1. (S) Vice Foreign Minister Chun Yung-woo told the Ambassador February 17th that China would not be able to stop North Korea's collapse following the death of Kim Jong-il (KJI). 1. (2010年)2月17日、米国大使に対して(韓国の)千英宇 外交通商部第2次官は、金正日の死後に続く北朝鮮の崩壊を中国は止めることはできないだろうと語った。
The DPRK, Chun said, had already collapsed economically and would collapse politically two to three years after the death of Kim Jong-il. 千氏の言うによれば、北朝鮮(DPRK)は既に経済的に崩壊しており、金正日の死後には2〜3年で政治的にも崩壊する。
Chun dismissed ROK media reports that Chinese companies had agreed to pump 10 billion USD into the North's economy. 韓国国内のメディアの報じるところによれば、北朝鮮経済に対する100億ドルの資金注入について複数の中国企業が合意したと言うが、千氏はこれを否定した。
Beijing had "no will" to use its modest economic leverage to force a change in Pyongyang's policies 北京には、平壌の政策を変えるためにささやかな経済的な影響力を行使しようという「意志はない」。
-- and the DPRK characterized as "the most incompetent official in China" -- had retained his position as chief of the PRC's 6PT delegation. 六ヶ国協議における中国代表は―北朝鮮に言わせれば「中国でも最も無能な官僚」であるが―その地位を引き続き維持する。
Describing a generational difference in Chinese attitudes toward North Korea, Chun claimed XXXXXXXXXXXX believed Korea should be unified under ROK control. (また、)北朝鮮に対する中国の姿勢に見られる世代間の違いについても触れた。朝鮮半島は韓国のコントロールの下で統一されるべきだとXXXXXXXXXXXXは信じていると千氏は主張している。
Chun acknowledged the Ambassador's point that a strong ROK-Japan relationship would help Tokyo accept a reunified Korean Peninsula. 統一後の朝鮮半島を東京が受け入れるに当たっては韓国と日本の強い結び付きが助けになるだろうという、米国大使の指摘に千氏は同意した。
VFM Chun on Sino-North Korean Relations... 中国と北朝鮮の関係についての千副第2次官の見解 --------------------------------------------
2. (S) During a February 17 lunch hosted by Ambassador Stephens that covered other topics (septel), ROK Vice Foreign Minister and former ROK Six-Party Talks (6PT) Head of Delegation Chun Yung-woo predicted that China would not be able to stop North Korea's collapse following the death of Kim Jong-il (KJI). 米国大使 Stephens 主催による2月17日の昼食会には六ヶ国協議で前代表を務めた 千英宇 韓国外務副大臣が出席し、その他の話題も出る中、金正日の死後に続く北朝鮮の崩壊を止めることは 中国にはできないだろうと彼は予見した。 ※訳から省いたけど septel って何?
The DPRK, Chun said, had already collapsed economically; following the death of KJI, North Korea would collapse politically in "two to three years." 千氏の言うによれば、北朝鮮(DPRK)は既に経済的に崩壊しており、金正日の死に続いて「2〜3年で」政治的にも崩壊する。
Chun dismissed ROK media reports that Chinese companies had agreed to pump 10 billion USD into the North's economy; there was "no substance" to the reports, he said. 韓国国内のメディアの報じるところによれば、北朝鮮経済に対する100億ドルの資金注入について複数の中国企業が合意したと言うが、千氏はこれを否定した。そのような報道には「裏付け」がないと彼は語った。
The VFM also ridiculed the Chinese foreign ministry's "briefing" to the ROK embassy in Beijing on Wang Jiarui's visit to North Korea; 第2次官はまた、王家瑞(中国共産党中央対外連絡部委員長)の北朝鮮訪問について、北京にある韓国大使館で中国外務省からなされた「説明」をあざけった。
the unidentified briefer had "basically read a Xinhua press release," Chun groused, adding that the PRC interlocutor had been unwilling to answer simple questions like whether Wang had flown to Hamhung or taken a train there to meet KJI. 名前の定かでない説明担当者は「基本的には新華社通信の報道を読み上げるばかり」であったと 千氏は小言を言い、王家瑞氏は金正日に飛行機で会いに行ったのかそれとも列車を使ったのか というような単純な質問にも、中国側のカウンターパートは答えようとしなかったと付け加えた。
3. (S) The VFM commented that China had far less influence on North Korea "than most people believe." 3. 「多くの人が信じているのに比べ」中国は北朝鮮に対して遙かに小さな影響力しか持たないという見解を第2次官は述べた。
Beijing had "no will" to use its economic leverage to force a change in Pyongyang's policies and the DPRK leadership "knows it." 北京には、平壌の政策を変えるためにささやかな経済的な影響力を行使しようという「意志はなく」、北朝鮮の指導部は「そのことを知っている」。
Chun acknowledged that the Chinese genuinely wanted a denuclearized North Korea, but the PRC was also content with the status quo. 中国人は北朝鮮が非核化されることを強く欲してはいるが、しかし、中国政府にしてみれば現状維持でも満足だということを千氏は認めた。 ※ここの the Chinese の訳し方で迷う。VFMの情報源である特定の中国人?集合体としての中国人?
Unless China pushed North Korea to the "brink of collapse," the DPRK would likely continue to refuse to take meaningful steps on denuclearization. 中国が北朝鮮を「滅亡の淵」に追いやらない限り、北朝鮮は非核化に向けた具体的な手段を講じることを拒否し続けるだろう。
4. (S) Turning to the Six Party Talks, Chun said it was "a very bad thing" that Wu Dawei had retained his position as chief of the PRC's delegation. 4. 六ヶ国協議に話題は戻り、武大偉氏が中国側の代表に留まり続けるのは「実に悪い話だ」と千氏は続けた。
XXXXXXXXXXXX said it appeared that the DPRK "must have lobbied extremely hard" for the now-retired Wu to stay on as China's 6PT chief. XXXXXXXXXXXXの言うによれば、今では引退した武氏を六ヶ国協議の中国代表に引き留めるに当たっては、北朝鮮が「著しく懸命にロビー活動したに違いない」のだろう。
[NAME REMOVED] complained that Wu is the PRC's XXXXXXXXXXXX an arrogant, Marx-spouting former Red Guard who "knows nothing about North Korea, nothing about nonproliferation and is hard to communicate with because he doesn't speak English." [名前検閲]は不満を述べている。武氏は中国のXXXXXXXXXXXXで傲慢な人物であり、 紅衛兵出身のマルクス主義者で「北朝鮮や非核化についても何も知らず、 英語も話せないせいで碌にコミュニケーションを取ることもできない。」のだという。
Wu was also a hardline nationalist, loudly proclaiming -- to anyone willing to listen -- that the PRC's economic rise represented a "return to normalcy" with China as a great world power. 武氏はまた原理主義的なナショナリストでもあり、―耳を傾けようという相手には誰にでも― 中国の経済的地位の向上は、中国が世界の大国としての「本来あるべき姿に戻る」様を示しているのだと大声で主張する。 ※ここで出てくる normalcy っていう単語には面白い含みがある。オンリー・イエスタデイっていう文庫本がおすすめ。
...China's "New Generation" of Korea-Hands... 朝鮮半島問題に関する中国の「新世代」 ---------------------------------------------
5. (S) Sophisticated Chinese officials XXXXXXXXXXXX stood in sharp contrast to Wu, according to VFM Chun. 5. 千第2次官によれば、優れた中国官僚であるXXXXXXXXXXXXは武氏に比べて際立つ存在だという。
XXXXXXXXXXXX Chun claimed XXXXXXXXXX believed Korea should be unified under ROK control. XXXXXXXXXXXX、朝鮮半島は韓国のコントロールの下で統一されるべきだとXXXXXXXXXXは信じていると、千氏は主張する。
XXXXXXXXXXXX, Chun said, were ready to "face the new reality" that the DPRK now had little value to China as a buffer state 北朝鮮が今では緩衝国としての価値をほとんど持たないという「新しい現実に向き合う」準備がXXXXXXXXXXXXらにはできていると千氏は言う。
-- a view that since North Korea's 2006 nuclear test had reportedly gained traction among senior PRC leaders. ―(ここに言う「新しい現実」とは)北朝鮮における2006年の核実験以来、中国の指導部高官らの間にも浸透しつつあるとされる見方である。
...PRC Actions In A DPRK Collapse Scenario... 北朝鮮の崩壊シナリオにおける中国の対応行動 ---------------------------------------------
6. (S) Chun argued that, in the event of a North Korean collapse, China would clearly "not welcome" any U.S. military presence north of the DMZ. 6. 北朝鮮が崩壊したとして、非武装地帯の北方における米軍のプレゼンスを中国は明らかに「歓迎しない」だろうということを千氏は強調した。
XXXXXXXXXXXX Chun XXXXXXXXXXXX said the PRC would be comfortable with a reunified Korea controlled by Seoul and anchored to the United States in a "benign alliance" -- as long as Korea was not hostile towards China. XXXXXXXXXXXX千氏はXXXXXXXXXXXX言う。ソウルのコントロール下で朝鮮半島が再統一され 「人畜無害な同盟」の下で米国に結び付いたとして、―韓国が中国に敵対することがなければ― 中国は満足するだろう。 ※ここが報道でも出てきた核心部分。伏せ字になってる部分に中国側高官の名前が入っていたんだと思われ。
Tremendous trade and labor-export opportunities for Chinese companies, Chun said, would also help salve PRC concerns about living with a reunified Korea. 中国企業に対する莫大な交易と労働力の供給機会はまた、統一後の朝鮮半島にまつわる中国側の懸念を緩和する一助にもなるだろうと千氏は続けた。
Chun dismissed the prospect of a possible PRC military intervention in the event of a DPRK collapse, noting that China's strategic economic interests now lie with the United States, Japan, and South Korea -- not North Korea. 中国の戦略的な経済上関心は今や―北朝鮮ではなく―米国、日本、そして韓国に向いていることに千氏は触れ、北朝鮮崩壊の際に中国が軍事介入する可能性についての憶測を一蹴した。
Moreover, Chun argued, bare-knuckle PRC military intervention in a DPRK internal crisis could "strengthen the centrifugal forces in China's minority areas." 加えて、北朝鮮の内部的な危機に対する中国からのなりふり構わぬ軍事介入は「中国国内の少数部族地域における中央政府からの離反を強めうる」という点を千氏は強調した。
7. (S) Chun acknowledged the Ambassador's point that a strong ROK-Japan relationship would help Tokyo accept a reunified Korean Peninsula under Seoul's control. 7. ソウルのコントロール下に置かれた統一後の朝鮮半島を東京が受け入れるに当たっては韓国と日本の強い結び付きが助けになるだろうという、米国大使の指摘に千氏は同意した。
Chun asserted that, even though "Japan's preference" was to keep Korea divided, Tokyo lacked the leverage to stop reunification in the event the DPRK collapses. STEPHENS 「日本の望みは」朝鮮半島の分裂を保つことにあるが、北朝鮮崩壊に続く再統一を止める力は東京にはないと、千氏は示唆した。STEPHENS
Chun acknowledged the Ambassador’s point that a strong ROK-Japan relationship would help Tokyo accept a reunified Korean Peninsula under Seoul’s control. Chun asserted that, even though “Japan’s preference” was to keep Korea divided, Tokyo lacked the leverage to stop reunification in the event the DPRK collapses.
