ≫ ∀ ≪      \________        電
電   ≪  E   ≫                          電
電    ‖≪..≫‖                           電
電    》 》.《 《                           電
電   ≪ 《. .》 ≫                            電
電                                   電
174名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:11 ID:???
│             〓 犯 行 声 明 文. 〓           │
│                                        │
│  我々、2ちゃんねる糞スレッド追放戦線は、幾度となく>>1に .│
│ よる糞スレッド乱立、ジサクジエンに対し、スレッドの移動、削除 │
│ を再三要求してきたが、>>1による横暴は止むどころか、   │
│ 悪化の一途を辿るのみである。.                   │
│ よって、我々は糞スレッド追放主義に基づく荒らしにより、.  │
>>1を徹底攻撃し、糞スレッド保護主義に対し徹底抗戦する  │
│ことをここに宣言し、攻撃を加えるものである。.          |
│                                    (≦三)│
│               2ちゃんねる糞スレッド追放戦線  (#゚Д゚).│
│                                      ▼ │
175名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:12 ID:???

  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
  | | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |
  | |                                    | |
  | |                  ___                  | |
  | |               _/ \   \_             | |
  | |             ((/___))____\))         | |
  | |              | |!!! !!!| | |!!! !!! !!!| |             | |
  | |            Λ_Λ !!! !!!| | Λ_Λ Λ_Λ         | |
  | |      Λ_Λ( ー人Λ_ΛλΦ  )(  ・∀)      | |
  | |     (×^  )( 祭 (  ´∀`)) 祭 )( 祭 ))       | |
  | |     ι) 祭 )|___( 祭 (つ |___| |___」          | |
  | |     〈_ヽ   )_(_(___/〉(__)_)_(__)       | |
  | |                                    | |
  | |________________________| |

176名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 03:12 ID:???
┃│  │逝│  │  │  │  │  │逝│  │┃
┃│  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │┃
┃│  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │┃
┃│  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │  │┃
┃│  │逝│  │  │  │  │  │逝│  │┃
177名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/04 20:56 ID:???

     |  |
     |  |
     |  |
     |  |
     |  |
     |  |
     |  |
    ∧|  |∧
   | |  | |
   | |  | |
   | |  | |
    ハ ̄/\ ̄ハ

178名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/05 15:11 ID:???
;.( ゚ー゚);.。::
179名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/06 10:50 ID:xZZ+ChCD

       (( (  ) ))  キャッキャッ♪
        / /       オンブー                    
       / /
    (( ヽ ヽ   ∧_∧
        \ \_(´∀`* )          ___
         \      ⌒ヽ         /ヽヽ    │ │
           ヽ     人 \       /ヽ      │ │ /
             \     ヽ>  >     /  \    ノ   レ
 神様・・・ボク何か  \   / /       ___
  悪いことシマスタか   _)/ / ヽ         /ヽヽ   │ │
             ( _ /   )        /ヽ     │ │ /       ∵
         《 ((( ))) /   /       /  \   ノ   レ    ゛∵
    ゼェゼェ  (´Д`; )/   /___       
         巛(   ヽ⊃》 <____⌒ヽ∴       ゛     ∴    ∴゛
           Y  人  _____⌒ヽ    ∵     ∵   ゛  ∴
    ガクガク 巛 (_)ヽJ》        ) / )))))))   ))))   )))  )))
                       (( し   …   …   …   …  …
180名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/06 19:58 ID:???

  .ミ.●      .  ●;;ミ
 /ミ ┌▽▽▽▽┐  ミ
( -ミ │      │  ミ
 \ ..└△△△△┘  \
  .ミ              ;\
  .ミ            ミ(__)
  .ミ            ミ
  .ミ            ミ
  .ミ    /\     ミ
 └──┘   └──┘
181名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/06 20:12 ID:???

    ,.、   ,r 、
   ,! ヽ ,:'  ゙;
.   !  ゙, |   }
    ゙;  i_i  ,/
    ,r'     `ヽ、
   ,i"        ゙;     _______
   !. ・     ・  ,!  /
  (ゝ_   x  _,r'' <  ・・・・・・・
   ヽ,:`''''''''''''''"ヽ.    \
    |      r';       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
182名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/06 20:13 ID:???
             .  ∧_∧
               (`・ω・´)  シャキーン
               /,   つ 
              (_(_, ) 

183名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/06 23:48 ID:???

  ∧Å∧    ,、,、ヽ   ∧_∧    
  ( ´;゚;ё;゚;)∬  (,,゚д゚) ★ (・∀・,, )
 (__   ⊃目  (つ酒 酒⊂    )
  し__) ┳━━━┳  (___つ
184名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 14:58 ID:l/QGRMh1
     ∧∧                 ∧∧
    /⌒ヽ)                /⌒ヽ)
   i三 ∪               i三 ∪ ・・・
  〜三 |                〜三 |
   (/~∪                (/~∪
185名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 16:08 ID:???
      λ., ; . |;;|         
      、!::i;;ヽ  |;;|           
      |〃:::::,,;; '';;;;#-,,vv.;、   
     'l#"~";;:;,, バ;;カ;;ヾ;`;;`; 
    /#"~  ;___,     ○(;、; 
    l';;; ;;; l#‐) ;i⌒i υ  ! 
     ! *  `~ ,  !m! ( 、 /  
     \   ) ) 。゙∴;;'  ノ
    /:#)/;;;;#;'; ;';;';;ヾ、,,     
    l糞;;;;;┌┼┐イ ┬ ;;; ヾ、
    ヽ、_ノ|    ' ; ;;;|ヽ_ノ
       l#; ",  ' ;;/
      . |   ;,イ; ,;i
      /l ;'∵/: |;`'.,;'l  ∞〜
      /l ;'雑| : |`巾;l 
      | ヽ  ノ.:,ヽ__ノ
       i;' ! ̄ ゜・
       ヾヽ,  。   ∬
       ヽ、l  ' ∫
         ∬ .  ∫
    〜∞   . ∬
    ;;'',,;';; ;;ζ,;;; '人  ;..;,;
  ;;;;'", ";.   (;;;:;;:;)  
     '',.   (;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;)     "゙`

186名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 17:11 ID:???

   ∧_∧ ■
    (・ω・)丿 ッパ
.  ノ/  /
  ノ ̄ゝ
187名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 17:12 ID:sUwIq3jV
                   / ⊥ \
                   ‖∧ ∧¶  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ∧ ∧       ( ゚Д゚)/<  青森!青森〜〜!!
アホもり〜! >(゚∀゚*) ρ__    /  /    \__________
_____/   |つ∪⊥  \ 〈  (
          //       ヽ∫ヽ__)      ト◇ 
          Ο        |   U U    /⌒\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           |        / | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )<りんご!りんご! 
           \_______/  \__人__/ \_/  \______

188名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 17:14 ID:sUwIq3jV

                   / ⊥ \
                   ‖∧ ∧¶  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ∧ ∧       ( ゚Д゚)/<  青森!青森〜〜!!
アホもり〜! >(゚∀゚*)_ρ__    /  /    \__________
_____/   |つ∪⊥  \ 〈  (
          //       ヽ∫ヽ__)      ト◇ 
          Ο        |   U U    /⌒\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           |        / | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )<りんご!りんご! 
           \_______/  \__人__/ \_/  \______

189名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 17:15 ID:sUwIq3jV
                      / ⊥ \
                       ‖∧ ∧¶  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  ∧ ∧       ( ゚Д゚)/ < ムカついたら針三本
アホ森!青森〜!  >(゚∀゚*)ρ__    /  /    \__________
_______/   |つ∪⊥  \  〈  (
             //       ヽ∫ヽ__)     ト◇ 
             Ο        |   U U   /⌒\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              |        /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< りんご!りんご! 
              \_______/ \__人__/ \_/  \_______
190名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 17:16 ID:sUwIq3jV
                      / ⊥ \
                       ‖∧ ∧¶  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  ∧ ∧       ( ゚Д゚)/ < ムカついたら針三本
アホ森!青森〜!  >(゚∀゚*)ρ__    /  /    \__________
_______/   |つ∪⊥  \  〈  (
             //       ヽ∫ヽ__)     ト◇ 
             Ο        |   U U   /⌒\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              |        /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< りんご!りんご! 
              \_______/ \__人__/ \_/  \_______
191名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 17:36 ID:???
.    _     __
   └┤・ ・└|┘       ___
    ロ‐┼┐ ┌┼────┼┐  │  
.  └‐┼┘ ││        └┼─┘
      ̄ ̄ | ̄          |
       ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐┌┐
       ││││ ││││
       └┘└┘ └┘└┘
192名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 18:04 ID:QF29hHzE
(´⌒ ´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒⌒⌒`) ドカ-ン
     ∧∧     ______________/
      (,,   ) ____/
     /  つT /
   〜(   )且/
193名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 18:06 ID:???
(´⌒ ´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
(´⌒⌒⌒`) ドカ-ン
     ∧∧     ______________/
      (,,   ) ____/
     /  つT /
   〜(   )且/
194修正:03/02/07 18:22 ID:???
                    (´⌒ ´⌒´ ⌒`)
                  (´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
                (´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
               (´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
               (´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´⌒ ´⌒´⌒´ ⌒`)
               (´⌒´⌒´⌒´⌒  ´⌒´⌒´⌒`)
                (´⌒(´⌒⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒`)⌒`)
                      (´⌒⌒⌒`) ドカ-ン
     ∧∧        ______________/
      (,,   ) _____/
     /  つT /
   〜(   ) 且/
195 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
196 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
197 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
198 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
199 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
200 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
201 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
202 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
203 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
204 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
205 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
206 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
207 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:24 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
208 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
209 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
210 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
211 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
212 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
213 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
214 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
215 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
216 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
217 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
218 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
219 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
220 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
221 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
222 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
223 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
224 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
225 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
226 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
227 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
228 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
229 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
230 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
231 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
232 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
233 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:25 ID:???
By the way, say, listen >>1.
I went to Yoshino-ya yesterday, Yoshino-ya.
I couldn't sit down because there were many people when it did so.
Therefore, when I overlook in the store, the inside of the store is written in the curtain with "150 yen off".
Oh, stupid? silly??
You! Know 150 yen off though it doesn't usually come here, and don't come to Yoshino-ya. You are senility!
That is 150 yen. 150 yen!
There is a parent and child companion why, too. Did they come to Yoshino-ya with 4 families? What a simpleton.
Father says "OK, dady order the Toku-mori". I couldn't bear to look at it.
Get out of the way because I am given to you 150 yen.
Yoshino-ya should make dreary more.
It isn't strange even if the guy who sat on the opposite side opposite of the U table begins a quarrel. I stabbed, or guy stabbed, such an atmosphere is good. Keep women and children nose out of this!
Then, if I think that I could finally sit down, next door neighbor says "Oh-mori and Tsuyu-daku!". So, I got very angry again.
Say, that isn't popular at present "Tsuyu-daku". You are senility.
Why do you say a "Tsuyu-daku" with the proud expression?
I want to grill you, do you really want to eat a "Tsuyu-daku"? I want to grill you. I want to grill you for about one hour.
I think that you want to only say a "Tsuyu-daku".
If I of the Yoshino-ya authority say, "Now, still it is 'Negi-daku' that a Yoshino-ya's authority is popular". It is this.
"Oh-mori, Negi-daku and Gyoku" This is an authority's order.
Though a Welsh onion is contained abundantly, meat is little with Negi-Daku. It is this.
Therefore, more, Oh-moriandGyoku (raw egg). This is most extreme.
But, it is very dangerous because it is marked by a salesclerk when you ordered that next time.
This isn't recommended to the amateur.
Well, an amateur like you is to say that even "a Gyu-syake set meal" should be eaten
234漆黒:03/02/07 18:31 ID:???
(? w゚д゚)<氏ね
(    )
| | |
235 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
236 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
237 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
238 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
239 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
240 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
241 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
242 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
243 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
244 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
245 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
246 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
247 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
248 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
249 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
250 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
251 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
252 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
253 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
254 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
255 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
256 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
257 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
258 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
259 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
260 ◆AYUMU/yWW2 :03/02/07 18:32 ID:???
Do you still do such KAKIKO though I said to you so much?
I have not permitted you any longer. I cannot permit you.
Do you think that a lot of the answer will come for such a KAKIKO?
You are crazy. I saw the fool like you for the first time.
The fool like you is below the cockroach. The fool like you is below the maggot.
I want you to die. You should die. You are never permitted.
I cannot permit the misunderstood fool.
I never permit a guy who do negligent KAKIKO to half interest.
Pack the peanut of the CARAMEL CORN into the hole of ass and die.
It can be imagined that it must be a cruel life though I do not know what way of life you have done up to now.
It smells something peculiar to the fool from your KAKIKO.
I do not understand you at all. I never permit you. I do not permit you even if you are dying.
Afflict it in the hell. Still, it is not sufficient.
Throw your head at the corner of the TOFU and die.
You must learn the reality more.
It is not time when you stay indoors indefinitely and are doing NEKURA.
However, it is too late. No matter what is done, you are not good.
Even if it is regretted to have given birth in this world, you are not good.
Anyway, you would be decided to not good man if you were reborn.
I want to strangle you, but it is stopped, for it is unpleasant if I touch you.
However, garbages like you shold die.
You must be inhaled into the drain ditch in the bath and die.
I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit you. I never permit the guy like you.
You must disappear early. You must be gone at once from this world.
It is a big mistake to think that it is possible to live while you have misunderstood indefinitely.
There is no goodness even if alive as you are at all.
As any method is acceptable, you must die at once.
My head is ITAI-ITAAI.
261名無しさん:03/02/07 19:15 ID:m2zO/t+z

  ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ゚Д゚) < にげろー  
 ┳⊂ )   \________
[[[[|凵ノ⊃ ≡3 ≡3 ≡3 ≡3
262名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 19:48 ID:kFihPaat
263名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 21:54 ID:???
\  ∧_∧        
  \( ´∀`)⌒ヽ 
   \    ⌒ U_
     \ / | ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 
      \つ >>40 |
        |  激しくワラタ |
        |  |
       | | 
      /|              |
     /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
264名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 21:55 ID:???
\  ∧_∧        
  \( ´∀`)⌒ヽ 
   \    ⌒ U_
     \ / | ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 
      \つ >>40        |
        |  激しくワラタ |
        |  |
       | |
      /|              |
     /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
265名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 21:56 ID:???
\  ∧_∧        
  \( ´∀`)⌒ヽ 
   \    ⌒ U_
     \ / | ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 
      \つ >>40   |
        |  激しくワラタ   |
        |    |
       |   | 
      /|               |
     /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
266名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 21:58 ID:???
\  ∧_∧        
  \( ´∀`)⌒ヽ 
   \    ⌒ U_
     \ / | ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 
      \つ>>40 |
        | 激しくワラタ      |
        |  |
        |  |
      /|             |
     /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
267名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 22:00 ID:???
\  ∧_∧        
  \( ´∀`)⌒ヽ 
   \    ⌒ U_
     \ / | ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 
      \つ>>40         |
        | 激しくワラタ      |
        |             |
        |             |
      /|              |
     /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
268名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 22:01 ID:???
\  ∧_∧        
  \( ´∀`)⌒ヽ 
   \    ⌒ U_
     \ / | ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 
      \つ>>40        |
        | 激しくワラタ     |
        |            |
        |            |
      /|             |
     /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
269名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 22:01 ID:???
\  ∧_∧        
  \( ´∀`)⌒ヽ 
   \    ⌒ U_
     \ / | ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 
      \つ>>40        |
        | 激しくワラタ     |
        |             |
        |             |
      /|             |
     /   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

270名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 23:05 ID:w+qlQ0tz
     \\  誕生日ワッショイ!! //
 +   + \\ 誕生日ワッショイ!!/+
.   +   ∧_∧  ∧_∧ ∧∧   +
      ( ・∀・∩(´∀`∩)(,,゚Д゚)
 +  (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿 (つ つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ ( ノ  〜) ) ) 
       (_)し' し(_)  ∪∪
271名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 23:21 ID:yIvl7NIj
          / \   
         (  へ)   
272名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/07 23:21 ID:yIvl7NIj
          / \   
         (  へ)   
273名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 00:56 ID:???

     ∧_∧ <`ш´ >  流石だな、○○○。
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/ どきパラ / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃
274名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 00:58 ID:???
     ∧_∧ <`ш´ >  流石だな、○○○。
     (*`・D・´) /   ⌒i
    /   \     | |
    /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
  __(__ニつ/ どきパラ / .| .|____
      \/____/ (u ⊃
275名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 01:30 ID:???
| 私の立てたスレなんだ!!!
  | age続けるんだ!!!
  | 名スレにするんだ!!!
  | きっと職人さんも来てくれる!!!
  \___________ ____
                       ∨  カタカタ____ ___
                  ∧_∧   ||\   .\  |◎ |
                  (.#`Д´)  ||  | ̄ ̄|  |:[].|
           ∧_∧ . ┌(   つ/ ̄l| / ̄ ̄/ ..| =|
   ∧_∧   ( TДT) |└ ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
  ( TДT)  (  つつ   ̄]||__)   | ||       | ||
  (つ  つ  /  / /  ./ ̄\  / ||       / ||
  と_)_)  (___)__)  ◎    ◎ .[___||     .[___||
   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   | >>1よ、もういいんだ・・・・・・・
   | 本当に良く頑張った・・・もう充分じゃないか・・・
   | 楽になっていいんだ・
276名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 05:25 ID:???
??? ??????? ? ??? ????? ??????
??? ??????? ? ??? ????? ??????
???? ????????? ??? ????????? ????? ?????
?????? - ????? - ????? ????????
????????? ?? ????? ?????? ??????
???????? ?? ????? ?????? ???
?????? ?? ?? ?????? ????? ?????
???? ???????? ??? ??????
????? ??? ?????
???????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ????
?????? ????? ? ???? ? ?????? ???
?????? ????? ??? ????? ?????
277名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 05:26 ID:???
278名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 07:24 ID:???
                        , -つ
                     / /
                    / /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                   /  /   | 
                  /  /    \
               /⌒⌒ヽ  /       ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           ((  /      \
              |  ヽ   ヽ∧_∧
               |   |\  ( ´Д`)
              |  | \  )     )  
              |  ノ  |  | ̄T |    
              /  |   | | ||
              i   |  .| .|  | |
               i  |   | |  | |
              ヽ |  U丿  u ノ
               (  | 
               ヽ | 
279名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 07:41 ID:???
   ⊂~ヽ         / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     \\       | 
       | |       \
       | |∧_∧       ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       | ( ´Д`)
       \    ⌒\
        |    |\\   
        \   \   \\
           >   |   ヽ_つ
         //  /
         // /
        // /
        (( (
           ヽ\ |
280名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 07:57 ID:???
                     , -つ
                  / /
        (´⌒        / /   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ((    ))   /  /   | 
        ((   )ミ  /  /    \
          ?j /⌒⌒ヽ /       ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        PU!  /      \            
          |  ヽ   ヽ∧_∧      
           |   |\  ( ´Д`)
           |  | \  )     /
           |  ノ  |  | ̄T |    
           /  |  | | ||
           i   |  .| .|  | |
            i  |   | |  | |
           ヽ |  U丿  u ノ
            (  | 
            ヽ | 
281名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 14:04 ID:/KC3XdPk

 ミ        O                                O        ミ
 ミ        O                                          O          ミ
 ミ       O                                            O         ミ
 ミ      O                                               O     .ミ
 ミ    O                                                  O    .ミ
 ミ O                 おにぎりワッチョイ!!                     O ミ
 ミ                \\  おにぎりワッチョイ!! //               ミ
 ミ            +   + \\ おにぎりワッチョイ!!/+             ミ
 ミ                              +                       ミ
 ミ  /■\         + /■\  /■\  /■\  +                   ミ
 ミ  (´・ω・`)          ( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)                      ミ
 ミ  ( つ旦O        (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿(つ  つ ))    +          ミ
 ミ  と_)_)、             ヽ  ( ノ ( ヽノ  ) ) )                    ミ
 ミ                      (_)し' し(_) (_)_)                   ミ
 │                                                 │
 │                  2ch幼稚園お遊戯会                      │
 │                                                 │
               ∧ ∧    ∧ ∧    ∧ ∧  
               (  ∧ ∧ (   ∧ ∧ (  ∧ ∧
             〜(_(  ∧ ∧ __(  ∧ ∧__(   ∧ ∧
               〜(_(  ∧ ∧_(  ∧ ∧_(   ∧ ∧
                 〜(_(   ,,)〜(_(*゚ー゚)〜(_(゚Д゚ ,,) 左のは何をしているんだ?
                   〜(___ノ  〜(___ノ   〜(___ノ

282名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 14:05 ID:zlkrp2N+

283名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 14:09 ID:/KC3XdPk

 ミ        O                                O        ミ
 ミ        O                                          O          ミ
 ミ       O                                            O         ミ
 ミ      O                                               O     .ミ
 ミ    O                                                  O    .ミ
 ミ O                 おにぎりワッチョイ!!                     O ミ
 ミ                \\  おにぎりワッチョイ!! //               ミ
              +   + \\ おにぎりワッチョイ!!/+
    /■\         + /■\  /■\  /■\  +  
    (´・ω・`)          ( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)
    ( つ旦O        (( (つ   ノ(つ  丿(つ  つ ))    +
    と_)_)、             ヽ  ( ノ ( ヽノ  ) ) )
                        (_)し' し(_) (_)_)
 │                     お遊戯会                      │
               ∧ ∧    ∧ ∧    ∧ ∧  
               (  ∧ ∧ (   ∧ ∧ (  ∧ ∧
             〜(_(  ∧ ∧ __(  ∧ ∧__(   ∧ ∧
               〜(_(  ∧ ∧_(  ∧ ∧_(   ∧ ∧
                 〜(_(   ,,)〜(_(*゚ー゚)〜(_(゚Д゚ ,,) 左のは何をしているんだ?
                   〜(___ノ  〜(___ノ   〜(___ノ

284名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 14:10 ID:???
    '´  ヽ 
  i ノノリ)))〉 
  ! l !゚ ヮ゚ノ! 
285名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 14:36 ID:/KC3XdPk
     ∩ ∩  
    | !--! |   
   ( ?θ? ) イッパイヤレテ
   ((ノ N /))  イッパイタベレッル
 (( ( _ |''´
 .  ∪  .U
286名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 16:25 ID:???
287名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 16:26 ID:fKUYVZ4P
288名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/08 16:31 ID:fKUYVZ4P
289 ◆VDKACHOHNM :03/02/08 16:44 ID:???
290名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 04:23 ID:???

