○Hotfixに含まれるファイルでソースファイルを置き換える「スリップストリーム」型の統合 ○Windows 2000/XP/2003に対応 ○Windows Media Player 9/10/11の統合をサポート ○Internet Explorer 6/7の統合をサポート ○DirectX 9の統合をサポート ○その他ドライバやコーデックの統合が可能
デフォルトではHFSLIPはInternet Explorer 7を最初のGUIログオン時に、またはようこそ画面が最初に表示されたときインストールさせます。 すなわち、Internet Explorer 7は、オペレーティングシステムが、それ自体が「正当であると認識する」(Windowsの主流バージョンでは、Windowsセットアップの後のインストールウィザードからアクティベーションした後にだけ可能です)ことができる事を必要とします。
・アクティブなインターネット接続が検出される場合にだけ、Windowsセットアップはインストール後のウィザードにアクティベーション画面を表示します。 言い換えれば: どんなアクティブなインターネット接続も見つけることができないと(ネットワークアダプターがサポートされていない等)、この方法は失敗するでしょう。 ・Internet Explorer 7がインストールされた後にそれが再起動を必要とするので、Windowsセットアップが完了するとき、手動で再起動しなければなりません。 ・Internet Explorer 7のインストールはまた、再起動の後までにデスクトップやアドレスブック、またテーマといった項目のインストールをを遅らせます。よって最初は素朴で簡単なユーザーインタフェースだと気付くでしょう。
アクティベーション済み、またはアクティベーションを必要としないWindowsエディションに、Internet Explorer 7をWindowsセットアップ中残り13分にインストールさせることができます; それに付随する再起動もこの場合必要ではありません。 Internet Explorer 7をWindowsセットアップ中残り13分にインストールさせるようHFSLIPに指示するために、HFTOOLSに置かれる応答ファイルHFANSWER.INIでIE7SVCPACK=1を指定してください。
ソースファイルにダイレクト統合 You can also have HFSLIP slipstream Internet Explorer 7 directly into the source. To use this method, specify IE7SLIPSTREAM=1 in HFANSWER.INI. HFSLIPに Internet Explorer 7 をソースファイルにダイレクト統合させる事もできます。この方法を使用するには 特別にHFANSWER.INIでIE7SLIPSTREAM=1を指定してください。
Changes: - [MCE'05] KB900325.exe from WindowsXPMediaCenter2005-KB900325, and KB925766 are installed at first GUI logon (1) - [MCE'05] NDP1.0sp3-KB887998 is slipstreamed
Changes: - [2K3] the two URL zones that are added for Server 2K3 by HFSLIP 1.4.0/1 are now only added for SP1 and Gold - [2K3SP2] TXTSETUP.SIF is not edited if the user mistakenly includes KB908981 which is for SP1 (contains files that are new to an SP1 source but not to an SP2 source)
Changes: - loosened existing filtering rule which makes some Qxxxxxx hotfixes be treated as Type 1 hotfixes so that those which have "SP1" in their name are supported too
[2K3] the two URL zones that are added for Server 2K3 since HFSLIP 1.4.0 are now only added for SP1 and Gold [2K3SP2] TXTSETUP.SIF is not edited if the user mistakenly includes KB908981 (which is for SP1) initial support for XP MCE 2005; see Important things to know→ loosened filter which makes some hotfixes based on the old Qxxxxxx naming standard be treated as Type 1 hotfixes. Old filter: Q......_WXP_SP2 New filter: Q......_WXP_SP._ added "AddReg.SetupKey" to list of INF file sections to run from Type 2 hotfixes Improves support for KB817885 for WMP9, a hotfix solving a Java communication problem between Netscape Navigator and WMP9).
Changes: - updated script section that calculates the HFSLIP run time to support times greater than 1 hour (can count up and through the next day at 1 second before midnight)
Windows 2000 SP4 updates for use with HFSLIPのリストにある Windows2000-KB917344-56-x86-jpn.Exe WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-jpn.exe 両方入れないといけないのか?
