上記 製品名のご確認頂き誠に有り難うございます。
正確には、72-144GB 4 mm DDS-3 Autoloader が製品名になります。
お客様のご希望なされております機能は Circular Mode により実現可能
-Autoloader Operating Modes
1. Stacker Mode:
In stacker mode, the drive loads cartridges sequentially in the magazine.
The mode is initiated by pressing the LOAD button on the front panel, when
the first available cartridge in the magazine will be loaded. When the drive
has finished with that cartridge, it is automatically replaced in its slot
in the magazine anf the next available cartridge is loaded. This continues
until there are no more cartridges.
2. Circular Mode:
The Circular mode is to allow sequencing the cartridges continuously by wrap
around to the first cartridge when the last cartridge had been finished. To
initiate the Circular mode after loading the first cartride, press and hold
the LOAD button for 5 seconds minimum. To get out of this mode, eject the
magazine and reload.