Here's the thing. It was war. Japan attacked first. Had Japan had the bomb, they certainly would have had no reservations about using it. The choice was simple, use the bomb and save a multitude of American lives in the invasion of the mainland. I doubt that the dead Japanese care if they died by the bomb or by a bullet. It had to be used to end the war quickly and save countless American lives. (訳:ま、こういうことだ。戦争だった。日本が先に攻撃した。もし日本が原爆をもっていたなら なんの躊躇もせずに使ってただろ。判断はシンプルだった。原爆を使い、本土侵略の前に数多の アメリカ人を救え、ということだ。死んだ日本人は原爆で死のうが銃弾で死のうが構いやしないだろ。 戦争を早く終わらせ、数え切れないほどのアメリカ人を救うためには使うしかなかったのさ。)