★☆eBay初参加&初心者のスレ part5☆★

発見(*゚Д゚) ムホムホ

− Cunnig seller,BE CAERFULL WHEN YOU ARE BIDDING ON !!!!!! Buyer megaman59 ( 14)
Reply by sclemen71:  I sell genuine product. You accepted terms of auction. I gave you a discount SH
Follow-up by megaman59: You said that S/H is $60,but final shipping fee was only $37.48!

− Charges extra ordinaly handling fee and nenver refounds the diffarences.Buyer megaman59 ( 14)
Reply by sclemen71: You accept charges of auction. I have to pay to ship!
Follow-up by megaman59: $60-$37.48=22.42= your handling! TOO EXPENSIVE!!

−  Very quick shipment but charges but,TOO MUCH EXPENSIVE HANDLING FEE FOR JAPANESE Buyer megaman59 ( 14)
Reply by sclemen71: You accept the charges in the auction. I gave you a discount on S/H!
Follow-up by megaman59: Also,I payed $2.20 for insurance but item wasn't. A WICKE DDEALER!!!