<<聖三咲(赤ロリ)@Saint October>> support material?
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V!| ! 从「'f及:ュ、 ` \| ィ;ア}7 l j `ヽ. '.
丿ノ rヘ lヽ弋oン ヒ:タ /リ ノ ゙ '.
八人ヽ! | 丶 ム/| i
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,..‐─f¨´ヽ 了¨} ,,... j
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. / }::::::::Y´...::..::..:.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:::::} Anyway, here is usual things
/ / /.::::::__{「;心.::..:.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::::::,.' Well, you might be tired of them.
/ / | ,.r '´ヽ. レヘ:::;ハ.:.::.::.::.::.::.:::::::ィ' Though, it's the base of supporting
. / / ノ . ヽ } ,>rくゞj!::.::.::::,. '" / Never mind this ascii art, yeah.
http://www106.sakura.ne.jp/~votecode/upma07/src/upm4379.jpg http://www106.sakura.ne.jp/~votecode/upma07/src/upm4380.jpg http://www106.sakura.ne.jp/~votecode/upma07/src/upm4381.jpg