
950名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 02:24:23 ID:A/B46Fbg

951名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 02:27:16 ID:A/B46Fbg
誕生日がどうも不確かです。1903.3.10説, 1903.3.30説, 1904.1.20説と



といった感じでしょうか(^^) ご存じのようにGHQからチャンバラを禁止された

952名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 02:35:18 ID:A/B46Fbg
デビュー50周年を迎える本年、待望の市川雷蔵映画祭が公開決定! 5年ぶりとなる今回は、『市川雷蔵祭 艶麗』と銘打ち、「和」「艶やかさ」といった本来の魅力に焦点をあてる。
また、巨匠・溝口健二監督と組み、役者・市川雷蔵の出世作となった「新・平家物語」が日本初となるデジタル・リマスター版での上映も決定! 21世紀初となるこの映画祭を皮切りに、今再び、“雷様<らいさま>”ブームが巻き起こる!
953名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 02:38:33 ID:A/B46Fbg
長谷川一夫(はせがわ かずお)
954名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 02:44:05 ID:A/B46Fbg
榎本 健一


955名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 02:50:25 ID:A/B46Fbg

956名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 09:40:55 ID:Y/AA0EBU
おい おまいらFC加盟店同士の仲たがいか、同業他社の営業妨害かわからんが
おい おまえら、同じ日本人同士ならこんなとこで貴重な時間をつぶさず
957名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 10:47:52 ID:lJBLudwF

   r:、_,.. -ー;;:-─---- .、
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     .,l;;:/   ゞ,,' ;:;;;/  ゞ;;/

958名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 11:50:24 ID:/Jxy4eF0



959名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 14:10:48 ID:jLfq8cgC
960名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 14:11:35 ID:jLfq8cgC
961名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 14:12:03 ID:jLfq8cgC
962名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 14:13:16 ID:jLfq8cgC
963名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 14:13:57 ID:jLfq8cgC
964名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 15:48:51 ID:Cjc/+czh



965名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 16:35:55 ID:VtynhomK
966名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 18:12:52 ID:PxFB/E5/
967名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 19:04:56 ID:eXdKbr9h
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970名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 19:22:52 ID:VtynhomK
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974名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/14(木) 20:15:22 ID:VtynhomK
975名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:19:02 ID:Aiy2BJE+
Superstar songstress BRITNEY SPEARS has announced to the world that she's pregnant with her first baby, making her the latest Hollywood star to jump on the baby bandwagon.
What other A-list stars are in on the baby boom -- and who could be next?

Funnyman GREG KINNEAR and his wife HELEN announced just last week that they are expecting their second child, who will join big sister LILY.

Also in the mama-mode is supermodel extraordinaire HEIDI KLUM, 31, who just had a daughter, LENI, less than a year ago.
The German-born beauty and her singing sensation fiancé, SEAL, are preparing for their first baby together.

Also preparing for a new addition to the family, albeit under less happy circumstances, is actress DENISE RICHARDS,
who is now separated from her husband of nearly three years, CHARLIE SHEEN. The twosome share one daughter, SAM, who just had her first birthday in March.
The pair will welcome the new baby this June.

Also taking part in Hollywood's baby boom and expecting children this year are: 'Dodgeball' actress CHRISTINE TAYLOR and her funny hubby BEN STILLER;
Oscar®-winner NICOLAS CAGE and his newlywed wife ALICE KIM;
"Law & Order" alum ANGIE HARMON and her football-playing husband JASON SEHORN; and singer CARNIE WILSON
with her husband ROB BONFIGLIO, who are expecting a baby girl this spring.

976名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:22:15 ID:Aiy2BJE+

Oasis shot from obscurity to stardom in 1994, becoming one of Britain's most popular and critically acclaimed bands of the decade;
along with Blur and Suede, they are responsible for returning British guitar pop to the top of the charts. Led by guitarist/songwriter Noel Gallagher,
the Manchester quintet adopts the rough, thuggish image of the Stones and the Who, crosses it with "Beatlesque" melodies and hooks,
distinctly British lyrical themes and song structures like the Jam and the Kinks, and ties it all together with a massive, loud guitar roar,
as well as a defiant sneer that draws equally from the Sex Pistols' rebelliousness and the Stone Roses' cocksure arrogance.
Gallagher's songs frequently rework previous hits from T.
Rex ("Cigarettes and Alcohol" borrows the riff from "Bang a Gong") to Wham! ("Fade Away" takes the melody from "Freedom"),
yet the group always puts the hooks in different settings,
updating past hits for a new era.
Originally, the group was formed by schoolmates Liam Gallagher (vocals), Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs (guitar), Paul McGuigan (bass), and Tony McCaroll (drums).
After spending several years as the guitar technician for the Stone Roses-inspired group the Inspiral Carpets,
Noel Gallagher returned to Manchester to find that his brother had formed a band.
Noel agreed to join the band if he could have complete control of the group, including contributing all the songs;
the rest of the band agreed and under the new name Oasis, they began a year of intensive rehearsing.

