Hai! I'm American MOJO! second
How are you?
2 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/20(日) 20:24:35.25 ID:H/f0hYiP
のー せんきゅー(´・ω・`)
3 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/20(日) 20:27:26.08 ID:bxNIbHlK
4 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/20(日) 20:27:56.08 ID:xe16UMvZ
i wanna fxxk u
>1 thanks:)
i missed this thread.
aa fucking!!!!!!fucking me!!!!hayo!!!!!
I can't speak English.
Thank you.
10 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/20(日) 20:59:35.48 ID:xe16UMvZ
I am the most busaiku in the world
missed this thread so much..
Im happy to see this thread again!
I lub American MOJO!!
BTW, how do you say MOJO in English?
"Bad looking girl"?
>>1-14 oh...You are so ugly.....
I will go to McDonald's to eat Miami burger tomorrow.
I'm lovin' it.
And I love this thread.
17 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/20(日) 22:14:15.55 ID:pJ9RpXa7
I am in the way to Kyoto. Sooooo excited!
>>16 そこはwillじゃなくてam going toな気がする
>>19 Maybe the idea that going there came to her mind, exactly when she was writing that res.
So she used "will", I guess.
Anyway, it's nice to meet you here again.
i wish Japan be a part of America.
i love America:)
>>14 how about geek girl?
I know you guys aren't all otaku.
although,I'm perfectly otaku~haha
>>18 わざとだろうけど一応言っとくとinじゃなくてonね
>>22 Maybe I am a person who satisfies the condition.
I play otome games.
But, I got tired of it recently.
I feel emptiness.
>>24 Oh, it's heartless of you.
A foreign language isn't by any means easy to master.
Actually, I don't know English.
Can you write perfect English?
I can't.
>>26 What's wrong?
I love Harry Potter, the reason why I study is for it.
I want to talk with professer Snape. I loved him, I love him, I'm loviog him!!!
If only I could marry him...
>>27 You love him so much. That's nice
I've been just like
>>25 for many years. emptiness. That's it
I wish I could be devoted to something, like you do to him
in Japan,I am debu.
But in America,I will standard.
>>27 I saw you in the last tread.
You are so funny!
Did you read Harry Potter in english?
>>21 Haha, it goes without saying that Japan is part of America.
Some even say Japan is just an America's dog, and unfortunately no one can deny that fact.
However, I don't like your idea.
We should throw out stupid Article 9.
It is disgusting that a former Prime Minister said,
"Japan doesn't just belong to the Japanese."
No way! Give me a break!
Japan belongs to us Japanese people.
Finally,I ate unko!
It tastes so bitter and a little sweet.
>>31 Realy? I didn't remember what I said...maybe someone not me wrote so.
I also love Kaido-kyun in Prince of Tennis. I had mistakes the world to be born.
>>32 I also think so!!
Size9 must be banned! It is not normal size!!
We, Japanese DEBU mojo, can't fit this so small size! And then, size7 have to panished!!!!!!
>>32 I hate Democratic Party of Japan.
and I think Politicians are useless, indeed.
>>33 WTF... You shouldn't have ate it. anyway, R.I.P.
>>35 >and I think Politicians are useless, indeed.
You can say that again.
I agree with you with all my heart.
37 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/27(日) 01:13:01.57 ID:3tAO/K6e
Oh, depopulated area...
This thread goes to the top.
Good night everybody.
>>38 Good night,my sweet MOJO friend!
I was pgred by rea-ju girl!!
40 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/27(日) 02:15:48.03 ID:em4WQ+GI
no future…XO
atasha buri buri
>>40 me,either:<
i have little money,so im living from paycheck to paycheck XO
my life is shit!!
44 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/27(日) 02:41:29.79 ID:dG5tXJCk
mI'm 'Im ←MOJO
45 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/27(日) 11:14:14.62 ID:mZsbZKlN
One day,a man showed me his penis suddenly.
And it talked to me " You are not alone"
I was moved and cried.
I think ugly Betty and blonde one in mv of taylor swift's "you belong with me"
are kind of images of American mojo.
But they have boyfriend!!what the fuck!no sence of reality!
