Let's talk with Jim-san in uraidol. [転載禁止]©2ch.net

2Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net:2015/02/13(金) 08:36:41.66 ID:???*
3裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/13(金) 09:07:02.82 ID:9bZ44Thk0

Is uraidol board no rule,no limit like anarchy board ? I hope so.
4Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net:2015/02/13(金) 16:45:01.71 ID:???*
Of course there are rules here.
Please consider that you are talking
about and with young ladies.
Be a gentleman. If you have a naughty
thing to post. Please post to the
5裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/14(土) 00:23:44.70 ID:iA4hsDo50

Board Name 乃木坂46
Board Address http://peace.2ch.net/nogizaka/


Change board setting.

6裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/14(土) 17:18:50.43 ID:HeGSCUZM0



乃木坂46板 名無し・県名・転載禁止投票スレッド [転載禁止](c)2ch.net


乃木坂46 自治スレッド2
7裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/14(土) 18:09:35.41 ID:1aZ8tEZT0
Let's change the name of the board.
"裏アイドル板" name can not be understood by the Japanese.
Let naming the "新ローカルアイドル板".
8Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net:2015/02/14(土) 20:07:26.94 ID:???*
A Japanese idol fan chose that name.
Are you sure it is not proper Japanese?
Anyway we can do what we want here.
It is a new board. I am watching what people
post, and if it seems like a good idea,
and not a lot of complaints after it has been posted
a while. I will make the changes.
9裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/14(土) 21:09:45.78 ID:lM+WUVmB0
I don't think 裏アイドル is a proper Japanese phrase, either.
For many Japanese, it will probably be associated with 裏社会(underground community) or 裏ビデオ(illegal porn videos).

Very bad impression.
10Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net:2015/02/15(日) 09:44:39.00 ID:???*
Please see Debut. That is for the area
you are looking for.
I look at the translation this way.
Underground is the word they are looking
for. Ura is the romanj. It is not porn.
Translations of 裏
バック, 裏面, 裏, 背中, 後ろ, 背後
後, 後部, 後ろ, 背後, 後列, 裏
reverse side

底, 裏, 足下, 蹄鉄, 鰈
last half


内部, 内側, 内面, 内方, 内輪, 裏
wrong side

裏地, 裏打ち, 内張り, 裏, 裏付け, 裏付
手のひら, 掌, 裏
11裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/15(日) 16:00:10.39 ID:Y5BV20O70
12裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/15(日) 18:32:19.47 ID:vqgB0DUH0
Of course, there are many Japanese words including Ura- prefix without bad connotation.
For example, ura-bangumi(裏番組), ura-waza(裏技), ura-nihon(裏日本), ... etc. are words everyone use without hesitation.
But ura-prefix means 'illegal' in many recentlly coined words such as ura-video(裏ビデオ), ura-DVD(裏DVD),
ura-SLOT(裏スロット), ura-ROM(裏ロム), ura-kinyu(裏金融) or ura-baito(裏バイト)
So, many Japanese will think it something illegal when we come across an unfamiliar word including ura-prefix
I am afraid "Ura-idols"「裏アイドル」 are probablly regarded as idols with illegal sexual services, or idols for underground community.

If you intend to build a board for underground information about idols; like rumors, insider inforation, or hidden rare information,
"Idol Ura-info"「アイドル裏情報」would be better for board title.
Or "Idol (Ura)"「アイドル(裏)」 could be OK with some explanation.

If you intend to build a board for underground, non-major idols, then
"Chika Idol"「地下アイドル」, "Local Idol" 「ローカルアイドル」, or "Minor Idol"「マイナーアイドル」 is better.

But I guess the proposer in akb board just wanted "Ura (=secondary) AKB board"「裏・地下アイドル」.
13裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/15(日) 18:49:25.54 ID:vqgB0DUH0
I found a post by the proposer.
He thinks the board name must be changed,
because no one will come here if it is the current one.


(in hiragana)

uraidol いた の はつあんしゃ です。

フォルダ めい: uraidol
いた めい: AKBサロン

として しんせい をしました。

げんざい の いためい では ひと が まったく こないので
Jimさんに へんこう して もらう ひつよう が ありますね。
14 ◆IPf3SNpHV4eu :2015/02/15(日) 20:07:47.64 ID:avA4Ig420
Sorry for my poor English.
I am a proponent of uraidol board.
uraidol board I was proposed as a folder name.

Board name of uraidol board had assumed the "AKBサロン板" "AKBメンバー個人板".
Is discussion thread.

