1Unknown Person

 ・ただし命令形は主語なしでもOK。(例:Go away.)
 ・日本語ローマ字書き不可(例:We love shiritori.)
 ・〜xで終わる文章不可(例:This is a box.)

The first sentence is...
What are you doing now?
2高句麗 ◆OIZKOUKURI :03/06/26 19:04 ID:W9AFoauY
                       ミ  ( ,,,,,, ∧,,∧   
                    ∧,,∧   η ミ,,゚Д゚彡  
           ミ __    ミ,,゚Д゚彡   (/(/     ミ  /)    
            て"  ミ   ミ つつ     彡      ミ `つ 
             ⊂   ミ    ミつつ 彡          ⊂  つ   
            彡"  ミ                   彡"。γ。ミ  
       ∧,,∧    ∨"∨ 彡                   ∨"∨ 彡   ∧,,∧     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ( ,,,,,ミ,,゚Д゚彡                                   ミ,,゚Д゚彡  < 高句麗参上! 
  ⊂,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,つつ                                    ミ  ,つ    \_____
 彡                                          〜ミ ,ミつ  スタッ !
  ピョン!                                         (/         
3名無し→しりとり:03/06/30 12:54 ID:EP2npT3p
We do not do anything.
4名無し→しりとり:03/06/30 15:59 ID:EhVEbOkk
Give me chocolate!
5名無し→しりとり:03/06/30 17:09 ID:+lLp/QeH
Everybody loves it.
6名無し→しりとり:03/06/30 20:58 ID:ClzlRUTU
The sun rises in the east.
7名無し→しりとり:03/07/01 01:58 ID:W57RASIg
Time is money.
8名無し→しりとり:03/07/01 22:14 ID:pyu0wIAC
You are the one I love the most in the world.
9名無し→しりとり:03/07/01 22:16 ID:tEJO0pL4
Don't you go
10透 ◆SsN3Ox1CC2 :03/07/01 23:00 ID:1w6BSvLd
Oh! my god!
11名無し→しりとり:03/07/01 23:01 ID:tEJO0pL4
Do you know him?
12透 ◆SsN3Ox1CC2 :03/07/01 23:03 ID:1w6BSvLd
My name is Toru.
13透 ◆SsN3Ox1CC2 :03/07/01 23:04 ID:1w6BSvLd

My hobby is bird watching.
14名無し→しりとり:03/07/01 23:09 ID:tEJO0pL4
Unforgetful just you are
15名無し→しりとり:03/07/01 23:11 ID:tEJO0pL4
Good luck!
16透 ◆SsN3Ox1CC2 :03/07/01 23:13 ID:1w6BSvLd
Kill you!!
17Unknown:03/07/02 10:33 ID:95tfrU3P
Unite this and that together.
18名無し→しりとり:03/07/02 11:24 ID:m8D7nz3B
raise your hands
19名無し→しりとり:03/07/02 13:19 ID:95tfrU3P
See you again.
20名無し→しりとり:03/07/02 15:48 ID:z5ZNU8Ae
Nobody wants to do it.
21名無し→しりとり:03/07/02 16:13 ID:L71MoNFj
Trust me
22名無し→しりとり:03/07/03 10:24 ID:SoU/FCQb
Everyday, I wake up at four.
23名無し→しりとり:03/07/04 12:38 ID:OX1jipad
Read books.
24名無し→しりとり:03/07/05 18:17 ID:bzzSt+3F
Shut up!
25透 ◆SsN3Ox1CC2 :03/07/05 22:59 ID:A8aoVi29
Please help my work.
26名無し→しりとり:03/07/09 11:29 ID:YE/UZ7DC
Keep out.
27名無し→しりとり:03/07/09 11:54 ID:PMGDYWwG
◆◇◆◇ 海外サイトだから安心無修正 ◇◆◇◆

ココは丸見え! 今ならまだ消されてないよ。たぶん・・・
28名無し→しりとり:03/07/09 12:42 ID:YE/UZ7DC
That coffee is too bitter.
29わかさま ◆WAKA3MY4JQ :03/07/09 19:57 ID:4PPZN9PO
Rainy season sucks!
30透 ◆SsN3Ox1CC2 :03/07/09 20:36 ID:P5G/0vwy
Sit down.
31名無し→しりとり:03/07/09 21:25 ID:3kIK0A4A
Never give up.
32わかさま ◆WAKA3MY4JQ :03/07/11 21:36 ID:1lnK5+aU
Personal belongings should be kept in the closet.
33名無し→しりとり:03/07/13 11:42 ID:3bj1LyBW
This is a pen.
34わかさま ◆WAKA3MY4JQ :03/07/13 14:23 ID:nsdJ8eTk
Nothing's gonna stop us now.