I cannot help being angry because I was said to "OMAE ONNA SUTETERUDARO" by my brother!!! He is so rudy!!
49 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 02:22:35.21 ID:VP4yGo0b
>>42 Can I correct your mistake? I think "either" should be"neither".
50 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 08:48:09.09 ID:OGWIcGOZ
You is stupid girl.
51 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 10:16:41.96 ID:UH6TG6Dd
you isとかw
Oh oh,English please
This thread is just for English writting.
In my opinion, too much correction makes motivation down.
I think it is similar to Kanji writing only thread
55 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 13:20:21.65 ID:dTD6iVhF
>>53 I agree with you.
You is great.
56 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 13:33:40.63 ID:eLfkC6A/
I hageuply agree with
>>53 too
correcting sentence is bull shit
Lets enjoy talking with English
whats the weather today?
Tokyo is cloudy
59 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 14:17:04.70 ID:gdiOkMNJ
>>58 it is raining in Saitama
61 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 14:29:18.93 ID:VP4yGo0b
>>42 I corrected mistakes to improve your English skill. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.
>>61 I'm 42.You don't have tomind what you said.
but i cant really use "me, either!" in that situation?
Please tell me correct grammar!
According to my textbook, we can use "me, either." and "me neither." to agree in negative sentenses.
"You is ~"
This phrase is very nice!
It made me laugh intensely and became my favorite!
chrome でこのスレ翻訳して読んだらカオス
65 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/02/28(月) 15:45:48.51 ID:VP4yGo0b
>>62 In case of positive…"me either"or"me too"
In case of negative…"me neither"
In this situation,"no future" is negative sentence. So we should use "me neither" to agreewiht her.
I was gay.
gay... I watched " brokeback mountain" yesterday.
I'm not gay but that movie was simply nice.
I wish I could meet someone I can't ever let go like they did.
though the story was hopeless.
I found nice site to learn English!
there is another one 'Neither am I.' !!!
Nooo, english is a Devil's language! Too difficult!
but it's fun to learn something new.
I think I'll start Spanish this year.
Do you know any good ways for Spanish-studying?
>>72 Why don't you watch NHK's program of Spanish?
Not only Spanish, but there are also French, German, Italian and so on.
I think when you are studying other languages,
You feel English is so easy, probably.
I've just started reading this thread today... your English is far better than I'd expected...
how many mojos in this thread do/did major in Engish in university or college???
75 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/01(火) 22:33:27.86 ID:3hUKob57
My major is English literature,so I can speak a little. I think people in this thread make too many grammatical mistakes. You should study more!!
>>73 Sounds nice.
I'm interested in Italian and German as well.
>>74 I didn't do it and feel I should've.
But it's never too late when you start something, is it?
>>75 Wrong grammar is not a big problem.
Of course I admit there're a lot to study.
I dont major in English but I love to study foreign languages.
>>75 oh,u major in English litratura?
Who is ur favorite writer?
and i dont think grammar is so important.
The most important thing is to try to communicate with others in English.
I learned it to live in other countries!
oh, litratura× →litrature〇 XD
Jump and jump ! In and out!
Jump and jump! In and out!
Shake your hands. Shake your hip.
Turn around the world.
i agree with your opinion:)
language is merely communication tool.
just use it fun!!
Don't care details!! (AA skip
ohh, shit!!
i envy
>>75 her popularity.
This is very 2ch-like current, isn't it?
So, did
>>75 intend to fish us or something?
We should've left her alone, maybe.
>>75 I think English literature is so bored.
You should read Japanese literatures like Dazai,Natsume,Mishima,and Tomohiro Saitou.
>>75 made a mistake.
×You should study more!!
○We should study more!!
Study isn't only interesting, but fun, KOSHI said.
We can study English by writting in this thread ;)
>>83 lol,she is soooooooo popular!
I feel itchy my eyes, and I have a runny nose.
It might be hay fever.
89 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/04(金) 00:00:56.95 ID:Bsx/xBtz
>>88 Oh,consult a doctor and take care of yourself.
I live in Shiga,and want to listen to the NHK English lessons on the radio.
