>>82 Ubuntu (Debian ベース) の unstable はもう X.org みたいだから、
Ubuntu Traffic #12 For 2004/11/12 - 7. X.Org Packages for Hoary
http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mako/ubuntu-traffic/u20041112_12.html#7 Ubuntu の stable から unstable にアップグレードしたレポートにも
X.org のことがちょっとだけ書いてある。
Ubuntu: From Warty to Hoary
http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=9098 > First thing that will be noticed is X.org server.
> I've upgraded with no problems from Synaptic,
> restarted X and it worked without any problem.
> Only thing I had to do manually was to delete xfree86-common from /etc/init.d .