
6名無しでGO!:2007/06/06(水) 21:49:17 ID:gkiLOz/70
Hankyu Five!
7名無しでGO!:2007/06/06(水) 21:52:17 ID:gkiLOz/70
>>6 orz (difference of under one second)
8名無しでGO!:2007/06/06(水) 23:14:06 ID:vCBoJZJd0
9名無しでGO!:2007/06/06(水) 23:30:06 ID:sIxsysxIO
Go to bed zzz
10名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 01:48:33 ID:TnBctGzCO
What're you doin' here!?
11名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 01:59:59 ID:RL28Ai6kO
Bull shit!!!!
12名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 02:31:38 ID:YaXdr/+v0
WAWAWA Wasuremono〜♪
13チャーシュー:2007/06/07(木) 02:38:01 ID:3vrqB/R1O
>>1,Never mind♪ most important thing is “make the practice, make the perfect!”.
Usually cases,If you speaking english with words & idioms,almost person able to understand,except case of business & an interpreter♪
By the way, heavy mania says “E231〜E233(call means『prefabrication-TRAIN』)is ass-hole-train!!!”,I wonder this things & understand. even,light-weight and half-sized price/life, at least low-cost and profit are company's essence.
I feel silence sound train. that's why,E-series trains are excelent train (・∀・)HA HA HA!

心配すんな♪ 重要なことは『習うより慣れよ』だから。 仕事や通訳として話す状況でも無ければ、単語と熟語を並べて話すだけでも大抵は通じるよ♪
今までと比べて静かなE231〜233あたりは俺には(・∀・)HA HA HA な電車です♪
14チャーシュー:2007/06/07(木) 02:43:29 ID:3vrqB/R1O

Move to Haneda-Airport by KEIKYU!

15名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 18:25:05 ID:BoK1QHOL0
Do you know?
How do you like Wednesday?
16名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 22:46:28 ID:cr5Xhga60
17名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 22:47:09 ID:cr5Xhga60

18名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 22:54:51 ID:VCmKQPFhO
You made some mistakes of English,didn't ya?
19名無しでGO!:2007/06/07(木) 23:04:17 ID:V1ZVdJaAO
This is a Shonan-Shinjuku Line train special rapid service bound for Odawara via the Tokaidoh Line.
The next station is ・・・.
20チャーシュー:2007/06/07(木) 23:52:51 ID:3vrqB/R1O
To tell the trueth ,I know that many mistakes ,in addition to ignore the grammer. I'm not learn about grammer but I like English.
About 6hrs ago, other country persons ask“could you tell me way to the Aoyama-gakuin-UNiV.”at Omote-Sando-station(near fear adjust machine.) .
I said 『get out ticket-machine and take the right turn.』→『move about1000ft Shibuya direction.Go to the EXIT-B1』→ 『If you go up stair and move straightly, AOYAMA-UNIV is just over the head(・∀・)』
Persons say 『THANKYOU (T∀T)♪』, I confirmed them greetings and “Make the practice,make the perfect♪”

『ありがとう、青年(T∀T)♪』 と感謝の言葉をいただきましたし、 やはり “習うより慣れよ”でも通じると実感した今日この頃
※、現実に、文法なんざクソくらえで単語と熟語を並べて話してるが、大抵は通じるものです。(さすがにビジネスや通訳とかでは無理があるだろうが) 要は相手に通じればいいし(・∀・)
21名無しでGO!:2007/06/09(土) 10:06:23 ID:hhZDK6pU0
22名無しでGO!:2007/06/09(土) 10:24:58 ID:nqZaCMpk0
Wednesday → wed + nes + day

wed = 結婚する
nes = 無ぇーっす
day = 日

Railway fans live under Wednesday every day.
23名無しでGO!:2007/06/09(土) 11:09:28 ID:vDvOogNUO
When will new trains be given to Hiroshima?

24名無しでGO!:2007/06/09(土) 11:28:17 ID:ppi4j4yrO
Hello, everyone.
I'm just going to Mito by the Joban Line. On the way, I'll stop off at Abiko and I expect of delicious Karaage-Soba.
Oops, my mouth has been watered :-)
25名無しでGO!:2007/06/09(土) 12:40:01 ID:ppi4j4yrO
Hi, I'm >>24.
I've just finished to eat Karaage-Soba.
I was very surprised at such a big piece of Karaage. I've heard about big piece of it, but I can't imagine such a enormous piece of chicken. I've requested for soba with 2 pieces of Karaage, so that I'm full.

Now, I'm just going to Mito. I feel that E531 series run lightly.
26名無しでGO!:2007/06/10(日) 01:22:15 ID:XNLYSQgj0
The thread title is "The thread for discussing railways only in English."