Wikileaks will publish 251,287 cables, originating from 274 embassies and dating from 28th December 1966 to 28th February 2010. Of this total, 15, 652 of the cables are marked Secret, 101,748 Confidential and 133,887 Unclassified, although even the 'unclassified' documents contain sensitive information.
Wikileaks began on Sunday November 28th publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into US Government foreign activities.
The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.
¶1. (C) SUMMARY: The North Korean delegation to the August 26-28 inter-Korean Red Cross talks showed up armed with instructions from Kim Jong-il (KJI) to agree immediately to family reunions by Chusok (Korean Thanksgiving, October 2-3), but was not prepared to negotiate additional reunions.
>>238 ikiLeaks cables: Pfizer used dirty tricks to avoid clinical trial payout (ウィキリークス公電:ファイザーは治験の支払いを避けるために汚い手を使った)
Cables say drug giant hired investigators to find evidence of corruption on Nigerian attorney general to persuade him to drop legal action (公電は、ファイザーがナイジェリア法務長官(?)に訴訟を取り下げさせるために、 彼の不正の事実をつかむための調査員を雇った、と発表した。)
The world's biggest pharmaceutical company hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to persuade him to drop legal action over a controversial drug trial involving children with meningitis, according to a leaked US embassy cable.
(S) The North Koreans are said to be assembling “SAM missiles” of unknown origin. XXXXXXXXXXXX the North Koreans, aided by Burmese workers, are constructing a concrete-reinforced underground facility that is “500 feet from the top of the cave to the top of the hill above.” He added that the North Koreans are “blowing concrete” into the excavated underground facility.
The world's biggest pharmaceutical company hired investigators to unearth evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in order to persuade him to drop legal action over a controversial drug trial involving children with meningitis, according to a leaked US embassy cable. (米大使館公電によると、世界最大の製薬会社ファイザーはナイジェリア法務長官に 不利な不正の証拠を明らかにする調査員を雇った。髄膜炎の子供に関係する論争中の 薬物訴訟を取り下げさせるためにである。)
Pfizer was sued by the Nigerian state and federal authorities, who claimed that children were harmed by a new antibiotic, Trovan, during the trial, which took place in the middle of a meningitis epidemic of unprecedented scale in Kano in the north of Nigeria in 1996. (ファイザーは新しい抗生物質'Trovan'によって子供たちが被害を被ったとしてナイ ジェリアの州と連邦当局によって訴えられた。1996年にナイジェリア北部のカノ で起こった前例のない規模の髄膜炎流行の最中のことである。)
Last year, the company came to a tentative settlement with the Kano state government which was to cost it $75m. But the cable suggests that the US drug giant did not want to pay out to settle the two cases ? one civil and one criminal ? brought by the Nigerian federal government. (去年、ファイザーはカノ州政府と7500ドルの損失で一時的決着に達した。しか し、米ファイザー社は、ナイジェリア連邦政府によって訴えられた一つの民事事件と 一つの刑事事件の2つの訴訟において支払いをしたがらなかった、と公電は示唆する。)
¶1. (C) Summary. In an April 2 meeting with the Ambassador, Pfizer lawyers Joe Petrosinelli and Atiba Adams reported that Pfizer and the Kano State government had reached a preliminary settlement on lawsuits arising from medical tests conducted with Trovan (oral antibiotic) on children living in Kano during a meningitis epidemic in 1996. Petrosinelli said Pfizer has agreed to the Kano State Attorney General’s (AG) settlement offer of $75 million, including a $10 million payment for legal fees, $30 million to the Kano State government, and $35 million for the participants and families. According to Adams, several final details need to be worked out on the mechanism for payment. Pfizer strongly recommends setting up a $35 million trust fund for the participants to be administered by a neutral third party and for the $30 million for the Kano State government to be used for improving health care in the state. Pfizer underscored that the Nigerian representatives wanted lump sum checks and that Pfizer is concerned with potential transparency issues. The next step is a meeting between high-level Pfizer officials and Nigerian side at a neutral location to work out the final details. End Summary.
Pfizer lawyers Joe Petrosinelli and Atiba Adams reported that Pfizer and the Kano State government had reached a preliminary settlement on lawsuits arising from medical tests conducted with Trovan (oral antibiotic) on children living in Kano during a meningitis epidemic in 1996.
Petrosinelli said Pfizer has agreed to the Kano State Attorney General’s (AG) settlement offer of $75 million, including a $10 million payment for legal fees, $30 million to the Kano State government, and $35 million for the participants and families.
According to Adams, several final details need to be worked out on the mechanism for payment.
Pfizer strongly recommends setting up a $35 million trust fund for the participants to be administered by a neutral third party and for the $30 million for the Kano State government to be used for improving health care in the state.
Pfizer underscored that the Nigerian representatives wanted lump sum checks and that Pfizer is concerned with potential transparency issues.
The next step is a meeting between high-level Pfizer officials and Nigerian side at a neutral location to work out the final details.
In an April 2 meeting with the Ambassador, 米国大使との4月2日のミーティングにおいて、
Pfizer lawyers Joe Petrosinelli and Atiba Adams ファイザーの弁護士Joe PetrosinelliとAtiba Adamsは reported that 報告した Pfizer and the Kano State government ファイザーとカノ州政府が had reached a preliminary settlement on lawsuits 訴訟に関する予備的合意に達したことを arising from medical tests 治験から生じた conducted with Trovan (oral antibiotic) on children living in Kano カノ州に住む子供達を対象にトロバン(口腔抗生物質)を処方する during a meningitis epidemic in 1996. 1996年の髄膜炎流行時に、
Petrosinelli said Petrosinelliは述べた Pfizer has agreed ファイザーは合意した to the Kano State Attorney General’s (AG) settlement カノ州司法長官による裁定 offer of $75 million, 7500万ドルの賠償金という including a $10 million payment for legal fees, 訴訟費用1000万ドルを含む $30 million to the Kano State government, カノ州政府への支払い3000万ドル and $35 million for the participants and families. 患者とその家族への3500万ドルの支払い
According to Adams, Adamsによれば、 several final details 幾つかの最終的な詳細決定を need to be worked out 詰める必要がある on the mechanism for payment. 支払いの方法について
Pfizer strongly recommends ファイザーは強く勧めている setting up a $35 million trust fund for the participants 患者のためには3500万ドルの信託基金を立ち上げ to be administered by a neutral third party 中立的な第三者によって管理されるようにすることを and for the $30 million for the Kano State government カノ州政府に対する3000万ドルについては to be used for improving health care in the state. 同州における保健衛生の改善に用いることを
Pfizer underscored that ファイザーは強調した the Nigerian representatives wanted lump sum checks ナイジェリア側の代表は一括での支払いを望んでいることを and that Pfizer is concerned with potential transparency issues. ファイザーは潜在的な透明性の問題に懸念を示している。
The next step is 次のステップは a meeting between high-level Pfizer officials and Nigerian side ファイザー幹部とナイジェリア側のミーティングである at a neutral location 中立的な場所での to work out the final details. 最終的な詳細決定を詰めるための
¶2. (SBU) On April 2 Pfizer lawyers Joe Petrosinelli and Atiba Adams and Pfizer Nigeria Country Director Enrico Liggeri met with the Ambassador and EconDep to discuss the status of settlement negotiations. Four lawsuits were brought against Pfizer stemming from medical tests with the oral antibiotic Trovan conducted on children living in Kano during a meningitis epidemic in 1996. In Kano State Court there is one civil suit and one criminal case and in the Federal High Court there is one civil suit and one criminal case. Since 2006, Petrosinelli and Adams have been briefing the Mission on the status of the cases. Settlement Reached
¶3. (C) Petrosinelli reported that Pfizer had tentatively reached “an agreement in principle” on the Kano AG’s settlement offer of $75 million. Adams explained that the parties agreed that the $75 million would be broken down as follows - a $10 million payment for legal fees; $30 million to the Kano State government; and $35 million to participants and families. Petrosinelli noted, that Pfizer has worked closely with former Nigerian Head of State Yakubu Gowon and that he has played a positive mediation role with Kano State and the federal government. Petrosinelli said Gowon also spoke with Kano State Governor Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, who directed the Kano AG to reduce the settlement demand from $150 million to $75 million. Adams reported that Gowon met with President Yar’Adua and convinced him to drop the two federal high court cases against Pfizer. (Comment: In 1966 Gowon became the head of state following a military coup that deposed Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi who had come to power via an earlier military coup. He was head of state from 1966 to 1975. He now plays an elder statesman role in Nigerian politics. End Comment.) More Discussions Needed
In their most recent public statement, WikiLeaks is the only group of people to identify Anonymous correctly. Anonymous is not a group, but rather an Internet gathering. (最も最近の公式声明で、ウィキリークスだけが正しくAnonymousを識別し ている。Anonymousは一つのグループではなく、インターネット上の集まりだ。)
Both Anonymous and the media that is covering it are aware of the percieved dissent between individuals in the gathering. This does not, however, mean that the command structure of Anonymous is failing for a simple reason: Anonymous has a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives. (Anonymousとそれを報道しているメディアの両方が集会の中での個々 人の意見の違いを承知している。しかし、このことは、Anonymousの命令系統が一つの原 因で機能しなくなるということを意味しない。Anonymousはきわめてルーズで非集中的な 命令系統をもち、その命令系統は命令よりむしろ個々の意見によって機能する。) [注:percieved->perceived?]