However,what the hell,my house is located very close to the mountain,
and I can hear absolutely nothing.There is no signal in Shiga waros Inaka waros lol
The CDs fuckin' NHK sold are too expensive.
This thread seems more serious than expected. I should study harder :-0
>>89 Can you listen to streaming radio on NHK homepage?
I will listen Radio English Conversation,too.
92 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/04(金) 01:30:00.58 ID:Hd5F1oup
>>91 Thank you!I can.
you are very kind.
sorry,my ID changed.I am 89.
>>91 I listen to English Conversation every day
The teacher, Mr Toyama's voice is really cool;)
So I listen to the program to hear his voice!
95 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/04(金) 01:55:06.70 ID:/UKZaY9C
>>75. I know that grammar is not so important. But only writing English with many mistakes, you never grow up! So I think if someone made big mistakes, we should correct these.
I think everyone in this thread already knows the importance of studying grammarh.
I guess they just felt disgusted by your words... you commanded them to study harder as if you were an authority on English or something like that...
>>95 What do u think about this thread?
U want to be a leader orteacher?
in fact,it's important to study grammar.
but it has noting with u.
I'm fed up with ur arrogance.
oh,i wanna say "it has nothing to do with you."
99 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/04(金) 04:54:30.93 ID:ouhc2quJ
It really sucks to be a mojo!
100 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/04(金) 04:56:26.13 ID:ZjZOFLxa
i wanna be a popular girl like
but also you must know the importance of separating lines! it help mojo to read your statement.
i got a new ghetto blaster. its sound is good! i'm fond of listening to!
Then, what is the differense between 'compo' and 'radicasse'?
perhaps, these words were made in JP and its difference is only used here...
My name is Ai Suzuki.
I want to fade out
Ai Suzuki?
I want to know how you cheat.
By the way, I like"NHK world-your japanese kitchen"
Is anyone who watching this show?
Good evening, everyone.
May I come in?
Please read this comment.
This is ChosunNinja's comment. 1day ago.
>"You got your rice cultivation from KOREANS!
You got Buddhism through KOREANS!
You got Temple and even Castle building architecture from KOREANS!
You got the Samurai culture through KOREANS! You got your Emperor from KOREA!
You got your Armour from KOREANS! You got your first Swords from KOREANS!
You got your first spoons from KOREANS! You got the best pottery from KOREANS!
You got silk from KOREANS! You got your Kana writing from KOREANS!
You were taught Kanji from KOREANS! Want more?".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGx0JyjsHTI What do you think?
(In addition, ChosunNinja = ChosonNinja)
I know a Korean girl.
She had believed that Meiji Confectionery was Korean company.
She was so serious and convinced that I nearly believed her.
Even though she is my friend and I like her much,
I admit it annoyed me...
>>92 Not at all.
>>94 Really?
I like ad lib part.
Jef and Katie are so funny.
>>105 OMG
That is pretty scary
Such a cold day today, like a winter weather.
But It can be hardly snowing in my prefecture.
English is tough to study, isn't it?
So, if I wrote something wrong, please let me know.
>>108 'It was really freezing day today' would be more natural way to say, I guess.
And what do you mean by "But It can be hardly snowing in my prefecture."?
When I was in the US, I have never seen native speakers using THAT complex grammars.
At first, you'd better stuck with basic grammar, and try to be simple.
Important thing is to let others know what you are thinking and want to say.
Hope this helps, and please don't take this wrong!
Sorry for long response :P
Thank you for your help.
When I'm using English, I'm always confused by grammar.
You've been in the US? I envy you.
>>108 Do you mean that snow is rare where you live?
than perhaps you could say something like
It's freezing cold today but even in such weather it hardly snows in the place where I live.
i hope this helps!
Exactly. that's what I want to say.
I live in a rather warm place.
And I don't like winter.
But Kotatsu is awesome. thank you.
113 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/06(日) 12:25:59.50 ID:JsNrKxqj
Do you know that I want a lot of penis?
needless to say so
All I need is love!
but I cant get it......
what is that?
is it delicious?
All I want is money.