35名無し→しりとり:03/07/14 11:02 ID:Wq6Fhhei
We play basketball.
36名無し→しりとり:03/07/14 22:50 ID:k+cxE9fo
London Bridge is broken down.
37透 ◆SsN3Ox1CC2 :03/07/14 23:59 ID:tCzwm4I0
No more war!!
38山崎 渉:03/07/15 12:13 ID:OsWrTpw6

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
39名無し→しりとり:03/07/15 20:44 ID:C9S276yG
Regrettably, I failed the exam.
40名無し→しりとり:03/07/15 21:03 ID:PKqMPGbm
Make haste slowly.
41名無し→しりとり:03/07/15 21:13 ID:CpMs/So3
You will never walk alone
42名無し→しりとり:03/07/18 21:30 ID:Iijj5lG6
Everybody's business is nobody's business.
43 ◆ORION98vbc :03/07/24 11:26 ID:nbXCglzD
Seeing is believing.
44名無し→しりとり:03/07/26 15:28 ID:EDUlJKCE
Good wine needs no bush.
45 ◆ORION98vbc :03/07/31 10:44 ID:V2AH3BD9
Hitch your wagon to a star.
47名無し→しりとり:03/08/05 20:03 ID:l07giqQ6
Roma was not built in a day.
48 ◆ORION98vbc :03/08/07 13:17 ID:os49Li/V
You may say I'm a dreamer

          ーーJohn Lennon のImagineより
49わかさま ◆WAKA3MY4JQ :03/08/08 08:42 ID:s+p+31Q/
Room service is available 24/7.
50 ◆ORION98vbc :03/08/14 14:09 ID:xnWg/vtw
7-Eleven has built a workforce that reflects the world's
diversity and the diversity of our customer base.
52名無し→しりとり:03/08/17 13:02 ID:yUUKAZRJ
East or west, home is best.
53 ◆ORION98vbc :03/08/22 10:55 ID:yjLBKIe/
The orange has a scent all its own.
54名無し→しりとり:03/09/09 16:27 ID:iLf7i2P5
Not everyone can succeed.
55名無し→しりとり:03/09/17 15:03 ID:qSX8C8qb
Divine Love heals All.
56SOI3 ◆D946AzOWsY :03/09/17 15:06 ID:QP+iv2Ov
Love can be bought by money.
57名無し→しりとり:03/09/17 16:24 ID:mNyATzyy
Your mother has acromphalus.
58 ◆ORION98vbc :03/09/18 11:37 ID:6nLpZsMJ
Silence is more eloquent than speech.
59SOI3 ◆D946AzOWsY :03/09/18 19:43 ID:byeXxeBI
He should have addressed a large audience at that time.
60名無し→しりとり:03/09/28 12:17 ID:AC4RWilF
Every man cannot be an artist.
61 ◆ORION98vbc :03/10/02 11:29 ID:h/+Dr9Sy
Tom and Susie live in Greenfield.
62名無し→しりとり:03/10/09 02:08 ID:/VUBCOvb
Do you mind shutting the door?
63 ◆ORION98vbc :03/10/09 11:40 ID:L1dot0E8
Rome was not built in a day.
64名無し→しりとり:03/10/19 15:31 ID:7r4PQtJy
Yankees lost a match.
65名無し→しりとり:03/10/20 11:53 ID:mANtLQWE
Have a nice day.
66名無し→しりとり:03/10/30 09:31 ID:eADo4PCt
You are a champion.
67 ◆ORION98vbc :03/11/06 11:07 ID:ZDuCaqKs
nothing venture, nothing have.
68名無し→しりとり:03/11/19 07:52 ID:jFHlwzoV
Everything went well with him.
69名無し→しりとり:03/11/28 05:55 ID:sCoiK/jc
Move this thread to the top!
70名無し→しりとり:03/11/30 03:19 ID:5tK5zg/7
Pinch my cheek!
71名無し→しりとり:03/11/30 04:13 ID:K2DhEFu8
Kick my butt!
72名無し→しりとり:03/11/30 04:48 ID:E4eMAde0
This is a book.
73やーこ:03/12/14 22:46 ID:WEdQ2QHx
knock on my door anytime.
74名無し→しりとり:03/12/18 18:44 ID:Cw2cZT8c
elevater takes me up to the second floor.
75やーこ:03/12/22 01:54 ID:TYgIPZiO
round up the last digit number.
76ばさだー:03/12/28 04:20 ID:e12mDQpx
Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds.
77やーこ:03/12/28 13:54 ID:zC+RHsEI
so you've got my mail now?
78名無し→しりとり:04/01/28 17:02 ID:Pf3Pc3oT
We will rock you.
79名無し→しりとり:04/02/26 11:44 ID:1IG6mPCs
80名無し→しりとり:04/02/27 20:30 ID:fu5mApRR
Excuse me.