We do not believe that a similar movement exists in the world today and as such we have to learn by trial and error. We are now in the process of better communicating some core values to the individual atoms that comprise Anonymous - we also want to take this opportunity to communicate a message to the media, so that the average Internet Citizen can get to know who we are and what we represent. (私たちは同様の運動が今日世界に存在するとは思わない、そして、そのようなことは、 試行錯誤によって学ばなければならない。我々は、基本的価値観をAnonymous構成する個々 人により良く伝える過程にある - 一つのメッセージをメディアに伝える機会にもしたい、 その結果、我々がだれであるのか、我々が何を象徴するのか、を平均的なインターネット 市民が知るようになる。)
Anonymous is not a group of hackers. We are average Interent Citizens ourselves and our motivation is a collective sense of being fed up with all the minor and major injustices we witness every day. (Anonymousは、ハッカーの一団ではない。私たちは、毎日目にするありとあらゆる不正に うんざりした平均的なインターネット市民だ。)
We do not want to steal your personal information or credit card numbers. We also do not seek to attack critical infrastructure of companies such as Mastercard, Visa, PayPal or Amazon. Our current goal is to raise awareness about WikiLeaks and the underhanded methods employed by the above companies to impair WikiLeaks' ability to function. (私たちはあなたたちの個人情報もクレジットカードナンバーの盗もうとはしない。企業の 重要なインフラストラクチャーを攻撃もしない、例えば、ビザ、ペイパル、またはアマゾン。 私たちの現在の目標は、ウィキリークスとウィキリークスを機能不全にするために上記企業 が用いた卑怯なやり方、についての認識を高めることだ。)
In particular, FM Yu claimed that the North's botched currency reform had caused "big problems" for the regime and that the power succession from KJI to Kim Jong-eun was "not going smoothly." Moreover, Yu confided, an unspecified number of high-ranking North Korean officials working overseas had recently defected to the ROK.
Kim asserted there were credible reports of unrest in the North; according to ROK intelligence sources, DPRK police recently found a bomb on a passenger train en route from Pyongyang to Beijing.
6. (C) Kim concurred with Campbell's assessment that the DPJ was "completely different" from the LDP and agreed it was important for the DJP to coordinate with Seoul and Washington as it made preliminary overtures to Pyongyang. The North Koreans, Kim said, were clearly using several different channels to "knock on the DPJ's door." Kim acknowledged Campbell's point that it was important to reach out directly to key DPJ officials like Foreign Minister Okada and Finance Minister Naoto Kan.
Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness held lengthy negotiations with the former Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern to save the Northern Ireland peace process in the full knowledge that the IRA was planning to carry out the biggest bank robbery in its history, according to leaked US cables passed to WikiLeaks.
Ahern, who was instrumental in drawing up the 1998 Good Friday agreement, judged that the two Sinn F?in leaders were aware of plans for the ?.5m Northern Bank robbery in 2004 because they were members of the "IRA military command" with a deep knowledge of its operations.
On 10 February 2005, the government-appointed Independent Monitoring Commission reported that it firmly supported the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Garda assessments that the IRA was responsible for the Northern Bank robbery and that certain senior members of Sinn F?in were also senior members of the IRA and would have had knowledge of and given approval to the carrying out of the robbery.
In December 2010, a WikiLeaks disclosure revealed that the U.S. embassy in Dublin was told by a Department of Justice official that "the GOI [Government of Ireland] does have ‘rock solid evidence’ that Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness are members of the IRA military command and for that reason, the taoiseach is certain they would have known in advance of the robbery."[11] On December 13, 2010, Adams and McGuinness issued a joint statement denying any such advance knowledge and said that the accusations "were groundless and untrue" and were politically motivated.
WikiLeaks cables: Vatican refused to engage with child sex abuse inquiry ウィキリークス公電: バチカンは児童性的虐待の審問と協働するのを拒否した
Leaked cable lays bare how Irish government was forced to grant Vatican officials immunity from testifying to Murphy commission リークされたら公電は、どのようにアイルランド政府がバチカン関係者のマーフィー委員会で の証言免除を強要されたかを暴露する。
Heather Brooke The Guardian, Saturday 11 December 2010 Article history
The Vatican refused to allow its officials to testify before an Irish commission investigating the clerical abuse of children and was angered when they were summoned from Rome, US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks reveal. ウィキリークスによって公開された米大使館公電は明らかにする。バチカンは、聖職者児童虐 待を調査するアイルランド委員会でバチカン関係者が証言するのを許さなかった、そして、関 係者がローマから召集されたときに怒っていた。
Requests for information from the 2009 Murphy commission into sexual and physical abuse by clergy "offended many in the Vatican" who felt that the Irish government had "failed to respect and protect Vatican sovereignty during the investigations", a cable says. 聖職者による性的、身体的虐待に関しての2009マーフィー委員会からの再三の資料要求 は、アイルランド政府が「調査の期間中のバチカンの主権を尊重・保護していない」、と感 じた「バチカンの多数の感情を害した」、と公電は言う。
Despite the lack of co-operation from the Vatican, the commission was able to substantiate many of the claims and concluded that some bishops had tried to cover up abuse, putting the interests of the Catholic church ahead of those of the victims. Its report identified 320 people who complained of child sexual abuse between 1975 and 2004 in the Dublin archdiocese. バチカンの協力の欠如にもかかわらず、委員会は多くの申し立てを立証することができた。 そして、数人の司教が、カトリック教会の利益を被害者の利益より優先させて、虐待を隠蔽 しようとしたと結論した。報告は1975から2004年の間にダブリン大司教区で性的児 童虐待を訴えた320人を確認する。
Assange still committed to publishing secret documents: mother アサンジはこれから先も秘密文書公表に全力を傾ける:母
(Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told his mother from his prison cell in London that he remained committed to publishing secret U.S. cables, despite condemnation from Washington and elsewhere, Australian television reported Tuesday. (ロイター通信)- ワシントンなどからの糾弾にもかかわらず、ウィキリークスの創設 者ジュリアン・アサンジはロンドンの独房で母に、アメリカ秘密公電を公表する立場に 依然ととして変わりはない、と話した。
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange bailed but release delayed ウィキリクースの創立者ジュリアン・アサンジの保釈は認められたが開放は 遅れる
The founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been granted bail in London on conditions including cash guarantees of ?,000. 内部告発サイトウィキリークスの創立者ジュリアン・アサンジはロンドンで、24 万ポンドの保釈金を含む条件付きで、保釈を認められた。
Columbia j-school staff: WikiLeaks prosecution ‘will set a dangerous precedent’ コロンビア大学ジャーナリズム大学院職員:ウィキリークス起訴は将来に危険な前例を作るだろう
by Jim Romenesko Published Dec. 14, 2010 1:11 pm Updated Dec. 14, 2010 1:24 pm
Romenesko Misc. (Romeneskoの雑記)
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism faculty and officers tell President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder that “while we hold varying opinions of Wikileaks’ methods and decisions, we all believe that in publishing diplomatic cables Wikileaks is engaging in journalistic activity protected by the First Amendment” and that “as a historical matter, government overreaction to publication of leaked material in the press has always been more damaging to American democracy than the leaks themselves.” コロンビア大学ジャーナリズム大学院学部・職員はオバマ大統領と司法長官エリック・ホルダー に、私たちはウィキリークスの手法と決定についてさまざまな意見を持ってはいるが、私たちは 全員、ウィキリークスは米国憲法修正第一項で保護されるジャーナリスティックな活動に従事し ている、さらに、「歴史的な問題として、漏洩資料の新聞上の公表に対する政府の過剰反応は、 漏洩それ自体よりも、アメリカの民主主義を絶え間なく傷つけている」と信じている。
President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500
Attorney General Eric Holder U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001
December 13, 2010
Dear Mr. President and General Holder: 親愛なる大統領とホルダー長官
As faculty members and officers of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, we are concerned by recent reports that the Department of Justice is considering criminal charges against Julian Assange or others associated with Wikileaks. コロンビア大学ジャーナリズム大学院の学部職員として、私たちは、司法省がジュリアン・アサンジ とウィキリークス関係者の刑事責任を検討しているという最近の報告に懸念を抱いている。
Journalists have a responsibility to exercise careful news judgment when classified documents are involved, including assessing whether a document is legitimately confidential and whether there may be harm from its publication. 機密文書が関連する場合ジャーナリストは、文書が合法的に機密であるか、公表によって危害 を及ぼすかを評価することを含めて、細心のニュース判断をする責任を負う。
But while we hold varying opinions of Wikileaks’ methods and decisions, we all believe that in publishing diplomatic cables Wikileaks is engaging in journalistic activity protected by the First Amendment. Any prosecution of Wikileaks’ staff for receiving, possessing or publishing classified materials will set a dangerous precedent for reporters in any publication or medium, potentially chilling investigative journalism and other First Amendment-protected activity. 私たちはウィキリークスの手法と決定についてさまざまな意見を持ってはいるが、ウィキリー クスは米国憲法修正第一項で保護されるジャーナリスティックな活動に従事していることを一 貫して信じている。機密情報の入手、所有、または公表を理由にするウィキリークス職員のい かなる告発も、あらゆる出版またはメディアに身を置くリポーターにとって危険な先例となる であろう。