977名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:24:40 ID:Aiy2BJE+


A woman has sued "Jeopardy!" TV quiz show host Alex Trebek in connection with the disappearance of a $100,000 broodmare she delivered to his central California horse breeding farm.

The lawsuit demands that Trebek and Creston Farms return the mare named BeBe Trando, or reimburse the woman, Marion Warner, for her loss plus damages and legal fees.

The suit, filed March 16 in San Luis Obispo Superior Court, says Warner believes "that defendants ... sold, traded, gifted or otherwise disposed of BeBe."


A spokesman for Creston Farms could not be reached for comment.

Warner sent BeBe Trando to Trebek's 700-acre (280-hectare) facility in Paso Robles on Jan. 21 to be bred to Trebek's stallion, Iron Cat, court filings say.

On Feb. 24, Creston Farms staff called to tell her the horse would be bred the next day. Then on March 2, the farm's manager
informed her the horse had become sick during the night and had to be euthanized.

The suit says she later learned that the veterinarian who had supposedly put down the horse had not euthanized any horses
at Creston Farms the day that BeBe Trando was said to have died, or in the previous week.

A horse listed as "BeBe" was euthanized on Feb. 17, but the animal's description did not match that of Warner's horse, the lawsuit says.

978名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:27:17 ID:Aiy2BJE+

NEW YORK - The Chinese government has become increasingly sophisticated at controlling the Internet,
taking a multilayered approach that contributes to precision in blocking political dissent, a report released Thursday finds.
The precision means that China's filters can block just specific references to Tibetan independence without blocking all references to Tibet.
Likewise, the government is effective at limiting discussions about Falun Gong, the Dalai Lama, Tiananmen Square and other topics deemed sensitive,
the study from the OpenNet Initiative finds.

Numerous government agencies and thousands of public and private employees are involved at all levels, from the main pipelines,
or backbones, hauling data over long distances to the cybercafes where many citizens access the Internet.

That breadth, the study finds, allows the filtering tools to adapt to emerging forms of communications, such as Web journals, or blogs.

"China has been more successful than any other country in the world to manage to filter the Internet despite the fast changes in technology," said John Palfrey,
one of the study's principal investigators and executive director of Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society.

979名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:29:41 ID:Aiy2BJE+

Saudi Arabia, for example, largely controls the Internet by having all traffic flow through a central agency, where it can be monitored.
Visitors trying to access a banned site get a message saying it has been blocked, Palfrey said.

"China is much more subtle than that," Palfrey said. "You don't know what you don't know. It's more effective than if you see it but know you can't access it."

With filters at multiple points, including some search engines, content is simply removed rather than replaced with a notice, he said.

Google Inc. has acknowledged its Chinese-language news service ? introduced on a test basis last fall ? leaves out results from government-banned sites, though the company says
that is done so users won't end up clicking on links that lead nowhere because of the Chinese filters.

Palfrey added that Chinese filtering methods are effective because they constantly change, keeping its users off-balance.

China, which has the world's second-largest population of Internet users behind the United States, promotes Internet use for business and education,
while trying to curb access to political dissent,
pornography and other topics the communist government deems sensitive. Many users do find ways around the controls ? for instance, using "proxy" servers that mask a site's true origin.

It is through similar proxy servers and long-distance calls that researchers outside China managed to test what users inside China see.
The researchers also employed volunteers inside the country to conduct more extensive testing.

980名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:32:34 ID:Aiy2BJE+

The researchers deployed software and physical equipment called packet sniffers to monitor the flow of traffic
and try to gauge where content gets dropped.
alfrey would not elaborate on techniques, other than to say many Internet systems have security flaws through which outsiders can sneak in software.

Funded by George Soros' Open Society Institute, the OpenNet Initiative is a collaboration of researchers at Harvard, the University of Cambridge
and the University of Toronto working on issues of Internet censorship and surveillance.