81名無し→しりとり:04/03/02 18:01 ID:rpi1XUMK
Encourage yourself.
82名無し→しりとり:04/03/08 16:33 ID:Z/1BBKT9
Fine day,isn't it?
83名無し→しりとり:04/03/30 10:21 ID:tBBHJM0W
Take it easy!
84名無し→しりとり:04/03/30 10:50 ID:kbLrESSm
Yours sincerely.
85名無し→しりとり:04/04/11 22:04 ID:lb3wWwSO
You really got a hold on me.
86名無し→しりとり:04/04/13 07:23 ID:aFrbyRss
Everything I have ever done is deleted.
87名無し→しりとり:04/04/13 10:45 ID:muh2ZYs9
Don't leave me alone.
88名無し→しりとり:04/04/13 19:32 ID:jdtKrT1n
Everything is all right
89名無し→しりとり:04/04/25 09:58 ID:lnvA+veC
Today is Sunday.
90名無し→しりとり:04/05/08 02:24 ID:iV+xHBGM
You will find a job soon.
91名無し→しりとり:04/05/08 02:32 ID:Tqcx/C3M
Never give up.
92名無し→しりとり:04/05/08 02:34 ID:iV+xHBGM
Please try to speak English in this class.
93名無し→しりとり:04/05/08 23:08 ID:zLtCPDVY
She plays baseball.
94名無し→しりとり:04/05/09 22:23 ID:UIjsWqV0
Look at the window.
95名無し→しりとり:04/05/09 22:28 ID:jo5AD3c9
Why you say such s thing?
96名無し→しりとり:04/05/11 00:12 ID:xJPBvCjt
>>95 such a thing ね。

Grapes are in my garden.
97名無し→しりとり:04/06/07 07:00 ID:T+gJtOPR
Nothing is important for commodity companies.
98名無し→しりとり:04/06/12 02:34 ID:UggpNa24
She sells sea shells by the seashore in the evening.
99 ◆aYPEACEgo. :04/06/12 02:43 ID:KH4TA9Cl
Get back to where you once belong.
100氷室あおい:04/06/12 04:51 ID:83+PrNS0
Good luck to you.

101名無し→しりとり:04/06/29 19:30 ID:tLvETn2j
Untouchable fire occured.
102名無し→しりとり:04/07/03 08:07 ID:gg5bsPsV
Don't tell a lie.
103名無し→しりとり:04/07/11 00:07 ID:6RNvFhT6
Everybody caught in a shower.
104名無し→しりとり:04/07/13 06:53 ID:J1cLuy8t
Respiratory tract can be damaged with acidic vomit.
105名無し→しりとり:04/07/15 21:51 ID:2fNxehOM
This bus which I saw this morning is newer than that one.
106 ◆aYPEACEgo. :04/07/16 01:42 ID:UledbWgI
Even lovers need a holiday.
107名無し→しりとり:04/07/20 12:39 ID:fRG/JH5f
You may say I am a dreamer.
108名無し→しりとり:04/07/20 12:47 ID:i7Rx1sCb
Resonance structures reduce the energies of molecules.
109氷室あおい:04/07/20 13:01 ID:QjhLtm5j
See you later.
110名無し→しりとり:04/07/20 13:28 ID:bRTDGD45
Run, or yoU'll be late.
111 ◆aYPEACEgo. :04/07/20 16:16 ID:MjktrUjG
Everytime you go away.
112名無し→しりとり:04/07/20 16:33 ID:AgRVIY8k
You give me goosebumps.
113stbhil; h p:]:04/07/20 16:35 ID:e5HpxU2I
She is very fool.
114名無し→しりとり:04/07/20 21:19 ID:JB4ElEua
Love is all you need
115名無し→しりとり:04/07/23 21:34 ID:pipXe7ky
Did you play baseball?
116名無し→しりとり:04/07/23 21:38 ID:GxoebJiA
117名無し→しりとり:04/07/23 21:38 ID:pipXe7ky
Keep out.
118名無し→しりとり:04/07/24 02:08 ID:tz7rekln
this is the end of your life.
119名無し→しりとり:04/08/16 22:33 ID:EwSLCsOs
Everybody celebrates athletes' victories.
120名無し→しりとり:04/08/20 02:36 ID:iGiW0ZgS
She will win a gold medal.
121名無し→しりとり:04/08/20 18:13 ID:JIrZ17uk
Look at the picture on the wall.
122 ◆aYPEACEgo. :04/08/21 14:09 ID:YLdpyBE5
Love is wanting to be loved.
123名無し→しりとり:04/08/21 15:09 ID:4mLiu+83
Did you bring a present?