As a historical matter, government overreaction to publication of leaked material in the press has always been more damaging to American democracy than the leaks themselves. 歴史的な事態として、漏洩資料の新聞公表に対する政府の過剰反応は、漏洩それ自体よりも、 アメリカの民主主義を絶え間なく傷つけている
The U.S. and the First Amendment continue to set a world standard for freedom of the press, encouraging journalists in many nations to take significant risks on behalf of transparency. Prosecution in the Wikileaks case would greatly damage American standing in free-press debates worldwide and would dishearten those journalists looking to this nation for inspiration. アメリカ合衆国とアメリカ合衆国憲法修正第一項は、透明性のために大きな危険を冒す多くの国 のジャーナリストを勇気づける、出版の自由のための世界標準を制定し続ける。
We urge you to pursue a course of prudent restraint in the Wikileaks matter. Please note this letter reflects our individual views, not a position of Columbia University or the Journalism School. 私たちは、ウィキリークスの件で思慮深い自制ある方針に従うことを貴殿に要請する。
Respectfully, 敬具
Emily Bell, Professor of Professional Practice; Director, Tow Center for Digital Journalism Helen Benedict, Professor Sheila Coronel, Toni Stabile Professor of Professional Practice in Investigative; Director, Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism June Cross, Associate Professor of Journalism John Dinges, Godfrey Lowell Cabot Professor of Journalism Joshua Friedman, Director, Maria Moors Cabot Prize for Journalism in the Americas Todd Gitlin, Professor; Chair, Ph.D. Program Ari Goldman, Professor LynNell Hancock, Professor; Director, Spencer Education Journalism Fellowship Marguerite Holloway, Assistant Professor; Director, Science and Environmental Journalism David Klatell, Professor of Professional Practice; Chair, International Studies Nicolas Lemann, Dean; Henry R. Luce Professor Dale Maharidge, Associate Professor Arlene Morgan, Associate Dean, Prizes and Programs Victor S. Navasky, George T. Delacorte Professor in Magazine Journalism; Director, Delacorte Center for Magazine Journalism; Chair, Columbia Journalism Review Michael Schudson, Professor Bruce Shapiro, Executive Director, Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma Alisa Solomon, Associate Professor; Director, Arts Concentration, M.A. Program Paula Span, Adjunct Professor Duy Linh Tu, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice; Coordinator, Digital Media Program
(Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told his mother from his prison cell in London that he remained committed to publishing secret U.S. cables, despite condemnation from Washington and elsewhere, Australian television reported Tuesday. Australia's Network Seven asked Christine Assange to ask her 39-year-old son one question during a visit to his London jail: Was it worth it? "My convictions are unfaltering. I remain true to the ideals I have expressed. This circumstance shall not shake them," said Assange, according to his mother who supplied the network with a written statement of her son's answer. "If anything this process has increased my determination that they are true and correct." (ロイター) - ウィキリークスの創設者ジュリアン・アサンジ氏は、ロンドンの拘置所から「例えアメリカ政府やその他(の国?)から非難されても、アメリカの機密文書を発信することに今後も注力する」と母に向けて語ったことをオーストラリアのテレビが火曜日に報道した。 オーストラリアのネットワークセブン局は、母であるクリスティーヌ・アサンジさんがロンドンの拘置所を訪ねた際に、彼女の39歳の息子にひとつ尋ねてほしいと依頼した。「(逮捕されてまで機密文書を暴露する)価値はあったのでしょうか?」 これに対しアサンジ氏は、彼の母が報道陣に提供した書面を通じて「私の信念は揺らがない。これまで自分が掲げてきた理想に従って行動し続ける。」と答えた。 「もしこの(逮捕に至るまでの)プロセスが私の決意をさらに硬くするのであれば、それらは真実であり正しいことだ。」
WikiLeaks has provoked fury in Washington with its publications of secret U.S. cables and has vowed to make public the 250,000 embassy documents it had obtained. Assange is under arrest in Britain over sexual assault charges in Sweden. ウィキリークスはアメリカの機密文書を公開して米国政府を激怒させ、さらに現在までに取得した25万件の外交文書の公開を公約した。 アサンジ氏は現在スウェーデンでの性犯罪容疑でイギリスに拘置されている。
Assange was also critical of the major finance companies who suspended payments to his WikiLeaks site. "We now know that Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and others are instruments of U.S. foreign policy. It's not something we knew before," he said. "I am calling for the world to protect my work and my people from these illegal and immoral attacks." また、彼はウィキリークスへの送金を停止した大手金融会社を批判している。 「我々は今、ビサやマスターカード、ペイパルその他の金融会社はアメリカの外交政策の道具だと知っている。これは今までなら知ることが出来なかった事実だ。」 「私は、私の仕事と私の協力者たちをこれらの違法で不道徳な攻撃から守ってほしいと世界に向けて呼びかけている。」
Internet activists launched "Operation Payback" to avenge WikiLeaks against those perceived to have obstructed its operations. They temporarily brought down the websites of credit card firms Visa and MasterCard, as well as that of the Swedish government, last week. インターネットの活動家たちは、ウィキリークスの活動を妨害したと捉えられた相手への報復のために「オペレーション・ペイバック(仕返し作戦)」を立ち上げた。 彼らは先週のスウェーデン政府サイトに続き、クレジットカード会社のビサ、マスターカードのウェブサイトを一時的にダウンさせた。
Christine Assange told her son there was worldwide support for him. "I told him how people from all over the world, all sorts of countries were standing up with placards and screaming out for his freedom and justice and he was very heartened by that," she said. "As a mother I am asking the world to stand up for my brave son." クリスティーヌさんは彼の息子に対し、世界中があなたを支えていると伝えた。 「私は彼に、『あらゆる国の人たちが世界中でプラカードを持ってあなたの解放を訴えかけている。』と伝えました。彼はそれを聞いてとても勇気付けられていました。」 「私は母親として、勇気ある息子のために世界が立ち上がってほしいと思っています。」
Lawyers for Assange will try again Tuesday to win bail for the WikiLeaks founder. Assange was accused this year of sexual misconduct by two female Swedish WikiLeaks volunteers during a stay in Sweden. Assange denies the allegations. Assange and his lawyers have voiced fears that U.S. prosecutors may be preparing to indict him for espionage after the WikiLeaks website published secret U.S. documents. アサンジ氏の弁護士は火曜日にもウィキリークス創設者を保釈するよう再度働きかける。 アサンジ氏は今年スウェーデンに滞在した際、ウィキリークスの二人のスウェーデン人女性ボランティアとの間に起きたとされる性犯罪容疑で訴えられた。アサンジ氏は容疑を否認している。 アサンジ氏と彼の弁護士は、ウィキリークスが米国の機密文書を公開した後にアメリカの検察官が彼をスパイ容疑で告発するのではとの懸念を表明した。
Swedish authorities will be at the High Court on Thursday to try to block bail for Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks. スウェーデン当局は木曜に内部告発サイトウィキリークスの設立しゃジュリアン・アサンジの保釈を阻止しよ うと高裁に出席する。
7.57am: It's another big day for WikiLeaks, and there's lots to catch up on. ウィキリにとってもう一つの大きな日だ、取り戻すことはたくさんある。
8.13am: If you're in the US air force, you won't be reading this, at least not at work. WikiLeaks and news organisation that published the leaked cables, including the Guardian, have been blocked to air force staff. US空軍にいたらこれを読むことはできないだろう、少なくとも仕事中は。リークされた 公電を公表したウィキリと報道機関、ガーディアンを含む、は空軍のスタッフに閲覧で きなくされている。
8.23am: The media scrum is already building outside the high court. メディアスクラムはすでに高裁の外に組まれている。
The Guardian is there in force. ガーディアン紙は大挙してそこにいる。
8.45am: The legal blogger Carl Gardner deserves credit for revealing that it was the British authorities, and not the Swedes, who took the decision to appeal against bail. 上告の決断をしたのはイギリス当局でスウェーデン当局ではない、ことを明ら かにしたリーガル・ブロガーCarl Gardnerは賞賛に値する。
8.56am:So far UN general secretary Ban Ki-moon hasn't said much about the diplomatic cables, even though they revealed that US diplomats were ordered to spy on him. UN general secretary Ban Ki-moonは外交公電についてこれまでのところ、 多くは言っていないが、US外交官は彼をスパイする命令をしたことが暴露さ れた。
9.13am: Lawyers have written to Guardian expressing concern about the misuse of the European arrest warrant in the case. 弁護士(法律家?)たちはこのケースにおけるヨーロピアン逮捕礼状乱用の懸 念を述べた手紙をガーディアンに送った。
Once again photographers swarmed around the vehicle in an attempt to get a picture. Expect more weird photos of Assange behind red tinted glass soon. 再びフォトグラファーが写真を撮ろうと車の周りに群がる。赤く染められた ガラスの後ろのアサンジのもっと変な写真がすぐに見れるだろう。
9.35am: The Crown Prosecution Service has confirmed that it made the call to appeal against bail, a decision criticised by Assange's lawyers. The Crown Prosecution Serviceは保釈、アサンジの弁護士に非難された決定、 に対する上告がされたこと、を確認。
9.43am: Today's hearing is expected to last two hours and will take place in court 4 at the Royal Courts of Justice. 今日のヒアリングは、2時間を期待され、Royal Courts of Justiceのコート 4でおこなわれる。
10.53am: Stephens says the Assange team now has the necessary ?,000 in cash to meet the bail conditions. Stephensは、アサンジチームは保釈条件を満たす必要な20万ポンドを現金で 持参している、と言う。
11.01am: Julian Assange's mum has turned up at the court, as has Frontline club founder Vaughan Smith who has offered to put up Assange in his Suffolk pile. ジュリアン・アサンジの母が法廷に現れる、アサンジに宿泊場所(Suffolk pile) を申し出たフロントライン・クラブの創立者Vaughan Smithも(?)。
11.14am: The hearing is due to start in about 15 minutes. Reporters have taken then seats, but there is still no decision on tweets from the court. Eyes right to the Twitter feed for our reporters, if they are allowed. 抗告は約15分で始まる予定。リポーターは座ったが、法廷からのツイートに関する 決定はまだない。もし許可されるのなら、我々のツイッターフィードに注目!(?)
