【バレ禁止】ダウントン・アビーseason1 資料館
─ The man from the train is below them. With a suitcase.
BATES: I've been waiting at the back door. I knocked but no one came.
O'BRIEN: So you pushed in.
BATES: I'm John Bates. The new valet.
─ What makes this surprising is that he walks with a stick and has a noticeable limp.
O'Brien stares at him.
O'BRIEN: The new valet? BATES: That's right. O'BRIEN: You're early.
BATES: Came on the milk train. Thought I could use the day to get to know the place.
And start tonight.
ANNA: I'm Anna, the head housemaid.
O'BRIEN: And I'm Miss O'Brien, her Ladyship's maid.
BATES: How do you do?
─ He holds out his hand. Anna shakes it. O'Brien does not.
O'BRIEN: You'd better come along with us.
あと、"push in"がよく出てくる