ノートPCの東芝ツール類etcをサイレントインストール したいのですが、これで行けますか?・・・スイッチ自信ないッス [runonce.cmd] @ECHO OFF IF EXIST %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\CMDOW.EXE cmdow @ /HID Title Silent Install Applications FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\I386\SVCPACK SET HFSLIP=%%i:\I386 ECHO. ECHO Installing TOSHIBA Display Power Save ECHO Please wait... START /wait %HFSLIP%\SVCPACK\tdps.exe /s ECHO. ECHO Installing Toshiba Common Modules ECHO Please wait... START /wait %HFSLIP%\SVCPACK\tcommon.exe /s ECHO. ECHO Installing Toshiba Power Saver ECHO Please wait... START /wait %HFSLIP%\SVCPACK\tps.exe /s ECHO. ECHO Installing Toshiba Utilities ECHO Please wait... START /wait %HFSLIP%\SVCPACK\tosutils.exe /s ECHO. ECHO Installing PC diagnosis tool ECHO Please wait... START /wait %HFSLIP%\SVCPACK\pcd.exe /s ECHO. ECHO Installing Client Manager3 ECHO Please wait... START /wait %HFSLIP%\SVCPACK\cm3.exe /s EXIT
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\TOOLS SET TOOLS=%%i:\TOOLS echo Installing MS JAVA VM %TOOLS%\msjavwu.exe /Q:A /R:N echo Updating MS-IME ZIP CODE %TOOLS%\ZP81UPDW.EXE /Q:A /R:N echo Updating Flash Player %TOOLS%\KB923789.exe /Q:A /R:N echo Installing Step By Step Interactive Training %TOOLS%\S\STEPBYS.EXE /quiet /norestart /nobackup echo Installing Adobe Reader START/WAIT MSIEXEC /i %TOOLS%\ADOBE\AcroRead.msi /qn del /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\スタート メニュー\プログラム\スタートアップ\Adobe Reader Speed Launch.lnk" del /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\スタート メニュー\プログラム\スタートアップ\Adobe Reader Synchronizer.lnk" del /q "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\デスクトップ\Adobe Reader 8.lnk" echo Stop unnecessary services sc config Alerter start= demand sc config ERSvc start= demand sc config TrkWks start= demand sc config PolicyAgent start= demand sc config RemoteRegistry start= demand sc config wscsvc start= demand sc config WZCSVC start= demand
Changes: - [2K] 64-bit LBA support through reg.exe is now also possible if the path to the HFSLIP work folder contains spaces - added credit for 64-bit LBA code (sorry, Wendy!)
Changes: - enforced alphabetical sorting order again in some sections - improved handling of latest DX9 extras (d3dx10_xx.dll and d3dcompiler_xx.dll) for DOS-based installs
Bug fixes: fixed bug causing incomplete HFSLIPWU.INF to be created in a specific case (important files not registered) General updates: improved handling of latest DX9 extras (d3dx10_xx.dll and d3dcompiler_xx.dll) for DOS-based installs enforced alphabetical sorting order again in some sections updated script section that calculates the HFSLIP run time to support times greater than 1 hour (can count up and through the next day at 1 second before midnight) [2K] 48-bit LBA support through reg.exe is now also possible if the path to the HFSLIP work folder contains spaces added credit for 48-bit LBA code (sorry, Wendy!)
Changes: - support for IE7 hotfixes with the other naming standard (1)
(1) IE7 hotfixes Fully supported in current final: IE7-KB928090-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe Supported by the current final only when slipstreaming IE7: IE7-WindowsXP-KB933264-x86-ENU.exe With the test release, the latter is supported for other scenarios (SVCPACK and first GUI logon) as well. Moreover, the former uses the old internal hotfix composition (used by Win2K hotfixes) while the latter uses the newer XP/2K3 hotfix composition. MS *had* to use different names to maintain consistency...
