

Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★16
757 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる :2014/03/24(月) 16:51:15.35
Please return this board setting into unforced ID.
Board url:http://anago.2ch.net/tv2/

She said "We voted in a self-government thread." at http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1395132411/848
But it was half year ago. After that, there was no discussion. So it's not current opinion of this board.

These responses avg. before and after this change, it is reduced from 1540 to 950 (40% down).
I seems many people went away, and I'm worried it to go worse.

Current discussion link

758 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage]:2014/03/24(月) 16:53:15.10 ID:dQVhARfV0

768 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage]:2014/03/24(月) 17:43:15.20 ID:DKAa0c080
102奥さまは名無しさん:2014/03/24(月) 21:52:39.55 ID:55ydbaTm
792 :Grape Ape ★ :2014/03/24(月) 19:31:01.09 ID:???0
Please discuss it more. Maybe your trolls went away. New people will come with less trolls.
Let's give it some time to see the results. You just updated it.

800 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる :2014/03/24(月) 19:58:45.82 ID:nfJ761rM0
Jim-san, thank you for listening to me.

Not only trolls, but also usual people went away together.
I don't know why trolls are thought to be all 40% of responses.

I will wait for some time.
But I inform you that our discussion thread is invaded by hissi checkers etc.

I agree with you.
Last Thursday, that setting was changed without discussion.
I just hope it return to the previous.

813 :Grape Ape ★ :2014/03/24(月) 20:48:00.26 ID:???0
Why did you want the ID in the first place?

818 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる :2014/03/24(月) 21:23:25.77 ID:nfJ761rM0
Sorry, I don't understand you said.
Few people, not including me, wanted ID strongly. At that time, Toru-san? didn't admit ID.