
308 F‚PF
@ ƒ©Qƒ©@@^PPPPPPPPP
@i@@@@jƒ My Sweet Lord ‚Ν’P’²‚·‚¬‚ΔŠG‚Ι‚Θ‚η‚ρ
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‚ζ‚Α‚āAAll things must passŒδ——‚ ‚κ


@@@@@@ƒ©Qƒ©@@@ ƒ© ƒ©
@@@@Όi LΝM .j@Ό( ί„Dί j
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@@@@@@ i@i@@|@@@@ ( .i .b`
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309 F‚PF2001/07/24(‰Ξ) 00:15
@@@@@@@τSunrise doesn't last all morning
@@@@@@@@@A cloudburst doesn't last all day
@@@@@@@@@@@Seems my love is up
@@@@@@@@@@@@@And has left you with no warning
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@But it's not always going to be this grey `τ

@ ΘQΘ@@@+@@@™@@E@@@@@+@@@@@@¦@@@@@@@@
@i@o @@j@@¦@@@@@@@@@@¦@@@
310 F‚PF2001/07/24(‰Ξ) 00:15
@ ΘQΘ
@i@LΝMj@@@τAll things must pass `
@i@@@ ƒ©_ƒ©@@@@@@@@All things must pass away `τ
311 F‚PF2001/07/24(‰Ξ) 00:16
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@τSunset doesn't last all evening
@@@@@@@@@@P@ ij@P@@@@@@A mind can blow those clouds away
@@@@@@@@@@@^@@@@_@@@After all this my love is up
@@@@@@@@@@@@ Θ Θ @@@@@@@@@@@@And must be leaving `τ
@@@@@@@@ƒ“ά Ai*߁[߁j@@@@@But it's not always going to be this greyτ
@@@@@@@(^ / i _‚Ɓ@@@‚Α
@@@@@@@@@/j ))
312 F‚PF2001/07/24(‰Ξ) 00:16
@@@@@All things must pass `τ

@@@ΘΘ@@ All things must pass ‚Ύ‚‘‚ε‚£
@@@U U
313 F‚PF2001/07/24(‰Ξ) 00:17
:::::::::::::::::...... ....:::::::K:::::::::.. ...: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.... .... ..@.::::::::::::::::::: . . .
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::::::...K@.@.::::::::::::::: @:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::B:::::::::::::::::.... .... ..@.::::::::::::::::::::::
. .... . .:::ΘQΘ :::::........@.@.:::::::::::::::::::........ ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..::::: . ..::::::::::::
. . ...::@( @@@@)@.:.....@ΘQΘ .. ......:::::......:: ....:::.....
. .. ...::@/ @@@ | @:::::: i@ @@ j::::::: :::::.. :::::::::..:::: ..@.::::::::::. ... ..:::::
P|`(Q_›_QɁP|PiQQ__jP|P|P|P|P|P||||::: :::::.. .... ..@.::::. .
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP|:::::::::::::::...... .:::::...
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |::::::::::::::::::::::::......
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
τAll things must pass
@@@@None of life's strings can last `
@@@@@@So-I must be on my way
@@@@@@@@@@@@And face another day `τ
314 F‚PF2001/07/24(‰Ξ) 00:17
@||:::@@ Θ Θ@@^PPPPPPPPPP
@|P_ (@ί„Dί)ƒ@@All things must pass `‚ΎΊήΩ§I
@|@@ |:PU UP:|_QQQQQQQQQQ

@@@@@@@Κήΐέ !!
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@|@@ |:PPPP:|Ό@@@ j@_QQQQQQQ
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