"裏アイドル" this word does not exist in Japanese.
Is it better to change the name of the board.

Another is proposed.
board sdn http://hope.2ch.net/sdn/
SDN is idol that were once active in the AKB theater.
SDN was disbanded in 2012.
Range of topics is very narrow. I want to expand the range of topics.

"uraidol board" "sdn board" and hopes to change the name of the board.
Please the Jim-san allowed.
15Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net:2015/02/15(日) 20:35:37.46 ID:???*
I thought so too. Uraidol should have
been on Pink Channel. That was my suggestion.
Sometimes I just listen to the crowds.
Well, I don't expect it to be a big board.
I guess this is the board for those girls
that are real underground idols. That want
to be an idol. Beginner idols. G rated 女神。
16裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/15(日) 22:18:11.91 ID:vqgB0DUH0
Ummmm. Japanese native speakers can't talk about G-rated angels on '裏アイドル' board.

If you can't change the URL,
I suggest to change the board name to 'うら若きアイドル'(Ura-wakaki idol).
'Ura-wakaki' means 'young and fresh', 
and 'Ura-wakaki idol' could possibly be abbreviated to 'uraidol.'
Note that 'ura' must be written in hiragana, not in kanji.

It's a little far-fetched solution.
17 ◆IPf3SNpHV4eu :2015/02/16(月) 00:39:10.46 ID:l1Bol+D40
Good Evening, Jim-san.
As a result of discussions

Changes of board name
board uraidol http://yomogi.2ch.net/uraidol/
current BBS_TITLE=裏アイドル
new BBS_TITLE=AKBサロン・裏アイドル

board sdn http://hope.2ch.net/sdn/
current BBS_TITLE=SDN48
new BBS_TITLE=AKB48Gメンバー個別

User can immediately understand usage of board.
18裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 01:37:35.46 ID:Dr8QbYRe0

It is not announced about those discussions(>>17).

もう おわりましょう だいじょうぶ です
19裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 06:38:28.24 ID:2/yvRIG90

It isn't discussed, so even if it's made, no one follows.
20裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 07:26:49.92 ID:d5rjhM170
There are also many opposite opinions.
A discussion has not ended.
21裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 15:15:47.21 ID:r4Pg5yAN0
22裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 16:25:47.90 ID:1IQLmtGf0
23裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 17:34:05.37 ID:ozXEmzIn0
AKBの 新しい板のエントリーはちかアイドル板の住人じゃあ無い奴らが勝手やってることです

stop please!
24裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 18:05:25.00 ID:Dr8QbYRe0
25裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 18:42:11.06 ID:mJI3lU4D0
Oppose to make a new AKB48's board.
26裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 18:50:20.83 ID:ozXEmzIn0
JIM san

【重要】 AKB新板が設立されることが決定したので板名を考案するスレ

Many people are saying NO to a new board.
27裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 19:31:39.71 ID:7pecSTo00
Jim-san, you did a excellent job that made a new board.
We had got the Comfortable Board. This is 'A Chika Idol Board''/地下アイドル板 (Chikaaidoru-ita). Because you made a Nogizaka46 Board.
''A Chika Idol Board''/地下アイドル板 (Chikaaidoru-ita) became awesome place. Does not disappear thread for 3 hours now. That is an awesome thing.
We do not grieve anymore. You did a excellent job. It's really. and we should say ''Thank you very much''.
But a Ura-idol Board is not necessary. There is no need to use. This is because we are satisfied with your work. Just that is enough for us.
I would appreciate if my opinion become a help. Thank you Jim-san.
28裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 19:34:58.08 ID:nEDiTzTX0
NO to a new board, stop please!
29裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 19:51:41.97 ID:J/SjO5jN0
Good evening, Jim.
It is a matter of new BBS of AKB, but well-known to each thread has not been most cases, you do not have enough discussion.
Therefore, new BBS, please invalid.
30裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 19:58:56.25 ID:XyRAbU7r0
A new board isn't necessary.
Please don't change setting.
31裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 20:28:47.82 ID:7g19M2Wx0
hi Jim san

About new akb boad

We have not discussed it yet

Many people of chika-idol boad don`t approve of setting this new bord
32裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 20:45:31.80 ID:D9ukl1Kp0
Hello Jim.
Chika Idol board want to provide a rule that AKB48 dedicated.
Hate speech is too much in the Chika Idol board.
External reprint site cause it in order to earn by utilizing the Chika Idol board.
External reprint site is making the respective fans oppose.
Security will be better if you clearly break up akb group board.
33裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 20:49:37.51 ID:elXb8gtP0
Hi, jim!!!
I propose that new akb board is no ID!!!
We don't need ID in New board.
And, We wanna 雑談 in new akb board!!!
Please please me!!!!!