124名無し→しりとり:04/08/22 15:41 ID:+Ceuh2mY
Tell me why you lost it.
125名無し→しりとり:04/08/25 17:28 ID:jqUjNODZ
The man who committed a crime confessed his evil deed at the police station.
126名無し→しりとり:04/10/06 03:02:44 ID:YpA/tbqH
New teacher will come to our university next month.
127名無し→しりとり:04/10/20 00:45:23 ID:1VXAt9uP
He is an elementary school pupil.
128はにゃひ∞:04/12/19 22:36:54 ID:Q138goYg
Leave me alone
129名無し→しりとり:04/12/28 00:09:58 ID:xvH9btyr
Everytime I see her, my heart beats fast.
130名無し→しりとり:05/01/01 00:44:03 ID:AqaOzWW8
This year, I do achieve my resolution.
131わかさま ◆WAKA3MY4JQ :05/01/28 22:24:28 ID:2e5+ePyj
None of us could read that mysterious writing.
132名無し→しりとり:2005/05/28(土) 16:31:55 ID:foHnHose
Good morning,everyone.
133名無し→しりとり:2005/05/29(日) 10:55:20 ID:1MH6VM2C
end of century.
134RAVENXI:2005/06/18(土) 15:12:33 ID:ZDEPig2h
yes i am a mother.
135名無し→しりとり:2005/07/12(火) 15:35:12 ID:BLXtX0so
rough day, isn't it?
136名無し→しりとり:2005/07/19(火) 13:30:36 ID:SG2mrveM
tough day, yeah...
137名無し→しりとり:2005/07/30(土) 12:14:30 ID:jCwSAbxV
hello dolly
138名無し→しりとり:2005/07/31(日) 12:23:09 ID:fnWjf6Nx
yes,I do.
139名無し→しりとり:2005/08/01(月) 01:01:24 ID:AyL3rKfU
oh,my god.
140名無し→しりとり:2005/08/01(月) 03:58:20 ID:mg731kEu
don't let go.
141名無し→しりとり:2005/08/01(月) 14:00:11 ID:J00TlDmi
out to launch
142名無し→しりとり:2005/08/01(月) 22:06:57 ID:wVyf6SPt
help me.
143名無し→しりとり:2005/08/03(水) 22:42:03 ID:SWEgKlfX
excuse me, sir?
144名無し→しりとり:2005/08/16(火) 08:26:57 ID:CYNTJVpv
Repeat after me.
145名無し→しりとり:2005/08/20(土) 23:04:27 ID:k1fyeI+W
every night i read comic books before i fall asleep.
146名無し→しりとり:2005/08/21(日) 14:23:14 ID:xb0uIgee
Poor thing, you need a friend.
147名無し→しりとり:2005/09/07(水) 16:20:33 ID:TcO4tf7G
Do your best !
148名無し→しりとり:2005/09/08(木) 00:31:29 ID:5gkXuAQW
Trying is the most important thing.
149名無し→しりとり:2005/09/08(木) 00:32:49 ID:h1rYzvJP
God Save The Queen
150名無し→しりとり:2005/09/08(木) 01:15:42 ID:5gkXuAQW
Nice to meet you .
151名無し→しりとり:2005/09/09(金) 02:00:48 ID:CQmv+gJz
Up and down is the nature flow .
152名無し→しりとり:2005/09/09(金) 02:05:55 ID:MBze2eEK
Whee are you from ?
153名無し→しりとり:2005/09/09(金) 02:06:34 ID:MBze2eEK
154名無し→しりとり:2005/09/09(金) 10:43:35 ID:CQmv+gJz
Miami is my hometown .
155名無し→しりとり:2005/09/10(土) 00:18:38 ID:6I3yzoye
No one knows .
156名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/11(日) 01:15:31 ID:RZm4b/D8
Show me your house .
157名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/11(日) 03:12:14 ID:UfABzGFb
Enter sandman.
158名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/11(日) 11:09:24 ID:RZm4b/D8
Neo-tokyo is famous city .
159名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/11(日) 21:42:09 ID:BDtU4PhY
Y-not is the name of a bar in my town.
160名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2005/09/11(日) 22:28:50 ID:RZm4b/D8
No music , no life .
161名無し→しりとり:2005/09/12(月) 00:16:13 ID:aIspFg7J
easy living.
162名無し→しりとり:2005/09/12(月) 01:02:34 ID:HpWRgnmY
Give me some chocolate.
163名無し→しりとり:2005/09/13(火) 00:12:25 ID:hoqf7olA
Eight people come to my house .
164名無し→しりとり:2005/09/13(火) 18:36:08 ID:1e3WRidP
East bay is flooded.
165名無し→しりとり:2005/09/13(火) 19:42:18 ID:hoqf7olA
DJ FUMIYA has wonderful music sense .