Their testing determined that:

_Though some dissidents complain that e-mail newsletters sent in bulk are sometimes blocked, individual messages tend not to get filtered.

_Much of the filtering occurs at the backbone, but individual Internet service providers sometimes deploy additional blocking. Cybercafes and
operators of discussion boards also control content proactively under threat of penalties.

_Filtering tends to be triggered by the appearance of certain keywords, rather than a visit to a specific domain name or numeric Internet address.
The keyword-based filters also allow blogs to keep people from completing posts containing banned topics.

"You can filter much more precisely at a keyword level," Palfrey said. "China wants to be able to enable its citizens to use the Internet
and grow its economy. Shutting down all blog servers doesn't seem like a great idea, but it doesn't want to let through all forms of political dissent."
981名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:35:57 ID:Aiy2BJE+

Two top GM executives ? product development chief Bob Lutz and manufacturing chief Gary Cowger ? have said recently the company should adopt a health care plan
that provides the same benefits for salaried and hourly workers.

GM's salaried workers pay 27 percent of their total health care costs, while the company's UAW-covered hourly workers pay 7 percent, according to GM. The average U.S.
corporate employee pays 32 percent of the cost of health care, GM said.

Merrill Lynch analyst John Casesa noted GM's health care costs when he downgraded the company's rating from neutral to sell last month. In a research note,
Casesa said GM had $73 billion in retiree health care liability at the end of last year and a ratio of 2.4 retirees to every active employee.

"Its liabilities for pensions and retiree health care costs have become an immense burden," Casesa said.

Gettelfinger has said the UAW recognizes that rising health care costs are a serious problem for automakers. But he also says the best solution is national health care reform,
not further bargaining.

Detroit-based GM may ask the UAW to reopen its contract and negotiate new health care benefits. The contract was last negotiated in 2003 and expires in 2007.

The automaker also may try to negotiate a deal similar to one recently reached between the UAW and DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group.
Under that agreement, which went into effect April 1,
roughly 35,000 Chrysler hourly workers and retirees now pay annual deductibles of between $100 and $1,000 for health care that previously was free.

982名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:41:09 ID:Aiy2BJE+
"If they choose not to organize, then it's obvious they don't want me to appear, and the reason for that has got to be political," DeLay said.
But on CBS-TV Wednesday, Gingrich disagreed. "DeLay's problem isn't with the Democrats," he said. "DeLay's problem is with the country."
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid accused DeLay of engineering the change in House ethics rules "to protect himself."
The rules change requires a majority vote on the ethics committee to launch an investigation. The committee is the only House panel
that has equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans, and prior to this year, a tie vote was enough to open an investigation.
DeLay has been admonished or warned by the committee five times, more than any other sitting member of Congress.
Republicans launched an effort to deflect the negative publicity about DeLay, a key strategist who helped build the GOP House majority.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters that President Bush has confidence in DeLay.
GOP lawmakers accused Democrats of focusing more
on scandal-mongering than legislation. "This is purely the Democrats' effort to distract because they don't have a message.
They don't have an agenda," Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said.
"We need to find ways to work things out," said Rep. Christopher Shays (news, bio, voting record), R-Conn.,
who criticized DeLay for dragging Republicans into a public-relations morass.
"It needs to be bipartisan."
The chairman of the Republican congressional campaign committee, Rep. Tom Reynolds,
R-N.Y., also said the ethics panel needs to get going. "Every other committee is up and running," he said.
But Reynolds, a DeLay ally, accused Democrats of prolonging the impasse so they could continue to make DeLay an issue.
983名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:44:37 ID:Aiy2BJE+
Political sources said among the frontrunners for the job were former minister Najib Mikatti and current minister Adnan Qassar,
both wealthy businessmen who are moderate politicians with good ties to Syria but acceptable to the opposition.
Caretaker Interior Minister Suleiman Franjieh warned that postponing the elections could lead to violence and called for the polls to be held on schedule.
"I'm for holding elections... It's not that important if we win or lose," he told reporters.
"If we don't reach the stage of an election that would reflect the public's will, then we might arrive at a situation... that would lead to violence."
Lebanese opposition leaders accuse pro-Syrian officials of trying to delay the vote, in which the opposition is expected to benefit from popular sympathy
after the killing of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri on February 14.
An opposition statement warned against delaying the polls, and said it could call for street protests
unless the government situation was resolved next week.
Anti-Syrian demonstrations in central Beirut over the past two months forced the government to resign and put pressure on Syria to pull out its troops.
Franjieh, a friend of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has been accused by some officials of foiling Karami's efforts to form a government
by insisting on the health ministry portfolio and another cabinet post for an ally.
But he strongly denied this and took a swipe at Lahoud.
"I will certainly not enter another government during the term of President Emile Lahoud," said Franjieh,
who like the president is a Maronite Christian. "Every experience I've had with the president has led me to disappointment."
Karami announced after his resignation on Wednesday that he was leaving a coalition of pro-Syrian politicians and groups.
984名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:47:18 ID:Aiy2BJE+