Not too much, but enough money.
You can't live on love. Huh?
Hey,no kidding.
D'you still believe in such a goddam fairly tale?
For Chrissake,grow up.
Many people in my office thinks the translate machine is perfect!!
translating with google is absolutely fuxxin useless.
btw i always get concerned when finding this thread up in the list,
with this title...
is this something on purpose?
I guess it is.
Anyway, I like the spelling "Hai".
It's cute!!
>>121 Reminds me of Ikura chan
>>122 you made me laugh a lot
I love Pizza.So,I ate it every day.
My weight is over 80 kg now.
125 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/14(月) 03:36:24.31 ID:ijePLh6n
Operation Tomodachi!!!
Good afternoon everyone!
Oh my god!
>>126 What's happened?
It was a disaster. Are you all right?
I'm living in Kansai area, so I was not affected by the earthquake.
But I'm very worried about people in Tohoku area...
I found this tweet this morning:
<<Japanese nuclear worker on the news: "I am prepared tp die to avoid meltdown."
Say it with me-- I will not complain about my job today.>>
I quite agree with it, and I will not complain about my life.
The only thing I can is hoping that their job will be done safely, evacuated people will be able to get back peace of mind as soon as possible, and God's miracle.
129 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/03/18(金) 23:48:50.54 ID:XMchJ2fY
I am a comedian.
It is the one always laughingly.
Sadly, and very
However, day [ojisan] at Christmas at that time said.
A suspicious person also runs away dark night by the face of you plain.
I was pleased.
Natural disaster is unpredictable, and no where on the earth is safe.
I learned it from this time..
(Sorry for my poor sentence.)
That's right...
I thought that Japan was one of the most peaceful countries in the world.
But it was not ture. We could do nothing against the earthquake and tsunami.
I'm not sure but it seems like that the situation is getting better.
And a lot of countries around the world have supported us.
I really really appreciate it.
I can't do anything for the people who need help.
I am sad.Many people died.
Nature easily destroy things which man made and their life.
What are we have to do now?
Many people criticize Democratic Party and I agree,but to tell the truth,I don't know how I can grasp the reality.
TV show?no.2-chan?no.
I'm just a ordinary person.
If there is correct information,I don't have enough knouledge and ability to recognize it.
>>133 ×knouledge
Don't care such a small thing.
Let's wakachiko wakachiko!
I think Japan must prepare for next earthquake.
we learned some important lessons from this disaster.
This thread can make mojo so smart.
>>136 I think it'll come some time in future, not so soon,
could be when we start becoming lazy about preparing for earthquakes.
So there's nothing more than the continuous efforts.
Anyway, I don't want any more nuclear plants in Japan...
A lot of people have died since the earthquake hit Japan.
And more people might die from radiation.
I'm very scared of the invisible fear.
>>135 YES,wakachiko!
In Japan,People say most fearful things are Earthquake,Lightning,Fire,Father.
But now,it changed.
Earthquake,Thunami,Radioactivity,Economic collapse,I think Japanese fear these now.
I sure that this thread should not be low.
Hey everymojo! let's make remarks!
143 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/04/01(金) 01:01:06.79 ID:rfIXV5KM
OH...I forgot to raise this
We only have to surrender in front of nature disaster..
145 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/04/01(金) 01:44:18.02 ID:9pMzMd9R
I just hope everything is OK.
146 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/04/01(金) 08:53:48.17 ID:Lc1VKTYG
How are you? :->
I am Japanese,toooooo
Spring's come.
I want to go to see cherry blossom in the near park.
I wonder if it's in full bloom.
OHANAMI is fun.
I happend to have a chance to do OHANAMI few days ago.
But it was night. It was too dark.
I could barely see the pink of petals.
I think I should go in the day next time.
149 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/04/06(水) 04:00:49.48 ID:UUXjfywU
I am a yellow monkey and a mojo.
Everyday is exactly the same.My life sucks
Fxxk you RIA-JU!Fxxk you!1!!!!111!!
Today, I'm going to OHANAMI.
Recently, I discovered a cat at the OHANAMI spot's neighborhood.