  /| | | |ヽ ∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  |||゜〜゜)‖ノ< てすとおっ
 (__つ   /  \_____
. |_| (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) |_|
291名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 04:28 ID:???

/| | | |ヽ ∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|||゜〜゜)‖ノ< こんどはどう
(__つ   / \_____
.|_| (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) |_|
292名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 04:31 ID:???

/| | | |ヽ ∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|||゜〜゜)‖ノ< もいっちょ
(__つ   / \_____
. |_|(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) |_|
293名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 12:27 ID:???

  ∧∧   ∧∧   ∧∧  ∧∧   ∧/l   lヽ∧、 (/ ∨∨ 
 (,,゚Д゚)   (,,゚Д゚)   (,,゚Д゚) (,, ゚Д) (  ゚)  (   )l   ⌒ヾ∠
 (l ⊂l. ⊂l  O  O  つ _| ⊃.|  (、  ⊃⊂、   ヽつ   )
  lY ノ〜  LY ノ〜 /   |   ⊂) /  〜 彡>  〉〜彡 _  く
  〈ノJ    ∪   └⌒∪    (/   (/`´    し´/ / ヽ
294名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 12:32 ID:???
 O  つ                                                             
 /   |                                                            
295名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 12:34 ID:???
O  つ
/   |
296名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 12:35 ID:???
  O  つ
 /   |
297名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 15:22 ID:FUYIimom
          ♪ ○○にでゴウカク!!! ♪
   ,, -,,    ,, -,,  ,, -,,    ,, -,,  ,, -,,    ,, -,,
   ;;, ,,ミ∧∧ミ,, ,;;  ;;, ,,ミ∧∧ミ,, ,;;  ;;, ,,ミ∧∧ミ,, ,;;
    "(ヽ ゚ヮ゚ ノ)"   "(ヽ ゚ヮ゚ ノ)"   ."(ヽ ゚ヮ゚ ノ)"
      |  |       |  |       .|  |
     ⊂__⊃    .⊂__⊃      ⊂__⊃
       )          )          

298//:03/02/09 15:22 ID:js24AzBE

299//:03/02/09 15:23 ID:js24AzBE

300illiy:03/02/09 15:23 ID:js24AzBE
301名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 15:24 ID:FUYIimom
/■\         /■\
   (´∀` )ゴウカクゴウカク.( ´∀`)オニギリオニギリ
(( ⊂ ⊂丿         (つ  つ ))
   (_(_)         (_)_)

   /■\     /■\      /■\
   (´∀` )オニギリ( ´∀`)ゴウカク ∩´∀`)ウー!
(( ⊂ ⊂丿     (つ  つ ))   ヽ ⊂丿
   (_(_)     (_)_)      し'し'
302uiuo:03/02/09 15:25 ID:js24AzBE
          /        ヾ  /       ~`ヽ
         /           ヽ;:  /"""ヾ   ヽ
        /        ;:;;:::''''   l /;:;;:::'''  \   i
      /        /;:;;:::'''           ヽ  ヽ
      |         |               ヽ  |
      /        ;/            ,,;;;;;;;;,,,, ヽ ヽ
    /        ;:;:ヽ :::: .       ,,ヾ,,,.;;' .,,.r.:,==、-、.
    i          /     ,,.;;;;;;;;;  ;人; ;: ,;l.:.:.{ * .} );, 
    |          |  ,.;;-'ニニヾ;;、:;ヽ;;  ヽ, ゙ヽ,:.:`--'.,..//゙゙、
    |         ;:|;>'",..--、  ゙i;, l;;゙;::;)   `'ヽ `゙"゙ヽ;::.゙i, l
    |         ;:| /.:.{ * } ,./,.;:,,,;;;;;;;    ;;._` ;;;; : ヾ;;;゙i,
     |         |::.:::.:`--'シノ-‐''"´ _,   (;;;:;;))\,;;;,.. ゙i;;;:!
     |       /ヾ;;:゙`-==' ,ィ"..   i:(⌒`-‐'"l;;;:! _,.-'" ,._ヽ
      |         | ..   |l,. ,. ,:;/ `_,,,..--‐''"´ _,..,へヾ 〉 ;!:!
       |       ノ;;;:;:l;;;;;;:!;;:;:;:;:;/  / ,,;____,,...-''i"  l_,.-‐! ||;
       |       ノ ヽ:l;;:!;;;:::;/  / ,,;/`i  l  ゙!,..-'゙'iY゙i, ゙!;;;
       |       |   l、;;゙!;: l  ,' ;ノ、_ノー‐'^`''"  ,..ィ' l`'l.!;;/ 
      /;:;:;:;;:;:;: _/ l;;;゙i |i_/∠i゙i'"゙i‐┬‐┬'''i"_,ノ"/ .///
           ,.-'"  \:     ;:!ヽlヽ〜-^ー'^,.-'" .//\
         /.     \     !, ゙''ー-‐''"   //   \
    ,,..-‐'''""        ヾ   ,'":!ヽ、__,...-‐'"/
303名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 15:25 ID:FUYIimom
   /■\         /■\
   (´∀` )ゴウカクゴウカク.( ´∀`)オニギリオニギリ
(( ⊂ ⊂丿         (つ  つ ))
   (_(_)         (_)_)

   /■\     /■\      /■\
   (´∀` )オニギリ( ´∀`)ゴウカク ∩´∀`)ウー!
(( ⊂ ⊂丿     (つ  つ ))   ヽ ⊂丿
   (_(_)     (_)_)      し'し'
3043567:03/02/09 15:25 ID:js24AzBE

30554:03/02/09 15:26 ID:js24AzBE

306名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 15:27 ID:FUYIimom

           ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           ( ´Д` ) < 合格しますた!!
          /,  /   \_______
         (ぃ9  |
          /    /、
         /   ∧_二つ
         /   /
        /    \       ((( )))  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       /  /~\ \     ( ´Д`) < しますた!!!
       /  /   >  )     (ぃ9  )  \_______
     / ノ    / /    /    ∧つ
    / /   .  / ./     /    \     (゚д゚)  シマスタ!!
    / ./     ( ヽ、     / /⌒> )     ゚(  )−   
   (  _)      \__つ  (_)  \_つ     / >   (・∀・)シマスタ!! .マスタ!! .スタ!!

307::03/02/09 15:30 ID:js24AzBE
308782678:03/02/09 15:32 ID:js24AzBE


309名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 15:35 ID:FUYIimom

 +            \\  おにぎり ワッショイ!! //
       +        \\○○ワッショイ!!//           +
  +                          +/■\  /■\
 +  /■\    /■\  /■\  /■\ ( ´∀`∩∩´∀` ) ∩ /■\ +
.   ( ´∀`)   ( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`) (つ   丿ヽ  ⊂丿  ヾ(゚Д゚ )
 (( ( つ  ~つ )) (つ   ノ (つ  丿(つ  つ ( ( ノ  ( ( ノ ))  /   ⊃ )) +
   乂  ((⌒) )) ヽ  ( ノ ( ヽノ  ) ) )  し'し'   し'し'    0_ 〈
    (__)      (_)し' し(_)  (_)_)  ヤホーイ   ピョーン   .   `J

310t5:03/02/09 16:24 ID:js24AzBE


311名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:21 ID:???

                  , '"  . .: .:: .::.:::.::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::..:.:ノ|.:;;;:..        ',
                  // . .: .::.:::::.:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;:::./.:;'.:;;;;;;::.:.         `,
                   ,'/ . .: .:::.:::::.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;;:: ''" '"/.:.::.:i.:;;;;;;;;:.:. :.         ',
                 ,' . .: .:: .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:: -'"‐''",. '".:.::.:::.::'、.:.:;;;;;::.:..         |
                  i . .:.:.;;;;;;;;;;.:;;:: ‐''~.:.::.:::.::::.:::::.::::.:::.::.:.:. :. ';:.::.;;;;;;:.::.         ,'
                    | : :.:;;;;;;;::;: '".:.::.:::.::::.::::.:::::.::::::.::::.:::.:::.::.:.:. ' 、.:;;;;::.       /
                   i | .:.::;;;γ.:.::.:::.::::.:::::.::::::.::::::.:::::.::::.:::.:::.::.:.  \.:;:.        ,'
                  Yi ::::;;;;:i .:.:::.:::::.::::::::.::::::::::.::::::::.::::::::::::::.::.:.   \     ノ
                  ', : ::;;;|.:.::.:::.::::.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.::.:::.::.:.  ノ( ',    /
                   ' 、,..,i:. '"' . . : .: .:::.:::.::::::::::::::::..:::::.:::..⌒  ⌒  | /^ヽ
                     i :::i:.⌒"'ー 、., .:.:.).::.::::.::::.:.,. -‐'''"~'ヽ   ,.メ~,. ,  |
                      ', ::'; -‐‐--  、!.:::::."''~ --‐‐‐- 、 / :レ'⌒) :i
                      ', (       Y⌒ヾ|          )    | / ,'
                       ';::i 、      ノ.::.:::.('、      ノ    ノノ /,
                        ;i.:.:.~"'''ー'''".:i.:.::.::.::.:.`ー--‐‐''":.   .::. /
                        i.:.:::.:::::.::::::.:::ノ.:.::.:::.::::::.::::::.::::.::.:.     /
                         '、.:.::.:::.::::./.'ー、ー'.:.::.:::.::::.:::.::.::.:.   ,'ー
                         λ.:.::.:::/ // /::.:.:::::.::::.:::.::.::.:.   ,'
                          ';.:::.:/ // /_,,,,... -‐- 、.:.:.  /'
                           ';.:/ // /''''''""~ ̄"~.:.::.  ノ
                           / // /:.::."'''"~.:.::.:::.::.:.  /
                          / // /:.::::.:::::.:::::.::::.:::.:.:. /
                         / // /:.:::.::::.:::::::.::::.:::.::.:. ノ
                        / // /  ~""~ ̄~"''ー'''" 
                       / // /
                      ./ // /
            ○        ./ // / 
               O  人  / // /       
               o 人 人 从"、;从
                ||(( ; ;"、; :、;从  
               人 ((;".;";.;"))从"、    磯野家がゴミのようだ・・・・。
              /| ̄ ̄((;".;";.;"))    
               |  □□   |             
               |  □□   |       
─────────..卜|  □□   | ──────────
              .ヒ|       |     
                ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ L     
                 ||      ||   L    
                 ̄     ̄  
312名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:22 ID:???