Changes: - "createcab.cmd" is removed if it exists in the root of any hotfix, and installation INF files are edited accordingly to avoid error with network-based installs
* support for Windows Update Agent 3.0 If both WUA20 and WUA30 are detected in HF, WUA20 will be ignored * support for IE7 hotfixes with the other naming standard Fully supported previously: IE7-KB928090-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe Fully supported now too: IE7-WindowsXP-KB933264-x86-ENU.exe * "createcab.cmd" is removed if it exists in the root of any hotfix, not just the English KB917008 for Windows 2000 The INF file is edited accordingly to avoid error with DOS-based installations * the "acadproc.dll" binary can now be slipstreamed from any hotfix, not just WMP11
Changes: - new HFANSWER.INI entry to tell HFSLIP that IE7 needs to make a backup before installation (1)
(1) IE7 backup By default, HFSLIP installs IE7 at first GUI logon with the /nobackup switch. The same applies to an SVCPACK install (IE7SVCPACK=1). For these two scenarios, it's now possible to tell HFSLIP that a backup should be made prior to installation of IE7. This allows IE7 to be uninstalled for whatever reason. Line to enter in HFANSWER.INI to make the backup: IE7BACKUP=1
Changes: - [XP] support for IE7 hotfixes with new naming standard when slipstreaming IE7 - [XP] when slipstreaming IE7, ADVPACK.DLL is removed from Type 2 hotfixes
General updates: [XP] support for IE7 hotfixes with new naming standard when slipstreaming IE7 [XP] when slipstreaming IE7, ADVPACK.DLL is removed from Type 2 hotfixes HFANSWER.INI: IE7BACKUP=1 tells HFSLIP that IE7 needs to make a backup if installed at first GUI logon or from SVCPACK; this allows uninstallation
Changes: - [2K+IE6] six more IE-specific binaries are slipstreamed - [2K+IE6] SCRIPTEN.CAB is ignored if either "script*.exe" or "*Script56*.exe" is detected in HF; they fully supersede SCRIPTEN.CAB - [2K+IE6] HFSLIP creates three new CAB files in HFCABS to speed up the IE6 slipstreaming process in consecutive runs (1)
BRANDING.CAB and SCRIPT*.CAB are not covered as the first can be user-modified while the other is optional if newer Windows Script Host 5.6 installers are present in HF.
Even though IEW2K_*.EXE, MAILNEWS.CAB, OEEXCEP.CAB and WAB.CAB will not be used anymore in consecutive runs, HFSLIP will not delete them; this is up to the user to decide. However, you are strongly advised not to remove the originals at this stage.
Changes: - HFSVCPACK_SW is replaced by HFSVCPACK_SW1 and HFSVCPACK_SW2 (4) - blocked KB923800 - experimental: RCLOCAL=1 in HFANSWER.INI to add /makelocalsource switch to command installing Recovery Console
Changes: - added support for CAPICOM-KB931906-v2102.exe if placed in HF folder - changed HFSLIP version representation in HFSLIP.LOG and Add/Remove Programs
Changes: - [XP&2K3] if SP=1 or greater, hotfixes are downleveled from one SP-step up if needed; should add support for broken KB927891-v5 for 2K3 SP1 (compatibility unverified) - blocking hotfixes such as KB923689 if WMP11 is detected in HF - removed unused line of code (remnant of old XPMCE code) - phasing out moving UPHClean-Setup.msi from HF into HFSVCPACK_SW1 (XP/2K3) or HFGUIRUNONCE (2K) for next final release
Changes: - [2K] MDAC 2.8 SP1 is finally slipstreamed -- greatly reduces logon time - [2K+WMP9] DLL files that don't exist are no longer registered - [2K+IE6] workaround for broken OLE registration section in danim.dll (removes error in setuperr.log) - [XP] workaround for broken OLE registration section in Adobe Flash ocx (removes error in setuperr.log)
> [XP] workaround for broken OLE registration section in Adobe Flash ocx (removes error in setuperr.log) これ向こう側のバグだとか言っておいて結局HFSLIPに落ち度があったってこと? それとも無理やり対応したってこと? どっちにしても嬉しいけど