No translation!
27名無しでGO!:2007/06/10(日) 19:38:06 ID:FzUwJMWNO
Sorry. Sorry. Koizumi Sorry.

28名無しでGO!:2007/06/10(日) 20:14:27 ID:Hb5FzbP20
We will soon be at Nagaoka station.
29名無しでGO!:2007/06/12(火) 20:59:03 ID:z9p4JxhN0
I can't speak English.
30名無しでGO!:2007/06/13(水) 10:46:47 ID:AbTgkrXPO
me too.
31名無しでGO!:2007/06/16(土) 17:21:07 ID:LZpDLzKnO
32名無しでGO!:2007/06/16(土) 17:38:25 ID:rCPLNdp5O
TSU [N500series]
33名無しでGO!:2007/06/16(土) 17:53:57 ID:Ge7jyeHSO
Who am I?
34名無しでGO!:2007/06/19(火) 18:30:14 ID:j7i/gywH0
35It is nameless and GO!:2007/06/19(火) 21:35:24 ID:MuIuHfh40
Depopulation thread
36名無しでGO!:2007/06/19(火) 21:54:29 ID:Rgd246pn0
Hankyu very much for taking Hankyu Railway.
37名無しでGO!:2007/06/20(水) 00:57:23 ID:Q7BrWtiG0
When it translates "West Japan Railway Company"
literally is result of "Nishi-Nippon Railroad"

that is confusing Nishitetsu(of a major private railroad).

"West Japan Traveler's Railway Company" is the best
for an English company name of "JR-WEST".
38名無しでGO!:2007/06/20(水) 17:45:42 ID:EWQQyE950
I'd like to know some technical terms concerning what we call
"poin'to" in Japanese. (Poin'to is a system of rails which is
used to switch the running direction of a train alternatively,
usually seen in and around railway stations.) What is "poin'to"
called in English? There seems to be a difference between British
English and American English. How about the names of the parts
which make up a "poin'to"? For example, the movable part of a
"poin'to" is called "ton'gu re'ru" in Japanese. Which is the
correct translation of it, a tong rail, a tongs rail, tongs rails,
or tong rails? Or something else?

Any information would be appreciated.
39名無しでGO!:2007/06/20(水) 17:48:47 ID:piwH1kfB0
4018:2007/06/20(水) 18:23:44 ID:Pt0ppik0O
In fact, I've been asked by foreign people once.
They asked me how to get to Aomori Station. I told it, but I don't think I spoke right English then.
However, they understood.
As you say,I think the grammar is not important to tell,too.
41名無しでGO!:2007/06/20(水) 21:09:48 ID:g0mUkWMF0
42名無しでGO!:2007/06/25(月) 14:13:13 ID:J/6ci99r0
43名無しでGO!:2007/06/27(水) 15:29:05 ID:IXT4GO650
4438:2007/06/27(水) 22:25:04 ID:UrdfzlQO0
The good news came just as I had given up all hope! Thanks!!
45名無しでGO!:2007/06/28(木) 08:12:30 ID:WAUGaQvv0
As you know, you are taught at Japanese schools a type of English,
which is usually spoken by the middle class people living in the
East Coast of the USA. If you adopt this policy rigorously, you have
to call "tetsudo" railroad. Contrary to this, almost all railroad
companies in Japan call themselves railways.

To join this thread, therefore, you have to decide which word you
are going to use, railway or railroad. Which do you like better?
I'd like to hear your thoughts.

46名無しでGO!:2007/07/03(火) 00:27:04 ID:wtnyWjIo0
47名無しでGO!:2007/07/05(木) 21:59:39 ID:ErcKRCKY0
pocket monstar
48名無しでGO!:2007/07/09(月) 20:54:47 ID:4ABhUd0T0
49名無しでGO!:2007/07/09(月) 21:27:11 ID:5mW3tQqKO
50名無しでGO!:2007/07/11(水) 03:27:51 ID:yaf6BpIm0
51名無しでGO!:2007/07/17(火) 22:47:28 ID:kUgJxZ5Z0
We well next stop station is Jingumae
This train bount from Central Japan International Airport
52Champion(Poppa of Roast-pork):2007/07/17(火) 23:15:43 ID:RYzfQHOaO
Why YUI-RAIL CORP not mentioned “Naha-Airport” but “For Naha-Kuko”?
Other country person must be “Where is the Naha-Kuko(。Α。)?”,even Japanese & Okinawan “Ah.Naha-Kuko(・∀・)Huh♪”
I wonder this matter(;・∀・)Ha Ha Ha!!
53名無しでGO!:2007/07/21(土) 00:37:57 ID:XejQnYrRO
54名無しでGO!:2007/07/23(月) 23:34:48 ID:wq0nKucK0
we will soon make a brief stop at Takasaki.

stop after Takasaki , we'll be Higashi Jujo. Thank you.