The kickbacks involved funds otherwise intended for humanitarian relief, Kelley said in a statement.
A criminal complaint also unsealed Thursday charged Tongsun Park, a South Korean citizen, with conspiracy to act in the United
States as an unregistered government agent for the Iraqi government's effort to create the oil-for-food program.
If convicted of the charges, Chalmers, Irving and Dionissiev each could face a maximum of 62 years in prison and a maximum fine of $1 million.
The defendants could also be forced to make restitution.
According to the indictment, the government seeks the forfeiture of at least $100 million in assets from the defendants.
Lawyers for the defendants could not immediately be identified to obtain comment.
On Jan. 18, an Iraqi-born American businessman accused of skimming money from the program pleaded guilty in New York to being an illegal agent of Saddam's government.
Samir A. Vincent, 64, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Annandale, Va., was the first person to be charged in the Justice Department's investigation.
The U.N. program, which was endorsed by the United States and begun in 1996, permitted Iraq to sell oil despite a stiff U.N.
economic embargo against Saddam's regime, provided the proceeds were used to buy food and medicine for Iraqi people suffering under the sanctions.
Among those who have come under fire in recent months over the handling of the program is U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan. Investigators
last month criticized Annan for not pressing to learn details of his son Kojo's employment by a Swiss company that won a contract under the oil-for-food program.

