Proxomitron Part3

Name = "de geo head"
Active = TRUE
URL = ""
Bounds = "(<!-- <SERVICE|<script)*PLEASE REMOVE -->"
Limit = 800
Match = "(<!-- <SERVICE NAME="toto"> -->*<!-- </SERVICE> -->|"
"(<scri( \w)+>(\w\s|)(\w/script>)+{1,2} )+)"
"\s<!-- text above generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE -->"
Replace = "<!--deduct Geohead-->"

Name = "de geo foot"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = ""
Bounds = "<!-- text below generated by server. *<im( \w)+></nosc\w>\s<im( \w)+>"
Limit = 6080
Match = "<!( \w)+>(</(style|table|(no|)script)>)+{4,5}"
" <(!(( \w)+>)+{7}|scri(( \w)+>) )"
"(\w(/|)script( \w)+> )+"
"<im( \w)+></nosc\w>\s<im( \w)+>"
Replace = "<!--deduct Geofoot-->"

Name = "de geoj"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = ""
Bounds = "<div( \w)+>\s<!--\*/geoguide/\*-->*<!--\*/geoguide/\*-->\s</div>"
Limit = 2500
Match = "*"
Replace = "<!--deduct Geoj-->"

Name = "de geoj tools"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "(tools|www)"
Bounds = "<center>*</center>"
Limit = 3500
Match = "<center>"
"<A( \w)+><IMG SRC="/pictures/gc_icon.gif( \w)+>)"
Replace = "<!--deduct Geojtools-->"

Name = "de geo counter"
Active = TRUE
URL = "|.jp)"
Bounds = "<img\ssrc=("|)(@geocounter|'|)( \w)+>"
Limit = 200
Match = "*"
Replace = "<!--deduct geocount-->"

Name = "de geo generator "
Active = TRUE
URL = ""
Limit = 2000
Match = "<!-- <SERVICE NAME="geoguide"> -->*<!-- </SERVICE> -->|"
"<td align=right( \w)+>"
"<table( \w)+>"
"(\w(d|r|o|s|f)( \w)+> |<b>|<a( \w)+>|</(a|b)>)+</table></td>"
"(<!-- The above line is the code for the GeoGuide.( \w)+>\s"
"\w><table( \w)+>|"
"<hr size=1 noshade width=500> "
"<table( \w)+> <form( \w)+>) "
"(\w(d|r|o|w|i)( \w)+> |<b>|<a( \w)+>|</(a|b)>)+</table>"
Replace = "<!--deduct Geogenerator -->"