New Voting Tool

1Code Monkey ★

There is a new voting tool.

You can use the tool by typing this into the 名前


I recommend that the creator of a new thread makes a list of options for you to vote on.

The new vote tool requires BE and will display a hash of your reverse host lookup.

This tool should help reduce vote trolling.
2@Code Monkey ★:2014/06/18(水) 02:19:27.70 ID:??? BE:847328605-2BP(1000) ?投票:〈1〉{f049bc8deca64959578444b415f1c948}
This is an example. I typed "!vote1" into the 名前
3@Code Monkey ★:2014/06/18(水) 02:20:52.83 ID:??? BE:847328605-2BP(1000) ?投票:〈1〉{f049bc8deca64959578444b415f1c948}

This means I have voted for the first option:

This is the hash of my reverse host lookup:

And my BE account is linked also.

This will prevent people from using one BE account to make many votes.
It will also prevent people from using one IP to make many votes.
4清き一票@名無しさん:2014/06/18(水) 08:48:33.05 ID:yP37CO60
How many candidates can I make?
only 9(vote1-vote9)?
5Jimber Melon ★:2014/06/18(水) 11:21:28.83 ID:???
You can use a value from 0 to 9.
6!vote1:2014/06/23(月) 08:44:07.95 ID:/hx5N5zA
7清き一票@名無しさん:2014/06/23(月) 13:56:41.44 ID:HPvbr3V8
8 忍法帖【Lv=44,xxTP】(1+0:5) 【ponponfine20069】 !no