【English】英語で会話するスレ@アメリカ板 Part1
I scored 400 on TOEIC ヽ(´ー`)ノ
i want to be bilingual to buy at ebay.
ebay is more useful than yahoo auction.
it make us luxury.....
303 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/18(火) 22:07:44 ID:QSX0D9zm
>>302 十分英語力あるじゃねーか
304 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/18(火) 23:41:09 ID:PdJr1Dkc
>>303 oh man....what are u talking about??
i dont get ya
305 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/18(火) 23:44:19 ID:yVnAnIrg
>>304 Look at that smartass!!!
306 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/19(水) 00:10:13 ID:AexkXkZR
>>305 yea LOL
or we could call him "full of shit"
307 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/19(水) 08:08:10 ID:vEUN6ABf
>>306 for some reason you seem to be
>>304 is that just my imagination?
308 :
非外国人:2011/01/19(水) 22:23:49 ID:zuhXa1Lc
BBC announced by mistake the airplane crash agaist WTC
already 20 minutes before that really happened.
I saw this content at some other 2ch thread.
People call it 'flying'.
Do you guys know why this fact has showed up long afterward ?
309 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/01/19(水) 22:32:12 ID:vEUN6ABf
well...i know some reasons that happened
but can you tell me your opinion first?
310 :
非外国人:2011/01/19(水) 22:37:46 ID:zuhXa1Lc
I actually don't have any idea.
is it fact?
313 :
非外国人:2011/01/25(火) 19:32:43 ID:7CywDE26
911is choreographed and
media is manipulated.
wanna party?
this will be fallen in dat soon...
316 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/02/07(月) 22:59:54 ID:MIYfd4Ge
Fucking Americans!
Fuckin JAP
318 :
(´∀`):2011/02/10(木) 03:04:32 ID:cvhgtvd+
Get the fuck out of japan, scum
319 :
【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k :2011/02/10(木) 14:08:39 ID:inIs2UML
320 :
【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k :2011/02/10(木) 14:10:53 ID:inIs2UML
hi guys w
>>319 >>320 I know you, bitch
You always come to the thread "Chat in English", huh?
322 :
【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k :2011/02/10(木) 16:33:01 ID:V4uxHu85
>>321 I really want to speak Japanese w
See you soon.
324 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/02/21(月) 18:52:57.40 ID:Lk5gjq+S
325 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/02/22(火) 18:18:58.88 ID:tozQBP5X
326 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/02/22(火) 18:50:08.28 ID:tozQBP5X
327 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/02/22(火) 23:53:13.78 ID:ufCJZ0lS
My mother is my father.
329 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/03/10(木) 07:39:33.66 ID:Yv9v/k6u
330 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/03/12(土) 09:30:04.47 ID:zcRv/uo1
331 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/03/12(土) 10:32:34.00 ID:Ej+BvRWS
Please notice us if you find your Jewish friends evacuate the Tokyo metropolitan area,
because a huge earthquake may hit Tokyo and they may already have that info through their network.
When the 9/11 attack occurred, thousands of Jewish people then working at WTC,
for some reason, escaped that tragedy. Please spread this story on the web to avoid another terror over Japan
335 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/04/07(木) 20:27:48.23 ID:WbxTjh5R
How do you do ?
Hum. I want to quit 2ch.(2ちゃんやめたい?)
PIease teach me.
336 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/04/16(土) 03:48:54.87 ID:EXRGlLKJ
I don't speak no stinkin' Japanese.
Speak English.
If you are successful help other people.
Do you have your game plan? You can't just sitting on the couch and waiting opportunity to come around. Life is unfair.
Definitely unfair.
It was good talking to you guys!!
hello americans i love bush and manko
I have been to America for one week.
Hello Folks!
Whats manko?
it's vagina
345 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/07/29(金) 22:22:38.83 ID:RlAKYE53
A Japanese actor posted on twitter about the lewd activities of a TV
>production company called "Fuji TV", which broadcasts Korean Television
>that most Japanese people do not want to watch. It is known that
>"Fuji TV" takes musicians and various other talents into Korea, and
>presents them as the "Number 1 hit of Japan", to gain the popularity
>for the certain talents and selfishly raise the money for themselves.
>The Japanese actor presented this information on twitter, and immediately gained
>an immense amount of followers, and then comment threads on the popular
>Japanese forum "2 Channel" started to formulate on the subject. Because
>of this very fast increase in the subject, the Japanese actor got fired
>from his own agency, "Stardust Promotion". The Japanese actor calls
>to action all of the Japanese and follwers to look at the actions
>of the unfair people of this world, and states that it is now time
>to stand up, and fight for our own heritage.
346 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/07/29(金) 22:53:49.07 ID:RlAKYE53
A Japanese actor posted on twitter about the lewd activities of a TV
production company called "Fuji TV", which broadcasts Korean Television
that most Japanese people do not want to watch. It is known that
"Fuji TV" takes musicians and various other talents into Korea, and
presents them as the "Number 1 hit of Japan", to gain the popularity
for the certain talents and selfishly raise the money for themselves.
The Japanese actor presented this information on twitter, and immediately
an immense amount of followers, and then comment threads on the popular
Japanese forum "2 Channel" started to formulate on the subject. Because
of this very fast increase in the subject, the Japanese actor got fired
from his own agency, "Stardust Promotion". The Japanese actor calls
to action all of the Japanese and follwers to look at the actions
of the unfair people of this world, and states that it is now time
to stand up, and fight for our own heritage.
