We're writing to let you know that the listing for the following item you bid on has been removed:
We removed the listing and canceled your bid because it appears that the seller's account was used by someone without the seller's permission. The seller's selling privileges might be temporarily suspended while we investigate. Because of privacy concerns, we can't share more details.
We canceled this listing to protect you and the member whose account was used without permission. Here's what you can do right now:
In order to maintain a safe trading environment, eBay may limit activity and request additional verification. At this time we ask that you verify your account with a Credit Card. The process is immediate and your card will not be charged. とか出て入札できないんですが… 何故かseller feeの請求先の入力画面に飛ばされますし、どうしたらいいのかが分かんないです
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* Some item(s) listed below do not have shipping fees specified by the seller(s). * Seller has not specified shipping fees for items in your cart.
Buy It Nowをしてpaypal continueをクリックすると↑が表示されるんですが、 どうしたらいいですか? sellerには質問で、日本へ送るならBuy It Nowでなら送ると言われ送料も$62.25と言われて、 言われたとうりにBuy It Nowしとうとしたら上記の文が出ます。 商品ページのShipping and paymentsをクリックしてもちゃんと Shipping and handling US $62.25 と表示されています、お願いします。
Ships to: Worldwide だが、商品詳細ページ中のShipping and paymentsでJapanを選択しても
Shipping cannot be calculated for your area. You can contact the seller for additional shipping costs and services. Save on shipping. This seller offers shipping discounts on combined purchases for eligible items.
そこで、出品者に「日本に送ってくれるか?送料は?」と聞いてみたら、 US $33で送るとの返事。
でBuy it nowをポチッた後のReview your purchaseで
Please enter the correct information for the following fields: Seller has not specified shipping fees for items in your cart.
Shipping & handlingの位置に Seller has not provided shipping information. Check the item description or request total from the seller. US $ [ ] Estimated delivery: Varies* Seller ships within 1 days
この[ ]に33と入れてUpdate totalを押すと$1.99→$34.99に変わり Some item(s) listed below do not have shipping fees specified by the seller(s). の文章が加わるだけで他は何も変化しないし、先へも進めず。
どういう事?ペイパルで支払ったのに。 I am happy to ship to this US address but the paypal payment you sent hasn't cleared. I received an email from paypal stating that the payment won't clear for 21 days and I should go ahead and ship the item. The auction listing clearly states that the payment must clear before I ship the item. Because the terms of the auction haven't been met I am requesting to cancel this transaction.