11.34am: Boo. As expected the judge has banned Twitter reporting from the court. ブーイング。予想どおりジャッジは法廷からのツイッターリポートを禁止。
11.47am: Esther Addley managed to pop out of the court to report on the judges comments about Twitter. Esther Addleyがツイッターについてのジャッジのコメントをリポートするために法廷を を飛び足すことに何とか成功。
"This is not something I normally deal with," Mr Justice Ouseley said. "District judge Riddle [on Tuesday] did permit the use of tweets. That's to say short text messages, made by use of a Blackberry or a laptop." Mr Justice Ouseleyは言った、「これは私が普段対応していることではない。」地方裁判 所判事(?)Riddleは(火曜に)ツイッターの使用を許可した。つまり、ブラックベリー (携帯?)またはラップトップの活用による、ショートテキストメッセージ。
He said tweets from the court would represent a distraction. 法廷からのツイートは邪魔を象徴すると彼はいった。
"I recognise the calls for debate ... The issue involving Twitter may involve the potential for disruption to the atmosphere of the court, which one might call its dignity." 私はディベートの要求を認識する(?) ... ツイッター問題は法廷の雰囲気を壊す可能性 に関係している。
Esther added that Assange looks "frazzled". He is wearing a white shirt with no tie and a dark shirt. He is flanked in the dock by two guards and behind ornate bars, she said. アサンジは疲れきって見えた、とEstherは付け加えた。彼はネクタイなしで白いシャツを きている。彼は2人のガードに両脇を挟まれて被告席にいる(dand behind ornate bars?)。
RT @wikileaks Does your business do business with Bank of America? Our advise is to place your funds somewhere safer. バンク・オブ・アメリカと取引がありますか?どこかより安全な場所に預金することを勧めます。
>>467 スレと全然関係ないんですけど、ここは訳せる人がいるからちょっと頼ってみました(´∀`;) 人によって訳し方が色々なのでどれがイイ感じなのかなぁ〜とおもって・・・ Nothing's gonna change the things that you said Nothing's gonna make this right again
Apple Removes WikiLeaks App for iPhone and iPad From App Store アップルはアイフォーンとアイパッドのためのウィキリークス・アップをアップ・ストアーから削除
By Taimur Asad | December 21st, 2010
The unofficial WikiLeaks app for iPhone and iPad which was only released last week has been removed by Apple from the iTunes App Store. 先週リリースされたばかりのアイフォーンとアイパッドのための非公式ウィキリークス・アップがア イチューン・アップ・ストアーから削除された。
While the real reason behind the removal is still not known yet, it is believed that Apple removed it because the app was selling WikiLeaks content for $1.99 which is otherwise available on the Internet for free. 削除の真の理由はまだ不明だが、インターネット上で無料で入手可能なウィキリークスのコン テンツをアップルが1.99ドルで売っていた、のが理由ではと考えられる。
RT @Mj2Fr3ak Beware Steve Jobs, the hacktivists will get revenge for removing the @wikileaks app from the app store, Just like they attacked Amazon! (スティーブ・ジョブズよ気をつけな、ウィキリークスのアプリを削除したせいでアマ ゾンみたいに報復されるかもしれないぞ!)www
Similarly, at the UN General Assembly, the Vatican nuncio stressed the need for a comprehensive international energy policy
that protects the environment and limits climate change. また同様に国連総会においてローマ法王使節は、環境保護と気候変動抑制に関する包括的な国際資源政策の必要性を強く強調した。
Meanwhile Vatican officials remain largely supportive of genetically modified crops as a vehicle for protecting the
environment while feeding the hungry, but -- at least for now -- are unwilling to challenge bishops who disagree. 一方ローマ法王庁は、飢餓に対する食料供給と同時に環境保護の手段として、遺伝子組み換え作物を使うことを大筋で支持しているが、―
Viewing cable 08BEIJING332, Beijing-based G-5 Chiefs of Mission on Sino-German
At the January 25 bi-weekly G-5 Chiefs of Mission gathering, German Ambassador Schaefer described the recent reconciliation between China and Germany,
Japanese Ambassador Miyamoto said that Prime Minister Fukuda’s December 27-30 visit was a success, the highlight being a speech given at Beijing University in which Fukuda called for greater Japanese-Sino cooperation on international relations. Fukuda also visited the birthplace of Confucius as a reminder to the Japanese public of the shared cultural heritage of Japan and China. End Summary.
5.(C) Comment: Gonzalez-Sinde's appointment as Minister prompted vocal criticism from the "Internautas" pro-piracy association that she faced a conflict of interest because as head of the Spanish film academy she had spoken out strongly against internet piracy (ref B).
if you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help!
Please follow the following instructions:
Setup an account where we can upload files using RSYNC+SSH (preferred) or FTP Put our SSH key in this server or create an FTP account Create a virtual host in your web server, which, for example, can be wikileaks.yourdomain.com send the IP address of your server to us, and the path where we should upload the content. (just fill the form below)
13. (C) Fukuda’s speech at Beijing University was the highlight of his visit, ... the shared cultural heritage of Japan and China. Before the visit, the Chinese had asked Fukuda to make a statement on Taiwan, but given the physical proximity of Taiwan to Japan, Fukuda had been unwilling to do so. The Japanese Embassy, among others, had been thus been surprised when during his visit Fukuda made a voluntary statement that Japan would not support a Taiwan referendum on UN membership if it led Taiwan to “take unilateral action to change the status quo.
RT @AlexiMostrous: I had a long face-to-face interview with #assange today. He says he has enough material to make bosses of a major US bank resign #wikileaks 6:15 AM Dec 21st Twitter for iPhoneから 今日アサンジに長い直接インタビューをした。メジャー米銀行のボスたちを辞めさせるのに 十分な資料があると彼は言う。
6. (S) Diskin's aide said that the security forces at the Rafah crossing are strong, but are demoralized with the overall situation in the Gaza Strip. Diskin added that their communications with the ISA had become "desperate," and indicated no hope for the future. He observed that there is a young generation of leaders among Fatah who are being "pushed" by Dahlan and who have a sense of the urgency of the situation and what needs to be done. At the same time, however, they are not behaving in a way that is to be expected by people in their urgent situation. Diskin observed, "They are approaching a zero-sum situation, and yet they ask us to attack Hamas. This is a new development. We have never seen this before. They are desperate."
7. (S) In the West Bank, Diskin said that ISA has established a very good working relationship with the Preventive Security Organization (PSO) and the General Intelligence Organization (GIO). Diskin said that the PSO shares with ISA almost all the intelligence that it collects. They understand that Israel's security is central to their survival in the struggle with Hamas in the West Bank. ...
1. (S/NF) MFA Middle East Director (Assistant Secretary-equivalent) Patrice Paoli informed POL Minister Counselor June 18 that Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told French officials in Paris June 15 that the Israelis have a "SECRET ACCORD" with the USG to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Paoli noted that the French anticipate strong Israeli resistance to USG pressure on this issue. He asked whether the USG has considered how to adapt to possible Israeli responses: "How will you react to Israeli reactions to your pressure?" He claimed that "the credibility of President Obama will be judged on the issue of settlements." MFA DAS Ludovic Pouille, who also attended the meeting, underlined this point: "Arabs are saying progress on settlements is crucial. Saudi Arabia and Egypt seem obsessed with the settlements issue; they won't even enter the game without progress on settlements." Paoli added that "negotiations can wait until the fall, but steps forward cannot wait until then." Both diplomats emphasized the need to build confidence measures on the ground now. ...
Spain is still a big "Mediterranean diet" consumer of fish, fruit, vegetables, olives, olive oil, rice, beans, cheese, bread, wine, and, to a more limited extent, meat. However, there is an increase in consumption of less expensive American-style pre-packaged foods, something that concerns the Ministry of Health because there is a rising obesity rate in Spain. During the last 12 months, consumer prices for bread, spaghetti, onions, chicken, eggs, milk, and olive oil have increased in a range from 12 to 34 percent. Spain is a net exporter of olive oil, olives, wine, and fruits and vegetables. It is a net importer of fish (Spain is the second largest per capita consumer of fish in the world after Japan), meat and wheat.
¶4. (S) Wu said the PRC recognizes that it was the United States that defeated Japanese militarism, saying that the PRC made a specific effort to call attention to the U.S. role in WWII in various commemorations of the 60th anniversary of the end of the war in order to remind Chinese of the U.S. contribution. Rehashing familiar points, Wu said that if PM Koizumi wants to worship class-A war criminals at the Yasukuni Shrine, that is his business, but not when he is Prime Minister.
UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression 言論表現自由の権利の促進・保護に関する特別報告官
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression 米州人権委員会 表現自由のための特別報告官
Joint Statement On Wikileaks ウィキリークスに関する共同声明
December 21, 2010 ? In light of ongoing developments related to the release of diplomatic cables by the organization Wikileaks, and the publication of information contained in those cables by mainstream news organizations, the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression see fit to recall a number of international legal principles. The rapporteurs call upon States and other relevant actors to keep these principles in mind when responding to the aforementioned developments. 2010年12月21日 - ウィキリークス組織による外交公電の放出、そして主流ニュ ース配信組織によるそれら公電に含まれる情報の出版に関係している展開に照らして、 国際連合(UN)言論表現自由に関しての特別報告官と人権に関しての米州委員会(IACHR) 表現自由のための特別報告官は若干の国際司法原則を思い起こすことを適当を思う。報告 官は、合衆国と当該関係者が前述の展開に対応する場合、それらの原則に留意することを 要求する。
1. The right to access information held by public authorities is a fundamental human right subject to a strict regime of exceptions. The right to access to information protects the right of every person to access public information and to know what governments are doing on their behalf. It is a right that has received particular attention from the international community, given its importance to the consolidation, functioning and preservation of democratic regimes. Without the protection of this right, it is impossible for citizens to know the truth, demand accountability and fully exercise their right to political participation. National authorities should take active steps to ensure the principle of maximum transparency, address the culture of secrecy that still prevails in many countries and increase the amount of information subject to routine disclosure. 1.国家の諸機関により支えられる情報にアクセスする権利は、(to a strict regime of exceptions?)基本的人権である。情報にアクセスする権利は、あらゆる人の権利、公 開情報にアクセスすること、政府が人々のために何をしてくれているのかを知ること、 を保護する。それは、民主的な政治形体の強化、機能性、保持の重要性を前提として、 国際社会から特別な注目を集めている権利である。この権利の保護なしに、市民が真実 を知ること、政治参加の権利を十分に行使すること、は不可能である。国家当局は、最 大限の透明性の原則を保障する、いまだに多くの国に蔓延する秘密文化(?)に取り組 む、定期公表されるべき情報量を増加させる、積極的な手段を取るべきである。
2. ...