By the way, do you like the Beatles?
I wanna hold your hand!!!
Hello, goodbye!!!!

And, today is my birthday!!!
34裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 20:53:12.78 ID:z2faSzZb0
You are a crazy lady.
Your name is “Kaotan”.
35Kaotan:2015/02/16(月) 21:02:23.67 ID:elXb8gtP0
I'm lady boy!!!
Don't mistake twice!!
If you mistake again, I'll run the road to near station.
It will make me tired.
So, please don't mistake twice.
36Kaotan:2015/02/16(月) 21:04:42.39 ID:elXb8gtP0
Sorry, sorry.
Anyway,JIM,New akb board is non ID. OK?
37裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 21:50:21.27 ID:COx8wwC80
kaotan is crazy.
ID is necessary.
38裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 21:58:51.59 ID:COx8wwC80
Don't make a new board.
Please ignore Kaotan.
39裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 22:09:13.73 ID:NbuwyoZ80

Katoan is a crazy girl in chika-idol boad.
She is called “Kaotan Otsu”.
She decides many things at hers own discretion.
Many of us in Chika-Idol boad don't want to be established new boad.
40裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 22:38:00.74 ID:3ziiUo5L0
I agree with this.
Want board similar to morningcoffee.
It is a board to put the topic of small talk.
Please make a "akbcoffee board", Jim-san.
41裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 22:53:49.44 ID:Gz1s0Zg20
Hi Jim-san.

Almost all of us in ChikaIdol boad don't want you to divide “AKB Group boad:ChikaIdol boad /地下アイドル板”because AKB Group is consited of AKB48 SKE48 NMB48 HKT48 and NGT48. 

Each of funs of these units comunicated with each other in Chika Idol boad.
If Chika Idol boad was invided more We would make trouble in comunicating like what we did.

Please don't make new boad.or we want you to leave ChikaIdol boad untouched.
42裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:00:16.93 ID:3ziiUo5L0
There is no board to put the topic of JKT48 with SNH48.
New board is required.
43裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:05:20.96 ID:lCcxOUVw0
ID:3ziiUo5L0 is crazy , please ignore.
We don't want to make a new board.
44Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net:2015/02/16(月) 23:17:30.40 ID:???*
45裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:26:04.46 ID:z8eJfiWX0
AKB new board isn't necesarry.
46裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:28:06.62 ID:BidS5qsN0
Hi Jim-san.
uraidol board, sdn board users do not have.
Please change the title of the board.

Discussion thread
Most requested often board, "AKBサロン" "AKB48G個人"

Changes of board title
board uraidol http://yomogi.2ch.net/uraidol/
current BBS_TITLE=裏アイドル
new BBS_TITLE=AKBサロン・裏アイドル

board sdn http://hope.2ch.net/sdn/
current BBS_TITLE=SDN48
47裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:30:23.10 ID:xUs3kvyg0
Judging from recent discussions in AKB board, there is no need for a new board.
48裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:36:53.07 ID:xUs3kvyg0
Your plan does not obtain any consensus in all of thread you presented.
Why are you trying to deceive?
49裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:37:12.88 ID:M5YGTmyw0
Uitan is a girl of the original HKT48 members.
Board dealing with the topic of AKB48 derived group members, are required.
50裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:39:50.12 ID:09H3pbdk0
Most people of AKB-boad(Chika-Idol boad)don't want you to make a new boad.
Minority of people of our boad claim they want to new boad  but most of us don't hope so.
51裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:42:08.86 ID:xUs3kvyg0
Do not obscure the point.
Who is requiring a new board?
52裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:45:07.53 ID:hRH6wEQr0
We think AKB new board isn't necesarry Because AKB is composed of AKB48 SKE48 NMB48 HKT48 and NGT48.
We comunicate with each other in AKB boad.
53裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:45:32.27 ID:WSMtcvcG0
54裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:47:33.72 ID:xUs3kvyg0
55裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:52:04.31 ID:tZ+Ppg9n0

We decided AKB new board isn't necesarry in this thread.

He is a liar.
Most of us dont't request a new board.
56裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/16(月) 23:55:47.76 ID:jFsjFxWR0
57裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 00:09:56.01 ID:E2WrouKG0
Hello Jim-san.

Most People in AKB board don't want a new board.
DID:BidS5qsN0 cheats you into making a new board as if his opinin was our it.