Changes: - [XPSP1] MDAC 2.8 Gold can now be slipstreamed (theoretically, MDAC 2.8 SP1 should be supported as well) - long MDAC file names are now renamed a little later during the HFSLIP process to support future hotfixes that may include these files - code cleanup
Changes in 1.5.0rc2: - workaround for harmless error messages appearing when HFSVCPACK_SW1, HFSVCPACK_SW2 or HFGUIRUNONCE are empty - [XP] dropped enforced support for KB913433; use KB923789 or SWFLASH.CAB instead - [XP] KB923789 is only handled if SWFLASH.CAB is not present in HFCABS
Changes in 1.5.0rc3: - [2K+IE6] the three custom IE6 cabs made by HFSLIP are only used in consecutive runs if all three exist - [2K+IE6] it is now safe to delete IEW2K_*.EXE, MAILNEWS.CAB, OEEXCEP.CAB and WAB.CAB after the new cabs are created
Changes in 1.5.0rc5: - added support for MuCatalogWebControl.cab (HFCABS), the engine for Microsoft Update Catalog beta - minor enhancements to code blocking "hotfixes such as KB923689 if WMP11 is detected" (result is the same, though)
Changes in 1.5.0rc6: - [2K+IE6] using makecab.exe from SOURCE\I386 to create the custom IE6 cabs to avoid timestamp updating problem if host OS is WinXP/2K3 (thanks to XibaD) - [2K+IE6] added support for SCRIPCHS.CAB, SCRIPCHT.CAB, SCRIPPTB.CAB and SCRIPPTG.CAB (Chinese and Portuguese script cabs)
Changes in 1.5.0rc7: - [IE7] no longer creating Quick Launch/Show Desktop icon in "Default User" profile for the 1st GUI logon method because there are no problems using that method
ttp://www.msfn.org/board/KB934238_t97066.html > i install this file on VMware and i think is the right file. > the printer Microsoft XPS Document Writer was installed too. > for silent i used /q /n /z .
Changes: - if neither the IE5/6 cum. update is slipstreamed nor the main IE7 update is detected, a compatibility flag is added which was originally included in KB890046 but not in KB920213 - a source with an SVCPACK folder is no longer considered an "unclean" source by definition - [not USP5] if the source contains an SVCPACK folder but is otherwise "clean", SOURCE\I386\SVCPACK is removed; this action is reflected in HFSLIP.LOG - [XP] a warning is displayed if the source SP level is lower than SP2 (previously: lower than SP1)
Changes: - dropped "special" support for Type 2 MSOE hotfixes - silent executables in HFSVCPACK are installed from SVCPACK.INF again (global installation order is maintained) - roots update files are now unpacked to I386\SVCPACK instead of I386 - [AUTOIT] scripts are now copied to I386\SVCPACK instead of I386 - [XP] allowed slipstreaming of NETFX 1.0 update if CMPNENTS\MEDIACTR isn't present (searching for CMPNENTS\NETFX instead)
20070624 - added support for xpsepsc*.exe updates for .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.0 langpack; they don't have to be renamed - it's no longer needed to rename msxml6_x86.msi to msxml6.msi - the dummy file for KB886903 for .NET 1.1 is now 0KB instead of 1KB
Changes: - changed the way HFSLIP handles I386 subfolders (if hotfixes contain updated versions of compressed files in I386 subfolders they are compressed as well; otherwise not) - [XP] fixed error appearing in the HFSLIP box when CMPNENTS\NETFX exists but HF\NDP1.0sp3*.exe does not
Changes: - HF\BASIC and HF\NOREG subfolders (replacing previously introduced HF\DEEP subfolder) to reduce the amount of HFSLP*.INF files in the new source and unnecessary registry edits (more info soon ) - SOURCE\I386\SVCPACK is no longer deleted; instead, all contained files except *.CAT files are removed
Changes: - [XP] fixed potential issue with slipstreaming of MSI 3.1 - [IE7] fixed potential issue with updated IE7 installer created by HFSLIP (using default handling or IE7SVCPACK=1) - [IE7] delayed slipstreaming of IE7 until after the regular hotfixes are dealt with to avoid conflicts with IE6 hotfixes - [IE7] if IE7 is slipstreamed, it is reflected in HFSLIP.LOG - [HFCLEANUP] old DBLBIN*.EXT files are no longer renamed to the current naming convention