985名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:50:33 ID:Aiy2BJE+
After clearing the area, U.S. forces set off a third car that apparently failed to explode earlier, police said.
No one was injured in the last blast.
Interior Ministry official, Capt. Ahmed Ismael, said the first two blasts killed 18 and wounded 36.
One government worker said five garbage collectors he was supervising were among the dead.
Insurgents kept up attacks Thursday against Iraq's security forces, which the U.S. military says
must be able to impose a level of calm in the country before American troops can depart.
Gunmen hit police patrolling near the central Iraqi city of Baqouba, killing one officer and wounding three others,
Lt. Col. Muthafar al-Jubori said.
In the capital, attackers shot and killed 1st Lt. Firas Hussein as he made his way to work at Iraq's intelligence service,
police Maj. Mousa Abdul Karim said.
In Kirkuk, seven gunmen riding in two vehicles fired on the police station just south of Kirkuk shortly after dawn,
killing five police officers and one civilian, police Brig. Sarhat Qadir said.
Militant group Ansar al-Sunnah claimed responsibility for the attack, saying in an Internet posting t
hat its "knights of Islam" attacked "renegade policemen doing their morning training.
" The claim couldn't be independently verified.
Ansar al-Sunnah also said it had teamed up with al-Zarqawi's Al-Qaida in Iraq for an attack earlier this week in Kirkuk
? an unusual mention of cooperation among Iraq's disparate and sometimes competing militant groups.
The Web posting said the Wednesday explosive device that killed 12 police was composed of three bombs
buried under a decoy device ? a lure to draw policemen to the blast site.
986名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:52:48 ID:Aiy2BJE+
The fuel will remain in the tank until the practice launch countdown ends at the 31-second mark, in late afternoon.
Then it will be drained for future use; about half the fuel dissipates into the air.
The last time NASA conducted such a test was in 1998, also on Discovery. The test does not include any firing of the engines.
NASA wants to see how Discovery's newly redesigned tank reacts to the cryogenic fuel, and where any ice or frost forms on the exterior.
Engineers are especially interested in the areas of the tank where foam insulation was removed or applied differently, to avoid large chunks from breaking off during launch.
A 1.67-pound piece of foam brought down Columbia in 2003, striking the ship's left wing at more than 500 mph at liftoff and letting in the searing atmospheric gases of re-entry two weeks later.
The wing melted from the inside out, and the spacecraft shattered over Texas, killing all seven aboard.
Discovery is scheduled to blast off no earlier than May 15, on a delivery and repair mission to the international space station that is considered a test flight.
Shuttle managers plan to reassess the launch date soon,
in light of all the delays in getting Discovery to the pad.
The latest snag was a 1 1/2-inch-long hairline crack found in the tank's foam right before the shuttle was moved to the launch pad last week.
Engineers believe there is no need to repair the crack,
which is located on the side of the tank opposite the shuttle, and say that even if a piece of foam did come off there, it would not strike the ship.
987名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 00:57:00 ID:Aiy2BJE+
NEW YORK (AP) -- The NHL and the players' association will return to the bargaining table next Tuesday, a source close to the negotiations said Wednesday.
The sides will get back together in New York for the first time since a seven-hour meeting on April 4,
the source told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
It is expected that a new idea will be on the table during this next round of talks that could help bridge the divide on whether player costs should be linked to league revenues.
The NHL has maintained that it prefers a direct relationship that ties player costs to league revenues, while the union has mostly rejected that idea.
This new,mixed plan would appear to incorporate elements from both concepts.
Two ``de-linked'' proposals have made by the NHL, and both were pulled back.
The next meeting will take place one day before the NHL board of governors convenes Wednesday to get a labor update and to discuss further the possible use of replacement players
should an agreement not be reached with the union.
The topic first came up when the board met March 1 in New York -- two weeks after commissioner Gary Bettman
canceled the 2004-05 season because of the lockout that started seven months ago.
On March 17, the NHL made two proposals -- one containing a link between player costs and league revenues, and another without the relationship.
But the ``de-linked'' offer had a short shelf life, and the deadline for the union to accept that kind of deal expired last Friday.
The latest unlinked proposal set each team's salary cap at $37.5 million. The linkage offer limited player costs to 54 percent of the league's revenues.
On Wednesday, the players' association also set up its annual membership meeting to be held May 25-26 in Toronto.
988名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:00:12 ID:Aiy2BJE+
Lighters haven't been permitted in checked bags for at least 30 years because they might start fires in cargo holds.
Congress passed a bill last year adding lighters to the list of items prohibited in the cabin.
The genesis for the ban was Richard Reid, who tried unsuccessfully to light explosives hidden in his shoes on a trans-Atlantic flight in 2001.
He used matches.
The sponsors of the ban, Democratic Sens. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and Ron Wyden of Oregon, worried that a lighter might have worked.
"This is a commonsense step to protect passengers in the face of a proven threat," Wyden said.
Mark Peterson, a Sioux Falls, S.D., appraiser who was grabbing a smoke outside Reagan Washington National Airport on Wednesday,
wondered why it took so long.