Catalina Botero Marino Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression
Frank LaRue UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
HAVANA -- Cuba's state-run media is reporting that the government will publish Spanish translations of diplomatic cables about the communist-run island, leaked by Wikileaks.
What do you think we should search for? Help us to dig in the Wikileaks documents.
Website Wikileaks has published thousands of secret stamped documents. The latest leak is comprised of documents from the U.S. Foreign Service. Aftenposten has no clauses have access to all the 250,000 documents from the last leak. ... The next days, weeks and months we will go through the massive material, and continuously publish news stories both online and paper.
To make our review more efficient, we would like tips from our readers.
Is there anything you wonder where you think the answer may lie in the messages that have been leaked to Wikileaks?
(ENEMY ACTION) DIRECT FIRE RPT (Small Arms) TF CHOSIN / USACE : 0 INJ/DAM 2009-12-02 03:43:00
Expand acronyms: Take care; definitions may be wrong.
TF Chosin reported that ABAD TOC received SAF/IDF from 3-5X INS. FF are responding with areial blimp scanning and a fire mission of 155mm at 42SXD 93500 58800. No Inj/Dmg reported ATT.
This Incident closed by RC E at: 021116D*DEC2009
----------------------------- Summary from duploicate report
FOB Wright received AAF indirect and direct fire (800m) from the ridgeline directly west of the FOB. The majority of the AAF's fires were focused on the two OP's Northwest (Bullrun) and Southwest (Shilo) of the FOB. All PAX are uninjured and accounted for. One B-Hut roof did receive a bullet hole from the small amount of direct fire we received on the FOB.
An Oslo-based newspaper reportedly has become the only medium in the world that’s secured unlimited access to more than 250,000 documents initially leaked to the non-profit organization WikiLeaks. Newspaper Aftenposten’s access seems to have spoiled WikiLeaks’ strategy to retain control over the vast array of classified material mostly originating from US embassies around the globe.
>>547 の続き Aftenposten has earlier disclosed that it had gained access to all the WikiLeaks documents that started being made public last month. WikiLeaks itself had intended to control their distribution through exclusive agreements with several major media outlets ? including, among others, the Guardian in the UK, El Pais in Spain, Le Monde in France and Der Spiegel in Germany ? which had been invited to participate in their publication. Those media outlets have since been releasing documents and writing about their contents in cooperation with WikiLeaks. (Aftenpostenは、先月から公表されはじめた全てのウィキリークスドキュメントへのアクセ スを得た。ウィキリークス自体はドキュメントの配布を数社(?)の大手報道発信局(と りわけ、公表に参加要請された英Guardian、スペインEL Pais、仏Le Monde、独Der Spieg el)との独占的協定を介してコントロールしようした。それらの報道局はウィキリークスと 連携してドキュメントを公表し内容について書いていた。)
ということは、アフテンポステン(Aftenposten、Norwegian for "The Evening Post")が英語を読んでノルウェー語(ブークモール、bokm?l "書籍語")で記事を書いて、それを英語にして日本語にする、というこ とか。ややこしやー!全部一度に出せよ!DLしたファイルのデコードで きるってこと?
New Zealand's military has released hundreds of documents detailing claims of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). ニュージーランド軍は未確認飛行物体(UFO)の詳細な目撃報告を公表した。
The files, dating from 1954 to 2009, include drawings of flying saucers and alleged samples of alien writing. 1954から2009年までの日付を持つファイルは、飛行円盤のスケッチと異性人 筆跡の疑惑サンプルを含む。
The files include details of New Zealand's most famous UFO sighting when strange lights were filmed off the South Island town of Kaikoura in 1978. ファイルは、カイコウラ南島タウン沖で不思議な光が撮影された、ニュージーランド で最も有名なUFO目撃事例の詳細を含む。
An official report from the time said natural phenomenon could explain it. 当時の公式報告は自然現象でそれを説明できると述べた。
Although the incident made international headlines at the time, the military report suggested it could be lights from boats reflected in clouds or an unusual view of the planet Venus. その出来事は当時国際的な見出しとなったが、軍の報告は、雲に映ったボートからの 光、または珍しい金星の見え方の可能性、を示唆した。
Following the release of the files, New Zealand Air Force spokesman Kavae Tamariki said the military did not have the resources to investigate UFO sightings and would not be commenting on the documents' contents. ファイル公表の後、ニュージーランド空軍広報担当官カバエ・タマリキは、軍には UFO目撃を調査する資源はなかったし、文書の内容についてコメントするつもりはな い、と述べた。
"We have just been a collection point for the information. We don't investigate or make reports, we haven't substantiated anything in them," he told the Dominion Post newspaper. 「我々はただ情報を集めただけだ。調査もしなければ報告もしない。それらについて 何も実証してない」と彼はドミニオン・ポスト紙に語った。
The reports have been released under freedom of information laws after officials removed names and other identifying material. 報告は、当局者が氏名とその他の個人情報を取り除いた上で情報公開法に基づいて公 表された。
The files - which run to about 2,000 pages - include accounts by members of the public, military personnel and commercial airline pilots describing close encounters, mostly involving moving lights in the sky. 約2000ページに及ぶファイルは、一般市民、軍関係者、民間パイロットによる 接近遭遇、大部分は空に動く光、に関した報告を含む。
All the original documents on which the reports were based are to remain sealed in the national archive. 報告が根拠とする全ての原始資料は国立公文書館にいまだに封印されたままである。
I am one of the few people allowed to visit Bradley Manning while he is detained in the Quantico brig 私はクアンティコ営倉に拘留されているブラッドリー・マニング訪問を許された数少ない 人間の一人
Posted in Education / Awareness, Public Policy by vRRitti.com on 2010/12/25
Manning is held in “maximum custody,” the military's most severe detention policy. Manning is also confined under a longstanding Prevention of Injury (POI) order which limits his social contact, news consumption, ability to exercise, and that places restrictions on his ability to sleep. マニングは、軍の最も厳しい拘留規定、「最高拘禁」されている。マニングは、長期の 損害防止命令(POI)下で社会的接触、情報の消費、運動すること、その上眠ることを 制限されて監禁されている。
Manning has been living under the solitary restrictions of POI for five months despite being cleared by a military psychologist earlier this year, and despite repeated calls from his attorney David Coombs to lift the severely restrictive and isolating order. POI orders are short-term restrictions that are typically implemented when a detainee changes confinement facilities and these orders are lifted after the detainee passes psychological evaluation. マニングは、POIの単独制限下で五ヶ月間生活している。今年前半に軍精神分析医が合格 判定を出したにもかかわらず、彼の弁護士デイビット・クームスが厳しく制限的で孤立 的な命令の解除を再三にわたり要求したにもかかわらずである。POI命令は短期的な制限 事項である。通常は拘留者が監禁施設を変える時施行され、そして拘留者が心理学鑑定を 合格した後には解除される。
>>556 から続く Our conversations, which take place in the presence of marines and electronic monitoring equipment, typically revolve around topics in physics, computer science, and philosophy; he recently mentioned that he hopes to one day make use of the GI Bill towards earning a graduate degree in Physics and a bachelors in Political Science. He rarely if ever talks about his conditions in the brig, and it is not unusual for him to shy away from questions about his well-being by changing the subject entirely. 海兵と電子モニター装置の存在下で行われた私たちの会話は概して、物理、コンピュータ 科学、哲学の話題を中心に展開した。彼は最近、いつの日か復員軍人援護法(GI Bill)を 役立てて、物理学の大学院学位と政治学の学士を取得したい、と口にした。彼はめったに 彼の営倉での状態を話さない。彼はいつもすっかり話題を変えて彼の健康についての質問 を避けるのだ。
When I arrived at the brig on December 18th I found him to be much more open to lines of inquiry regarding his circumstances, and in a two and a half hour conversation I learned new details about his life in confinement. 12月18日に営倉に着いたとき私は、彼が彼の境遇について前よりもっと答ようとして いる、と気付いた。2時間半の会話の中で、監禁状態にある彼の人生についての新しい詳 細を私は学んだ。
For 40 years, acted ?stby ReidGun Dealer (59) weapons in peace. But when the Americans demanded an investigation of the man, it ended up completely unknown arms dealer from Froland in Wikileaks' document.
http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/uriks/wikileaks/article3964552.ece 機械翻訳: Denmark requires clarifying response from Syria Danish politicians react with disbelief and concern on the information that the Syrian government knew of and supported the attacks on several Western embassies in Damascus in 2006.
Wikileaks documents Aftenposten reviewed, suggests that the Syrian authorities not only allowed but also probably set the stage for demonstrations that turned into violent attacks on, among others, Norwegian and Danish embassies since the cartoon controversy was raging at its worst in 2006.
