Eventually, and at considerable cost, African lions were brought in to raise the stakes. 結局は、かなりの費用をかけて、アフリカのライオンが対戦を行うために持ち込まれました。
The most fierce of the adult males was sent in whilst the grizzly was already waiting in the pits. 成獣の雄の最も荒々しいライオンは、ヒグマが既に待っているピットに送り込まれました。
The lion was known for bravely charging straight in and looked good for the money, but the grizzly killed a male lion almost as easily as he'd killed the bull. ライオンは勇敢な事で知られていて、中にまっすぐに突進していき、そして金のためにかっこ良く見えました。しかしヒグマは、すでに雄牛を殺していたのとほとんど同じぐらい簡単に雄のライオンを殺しました。
The Californians never understood why. カリフォルニアの人達は何が起こったのかまるで理解できませんでした。
We now know that it was enormously strong bone density meeting a low density skull. 我々は現在、それは途方もなく強い密度の骨が、低密度の頭骨に見舞われたからだと知っています。
At a range of 4 feet the blow crashed in before the lion could apply the wind pipe lock, which is lion and tiger learnt behaviour for taking down prey animals. 4フィートの範囲のピットの中で、その一撃はライオンが息する間もなく破壊し、ライオンとトラは獲物になって解体される動物の気持ちを学んだのでした。
オズモンド・ブレランド(Animal Life and Lore,1963)は、かつてカリフォルニアでライオンとハイイログマの戦いが行われたと書いている。 そして彼も詳しい経過はわからないようだが、ハイイログマが勝ったという。 西部開拓時代のアリーナは時の労働者を興奮させたようだが、現代人の想像力も刺激する。 ブルドッグやウシと共にハイイログマもよく登場した。 後脚で立ち上がって雄牛を迎えうち、突進してきたウシに前足で強烈な打撃をくわえ、そのまま両手でウシを押さえて頭部に噛みつき捻り倒す。 ウシは首の骨を折って死ぬ。この手でライオンも倒したのだろうか。 California Reader によると、ロサンゼルスで捕獲されたハイイログマがメキシコのモンテレイに送られ、ピットでライオンと戦ったことがあった。 この時クマはまるでネコがネズミを扱うように簡単に素早くライオンを殺してしまったので、観衆は何が起こったのかすぐには理解できなかったほどだった。
THE grizzly bear is a lordly animal. An ordinary-sized one will weigh from nine hundred to twelve hundred pounds, a large one a ton. The grizzly is the king of beasts. When, a few years ago, a Los Angeles County grizzly was sent to Monterrey, Mexico, to be pitted against the man-killing African lion "Parnell" the great Californian handled the African king as a cat would a rat. He killed him so quickly that the big audience hardly knew how it was done.
Another subspecies, U. a. manchuricus, inhabits the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, Amur Basin, Sakhalin Island and Ussuriland. It once occurred in North Korea and Northeastern China,but is now almost extinct there. These animals are large (some were documented killing tigers), もうひとつの亜種 マンシュウヒグマはオホーツク海沿岸、アムール盆地、サハリン、 ウスリー地方に住んでいる。 かつては北朝鮮や中国東北部にもいたが、現在ではほぼ絶滅している。 これらの動物は巨大だ【トラ(複数形に注目)を殺したと記録されているものもいる。】
zoobooksより If tiger is hungry enough, it may even attack a bear. But that may by a big mistake. This Siberian Tiger has attacked a Eurasian Brown Bear that is almost twice its size. The bear is also stronger than the tiger and every bit as mean. トラは空腹になると熊を襲う事がある。しかし、これは大きな失敗だ。 この(絵の)シベリアトラはユーラシアヒグマを襲おうとしているが熊はトラの倍近い大きさだ。 また、大抵の場合、熊はトラより頑強で、したたかに噛む。
For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
This provides an important source of nutrition for the bear until other foods are available. ヒグマ が植物類などが手に入らない時でも貴重な栄養素を摂ることが出来るのはこの横取りがあるからだ。
While this may not seem fair it is merely part of the balance of nature. いけないことだと思われるでしょうが、これがありのままの自然の姿なのです。
Bears possess enormous strength, regardless of species or size. The strength of a bear is difficult to measure, but observations of bears moving rocks, carrying animal carcasses, removing large logs from the side of a cabin, and digging cavernous holes are all indicative of enormous power. No animal of equal size is as powerful. A bear may kill a moose, elk, or deer by a single blow to the neck with a powerful foreleg, then lift the carcass in its mouth and carry it for great distances.
"The strength . . . is in keeping with his size," describes Ben East in Bears. "He is a very powerfully built, a heavy skeleton overlaid with thick layers of muscle as strong as rawhide rope. He can hook his long, grizzly-like front claws under a slab of rock that three grown men could not lift, and flip it over almost effortlessly...." "... a brown [bear] ... took a thousand-pound steer a half mile up an almost vertical mountain, much of the way through alder tangles with trunks three or four inches thick."
Strength and power are not only the attributes of large bears but also of the young. The author observed a yearling American black bear, while searching for insects, turn over a flat-shaped rock (between 310 and 325 pounds) "backhanded" with a single foreleg. The bear was captured the following day in a management action and weighed 120 pounds.