I'm looking for a person who to teach Japanese.
351 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/08/16(火) 21:09:28.96 ID:eehIl5YT
I can speak Japanese like you
352 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/08/19(金) 02:58:00.47 ID:0/n6oAUz
353 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/08/19(金) 21:00:21.71 ID:CjHcNQDk
( ・⊇・)Are you Chinese?
( `ハ´)「Yes」 ←Chinese
( ´∀`)「No」 ←Japanese
<丶`Д´>「No」 ←Korean
( ・⊇・)Are you Japanese?
( `ハ´)「Yes」
( ´∀`)「Yes」
( ・⊇・)Are you Korean?
(# `ハ´)「No!」
( ´Д`)「No…」
ファビョ━ l|l l|l ━ン!.
(( ∩# `田´> 「No !!!!!!」
〉 つ ))
(,,フ .ノ
354 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/08/27(土) 03:26:18.48 ID:9eUdu6L/
I have a headache
Do not eat foods from Japan
Do not import foods from Japan
Japan is full of frauds
Do not believe even Japanese government
356 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/08/30(火) 00:47:25.36 ID:ano3Dijc
>>355 Nobody belives you.^^
357 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/01(木) 23:41:05.59 ID:jtrSLCtu
Возраст в гегемонии США в мире. Сейчас самое время в России.
358 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/01(木) 23:42:20.70 ID:jtrSLCtu
Давайте говорить на русском!
361 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/04(日) 16:28:37.75 ID:vZjCG9x4
I will have gone to America by next week.
because of to study English.
proverbly,I will have lived for two years.
363 :
にょろ〜ん♂:2011/09/05(月) 15:07:36.56 ID:3uEsYodA
It is very difficult to distinguish the pronunciation
between "holiday" and "whole day", isn't it ?
>>361 I think ur English is unnatural n check out the spell,too.
>>363 I dont think so. You can distinguish it by the pronunciation of "i" or "o".
anyone can dance with me?
366 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/05(月) 21:52:30.09 ID:1t5BSrnR
>>364 Thank you for answer .
So do I.
But I do not have the place where is to practice English.
>>366 Yeah me too. After all, we have to go abroad maybe.
368 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/06(火) 11:46:18.58 ID:byqnFGNE
fuck off damn it!
369 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/06(火) 22:29:00.16 ID:YJ9JRUph
I do not foget the bad past.
do you have good idea?
Please teach me...
You have no choice cuz it is ur attribute, but be positive for everything asap.
371 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/07(水) 03:54:00.37 ID:bZzbjX84
I have one day when I go to America.
I will have gone to Amrica after tomorrow at 3:00.
If I were very positive I would not go to America...
I would not quite school...
do you think the life is "it is no use crying over splite milk"dont you?
I would like to be positive.
I am very tired my life.
But I can not die.
18(ci-pal) means 'be about to f*ck' or 'will bang a pussy hole.'
And also it includes 'damn it' and number 18(it sounds like number 18).
374 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/09/19(月) 17:04:38.61 ID:f6QLJ1W5
Now I had this thread bookmarked even though I didn't read it at all.
Then I will read it from the start.
what is the purpose of this thered?
trying to laugh at our poor engrish?
May i join in this conversation? If i use wrong English, please let me know.
Watcha doing?
380 :
びーどっと ◆00ZxoSEUZs :2011/11/22(火) 17:48:32.89 ID:ga76Rug9 BE:2312572649-DIA(120223)
381 :
忍法帖【Lv=26,xxxPT】 四貫谷(しぬきや) ◆ZIRIKI/H26 :2011/11/22(火) 17:48:43.32 ID:/vmbcFKK
any foreigners?
382 :
びーどっと ◆00ZxoSEUZs :2011/11/22(火) 17:51:29.29 ID:ga76Rug9 BE:2569524858-DIA(120223)
>>381 ノーイットイズント!アイアムチンポ!!!!!!!
383 :
ダヴワイズ ◆lWS29eu2o. :2011/11/22(火) 17:51:33.46 ID:wS3FKHRw
>>383 ハロウダーリンwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Omanman peropero.
387 :
ダヴワイズ ◆lWS29eu2o. :2011/11/22(火) 17:55:07.85 ID:wS3FKHRw
388 :
びーどっと ◆00ZxoSEUZs :2011/11/22(火) 17:56:39.86 ID:ga76Rug9 BE:2312571694-DIA(120223)
>>386 アイアムチンポ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>386 ハロウミスターフォウバレーwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
>>388 who's dick is it??
elderly diabetic fat shit?lol
oh wowXD
BE-POINT please (sincerely)
392 :
びーどっと ◆00ZxoSEUZs :2011/11/22(火) 18:04:06.95 ID:ga76Rug9 BE:3147667477-DIA(120223)
393 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/11/22(火) 18:05:52.80 ID:BDcV3lOY
You all have terrible English.
>>393 Urusele bukko rosuzo.
dang, you stay like that and that's fine.
someone please fix my shitty biddy.
397 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/12/24(土) 17:53:42.83 ID:cpoRvBej
Suck my fuckin dick bitches
399 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2011/12/30(金) 13:31:05.86 ID:pwyFxM9W
, -――- 、
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400 :
なまの外国語音声DB:2012/01/19(木) 12:22:29.24 ID:rz1d7rHa
ttp://lang。alpha-lab。info/ 新規投稿 lang。alpha-lab。info/create.aspx