Published 19:53 27.12.10 Latest update 19:53 27.12.10
Syria helped orchestrate 2006 Mohammed cartoon riots, WikiLeaks cables reveal The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports that the Syrian government was active in organizing the riots that broke out in 2006 following the publication of controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. By DPA
Thank you for signing our letter to stop the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning. More than 27,000 people have stood up for Bradley's basic human rights. It's an incredible show of support. ブラッドリー・マニングへの非人道的扱いをストップさせる手紙に署名してくれてありがとう。 27000人以上がブラッドリーの基本的人権のために立ち上がっています。素晴らしい応援 の現れです。
Bradley Manning released a brief message for his supporters through his lawyer right before the holidays, and I want to share it with you today. ブラッドリー・マニングはクリスマス休暇直前に弁護士を通じて彼への支持について短いメッ セージを出しました。今日はそれをあなたに伝えたいと思います。
"I greatly appreciate everyone's support and well wishes during this time. I am also thankful for everything that has been done to aid in my defense. I ask that everyone takes the time to remember those who are separated from their loved ones at this time due to deployment and important missions. Specifically, I am thinking of those that I deployed with and have not seen for the last seven months, and of the staff here at the Quantico Confinement Facility who will be spending their Christmas without their family." 「皆さんの応援とこの時期の善意にとても感謝します。私の弁護のためにしてくれた全てのこと に感謝もしています。私はみなさんに思い出してほしい。この時期に配属や重要な命令により愛 する者と離れ離れになっている人達のことを。私は、個人的に、この7ヶ月間会っていない一緒 に配属された仲間のことと、クリスマスを家族と一緒に過ごせないここクアンティコ監禁施設の スタッフのことを考えている。」
David House, Bradley's one friend allowed to visit him in prison, wrote on Firedoglake last week about the extreme isolation in which Bradley is detained at Quantico. David appeared on MSNBC and BBC to discuss the petition you signed, and he'll deliver your signature when he visits Bradley next month. 獄中の彼を訪問することを許されたブラッドリーの友人の一人デイビッド・ハウスは、クアンテ ィコで拘留されているブラッドリーの極度の隔離状態について、先週FDLに手紙を書きました。デ イビッドはあなたが署名した嘆願について話すためにMSNBCとBBCに出演しました。彼は来月ブラッ ドリーを訪問し、そのときあなたの署名をブラッドリーに届けるでしょう。
Can you ask your family and friends to sign our letter urging for Bradley Manning to be treated humanely while he awaits trial? We'll make sure every signature is delivered to the base at which Bradley is detained. 裁判を待つブラッドリー・マニングを人道的に扱うことを要請する手紙への署名を家族や友人にお 願いできませんか?私たちは全ての署名をブラッドリーが監禁されている基地へ必ず届けます。
If you're on Facebook, click here to share our petition for Bradley Manning on your wall.
If you're on Twitter, click here to tweet about our petition.
You can forward the email message below and ask your friends to sign, or just send them this link:
Your support for Bradley means so much to him as he spent Christmas and his birthday last week completely isolated, as he does each and every day. And even as he sits alone in prison, his thoughts are with his Army family and the guards at Quantico. Thank you so much for all you do. あなたの応援は、クリスマスと誕生日を完全に隔離されて過ごしたブラッドリーにとって大変大きな 意味があります。そして、獄中一人座っていながらも、彼は軍の友人とクアンティコの守衛のことを 気遣っているのです。
Michael, Jane, and the rest of the Firedoglake team.
Bradley Manning spent his 23rd birthday on Friday completely isolated, just as he has every day for the last five months months in his cell at the Quantico Marine Base.
Manning is the Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to Wikileaks. Since July, he has been held in cruel and inhumane conditions akin to how the US detains "enemy combatants." He spends each day completely isolated, with severe restrictions placed on basic activities like sleep and exercise. Yet he has not been convicted of any crime.
The extreme isolation in which Manning has spent every day of the last five months is soul- crushing. It’s already taking its toll: Bradley Manning’s physical and mental health are suffering, according to his attorney and friend who have seen him in prison.
Bradley Manning deserves humane treatment while he awaits trial. Can you please add your name to our letter urging Commanding Officer of Quantico Marine Corp Base to lift the heavy restrictions of Manning’s detention?
Bradley's friend, David House, will deliver your letter to the Commanding Officer at the Quantico Marine Base brig when he visits Bradley next month.
While Manning is held in “maximum custody,” the military’s most severe detention policy, he is also under a longstanding “Prevention of Injury” (POI) order that adds additional restrictions beyond those of other prisoners. While POI orders typically last a week or two, Manning has been held under a POI order for the entirety of his detention.
A day in the life of Bradley Manning is isolating, lonely, and frustrating.
・Manning stays in his cell for 23 hours a day ・Guards must check on him every 5 minutes, and he must respond each time ・He is not allowed to sleep between 5am and 8pm ・Substantive exercise is not allowed beyond walking, potentially in chains ・Communication with other people in the brig is banned, and he cannot write to people outside beyond the few a list approved by the brig commander; any unapproved letters he receives are destroyed. ・He has not been allowed to read newspapers or watch international news during TV time ・Comfortable sleep is impossible; he must surrender his clothes each night, has only a heavy “suicide blanket” akin to an x-ray vest, and guards must be able to see his face at all times.
A psychologist has said Manning isn’t a danger to himself or others, and the POI order is unnecessary. His lawyer has also been unable to have the POI order lifted. But it is clear that Bradley Manning has been subjected to inhumane and unnecessary punishment without being convicted of a crime, and it must stop now.
Stop the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning. Please add your name to our letter urging the Marine Commander in charge of Manning lift the unnecessary POI order.
No matter what you think of Manning's alleged acts, there is no reason to subject him to these extreme conditions. Thank you for standing up for human rights.
- Michael Whitney Firedoglake.com
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RT @skdadl: @Asher_Wolf Ok: I've seen wild spin before, but that hed takes the cake. http://is.gd/jPOTR Look at the diff betw Slatest and Guardian heds. (訳:ひどいスピン(情報操作?)をみてきたけど、こんどのSlatestのヘッドラインは表彰ものだぜ。Slatestと Guardianヘッドラインの違いをみてみろ。)
略語: SBU - sensitive but unclassified LES - law enforcement sensitive FOUO - for official use only NOFORN - no foreign nationals (the restriction of NOFORN no longer applies to Australia or Britain)
[ボディー(本文)] --------------------------------------------------------------- S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 RIYADH 000649
Classified By: CDA Michael Gfoeller, Reasons 1.4 (b,d)
¶1. (S) Summary: US Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and General David Petraeus met with Saudi King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz, ...
--------------------------------------------------------------- について 「S E C R E T」は分類 「SIPDIS 」は「Secret Internet Protocol Router Network」で送られたこを意味する 「WHITE HOUSE FOR OVP, DEPARTMENT FOR NEA/ARP AND S/I SATTERFIELD」はより具体的に 送るべき相手を示す。 「SUBJECT」は簡単な内容説明 「Reasons 1.4 (b,d) 」は公電の分類理由(1.4 (b,d) means it relates to foreign government information or foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources)
Reference ID : 09TOKYO2529 Created : 2009-11-02 07:07 Released : 2011-01-01 21:09 Classification : CONFIDENTIAL Origin : Embassy Tokyo
Classified By: DCM James P. Zumwalt, reasons 1.4 b and d.
¶1. (C) Following up on an October 22 letter from the Ambassador to Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) Minister Hirotaka Akamatsu, the DCM met with MAFF Vice Minister for International Affairs Shuji Yamada November 2 to convey U.S. commitment to build upon progress at recently-concluded talks in Santiago and reach an agreement in negotiations on the future of the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Yamada, along with Fisheries Agency Counselor Joji Morishita and Assistant Director of the Far Seas Fisheries Division Toshinori Uoya, readily acknowledged that progress in talks in Santiago presented an opportunity to move forward in the IWC. They urged the U.S. to show leadership in this "last chance" to ensure a positive future of the IWC, and said they looked forward to discussions on November 4 with U.S. Commissioner to the IWC Monica Medina.
¶2. (C) Yamada inquired about an investigation into the tax status of the U.S.-based NGO Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and repeated Japan's request for the U.S. to take action against the organization, which he said created a very dangerous situation on the seas. The DCM replied that the U.S. places the highest priority on the safety of vessels and human life at sea, and added that if any violations of U.S. law are discovered, we will take appropriate enforcement action. Morishita went on to say it would be easier for Japan to make progress in the IWC negotiations if the U.S. were to take action against the Sea Shepherd. ROOS 山田は、アメリカをベースにするNGOシーシェパード保護団体の納税状況の 調査について尋ねた。彼は、団体は海上において非常に危険な状況を生 み出している、と言い、アメリカが団体に対して行動を取るように、とい う日本の要求をくり返した。DCMは、アメリカは人命と船舶の安全を最優先 にする、と返答し、もし米法律に違反した場合、我々は適切な強制的行 動を取るだろう、と付け加えた。森下は、アメリカがシーシェパードの 対して行動を取るならば、日本のIWC交渉はもっと容易に進展する、と言 い続けた。
- The United States strongly urges Japan to join with other IWC members who have shown willingness to compromise in the short term in order to reach the long-term goal of a normalized IWC.
¶1. (C/NF) Summary: U.S. representative to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) Monica Medina met with senior officials from the Fisheries Agency of Japan (FAJ) November 4 to discuss progress in negotiations under the Future of the IWC process. The FAJ Director General described the results of recent talks in Santiago as a "major step forward" and said political level consultations on whaling are necessary following the recent change in administration in Japan. He defended Japan's proposal to base future reductions in numbers on current catch quotas rather than the actual number of whales taken in past years. He added that Australia's proposal to phase out research whaling is a non-starter for Japan. He said a successful outcome in the vote on Greenland's proposal to take humpback whales and action by the U.S. and others on Japan's complaints against the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society would positively influence Japan's negotiating position in the Future of the IWC process. Ms. Medina said the USG is looking for creative solutions to the remaining issues facing the IWC and positive mention at the upcoming U.S.-Japan summit of both sides' commitment to finding a solution on whaling would be a good signal. End summary.
