WWE is deeply saddened by the news that Eddie Guerrero has passed away. He was found dead this morning in his hotel room in Minneapolis. Eddie is survived by his wife Vickie and his two daughters.
心より追悼の意を・・・ ブリティッシュ・ブルドックとヨコヅナについて、テイカーさんが悲痛に語っている インタビュー置いていきますね。きっと今も、胸の潰れる思いで泣いているだろう。 In this business, you have friends and you have enemies. But regardless of how you feel, it always hits you harder when somebody within our fraternity dies -- even people that you haven't seen or have been retired for years. It's tragic that a man 39 years old has passed away. That family has endured much more than any family should have to endure in a two- or three-year span. I think their family has had to endure enough, and hopefully everybody is able to come to grips with this. I hope that his immediate family is taken care of. I can only hope for the best for them. It's another tragic loss of another warrior......
That was a tremendous blow to me...Yokozuna and I had some memorable wars in the WWF...WWF was hurtin’, not doing so well... We were right there every night, trying to keep the company afloat... We had a mutual respect for each other and actually became quite good friends...[Choking up] I had actually seen him a couple of weeks prior to his death... He was telling me that he was losing weight and committing to making a comeback in the WWF...It came as a real shock to me when I heard that he passed away.