スペインの「ユダヤ人殺害者達の小さな丘」村の村長が村名変更を提案してるが、 村人達が気乗りしてないってお話し。↓ ・・・the mayor of Castrillo Matajudios ? roughly, Little Hill Fort of Jew Killers ? is having a tough time persuading the 56 registered inhabitants of this sleepy village to vote on May 25 to adopt a different name and finally eradicate a link to the persecution of Jews during the Spanish Inquisition.・・・
そんな名前が付けられたのは、昔の村人達が自分達のユダヤ人性を拭い去るため。↓ “Jew killers” was added to the name not to commemorate a local pogrom, but because residents were desperate to dissociate themselves from their own Jewish past.・・・
迫害を逃れて近くの町からユダヤ人達がこの村に集団移転し、その後、繁栄。↓ Castrillo had been a prosperous Jewish community, founded in the 11th century after Jews were expelled from a nearby town. The Jewish community here flourished as a trading hub along the pilgrimage route taken by Christians to visit Santiago de Compostela.
1492年にユダヤ人追放令が出され、キリスト教に改宗すればスペインに留まれたが、改宗しても迫害された。↓ By the time the Spanish Inquisition started, Castrillo may have been home to as many as 1,200 people. When the Spanish monarchy finally expelled the Jews in 1492, residents decided to convert to Catholicism rather than flee, but their worries did not end there.・・・ http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/11/world/europe/a-hard-sell-to-tame-a-name-in-spain.html?ref=world&_r=0
・・・By 1776, Russians had moved into the Aleutian Islands for the lucrative fur trade. ・・・ Rumors of Russia's incursions into the Aleutian islands reached Spain, spurring the Crown to extend its missions north of Baja into Alta California. This "combustible mix of geographic misconceptions and imperial anxiety made colonization of the California coast appear essential to Spain's survival in the Pacific basin,・・・ http://www.latimes.com/books/jacketcopy/la-ca-jc-claudio-saunt-20140629-story.html
Spain's Constitutional Court has suspended Catalonia's planned independence referendum.・・・ A recent poll for Spain's El Pais newspaper showed that 45% of Catalans were in favour of suspending the referendum if the Constitutional Court declared it illegal. Only 23% would like the referendum to go ahead regardless, the survey suggested. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29410493
建国早々スペインは、スペイン領アメリカの土地は国王の所有地であって、 原住民はキリスト教徒にならなければならない、という布告を発した。 Almost 500 years ago, the newly formed Empire of Spain - forged by the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella, blessed by the pope, and unified by the eviction of Moors and the forcible conversion of Jews - issued a declaration that would forever define the Americas. It was called the Requerimiento, and it stated unequivocally to natives of the New World that the land on which they stood belonged to the Spanish Crown, that they would henceforward be Christians, and that any effort to resist would be met with war, seizure and enslavement. ・・・ http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/book-review-alvar-nunez-cabeza-de-vacaamerican-trailblazer-by-robin-varnum/2014/10/10/709de7aa-4255-11e4-b437-1a7368204804_story.html