
2夢見る機械:2009/10/29(木) 02:20:06 0
3夢見る名無し三鳥:2009/10/29(木) 02:26:54 0
4夢見る名無しさん:2009/10/29(木) 06:11:08 O
5夢見る機械:2009/10/30(金) 01:23:04 0
Douglas Coupland という人の本ですよ。
6夢見る機械:2009/11/08(日) 13:42:56 0
7夢見る機械:2009/11/08(日) 23:13:33 0
My girl is ready to take control
She just blows my mind
She only listens to the radio to see who's alive

She waits up scan of gettin on
She don't feel no shame
She knows so many pretty boys
but they are all the same

They say hey now girl
tell me why do you do
Seh say's I'm nothing but I'm dead so that's more than you

That girl is a genius
Who o o o o ohw
I think she's serious
Who o o o o ohw

What you know is who you are
and she's anything
You don't need an education to know the class that you're in

They say they hate that girl 'till now
why do you do
Seh say's I'm nothing but I'm damn sure more than you

That girl is a genius
Who o o o o ohw
I think she's serious
Who o o o o ohw
8夢見る機械:2009/11/11(水) 01:00:43 0

9夢見る機械:2009/11/11(水) 01:01:30 0
10夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 02:42:56 0
11夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 02:46:27 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ ほほう
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ それでそれで
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
12夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 02:58:19 0
13夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 02:59:23 0
14夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:01:22 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ みつけてしまいました
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ 
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
15夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:01:49 0
16夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:04:32 0
いつか君がいなくなっても いつかぼくが灰になっても
怖がることは何ひとつない ぼくたちは多分つながっている
確かなことは言えないけれど 今まで生きて解っちまった だって答えはどこにもないよ
17夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:04:39 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ た・・・ただいま
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ 
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
18夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:05:34 0
19夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:06:50 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ まじっすか
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ 
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
20夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:07:02 0
女の子ってなんてかわいいんだ でもとても恐い
21夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:11:26 0
22夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:12:59 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ 添い寝しましょうか?
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ 
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
23夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:14:38 0
24夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:16:36 0
.     /: /://: :,.イ: : : : : :/: : ,: : :i: : : :ハヘ ハ
    /: /:/彡:彡' /: : : :/: イ ./  |: : : : :i: :', !
.   /: :/\彡'  /: : // j: /. /.イ. . . . . . . i.|
   /: :/ィ::} }/ ィ彡-メ/  /:/.:/:/: !: :.j: |: : }: l.|
  ,' : :ハ r:.  ={r芹cく`ヽ V:{:{ l:l: :l:l: :i: i: :/:/ |
  |:l: :i: l   ゙ .乂zン '   ヽX弌={_i: :l:ノ:/:/: ,'   
  |:| !: `トイ ..:::::::::::      .ィテ示ヾx: : :/: イ   仕方ないなぁ
  |ハ:.|/:l: l:|  .::::::     i   戈沙 》 Yソl: :|: |
  |: ハ!: :! 小       ノ   ..::::::='´ /, -、: |   