166名無し→しりとり:2005/09/14(水) 13:15:49 ID:6j0JplNS
ET phone home.
167名無し→しりとり:2005/09/14(水) 13:43:17 ID:ZI1rGUVs
Eating is the most important part in my life .
168名無し→しりとり:2005/09/17(土) 01:33:04 ID:SEjybcYV
Emotion can't be controlled .
169名無し→しりとり:2005/09/17(土) 02:07:01 ID:kS33/Rz7
Do it yourself !
170名無し→しりとり:2005/09/17(土) 08:56:13 ID:SEjybcYV
Fight with yah own .
171名無し→しりとり:2005/09/17(土) 18:12:54 ID:8QzKlQmK
No man lives forever.
172名無し→しりとり:2005/09/20(火) 01:03:54 ID:ThnrPne5
Ride on time.
173名無し→しりとり:2005/09/21(水) 00:55:17 ID:+Y7R4mr5
Enter the room.
174名無し→しりとり:2005/09/22(木) 22:38:13 ID:iVDkR+iJ
My name is not important.
175名無し→しりとり:2005/09/26(月) 23:11:30 ID:VG9YBJRH
Trying is the most important thing.
176名無し→しりとり:2005/09/30(金) 22:06:19 ID:jkrsjpyC
Go away!
177名無し→しりとり:2005/10/01(土) 09:37:13 ID:hdYwKMd5
Yes, I'll go away soon.
178名無し→しりとり:2005/10/02(日) 03:37:19 ID:g6WufFmT
No way!
179名無し→しりとり:2005/10/02(日) 08:31:41 ID:rHT/On1B
Yesterday I went to the hospital.
180名無し→しりとり:2005/10/02(日) 11:58:47 ID:KE+MI7VT
Love is important for me!
181名無し→しりとり:2005/10/02(日) 15:38:11 ID:rHT/On1B
Easy to learn!
182名無し→しりとり:2005/10/02(日) 15:39:34 ID:dTLypwHd
Never end.
183名無し→しりとり:2005/10/02(日) 15:42:05 ID:rHT/On1B
Don't open the door.
184名無し→しりとり:2005/10/21(金) 20:02:06 ID:rqJpcbS8
Ready go!
185名無し→しりとり:2005/10/26(水) 09:40:52 ID:0NSUcSNP
Octopus spin ink.
186名無し→しりとり:2005/12/01(木) 21:28:57 ID:HT9PKm7l
Knocking on the door, she went in.
187名無し→しりとり:2005/12/24(土) 20:31:03 ID:XfpI6ywe
Nothing to do.
188名無し→しりとり:2005/12/31(土) 04:02:24 ID:VTBfWHCl
Often I see sentences that are fragment in here.
189名無し→しりとり:2006/01/02(月) 23:05:46 ID:ZRHzmHKS
Excellent performance was shown by a greatly trained person.
190名無し→しりとり:2006/01/07(土) 19:25:08 ID:OD01RVbC
Nice to meet you.
191名無し→しりとり:2006/03/01(水) 15:30:45 ID:lHFr3hbV
Use your own words.
192名無し→しりとり:2006/03/06(月) 00:16:33 ID:5KYBx6ay
Soy milk is soooo healthy!
193名無し→しりとり:2006/03/07(火) 13:09:32 ID:9PkvtykP
Yesterday was monday.
194名無し→しりとり:2006/03/28(火) 23:49:09 ID:eyi0O0AB
You were lazy.
195名無し→しりとり:2006/03/32(土) 14:58:27 ID:jT3S7BHc
Yale university is one of the ivy league universities.
196名無し→しりとり:2006/04/07(金) 06:03:25 ID:xEQNigg4
smoke two joints, i'll be happy
197名無し→しりとり:2006/04/08(土) 04:06:28 ID:UgbXQXT4
youth comes but once
198名無し→しりとり:2006/04/14(金) 14:49:58 ID:vrHkUuI9
In retrospect, I shouldn't have bought the $500 dress.
199名無し→しりとり:2006/04/17(月) 12:51:33 ID:Nj8gdMti
Everyone Knows It
200名無し→しりとり:2006/04/17(月) 12:55:49 ID:WTEgI1jS
♪They say it was in India♪
201名無し→しりとり:2006/05/04(木) 16:52:18 ID:jYlASzu8
All Japanese government can do is break the rule.
202名無し→しりとり:2006/05/08(月) 10:00:47 ID:2ZmVetEX
Easy come, easy go
203名無し→しりとり:2006/05/15(月) 12:27:42 ID:y4uvvpWh
Oops, I have my wallet stolen!!!!!
204名無し→しりとり:2006/05/16(火) 17:24:39 ID:QbBmrZuK
Nothing is gonna change my opinion.