Please ignore his opinin from this.
58 ◆Gl/5HBXBsUoc :2015/02/17(火) 00:12:14.35 ID:HqnkunGs0
Current akbBBS problems.
Thread die in 3 hours. The state has not changed.
Improvement is required.
Need a BBS to deal with AKB individual thread.
Need a BBS to deal with AKB small talk thread.
59裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 00:30:23.43 ID:eSCc/19O0
As >>46 and >>58 shows, proponents of a new AKB board refuse dialogue with their opponents.
Their opinion is undeserving.
60裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 00:57:40.76 ID:yU8bXb4J0


ID:BidS5qsN0 cheated you so far.
He would try to change rules of AKB board on his ow judgement witout our permission.
All of his arguments are inventions.

Indeed ,most common opinion in AKB-board is that conventional rules shoudn't be changed.
ID:BidS5qsN0's actions bother us.

Please ignore his opinion.
61裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 01:03:04.25 ID:v9LVQ/aF0
じむさん わたしはあたらしいいたをつくって いいとおもいます
でていきたいひとはでていきます そうじゃないひとはのこります
62裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 01:11:56.70 ID:R1Xc9RZD0
I also agree.
To increase the choice, it is a good thing.
morning musume board there are three board.
http://anago.2ch.net/ainotane/ http://anago.2ch.net/zurui/ http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/morningcoffee/
Topics in each plate is divided.
In this way it is left to the user's choice.
63裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 02:07:35.64 ID:eSCc/19O0
You are misleading because dividing one board means not "to increase the choice" but simply "to segregate users."
64裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 02:42:46.10 ID:FwkO7Eh90
In AKB board  はなしあい ふじゅうぶん
しょうすう の にんげん かってに ものごと を きめる
AKB board の じゅうにん おこってる because of かってな るーるへんこう 
6527:2015/02/17(火) 02:54:58.28 ID:cTBokImu0
Hey Mr. Watkins.
I convey the fact that you should know!

1.A ccontents written to this boards.

There was no notice for AKB-board user.
There was no vote for Ura-idol board.
There was no order in that boards.

2. We did not need Ura-idol board and AKB-salon already.
We were afraid that a thread disappeared. But it is not necessary to worry now.
Because the person who needed a AKB-salon did not use a this board (AKB-salon/Ura-idol).

The person who suggested it: did not use it.
The person who was afraid that a thread disappeared: did not use it.
The person who wants to play a new board: did not use it.

Have a good one!
66裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 03:00:31.93 ID:cTBokImu0
Hey Mr. Watkins.
I convey the fact that you should know!

1.The content that was written to this threads

There was no notice for AKB-board user.
There was no vote for Ura-idol board.
There was no order in that threads (http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1423142520/ http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1423213841/).

2. We did not need Ura-idol board and AKB-salon already.
We were afraid that a thread disappeared. But it is not necessary to worry now.
Because the person who needed a AKB-salon did not use a this board (AKB-salon/Ura-idol).

The person who suggested it: did not use it.
The person who was afraid that a thread disappeared: did not use it.
The person who wants to play a new board: did not use it.

Have a good one!
67裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 03:04:22.54 ID:ZNrzM9va0
New board isn't necessary for us.

New board isn't necessary for us.

New board isn't necessary for us.

New board isn't necessary for us.

New board isn't necessary for us.

We love AKB board.👀
68裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 21:38:25.25 ID:ylxA84uF0
New board isn't necessary for us.
69裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/17(火) 21:52:24.02 ID:Vr/Yvkds0
賛成(さんせい)カワイイ !!

agree pretty !!
70裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/20(金) 17:59:21.13 ID:XCgJO8iK0
Hi Jim-San

We AKB-board have a trouble.

↓There is the troll.He have bothered us for long period in every thread but he is't regurated .Please make he regurated.

example thread
71裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/20(金) 21:43:54.83 ID:O3/jIwfu0
72裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/21(土) 03:09:16.45 ID:Go/dL49P0
Approves of >>70.

Please help we.
He destroys a thread and we are extremely troubled.






All of these are the deed of one him.
Please really help and ....
73裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/22(日) 01:26:09.66 ID:RB4iI7400
Did it is Jim-San that delete his posting?
Thank you for it if so.


...But he will not resign yet.
74裏・名無しさん(仮名):2015/02/28(土) 12:29:22.39 ID:NEQZMDnW0

※(埼玉県 )←偽装工作で(地震なし)(pc?)を用いる(バレバレ)