  l: : i: : !{: /ヘ.  丶、     :::::∠,.-く_, ヘ.\
  '.: : ヽ:ヘ/  丶    ̄   ,.イ/{ { く /  ハ
──へ.: Y',ヘ.   丶 _ ..  <: (⌒ヽVヽ」.{   ヘ
i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i\!ヘ `       |: /;//:/へ、    `    \
i:i≪i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:ヘ._      乂ノメ:/:,': :/へ、
Vi:i:i:i≪i:i:i:i:i:i:i:ヘ`      /,メ//: ソ{{` ̄\
25夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:22:46 0
26夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:28:20 0
   ./::::::::::::::::/ .i|::::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ハ
   :::::::::::::::::/  il::::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::|ヾ::::::::::::::::::l::::::::::::::::ハ
   {:::::::::::::::li  il::::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::| ミ:::::::::::::::::::l::::::::::::::::::
.   {:::::::li::::├-、リi:::::::::::::::::|:::::::::::::::.|:::::::::l ミ:::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::|
   乂八川___ ハリ:::::::::::::::|::ナ‐:::::::|:::::::::|  ミ::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::l
    li} ィヂでミメ、ル乂::::ハ| レ川::::川::::ヘ  ミ≡::::::::|::::::::::::::::::i
    lii.ヽ弋;;;ノ゙ i      ≡弐メッ从:::ヘ  リゝ⌒ヽ,::::::::::::::::::| ていっ
    lii             {r;;;;゛ヾミ乂从 li ハ\_〉〉::::::::::::::::|
    |ル     /       ゝー=ノ"   〃〉 `ヽ/::::::::::::::::::|
    |:::::.     、               / イ/.::::::::::::::::::/
    |i::::::、                 ´ヽ-/  ̄` ーー、
    li :::::::ヽ  ヽニ __        /:/ /        :
    |i ヘ::::::::\  `         .: : /  / .:       .::
   ノ  ヘ:::::::::::ヽ、    _  <: /   / .:::      .::::
       ':::::::::::::::::::ー::::ノヽ: : : 〃   ノ .:::  ...   .::::::::
      '::::::/::::::::::ハ::/`ヽ\/' くヽ' |:::::  .:::  .::::::::
      ノ:彡:::::::::::ヾミ {\ 〉-‐┐彡| |/  .::::::: .:::
   ー=彡 ,ヘ::::从ミ|.  l 《   |___/〃 .::::::::
      /  乂ミ |   |  >∧\ / .::::::::::
.     /   ノ  人  | / / ヘ 〈 .:::::::: 
27夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:28:51 0
28夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:29:50 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ わがままだなー もう
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ 
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
29夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:32:45 0
       (( )))
       (´Д`; ) 現実逃避
        / つ1 _つ
       人  Y
30夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:34:35 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ 逃げたら負けよ
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ 
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
31夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:38:10 0
.       \
.       \
          \   r'´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`、::    ___
   l} 、::       \ヘ,___,__,_____/::___|     |_________
   |l  \::      | |    [ ̄ ̄].,l、: :   | [],  .|: [ニ]:::::
   |l'-,、イ\:   | |,r'",´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽl::::  ヘ ̄ ̄,/:::(__)::
   |l  ´ヽ,ノ:   | ,'      :::::...  ..::ll::     ̄ ̄::::::::::::::::
   |l    | :|    | |       :::::::... . .:::|l::
   |l.,\\| :|    | |       ::::....  ..:::|l::
   |l    | :|    | |          _|l::
   |l__,,| :|    | |         ``'|遺|l::
   |l ̄`~~| :|    | | ''"´      |書|l::
   |l    | :|    | \,'´____..:::::_`l ̄イ::
   |l    | :|    |  `´::::::::::::::::::::::`´::
   |l \\[]:|    |
   |l   ィ'´~ヽ  |
   |l-''´ヽ,/::   |
   |l  /::      |
   l}ィ::        |
32夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:39:18 0
          ,rt=- ..._
         .イ≧彡圭圭ヽ` .、
       / ´`^`´ ` ヽヲ圭} _ヽ
.       / ./  !        ノ来 _}ヘ
     /  .l  |   ,  .jj\ノj、.\.ヘ 
      |. i .l.!  !  /l ァ_ .,!   ト  :トヘ 
      ∨、 トヽヘ :l//弋ツj  / \j ∧ 無茶しやがって・・・
       ヽ\ぇtァ    ノイ  .l /ハ.∧ 
        ||大  ' __ ´  |  /! `  .ヘ 
        リ l> ._ .ィ / / .|  :l .∧ 
         | |/j   /./ヽ⊥ ⊥. ∧
         ⊥イ/´ / /   l:::::::/:::::::::} :,
     .ィ´:::/. /-{ ノ-/ \-.1:::/::::::::::::::| .l
     ハ. ー  ./ ゝr"/   .\:l/:::::/:::::::::i :|
    /l   ノ ,. /     /l::::::/:::::::::l::! .:|
.  ,..:´:::::l  /ミミ/     . <:∨//::::::::リ .!
 /:::::::::::i  !ミ:/    イ:::::::::::::l__/-- ,:::Vl .i
 {::::::::::::{  !ミ/ ./:::::::::::::::::::::/_ ´ ̄::::::/ j| /
 ヽ::::::::::ヘ ∨./::::::::::::::::::::::::/ニ. ミ 、:::∨ / !'
  /.\::::::::\{_:::::::::::::::::::::::ノニ .、ヽヽV/
33夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:40:57 0
34夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:42:25 0
                             {::::::::::::,.ゝ-───- 、 、  /::::/-‐:::フ
                             >、/〃 /  /  / ヽ ヾ::::::/≦二‐、
                           / / /  /  l !  !   l! ∨ 、  ヽ ヽ
                          // 〃  ,゙  十‐_、!ハ,.ゝ‐lヱト : :ハヾ丶  '、 ', 
                         / ,  〈/   {_ アf^ラぇ   ャ''"゙ふ|l : : :.|:l: :!:  l  ! いたいのいたいのとんでけー
                         l ;   7ヽ、:.} `,, ̄     ̄`ソ┬r、ノ: : l: .   l │ 
                         |'   /  /: :{    --─ ァ  / |ノ: : : l: .   l | 
                         l  /  /: : /\  `ー‐´  /  /|: : : .l: .   l  | 
                        ノ / .:/-─'‐-、` ーr--‐ァ≦、 _/ !: : : !: : .  ,'  l|
                       r‐`¬、_「 ,..〃--/、__ノ /´    ヽ  リ_:_:/_:_:_: /-‐ ┘
                       〉  =//    ∨ヘノノ      }
                      ン/'´/ /: : : : : : : . . `Y       /
                     / {: 〈__{: : : : : : : : : : : ..{      イ 〉
                     ´ ̄`、: : :ヽ: : : : : : : : : : :ヽ|      |
                        ゞ ノ ` ー-‐: .´  .:|   /  │
                    _r‐メ‐´(⊇        .:|  /   |
               ,.   ''"´ ̄ _,..っ`    `        /〉ノ,'    |
           _ /-─┬ こ)´          !:、  ,.-''´ l      |
35夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:50:52 0
36夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 03:53:30 0
                             {::::::::::::,.ゝ-───- 、 、  /::::/-‐:::フ
                             >、/〃 /  /  / ヽ ヾ::::::/≦二‐、
                           / / /  /  l !  !   l! ∨ 、  ヽ ヽ
                          // 〃  ,゙  十‐_、!ハ,.ゝ‐lヱト : :ハヾ丶  '、 ', 
                         / ,  〈/   {_ アf^ラぇ   ャ''"゙ふ|l : : :.|:l: :!:  l  ! ど どれですか
                         l ;   7ヽ、:.} `,, ̄     ̄`ソ┬r、ノ: : l: .   l │ 
                         |'   /  /: :{    --─ ァ  / |ノ: : : l: .   l | 
                         l  /  /: : /\  `ー‐´  /  /|: : : .l: .   l  | 
                        ノ / .:/-─'‐-、` ーr--‐ァ≦、 _/ !: : : !: : .  ,'  l|
                       r‐`¬、_「 ,..〃--/、__ノ /´    ヽ  リ_:_:/_:_:_: /-‐ ┘
                       〉  =//    ∨ヘノノ      }
                      ン/'´/ /: : : : : : : . . `Y       /
                     / {: 〈__{: : : : : : : : : : : ..{      イ 〉
                     ´ ̄`、: : :ヽ: : : : : : : : : : :ヽ|      |
                        ゞ ノ ` ー-‐: .´  .:|   /  │
                    _r‐メ‐´(⊇        .:|  /   |
               ,.   ''"´ ̄ _,..っ`    `        /〉ノ,'    |
           _ /-─┬ こ)´          !:、  ,.-''´ l      |
37夢見る機械:2009/11/14(土) 03:59:01 0