205名無し→しりとり:2006/05/17(水) 00:58:33 ID:XdbcI3bQ
No,don't eat it!
206名無し→しりとり:2006/05/17(水) 00:59:51 ID:XdbcI3bQ
That's too bad.
207名無し→しりとり:2006/05/17(水) 23:59:51 ID:2QaVMbsB
December is the 12th month.
208名無し→しりとり:2006/05/18(木) 10:48:32 ID:aZ86u6eA
Here we go!!
209名無し→しりとり:2006/05/28(日) 23:43:15 ID:1lJkFenM
Oh,no!! I do it again.
210名無し→しりとり:2006/06/11(日) 16:15:35 ID:Y1AltrZI
No pun intended.
211名無し→しりとり:2006/06/11(日) 17:04:27 ID:/kKriIDd
Do you like fish?
212名無し→しりとり:2006/06/11(日) 17:07:44 ID:7fKwszvs
How do you do?
213名無し→しりとり:2006/06/13(火) 21:45:43 ID:Hwu8gga3
Over 50 students was late for school because of traffic accident.
214名無し→しりとり:2006/06/13(火) 21:47:20 ID:Hwu8gga3
>>213 was→were
215名無し→しりとり:2006/07/09(日) 14:45:49 ID:+SCILJU9
The third time is lucky.
216名無し→しりとり:2006/07/09(日) 14:54:57 ID:Hw6xPsiJ
Yellow is my favorite color.
217名無し→しりとり:2006/07/13(木) 19:24:28 ID:qTiEy6I2
Rock 'n' Roll is my life.
218名無し→しりとり:2006/08/19(土) 22:45:56 ID:Z/0TGhQt
Even though I didn't care, he loved me so much. What a shame!!
219名無し→しりとり:2006/10/02(月) 10:21:35 ID:Miuzpmet
Everything is all right.
220名無し→しりとり:2006/10/07(土) 03:47:15 ID:lARwJ4oS
Take care of yourself.
221あほ:2006/11/05(日) 12:18:48 ID:tJgYaQ54
F U C K Y O U 
222あほ:2006/11/06(月) 03:35:29 ID:LPpyZwfF
223あほ:2006/11/07(火) 00:21:04 ID:amy3d80x
224あほ:2006/11/07(火) 07:54:15 ID:amy3d80x
225あほ:2006/11/09(木) 23:20:08 ID:i960CuA3
226名無し→しりとり:2006/11/10(金) 20:18:13 ID:TIJbsJug
>>221 Under the new rules, it is not allowed.
227あめりか:2006/11/12(日) 07:05:53 ID:1cnnO2eQ
Dreams come ture is my favorite music group.
228名無し→しりとり:2006/11/12(日) 19:33:24 ID:iBA+vAaX
Please open the window.
229名無し→しりとり:2006/11/12(日) 19:44:48 ID:m0FFtR/c
Wherever you may go, I love you forever more.
230あほ:2006/11/12(日) 20:14:18 ID:g56i8eNH
E R E C T I N G G U Y ’s   ELECTED! 
231あほ:2006/11/14(火) 03:07:25 ID:fa/VnAYP
232あほ:2006/11/16(木) 03:16:38 ID:/gYRmEht
Rick YOU.
233あほ:2006/11/19(日) 15:07:53 ID:ZiCMBYp5
234あほ:2006/11/22(水) 13:57:09 ID:RpTPBMv6
235あほ:2006/11/29(水) 13:34:08 ID:yZCYEyJ3
NEON GUS has oxygon. 
236あほ:2006/11/30(木) 16:53:40 ID:KNBSPj6N
237あほ:2006/12/02(土) 20:52:52 ID:TFkPyQyv
Ultimate L O V E (^0^~~)
238あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/06(水) 21:31:41 ID:Nejm8q8g
E m o t i o n YOU HAVE.
239あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/08(金) 22:59:13 ID:HCXif+wz
Eroism is N I C E!
240あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/10(日) 15:01:21 ID:8ukaymZz
Evian is N I C E!
241あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/14(木) 21:44:11 ID:NpGFNzji
E S C A P E from the real world!
242あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/18(月) 00:46:19 ID:DnTzi3Za
Dick you.
243あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/18(月) 23:21:49 ID:DnTzi3Za
Under the tree you'd gone.
244あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/19(火) 03:17:41 ID:8JYqZa8Q
Elites died.
245あほ ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/12/22(金) 03:32:53 ID:1+g4x77I
DVD there was.
