This is a thread to announce your new finding about Schizophrenia in English. When you quote from books, papers or web pages, you must use quotation marks and show the title, writer’s name or web address. This thread is just in proper English typed by you. You must ignore other languages, picture writing and improper utterances.
Should I tell you just unpopular facts? I think we, 2 channelers, can enjoy announcing both very common and up-to-date facts. Let’s enjoy sharing our information about Schizophrenia! I wonder if someone uses web-translators and copy the result. Don’t do it. Type your words or quote someone’s works with quotation marks.
The homepages of Medical Center at University of Pittsburgh insists, “The cause of schizophrenia is unknown. Problems with brain structure and chemistry are thought to play a role. There also appears to be a genetic component”. This is well-known fact now, but when I went to a mental hospital for the first time, I believed the reason of developing schizophrenia is completely getting mental fault like neurosis. Now, chemical problem in the brain of patients may be the strong cause of schizophrenia I mostly believe.