アニメ最萌トーナメント2007 投票スレRound145

<<聖三咲(赤ロリ)@Saint October>> support material?
  /    /      {      ` 、     ヽ.   ヽ |  |   |  |    Yeah, sorry. She's just "Red Loli".
  |   |     ∧    {   \    \.  |  |   |   ヘ    You, thinking Red Loli should get out of Mai vs Mawari match,
  |   |   ,' │ ゙、   '.   \  ,.  "´「│ |.  ト、  \  thanks
  i   |l  {   |   \   ヽ    へ、   | リ_ ...!  | \` ー- for your being aware Red Loli is here.
.  !    '.  ヘ. |  -─\  \ ト、 ヘ. ,>;;ト、 l}V|  |   ヽ   I don't think Red Loli will win.
.  i    ∧   /|       \   \ ` ァ{:::::::::;ハ l} ! rヘーr‐-\ I don't expect Red Loli will get many votes.
  V!、  \ '. l _,..  ==ミ  \`ヽ.\ ヽ::__rソ ′.| l ノ |    My only sadness is
   ヽ \ヽ  ヘ7f´ {ノ:::::;ハ               | レ'∧|    you totally forget Red Loli ever existed.
    }ハ \ ヾ,ハ{. ヽ;::_::ン     ,    /// ,ハ/ / ノ    You find a your favorite, vote her,
   ノ∧ l {\ \ `         ,.  -┐     /从/       don't notice the others, and leave here.
     V∧\.\ lム  ///  V   j    .イ/ノ        That is my greatest sadness.
         jノレ'¨ヽ|-ヘ.       ヽ.___ノ   / リ          I hope you remember the fact
             レへ.| k‐-  ... _   /   |          Red Loli is here, in this match.
         __r=ミx-─‐|     ̄     「 ¨ヽ.___     I hope you know that
       /     f′   \       トヘ.      ̄   true Saimoe is not about winning and losing.
      /          V⌒ヽ  \      ヽ }        You remember defeated ones.
       /         }__     ヽ.__     /        That is just ture Saimoe...