38夢見る名無しさん:2009/11/14(土) 04:00:20 0
                             {::::::::::::,.ゝ-───- 、 、  /::::/-‐:::フ
                             >、/〃 /  /  / ヽ ヾ::::::/≦二‐、
                           / / /  /  l !  !   l! ∨ 、  ヽ ヽ
                          // 〃  ,゙  十‐_、!ハ,.ゝ‐lヱト : :ハヾ丶  '、 ', 
                         / ,  〈/   {_ アf^ラぇ   ャ''"゙ふ|l : : :.|:l: :!:  l  ! ・・・キャラの名前?
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39夢見る機械:2009/11/15(日) 02:30:09 0
40夢見る機械:2009/11/15(日) 06:00:19 0
41夢見る機械:2009/11/29(日) 15:27:18 0
i don`t wanna leave you.
42夢見る機械:2009/11/29(日) 15:56:34 0
43夢見る機械:2009/12/17(木) 19:14:17 0
afford moan
44夢見る機械:2009/12/24(木) 10:50:39 0
45夢見る機械:2010/01/01(金) 20:14:31 0

46夢見る名無しさん:2010/01/12(火) 01:24:26 0
47夢見る機械:2010/01/14(木) 21:24:54 0
48夢見る機械:2010/01/22(金) 15:58:35 0
I feel like crying
49夢見る名無しさん:2010/02/13(土) 23:49:49 0
50夢見る名無しさん:2010/03/16(火) 04:00:09 0

51夢見る名無しさん:2010/03/18(木) 02:07:59 0

52夢見る機械:2010/03/22(月) 11:58:59 0
All I know is that you're so nice
You're the nicest thing I've seen
I wish that we could give it a go
See if we could be something

I wish I was your favourite girl
I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world
I wish my smile was your favourite kind of smile
I wish the way that I dressed was your favourite kind of style
I wish you couldn't figure me out
But you'd always wanna know what I was about
I wish you'd hold my hand when I was upset
I wish you'd never forget the look on my face when we first met
I wish you had a favourite beauty spot
That you loved secretly because it was on a hidden bit that nobody else could see
Basically, I wish that you loved me
I wish that you needed me
I wish that you knew when I said two sugars actually I meant three
I wish that without me your heart would break
Yeah I wish that without me you'd be spending the rest of your nights awake
I wish that without me you couldn't eat
Yeah I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep

Look all I know is that you're the nicest thing I've ever seen
And I wish we could see if we could be something
Yeah I wish we could see if we could be something
53夢見る機械:2010/03/28(日) 11:41:00 0
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
Hey, baby my nose is getting big
I noticed it be growing when I been telling them fibs
Now you say your trust's getting weaker
Probably coz my lies just started getting deeper
And the reason for my confession is that I learn my lesson
And I really think you ought to know the truth
Because I lied and I cheated and I lied a little more
But after I did it I don't know what I did it for
I admit that I have been a little immature
Fucking with your heart like I was the predator
In my book of lies I was the editor
And the author
I forged my signature
And now I apologise for what I did to you
Cos what you did to me I did to you

No,no, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie
No, no, no, no, yeah, you know, know, know, know, you gotta try
What you gonna do when it all comes out
When I really see you & what you're all about

No, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie
Yeah, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you gotta try

54夢見る機械:2010/03/28(日) 11:43:24 0
She said I'm leaving
Cos she can't take the pain
It's hard to continue this love it ain't the same
Can't forget the things that I've done inside her brain
Too many lies committed too many games
She feeling like a fool getting on the last train
Trying to maintain but the feeling won't change
I'm sorry for the things that I've done and what I became
Caught up in living my life in the fast lane
Blinded by lights, cameras, you know the fame
I don't know the reason why I did these things

