
952夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:44:18 0
( ´Д`)なにかいい案ください
953夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:44:57 0
954夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:46:13 0
955夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:49:34 0
やべ、時間ねぇw ちょっと急ぎます。次スレはだれかまかした。
956夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:50:01 0
957夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:50:24 0
958夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:54:19 0
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.

The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to

share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee

your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software

for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most

of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can

apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price.

Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to

distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish),

that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software

or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
959夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:54:54 0
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.

Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software,

or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
960夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:55:09 0
961夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:55:21 0
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program,

whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients

the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too,

receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
962夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:55:40 0
963夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:56:08 0
964夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:56:16 0
965夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:57:10 0
966夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:57:24 0
967夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 21:57:49 0
968夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:00:55 0
969夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:02:26 0
vineいいよvine(´∀` )
970夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:03:06 0
971夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:04:55 0
972夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:05:12 0
973夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:06:39 0
974夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:07:20 0
975夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:11:08 O
976夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:12:38 0


listen (please, please);

open yourself, wide;
join (you, me),
connect (us,together),

tell me.

do something if distressed;

@dawn, dance;
@evening, sing;
read (books,$poems,stories) until peaceful;
study if able;

write me if-you-please;

977夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:12:47 0
sort your feelings, reset goals, seek (friends, family, anyone);

do*not*die (like this)
if sin abounds;

keys (hidden), open (locks, doors), tell secrets;
do not, I-beg-you, close them, yet.

accept (yourself, changes),
bind (grief, despair);

require truth, goodness if-you-will, each moment;

select (always), length(of-days)
978夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:13:25 0
ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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990夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:13:59 0
ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
991夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:14:01 0
ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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996夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:14:07 0
ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
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ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000
1000夢見る名無しさん:2007/09/04(火) 22:14:14 0
ズサーc⌒っ゚Д゚)っ 1000