
>684 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい@転載は禁止 :2014/11/02(日) 22:25:34.24 ID:CoqycxB50
>Half a year ago, someone appealed to operation(Jim-san) to decrease a TATESUGI value of comic board and wcomic board(*1). It was performed without the consent of an self-governance thread. As a result, the TATESUGI value was set to 64.
>However, the serious problem for this board has occurred now. The "duplication thread" and "a thread which violate the rule of this board" are mass-produced(*2).
>We wishes to restore a TATESUGI value to 300 to solve this problem. This was obtained consent in self-governance thread. In addition, there were no problems while the TATESUGI value was set to 300.
>*1 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1400042509/399 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1400042509/777