                  , '"  . .: .:: .::.:::.::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::..:.:ノ|.:;;;:..        ',
                  // . .: .::.:::::.:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;:::./.:;'.:;;;;;;::.:.         `,
                   ,'/ . .: .:::.:::::.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;;:: ''" '"/.:.::.:i.:;;;;;;;;:.:. :.         ',
                 ,' . .: .:: .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;:: -'"‐''",. '".:.::.:::.::'、.:.:;;;;;::.:..         |
                  i . .:.:.;;;;;;;;;;.:;;:: ‐''~.:.::.:::.::::.:::::.::::.:::.::.:.:. :. ';:.::.;;;;;;:.::.         ,'
                    | : :.:;;;;;;;::;: '".:.::.:::.::::.::::.:::::.::::::.::::.:::.:::.::.:.:. ' 、.:;;;;::.       /
                   i | .:.::;;;γ.:.::.:::.::::.:::::.::::::.::::::.:::::.::::.:::.:::.::.:.  \.:;:.        ,'
                  Yi ::::;;;;:i .:.:::.:::::.::::::::.::::::::::.::::::::.::::::::::::::.::.:.   \     ノ
                  ', : ::;;;|.:.::.:::.::::.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.::.:::.::.:.  ノ( ',    /
                   ' 、,..,i:. '"' . . : .: .:::.:::.::::::::::::::::..:::::.:::..⌒  ⌒  | /^ヽ
                     i :::i:.⌒"'ー 、., .:.:.).::.::::.::::.:.,. -‐'''"~'ヽ   ,.メ~,. ,  |
                      ', ::'; -‐‐--  、!.:::::."''~ --‐‐‐- 、 / :レ'⌒) :i
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313名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:23 ID:???

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314名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:25 ID:???

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315名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:26 ID:???

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316名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:38 ID:Ip+2zGkh

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317名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:46 ID:+HW3vvWj
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318名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:48 ID:???
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319名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/09 23:50 ID:???

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320名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 00:43 ID:HFsSdGnA
  /il i!| ‐''|´! | ハ!| | |i!::i:::|:::||::::|::::| !ヾ!:i`''‐i,,::::||!::::::::::||::::::::|::::::::::::::::ヽ::::
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ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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321名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 00:45 ID:HFsSdGnA
  /il i!| ‐''|´! | ハ!| | |i!::i:::|:::||::::|::::| !ヾ!:i`''‐i,,::::||!::::::::::||::::::::|::::::::::::::::ヽ::::
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i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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、、iヾミヽ ヾ''~川リ i i゙、           "  ∨ノ / i/::///:/ .|:i i:::
322名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 00:46 ID:HFsSdGnA
  /il i!| ‐''|´! | ハ!| | |i!::i:::|:::||::::|::::| !ヾ!:i`''‐i,,::::||!::::::::::||::::::::|::::::::::::::::ヽ::::
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ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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、、iヾミヽ ヾ''~川リ i i゙、           "  ∨ノ / i/::///:/ .|:i i:::
323名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 01:09 ID:???
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324名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 01:52 ID:???
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325名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 02:50 ID:???
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326名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:18 ID:HFsSdGnA
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327名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:21 ID:???
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     ̄|  |      |  | ̄
     |  |      |  |
     |  |.     |  |
     \ \__/ /
       \    /
       /|.    |ヽ
      / ⊃   ⊂.\
    / /|     |\ \
    ( <  |     |.  > )
    \ \|     |/ /
328名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:23 ID:???
    ___      ___
.   (    )     (    )
     ̄|  |      |  | ̄
     |  |      |  |
     |  |.     |  |
     \ \__/ /
       \    /
       /|.    |ヽ
      / ⊃   ⊂.\
    / /|     |\ \
    ( <  |     |.  > )
    \ \|     |/ /
 ______ \_____/
329名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:23 ID:???
    ___      ___
.   (    )     (    )
     ̄|  |      |  | ̄
     |  |      |  |
     |  |.     |  |
     \ \__/ /
       \    /
       /|.    |ヽ
      / ⊃   ⊂.\
    / /|     |\ \
    ( <  |     |.  > )
    \ \|     |/ /
_ ______ \_____/
330名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:46 ID:???

              《|   / ̄\
       /)     0(_|  (◎∀◎ )
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__  )
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |     |
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
331名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:47 ID:???
              《|   / ̄ ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_|  (◎∀◎ )
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__  )
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |     |
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
332名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:49 ID:???
              《|   / ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_|  (◎∀◎ )
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__  )
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |     |
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
333名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:54 ID:???
              《|   / ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_|  (◎∀◎ )
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__  )
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |【刀z]]]|
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
334名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:55 ID:???

 ``).  ..┃┃┃┏┓┃┃┏┓┃┃┏┓┃   オルアァァァァァッツ!!!
 ;;`)⌒ ..┃┃┃┗┛┃┃┗┛┃┃┗┛┃    ( `Д)モウイッチョダー!!!
 ;;;⌒`)... ┗┛┗━━┛┗━━┛┗━━┛─□( ヽ┐U ギュゴコゴコココ
;;⌒`)⌒`).◎ ◎  ◎ ◎  ◎ ◎  ◎  ◎−ミ┘◎

335名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 06:56 ID:???
              《|  / ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_| (◎∀◎ )
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__  )
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |【刀z]]]]|
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
336名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 07:24 ID:???
              《|  / ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_| (◎)∀(◎ )
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__ ◎)
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |{Σ}]]]]|
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
337名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 07:26 ID:???
              《|  / ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_| (◎)∀(◎)
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__ ◎)
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |{Σ}]]]]]|
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
338名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 07:27 ID:???
              《|  / ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_| (◎)∀(◎)
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__◎)
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |{Σ}]]]]]|
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
339名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 07:29 ID:???
              《|  / ̄ ̄\
       /)     0(_| (◎)∀(◎)
       |_)P   .E__`ヽ、〜 __ (     HAHAHA!!!!
       (___ヨー- / \_ ̄__◎)》
       | |ー―/ /  ̄|.  ̄ `  |
       | |   / /   |{Σ}]]]]]|
       | ヽ ノ /   __l .   ,l
      ∧_∧( ´<__,´-/ , -‐´
     (´Д`; ).ヽ ヽ  (  <  ,)
       u `ヽ、___ ,-─-、`/ /\_
        u .   | | し / /\ l
            .| |   ( 〈 〈._」
            f___」   . |  |
                  |  |
                    /  」
340名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 13:54 ID:???
               -― ̄ ̄ ` ―--  _      ……もうだめぽ。
          , ´         ,    ~  ̄" ー  _
        _/          / ,r          ` 、
       , ´           / /    ,ヘ         ヽ
    ,/   ,|           / /     l|●i        ,/
   と,-‐ ´ ̄          / /  r(  j'        く
  (´__   、        / /  `( u ,ヘ         ヽ
       ̄ ̄`ヾ_      し    u l|●i         _>
          ,_  \           ノ(`'  __   -‐ ´
        (__  ̄~" __ , --‐一~⊂  ⊃_
           ̄ ̄ ̄      ⊂ ̄    __⊃
341名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 18:55 ID:f1966iEu
─‐────────────‐────────‐∧_∧ ───‐──―──‐
─────‐∧ ∧,〜 ────────────‐(; ´Д`) ────―─‐──‐
──−──‐( (⌒ ̄ `ヽ───_ ───────‐ /    /─―/ヽ────―─‐
──―───‐\  \ `ー'"´, -'⌒ヽ──────‐| | 1 ‐─‐/ | | ─────―
―‐――──‐ /∠_,ノ    _/_───‐―──―─‐| |  /─―/ | |―────―‐
─────‐ /( ノ ヽ、_/´  \―────‐──‐∪ ./──,イ ∪ ────―─
────‐ 、( 'ノ(     く     `ヽ、 ―────―‐| /−─/|| | ──−───―
───‐‐/` ―\____>\___ノ ──────‐|/──/ || | ────‐─―‐
───/───―‐/__〉.───`、__>.―‐―───‐─―‐| || | ─────―─
342名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 18:57 ID:Tsfcs6Pk

343 :03/02/10 20:44 ID:???
 _/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
煤Q    ∪ ;´∀`)                              ∋oノハヽo∈
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄             おかしはあげないのれす>   (´D` )
                                             ( つ○O
     _/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    煤Q 11  ∪ ¨_J¨)  .。oO( 誰がアザラシに似とるんや、ゴルァ )
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
344名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 20:46 ID:???
 _/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
煤Q    ∪ ;´∀`)                               ∋oノハヽo∈
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄             おかしはあげないのれす>   (´D` )
                                             ( つ○O
     _/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    煤Q 11  ∪¨_J¨)  .。oO( 誰がアザラシに似とるんや、ゴルァ )
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
345名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 21:53 ID:???
            . .∩
                 | |
                 | |
        ∧_∧   | |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ( ´Д`)//  < 宣誓
      /       /    \
     / /|    /      \
  __| | .|    |
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
   ||\            .\
   ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
   ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
      .||              ||
346広末涼子 ◆EIC6ZT0j5Y :03/02/10 22:53 ID:???

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄○ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           O 。
                 , ─ヽ
________    /,/\ヾ\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|__|__|__|_   __((´∀`\ )< というお話だったとサ
|_|__|__|__ /ノへゝ/'''  )ヽ  \_________
||__|        | | \´-`) / 丿/
|_|_| 从.从从  | \__ ̄ ̄⊂|丿/
|__|| 从人人从. | /\__/::::::|||
|_|_|///ヽヾ\  /   ::::::::::::ゝ/||
────────(~〜ヽ::::::::::::|/     =HAPPY END=
347名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/10 23:26 ID:???