246名無し→しりとり:2006/12/22(金) 15:27:13 ID:E6xZFtw4
sex addiction
247名無し→しりとり:2006/12/22(金) 15:27:59 ID:E6xZFtw4
248名無し→しりとり:2006/12/23(土) 20:25:06 ID:Uezsmn0o
249名無し→しりとり:2006/12/23(土) 20:25:43 ID:Uezsmn0o
250名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:02:25 ID:6+Zb9PcP
251名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:02:56 ID:6+Zb9PcP
252名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:05:47 ID:6+Zb9PcP
253名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:06:58 ID:6+Zb9PcP
254名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:08:16 ID:6+Zb9PcP
255名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:09:35 ID:dB0zCiQV
Give up.
256名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:11:20 ID:6+Zb9PcP
257名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:12:19 ID:6+Zb9PcP
258名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:13:30 ID:6+Zb9PcP
259名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:15:25 ID:WmCVKxZb
260名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:15:56 ID:6+Zb9PcP
stupid spoiled whore
261名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:16:41 ID:6+Zb9PcP
262名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:17:47 ID:6+Zb9PcP
Drag Queen
263名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:20:22 ID:6+Zb9PcP
264名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:21:13 ID:6+Zb9PcP
265名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 08:22:03 ID:6+Zb9PcP
266名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 23:53:35 ID:B/rJwgh9
267名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 23:54:05 ID:B/rJwgh9
dick in the ass
268名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 23:56:11 ID:B/rJwgh9
sexual assault
269名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 23:57:09 ID:B/rJwgh9
270名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 23:58:03 ID:B/rJwgh9
271名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 23:58:44 ID:B/rJwgh9
272名無し→しりとり:2006/12/27(水) 23:59:27 ID:B/rJwgh9
sheep skin condom
273名無し→しりとり:2006/12/28(木) 00:00:27 ID:B/rJwgh9
mother fucker
274名無し→しりとり:2006/12/28(木) 00:01:10 ID:0oq9fbDI
275名無し→しりとり:2007/01/02(火) 20:50:22 ID:AJVNPcir
276名無し→しりとり:2007/01/02(火) 20:50:58 ID:AJVNPcir
277名無し→しりとり:2007/01/04(木) 19:06:40 ID:m1ISHwMw
278名無し→しりとり:2007/01/04(木) 19:07:10 ID:m1ISHwMw
279名無し→しりとり:2007/01/04(木) 19:07:46 ID:m1ISHwMw
280名無し→しりとり:2007/01/04(木) 19:10:10 ID:m1ISHwMw
281名無し→しりとり:2007/01/16(火) 02:45:18 ID:s82VgBE+
ass licker
282名無し→しりとり:2007/04/21(土) 17:28:02 ID:E2BPXkpD
283名無し→しりとり:2007/10/12(金) 02:01:30 ID:eX1XmFYp
Sexy girls have watched me.
284名無し→しりとり:2008/01/24(木) 04:50:10 ID:wC7auIEm
Entertain us.
285名無し→しりとり:2008/01/24(木) 04:57:55 ID:YJUEjeq8
Seeing is believing.
286名無し→しりとり:2008/01/25(金) 01:37:55 ID:4K5nb9nL
God is a DJ
287名無し→しりとり:2008/01/25(金) 01:46:03 ID:VyFL5lM+
January is my favorit month.
288名無し→しりとり:2008/01/25(金) 01:48:07 ID:VyFL5lM+
287 ちょい訂正「favorite」やね(^^;
289名無し→しりとり:2008/01/25(金) 17:19:52 ID:4K5nb9nL
He was famous.
290名無し→しりとり:2008/01/26(土) 22:38:10 ID:NAsSuPIh
Somebody told me.
291名無し→しりとり:2008/01/27(日) 15:57:13 ID:rirzlTFX
Everything will be all right.
292名無し→しりとり:2008/02/27(水) 12:04:44 ID:fDfcVso3
Touch it.
293名無し→しりとり:2008/02/27(水) 15:01:54 ID:JcN5c0a9
Tons of junk fill up my room.
294名無し→しりとり:2008/04/07(月) 12:10:45 ID:2eZGS6rV
Money makes him crazy.
295名無し→しりとり:2008/05/04(日) 09:20:24 ID:B53qHzma
296名無し→しりとり:2008/05/05(月) 04:38:26 ID:dR50cUfs
Today is Monday
297名無し→しりとり:2008/05/06(火) 06:10:25 ID:6WrPsLIX
yep,that's right,Meeem.
298名無し→しりとり:2008/05/23(金) 12:40:30 ID:7TEcBdyf
meaningless sentences...lol
299名無し→しりとり:2008/06/15(日) 13:06:14 ID:KBNYTg9p
She is in her blue.
300名無し→しりとり:2008/07/16(水) 07:21:45 ID:EDD0SCHy
Evita was dead.
301名無し→しりとり:2008/08/17(日) 07:52:09 ID:4hoWqceQ
Do you love your family?