"It's been 3 1/2 years since 9/11 and they've finally figured it out," Peterson said.
The ban does not include matches. Passengers still may carry aboard a plane up to four books of safety matches.
Not allowed on planes are "strike anywhere" matches, which can be struck using any abrasive surface.
David Stempler, president of the Air Travelers Association, said the lighter ban is long overdue.
But he said matches ought to be included, too.
"The problem with the TSA on the matches is the inability to detect them," Stempler said.
Kevin Mitchell, president of the Business Travel Coalition, said the ban on lighters amounted to "silliness in the extreme."
989名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:08:09 ID:g+yowwMv
990名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:19:37 ID:Aiy2BJE+
After eight years of failed efforts by banks and credit card companies, the biggest overhaul of bankruptcy laws in a quarter-century was catapulted toward enactment
by a Republican majority strengthened by the fall elections. The legislation, which garnered some Democratic votes, cleared the Senate last month 74-25.
After only a few hours of debate, the House was voting on the bill, which would require people with incomes above a certain level to pay credit-card charges,
medical bills and other obligations under a court-ordered bankruptcy plan.
President Bush has said he will sign the bill into law. It marks a second victory for Bush this year on pro-business legislation.
Opponents say the change would fall especially hard on low-income working people, single mothers, minorities and the elderly and would remove a safety net for those
who have lost their jobs or face crushing medical bills.
The legislation "protects the credit industry at the expense of the consumer," Rep. Alcee Hastings (news, bio, voting record), D-Fla., declared in debate on the House floor.
"It will drive more Americans deeper into financial crisis and weaken the nation's economy and social structure."
Backers in Congress and the financial services industry argue that bankruptcy frequently is the last refuge of gamblers, impulsive shoppers,
divorced or separated fathers avoiding child support, and multimillionaires ? often celebrities ? who buy mansions in states with liberal homestead exemptions to shelter assets
from creditors.
Between 30,000 and 210,000 people ? from 3.5 percent to 20 percent of those who dissolve their debts in bankruptcy each year in exchange for forfeiting some assets ?
991名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:22:54 ID:Aiy2BJE+
"With solid control of both houses of Congress and the White House, the Republican leadership thinks they're free to show their true colors
? taking from the middle class and giving to the wealthy and corporations," said Tom Matzzie, the Washington director of MoveOn's political action committee.
"But we're going to call the Republican agenda what it truly is: a war on the middle class."
New personal bankruptcy filings declined to 1,599,986 from 1,613,097 in the year ending last June 30, breaking an upward trend of recent years.
Banks, credit card issuers and retailers have lobbied vigorously for bankruptcy revisions that would force more people to repay at least part of their debt.
Such a bill nearly passed in 2002. It failed when the Senate accepted, but House Republicans rejected, a Democratic amendment barring anti-abortion protesters
from using bankruptcy to avoid paying court fines for blocking abortion clinics.
The bill creates a test for measuring a debtor's ability to pay.
Those with insufficient assets or income could still file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which if approved by a
judge erases debts entirely after certain assets are forfeited.
Those with income above the state's median income who can pay at least $6,000 over
five years ? $100 a month ? would be forced into Chapter 13, where a judge would then order a repayment plan.
Critics say that's unfair because many people who file for bankruptcy have lost their jobs, or are going to lose them.
Under the current system, a federal bankruptcy judge determines under which chapter of the bankruptcy code a
person falls ? whether they have to repay some or all of their debt
992名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:25:01 ID:Aiy2BJE+
The court left the door open for state legislators to craft an alternative to gay marriages, such as civil unions.
"We conclude that Oregon law currently places the regulation of marriage exclusively within the province of the state's legislative power," the court said.
Members of the Legislature have been awaiting the ruling to give them guidance on how to proceed on the issue.
A day earlier, Gov. Ted Kulongoski said he will push for a law allowing gay couples to form civil unions that would give them many of the rights available to married couples.
Multnomah County began issuing marriages to gay couples last April, arguing that not doing so violated the state Constitution.
A judge ordered the practice to cease about six weeks later,
but not before nearly 3,000 same-sex couples had wed.
Vermont is the first and still the only state to offer civil unions to gays, passing a law in 2000. Massachusetts has allowed gay marriage since last May.
Both those changes came about after court rulings.
Kulongoski's backing of a civil unions law expands on his announcement in January that he would support legislation extending anti-discrimination protections to gays.
"As I stated in January, we face a great moral challenge to make sure opportunity is an open door through which every citizen can pass ? not a revolving door
which turns for some and doesn't budge for others," he said.
The state's leading gay rights group, Basic Rights Oregon, praised the governor's decision to move ahead on civil unions legislation.
993名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:27:43 ID:Aiy2BJE+
The push comes amid high gas prices - the nationwide average was $2.26 a gallon for regular unleaded, AAA said this week - and as states struggle to meet federal clean-air requirements.