  Λ_Λ  \\
 ( ´ー` )   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >  
  _/し' //. V _Λ  
 (_フ彡     (  ^Д^) 
348名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 03:57 ID:97ExMjVx
349名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 03:59 ID:97ExMjVx
350名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 04:00 ID:97ExMjVx

351名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 04:00 ID:97ExMjVx
352名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 04:04 ID:97ExMjVx
?? д
353名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 04:14 ID:97ExMjVx
 ̄д ̄
354名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 04:16 ID:pjMZHdV+
            /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /
           /   このスレは無事に  /
           /  終了いたしました    /
          / ありがとうございました  /
          /                /
         /   モララーより      /
         / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
  ∧_∧  /                /∧_∧
 ( ・∀・) /                /(・∀・ )
 (    )つ               ⊂(    )
 | | |                   | | |
 (__)_)                  (_(__)
355名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:12 ID:???
   ( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~ 
356名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:13 ID:???
  |         |  |
  |         |  |_____
  |         |  | ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
  |         |  |   / /|
  |        /\ |  /|/|/|
  |      /  / |// / /|
  |   /  / |_|/|/|/|/|
  |  /  /  |文|/ // /     ∧∧
  |/  /.  _.| ̄|/|/|/      /⌒ヽ)
/|\/  / /  |/ /       [ 祭 _]    ∧∧
/|    / /  /ヽ         三____|∪   /⌒ヽ)
  |   | ̄|  | |ヽ/l         (/~ ∪    [ 祭 _]
  |   |  |/| |__|/       三三      三___|∪
  |   |/|  |/         三三       (/~∪
  |   |  |/         三三      三三
  |   |/                    三三
  |  /                    三三
  |/                    三三
357名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:15 ID:???
    ∧_∧  (´<_`  ) 
   ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i    test
   /   \     | |
  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |
__(__ニつ/  FMV  / .| .|____
    \/____/ (u ⊃
358名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:16 ID:yu41bDbi
   /> <\  
    | |    | 
   \\ //  
  (  ◎ )  
  | | |
359名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:18 ID:yu41bDbi
   /> <\  
  | |    | |
  \\ //  
  (  ◎ )  
  | | |
360名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:20 ID:yu41bDbi

   /> <\  
    | |    | |
   \\ //  
  (  ◎ )  test
   | | |
361名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:22 ID:yu41bDbi
   /> <\  
    | |    | |
   \\ //  
    (  ◎ )  
    | | |
362名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:22 ID:xmKnf5NC
363名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:25 ID:yu41bDbi
               /> <\  
                | |    | |
               \\ //  
                (  ◎ )  
         /     ∩| | | |
        /      / /(__)_)
           /   / /   ∩
              / /     | |
  .        / / /_∧  / /
            / / ´_ゝ`)/  
          / |      / 
            |    /
            |   /⌒l
             ヽ   | /
           / | ゙ー'| L
        /     |  /(_  ヽ
         / / ノ    ̄
       /  / /
     /   ( ヽ
364名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 05:26 ID:yu41bDbi
                /> <\  
                 | |    | |
                \\ //  
                 (  ◎ )  
         /     ∩| | | 
        /      / /(__)_)
           /   / /   ∩
              / /     | |
  .        / / /_∧  / /
            / / ´_ゝ`)/  
          / |      / 
            |    /
            |   /⌒l
             ヽ   | /
           / | ゙ー'| L
        /     |  /(_  ヽ
         / / ノ    ̄
       /  / /
     /   ( ヽ
365名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 07:24 ID:???
  /    ヽヽ\
 / / ○-○| |  |    _____________
/| |   __| | | | |  /
| | |     | |UV < 
し\|  -  U ノ    \
                 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

366名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 09:15 ID:m9llRV0D
∧_∧   死ねヴォケ
       _( ´_ゝ`)
      /      )           _     _
     / ,イ 、  ノ/     ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ, _
    / / |   ( 〈 ∵. ・(   〈__ >  ゛ 、_―
   | !  ヽ  ー=- ̄ ̄=_、  (/ , ´ノ
   | |   `iー__=―_ ;, / / /   
    !、リ  -=_二__ ̄_=;,  / / ,'
        /  /      /  /|  |
       /  /       !、_/ /   〉
     / _/             |_/
367名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 09:15 ID:m9llRV0D

       _( ´_ゝ`)
      /      )           _     _
     / ,イ 、  ノ/     ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ, _
    / / |   ( 〈 ∵. ・(   〈__ >  ゛ 、_―
   | !  ヽ  ー=- ̄ ̄=_、  (/ , ´ノ
   | |   `iー__=―_ ;, / / /   
    !、リ  -=_二__ ̄_=;,  / / ,'
        /  /      /  /|  |
       /  /       !、_/ /   〉
     / _/             |_/
368名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 09:18 ID:m9llRV0D
       _( ´_ゝ`)
      /      )           _     _
     / ,イ 、  ノ/     ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ, _
    / / |   ( 〈 ∵. ・(   〈__ >  ゛ 、_―
   | !  ヽ  ー=- ̄ ̄=_、  (/ , ´ノ
   | |   `iー__=―_ ;, / / /   
    !、リ  -=_二__ ̄_=;,  / / ,'
        /  /      /  /|  |
       /  /       !、_/ /   〉
     / _/             |_/
369名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 09:46 ID:aP7maClQ
                                                _( ´_ゝ`)
                                               /      )           _     _
                                              / ,イ 、  ノ/     ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ, _
                                             / / |   ( 〈 ∵. ・(   〈__ >  ゛ 、_―
                                            | !  ヽ  ー=- ̄ ̄=_、  (/ , ´ノ  プシュ
                                             !、リ  -=_二__ ̄_=;,  / / ,'
                                                 /  /      /  /|  |
                                                /  /       !、_/ /   〉
                                              / _/             |_/
370名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 10:12 ID:X71wJ8JR
( ´∀`)
( )
| | |
371名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 16:29 ID:???
            /ヽ       /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /  ヽ
  ______ /     ヽ__/     ヽ
  | ____ /           :::::::::::::::\
  | |       //       \  :::::::::::::::|
  | |       |  ●      ●    ::::::::::::::|
  | |      .|             :::::::::::::|
  | |       |   (__人__丿  .....:::::::::::::::::::/
  | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
  └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |            :::::::::::::::::::::::|
  \ \  \___       ::::::::::::::::::::::::|
372名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 16:31 ID:???

             /ヽ       /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /  ヽ
  ______ /     ヽ__/     ヽ
  | ____ /           :::::::::::::::\
  | |       //       \  :::::::::::::::|
  | |       |  ●      ●    ::::::::::::::|
  | |      .|             :::::::::::::|
  | |       |   (__人__丿  .....:::::::::::::::::::/
  | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
  └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |            :::::::::::::::::::::::|
  \ \  \___       ::::::::::::::::::::::::|
373名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 16:36 ID:???
 |  ノノハヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 | ィゝ ゚∀゚ノ   < どう?   
 |⊂| |∀| |つ   \________________
374名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 18:04 ID:???

         .´   `v^)     _______
        〈(ハ从ノlハミi((.   /
         l人´д`*从 )) <  あぁん、いぃっ♥
     シコシコ / ・  ・ ヽ(   \
       ≡(m)二:;⊂[_ノ       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         (ノノノ |ヘヽヽ)
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
375名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 19:39 ID:???

         .´   `v^)     _______
        〈(ハ从ノlハミi((.   /
         l人´д`*从 ) <  あぁん、いぃっ♥
   シュコシュコ / ・  ・ ヽ(   \
       ≡(m)二:;⊂[_ノ       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         (ノノノ |ヘヽヽ)
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
376名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 19:43 ID:???
     / ̄ l |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ■■-っ <  
    ´∀`/    \__________
 Ё|__ | /  |
     | У..  |

377名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/11 19:44 ID:???
     / ̄ l |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ■■-っ <  スイッチオン!
    ´∀`/    \__________
 Ё|__ | /  |
     | У..  |
378 :03/02/12 02:09 ID:???
    /)  /)
   /  ⌒  ヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   | ●_ ●  | < 
  (〇 〜  〇 |  \_________
\/       |
  |     |_/ |
379名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/12 05:02 ID:???
     , -―- 、 
          ,l[》《]l     ヾ
           / i/イ ノノノ)))) 〉      
.         / i | |(リ ( | | |l|      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ヽ !」 l ゝ" lフ/l !     <
.            || ! |^ 、ヽ i〔ァ i     \_____
          <','l |∨∨) 〈_/     
           |i/ l !〉   !、_/
           / /|リ   l リ
.        _/^>l li^ヽ /|
          ` つノ  / | | !
           / /  ! ! | |
            ァ /   ! l  | |
.           `‐L_L|_」┘
            |  | |
.             l;;;;;;!;;!
            〈 ´|;;;;!
           ヽ__!  ` )
380山崎渉:03/02/12 18:30 ID:???
381山崎渉:03/02/12 18:30 ID:???
382山崎渉:03/02/12 18:43 ID:???
383山崎渉:03/02/12 18:44 ID:???
384山崎渉:03/02/12 18:49 ID:???
385 ◆gikONIMoGc :03/02/12 23:14 ID:???
386山崎渉:03/02/13 16:25 ID:???
387名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/13 21:42 ID:???
        ., ,illll ,i lliii..ll li .ill ll .,, l!.、 ll.,,  ,i、ll! :l゜゙ .!″  、 ゙!i,,,        
        'li,,il゙.!l .,lllllllll,.ll, .lli,lll lli、ll、.il .ll゙.ll.,,,,l゜.ll| .,, ll ..,l ll .ll  ゙!ll、       
        .lllll′.,.lllllllllll,,ll...lllllll..llli,ill|.,ill,.,ll.,ll.llll゚, illl: lll,ll,.ill.,lli,,,illl  .li       
        .lll! ,l .ll:lllllllllllllllllllllllll,,llllllll,.lllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllli、 .ll       
        .lllllllllllllllllllllll| ゙゙!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllll!!!!!゙゙llllllllllllllllll       
        .lllllllllllllllllllllll′ .゙゙!l゚゙!゙!!l゙!゙゙!ll゙!lllll!!!!゙゙゙゙゙゙゙’゙!゙゙゜  .lllllllllllllllllll,,,      
        .lllllllllllllllllllllll:        ゙゙ `'゙         .lllllllllllllllll|: ゙゙%,,、   
      ,,llll,llllllllllllllllllllll                      ,llllllllllllllllll,lllll `゙lll,,,、  
     ..,,,,l,illii,,゙゙!lllllllllllllll:                      ,lllllllllllllllll!"_,ll   .゙゙lll,,, 
   ,,,llll゙゙゙'!l,.゙.゙゙l,,lllll!!lllllll!                     ,llllll!!lllllllllill゙゙lll:     .゙゙l!
 ..,,lll゙゙゜ : ,,llllyllllll!llll| .'゙!!l                   ゙゙゙° lllll゙゙゙”゙lil:        
,,lll゙゜  .,,,ll°'ll  .'!l!li. : ,,   .,      ,, ,,ll"   .,,l・ ,,e   ,l!`.,,,,,,ll゙:       
゙′ .,,il!° .゙l,,.llll,,.lll  ゙li,, . . '゙l,,,,,゜ ,,   .,,,ll゙゙..,,,ill゙`   .,,ll゙゙゙il゙゙llll,,,、     
   ,il!゙`  .,l!゙゙゙l,,゙ll!″   ゙゙llll,,,llli llll,,,、..,l! lll,,,,,iiilll lllll ,lll゙’    .:l| .,ill  ゙゙゙lll,,、   
  .,il!°  ,i゙゜ .'li,       ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙ll!!lll゙°li゙゙ll,゙゙゙”゙゙゙″     .,l!l゙゙゙゙lli,,   `゙lli,,  
 .,ll″  .,、ll` .,il゙゙llll,,、       '゙゙’ 'll  ,l| . ゚           ,il′  ゙lii,,、  .゙!l,,、
 .ll°  .,l!il|  ,ll′ ._li、                        ,ll   .,l!゙゙!lii,  ,,,、゙゙li、 ←>>1はDQN
 .″  ,il ll  ,ll.,,il゙゙゙゙゙゙l,               .,、        ,l°  .゙°..,l゙.,ii!゙° :
     .ll .'ll .llll!゜  ゙!,       .ll、   ,ll        .,il`     .,illiill!°.,,llサ
     .ll,: 'li..,illll    'li,       ゙゙゙llll,,,ill゙゙’       ,,ii!′'i, ,,il' ..,illlllll!’.,,ll゙゜  
     ゙l,, ゙llllllll  、 llll,,    .,,   ._      ,,.=@  .,,llllll   lli!゙ ,llllllllll″ .,,lll゙
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゙゙lli、     `.lllllli,、.ll .ll.゙l、.゙゙lll,,、  ゙゙lllllllllllllll゙゙゜  .,,il!゙’ ,lli .,il゙ ,illlll!゙’   .,,lllll゙゙″
        .'llllllllii,ll、.ll .゙l,  .゙゙lll,,,       ..,,,ll゙° .,l゙l! ,!゜.,,lll!l゙゜ : _,,,llll゙°  
,   'll,,、   .゙゙!llllllll, 'li、.゙l,、   ゙゙lll,,,,,_._,,,,,,lll゙°  .,,ll゚,ll: ll.,,il!゙゜.,,,llll゙゙゙’     
゙ll,,、  .゙゙ll,,、   .゙゙!llll,、゙li,, .゙ト    .゙゚゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙″    .゙_,ll゙ .,llll゙`,,lll゙゙`      .,ャ
388名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/13 21:44 ID:???
389名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/13 22:00 ID:???