302名無し→しりとり:2008/10/04(土) 22:38:42 ID:hrLRjCn9
Yes, I'm a pencil, too.
303名無し→しりとり:2008/10/22(水) 07:50:21 ID:8rxVvhqf
Oh,you are fool.
304名無し→しりとり:2008/11/19(水) 14:03:29 ID:NUwOzWR7
Life is like playing a violin solo in public
and learning the musical instrument as one goes on.
305名無し→しりとり:2008/12/17(水) 12:22:06 ID:DYEBa8G8
No, it's noodle.
306名無し→しりとり:2009/02/10(火) 17:24:18 ID:rCuDKleX
English is used all over the world.
307名無し→しりとり:2009/04/03(金) 19:01:36 ID:ogUl2Q9S
Don't make me think !
308名無し→しりとり:2009/05/14(木) 16:03:28 ID:vWcrMxuo
Keep your change.
309名無し→しりとり:2009/06/14(日) 15:39:20 ID:T0RWkkaZ
Even a child can answer it.
310名無し→しりとり:2009/07/18(土) 17:58:03 ID:h1TjEjty
Thumbs up!
311名無し→しりとり:2009/08/07(金) 19:12:12 ID:A0M1fpWn
Please reply to my question about your product.
312名無し→しりとり:2009/08/08(土) 00:37:10 ID:JZ8cXa50
Take it easy.
313名無し→しりとり:2009/08/18(火) 17:37:21 ID:pz7NmibB
Yes and no.
314名無し→しりとり:2009/08/22(土) 03:16:55 ID:QENAB6fq
Only you can do it.
315名無し→しりとり:2009/08/23(日) 22:28:04 ID:3n6Ry3Sz
This is a pen.
316名無し→しりとり:2009/08/24(月) 01:58:31 ID:+sdVKKHE
Never say never.
317名無し→しりとり:2009/08/29(土) 02:38:17 ID:DuMxQ56n
Recently, even dogs wear the expensive clothes.
318名無し→しりとり:2009/08/29(土) 02:44:36 ID:cRmKLDXe
Sperm is hot.
319名無し→しりとり:2009/08/30(日) 00:43:09 ID:nnN9yKdo
Tell me why
320名無し→しりとり:2009/09/21(月) 17:15:23 ID:UDiHY9Hh
Yes,they did.
321名無し→しりとり:2009/09/21(月) 18:49:04 ID:7+vSl+ov
What does it take to get a drink in this place?
322名無し→しりとり:2009/11/10(火) 17:48:08 ID:RORxI4Pi
Envy is more irreconcilable than hatred.
323名無し→しりとり:2010/08/09(月) 03:34:12 ID:tyNCmrf5
Don't ask me what you do!!
324名無し→しりとり:2010/08/16(月) 06:29:27 ID:TDwV8dE4
Originally you were the firh.
325名無し→しりとり:2010/09/14(火) 22:11:20 ID:g711pUSZ
His cut of the profits amounts to 30%.
326名無し→しりとり:2010/09/16(木) 06:52:16 ID:c+j4f43I
Our house is this.
327名無し→しりとり:2010/09/24(金) 21:54:45 ID:LMYxGC3r
Shopping recommended by media is the way to be a slave of commercials.
328名無し→しりとり:2011/03/27(日) 02:56:08.44 ID:HSpC5Jpa
Seriously, we should be much wiser under this hard situation.
329名無し→しりとり:2011/09/09(金) 15:14:20.26 ID:D7BqLnv0
No one couldn't see that "Beautiful" clothes.
330名無し→しりとり:2011/09/09(金) 15:18:05.74 ID:D7BqLnv0
331もこ:2012/03/06(火) 17:53:26.68 ID:vcpu1YzM
step by step
332名無し→しりとり:2012/04/05(木) 17:11:34.73 ID:sWRpqH+9

A Study in Scarlet
The Apple Tree
A Dog of Flanders
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Gift of the Mari

iphone対応アプリ sReader Lite (無料)
333 忍法帖【Lv=25,xxxPT】(1+0:7) :2012/11/05(月) 22:00:55.35 ID:yLSrx/Uc
>>331-332 無効
Somebody helped me.
334名無し→しりとり:2014/01/01(水) 00:06:46.46 ID:DGgCV/11
335名無し→しりとり:2014/04/05(土) 05:14:39.49 ID:K8oM1F6W
East Sea does NOT exist.
336名無し→しりとり:2014/08/26(火) 07:10:33.97 ID:aQoD37XU



337名無し→しりとり:2015/01/23(金) 00:22:45.68 ID:STfgSd8j
Time is money.
338名無し→しりとり:2015/01/25(日) 13:09:51.62 ID:vqi2p02d
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFXZKL-stB4 ルモシチーラーメン

You cannot buy a long life.