Changes: - [2K+WMP9] no error message is displayed in HFSLIP box when HFSLIP tries to delete Quicksilver.wmz which doesn't exist in localized builds of MPSetup.exe
Changes: - now copying thunking DLL for BITS 2.0/2.5 updates (not sure it's important; 2K3SP2 stock doesn't do it) - [2K3SP2] w03a2409.dll and ws03res.dll no longer get a special reference in TXTSETUP.SIF (they already are by SP2)
Mini changelog HFSLIP 1.6.0: - [2K] when slipstreaming KB926122, the registry entry for "NTDS SDPROP" is excluded if the source OS is 2K Pro - [XP] fixed issue with slipstreaming of MSI 3.1 - [2K3] improved support for Terminal Services Client 6.0 - [2K3SP2] added support for KB933854
*** WARNING: Do not use any DataStore.edb files or similar in conjunction with HFSLIP's handling of MUAuth.cab! ***
Changes: - Microsoft Update now shows immediately (this additionally requires MUAuth.cab in HFCABS) - link text in IE's Tools menu is changed from "Windows Update" to "Microsoft Update" (thanks to EmRoD for the tip!) - link in IE's Tools menu redirects to the Microsoft Update site on the first use already
Changes: - [2K/XP] Microsoft Update now shows immediately (this additionally requires MUAuth.cab in HFCABS) - [2K/XP] if MUAuth.cab is included, "Windows Update" link in IE's Tools menu redirects to the MU site on first use already - [IE6] if MUAuth.cab is included, the link text in IE's Tools menu is changed to "Microsoft Update" (thanks to EmRoD for the tip!)
*** WARNING: Do not use any DataStore.edb files or similar in conjunction with HFSLIP's handling of MUAuth.cab! ***
Changes: - when WMP is slipstreamed, any reference to wmp.inf, WMP10.inf and wmp11.inf is stripped out of the INF files for WMP - [HFANSWER] new variable DELCATS_OVERRIDE to override deleting of specific CAT files (1) **** - Microsoft Update now shows immediately (this additionally requires MUAuth.cab in HFCABS) - if MUAuth.cab is included, "Windows Update" link in IE's Tools menu redirects to the MU site on first use already - [IE6] if MUAuth.cab is included, the link text in IE's Tools menu is changed to "Microsoft Update" (thanks to EmRoD for the tip!)
Changes: - optimized code that slipstreams the DX9 core - entries in TXTSETUP.SIF for files in HFGUIRUNONCE are now quoted; this should fix any copy errors during Windows setup with file names that start with a digit and an underscore
Changes: - [MDAC280/281] now slipstreaming bidintrx.inf; it is parsed through secedit.exe at first GUI logon - [2K+RU1] hfsecper.inf and hfsecupd.inf are parsed through secedit.exe at first GUI logon - HFSLIP places the roots update binaries in SOURCESS\I386 again (compressed) - roots update binaries are copied to temp folder on hard disk during txtmode copy of Windows setup and executed from there at T-13 (should work for network installs now)
Mini changelog HFSLIP 1.6.2: - added support for MUAuth.cab if placed alongside MUWEB_SITE.CAB in HFCABS to avoid "Start Now" wizard and to have the MU site show by default - when WMP is slipstreamed, its main INF file is also copied with its original name - roots update files are now installed from the hard disk during Windows setup - bidintrx.inf from MDAC_TYP and the hfsec INFs from the 2K rollup are parsed through secedit.exe at first GUI logon - new HFANSWER.INI variable DELCATS_OVERRIDE to override deleting of specific CAT files
Changes: - added support for cWnd.exe (v0.4 or higher) by n7Epsilon, used as alternative for CMDOW.EXE (1) - the command to use cWnd.exe or CMDOW.EXE in HFSLIP-made CMD files is now only written if cWnd.exe and/or CMDOW.EXE are present
(1) cWnd.exe Extract the RAR package into a temporary folder and find cWnd.exe in the subfolder called "release." Place cWnd.exe in HFTOOLS or in HFEXPERT\WIN\SYSTEM32. If both cWnd.exe and CMDOW.EXE are present, HFSLIP will slipstream both and have Windows setup use cWnd.exe in HFSLIP-made CMD files.