The US government has subpoenaed the social networking site Twitter for personal details of people connected to Wikileaks, court documents show. アメリカ政府はソーシャル・ネットワーク・サイト「ツイッター」にウィキリークスに接 続したユーザーの個人情報を求める召喚状を発した、と裁判所文書は明らかにする。
The US District Court in Virginia said it wanted information including user names, addresses, connection records, telephone numbers and payment details. バージニア米連邦地裁はユーザー名、住所、接続記録、電話番号、支払明細を要求した。
Those named include Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and an Icelandic MP. それらにはウィキリークスの創立者ジュリアン・アサンジとアイスランド国会議員の名を含む。
The US is examining possible charges against Mr Assange over the leaking of 250,000 classified diplomatic cables. アメリカは25万の機密外交公電をリークした件でのアサンジ氏の立件の可能性を探している。
Reports indicate the Department of Justice may seek to indict him on charges of conspiring to steal documents with Private First Class Bradley Manning, a US Army intelligence analyst. 報道は米司法省がアサンジ氏の起訴を模索している可能性を示唆している。米軍諜報分析官 ブラッドリー・マニング上等兵と結託して文書盗用を企てた罪に関してだ。
Mr Manning is facing a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for allegedly sending Wikileaks the diplomatic cables, as well military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video. マニング氏は軍法会議にかけられる。アフガニスタンとイラクの軍事日誌、機密軍事映像、 外交公電をウィキリークスに送った罪で最大52年の服役に問われる。
'Given a message'
According to the court order issued on 14 December by the District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, the US Attorney's Office has provided evidence to show that the information held by Twitter is "relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation". 12月14日に東部バージニア米連邦地裁によって発せられた裁判所命令によると、米連邦地検 は「ツイッター」に保持される情報が「進行中の犯罪捜査に関連かつ重要」である証明を提出し た。
The San Francisco-based website was given three days to respond was also told not to disclose that it had been served the subpoena, or the existence of the investigation. サンフランシスコに拠点を置くウエブサイトは対応に3日の猶予が与えられ、召喚状が発せられ たこと、捜査の存在を公表しないことも命じられた。
However, the same court removed those restrictions on Wednesday and authorised Twitter to disclose the order to its customers. しかし、同地裁はそれらの制限を水曜に解除し、命令をユーザーに公表する権限を「ツイッター」 に与えた。
The subpoena requested the details of Mr Assange, Pfc Manning and Icelandic MP Birgitta Jonsdottir, as well as Dutch hacker Rop Gonggrijp and US programmer Jacob Appelbaum, both of whom have previously worked with Wikileaks. 召喚状は、アサンジ氏、マニング上等兵、アイスランド国会議員ブリジッタ・ヨンスドッティル、 オランダ人ハッカーのロップ・ガングライプ、アメリカ人プログラマーのヤコブ・アペルバウム、 (二人は以前からウィキリークスで働いている)の詳細を要求した。
The information sought includes mailing addresses and billing information, connection records and session times, IP addresses used to access Twitter, email accounts, as well as the "means and source of payment". 要求された情報は、住所と請求情報、接続記録とセッションタイム、ツイッター接続時のIPアドレ ス、emailアドレス、「支払い方法」を含む。
Mr Assange condemned the court order on Saturday, saying it amounted to harassment. アサンジ氏は、要するにハラスメントだ、と言って裁判所命令を非難した。
"If the Iranian government was to attempt to coercively obtain this information from journalists and activists of foreign nations, human rights groups around the world would speak out," he said in a statement. 「もしイラン政府がジャーナリストと活動家からこの情報を強制的に得ようとしたら、世界中の 人権団体が抗議するだろう」と彼はコメントした。
The order was unsealed "thanks to legal action by Twitter", he added. 命令は公表された、「ツイッターによる法的措置に感謝する」と彼は加えた。
Call comes after revelation that US has tried to force Twitter to release WikiLeaks members' private details アメリカがウィキリークスメンバーの人個情報公開をツイッターに強要 した事実を受けて、ウィキリークスはグーグルとファイスブックに召喚 状の公開を要請
WikiLeaks has demanded that Google and Facebook reveal the contents of any US subpoenas they may have received after it emerged that a court in Virginia had ordered Twitter to secretly hand over details of accounts on the micro-blogging site by five figures associated with the group, including Julian Assange. バージニア地検はジュリアン・アサンジを含む関係者5人のアカウント情報 の引き渡しを極秘裏にツイッターに命令した。それを受けてウィキリークス は、グーグルとファイスブックが受け取ったかもしれない米召喚状の内容公 開を要請した。
07TOKYO5492 2007-12-07 2011-02-01 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy Tokyo 09TOKYO1598 AUSTRALIA GROUP: 2009-07-14 2011-02-01 SECRET Embassy JAPAN'S RESPONSE Tokyo DCM URGES GOJ TO
Japan Backs Anti-Counterfeiting 06TOKYO3567 Trade Agreement 2006-06-28 2011-02-03 UNCLASSIFIED Embassy Proposal TOKYO Tokyo 00003567 001.2 OF 002 PM KOIZUMI'S UNCLASSIFIED// 06TOKYO4025 ADVISOR PROPOSES 2006-07-20 2011-02-03 FOR OFFICIAL Embassy BILATERAL IPR USE ONLY Tokyo AGENDA JAPANESE IPR OFFICIALS POSITIVE ON ""GOLD STANDARD"" AGREEMENT; STILL NOT SUPPORTING WTO 06TOKYO5805 CASE AGAINST CHINA 2006-10-05 2011-02-03 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy REF: A) TOKYO 3873 Tokyo B) TOKYO 4025 TOKYO 00005805 001.2 OF 004 Classified By: CLASSIFIED BY CDA
1. Closely cooperate on an early realization of an international agreement to address the proliferation of counterfeit and pirated goods;
2. Enhance U.S.-Japan efforts so as to increase awareness to combat counterfeiting and piracy as well as to promote the strengthening of IPR enforcement in the Asian region and around the world;
3. Information exchange through bilateral regular meetings to promote IPR protection and enforcement around the world, and act together against counterfeiting and piracy by promoting international cooperation on IPR enforcement issues in multilateral framework;
4. Increase cooperation to strengthen border enforcement of IPR, including engagement in a joint IPR border enforcement action;
5. Create bilateral IP networks in our embassies in relevant third counties to facilitate information sharing, delivery of joint message, cooperation on training and technical assistance programs, and assisting industry enforcement efforts; and
6. Promote public-private partnership to arrange joint conferences or seminars to discuss IPR protection strategies.
Classified By: Deputy Political Minister Counselor Marc Knapper for rea sons 1.4 (b) and (d) (S) Embassy Tokyo delivered reftel talking points to Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Counterterrorism Cooperation Division Director Katsuro Nagai and to Disarmament,
1) Prime Minister's daily schedule (Nikkei) Visit of Under Secretary of Defe 2) Under Secretary Flournoy in press conference notes China's concerns about 3) In meeting with vice defense minister, Under Secretary Flournoy affirms t 4) Flournoy acknowledges some adjustments possible to USFJ realignment plan 5) Meeting Defense Minister Hamada, Flournoy confirms need for close links a 6) Democratic Party of Japan's Okada tells Under Secretary Flournoy he is ag 7) Flournoy, Okada discuss USJF realignment agreement (Tokyo Shimbun) 8) Okada makes pitch to Flournay on SOFA review and changing Futenma relocat 9) U.S., Japan agree on sharing marine interests (Yomiuri) 10) Text of proposed U.S.-Japan sea-power alliance (Yomiuri)
6.(U) Japex to Begin Operations at Libyan Offshore Concession: Japan Exploration Company (Japex) will start drilling its first offshore exploration well in Libya by the end of February. A consortium, formed by Japanese companies Japex, Nippon Oil Exploration and Mitsubishi Corporation, acquired the offshore concession in Libya in 2005. The consortium holds an 8 percent stake and it is operated by Japex; the Libyan National Oil Corporation (NOC) holds the remaining 92 percent stake. Seismic TRIPOLI 00000221 002 OF 005 2D and 3D surveys were conducted in 2007. [MEED, 2/12/2009]
¶3. (SBU) Japanese officials were unanimously enthusiastic in their support for USTR's proposed Anti-Counterfeiting agreement. They were surprised, but happy that the United States had responded with a strong counter-proposal. (Japanese officials admitted in the meetings that, up to now, only France had responded with enthusiasm to their earlier anti-counterfeiting treaty idea.) They promised to study the proposal further and send questions via the Japanese Embassy in Washington. Tadaatsu Mohri, Principal Deputy Director of MOFA's International Trade Division, said the GOJ had wanted to continue to raise the issue within the G-8
where Prime Minister Koizumi had proposed it, but was willing to listen to U.S. arguments about why it should be a freestanding agreement.
Japan: C2C Cable Network undersea cable landing, Chikura, Japan C2C Cable Network undersea cable landing, Shima, Japan China-US undersea cable, Okinawa, Japan EAC undersea cable landing Ajigaura,
Japan EAC undersea cable landing Shima, Japan FLAG/REACH North Asia Loop undersea cable landing Wada, Japan FLAG/ REACH North Asia Loop undersea cable landing Wada, Japan Japan-US undersea cable landing, Maruyama, Japan Japan-US undersea cable landing Kitaibaraki, Japan KJCN undersea cable landing Fukuoka, Japan KJCN undersea cable landing Kita-Kyushu, Japan Pacific Crossing-1 (PC-1) undersea cable landing Ajigaura, Japan Pacific Crossing-1 (PC-1) undersea cable landing Shima, Japan Tyco Transpacific undersea cable landing, Toyohashi, Japan Tyco Transpacific undersea cable landing Emi, Japan Hitachi,
Hydroelectric Dam Turbines and Generators Port of Chiba Port of Kobe Port of Nagoya Port of Yokohama Iodine Mine Metal Fabrication Machines Titanium Metal (Processed) Biken, Kanonji City, Japan Hitachi Electrical Power Generators and Components Large AC Generators above 40 MVA
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Summary: Lower House Diet Member Taro Kono voiced his strong opposition to the nuclear industry in Japan, especially nuclear reprocessing, based on issues of cost, safety, and security during a dinner with a visiting staffdel, Energy Attache and Economic Officer October 21. ...