                   -─‐-ァ-─< ̄`く ̄ ̄ !
                _/   厂´    !__ ∠   \
                7      \      /    `ー--ハ
               /        ̄\/             |
               !                         |
                 !       A  ト、                |
                    i∧!ヽ ト、| \! \              |
                         ヽ!⌒ヽ    ! i⌒ヽ        │
                       ノ┃     レ'  ノ        |
                  「   〃    r‐ '           |
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                     /      7               |
                    ヽ    //!          ハ!
                       ̄ ̄/イ |/!      ,-─'
           i⌒ヽ∧         , -─-<!/‐ー─┬‐'
       r‐┘  ヽ ト-───‐‐/      `ー─‐┴─-、
      ノ       ├┬┬┬┬/                    ヽ
     く        / /  |  | i/                    〉
      \    〈 /   |   |〈                   /ノ
         ∧    ヽ   |   くヽ       i             //
        / \   \/|   /\\   /           /'´
       ,イ   ,へ    \/    \\/           /
     / /   /   \         /! ̄       ヽ\   /
    /  /   /     /\     /ヽ/         \_ く
   く_ /   /     /   |\ /   |               〉
   ヽ\___|\__ト、  !  \   L -──--‐- ┬‐'
     ̄`ー───`ー-─‐┴‐'/             \
                   i-─‐- 、           ヽ
                      |      `ヽ         ! ヽ
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                     |            ヽ    !   /!
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                    |           i -‐''´  !
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                       !         |     !
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                      !       |  !
                      !      |  |
                      ヽ      \|
                       \      \
                         !       ヽ
                        | !       !
                        | !       !
                        |  !       !
390名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/13 22:13 ID:???
======================== ∧ ======== ∧=============== \\  ///
====================== / λ======  / λ===========   \  神 /
====================  /   λ====  /   λ========     \  の  /
=================||||||   |||||========   \  逝  /
================||  <◎> (_人_)<◎>λ        \   .ッ
================          |∨ ∨|       |             ッ  \
================           |    |       |        /   手  \
================          /⌒⌒ .|       |        // !!! \
==================       .  ――┤      /           /  \
==================                /             |
================    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ>+     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄〇> ●
==============               |>            〇>
============   _______ ノ> ______〇>
==========            /=============
========            /=============
391名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/13 23:09 ID:???
     ☆ノハヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     从‘ 。‘从 < 
      ( つ■ つ  \___________
       U U
392名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/13 23:10 ID:???

  ノノノノノハ)  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ノソ ‘ 。‘ノ  < 
   ( つ? つ  \___________
393名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/14 15:40 ID:???
     @I    @@
   @   DD   I
  @   円_円    @
  D   ¥・∀・¥  D
   D  (つI⊂) D
     D     @
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.        I
   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ♥∀♥)< オマエモナー
  (    )  \_____
  | | |
394名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/14 16:38 ID:???

    ●            ドゾー         ドゾー   
 ●     ●   義理チョコドゾー
     ヽ )ノ              ドゾー        ドゾー
● ⌒(゚д゚)ノ ●                 ドゾー       
    /. ( ヽ        ドゾー
 ●     ●  ビュンビュン     ドゾー
    ●                   ドゾー
395名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/14 16:38 ID:???

    ●             ドゾー         ドゾー   
 ●     ●   義理チョコドゾー
     ヽ )ノ              ドゾー        ドゾー
● ⌒(゚д゚)ノ ●                 ドゾー       
    /. ( ヽ        ドゾー
 ●     ●  ビュンビュン     ドゾー
    ●                   ドゾー
396名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/14 18:21 ID:???
397山崎渉:03/02/14 19:05 ID:???
   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ^^ )< これからも僕を応援して下さいね(^^)。
  (    )  \________________
  | | |
  (__)_)                        山崎モナー
398名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/14 19:08 ID:???
χ              χ
   Σ¨)    〜      Σ¨)
   (_≦ 〜        (_≦ 〜〜     さよ〜なら〜〜
     |            |   〜〜
     |  〜〜       |
     |            |
     |  〜〜       | 〜〜
     |            |
      \   Λ_Λ    / 〜〜
       \ ( ´∀`) /
        ⊂(    )⊃ 〜〜
         | | |     ⊂⊃/ ̄\
          (__)_)     /〜〜〜⊂ ⊃
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   Σ¨)  〜    Σ¨)   〜
   (_≦ 〜   (_≦  〜

                                   Λ_Λ  アリガトウニャ
                                  (´∀` )
                                   (    )
                                  | | |
399名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/14 19:53 ID:???
   彡川川川三三三ミ〜  プウゥ〜ン
   川|川/  \|〜 ポワ〜ン    ________
  ‖|‖ ◎---◎|〜        /
  川川‖    3  ヽ〜      <
  川川   ∴)д(∴)〜       \________
  川川      〜 /〜 カタカタカタ
  川川‖    〜 /‖ _____
 川川川川___/‖  |  | ̄ ̄\ \
   /       \__|  |    | ̄ ̄|
  /  \○○命_     |  |    |__|
  | \      |つ   |__|__/ /
  / ドキュソ氏ね | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  〔 ̄ ̄〕
400名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/15 09:45 ID:RTtBFwDs
        \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/
       ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
    ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
  ,;" ∪゙゙゙   ';、
,;"   .:.:::::""゙ ゙ ;、   
           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、      ぷ
,;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. )     (
( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙゙ 、,i     )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
    わ ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;  ';、
    ) 〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙ ゙ 、,i
      ( ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. ';、
      ん ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪ '/
ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、 '/
ヽ:.: U '; '/
ヽ____________ _____ '/
401テスト:03/02/15 09:46 ID:???
       \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/
       ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
    ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
  ,;" ∪゙゙゙   ';、
,;"   .:.:::::""゙ ゙ ;、   
           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、      ぷ
,;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. )     (
( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙゙ 、,i     )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
    わ ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;  ';、
    ) 〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙ ゙ 、,i
      ( ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. ';、
      ん ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪ '/
ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、 '/
ヽ:.: U '; '/
ヽ____________ _____ '/
402テスト:03/02/15 09:47 ID:???
                        /⌒〜Y⌒"""ヘ   ヘ∨ ∨
                         /⌒/   へ    \|\
            /           /  /   /( ∧  ) ヘ ヘ
           く           // ( /| | V )ノ( ( (  ヘ\   お  て
    ┘/^|    \         (  | |ヘ| レ  _ ヘ|ヘ ) _ヘ    し  め
    /|   .|              |  )) )/⌒""〜⌒""   iii\    え  |
     .|  α  _          ヘ レレ  "⌒""ヘ〜⌒"  ||||>   て
          _∠_       イ |  |  /⌒ソi   |/⌒ヘ  <    や に
     _     (_        ) ヘ  | ‖ () ||  || () ||  _\   ん は
     /               (  ) ヘ |i,ヘゝ=彳  入ゝ=彳,i|\    ね
    /ー               ( /  """/   ー""""   >   |
      _)   |          ヘ(||ii    ii|||iiii_/iii)ノヘ|||iiiii<    
          |          ( ヘ|||||iiii∠;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;     フ  
    /////   ヘ_/       ) ヘ|||""ヘ===二二二===7フ / ム/∧ ∧ ∧
    /////              (  | ii  | |LL|_|_LLL// |    )( ∨| ∨)
   ・・・・・                ) )| || | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | |   ( ヘ | ヘ ) (
          ___        | | /| .| |||/⌒/⌒ヘ | | |  iiiiヘ ( | ( | /
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            (          ( /..|  | |_____/ | |  iii  ( )( // /
            \         ) )..|  |ヘL|_|_L/ / /  ,,,,--(/Vヘ)(/
                       / ( .|ヘ \_ヘ |_/ / /
403テスト:03/02/15 09:50 ID:???
        \/ ・・     / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

       ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
    ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
  ,;" ∪゙゙゙   ';、
,;"   .:.:::::""゙ ゙ ;、  
           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、      ぷ
,;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. )     (
( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙゙ 、,i     )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
    わ ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;  ';、
    ) 〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙ ゙ 、,i
      ( ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. ';、
      ん ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪ '/
ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、 '/
ヽ:.: U '; '/
ヽ____________ _____ '/
404テスト:03/02/15 10:11 ID:???
         \/ ・・         / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

              ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
             ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
            ,;" ∪゙゙゙    ';、
           ,;"   .:.:::::""゙ ゙  ;、  
           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、    ぷ
          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )  (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、,i    )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
     わ    ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;    ';、
      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.  ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪       '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、       '/
          ヽ:.: U ';      '/
          ヽ____________ ___ '/

405テスト:03/02/15 10:16 ID:???
         \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

              ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
             ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
            ,;" ∪゙゙゙    ';、
           ,;"   .:.:::::""゙ ゙  ;、  
           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、    ぷ
          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )  (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、,i    )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙ ; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
     わ    ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;    ';、
      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.  ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪   '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、        '/
          ヽ:.: U ';     '/
          ヽ_________________ '/
406テスト:03/02/15 10:18 ID:???
         \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

              ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
             ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
            ,;" ∪゙゙゙    ';、
           ,;"   .:.:::::""゙ ゙  ;、  
           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、    ぷ
          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )  (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、,i    )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙ ; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
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      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.   ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪   '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、        '/
          ヽ:.: U ';      '/
          ヽ_________________ '/

407名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/15 10:22 ID:???
 _,, ,_
( ・ω・)
408テスト  :03/02/15 10:23 ID:???
         \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