A rather big tiger would defeat a bear of almost the same weight. For this purpose, the predator tracks down the bear and makes an ambush, ordinarily on a rock or in wind-fallen trees, taking the side against the wind.
投稿者: moujuuronsyouyahhoo [199]2chより 04/01/25 10:51 .I47WCPHUR. それではこちらも新ソースをひとつ。 英国のオックスフォード大学の Wildlife Conservation Research Unit Department of Zoologyにいる Dr. Nobuyuki Yamaguchi(日本人です!) に質問しました。 山口博士は、バーバリーライオンの再生計画に 関わるなど大型ネコ類の権威のようです。 回答を要約しますと
June, 1959. Shandui. "We went to look around. While walking, we saw a killed baby moose in the forest opening that was still warm. Killed probably by a tiger. She scented us and left. And then, we saw her coming from the forest about 20-30 meters from us. We could even see her eyes and whiskers. We were looking at her and she was looking at us. Nobody had a gun. She slowly turned around and left too pity for a meat but not used to killing a man." (I. Samarkin). The fact that tigers leave their kill is described by many hunters and foresters. Similar cases are presented by S. Kuchurenko (1973) and V. Zhivotchenko (1976). Kuchurenko reasonably notes that bears in similar cases act very aggressively.
Smithsonian National Zoological Park http://natzoo.si.edu/Publications/ZooGoer/1999/2/fact-brown.cfm In their small range in eastern Russia,the endangered Amur, or Siberian, tiger(Panthera tigris altaica) lives in areas inhabited by brown bears. They sometimes prey on young bears.
To watch bears baited he had a special pit made and once matched a lion with a bear which was to be punished for killing a child, but the lion refused to fight and the bear had to be baited to death by dogs instead.
http://www.ursusjournal.com/volumes/ursus14/U14-2-Abstracts-for-website.pdf While in dens, 1 Asiatic black bear was killed by a tiger (Panthera tigris) and 2 other Asiatic black bears survived predation attempts, one by a tiger and one by a brown bear. 冬眠中にアジアクロクマの一頭はトラに殺され、他に2頭の アジアクロクマがトラ、ヒグマの襲撃をそれぞれ生き延びた。
They prey upon many other wild animals. Wherever humans have domestic animals, tigers destroy a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. If hungry enough, a tiger can kill an ox about every five days, or from 60 to 70 a year. Unless it is cornered or greatly provoked, the tiger avoids the elephant, and it rarely attacks a large buffalo or bear. In battles with these animals the tiger is frequently beaten.(Compton's Encyclopedia) (要約)トラは野生動物から家畜まで多くの動物を捕食する。トラは約5日に1回の割合、または年に60〜70匹の数の牛を殺す事が出来る。 もし非常に怒らせたり、追い詰めたりしなければ、トラはゾウを避ける。そして、稀だが大型の水牛やクマに攻撃を仕掛けるのだが、その戦いの中ではトラは頻繁に打ち負かされる。
http://www.wildlifesurvival.com/tigerinfo.htm Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. ヒグマがトラのもとより餌を盗む。 ここでは、それを虎に対する脅威のひとつとして捉えてるようです
The Kodiak bear reaches its adult size by the time it is 8 - 10 years old. The fastest I have seen them run is about 60 - 65 kph. Front claws measure about 15 - 20 cm. I know of no studies that have measured the strength of a bear's arms, jaws or claws.
There are Japanese bear biologists on Hokkaido. Here is one you can contact:
Dr. Hifimi Tsuruga Nature Conservation Dept Hokkaido Institute of Environmental Sciences Hashimoto-cho 72-1, Esashi-cho, Hokkaido 043-0044 ヒグマのスピードは60〜65キロとの事。
http://www.nps.gov/yell/nature/animals/bear/grizzlyback.html Although it is often said that grizzly bears can't climb trees, this is not entirely true. Stories that bears cannot swim or run downhill are also incorrect. Although they may appear to be lumbering slowpokes, they can swim the fast, cold waters of the Yellowstone River and sprint at up to 35 miles an hour for short distances!