Is it a stray cat? I don' know. but it was cute.
I've tried to write tweets and blogs in English before to improve my writing skill. But I was not sociable and couldn't find any friends on SNS, so finally gave up writing because got no corrections on my awkward English.
Should I keep writing if I'm wrong?
The more I write, the better progress I can make?
What do you think?
>>151 I think you are completely right.
Don't be afraid of making mistakes, and keep on going!
I can say the same thing to myself...lol
I make lots of mistakes, too. But I used to make more.
Keep writing, and reading English writings as well.
That's the best way I've known to improve my English.
If you've got someone who's willing to make a correction,
you can count on him/her.
>>152 >>153 Thanks for good advice!
That's really kind of you...
Hai,every mojo!
Did you guys go to hanami already?
Me?unfortunately not yet.
I want to go to hanami so much,
but miss the opportunities every year,saying so
I went to hanami today.
Many couples went there made me a little sad.
But walking there,I encountered with SARUMAWASHI.
A monkey was so cute and smart.
I felt happy after all.
I've never seen it in my whole life.
I envy you.
By the way, how do you explain Japanese-like words such as
"Hanami"and "Sarumawashi" in English?
It's kind of difficult, but I'll say
"Sarumawashi" is "a performer with a small monkey",
"Hanami"is "a festival of cherry blossom".
...I don't think it's understandable to foreigners.
>>159 I can't use English well,sorry.
If I were in your position,I'd use these expressions.
Hanami=enjoying viewing cherry blossoms.Japan loves this flower for its fragility
Sarumawashi=a monkey tamer
I'm sorry that some westerners assume that monkey tamers abuse monkeys.
It's always difficult to explain Japanese traditional stuff.
But if what I say isn't understandable to someone,
I try to describe it in another way. It's OK.
This happens even when I talk with Japanese people.
I am planning to go to hanami today.
It's really nice weather here!
By the way,It's difficult to explain words like hanami to foreigners.
because these are Japanese traditional custom.
If I translate hanami into English, I would say picnic under cherry blossom…
163 :
彼氏いない歴774年:2011/04/19(火) 07:25:34.33 ID:zXfMrx6P
I really feel recently that studying not only English
but also any other foreign languages don't end, it lasts forever
till the end of my life.
It's very hard but interesting at the same time.
In addition to English, I've wanted to study Chinese or Korean.
If I could speak Chinese, it would help me get a better job and earn more money.
And I really love Korean idols recently so I'm really interested in Korean.
Tuesday is always shit.
What's your lucky number,MOJO?
This is a pen.
not penis.
Ughhhhh my canker sore hurts
>>163 studying foreign language is fun to me,too!
I wanted to learn Russian,If English were not compulsory subject.
I am interested in Russia somehow…
I wanna understund English.
'Coz I wanna read novels in English.
Now, we can get foriegn publications easily by mail order, like Amazon.
But unfortunately, these are published in Japan is pretty late.
I can't wait. I wanna read them immediately.
>>169 Don't you buy them at Amazon.com or .uk?
>>170 How much would an international shipping fee be?
Surprisingly expensive, i reckon
But if getting a newly published book asap is of prime importance, we have no choice thoughX(
>>170 I want to, but my English is poor.
So, while I'm translating a book,
that must be translated and published in Japan.
Haha, I have a lot of unread books written in English.
I tried to read them again and again, but every time gave up in just a few pages.
>>173 Me too. LOL
Furthermore, when I try again to read the book,
I can't remember where I've read.
So, I end up reading it from the beginning.
Infinite loop is terrible, isn't it?
Just realised its 4.30 in the morning!
Ive completely lost track of time playing a game
And shoot im still wearing my makeup...
Speaking of books, i started reading a novel Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera yesterday.
Has anyone here read this?
>>175 Though I've never read it, its film is one of my favorite!!!
>>176 Didnt know that its been made into a film!
Thats good to know, thanks
What sort of books do you guys read?
I don't like reading that much.
But I like ROALD DAHL who is a famous child novel writer of Britain.
He wrote Charlie and the chocolate factory etc…
His books are easy to read because those are for kids