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             ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
            ,;" ∪゙゙゙    ';、
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           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、    ぷ
          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )  (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、,i    )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙ ; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
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      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.   ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪       '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、         '/
          ヽ:.: U ';        '/
          ヽ_________________ '/

409テスト  :03/02/15 10:27 ID:???
         \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

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            ,;" ∪゙゙゙    ';、
           ,;"   .:.:::::""゙ ゙  ;、  
           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、    ぷ
          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )  (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、 ,i  )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙ ; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
     わ    ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;    ';、
      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.   ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪       '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、         '/
          ヽ:.: U ';        '/
          ヽ_________________ '/

410テスト  :03/02/15 10:30 ID:???
         \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

              ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
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          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )   (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、 ,i   )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙ ; ';、  ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
     わ    ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;    ';、
      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.   ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪       '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、         '/
          ヽ:.: U ';        '/
          ヽ__________________ '/
411テスト  :03/02/15 10:33 ID:???
         \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

              ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
             ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
            ,;" ∪゙゙゙    ';、
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           ,;" ∪゙゙ ゙゙; ゙゙゙ ∪ ';、    ぷ
          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )   (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、 ,i   )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙ ; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
     わ    ,;" ∪ : ゙゙; :""゙゙゙;    ';、
      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.   ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪       '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、     U   '/
          ヽ:.: U ';        '/

412テスト  :03/02/15 10:38 ID:???
         \/ ・・        / 
         ∠___ 〜〜〜〜〜∠ヘ__/

              ,,-‐´`‐- 、,
             ;":.:.:.:::::.:. ゙゙゙ ';、
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          ;":.:. :.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:   . )   (
          ( :""゙゙゙∪ ゙゙   ゙ 、 ,i   )
          ,;" :"';、 ゙゙;  :" ゙゙゙ ; ';、 ん
    も     ( :.:.   :.:.::::.:.::∪  ';、
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      )   〈 :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:. U ゙  ゙ 、,i
      (   ( :""゙゙゙; :.:.:.:::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.   ';、
      ん  ,;"∪ :.:.:.::::U:.:.:.:.::.:.:.゙゙; ∪ ';、
        ヽ:.:.:.::::.:.:.::: ∪       '/
         ヽ:.:.:.::: '; ';、     U   '/
          ヽ:.: U ';        '/
413テスト  :03/02/15 12:36 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (__.:.:.::: .:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:._::.:.:.:::::ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
 鬱厂     .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \ :::::鬱鬱  
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ−┤:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄:.:.::::. :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.   :.:.:..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (  .: .:.____ヽ: :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│ 
         ̄ ̄  │ ~~^^ ̄ :.:.:.:.::│
\    .:.::.:.::.:.:    :.:.:.::::ノ
              人        .:::.:::.::ノ 
             /  \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
414テスト  :03/02/15 12:41 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (__.:.:.::: .:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:._::.:.:.:::::ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
  鬱厂      .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \ :::::鬱鬱  
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ−┤:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::. :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.   :.:.:..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (  .:  .:.____ヽ: :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│ 
         ̄ ̄  │ ~~^^ ̄ :.:.:.:.::│
\    .:.::.:.::.:.:    :.:.:.::::ノ
              人        .:::.:::.::ノ 
             /  \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
415テスト  :03/02/15 12:46 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (__.:.:.::: .:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:._::.:.:.:::::ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
  鬱厂         .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ−┤:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::. :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.   :.:.:..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (  .:  .:.____ ヽ :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │ ~~^^ ̄ :.:.:.:.::│
             人          .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \

416テスト  :03/02/15 12:49 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (__.:.:.::: .:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:._::.:.:.:::::ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
  鬱厂         .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ−┤:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::. :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.   :.:.:..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (  .:  .:.____ ヽ :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │ ~~~^^ ̄ :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^ .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
417テスト   :03/02/15 12:52 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.:.:.::: .:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:._::.:.:.:::::ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
              鬱厂         .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ−┤:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::.   :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.     :.:.:..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (   .:  .:.____ ヽ   :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │     ~~~^^ ̄   :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
418テスト   :03/02/15 12:58 ID:???

              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
              (:.:.:.:.::: .:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::::.:.:._::.:.:.:::::ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
              鬱厂         .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ  │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ−┤:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::.   :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.     :.:.:..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (   .:  .:.____ ヽ   :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │     ~~~^^ ̄   :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
419テスト   :03/02/15 13:11 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:. :::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:. :: .:.: .:. :.:.::.:. ::.:.:._::.:.: :ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
              鬱厂         .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ−┤:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::.   :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.     :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (   .: .:.___ ヽ   :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │     ~~~^^ ̄   :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
420テスト   :03/02/15 13:16 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :: . :.: .:. : .::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱.:.:::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:.::鬱鬱
              鬱厂         .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ− l:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::.   :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ヽ.:::.::::.::人.:.     :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (    _____.___ ヽ   :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │     ~~~^^ ̄   :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \

421テスト   :03/02/15 13:21 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:鬱鬱
              鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ− l:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (     ̄ :.:.::::.   :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: 人.:::.::::.::人.:.     :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (    _____.___ ヽ   :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ .:.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
422画太郎先生ありがとう:03/02/15 13:25 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:鬱鬱
              鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ− l:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (       ̄ :.:.:::: :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ゝ.:::.::::.::人.:.    :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (    _____.___ ヽ   :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ :.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \ :.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
423画太郎先生ありがとう:03/02/15 13:30 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:鬱鬱
              鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ− l:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (       ̄ :.:.:::: :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /   .: ゝ.:::.::::.::人.:.     :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (    _____.___ ヽ   :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ :.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
424画太郎先生ありがとう:03/02/15 13:41 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~:.:.:鬱鬱
              鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ− l:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (       ̄ :.:.:::: :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /    .: ゝ.:::.::::.::人.:.    :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (     _____.___ \  :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ :.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
425画太郎先生ありがとう:03/02/15 13:43 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~鬱鬱
              鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
              鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
             〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
              / 「 / ヽ │ \ ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ− l:.:.:: :.ノ:.::::: δ)〉
             .│   (       ̄ :.:.:::: :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /    .: ゝ.:::.::::.::人.:.    :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (     _____.___ \  :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ :.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
426画太郎先生ありがとう:03/02/15 13:54 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~鬱鬱
    チ         鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
    │         鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
    │        〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
    ン         / 「 / ヽ │ \ヽ _::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノ− l:.:.:: :.ノ :.::::δ)〉
             .│   (       ̄ :.:.:::: :.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /    .: ゝ.:::.::::.::人.:.    :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (     _____.___ \  :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ :.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
427画太郎先生ありがとう:03/02/15 13:58 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~鬱鬱
    チ         鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
    │         鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
    │        〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
    ン         / 「 / ヽ  │ \ヽ _:::::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノー l:.:.:: :.ノ  :.::::::::δ)〉
             .│   (       ̄  :.:.::::::.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /    .: ゝ.:::.::::.::人.:.    :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (     _____.___ \  :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーーヲ :.   :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
428画太郎先生ありがとう:03/02/15 14:09 ID:???
              / ̄      .:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.::\
             (   :.:. :.:.  ::.:. :.::.:. .:.:.::::.:.:.:.:.:.:)
              (:.:.  :_ :_._:. :__.::.:. :: .:.:._: :.:.: :ノ
               鬱√.:.::: :.:: :.:": :.":~:.:": :~鬱鬱
    チ         鬱          .:.:.:.:.:.:..:鬱鬱鬱
    │         鬱 /      \   :::::鬱鬱
    │        〈‖ __   _ _   ::::鬱鬱
    ン         / 「 / ヽ  l \ ヽ _:::::::鬱ヽ〉
             .〈. ヽ:.:.::::.ノー l:.:.:: :.ノ  :.::::::::δ)〉
             .│   (       ̄  :.:.::::::.:.:.::ノ
         ___   /    .: ゝ.:::.::::.::人.:.    :.::..:.│
       { :::.:::│  (     _____.___ \  :.:.:.:::.:│
       |  _二====、ーー-ヲ :  :.:.:.:.::│
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    :.:.:.:.::│
             人      ~~^^    .:::.:::.::ノ
             / \:.:.:.::::.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.::::.::.:.:.:::入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
429テスト:03/02/15 14:51 ID:???
    チ         @          三三@@@
    │         @ /      \   三@@
    │        〈‖ __   _ _   三@@
    ン         / 「 / ヽ  l \ ヽ 三@ヽ〉
             〈. ヽ:. :.ノー l. : :.ノ 三三δ)〉
             │   (       ̄  三三 ノ
         ___   /    ノゝ===人=:.   三三l
       { :::.:::│  (     _____.___ \  三三l
       |  _二====、ーー-ヲ:  三三l
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~~^^ ̄    三三l
             人      ~~^^   三三ノ
             / \ 三三三三三三三入
           / /  / \ ̄ ̄/ //    \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
430テスト:03/02/15 15:04 ID:???
    チ         @          三三@@@
    │         @ /      \   三@@
    │        〈‖ __   _ _   三@@
    ン         / 「 / ヽ  l \ ヽ 三@ヽ〉
             〈三ヽ_____ノー ヽ __.ノ 三δ)〉
             │   (     ヽ   三三 ノ
       _____  /    ノゝ===人=:.   三三l
       |:::::::::::::::| (   ~ ____ ___ \  三三l
       |  _二====、ーー-ヲ ~ 三三l
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~^^ ̄    三三l
             人      ~~~~   三三ノ
           / /  / \----/ //   \
          /  /  (   >ー<  / \     \
         /   >  │ / 〉〈 \/  <  \
431テスト:03/02/15 15:52 ID:???
   チ        v髪三二二二二二二二三髪髪
    │        髪三 /      \  三髪髪}}
    │        〈‖ ---   ---ヽ  三髪髪}
    ン         / 「 / ヽ  l \ ヽ 三髪ヽ〉
             〈三ヽ_ ノー ヽ .ノ  三δ)〉
             (((  (i    ヽ    三三 ノ
       ___   //   ノゝ===人=:.   三三l
       |:::::::::::::| (   ~ ____ ___ \  三三l
       |  _二====、ーー-ヲ ~ 三三l
         ̄ ̄  │    ~~^^ ̄    三三l
             人      ~~~~   三三彡
           / /  / \----/ //   \
          /  /  (   >黒<  / \     \
         /   彡  │ / 黒 〈 \/  <  ミ
432名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/15 16:30 ID:???
 (6-□J□   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  (  ∀)  < TESTだゴルァ!
 (    )   \____
 | | |
433山崎歩:03/02/15 16:42 ID:???
434山崎歩:03/02/15 16:45 ID:???
435山崎歩:03/02/15 17:18 ID:???
436山崎歩:03/02/15 17:20 ID:???
437 :03/02/15 17:46 ID:???
 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 ミヘヘヘヘ  \\\
|彡   \\ ||\
|/ 。    。 ‖|
||| 、___,||||
||| ヽ土土ノ ||
/ ̄T\▽▽/T ̄ヘ
|××  ̄ ̄×××|HR!☆☆
438名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/15 21:03 ID:???
   / ソノヾ))      
  ノ リ゚ ー.ノヽ      
 (  r'゙i(_/■\);'ヽ
  )iヽo( ´∀`)O'゙
439名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/16 06:55 ID:???
           |\ ∧ ∧ /   `i
         /|ノ  `´ `´ `vi     |       ___
        l     __    ヽ    |      /    \
       </ ̄ ̄ l水l ̄ ̄\/    |     / お そ  |
        | , --、    ,--、 |   ヽ |    /  い れ  |
        | lへ ヽ  / .へl .|    ヽ|  <   な. は  |
        | |  \|  |/   | .|     |   |   .り.    |
        | |ヽ二>|廾|<二ノ.| .|     |   |    さ .私  |
        ヽヽ.  '|   |   / ∧    |   |    ん の /
         \`ー'  ::::`ー''/ ヽ   |    \  だ  /
    ,, -‐'' ̄''▽\   ::  /||::  ヽ  |l     \_/
 ,, -‐''., ― 、  ヾ, `ー― '  ||:   |::::::〈::l
. r‐厂(~.二.~)、  ヾ \ /.  ||:   |:::::::::V
「| |  |`ーイ  ヽ   ||      ||    |::   |
| | |  ヽ  X   〉::.. ||  ::: ||    |::    |
ヽヽヽ  ン   /::: :::||  : ||  .....ii::   /
   ̄(()_|/!!:  :::||.  ||   ..::::::  /
440名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/16 08:22 ID:???
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| 電波を感知しました。 |
              / /
      _         ビビビ
     /||__|∧    /
  。.|.(O´∀`) /
  |≡( ))  ))つ
  `ー| | |
441山崎ゆうた:03/02/16 16:52 ID:???
442山崎ゆうた:03/02/16 16:57 ID:???
443山崎ゆうた:03/02/16 17:06 ID:???
444山崎ゆうた:03/02/16 17:07 ID:???
445名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/16 20:36 ID:???
                \ │ /
                 / ̄\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< さいたまさいたま!
                 \_/  \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\∩ ∧ ∧ \( ゚∀゚)< さいたまさいたまさいたま!
さいたま〜〜〜!  >( ゚∀゚ )/ |   / \__________
________/ |   〈   |   |
              / /\_」  / /\」
                ̄    / /
446名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/16 21:48 ID:???
     ∧∧ /\ガチャ
    (,,*゚/ /|>  ,◇
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