And I lie and I lie and I lie and I lie
And now our emotions are drained
Cos I lie and I lie and a little lie lie
And now your emotions are drained

No, no, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie (no, don't you lie)
No, no, no, no, yeah, you know, know, know, know, you gotta try (got to try, got to try)
What you gonna do when it all comes out (what you gonna do baby)
When I really see you & what you're all about
Nonono babe, no, no, no, no don't lie
Because you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, gotta try

Ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ba da ba da ba da ba da badabada
55夢見る機械:2010/03/28(日) 11:48:47 0
Yo, I'm lying to my girl
Even though I love her
And she all in my world
I give her all my attention and diamonds & pearls
She's the one who makes me feel on top of the world
Still I lie to my girl, I do it

And I lie and I lie and I lie till there's no turning back
I don't know why, (and I lie and I lie till I don't know who I am)
56夢見る名無しさん:2010/04/15(木) 07:58:07 0
57夢見る名無しさん:2010/04/22(木) 00:19:21 0
58夢見る機械:2010/04/22(木) 10:01:54 0
59夢見る名無しさん:2010/05/07(金) 14:20:05 0
60夢見る機械:2010/05/15(土) 13:39:17 0
61夢見る機械:2010/05/30(日) 02:47:10 0
62夢見る機械:2010/05/31(月) 02:19:13 0
63夢見る機械:2010/05/31(月) 02:20:09 0
64夢見る機械:2010/06/02(水) 06:34:37 0

ずっと欲しかった本 買おうか借りようか悩んでいたら


65夢見る機械:2010/06/04(金) 01:35:19 0
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet and wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin' gin and juice
Laying underneath the palm trees
The boys
Break their necks
Try'na to creep a little sneak peek
(at us)

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
66夢見る機械:2010/06/04(金) 01:36:11 0
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

S*x on a beach
We get sand in our stilletos
We freak
And we're cheap
So play the songs on the stereo

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the golden coast
Once you party with us
You'll be falling in love
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh
67夢見る機械:2010/06/04(金) 01:37:06 0
Tone Tan
Fit and ready
Turn it up cause its gettin' heavy
Wild wild west coast
These are the girls I love the most
I mean the ones
I mean like shes the one
Kiss her
Touch her
Squeeze her

The girls a freak
She drives a jeep
The men on the beach
I'm okay
I wont play
I love the bait
Just like I love LA
Venice beach
And Palm Springs
Summer time is everything

Come on boys Hanging out
All that a-s Hanging out
Bikinis, tankinis, martinis
No weenies
Just to get
In betweeny
Katy my lady (yeah)
You looking here baby (uh huh)
Im all up on you
Cause you representing California (ohhh yeahh)
68夢見る機械:2010/06/04(金) 01:51:20 0
California girls
We're unforgettable
Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
Will melt your popsicle
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
(West coast, west coast)
Now put your hands up
Oooooh Oh Oooooh

[Snoop Dogg]
(Californiaaa, Californiaaa)
California girls man
I wish they all could be
California girls
I really wish
You all could be
California girls
(Californiaaa, yeah)

69夢見る機械:2010/06/07(月) 01:21:37 0
70夢見る機械:2010/07/02(金) 17:29:11 0
71夢見る機械:2010/07/08(木) 10:14:33 0
Do not regret the past as it has made you who you are today.
72夢見る機械:2010/07/15(木) 10:42:28 0
no sooner than
73千取り線香師範大:2010/09/03(金) 20:54:20 0
74夢見る名無しさん:2010/09/11(土) 11:14:32 0
75夢見る機械:2010/09/21(火) 02:17:13 0
76夢見る名無しさん:2010/09/23(木) 14:22:40 O
77夢見る機械:2010/09/25(土) 11:19:43 0
they got nothing on you.