
Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Funaki
-Tajiri makes his long awaited debut, against Funaki.
Taka says that Tajiri actually is from New Jersey,
because if he was from Japan, he would be evil. Indeed.
They lock up, and Funaki scores a chop. Tajiri backbody drops
him onto the apron and then reverse thrust kicks him off.
Tajiri tosses him back in the ring and makes a cover 1-2-kickout.
Spinning heel kick by Tajiri, followed with a backflip splash 1-2-kickout.
Sorry if I call one of his moves wrong, as this is the first time
I've seen his matches. Springboard reverse elbow by Tajiri for a two count after Funaki had tried some offense.
Chops by Tajiri, who then punches out of an attempted Sunset Flip by Funaki. Knee drop by Tajiri -2-kickout. Elbows by Tajiri,
but Funaki fires back. Tajiri locks Funaki into the Tree of Woe and baseball slides right into his face.
Boot choke by Tajiri. Choke on the ropes by Tajiri, followed by a reverse DDT 1-2-shoulder up. Snapmare by Tajiri,
into an abdominal stretch, which he turns into a roll up and gets a two count.
Funaki comes back with a bulldog and both me go down.
Chops back and forth, with Funaki hitting a back suplex 1-2-kickout. Reverse thrust kick by Tajiri,
then the low kick to the head 1-2-kickout. Tajiri puts Funaki on top,
so Funaki goes for a Tornado DDT, but Tajiri blocks and puts him back on the turnbuckle.
Funaki fires some punches from up top and hits the Tornado DDT for the 1-2-3!