      ∧ ∧  〜♪
     、ノ つC□
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     口◇口口☆   ■            age!!
          □   ☆口口◎口     ∧ ∧
       口 ▽   ▼  ◎       (*゚ー゚)
       ○         口        /  |
      ▼          ○      〜(,_,,ノ
447山崎シロ:03/02/17 16:48 ID:???
448山崎シロ:03/02/17 16:54 ID:???
449山崎シロ:03/02/17 16:59 ID:???
450山崎シロ:03/02/17 17:04 ID:???
451テストsimasu:03/02/17 21:56 ID:???

  /;;:::;::... /`丶..,,    ,,,.-''"^`;;:──--:;;..,,,,
ノゞ;;,.,::.;...     `;;:,., /..,,;;:;:;::::::,...:..........    `:、  ,;''';;:.,- ..,,,,,...
/;;:::.:.:...        ヽ..,,;;;:;:;;::::,.:...:..:...       ヽ".::.:.:.:......   `ヽ,....,
                             "..::.:.::....        `─--:;;,,....._______
;;:.:...:.:...  人へ            爻 癶弋メ            ノ            ‘`ヽ
    メ,,;:..'''";;;,,...爻爻;、    爻〃爻〃爻癶爻爻メ       /                 \
 ,,,メ メ从爻 爻爻弋メ,,. '''爻  爻〃爻爻从〃爻"'''-,,                         ^)
爻〃爻 冫爻〃爻メ 〃从爻  爻 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'' '- .,,,,,,                      ヾ
从/,,;;,..''";;:,,... 爻爻 ミ巛爻爻メ;;;;;;                  "'''-、、,,.....    
メメ爻爻  爻冫爻メ爻 从 :;;;:;;::.:.: ハイマツの木陰で君を見つけた     "'''-,, 
冫''爻〃爻  爻<巛.......  爻爻;;;:;::                             ヾ
  "爻ミ爻从,,;;:;:;:;:.'''''''''''..,;::;:;..爻爻    君は一人ぼっちだった              \,,..
癶爻メ从;;;;;:;:;:;:....:. ∧∧ .,,;;::;..爻.                                   ` 、,,,.,.,,
 爻''"爻;;;::::.:.:..   ( ・∀) ,,.;;;:;:::.,,.     そっぽを向いていた                      '''''''`ー
ゞ 爻;;;;;:;:;:;:;;::....   ヽ.||ノ ;;,,......;;:;:;:..:.................     ,,.,.;l                         ;:.
 〃爻;;;;;::::;;.;,;.;.;...  ’'''''",,...,...                     ;;,,...,,;;:       ,.'           ..
、;;;:;:;:;;;;;;:;:;:::.:...:....... ,,,...,,,,,      ;;;,;,..           ゝ,.   、,,.,.,..;.:.  .;;
 "'' ─-...,,,,,;;: '''""   "''''─-;:...,,,,   ;;   ..   ;;    "'''`;:.,,,  ;;;;;;;;;;;;''
 ∠√ヽ              ∠√ヽ"'''-,, '''       ,,;:.    ,;::;:.. ''''
  (,,^ ; )               (`  )    '''"''-..,,.,, ,,..      ;;;:;::.:.:.,,...
  (9 [')              (9 [')       "'''-...,,.,....,`;;,.,`;:,..、-'''""   ''""''--;,;:,,,,.,.
   < <               < <             "''''''` "'`             `''';:;::.:..:......................
452名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 21:40 ID:1fJGDTyO
          ll l lノノノ)) 〉 
           ヽl l´∀`ノ|| テスツ
           /ヽ!トv^ リ   
          ヽ lY) 〉!
           ヽlY)i l |   赤基地一同達「イヤッホーキヌガササイコー!!」
453名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
454名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
455名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
456名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
457名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
458名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
459名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
460名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
461名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
462名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
463名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
464名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
465名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:11 ID:???
466名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
467名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
468名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
469名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
470名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
471名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
472名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
473名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
474名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
475名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
476名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
477名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
478名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:12 ID:???
479名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:34 ID:XjJ5aKHk
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::\
  (::::::::::/  ):::ノ::::ノ ) ソ ヾ::::::::::::丶::::ヽ
 (:::::::::/ 彡  ノ   ノ  :: 彡:/)) ::::::::::)
(::::::::::/彡彡彡彡彡   ミミミミミミミ :::::::::::)
( :::::::// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ===/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ |:::::::::)
 | =ロ   -=・=-  ‖ ‖ -=・=-   ロ===|
 |:/ ‖    / /ノ  ヽ \     ‖ ヽ|ヽ
 |/  ヽ`======/ .⌒ ` ========ノ.   ..| |
.( 。 ・:・‘。c .(●  ●) ;”・u。*@・:、‘)ノ  
( 。;・0”*・o; / :::::l l::: ::: \ :。・;%:・。o )
(; 8@ ・。:/ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\:\.”・:。;・’0.)   
.\。・:%,: ):::|.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  | ::::(: :o`*:c/
480名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:34 ID:XjJ5aKHk
  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::\
  (::::::::::/  ):::ノ::::ノ ) ソ ヾ::::::::::::丶::::ヽ
 (:::::::::/ 彡  ノ   ノ  :: 彡:/)) ::::::::::)
(::::::::::/彡彡彡彡彡   ミミミミミミミ :::::::::::)
( :::::::// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ===/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ |:::::::::)
 | =ロ   -=・=-  ‖ ‖ -=・=-   ロ===|
 |:/ ‖    / /ノ  ヽ \     ‖ ヽ|ヽ
 |/  ヽ`======/ .⌒ ` ========ノ.   ..| |
.( 。 ・:・‘。c .(●  ●) ;”・u。*@・:、‘)ノ  
( 。;・0”*・o; / :::::l l::: ::: \ :。・;%:・。o )
(; 8@ ・。:/ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\:\.”・:。;・’0.)   
.\。・:%,: ):::|.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  | ::::(: :o`*:c/
481名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 22:38 ID:???
    」´ ̄`l            」´ ̄`lー) \   三 二 ─ ── ───
    T¨L |_           T¨L |_/⌒/ ← 伊藤正調教師
     `レ ̄`ヽ           `レ ̄`ヽ〈    三 二 ─ ── ───
       |  i__1            |    i |
     _ゝ_/ ノ       _   _ゝ_/ ノ |.    三 二 ─ ── ───
      L__jイ´_ )    =)(==L_j=イ´_ ) 三 二 ─ ── ───
        |  イ    .<_>     |  イ
         |  ノ--、          r'⌒ヽ   ノ--、      三  二  ─ ───    (´´
        ゝ、___ノ二7  /´ ̄l、_,/}:\ 、___ノ二7  三  二  ─ ───    (´´
         |ーi |   l_/ /__ィ::.  ゝ~_ィ´:; ,ゝ    l_/                (´⌒(´⌒;;
        __〉 {      (T´ |1:::.  \_>、};;_」       三  二 ─ (´⌒(´⌒;;
       'ー‐┘       ! ` ̄''ァ一 、\ ヽ}
               〈` ̄ ̄^`¬ノ .::〔 ̄´  ←ローエングリン
                   1  ヽ   .:::レ  ヽ、
                |_イー-、_;;j|_:.   ゝ、
                __,,,... -- |. {―――‐フゝ、   〉 -- ...,,,__
        _,, -‐ ´       ,r|__ト,    1ニノ ー'´       ` ‐- ,,_
    , ‐ ´         └―'´ 
482終了:03/02/18 22:48 ID:???

483名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 23:21 ID:4UuNeY3k
    |iヽ /li
   〃 '⌒´`ヽ.    
  ノ ヘ.|l.゚ ヮ゚ノ|!  
  ((( ⊂I!†iつ
\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
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 ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
    .|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
484名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 23:22 ID:4UuNeY3k
    |iヽ /li
   〃 '⌒´`ヽ.    
   Kiミ!|ノノ))))〉  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ノ ヘ.|l.゚ ヮ゚ノ|!   <
  ((( ⊂I!†iつ     \__________
\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 ||\        \
 ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
    .|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
485名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 23:23 ID:4UuNeY3k
    |iヽ /li
   〃 '⌒´`ヽ.    
   Kiミ!|ノノ))))〉   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ノ ヘ.|l.゚ ヮ゚ノ|!   <
  ((( ⊂I!†iつ     \__________
\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 ||\        \
 ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
    .|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
486名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 23:27 ID:TcV9Gkx7
487名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/18 23:27 ID:TcV9Gkx7
488名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:03/02/19 00:10 ID:???
从б _ б从
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   ◎U□◎ =3 キコキコキコ