Changes: - added support for forthcoming XP SP3 - added support for "update.exe" in HFTOOLS for use with Service Pack installers (2) - blocked the second cumulative TZ update executable and removed extra code that handled it; use TZ package for HFSLIP instead - improved detection for when it's necessary to include the KB890046 killbit that is missing from KB920213 - added support for WSH 5.7 (3) - WSH 5.6 named as "scripten.exe" is no longer supported (the new WSH 5.7 has the same name but it's a different type; we can't support both) - updated introduction pages in HFSLIP box (multiboot description, cWnd.exe and credits)
Changes: - only one temporary folder is used during Windows setup (%SYSTEMROOT%\HFSLPGUI merged with %SYSTEMROOT%\HFSLIP) - the temporary folder %SYSTEMROOT%\HFSLIP used during Windows setup is removed at first GUI logon instead of at T-13
Changes: - hotfixes in the HF folder with "W2K_SP5" in their name are now treated as Type 1 hotfixes - useless subfolder named "56bit" coming from hotfixes is not copied to the new source (eg: Q818043 for Win2K)
Changes: - [2K] if one of the DX9 cabs is corrupt and a DX9 hotfix is present in HF, HFSLIP will display an error message, delete temporary folders and files, and abort - if one of the DX9 cabs is corrupt but no *DX9* hotfix is present in HF, HFSLIP will display a warning and abort slipstreaming of DX9 - improved KB890046 killbit detection if using advanced HF\BASIC and HF\NOREG subfolders - [2K] if the HF\BASIC and HF\NOREG subfolders are not used and agentdpv.dll is slipstreamed, KB890046 killbit is no longer force-added because it's finally included in KB938827
HFSLIPでXPSP2にHotfixほとんど、IE7、WMP11を統合、nLiteでドライバ統合、tcpip.sysパッチ・SFC無効パッチをあてています。 これでセットアップすると、T-13の前半(SVCPACKによるHFSLIP.CMDが処理されるより前)、 ERROR! This file has been tampered with and MAY BE INFECTED BY A VIRUS! ってメッセージボックスが5回ほど開くんですが、何のファイルのエラーか分かる人いますか?
先ずエラーメッセージとかシステムメッセージというのはソフトウェアが持ってる 固有のデータがバイナリかセットアップのバッチファイルかに入っているもので 頻繁に出てくる為、グーグルで検索すればそのメッセージが出てくる 状況が大体解る。お前が書いてるエラーメッセージで検索すると 「 Please insert the disk labeled
Windows 2000 Professional Setup Disk #2 into Drive A: *Press ENTER when ready.」 と言うメッセージが載ってるhp が引っかかってきたが、これはOSのセットアップ起動FDが吐く メッセージで、高い確率でお前は「起動FD」の起動イメージを DVDの起動イメージに使ってるわけだ。 CD/DVD用の起動イメージに関しては解説してあるHPがさんざん あるわけで、それが自己解決出来ないレベルならばNliteの方を 使った方が良いと思われる。
Mini changelog HFSLIP 1.6.3: - [XPSP2] fixed problem causing permissions to be changed on the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies registry key - blocked the 2nd and 3rd cumulative TZ update executable; use TZ package for HFSLIP instead - measures against currupted DX9 binaries - added support for cWnd.exe (v0.8 or higher) by n7Epsilon - WSH 5.6 named as "scripten.exe" is no longer supported
Changes: - files from IE7 hotfixes are copied by force (files in the new IE7 installer are old but they have a time stamp which is newer than the one of the files in the hotfixes) - HFSLIP no longer supports the "1st GUI logon" installation method for IE7 because the new IE7 installer doesn't do a validation check anymore; the new default is the SVCPACK method - the "IE7SVCPACK" variable is not accounted for anymore; only "IE7SLIPSTREAM" remains - with the SVCPACK method, the IE7 installer is extracted even if no IE7 hotfixes are present; this is done to edit ieuinit.inf (which was already being edited in other circumstances) - the Show Desktop icon is no longer created by force with the SVCPACK method; MS seem to have fixed this in the new IE7 installer - dropped support for wmcsetup.exe as a separate update in the HF folder (not a final decision)
Important note: If you want to update a Windows source which requires validation with IE7, you now have to use the new IE7 installer (WinXP / Win2K3)
