格闘技最新情報 part2

Tito Ortiz Mini-Interview - "Payback Time"
August 5, 2001
By Brett Herman

Brett Herman: Your boxing looks awesome
lately man, are you going to be content to stand
on your feet and slug it out toe to toe with Vitor?

Tito Ortiz: Well, yeah, that's my game plan. He's
a southpaw, and I have Don House, who is a southpaw coach,
and I've been working a lot of southpaw stuff myself. So, it's going
to be a southpaw vs. a southpaw for this one, and I'm going to
come swinging.

I want to see how tough (he is). I don't think Vitor is what he used
to be. I have gotten a lot better, and I've matured as a fighter. I
think I'm on top of my game right now, but at the same time, Vitor
Belfort is super, super tough, but I'm here to take him out.

At Mandalay Bay, come September 28th, I think it's going to be an
all-out war on our feet. I don't know, I saw him and he didn't want
to stand with Heath Herring, so I don't think he's going to want to
stand with me. So, let's see how tough Vitor really is, it's going to
be good!

Now that I've got Carlson Gracie on my team, he's come
to help me out, it's going to be payback time! Come
September 28th, it's going to be a live show!
831スクープ(かな…?):2001/08/07(火) 13:09