5. The most common version of stalking reported to the Equal Justice Foundation is a woman who takes out a protection order against a man and then stalks him with cell phone in hand. When she finds him, she calls the police, who then must (law reads "shall") arrest the man for criminal violation of the protection order under C.R.S. § 18-6-803.5(3)(b) .
保護命令を持って夫をストーキングし、夫を見つけしだい警察に通報して監獄に落とす 女性がいる。
If there are multiple offenses against the protection order the law requires that the sentences be served consecutively.
Tina Esparza was reportedly terrified of her estranged husband during the final months of her life. "I can't help but wonder," she wrote in an e-mail to her attorney, "what else he is going to do to 'make me pay' before he leaves." In e-mails, she told friends how messy her divorce had become, how angry her husband was, how she feared what he might do next.
Tina Esparzaは、殺害される前の数ヶ月、弁護士に夫の報復を 恐れる旨、手紙を書き、離婚がどんなに惨めだったかをE-mail で友人に書いていた。
In January, 2004, Mrs. Esparza called police and asked them to increase patrols at the parking lot at the Englewood, Colorado, City Center where she worked in the municipal court. Her friends organized a buddy system to walk her to her car every night. 2004年1月に、Mrs. Esparzaは、勤務先の車庫で、警察にパトロールを 増やすように要請し、職場の友人も協力した。
In early April, Mrs. Esparza had her truck taken; she told police she suspected her husband. Because the Esparzas were still married, police didn't pursue a car theft case, but an Englewood police division chief told officers to keep a closer eye on the parking lot at the city center where she worked. 4月に、Mrs. Esparzaの車が盗まれ夫の仕業ではないかと警察に語った。彼らはまだ 結婚したままだったので、警察は捜査せず、署長はパトロールを増やすように命令した。
On May 14, 2004, Tina Esparza was killed at 12:43 PM as she walked in the Englewood City Center parking garage. She was shot once in the chest and died with her car keys in her hand. 2004年5月14日、12時43分にTina Esparzaは、勤務先近くの駐車場で殺害された。 Tina Esparzaは、胸部を銃で撃たれ、自分の車の鍵を手にしていた。 Prosecutors have arrested and charged her husband, 37-year-old Gabriel Esparza, with murder.
The National Violence Against Women survey (NVAW, p. 52) found that approximately one-half of the protection orders women took out against males were known to have been violated and nearly one-third of the orders men had against women were basically ignored.
The ABA report states flatly: “Domestic violence does not necessarily involve physical violence.” The feminists' mantra is, “You don't have to be beaten to be abused.”
弁護士連合会は、「DVは、物理的暴力でなくともよい。」とシラッといい、 フェミニストは、「あなたは、たたかれたり、虐待されなくていいのよ。」 とマントラをとなえる。 The DV Scam Knowing that a woman can get a restraining order against the father of her children in an ex parte proceeding without any evidence, and that she will never be punished for lying, domestic-violence accusations have become a major tactic for securing sole child custody. Phyllis Schlafly
dadsinfamilycourt http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dadsinfamilycourt/ 3123 Members, Archives: Membership required DADS in FAMILY COURT are pro-active fathers who assert their interests in the reform of the legal, economic, and sociological aspects of Family Law, most principally: parental rights, child custody / support, and the judicial system / industry. The main forum focuses on INTELLIGENCE SHARING and SUBSTANTIVE OPINIONS. Our mission is to be well-informed dads for the purpose of parenting and political action.
LOS ANGELES - Relatives of the victims in the Simpson slayings case are lashing out at the planned publication of a book by O.J. Simpson in which he discusses how he would have committed the killings of his ex-wife and her friend "if I did it."