Changes: - updated the code that checks if modifyPE.exe is required now that HFSLIP creates a new IE7 installer with the SVCPACK method regardless of whether hotfixes and/or BRANDING.CAB are present
Changes: - three files from IE7 hotfixes (ieframe.dll.mui, jscript.dll and vgx.dll) are copied by force: this is necessary because files in the new IE7 installer are older versions but have a more recent creation date - HFSLIP no longer supports the "1st GUI logon" installation method for IE7 because the new IE7 installer doesn't do a validation check anymore; the new default is the SVCPACK method - the "IE7SVCPACK" variable is not accounted for anymore; only "IE7SLIPSTREAM" remains - with the SVCPACK method, the IE7 installer is extracted even if no IE7 hotfixes are present; this is done to edit ieuinit.inf (which was already being edited in other circumstances) - the Show Desktop icon is no longer created by force with the SVCPACK method; MS seem to have fixed this in the new IE7 installer
Changes: - [2K3SP2] new localized w03s3<lng>.dll is renamed to w03s3409.dll (even though there is a fallback, please make sure HFSLIP can derive the correct language from PRODSPEC.INI)
Mini changelog HFSLIP 1.6.5: - [XP+IE7] HFSLIP defaults to slipstreaming IE7 - [2K3+IE7] HFSLIP defaults to creating a new IE7 package to be installed at first GUI logon
Microsoft Color Control Panel Applet for Windows XPだけは統合できませんでした。 これはSNM側の問題かもしくはDNF11のアップデートがSNMに対応してないかのどっちかだと思いますので暫く様子見です。 ソースが自分でも分からない状態になってきたので、いずれソースを作り直しになると思います。
Changes: - improved support for x3daudio*.dll files from *XACT* cab packages - added support for x3daudio*.dll files from new *X3DAudio* cab packages (November 2007 DX9 redist) - [cosmetics] changed temporary naming of xinput*.dll files so they're all the same (xinp<n>_<n>.dll instead of xin9_<n>_<n>.dll and xin<n>_<n>.dll)
Changes: - testing improved detection of Greek sources **** - improved support for x3daudio*.dll files from *XACT* cab packages - added support for x3daudio*.dll files from new *X3DAudio* cab packages (November 2007 DX9 redist) - [cosmetics] changed temporary naming of xinput*.dll files so they're all the same (xinp<n>_<n>.dll instead of xin9_<n>_<n>.dll and xin<n>_<n>.dll)
Changes: - [IE7slipstream] the ProductIdCode value in Help > About is now blank instead of "%ProductIdCode%" - [IE7slipstream] obsolete plugin.ocx file is removed from the SYSTEM32 folder at T-13 - [IE7slipstream] obsolete plugin.ocx file is removed from the dllcache folder at first GUI logon
Changes: - added support for directx*redist.exe in HF including directx_9c_redist.exe (if more than one is present, last in alphabetical order is used; supported cabs are copied into HFCABS if they don't yet exist)
Changes: - [DX9] added support for OPTIONAL dxdllreg_x86.cab, but only as part of the DX9 core; it is ignored if slipstreaming the DX9 core is not supported for the source - [DX9extras] ignoring existing *d3dx*_x64.cab files in HFCABS (other x64 DX9 cab packages were already ignored before)
Changes: - WMP11 codecs (wmfdist11.exe) can now be slipstreamed seperately if placed in HF; no block for Windows 2000 - blocked WM9Codecs.exe - blocked wmp6cdcs.exe if the source OS is not Windows 2000 - "dxdllreg.exe -PATCH" command is executed at the end of Windows setup if dxdllreg.exe from dxdllreg_x86.cab is slipstreamed - [2K] if laprxy.dll is slipstreamed from a WMP package, it is now registered at T-13 from the SYSTEM32 folder
Changes: - useless INF file from KB832414_MSXML2.5_x86.exe is not slipstreamed - [2K] preventing Windows setup from copying laprxy.dll and logagent.exe to Program Files\Windows Media Player if WMP9/WMP9 codecs or later are slipstreamed