Failing to curb pollution can be costly, says Bedwell, who estimates businesses in the Tampa area alone could incur added pollution-control costs of $40 million a year if the region no longer meets air standards.
In California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vowed to build "a hydrogen highway to take us to the environmental future" and is using $90 million
in state and private funds to build 200 hydrogen fueling stations by 2010.
And in New York, Gov. George Pataki has said his state would lease two hydrogen fuel-cell cars made by Honda. Pataki, who cites hydrogen vehicles' potential "to revolutionize the transportation
and energy industries," has committed $1.4 million to fund the use of fuel-cell cars, construct a hydrogen fueling station and convert some state vehicles to burn hydrogen as fuel.
In fuel-cell vehicles, hydrogen is used to make electricity to run a motor. Hydrogen can also be used to run modified internal combustion engines, but the pollution reduction is far less.
By staying out front in the hydrogen race, states can attract federal money and high-tech companies
that are developing what could be a lucrative technology. "The competition is getting stiff," says Shannon Baxter-Clemmons,
a hydrogen adviser to the head of the California Environmental Protection Agency. "If we are going to sustain our leadership, we need a program that will help us do that."
But the technology faces several hurdles before Americans cruise the highways in cars fueled by hydrogen. Chief among them are producing hydrogen cheaply
without reliance on polluting fossil fuels and reducing the cost of fuel-cell vehicles so they're competitive with conventional cars and trucks.
994名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:30:41 ID:Aiy2BJE+
A spokeswoman at Polo Ralph Lauren, which is headquartered in New York, said "we have no comment at the moment" on the report. She asked that her name not be used.
In morning trading, Polo Ralph Lauren shares dropped 38 cents, or 1 percent, to $38.08 on the New York Stock Exchange.
It was unclear how many other cards might be at risk, but both Visa USA Inc. and MasterCard ? the nation's largest credit card associations ? were reported to be dealing with Polo Ralph Lauren on the matter.
MasterCard said in a statement that it was informed of a possible security breach "of transaction data associated with a U.S.-based retailer" in January 2005 and had launched an investigation immediately.
The statement said banks that are members of the card association were notified.
"Investigations into this incident by MasterCard, law enforcement and other parties are ongoing," the statement said.
There was no immediate comment from Visa USA.
In response to a reporter's query, Citigroup Inc., the nation's largest financial institution, confirmed that it currently was "notifying some customers who we think may be at risk." The New York-based bank said
it takes "appropriate action" when notified by Visa or MasterCard of potential security breaches, but gave no other details.
It was the latest in a series of data thefts that have increased public concern about the security of their personal information.
ChoicePoint Inc., which is based in suburban Atlanta, disclosed in February that thieves, who operated undetected for more than a year,
opened up 50 accounts and received vast amounts of data on some 145,000 consumers nationwide.
Authorities said some 750 people were defrauded.
995名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:45:08 ID:Aiy2BJE+
Tass, one of the few foreign news organizations with a reporter based in the communist state, said Kim Yong-nam in an address to the Supreme People's Assembly.
"We will continue to expand our atomic forces as long as the United States conducts policies to isolate and suffocate (North Korea)," Tass quoted Kim as saying in an hour-long speech.
Kim, who ranks second behind top leader Kim Jong-il, is the highest-ranking North Korean official to state Pyongyang's intention to boost its nuclear arsenal.
Statements in the reclusive state's official media had previously spoken of a decision to strengthen its "nuclear deterrent" to counter what it called the U.S. hostile intent.
Kim also called on North Koreans to "strengthen the unity of the army and the people, to strengthen our ideological position and to protect the state from the imperialists."
"If war starts on the Korean peninsula we will destroy any aggressor," Kim said.
The Assembly gathered to mark the "Day of the Sun," as North Korea calls the anniversary of the birth of its founder Kim Il-sung, the late father of current leader Kim Jong-il.
On Feb. 10, North Korea said it possessed nuclear weapons and was dropping out of six-party talks aimed at ending its atomic ambitions. It blamed U.S. hostility for the decision to pull out.
About six weeks later, the North said it was forced to increase its nuclear arsenal because it saw the U.S. military as a serious threat.
U.S. officials have repeatedly said Washington has no plans to invade the North.
The two Koreas, the United States, Japan, China and Russia met for three inconclusive rounds of nuclear talks up to the middle of 2004. A planned fourth round never took place.
996名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:47:30 ID:Aiy2BJE+
She said Jackson spoke to her family "in a very male voice" in a Miami hotel room, and told them "that he loves us, that he cares about us, we're family.
... That we were in the back of the line, now we're in the front of the line, that he's going to protect us from those killers."
Later she said of Jackson and his associates: "And you know what? They ended up being the killers."
She also testified that she saw Jackson lick her son's head during a February 2003 flight from Miami to California on a private jet. Asked
about the event, she turned to jurors and pleaded, "Please don't judge me."
"Everyone was asleep. I had not slept for so long," she said. "I got up. I figured this was my chance to figure out what was going on back there.
