
Received a telegram from conduct satelite HYPERION.
An armed train was found *** to the East.
Persuit and locate the enemy's surply route.
428st2:2001/02/21(水) 05:18
Received a telegram from HYPERION.
Artifically space monitored the head.
Based on high energy reaction.
It is seem to be an enemy's surply base.

The rear gate was closed down.
The way out was cat off.
429st3:2001/02/21(水) 05:22
Received a telegram from HYPERION.
Security system broken down code 9234.

Order the following operation.
Find a nuclear reactor in enemy base and destroy it.
430st4:2001/02/21(水) 05:42
Received a telegram from HYPERION.
A strategic space craft is deperturing *** the airport.
You disturb the operation till the main unit decents.
431st5:2001/02/21(水) 06:07
An urgent order from HYPERION.
The main unit can't make it for dinner.
Persuit the strategic spacecraft alone.
Persuit the strategic spacecraft alone.