Changes: - update to extra code checking for Greek sources: it contains Greek characters which may break the HFSLIP run on certain systems, so it's placed in a separate section now which is only called if the Localization could not be determined from an existing PRODSPEC.INI file
Changes: - update to extra code checking for Greek sources: it contains Greek characters which may break the HFSLIP run on certain systems, so it's placed in a separate section now which is only called if the Localization could not be determined from an existing PRODSPEC.INI file
Changes: - [2K] now correctly setting IE level to IE6 if USP 5.1 is present or slipstreamed (requires cdromsp5.tst in SOURCE folder if already slipstreamed) - [2K] now correctly identifying the SP level of a source which already contains USP 5.1 (requires cdromsp5.tst in SOURCE folder) - [2K] blocking IE6 slipstreaming if a source contains USP 5.1 (requires cdromsp5.tst in SOURCE folder if already slipstreamed) - more output is shown in HFSLIP box when Windows Media packages are processed - tightened rules on accepted names of Windows Media packages (4) - determining the language code (eg, 1033 for English US) from FP40EXT.IN*; this info is only used for Win2K for now - [IE7slipstream] concerning delayed copying of 8 IE7 binaries at T-13: now first checking if old files in DLLCACHE that need to be deleted actually exist before deleting them so no "file not found" errors appear - [2K] if the language code could be determined from FP40EXT.IN*, dwintl.dll from MSIE6 and WMP9 is temporarily renamed to dwintl2.dll as to not overwrite the existing dwintl.dll (which is in a different language), and it will be copied into the relevant MSIE and WMP program folders at T-13; this does not apply to the file coming from MSIE6 if ZZ_TommyP_IEGARBAGE.rem is used
何回やっても Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way Please contact the application's support team for more intformation.
Changes: - [2K+IE6] the LCID is taken from IE6's ieexcep.inf if it could not be determined from FP40EXT.IN* - [2K+WMP9] the LCID is taken from wm<lcid>.lng if it could neither be determined from FP40EXT.IN* nor from IE6's ieexcep.inf - [IE7] if an IE7 hotfix contains ieframe.dll.mui, ieframe.dll.mui is force-copied while other files replace existing ones if the existing ones are older - [IE7] if an IE7 hotfix does not contain ieframe.dll.mui, files newer than 8-Mar-2007 always replace existing ones (should cover jscript.dll and vgx.dll updates) - blocking KB918093 (Sri Lanka time zone update) and KB938977, KB940427 and KB943000 (new, non-public time zone updates)
Changes: - HFSLIP now prefers FP*0EXT.IN* to determine the LCID, which in turn is used as a base for all language-related strings - an LCID of 3076 (Chinese Hong Kong) is remapped to Chinese Simplified internally because there are no hotfixes for ZH-HK - [2K+WMP9] if the source is German, dwintl.dll from WMP9 is deleted and the one from the source (newer) is used instead - [2K+IE6/WMP9] dwintl.dll from IE6/WMP9 is renamed to dwil<LCID>.dll (XP/2K3 standard) as to not overwrite the existing dwintl.dll in the source (which is in a different language for all 2K editions except German); it will be copied into the relevant MSIE and WMP program folders at T-13 (this does not apply to the file coming from MSIE6 if ZZ_TommyP_IEGARBAGE.rem is used)
Changes: - added workaround for Greek sources where LCID from FP*0EXT.INF turns out to be English - should it still be necessary, you can now set the LCID by force from HFANSWER.INI: LCIDD=1033 (the double D is intentional) - removed support for IUCTL.CAB (MS have abandoned the Windows Update Catalog v4 web site)