アニメ最萌トーナメント2007 投票スレRound215

■┃┏┓┃■ ┃┣┫┃┃┃┣┛┗┫┃┃┃━━╋━━┃┗┛┃┏━┓┣┛┗┓
■┃┗┛┃■ ┗┛┗┻┻━┻━━┻┻┻┻━━┻━━┻━━┻┛━┗┻━━┛
■┃┏┓┃■          ‐≠==ニ    \[[AT079-bB.OI4QS-RY]]
■┣┻╋┫■         // //トv l |l l ∧ <<ゆの@ひだまりスケッチ>>
■┃  ┃┃■      -=ァイ/  / //_∧ lノ」| |l 、 ', <<宮子@ひだまりスケッチ>>
■┃┃┃┃■      -匕f ]/|//´/ レ'W`Y、] }
■┃┃  ┃■       /,イ| ´/》Yソ⌒    ⌒Y// ∧ Ladies and gentlemen, I will not lie.
■┣┻━┫■        |///|/∨ト、"" f'‐┐""イ//W丶The future is grim.
■┗┓┏┛■         /  / ∨,ィ'/:フDー七´W∧ヽOur closest allies, broken and scattered.
■  ┃┃  ■          /mfY'レ从_/: :∧ Hate has replaced love,
■┏┛┗┓■         / {「ヽ ∧ノ|「 |: r'´⌒l As flamewars and fake votes wreck havoc across the tubes.
■┣┳┳┫■     r=≠´  {  ト: :フ¬/ /_/ This is not about series, nor plot
■┃┗┛┃■ィm_/l | `ー_ノ{>/ >、: : :イ  /:} Nor popularity.
■┃    ┃■{ / /  ヽ\ / __`Y´ ヘy'  /:人 This is about character.
■┃┃┃┃■Y 〈   /\\_r':::::/:\  j  /: :|::::ム This is about moe.
■┣┻┻┫■¨ ̄      ーl:::/: : : :\_/|: :∧::ノ Have faith, and vote accordingly.
■┃  ━┫■      f^ー<ヒ: : : : : : : : : : :〉 : : : : 〉、God speed.
■┃  ━┫■ ┏━━┳━┳┳━━┳━━┳━━┳━━┳┓┏┳┓┏┓┏━━┓
■┣━━┫■ ┃┏┓┃┃┃┣┓┏┫┃┃┃━━┫━━┫┃┃┃┗┛┗╋┓┏┛