http://www.southeastaviation.com/links.html Alaskan Grizzly Bear (brown bear) - males weigh an average of 800 pounds, are nine feet tall and can sprint 35 miles per hour and climb trees. ↑アラスカヒグマ時速35マイルで走る。
「3 tigers died from wounds received in fights, one each with a bear,」 馬に重傷を負わされて死んだ雄成獣のアムールトラ↓ http://www.tigers.ru/articles/tab_eng.html#tab1 1985 v.Terney Terneysky drowned after breaking the river ice - - 178 - right canine and upper jaw broken, cheek bone broken, injured by horse
http://pet-0.dot.thebbs.jp/1071060595.html トリニトロン 04/01/13 15:17 3QLzWspUvH9 えーと忘れた頃にモンタナ大学の方から返信が来ました。 当の私もあまり記憶がありませんが多分、グリズリーサイドの研究機関かな? We know very little about the Siberian Tiger. (私達はほんのちょっとしかシベリアタイガーに関して知りません) However, Grizzly bears can be very ferocious and are afraid of nothing. (しかしながらグリズリーはとても凶暴であり何も恐れません) Any size grizzly bear would no doubt give the tiger a good fight. (どんなサイズのグリズリーでも、おそらくタイガーといい勝負をするでしょう) Large bears of 800 or 1000 pounds might well defeat a tiger. (360kgや450kgの大きなクマはタイガーを難なく撃破できるでしょう) Of course, the only way to know for sure is to get a large grizzly bear and a Siberian tiger and throw them in the cage together and see what happens. (勿論確実に確かめる唯一の方法は大型のグリズリーとシベリアタイガーを捕獲して同じゲージに入れてどうなるか 見ることです) Good luck with that!(どうなることやら!) Margo J Coleman Computer Support Specialist I [email protected] University of Montana USGS Glacier Field Station Science Center Glacier National Park
In the course of the study which began in 1991 14 tigers have been trapped and radio-collared and their movements and behaviour are under continuous monitoring. 1991年からの研究において、 14匹の虎が罠により捕獲され、無線発信機を取り付けることにより、間断なくその活動をモニタリングすることが可能となった。
Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その 羆達が虎達の獲物を 横取りすることも判明した。
http://www.5tigers.org/news/CatNews/cn25.htm Brown bears which have also been radio-collared have been found to take over tiger kills. 同じように発信機を取り付けたことによって、その 羆達が虎達の獲物を 横取りすることも判明した。
http://www.lairweb.org.nz/tiger/conflict9.html Large brown bears even follow tigers and will take over their kills; especially at the end of winter when there is little food around. 大きいヒグマは、トラの後を追ってまでも、トラの獲物を乗っ取るでしょう。特にほとんど存在している食物がない冬の終わりに。
http://www.tigerspaw.org/tigers/siberian/taiga.htm For example after hybernation the brown bear is very hungry and will often find a tiger and follow it waiting for the tiger to make a kill. When the tiger finally makes a kill the bear chases the tiger away and claims the dead animal as its own. ここでは冬眠終了時で非常に空腹な時などには、 ヒグマはトラを見つけると、後をつけ、トラが獲った獲物を奪い取る。
http://www.wildlifesurvival.com/tigerinfo.htm Threats to the Siberian tiger are: Poaching, disappearing forests and habitats by deforestation, bad weather conditions that cause their prey not to be able to find food which in turn causes scarcity in the tiger's food supply. Other carnivores such as the brown bear will steal their food right out from under them. ヒグマがトラのもとより餌を盗む。 ここでは、それを虎に対する脅威のひとつとして捉えてるようです
There are even cases known of adult brown bears that were killed and eaten by Amur tigers. This probably only happens when these bears are surprised during hibernation in their den.
The killing of male brown bears is very rare. 雄のヒグマを殺すことは非常にまれです。 In such cases the tiger usually takes the bear by surprise during hibernation. このような場合トラは通常冬眠中の熊を奇襲します。
A rather big tiger would defeat a bear of almost the same weight. For this purpose, the predator tracks down the bear and makes an ambush, ordinarily on a rock or in wind-fallen trees, taking the side against the wind.
Siberian tigers are the largest of all the tiger subspecies, with male tigers averaging up to 700 lbs. and female tigers averaging up to 500 lbs. An average Siberian tiger is 12-13 feet from the nose to the tip of the tail and three feet high at the shoulders. Siberian tigers are the only tigers to live in cold weather, often below -18 degrees C, and get their name from the region in which they live, the Amur-Ussuri region of Siberia. In fact, they are quite comfortable in cold weather. The tigers manage to stay warm partly because of a layer of fat on its flanks and belly. The thick, long, light yellow coat also helps keep the tiger warm during the harsh winters of the Siberian wild. The Siberian tiger's coat is a sharp contrast to that of other tiger species, whose coats are darker and ch thinner.
Brown Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. Bear is one of the most beautiful animals in Siberian forests. There are brown bears in Russia, but we know about arctic - polar bears and mountain - black bears. Siberian bear is brown. It's big and strong. People call it THE TAIGA MASTER, because it is the strongest animal here. A bear is a predatory animal but also it likes mushrooms, berries, nuts and honey. One of the favourite meals for bears is fish. Bears spend a lot of time on the riverside for swimming and fishing in the summer time. Winter is sleeping time for bears. Bears make a special home-den under the tree and sleep in it all the winter. A bear is a hero of many Russian tales.
鎖に繋がれたグリズリー>>>>2頭のスペイン闘牛 http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/Exhibits/bearinmind/themes/inthearena/01print.html In 1851 John Borthwick joined the gold rush and ventured to California. He traveled to Moquelumne Hill, where he witnessed an extraordinary bear and bull fight between the celebrated bull-killing bear "General Scott" and a young Spanish bull. The bear was tethered to a twenty-foot chain in the middle of the arena and the bull roamed the arena unhampered. General Scott proved a worthy adversary on this day, as the bear defeated not one but two bulls pitted against him at the same time.