And that's when I saw Michael licking (the boy's) head."
She sobbed, pounded her chest and said, "I thought I was seeing things. I thought it was me."
Jurors were in a jovial mood as they returned from a break after the testimony. Several were smiling or laughing,
and an alternate stuck his tongue out at a juror as he passed her on the way to his seat. There was no way of knowing the nature of their jokes.
During more than four hours of testimony, defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. did not make a single objection. Prosecutor Ron Zonen, however,
instructed the witness several times to answer his questions briefly instead of offering lengthy, sometimes off-topic answers.
997名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:50:03 ID:Aiy2BJE+
Giambi lined a two-run homer off Schilling to break a sixth-inning tie, and Rivera shut down the Red Sox in the ninth for his second save of the season to lead the New York Yankees
to 5-2 win at Boston on Wednesday night.
"I've been working hard. It's starting to pay off," said Giambi, who hit .208 last year and was batting .190 this season. "I'm happy with the way everything has been going so far.
I think it definitely felt good making a difference in a game. That's what I came here to do."
Rivera received a standing ovation from Boston fans who remember him blowing four consecutive saves against the Red Sox, including Games 4 and 5 of the AL championship series
and twice in New York last week.
"I don't know if they're happy to see me come in," he said. "They're just being sarcastic. I've been struggling against them."
Schilling, making his first start since Game 2 of the World Series, gave up five runs and five hits, walked one and struck out five in 5 2-3 innings. He left the game
after giving up a solo homer to Bernie Williams one out after Giambi's shot.
"It's a loss," Schilling said, dismissing the suggestion that he would be happy to come out of the game healthy. "These count. I get paid to win, period. I don't take positives out of these."
In other AL games, it was: Seattle 2, Kansas City 1; Baltimore 5, Tampa Bay 1; Minnesota 8, Detroit 4; the Chicago White Sox 5, Cleveland 4, 10 innings; Texas 7, Los Angeles 5; and Oakland 6, Toronto 3.
Giambi struggled last year due to an intestinal parasite, and offseason reports claimed he admitted, during grand jury testimony in 2003, that he used steroids.
With Red Sox fans distracted by the team handing out their World Series rings and raising the championship banner in the opener Monday, Giambi was spared the expected heckling.
998名無しさん@どっと混む:2005/04/15(金) 01:53:05 ID:Aiy2BJE+
The security breach was reported in Thursday's editions of The Wall Street Journal, which quoted "people with knowledge of the matter" as saying the data was stolen at Polo Ralph Lauren.
A spokeswoman at Polo Ralph Lauren, which is headquartered in New York, said "we have no comment at the moment" on the report. She asked that her name not be used.
In morning trading, Polo Ralph Lauren shares dropped 38 cents, or 1 percent, to $38.08 on the New York Stock Exchange.
It was unclear how many other cards might be at risk, but both Visa USA Inc. and MasterCard ? the nation's largest credit card associations ? were reported to be dealing with Polo Ralph Lauren on the matter.
MasterCard said in a statement that it was informed of a possible security breach "of transaction data associated with a U.S.-based retailer" in January 2005 and had launched an investigation immediately.
The statement said banks that are members of the card association were notified.
"Investigations into this incident by MasterCard, law enforcement and other parties are ongoing," the statement said.
There was no immediate comment from Visa USA.
In response to a reporter's query, Citigroup Inc., the nation's largest financial institution, confirmed that it currently was "notifying some customers
who we think may be at risk." The New York-based bank said it takes "appropriate action"
when notified by Visa or MasterCard of potential security breaches, but gave no other details.
It was the latest in a series of data thefts that have increased public concern about the security of their personal information.
ChoicePoint Inc., which is based in suburban Atlanta, disclosed in February that thieves, who operated undetected for more than a year, opened up 50 accounts and received vast
amounts of data on some 145,000 consumers nationwide. Authorities said some 750 people were defrauded.
WASHINGTON - Frustrated by the Bush administration's air pollution policies, Democratic Sen. Thomas Carper (news, bio, voting record) plans to block the Senate from confirming President Bush's nominee to
become administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
The Delaware senator is "going to place a hold on the nomination of Stephen Johnson to be head of the EPA," Carper's spokesman, Bill Ghent, said Thursday.
All senators have the power to hold up the confirmation of a nominee.
Carper has complained about what he describes as stonewalling by the White House and EPA over data requested during the past several years on various legislative proposals aimed at cutting pollution
from power plants.
At a meeting Wednesday of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Carper was the lone senator to vote against Johnson. The committee voted 17-1 to advance his nomination to the full Senate.
Carper said he believed Johnson, a career EPA employee for about 25 years and the first person with a science background to be nominated the lead the agency, would be "a very good administrator" ?
if the White House didn't interfere with him politically.
"I believe if Steve Johnson is to be an effective administrator, he needs to be unfettered by this administration," Carper said. "To get the right legislation, we need to get good, timely technical data."
After the meeting, Carper said EPA and other federal agencies traditionally provide unbiased scientific information on legislation whenever Congress asks for it.