
tell application "iCab"
set currenturl to URL of window 1
if currenturl contains "&ls=" then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to (text -1 thru -6 of currenturl)
set urllist to every text item of currenturl
set currenturl to (item 1 of urllist & item 2 of urllist) as text
end if
if currenturl contains "imode=true&" then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "imode=true&"
set urllist to every text item of currenturl
set currenturl to (item 1 of urllist & item 2 of urllist) as text
end if
set xxyy to text returned of (display dialog "レス範囲を指定(xx-yy)" default answer "" default button "OK")
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
set xxyylist to every text item of xxyy
set xx to (item 1 of xxyylist) as text
set yy to (item 2 of xxyylist) as text
set currenturl to (currenturl & "&st=" & xx & "&to=" & yy) as text
OpenURL currenturl
end try
end try
end tell

216腐れ : 2001/03/10(土) 01:45 ID:vSPh3Vjc
>213-215 さん
tell application "Internet Explorer"
set currenturl to item 1 of (GetWindowInfo (item 1 of (ListWindows)))
if currenturl contains "&ls=" then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to (text -1 thru -6 of currenturl)
set urllist to every text item of currenturl
set currenturl to (item 1 of urllist & item 2 of urllist) as text
end if
set xxyy to text returned of (display dialog "レス範囲を指定(xx-yy)" default answer "" default button "OK")
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-"
set xxyylist to every text item of xxyy
set xx to (item 1 of xxyylist) as text
set yy to (item 2 of xxyylist) as text
set currenturl to (currenturl & "&st=" & xx & "&to=" & yy) as text
OpenURL currenturl toWindow 0
end try
end tell