アニメ最萌トーナメント2010 投票スレRound39

532リコ支援人 ◆U.kObOsIFc
<<御子神リコ@あにゃまる探偵 キルミンずぅ>>支援 (既出再掲)
Introducing Mikogami Riko (Animal detective kiruminzoo) for oversea voters.

Mikogami Riko is an 11 years old girl living in Kamihama city in Japan.
She transforms herself into a little girl wearing a stuffed cat suit
or a real cat using an animal re-evolution driver called "kirumin".
Graphic illustration of kirumin-phose
http://mimi.sakura.ne.jp/shien/images/riko_wp1.jpg (wallpaper)

Voice is also her attractive feature. Enjoy her cute and vigorous voice at youtube!
Collection of Riko's funny actions from kiruminzoo ep11 "Excited in darkness!?"

Riko is so cute in all 3 modes!! (and more...)
http://mimi.sakura.ne.jp/shien/images/riko_e01.jpg http://mimi.sakura.ne.jp/shien/images/riko_e02.gif
http://mimi.sakura.ne.jp/shien/images/riko_e03.jpg http://mimi.sakura.ne.jp/shien/images/riko_e04.gif
http://mimi.sakura.ne.jp/shien/images/riko_e05.jpg http://mimi.sakura.ne.jp/shien/images/riko_e06.jpg

Please vote for her if you feel something.